Brussels-Capital Region : Investment for growth and jobs - ESF/YEI (Q2463052): Difference between revisions

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(24 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
Brussels-Capital Region : Investment for growth and jobs
Brussels-Capital Region : Investment for growth and jobs - ESF/YEI
label / delabel / de
Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt: Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung – ESF/YEI
label / svlabel / sv
Huvudstadsregionen Bryssel: investeringar i tillväxt och jobb – ESF/sysselsättningsinitiativet för unga
label / filabel / fi
Brysselin pääkaupunkialue: Investoinnit kasvuun ja työllisyyteen – ESR/nuorisotyöllisyysaloite
label / ptlabel / pt
Região de Bruxelas-Capital: Investimento no crescimento e no emprego — FSE/IEJ
label / bglabel / bg
Регион Брюксел-столица: Инвестиции за растеж и работни места — ЕСФ/ИМЗ
label / ellabel / el
Περιφέρεια Βρυξελλών-Πρωτευούσης: Επένδυση για την ανάπτυξη και την απασχόληση — ΕΚΤ/ΠΑΝ
label / mtlabel / mt
Brussell-Reġjun Belt Kapitali: Investiment għat-tkabbir u l-impjiegi - FSE/YEI
label / ltlabel / lt
Sostinės Briuselio regionas: Investicijos į ekonomikos augimą ir darbo vietų kūrimą – ESF / JUI
label / hrlabel / hr
Regija glavnoga grada Bruxellesa: Ulaganje za rast i radna mjesta – ESF / Inicijativa za zapošljavanje mladih
label / lvlabel / lv
Galvaspilsētas Briseles reģions: Investīcijas izaugsmei un nodarbinātībai – ESF/JNI
label / itlabel / it
Regione di Bruxelles-Capitale: investimenti per la crescita e l'occupazione - FSE/IOG
label / frlabel / fr
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale: investissement en faveur de la croissance et de l’emploi — FSE/IEJ
label / hulabel / hu
Brüsszel fővárosi régió: Beruházás a növekedésbe és munkahelyteremtésbe – ESZA/IFK
label / eslabel / es
Bruselas-Capital: Inversión en crecimiento y empleo - FSE/IEJ
label / etlabel / et
Pealinna Brüsseli piirkond: Investeeringud majanduskasvu ja tööhõivesse – ESF/noorte tööhõive algatus
label / cslabel / cs
Region Brusel-hlavní město: Investice pro růst a zaměstnanost – ESF/YEI
label / sklabel / sk
Región Brusel – hlavné mesto: Investovanie do rastu a pracovných miest – ESF/Iniciatíva na podporu zamestnanosti mladých ľudí
label / sllabel / sl
Regija glavnega mesta Bruselj: Naložbe za rast in delovna mesta – ESS/YEI
label / galabel / ga
Réigiún na Bruiséile - na Príomhchathrach: Infheistíocht le haghaidh Fáis agus Post - CSE/TFAO
label / pllabel / pl
Region Stołeczny Brukseli: Inwestycje na rzecz wzrostu i zatrudnienia – EFS/Inicjatywa na rzecz zatrudnienia ludzi młodych
label / rolabel / ro
Regiunea Bruxelles-Capitală: investiții pentru creștere economică și locuri de muncă – FSE/YEI
label / dalabel / da
Hovedstadsregionen Bruxelles: Investeringer i vækst og beskæftigelse – ESF/ungdomsbeskæftigelsesinitiativet
label / nllabel / nl
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest: Investeren in groei en werkgelegenheid — ESF/YEI
description / endescription / en
Program in the Kohesio project
Program CCI: 2014BE05M9OP002
Property / country
Property / country: Belgium / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Brussels-Capital Region / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Belgium / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: Youth Employment Initiative / rank
Normal rank
Property / info Regio url
Property / info Regio url: / rank
Normal rank
Property / applies to NUTS
Property / applies to NUTS: Brussels-Capital Region / rank
Normal rank
Property / program type
Property / program type: Investment in Growth and Jobs / rank
Normal rank
Property / programming period
Property / programming period: Kohesio Programming Period 2014-2021 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 09:33, 9 October 2024

Program CCI: 2014BE05M9OP002
Language Label Description Also known as
Brussels-Capital Region : Investment for growth and jobs - ESF/YEI
Program CCI: 2014BE05M9OP002



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