Improvement of air quality through the exchange of coal heat sources in households in the Commune of Rock — II stage. (Q4421480): Difference between revisions
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label / pt | label / pt | ||||||
Melhoria da qualidade do ar através | Melhoria da qualidade do ar através do intercâmbio de fontes de calor de carvão nos agregados familiares na fase II do município de Rock. | ||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Szczucin / qualifier | |||||||
Property / summary: The subject of the project is the replacement of old coal boilers with modern gas boilers, together with the implementation of internal installations in the building necessary for the proper functioning of the new heating system. As a result of the implementation, the concentrations of particulate matter PM10 will be reduced from 1,5095 to 0.000805 reductions of 99.95 PM2.5 from 0.6356 to 0.000805 reduction of 99.87 CO2 from 413.14 to 209,196 reduction 49.36The measures to raise environmental awareness are planned. The topic will focus on the three most important areas:a. Saving natural resources b. Related to the problem of low emissions, how important it is to reduce the level of low emissions resulting from harmful effects, c. Energy efficiency issues.All these actions will increase awareness, which will improve living conditions. Activities will be carried out through: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories: kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information promotion activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Rock Municipality, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the POP. (English) / qualifier | |||||||
readability score: 0.7157807696425552
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||
O objeto do projeto é a substituição de antigas caldeiras a carvão por caldeiras a gás modernas, juntamente com a implementação de instalações internas no edifício necessárias para o bom funcionamento do novo sistema de aquecimento. Como resultado da implementação, as concentrações de partículas PM10 serão reduzidas de 1,5095 para 0,000805 reduções de 99,95 PM2,5 de 0,6356 para 0,000805 redução de 99,87 CO2 de 413,14 para 209,196 redução 49.36Estão previstas medidas de sensibilização ambiental. O tema centrar-se-á nos três domínios mais importantes:a. Poupar recursos naturais b. Relacionado com o problema do baixo nível de emissões, quão importante é reduzir o nível de baixo nível de emissões resultante de efeitos nocivos, c. Questões de eficiência energética.Todas estas ações aumentarão a sensibilização, o que melhorará as condições de vida. As atividades serão realizadas através de: preparação de material de informação promocional realização de uma campanha de informação 1 acção durante o ano preparação de cartazes durante eventos municipais do ponto de informação organização de um concurso ecológico 1 organização de um concurso para cartazes para crianças e jovens 1 acção em curso actividades de sensibilização ambiental.Categorias principais: kosztów:1.Koszt substituição do forno de aquecimento2.O custo da instalação de aquecimento3.O custo das atividades de promoção da informação afetará a divulgação de conhecimentos sobre o programa4.Monitores que monitorizam e verificam a execução das tarefas. Aplicação de janeiro de 2021 junho de 2023. Grupo-alvo: Os residentes de toda a área do município de Rock, com antigas caldeiras ineficientes para a área, que estão localizados na área do território polaco estão localizados na área do POP. (Portuguese) | |||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Tarnowski / qualifier | |||||||
Latest revision as of 00:51, 12 October 2024
Project Q4421480 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improvement of air quality through the exchange of coal heat sources in households in the Commune of Rock — II stage. |
Project Q4421480 in Poland |
716,925.99 zloty
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159,372.65 Euro
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728,209.99 zloty
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161,881.08 Euro
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98.45 percent
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1 May 2019
