Revitalisation of the Maršovice Boulevard (Q68409): Difference between revisions

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(33 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
Revitalisation of the Maršovice Boulevard
label / frlabel / fr
Revitalisation du Maršovice Úvoz
label / delabel / de
Revitalisierung der Maršovice Úvoz
label / nllabel / nl
Revitalisering van de Maršovice Úvoz
label / itlabel / it
Rivitalizzazione del Maršovice Úvoz
label / eslabel / es
Revitalización del Maršovice Úvoz
label / dalabel / da
Genoplivning af Maršovice Boulevard
label / ellabel / el
Αναζωογόνηση της λεωφόρου Maršovice
label / hrlabel / hr
Revitalizacija bulevara Maršovice
label / rolabel / ro
Revitalizarea bulevardului Maršovice
label / sklabel / sk
Revitalizácia Maršovice Boulevard
label / mtlabel / mt
Rivitalizzazzjoni tal-Boulevard Maršovice
label / ptlabel / pt
Revitalização do Boulevard Maršovice
label / filabel / fi
Maršovice Boulevardin elvyttäminen
label / pllabel / pl
Rewitalizacja bulwaru Maršovice
label / sllabel / sl
Revitalizacija bulvarja Maršovice
label / ltlabel / lt
Maršovice bulvaro atgaivinimas
label / lvlabel / lv
Maršovices bulvāra atdzīvināšana
label / bglabel / bg
Съживяване на булевард „Маршовице“
label / hulabel / hu
A Maršovice Boulevard revitalizációja
label / galabel / ga
Athbheochan an Maršovice Boulevard
label / svlabel / sv
Vitalisering av Maršovice Boulevard
label / etlabel / et
Maršovice Boulevardi taaselustamine
description / endescription / en
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Project Q68409 in Czech Republic
description / csdescription / cs
Projekt v České republice financovaný DG Regio
Projekt Q68409 v České republice
description / bgdescription / bg
Проект Q68409 в Чехия
description / hrdescription / hr
Projekt Q68409 u Češkoj
description / hudescription / hu
Projekt Q68409 Csehországban
description / dadescription / da
Projekt Q68409 i Tjekkiet
description / nldescription / nl
Project Q68409 in Tsjechië
description / etdescription / et
Projekt Q68409 Tšehhi Vabariigis
description / fidescription / fi
Projekti Q68409 Tšekin tasavallassa
description / frdescription / fr
Projet Q68409 en République tchèque
description / dedescription / de
Projekt Q68409 in Tschechien
description / eldescription / el
Έργο Q68409 στην Τσεχία
description / gadescription / ga
Tionscadal Q68409 i bPoblacht na Seice
description / itdescription / it
Progetto Q68409 in Repubblica Ceca
description / lvdescription / lv
Projekts Q68409 Čehijā
description / ltdescription / lt
Projektas Q68409 Čekijoje
description / mtdescription / mt
Proġett Q68409 fir-Repubblika Ċeka
description / pldescription / pl
Projekt Q68409 w Czechach
description / ptdescription / pt
Projeto Q68409 na República Tcheca
description / rodescription / ro
Proiectul Q68409 în Republica Cehă
description / skdescription / sk
Projekt Q68409 v Českej republike
description / sldescription / sl
Projekt Q68409 na Češkem
description / esdescription / es
Proyecto Q68409 en República Checa
description / svdescription / sv
Projekt Q68409 i Tjeckien
Property / EU contribution
119,257.6 Czech koruna
Amount119,257.6 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / EU contribution: 119,257.6 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
4,770.304 Euro
Amount4,770.304 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 4,770.304 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 4,770.304 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.04 Euro
Amount0.04 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 4,770.304 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 October 2020
Precision1 day
Property / budget
149,072.0 Czech koruna
Amount149,072.0 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / budget: 149,072.0 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
5,962.88 Euro
Amount5,962.88 Euro
Property / budget: 5,962.88 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 5,962.88 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.04 Euro
Amount0.04 Euro
Property / budget: 5,962.88 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 October 2020
Precision1 day
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Městys Maršovice
Property / beneficiary name (string): Městys Maršovice / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Maršovice / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Maršovice / qualifier
Property / summary
Treatment of existing grown trees in the tree-line along the historical path leading from the town of Maršovice to the forest with the ruins of the steak castle. (English)
