health care (Q1669): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in nl: Aliases in wikidata changed)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in ro: The description in Wikidata changed)
(26 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
label / svlabel / sv
hälso- och sjukvård
label / sklabel / sk
label / hrlabel / hr
Zdravstvena zaštita
zdravstvena zaštita
label / sllabel / sl
Zdravstveno varstvo
zdravstveno varstvo
label / rolabel / ro
Asistența medicală
asistența medicală
label / ltlabel / lt
sveikatos apsauga
aliases / sv / 0aliases / sv / 0
aliases / pt / 0aliases / pt / 0
cuidados de saúde
aliases / pt / 1aliases / pt / 1
Cuidados de saúde
aliases / de / 0aliases / de / 0
Betrieblicher Gesundheitsschutz
aliases / de / 1aliases / de / 1
aliases / de / 2aliases / de / 2
Medizinische Infrastruktur
aliases / it / 0aliases / it / 0
assistenza medica
aliases / el / 0aliases / el / 0
υγειονομική περίθαλψη
aliases / hu / 0aliases / hu / 0
aliases / hu / 1aliases / hu / 1
aliases / hu / 2aliases / hu / 2
aliases / lt / 0aliases / lt / 0
Sveikatos apsauga
aliases / ro / 0aliases / ro / 0
aliases / ro / 1aliases / ro / 1
îngrijire medicală
aliases / ro / 2aliases / ro / 2
profesie de sănătate
description / endescription / en
prevention of disease and promotion of wellbeing
prevention of disease and promotion of wellbeing of humans and animals
description / itdescription / it
insieme di prestazioni finalizzate alla promozione, alla prevenzione o alla cura della salute
insieme di prestazioni finalizzate alla promozione, alla prevenzione o alla cura della salute
description / dedescription / de
Sammelbegriff für alle Aktivitäten, die der Diagnose, Behandlung und Vorbeugung von Krankheiten dienen
Maßnahmen zur Bewahrung, Stabilisierung, Verbesserung der Gesundheit und zur Heilung oder Linderung von Gesundheitsstörungen durch Vorbeugung, Diagnose, Behandlung, Rehabilitation, Palliation
description / frdescription / fr
terme générique pour toutes les activités qui servent le diagnostic, le traitement et la prévention de la maladie
terme générique pour toutes les activités qui servent le diagnostic, le traitement et la prévention de la maladie des humains et des animaux
description / svdescription / sv
tjänster för att avhjälpa sjukdomar och skador och förbättra personers och djurs hälsa
description / ptdescription / pt
categoria de um projeto da Wikimedia
description / csdescription / cs
soubor opatření, postupů a zařízení tvořící systém organizace zdravotní péče a zajišťování veřejného zdraví
description / rodescription / ro
prevenirea bolilor și promovarea bunăstării oamenilor și a animalelor

Latest revision as of 20:59, 17 January 2025

prevention of disease and promotion of wellbeing of humans and animals
  • health-care
  • healthcare
  • medical care
  • health profession
  • delivery of health care
Language Label Description Also known as
health care
prevention of disease and promotion of wellbeing of humans and animals
  • health-care
  • healthcare
  • medical care
  • health profession
  • delivery of health care



0 references