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30 October 2023
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Przedmiotem projektu jest wymiana starych kotłów węglowych na nowoczesne kotły na gaz, wraz z wykonaniem wewnętrznych instalacji w budynku niezbędnych do prawidłowego funkcjonowania nowego systemu ogrzewania. W ramach projektu zostaną wykonane instalacje w źródła ciepła wykorzystujące gaz.W wyniku realizacji nastąpi obniżenie stężeń pyłu zawieszonegoPM10 z 1,5095 na 0,000805 redukcja 99,95 PM2,5 z 0,6356 na 0,000805 redukcja 99,87 CO2 z 413,14 na 209,196 redukcja 49,36Zaplanowano działania podnoszące świadomość ekologiczną. Tematyka będzie się skupiała na 3 najważniejszych obszarach:a. Oszczędności zasobów naturalnych b. Związanych z problemem wynikającym z niskiej emisji, jak ważne jest obniżanie tego poziomu, jakie niska emisja niesie za sobą szkodliwe efekty, c. Kwestia efektywności energetycznej.Wszystkie te działania wpłyną na podniesienie świadomości, co wpłynie na poprawę warunków życia. Działania będą prowadzone poprzez: przygotowanie materiałów promocyjnoinformacyjnych przeprowadzenie akcji informacyjnej 1 akcję w ciągu roku przygotowywanie plakatów prowadzenie podczas imprez gminnych punktu informacyjnego organizacja konkursu ekologicznego 1 szt organizacja konkursu na plakat dla dzieci i młodzieży 1 szt bieżące prowadzenie działań podnoszących świadomość ekologiczną.Główne kategorie kosztów:1.Koszt wymiany pieca grzewczego2.Koszt wykonania instalacji grzewczej3.Koszt działań informacyjnopromocyjnych które wpłyną na rozpowszechnienie wiedzy o programie4.Koszty monitorujące i sprawdzające realizację zadań.Realizacja styczeń 2021 czerwiec 2023.Grupa docelowa:Mieszkańcy całego terenu Gminy Skała, posiadający stare nieefektywne kotły grzewcze.Działania są zgodne z Programie ochrony powietrza dla województwa małopolskiego POP.Na terenie operacji zlokalizowane są tereny, które są zaliczone do Obszarów Chronionego terenu w tym Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego i jego otuliny.Pozostałe kwestie w części Q. (Polish)
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The subject of the project is the replacement of old coal boilers with modern gas boilers, together with the implementation of internal installations in the building necessary for the proper functioning of the new heating system. As a result of the implementation, the concentrations of particulate matter PM10 will be reduced from 1,5095 to 0.000805 reductions of 99.95 PM2.5 from 0.6356 to 0.000805 reduction of 99.87 CO2 from 413.14 to 209,196 reduction 49.36The measures to raise environmental awareness are planned. The topic will focus on the three most important areas:a. Saving natural resources b. Related to the problem of low emissions, how important it is to reduce the level of low emissions resulting from harmful effects, c. Energy efficiency issues.All these actions will increase awareness, which will improve living conditions. Activities will be carried out through: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories: kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information promotion activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Rock Municipality, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the POP. (English)
21 October 2022
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Predmet projekta je zamjena starih kotlova na ugljen suvremenim plinskim kotlovima, zajedno s implementacijom unutarnjih instalacija u zgradi potrebnih za pravilno funkcioniranje novog sustava grijanja. Kao rezultat provedbe, koncentracije lebdećih čestica PM10 smanjit će se sa 1,5095 na 0,000805 smanjenja od 99,95 PM2,5 sa 0,6356 na 0,000805 smanjenje od 99,87 CO2 s 413,14 na 209 196 smanjenje 49.36 Mjere za podizanje svijesti o okolišu planirane su. Tema će se usredotočiti na tri najvažnija područja: a. Štednja prirodnih resursa b. Povezano s problemom niskih emisija, koliko je važno smanjiti razinu niskih emisija koje proizlaze iz štetnih učinaka, c. pitanja energetske učinkovitosti.Sve će te mjere povećati svijest, čime će se poboljšati životni uvjeti. Aktivnosti će se provoditi putem: priprema promotivnih informativnih materijala koji provode informativnu