Property / summary: Treatment of existing grown trees in the tree-line along the historical path leading from the town of Maršovice to the forest with the ruins of the steak castle. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Treatment of existing grown trees in the tree-line along the historical path leading from the town of Maršovice to the forest with the ruins of the steak castle. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 24 October 2020
Precision1 day
Property / summary: Treatment of existing grown trees in the tree-line along the historical path leading from the town of Maršovice to the forest with the ruins of the steak castle. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0182050225963178
Property / summary
Traitement des arbres cultivés existants dans une rangée le long du sentier historique menant de la ville de Maršovice à la forêt avec la ruine du château Stejc. (French)
Property / summary: Traitement des arbres cultivés existants dans une rangée le long du sentier historique menant de la ville de Maršovice à la forêt avec la ruine du château Stejc. (French) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Traitement des arbres cultivés existants dans une rangée le long du sentier historique menant de la ville de Maršovice à la forêt avec la ruine du château Stejc. (French) / qualifier
point in time: 29 November 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Behandlung von bestehenden gewachsenen Bäumen in einer Reihe entlang des historischen Pfades, der von der Stadt Maršovice zum Wald mit der Ruine des Schlosses Stejc führt. (German)
Property / summary: Behandlung von bestehenden gewachsenen Bäumen in einer Reihe entlang des historischen Pfades, der von der Stadt Maršovice zum Wald mit der Ruine des Schlosses Stejc führt. (German) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Behandlung von bestehenden gewachsenen Bäumen in einer Reihe entlang des historischen Pfades, der von der Stadt Maršovice zum Wald mit der Ruine des Schlosses Stejc führt. (German) / qualifier
point in time: 3 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Behandeling van bestaande geteelde bomen in een rij langs het historische pad dat van de stad Maršovice naar het bos leidt met de ruïne van het kasteel Stejc. (Dutch)
Property / summary: Behandeling van bestaande geteelde bomen in een rij langs het historische pad dat van de stad Maršovice naar het bos leidt met de ruïne van het kasteel Stejc. (Dutch) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Behandeling van bestaande geteelde bomen in een rij langs het historische pad dat van de stad Maršovice naar het bos leidt met de ruïne van het kasteel Stejc. (Dutch) / qualifier
point in time: 13 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Trattamento degli alberi coltivati esistenti in fila lungo il sentiero storico che porta dalla città di Maršovice al bosco con la rovina del castello Stejc. (Italian)
Property / summary: Trattamento degli alberi coltivati esistenti in fila lungo il sentiero storico che porta dalla città di Maršovice al bosco con la rovina del castello Stejc. (Italian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Trattamento degli alberi coltivati esistenti in fila lungo il sentiero storico che porta dalla città di Maršovice al bosco con la rovina del castello Stejc. (Italian) / qualifier
point in time: 14 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Tratamiento de los árboles cultivados existentes en una fila a lo largo del camino histórico que conduce desde la ciudad de Maršovice hasta el bosque con la ruina del castillo Stejc. (Spanish)
Property / summary: Tratamiento de los árboles cultivados existentes en una fila a lo largo del camino histórico que conduce desde la ciudad de Maršovice hasta el bosque con la ruina del castillo Stejc. (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Tratamiento de los árboles cultivados existentes en una fila a lo largo del camino histórico que conduce desde la ciudad de Maršovice hasta el bosque con la ruina del castillo Stejc. (Spanish) / qualifier
point in time: 15 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Behandling af eksisterende dyrkede træer i trælinjen langs den historiske sti, der fører fra byen Maršovice til skoven med ruinerne af bøfborgen. (Danish)
