Purchase of a new light rescue and fire-extinguishing vehicle with technical rescue function (Q137871): Difference between revisions

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label / ptlabel / pt
Compra de um novo veículo de resgate de fogo leve com função técnica de resgate
Aquisição de um novo veículo ligeiro de salvamento e extinção de incêndios com função técnica de salvamento
Property / summary: Purchase of a new light fire-extinguishing vehicle with the function of road rescue. The car is to be equipped with a 4x4 drive, corresponding to PN-EN 1846-1 and PN-EN 1846-2. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0030303876488707
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Aquisição de um novo veículo ligeiro extintor de incêndios com a função de salvamento rodoviário. O carro deve ser equipado com uma unidade de terra 4x4, em conformidade com as normas PN-EN 1846-1 e PN-EN 1846-2. (Portuguese)
Aquisição de um novo veículo ligeiro de extinção de incêndios com a função de salvamento rodoviário. O carro deve ser equipado com uma unidade 4x4, correspondente a PN-EN 1846-1 e PN-EN 1846-2. (Portuguese)

Latest revision as of 05:48, 10 October 2024

Project Q137871 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Purchase of a new light rescue and fire-extinguishing vehicle with technical rescue function
Project Q137871 in Poland


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    323,696.3 zloty
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    71,957.69 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    380,820.3 zloty
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    84,656.35 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 August 2019
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    30 June 2020
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    53°1'22.33"N, 14°30'20.84"E
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    Zakup nowego lekkiego samochodu ratowniczo gaśniczego z funkcją ratownictwa drogowego. Samochód ma być z napędem uterenowionym 4x4, odpowiadający normie PN-EN 1846-1 oraz PN-EN 1846-2. (Polish)
    0 references
    Purchase of a new light fire-extinguishing vehicle with the function of road rescue. The car is to be equipped with a 4x4 drive, corresponding to PN-EN 1846-1 and PN-EN 1846-2. (English)
    21 October 2020
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    Achat d’un nouveau véhicule léger d’extinction d’incendie avec fonction de sauvetage routier. La voiture doit être équipée d’un entraînement au sol 4x4, conforme aux normes PN-EN 1846-1 et PN-EN 1846-2. (French)
    2 December 2021
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    Kauf eines neuen leichten Feuerlöschfahrzeugs mit der Funktion der Straßenrettung. Das Auto soll mit einem 4x4-Bodenantrieb ausgestattet werden, der den Normen PN-EN 1846-1 und PN-EN 1846-2 entspricht. (German)
    13 December 2021
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    Aankoop van een nieuw licht brandblusvoertuig met als functie wegredding. De auto moet worden uitgerust met een 4x4 grondaandrijving, conform de normen PN-EN 1846-1 en PN-EN 1846-2. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    Acquisto di un nuovo veicolo antincendio con funzione di soccorso stradale. L'auto deve essere equipaggiata con una trazione a terra 4x4, conforme alle norme PN-EN 1846-1 e PN-EN 1846-2. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    Compra de un nuevo vehículo ligero extintor de incendios con la función de rescate en carretera. El coche debe estar equipado con una tracción a tierra 4x4, conforme a las normas PN-EN 1846-1 y PN-EN 1846-2. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
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    Feithicil nua mhúchta dóiteáin éadrom a cheannach le feidhm tarrthála bóthair. Is é an carr a bheith feistithe le tiomáint talamh 4x4, a chomhlíonann na caighdeáin PN-EN 1846-1 agus PN-EN 1846-2. (Irish)
    3 November 2022
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    Køb af et nyt let brandslukningskøretøj med funktion af vejredning. Bilen skal være udstyret med en 4x4 jorddrev, der er i overensstemmelse med standarderne PN-EN 1846-1 og PN-EN 1846-2. (Danish)