kampanju 1 akciju tijekom godine priprema plakata tijekom općinskih događanja organizacije informativnih točaka organizacije ekološkog natječaja 1 kom organizacija natječaja za plakate za djecu i mlade 1 kom trčanje aktivnosti podizanja svijesti o okolišu.Glavne kategorije: kosztów:1.Koszt zamjena peći za grijanje2.trošak instalacije grijanja3. Trošak aktivnosti promocije informacija utjecat će na širenje znanja o programu4.Monitors monitoring i verificiranje provedbe zadataka.Provedba od siječnja 2021. lipnja 2023. Ciljna skupina: Stanovnici cijelog područja općine Rock, koji imaju stare neučinkovite kotlove za područje, koji se nalaze na području poljskog teritorija, nalaze se na području POP-a. (Croatian)
29 November 2022
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A projekt tárgya a régi szénkazánok modern gázkazánokkal való helyettesítése, valamint az új fűtési rendszer megfelelő működéséhez szükséges épület belső berendezéseinek megvalósítása. A végrehajtás eredményeként a PM10 részecskék koncentrációja 1 5095-ről 0,000805-re csökken, 99,95 PM2,5-tel 0,6356-ról 0,000805-re, 99,87 szén-dioxid 413,14-ről 209 196-ra történő csökkentésével. A téma a három legfontosabb területre összpontosít:a. A természeti erőforrások megtakarítása b. Az alacsony kibocsátás problémájával kapcsolatban mennyire fontos a káros hatásokból eredő alacsony kibocsátás szintjének csökkentése, c. Energiahatékonysági kérdések. Mindezen intézkedések növelik a tudatosságot, ami javítja az életkörülményeket. A tevékenységek a következőkön keresztül valósulnak meg: promóciós tájékoztató anyagok előkészítése tájékoztató kampány során 1 akció az év során plakátok előkészítésére az információs pont szervezése során egy ökológiai verseny információs pont szervezése során 1 db gyermekeknek és fiataloknak szóló plakátok versenyének megszervezése 1 db futó tevékenység a környezettudatosság növelése érdekében.Fő kategóriák: kosztów:1.Koszt a fűtőkemence cseréje2.A fűtési létesítmény költsége3.Az információterjesztési tevékenységek költsége hatással lesz a programra vonatkozó ismeretek terjesztésére4.A feladatok végrehajtásának figyelemmel kísérése és ellenőrzése.A 2021. januári 2023. júniusi végrehajtás. Célcsoport: A Szikla Város egész területén lakók, amelyek a terület nem hatékony kazánjai, amelyek a lengyel terület területén találhatók. (Hungarian)
29 November 2022
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Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η αντικατάσταση παλαιών λεβήτων άνθρακα με σύγχρονους λέβητες αερίου, καθώς και η υλοποίηση εσωτερικών εγκαταστάσεων στο κτίριο που είναι απαραίτητες για την ορθή λειτουργία του νέου συστήματος θέρμανσης. Ως αποτέλεσμα της εφαρμογής, οι συγκεντρώσεις σωματιδίων ΑΣ10 θα μειωθούν από 1,5095 σε 0,000805 μειώσεις κατά 99,95 ΑΣ2,5 από 0,6356 σε 0,000805 μείωση 99,87 CO2 από 413,14 σε 209.196 μείωση 49,36Τα μέτρα για την αύξηση της περιβαλλοντικής ευαισθητοποίησης σχεδιάζονται. Το θέμα θα επικεντρωθεί στους τρεις σημαντικότερους τομείς: α. Εξοικονόμηση φυσικών πόρων β. Σχετικά με το πρόβλημα των χαμηλών εκπομπών, πόσο σημαντικό είναι να μειωθεί το επίπεδο των χαμηλών εκπομπών που προκύπτουν από επιβλαβείς επιπτώσεις, γ. θέματα ενεργειακής απόδοσης.Όλες αυτές οι δράσεις θα αυξήσουν την ευαισθητοποίηση, η οποία θα βελτιώσει τις συνθήκες διαβίωσης. Οι δραστηριότητες θα διεξαχθούν μέσω: προετοιμασία διαφημιστικού ενημερωτικού υλικού για την πραγματοποίηση ενημερωτικής εκστρατείας 1 δράση κατά τη διάρκεια του έτους προετοιμασία αφισών κατά τη διάρκεια των δημοτικών εκδηλώσεων της διοργάνωσης σημείων ενημέρωσης του οικολογικού διαγωνισμού 1 τεμ διοργάνωση διαγωνισμού για αφίσες για παιδιά και νέους 1 τεμ σε λειτουργία δραστηριοτήτων ευαισθητοποίησης για το περιβάλλον.Κυρίες κατηγορίες: kosztów:1.Koszt αντικατάσταση του φούρνου θέρμανσης2.Το κόστος της εγκατάστασης θέρμανσης3.Το κόστος των δραστηριοτήτων προώθησης της ενημέρωσης θα επηρεάσει τη διάδοση των γνώσεων σχετικά με το πρόγραμμα4.Παρακολούθηση και επαλήθευση της υλοποίησης των εργασιών. Εκτέλεση του Ιανουαρίου 2021 Ιούνιος 2023. (Greek)
29 November 2022