Property / summary: Behandling af eksisterende dyrkede træer i trælinjen langs den historiske sti, der fører fra byen Maršovice til skoven med ruinerne af bøfborgen. (Danish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Behandling af eksisterende dyrkede træer i trælinjen langs den historiske sti, der fører fra byen Maršovice til skoven med ruinerne af bøfborgen. (Danish) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Επεξεργασία των υπαρχόντων καλλιεργούμενων δένδρων κατά μήκος της ιστορικής διαδρομής που οδηγεί από την πόλη Maršovice στο δάσος με τα ερείπια του κάστρου της μπριζόλας. (Greek)
Property / summary: Επεξεργασία των υπαρχόντων καλλιεργούμενων δένδρων κατά μήκος της ιστορικής διαδρομής που οδηγεί από την πόλη Maršovice στο δάσος με τα ερείπια του κάστρου της μπριζόλας. (Greek) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Επεξεργασία των υπαρχόντων καλλιεργούμενων δένδρων κατά μήκος της ιστορικής διαδρομής που οδηγεί από την πόλη Maršovice στο δάσος με τα ερείπια του κάστρου της μπριζόλας. (Greek) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Postupanje s postojećim uzgojenim stablima u liniji drveća uz povijesni put koji vodi od grada Maršovića do šume s ruševinama dvorca odrezaka. (Croatian)
Property / summary: Postupanje s postojećim uzgojenim stablima u liniji drveća uz povijesni put koji vodi od grada Maršovića do šume s ruševinama dvorca odrezaka. (Croatian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Postupanje s postojećim uzgojenim stablima u liniji drveća uz povijesni put koji vodi od grada Maršovića do šume s ruševinama dvorca odrezaka. (Croatian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Tratarea arborilor cultivați existenți în linia arborelui de-a lungul traseului istoric care duce din orașul Maršovice la pădure cu ruinele castelului friptură. (Romanian)
Property / summary: Tratarea arborilor cultivați existenți în linia arborelui de-a lungul traseului istoric care duce din orașul Maršovice la pădure cu ruinele castelului friptură. (Romanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Tratarea arborilor cultivați existenți în linia arborelui de-a lungul traseului istoric care duce din orașul Maršovice la pădure cu ruinele castelului friptură. (Romanian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Ošetrenie existujúcich vypestovaných stromov v stromovej línii pozdĺž historickej cesty vedúcej z mesta Maršovice do lesa so zrúcaninami steakového hradu. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Ošetrenie existujúcich vypestovaných stromov v stromovej línii pozdĺž historickej cesty vedúcej z mesta Maršovice do lesa so zrúcaninami steakového hradu. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Ošetrenie existujúcich vypestovaných stromov v stromovej línii pozdĺž historickej cesty vedúcej z mesta Maršovice do lesa so zrúcaninami steakového hradu. (Slovak) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
It-trattament ta’ siġar imkabbra eżistenti fil-linja tas-siġar tul il-mogħdija storika li twassal mill-belt ta’ Maršovice sal-foresta bil-fdalijiet tal-kastell tal-istik. (Maltese)
Property / summary: It-trattament ta’ siġar imkabbra eżistenti fil-linja tas-siġar tul il-mogħdija storika li twassal mill-belt ta’ Maršovice sal-foresta bil-fdalijiet tal-kastell tal-istik. (Maltese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: It-trattament ta’ siġar imkabbra eżistenti fil-linja tas-siġar tul il-mogħdija storika li twassal mill-belt ta’ Maršovice sal-foresta bil-fdalijiet tal-kastell tal-istik. (Maltese) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Tratamento das árvores cultivadas existentes na linha das árvores ao longo do caminho histórico que vai da cidade de Maršovice até à floresta com as ruínas do castelo dos bifes. (Portuguese)
Property / summary: Tratamento das árvores cultivadas existentes na linha das árvores ao longo do caminho histórico que vai da cidade de Maršovice até à floresta com as ruínas do castelo dos bifes. (Portuguese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Tratamento das árvores cultivadas existentes na linha das árvores ao longo do caminho histórico que vai da cidade de Maršovice até à floresta com as ruínas do castelo dos bifes. (Portuguese) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Nykyisten kasvatettujen puiden käsittely puulinjassa Maršovicen kaupungista metsään johtavan historiallisen polun varrella pihvin linnan raunioiden kanssa. (Finnish)