    3 November 2022
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    Αγορά νέου ελαφρού πυροσβεστικού οχήματος με λειτουργία οδικής διάσωσης. Το αυτοκίνητο θα είναι εξοπλισμένο με 4x4 κίνηση εδάφους, σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα PN-EN 1846-1 και PN-EN 1846-2. (Greek)
    3 November 2022
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    Inköp av ett nytt lätt brandsläckningsfordon med funktionen vägräddning. Bilen ska vara utrustad med en 4x4 markdrivning, som överensstämmer med standarderna PN-EN 1846–1 och PN-EN 1846–2. (Swedish)
    3 November 2022
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    Achiziționarea unui nou vehicul de stingere a incendiilor cu funcție de salvare rutieră. Mașina trebuie să fie echipată cu o tracțiune la sol 4x4, conform standardelor PN-EN 1846-1 și PN-EN 1846-2. (Romanian)
    3 November 2022
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    Nakup novega lahkega gasilnega vozila s funkcijo reševanja na cesti. Avto bo opremljen s pogonom 4x4, ki ustreza standardoma PN-EN 1846–1 in PN-EN 1846–2. (Slovenian)
    3 November 2022
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    Naujos lengvosios gaisro gesinimo transporto priemonės, atliekančios kelių gelbėjimo funkciją, įsigijimas. Automobilyje montuojama 4x4 antžeminė pavara, atitinkanti PN-EN 1846–1 ir PN-EN 1846–2 standartus. (Lithuanian)
    3 November 2022
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    Új könnyű tűzoltó jármű beszerzése közúti mentési funkcióval. Az autót a PN-EN 1846–1 és a PN-EN 1846–2 szabványoknak megfelelő 4x4-es földi hajtással kell felszerelni. (Hungarian)
    3 November 2022
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    Uuden kevyen palonsammutusajoneuvon hankinta tiepelastustoiminnolla. Auto on varustettava 4x4-moottorilla, joka on standardien PN-EN 1846–1 ja PN-EN 1846–2 mukainen. (Finnish)
    3 November 2022
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    Kúpa nového ľahkého hasiaceho vozidla s funkciou cestnej záchrany. Vozidlo má byť vybavené pozemným pohonom 4x4, ktorý zodpovedá normám PN-EN 1846 – 1 a PN-EN 1846 – 2. (Slovak)
    3 November 2022
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    Uue kerge tulekustutussõiduki ostmine, mis täidab teepääste funktsiooni. Auto peab olema varustatud 4x4 maa ajamiga, mis vastab standarditele PN-EN 1846–1 ja PN-EN 1846–2. (Estonian)
    3 November 2022
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    Ix-xiri ta’ vettura ħafifa ġdida għat-tifi tan-nar bil-funzjoni ta’ salvataġġ fit-triq. Il-karozza għandha tkun mgħammra b’sewqan fuq l-art 4x4, li jikkonforma mal-istandards PN-EN 1846–1 u PN-EN 1846–2. (Maltese)
    3 November 2022
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    Jauna vieglā ugunsdzēšamā transportlīdzekļa iegāde ar ceļu glābšanas funkciju. Automašīna ir aprīkota ar 4x4 zemes disku, kas atbilst standartiem PN-EN 1846–1 un PN-EN 1846–2. (Latvian)
    3 November 2022
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    Закупуване на ново леко пожарогасително превозно средство с функция за пътна помощ. Автомобилът ще бъде оборудван с 4х4 наземно задвижване, което отговаря на стандартите PN-EN 1846—1 и PN-EN 1846—2. (Bulgarian)
    3 November 2022
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    Aquisição de um novo veículo ligeiro de extinção de incêndios com a função de salvamento rodoviário. O carro deve ser equipado com uma unidade 4x4, correspondente a PN-EN 1846-1 e PN-EN 1846-2. (Portuguese)
    3 November 2022
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    Kupnja novog lakog vozila za gašenje požara s funkcijom spašavanja na cesti. Automobil će biti opremljen 4x4 prizemljenim pogonom, u skladu sa standardima PN-EN 1846 – 1 i PN-EN 1846 – 2. (Croatian)
    3 November 2022
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    Nákup nového lehkého hasícího vozidla s funkcí silniční záchrany. Vůz má být vybaven pozemním pohonem 4x4 v souladu s normami PN-EN 1846–1 a PN-EN 1846–2. (Czech)
    3 November 2022
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    13 December 2023
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