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Projektets emne er udskiftning af gamle kulkedler med moderne gaskedler sammen med implementering af interne installationer i bygningen, der er nødvendige for, at det nye varmeanlæg kan fungere korrekt. Som følge af gennemførelsen vil koncentrationerne af partikler PM10 blive reduceret fra 1.5095 til 0,000805 reduktioner på 99,95 PM2,5 fra 0,6356 til 0,000805 reduktion på 99,87 CO2 fra 413,14 til 209,196 reduktion 49.36Foranstaltninger til at øge miljøbevidstheden er planlagt. Emnet vil fokusere på de tre vigtigste områder:a. Besparelse af naturressourcer b. Relateret til problemet med lave emissioner, hvor vigtigt det er at reducere niveauet af lave emissioner som følge af skadelige virkninger, c. Energieffektivitetsproblemer.Alle disse foranstaltninger vil øge bevidstheden, hvilket vil forbedre levevilkårene. Aktiviteterne vil blive gennemført gennem: forberedelse af reklamemateriale, der gennemfører en informationskampagne 1 aktion i løbet af året med udarbejdelse af plakater under de kommunale arrangementer i forbindelse med tilrettelæggelse af en økologisk konkurrence 1 stk. tilrettelæggelse af en konkurrence om plakater for børn og unge 1 stk. kørende aktiviteter, der øger miljøbevidstheden.Hovedkategorier: kosztów:1.Koszt udskiftning af varmeovn2.Udgiften til opvarmningsanlægget3.Udgifterne til oplysningskampagner vil påvirke formidlingen af viden om programmet4.Monitorer overvåger og kontrollerer gennemførelsen af opgaverne. Gennemførelsen af januar 2021 juni 2023. Målgruppe: Residenter i hele området i Rock Kommune, der har gamle ineffektive kedler til området, som er beliggende i det polske område, er beliggende i POP-området. (Danish)
29 November 2022
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Predmet projekta je zamenjava starih kotlov na premog s sodobnimi plinskimi kotli, skupaj z izvedbo notranjih instalacij v stavbi, ki je potrebna za pravilno delovanje novega ogrevalnega sistema. Zaradi izvajanja se bodo koncentracije trdnih delcev PM10 zmanjšale s 1.5095 na 0,000805 zmanjšanje za 99,95 PM2,5 z 0,6356 na 0,000805 zmanjšanje za 99,87 CO2 s 413,14 na 209,196 zmanjšanje 49.36Ukrepi za povečanje okoljske ozaveščenosti so načrtovani. Tema se bo osredotočila na tri najpomembnejša področja: a. varčevanje z naravnimi viri b. V zvezi s problemom nizkih emisij, kako pomembno je zmanjšati raven nizkih emisij, ki so posledica škodljivih učinkov, c. vprašanja energetske učinkovitosti.Vsi ti ukrepi bodo povečali ozaveščenost, kar bo izboljšalo življenjske pogoje. Dejavnosti se bodo izvajale prek: priprava promocijskega informativnega gradiva za izvedbo informacijske kampanje 1 akcije med letom priprave plakatov med občinskimi dogodki organizacije informacijskih točk ekološkega natečaja 1 kos natečaja za plakate za otroke in mlade 1 kos teka aktivnosti ozaveščanja o okolju.Glavne kategorije: kosztów:1.Koszt zamenjava grelne peči2.Stroški ogrevalne naprave3.stroški dejavnosti promocije informacij bodo vplivali na širjenje znanja o programu4.Spremljanje in preverjanje izvajanja nalog. Izvajanje januarja 2021 junij 2023. Ciljna skupina: Prebivalci celotnega območja skalnate občine, ki imajo stare neučinkovite kotle za območje, ki se nahajajo na območju poljskega ozemlja se nahajajo na območju POP. (Slovenian)
29 November 2022
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El tema del proyecto es la sustitución de antiguas calderas de carbón por calderas de gas modernas, junto con la implementación de instalaciones internas en el edificio necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento del nuevo sistema de calefacción. Como resultado de la implementación, las concentraciones de partículas PM10 se reducirán de 1.5095 a 0,000805 reducciones de 99,95 PM2.5 de 0,6356 a 0,000805 reducción de 99,87 CO2 de 413,14 a 209,196 reducción 49.36Las medidas de sensibilización ambiental están previstas. El tema se centrará en las tres áreas más importantes: a. Ahorro de recursos naturales b. Relacionado con el problema de las bajas emisiones, cuán importante es reducir el nivel de bajas emisiones resultantes de efectos nocivos, c. Cuestiones de eficiencia energética.Todas estas acciones aumentarán la concienciación, lo que mejorará las condiciones de vida. Las actividades se llevarán a cabo a través de: preparación de materiales de información promocionales que llevan a cabo una campaña de información 1 acción durante el año preparando carteles durante eventos municipales de la organización de puntos de información de un concurso ecológico 1 pc organización de un concurso de carteles para niños y jóvenes 1 PC actividades de ejecución de actividades de sensibilización ambiental. Principales categorías: kosztów:1.Koszt reemplazo del horno de calefacción2.El costo de la instalación de calefacción3.El costo de las actividades de promoción de la información afectará a la difusión de conocimientos sobre el programa4.Monitors monitorizando y verificando la ejecución de las tareas. Implementación de enero de 2021 junio 2023. (Spanish)