Property / summary: Nykyisten kasvatettujen puiden käsittely puulinjassa Maršovicen kaupungista metsään johtavan historiallisen polun varrella pihvin linnan raunioiden kanssa. (Finnish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Nykyisten kasvatettujen puiden käsittely puulinjassa Maršovicen kaupungista metsään johtavan historiallisen polun varrella pihvin linnan raunioiden kanssa. (Finnish) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Leczenie istniejących drzew w linii drzew wzdłuż historycznej ścieżki prowadzącej od miasta Maršovice do lasu z ruinami zamku stekowego. (Polish)
Property / summary: Leczenie istniejących drzew w linii drzew wzdłuż historycznej ścieżki prowadzącej od miasta Maršovice do lasu z ruinami zamku stekowego. (Polish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Leczenie istniejących drzew w linii drzew wzdłuż historycznej ścieżki prowadzącej od miasta Maršovice do lasu z ruinami zamku stekowego. (Polish) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Obdelava obstoječih dreves v drevesni liniji vzdolž zgodovinske poti, ki vodi od mesta Maršovice do gozda z ruševinami gradu zrezkov. (Slovenian)
Property / summary: Obdelava obstoječih dreves v drevesni liniji vzdolž zgodovinske poti, ki vodi od mesta Maršovice do gozda z ruševinami gradu zrezkov. (Slovenian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Obdelava obstoječih dreves v drevesni liniji vzdolž zgodovinske poti, ki vodi od mesta Maršovice do gozda z ruševinami gradu zrezkov. (Slovenian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Esamų augančių medžių apdorojimas medžių linijoje palei istorinį kelią, vedantį iš Maršovice miesto į mišką su kepsnių pilies griuvėsiais. (Lithuanian)
Property / summary: Esamų augančių medžių apdorojimas medžių linijoje palei istorinį kelią, vedantį iš Maršovice miesto į mišką su kepsnių pilies griuvėsiais. (Lithuanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Esamų augančių medžių apdorojimas medžių linijoje palei istorinį kelią, vedantį iš Maršovice miesto į mišką su kepsnių pilies griuvėsiais. (Lithuanian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Esošo koku apstrāde koku līnijā pa vēsturisko ceļu, kas ved no Maršovices pilsētas uz mežu ar steiku pils drupām. (Latvian)
Property / summary: Esošo koku apstrāde koku līnijā pa vēsturisko ceļu, kas ved no Maršovices pilsētas uz mežu ar steiku pils drupām. (Latvian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Esošo koku apstrāde koku līnijā pa vēsturisko ceļu, kas ved no Maršovices pilsētas uz mežu ar steiku pils drupām. (Latvian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Третиране на съществуващи отглеждани дървета по линията на дърветата по историческия път, водещ от град Маршовице до гората с руините на замъка за пържоли. (Bulgarian)
Property / summary: Третиране на съществуващи отглеждани дървета по линията на дърветата по историческия път, водещ от град Маршовице до гората с руините на замъка за пържоли. (Bulgarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Третиране на съществуващи отглеждани дървета по линията на дърветата по историческия път, водещ от град Маршовице до гората с руините на замъка за пържоли. (Bulgarian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
A Maršovice várostól az erdőig vezető történelmi ösvény mentén a favonalon lévő, már megtermelt fák kezelése a steakvár romjaival. (Hungarian)
Property / summary: A Maršovice várostól az erdőig vezető történelmi ösvény mentén a favonalon lévő, már megtermelt fák kezelése a steakvár romjaival. (Hungarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: A Maršovice várostól az erdőig vezető történelmi ösvény mentén a favonalon lévő, már megtermelt fák kezelése a steakvár romjaival. (Hungarian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Crainn fhásta atá ann cheana sa líne chrainn a chóireáil feadh an chosáin stairiúil a théann ó bhaile Maršovice go dtí an fhoraois le fothracha an chaisleáin steak. (Irish)
Property / summary: Crainn fhásta atá ann cheana sa líne chrainn a chóireáil feadh an chosáin stairiúil a théann ó bhaile Maršovice go dtí an fhoraois le fothracha an chaisleáin steak. (Irish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Crainn fhásta atá ann cheana sa líne chrainn a chóireáil feadh an chosáin stairiúil a théann ó bhaile Maršovice go dtí an fhoraois le fothracha an chaisleáin steak. (Irish) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Behandling av befintliga odlade träd i trädlinjen längs den historiska stigen som leder från staden Maršovice till skogen med ruinerna av biff slott. (Swedish)