29 November 2022
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O objeto do projeto é a substituição de antigas caldeiras a carvão por caldeiras a gás modernas, juntamente com a implementação de instalações internas no edifício necessárias para o bom funcionamento do novo sistema de aquecimento. Como resultado da implementação, as concentrações de partículas PM10 serão reduzidas de 1,5095 para 0,000805 reduções de 99,95 PM2,5 de 0,6356 para 0,000805 redução de 99,87 CO2 de 413,14 para 209,196 redução 49.36Estão previstas medidas de sensibilização ambiental. O tema centrar-se-á nos três domínios mais importantes:a. Poupar recursos naturais b. Relacionado com o problema do baixo nível de emissões, quão importante é reduzir o nível de baixo nível de emissões resultante de efeitos nocivos, c. Questões de eficiência energética.Todas estas ações aumentarão a sensibilização, o que melhorará as condições de vida. As atividades serão realizadas através de: preparação de material de informação promocional realização de uma campanha de informação 1 acção durante o ano preparação de cartazes durante eventos municipais do ponto de informação organização de um concurso ecológico 1 organização de um concurso para cartazes para crianças e jovens 1 acção em curso actividades de sensibilização ambiental.Categorias principais: kosztów:1.Koszt substituição do forno de aquecimento2.O custo da instalação de aquecimento3.O custo das atividades de promoção da informação afetará a divulgação de conhecimentos sobre o programa4.Monitores que monitorizam e verificam a execução das tarefas. Aplicação de janeiro de 2021 junho de 2023. Grupo-alvo: Os residentes de toda a área do município de Rock, com antigas caldeiras ineficientes para a área, que estão localizados na área do território polaco estão localizados na área do POP. (Portuguese)
29 November 2022
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Projekti teemaks on vanade kivisöekatelde asendamine kaasaegsete gaasikateldega ning uue küttesüsteemi nõuetekohaseks toimimiseks vajalike sisepaigaldiste juurutamine hoones. Rakendamise tulemusena vähendatakse tahkete osakeste PM10 kontsentratsiooni 1,5095-lt 0,000805-le 99,95 PM2,5 vähendamiselt 0,6356-lt 0,000805-le 99,87 CO2 vähendamiselt 413,14-lt 209 196-le 49.36Keskkonnateadlikkuse tõstmise meetmed on kavandatud. Teema keskendub kolmele kõige olulisemale valdkonnale:a. Loodusvarade säästmine b. Seoses vähese heite probleemiga, kui oluline on vähendada kahjulikest mõjudest tulenevat madalat heidet, c. energiatõhususe küsimused.Kõik need meetmed suurendavad teadlikkust, mis parandab elutingimusi. Tegevused viiakse ellu järgmiste meetmete kaudu: teavituskampaaniat läbi viivate reklaammaterjalide koostamine 1 tegevus aasta jooksul, et valmistada aasta jooksul ette plakatid keskkonnateadlikkust tõstvate tegevustega tegelevatele lastele ja noortele mõeldud plakatite konkursi korraldamiseks 1 tk 1 tk.Soojendusahju väljavahetamine2.Soojendusrajatise kulud3.Teabe edendamise tegevuste kulud mõjutavad programmi kohta teadmiste levitamist4.Kontrollijad jälgivad ja kontrollivad ülesannete täitmist. 2021. aasta jaanuari rakendamine 2023. a. Sihtrühm: Rocki valla kogu piirkonna elanikud, millel on piirkonna vanad ebatõhusad katlad, mis asuvad Poola territooriumil P.P. (Estonian)
29 November 2022
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Het onderwerp van het project is de vervanging van oude kolenketels door moderne gasketels, samen met de implementatie van interne installaties in het gebouw die nodig zijn voor de goede werking van het nieuwe verwarmingssysteem. Als gevolg van de implementatie zullen de concentraties fijnstof PM10 worden teruggebracht van 1.5095 naar 0.000805 reducties van 99,95 PM2.5 van 0,6356 naar 0,000805 reductie van 99,87 CO2 van 413,14 naar 209.196 reductie 49.36De maatregelen om het milieubewustzijn te vergroten zijn gepland. Het onderwerp zal zich richten op de drie belangrijkste gebieden:a. Het besparen van natuurlijke hulpbronnen b. Met betrekking tot het probleem van lage emissies, hoe belangrijk het is om het niveau van lage emissies als gevolg van schadelijke effecten te verminderen, c. energie-efficiëntiekwesties.Al deze acties zullen het bewustzijn vergroten, wat de leefomstandigheden zal verbeteren. De activiteiten zullen worden uitgevoerd door: voorbereiding van promotie-informatiemateriaal ter uitvoering van een voorlichtingscampagne 1 actie gedurende het jaar ter voorbereiding van affiches tijdens gemeentelijke evenementen van het informatiepunt organisatie van een ecologische wedstrijd 1 pc organisatie van een wedstrijd voor affiches voor kinderen en jongeren 1 pcs lopende activiteiten ter bevordering van het milieubewustzijn.Belangrijkste categorieën: kosztów:1.Koszt vervanging van de verwarmingsoven2.De kosten van de verwarmingsinstallatie3.De kosten van voorlichtingsbevorderingsactiviteiten zullen van invloed zijn op de verspreiding van kennis over het programma4.Moniteurs monitoren en verifiëren van de uitvoering van taken. Uitvoering van januari 2021 juni 2023. Doelgroep: inwoners van het hele gebied van de Rotsgemeente, met oude inefficiënte boilers voor het gebied van het Poolse grondgebied bevinden zich in het gebied van het POP. (Dutch)
29 November 2022
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Предмет на проекта е подмяната на стари въглищни котли с модерни газови котли, както и въвеждането на вътрешни инсталации в сградата, необходими за правилното функциониране на новата отоплителна система. В резултат на прилагането концентрациите на прахови частици ПЧ10 ще бъдат намалени от 1,5095 на 0,000805 намаления от 99,95 PM2.5 от 0,6356 на 0,000805 намаление на 99,87 CO2 от 413.14 на 209 196 намаление 49.36 Мерките за повишаване на осведомеността за околната среда са планирани. Темата ще се съсредоточи върху трите най-важни области: а. Спестяване на природни ресурси Б. Свързани с проблема с ниските емисии, колко важно е да се намали нивото на ниски емисии в резултат на вредни въздействия, в. Въпроси, свързани с енергийната ефективност.Всички тези действия ще повишат осведомеността, което ще подобри условията на живот. Дейностите ще се извършват чрез: подготовка на рекламни информационни материали за провеждане на информационна кампания 1 действие през годината подготвяне на плакати по време на общински събития за организиране на информационен пункт на екологичен конкурс 1 бр. организация на конкурс за плакати за деца и младежи 1 бр. текущи дейности за повишаване на екологичната осведоменост.Основни категории: kosztów:1.Koszt подмяна на отоплителната пещ2.Разходите за отоплителната инсталация3.Разходите за информационни дейности ще повлияят на разпространението на знания за програмата4.Монитори за мониторинг и проверка на изпълнението на задачите. Изпълнение на януари 2021 юни 2023 г. Целева група: Жители на цялата площ на скалната община, с стари неефективни котли за района, които се намират в района на Полската територия. (Bulgarian)
29 November 2022
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Předmětem projektu je výměna starých uhelných kotlů moderními plynovými kotlemi spolu s realizací vnitřních zařízení v budově nezbytných pro řádné fungování nového topného systému. V důsledku provádění se sníží koncentrace částic PM10 z 1,5095 na 0,000805 snížení o 99,95 PM2,5 z 0,6356 na 0,000805 snížení o 99,87 CO2 z 413,14 na 209,196 snížení 49.36 Opatření ke zvýšení povědomí o životním prostředí. Téma se zaměří na tři nejdůležitější oblasti:a. Úspora přírodních zdrojů b. V souvislosti s problémem nízkých emisí, jak důležité je snížit úroveň nízkých emisí způsobených škodlivými účinky, c. problematika energetické účinnosti.Všechna tato opatření zvýší povědomí, což zlepší životní podmínky. Činnosti budou prováděny prostřednictvím: příprava propagačních informačních materiálů provádějících informační kampaň 1 akce v průběhu roku příprava plakátů během obecních akcí informačního místa organizace ekologické soutěže 1 ks organizace soutěže o plakáty pro děti a mládež 1 ks běžící činnosti zvyšování povědomí o životním prostředí.Hlavní kategorie: kosztów:1.Koszt výměna topné pece2. Náklady na topné zařízení3. Náklady na informační propagační činnosti ovlivní šíření znalostí o programu4.Monitoři monitoring a ověřování plnění úkolů. Provádění z ledna 2021 červen 2023. Cílová skupina: Obyvatelé celé oblasti Skalní obce, se starými neefektivními kotlemi pro oblast, které se nacházejí v oblasti POP. (Czech)