Property / summary: Behandling av befintliga odlade träd i trädlinjen längs den historiska stigen som leder från staden Maršovice till skogen med ruinerna av biff slott. (Swedish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Behandling av befintliga odlade träd i trädlinjen längs den historiska stigen som leder från staden Maršovice till skogen med ruinerna av biff slott. (Swedish) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Olemasolevate kasvatatavate puude töötlemine puuliinil piki ajaloolist teed, mis viib Maršovice linnast metsa koos praelinnuse varemetega. (Estonian)
Property / summary: Olemasolevate kasvatatavate puude töötlemine puuliinil piki ajaloolist teed, mis viib Maršovice linnast metsa koos praelinnuse varemetega. (Estonian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Olemasolevate kasvatatavate puude töötlemine puuliinil piki ajaloolist teed, mis viib Maršovice linnast metsa koos praelinnuse varemetega. (Estonian) / qualifier
point in time: 25 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / coordinate location
49°42'46.51"N, 14°34'9.91"E
Property / coordinate location: 49°42'46.51"N, 14°34'9.91"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 49°42'46.51"N, 14°34'9.91"E / qualifier
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Protection and enhancement of biodiversity, nature protection and green infrastructure / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
119,257.6 Czech koruna
Amount119,257.6 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / EU contribution: 119,257.6 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
4,770.30 Euro
Amount4,770.30 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 4,770.30 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 4,770.30 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.04 Euro
Amount0.04 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 4,770.30 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 10 January 2020
Precision1 day
Property / budget
149,072.0 Czech koruna
Amount149,072.0 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / budget: 149,072.0 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
5,962.88 Euro
Amount5,962.88 Euro
Property / budget: 5,962.88 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 5,962.88 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.04 Euro
Amount0.04 Euro
Property / budget: 5,962.88 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 10 January 2020
Precision1 day
Property / programme
Property / programme: Environment - CZ - ERDF/CF / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Central Bohemian Region / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Central Bohemian Region / qualifier
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Městys Maršovice / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Městys Maršovice
Property / beneficiary name (string): Městys Maršovice / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: Protection and care of nature and landscape / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Environment protection and resource efficiency / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 21:11, 12 October 2024

Project Q68409 in Czech Republic
Language Label Description Also known as
Revitalisation of the Maršovice Boulevard
Project Q68409 in Czech Republic


    0 references
    119,257.6 Czech koruna
    0 references
    4,770.30 Euro
    10 January 2020
    0 references
    149,072.0 Czech koruna
    0 references
    5,962.88 Euro
    10 January 2020
    0 references
    80 percent
    0 references
    13 June 2016
    0 references
    30 June 2017
    0 references
    30 June 2017
    0 references
    Městys Maršovice
    0 references

    49°42'46.51"N, 14°34'9.91"E
    0 references
    0 references
    Ošetření stávajících vzrostlých stromů ve stromořadí podél historické cesty vedoucí z městysu Maršovice k lesíku se zříceninou hradu Stejc. (Czech)
    0 references
    Treatment of existing grown trees in the tree-line along the historical path leading from the town of Maršovice to the forest with the ruins of the steak castle. (English)
    24 October 2020
    0 references
    Traitement des arbres cultivés existants dans une rangée le long du sentier historique menant de la ville de Maršovice à la forêt avec la ruine du château Stejc. (French)
    29 November 2021
    0 references
    Behandlung von bestehenden gewachsenen Bäumen in einer Reihe entlang des historischen Pfades, der von der Stadt Maršovice zum Wald mit der Ruine des Schlosses Stejc führt. (German)
    3 December 2021
    0 references
    Behandeling van bestaande geteelde bomen in een rij langs het historische pad dat van de stad Maršovice naar het bos leidt met de ruïne van het kasteel Stejc. (Dutch)