29 November 2022
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Is é ábhar an tionscadail ná coirí gáis nua-aimseartha a chur in ionad na seanchoirí guail, mar aon le cur i bhfeidhm suiteálacha inmheánacha san fhoirgneamh atá riachtanach d’fheidhmiú cuí an chórais téimh nua. Mar thoradh ar chur i bhfeidhm, laghdófar tiúchan ábhar cáithníneach PM10 ó laghduithe 1,5095 go 0.000805 de 99.95 PM2.5 ó 0.6356 go 0.000805 de 99.87 CO2 ó 413.14 go 209,196 laghdú 49.36Tá na bearta chun feasacht chomhshaoil a ardú beartaithe. Díreoidh an topaic ar na trí réimse is tábhachtaí: acmhainní nádúrtha a shábháil b. a bhaineann le fadhb na n-astaíochtaí ísle, cé chomh tábhachtach is atá sé leibhéal na n-astaíochtaí ísle a eascraíonn as éifeachtaí díobhálacha a laghdú, c. Saincheisteanna éifeachtúlachta fuinnimh.Méadóidh na gníomhaíochtaí sin go léir feasacht, rud a chuirfidh feabhas ar dhálaí maireachtála. Déanfar na gníomhaíochtaí trí na nithe seo a leanas: ábhair faisnéise bolscaireachta a ullmhú a dhéanann feachtas faisnéise 1 gníomh i rith na bliana ag ullmhú póstaeir le linn imeachtaí bardasacha an phointe faisnéise d’eagrú comórtas éiceolaíochta 1 ríomhaire comórtas do phóstaeir do pháistí agus do dhaoine óga 1 ríomhairí pearsanta gníomhaíochtaí a ardú feasacht chomhshaoil.Main Catagóirí: kosztów:1.Koszt athsholáthar na foirnéise téimh2.Beidh tionchar ag costas na ngníomhaíochtaí cur chun cinn faisnéise ar scaipeadh eolais faoin gclár4.Monitors monatóireacht agus fíorú a dhéanamh ar chur i bhfeidhm na gcúraimí. Cur i bhfeidhm mhí Eanáir 2021 Meitheamh 2023. Spriocghrúpa: Cónaitheoirí limistéar iomlán Bardas Rock, a bhfuil coirí neamhéifeachtúla acu don cheantar, atá lonnaithe i limistéar chríoch na Polainne. (Irish)
29 November 2022
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Hankkeen aiheena on vanhojen hiilikattiloiden korvaaminen nykyaikaisilla kaasukattiloilla sekä uuden lämmitysjärjestelmän asianmukaisen toiminnan kannalta välttämättömän rakennuksen sisäisten laitteistojen toteuttaminen. Täytäntöönpanon tuloksena PM10-hiukkasten pitoisuuksia pienennetään 1 5095:stä 0,000805:een 99,95 PM2,5:stä 0,6356:sta 0,000805:een eli 99,87 CO2-päästöön 441,14:stä 209:een196:een 49,36 Ympäristötietoisuuden lisäämiseen tähtääviä toimenpiteitä suunnitellaan. Aihe keskittyy kolmeen tärkeimpään osa-alueeseen: a. Luonnonvarojen säästäminen b. Vähäpäästöongelmaan liittyen, kuinka tärkeää on vähentää haitallisten vaikutusten aiheuttamaa vähäisten päästöjen tasoa, ks. energiatehokkuuskysymykset. Kaikki nämä toimet lisäävät tietoisuutta, mikä parantaa elinoloja. Toimet toteutetaan seuraavin keinoin: tiedotusmateriaalin laatiminen tiedotusmateriaalin toteuttamiseksi tiedotuskampanjan toteuttamiseksi 1 vuoden aikana julisteiden valmistelu vuoden aikana ekologisen kilpailun tiedotuspisteen järjestämisen yhteydessä 1 kpl lasten ja nuorten julisteiden järjestämistä 1 kpl käynnissä olevaa toimintaa ympäristötietoisuuden lisäämiseksi.Pääluokat: kosztów:1.Koszt lämmitysuunin korvaaminen2.lämmityslaitteiston kustannukset3.Tietojen edistämistoimien kustannukset vaikuttavat ohjelman tiedon levittämiseen4.Monitorsin seuranta ja tehtävien toteuttamisen todentaminen. Tammikuu 2021 kesäkuu 2023. Kohderyhmä: koko Kalliokunnan alueen asukkaat, joilla on vanhoja tehottomia kattiloita alueella, joka sijaitsee POP-alueella Puolan alueella. (Finnish)
29 November 2022