    13 December 2021
    0 references
    Trattamento degli alberi coltivati esistenti in fila lungo il sentiero storico che porta dalla città di Maršovice al bosco con la rovina del castello Stejc. (Italian)
    14 January 2022
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    Tratamiento de los árboles cultivados existentes en una fila a lo largo del camino histórico que conduce desde la ciudad de Maršovice hasta el bosque con la ruina del castillo Stejc. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    Behandling af eksisterende dyrkede træer i trælinjen langs den historiske sti, der fører fra byen Maršovice til skoven med ruinerne af bøfborgen. (Danish)
    25 July 2022
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    Επεξεργασία των υπαρχόντων καλλιεργούμενων δένδρων κατά μήκος της ιστορικής διαδρομής που οδηγεί από την πόλη Maršovice στο δάσος με τα ερείπια του κάστρου της μπριζόλας. (Greek)
    25 July 2022
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    Postupanje s postojećim uzgojenim stablima u liniji drveća uz povijesni put koji vodi od grada Maršovića do šume s ruševinama dvorca odrezaka. (Croatian)
    25 July 2022
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    Tratarea arborilor cultivați existenți în linia arborelui de-a lungul traseului istoric care duce din orașul Maršovice la pădure cu ruinele castelului friptură. (Romanian)
    25 July 2022
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    Ošetrenie existujúcich vypestovaných stromov v stromovej línii pozdĺž historickej cesty vedúcej z mesta Maršovice do lesa so zrúcaninami steakového hradu. (Slovak)
    25 July 2022
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    It-trattament ta’ siġar imkabbra eżistenti fil-linja tas-siġar tul il-mogħdija storika li twassal mill-belt ta’ Maršovice sal-foresta bil-fdalijiet tal-kastell tal-istik. (Maltese)
    25 July 2022
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    Tratamento das árvores cultivadas existentes na linha das árvores ao longo do caminho histórico que vai da cidade de Maršovice até à floresta com as ruínas do castelo dos bifes. (Portuguese)
    25 July 2022
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    Nykyisten kasvatettujen puiden käsittely puulinjassa Maršovicen kaupungista metsään johtavan historiallisen polun varrella pihvin linnan raunioiden kanssa. (Finnish)
    25 July 2022
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    Leczenie istniejących drzew w linii drzew wzdłuż historycznej ścieżki prowadzącej od miasta Maršovice do lasu z ruinami zamku stekowego. (Polish)
    25 July 2022
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    Obdelava obstoječih dreves v drevesni liniji vzdolž zgodovinske poti, ki vodi od mesta Maršovice do gozda z ruševinami gradu zrezkov. (Slovenian)
    25 July 2022
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    Esamų augančių medžių apdorojimas medžių linijoje palei istorinį kelią, vedantį iš Maršovice miesto į mišką su kepsnių pilies griuvėsiais. (Lithuanian)
    25 July 2022
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    Esošo koku apstrāde koku līnijā pa vēsturisko ceļu, kas ved no Maršovices pilsētas uz mežu ar steiku pils drupām. (Latvian)
    25 July 2022
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    Третиране на съществуващи отглеждани дървета по линията на дърветата по историческия път, водещ от град Маршовице до гората с руините на замъка за пържоли. (Bulgarian)
    25 July 2022
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    A Maršovice várostól az erdőig vezető történelmi ösvény mentén a favonalon lévő, már megtermelt fák kezelése a steakvár romjaival. (Hungarian)
    25 July 2022
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    Crainn fhásta atá ann cheana sa líne chrainn a chóireáil feadh an chosáin stairiúil a théann ó bhaile Maršovice go dtí an fhoraois le fothracha an chaisleáin steak. (Irish)
    25 July 2022
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    Behandling av befintliga odlade träd i trädlinjen längs den historiska stigen som leder från staden Maršovice till skogen med ruinerna av biff slott. (Swedish)
    25 July 2022
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    Olemasolevate kasvatatavate puude töötlemine puuliinil piki ajaloolist teed, mis viib Maršovice linnast metsa koos praelinnuse varemetega. (Estonian)
    25 July 2022
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