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Gegenstand des Projekts ist der Austausch alter Kohlekessel durch moderne Gaskessel sowie die Implementierung interner Anlagen im Gebäude, die für das ordnungsgemäße Funktionieren des neuen Heizsystems erforderlich sind. Infolge der Umsetzung werden die Feinstaubkonzentrationen PM10 von 1.995 auf 0,000805 Reduktionen um 99,95 PM2,5 von 0,6356 auf 0,000805 Reduktion von 99,87 CO2 von 413,14 auf 209.196 Reduktion 49.36 Die Maßnahmen zur Sensibilisierung für die Umwelt sind geplant. Das Thema wird sich auf die drei wichtigsten Bereiche konzentrieren:a. Einsparung natürlicher Ressourcen b. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Problem der niedrigen Emissionen, wie wichtig es ist, das Niveau der niedrigen Emissionen durch schädliche Auswirkungen zu reduzieren, c. Energieeffizienzprobleme.Alle diese Maßnahmen werden das Bewusstsein erhöhen, wodurch die Lebensbedingungen verbessert werden. Die Tätigkeiten werden durchgeführt durch: Vorbereitung von Werbe-Informationsmaterialien, die eine Informationskampagne durchführen 1 Aktion während des Jahres Vorbereitung Plakate während der kommunalen Veranstaltungen der Informationsstelle Organisation eines ökologischen Wettbewerbs 1 Stk Organisation eines Wettbewerbs für Plakate für Kinder und Jugendliche 1 Stück laufende Aktivitäten zur Sensibilisierung für die Umwelt.Hauptkategorien: kosztów:1.Koszt Ersatz des Heizofens2.Die Kosten für die Heizungsanlage3.Die Kosten der Informationsförderungsaktivitäten beeinflussen die Verbreitung des Wissens über das Programm4.Monitore Überwachung und Überprüfung der Durchführung der Aufgaben. Umsetzung vom Januar 2021 Juni 2023. Zielgruppe: Bewohner des gesamten Gebiets der Rock Municipality, mit alten ineffizienten Kesseln für das Gebiet, die sich im Gebiet des polnischen Gebiets befinden. (German)
29 November 2022
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Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa s-sostituzzjoni ta’ bojlers tal-faħam qodma b’bojlers moderni tal-gass, flimkien mal-implimentazzjoni ta’ installazzjonijiet interni fil-bini meħtieġa għall-funzjonament xieraq tas-sistema l-ġdida tat-tisħin. Bħala riżultat tal-implimentazzjoni, il-konċentrazzjonijiet ta’ materja partikolata PM10 se jitnaqqsu minn 1,5095 għal 0.000805 tnaqqis ta’ 99.95 PM2.5 minn 0.6356 għal tnaqqis ta’ 0.000805 ta’ 99.87 CO2 minn 413.14 għal tnaqqis ta’ 209,196 49.36 Il-miżuri biex titqajjem kuxjenza ambjentali huma ppjanati. Is-suġġett se jiffoka fuq it-tliet oqsma l-aktar importanti:a. Iffrankar tar-riżorsi naturali b. Relatati mal-problema ta’ emissjonijiet baxxi, kemm huwa importanti li jitnaqqas il-livell ta’ emissjonijiet baxxi li jirriżultaw minn effetti ta’ ħsara, c. Kwistjonijiet dwar l-effiċjenza fl-enerġija. Dawn l-azzjonijiet kollha se jżidu l-għarfien, li se jtejjeb il-kundizzjonijiet tal-għajxien. L-attivitajiet se jitwettqu permezz ta’: tħejjija ta’ materjali ta’ informazzjoni promozzjonali li jwettqu kampanja ta’ informazzjoni 1 azzjoni matul is-sena jippreparaw posters matul avvenimenti muniċipali tal-organizzazzjoni tal-punt ta’ informazzjoni ta’ kompetizzjoni ekoloġika 1 pc organizzazzjoni ta’ kompetizzjoni għal posters għat-tfal u ż-żgħażagħ 1 biċċa attivitajiet ta’ tmexxija ta’ sensibilizzazzjoni ambjentali.Kategoriji ewlenin: kosztów:1.Koszt sostituzzjoni tal-forn tat-tisħin2.L-ispiża tal-installazzjoni tat-tisħin3.L-ispiża tal-attivitajiet ta’ promozzjoni ta’ informazzjoni se taffettwa t-tixrid tal-għarfien dwar il-programm4.Monituri li jimmonitorjaw u jivverifikaw l-implimentazzjoni tal-kompiti. Implimentazzjoni ta’ Jannar 2021 ta’ Ġunju 2023. Grupp fil-mira: Residenti taż-żona kollha tal-Muniċipalità Rock, li għandhom kaldaruni ineffiċjenti qodma għaż-żona, li jinsabu fiż-żona tal-POP li tinsab fiż-żona Pollakka. (Maltese)
29 November 2022
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Syftet med projektet är att ersätta gamla kolpannor med moderna gaspannor, tillsammans med genomförandet av interna installationer i byggnaden som är nödvändiga för att det nya värmesystemet ska fungera korrekt. Som ett resultat av genomförandet kommer koncentrationerna av partiklar PM10 att minskas från 1,5095 till 0,0000805 minskningar med 99,95 PM2,5 från 0,6356 till 0,0000805 minskning med 99,87 CO2 från 413.14 till 209 196 minskning 49.36 Åtgärder för att öka miljömedvetenheten planeras. Ämnet kommer att inriktas på de tre viktigaste områdena:a. Att spara naturresurser b. I samband med problemet med låga utsläpp, hur viktigt det är att minska de låga utsläppen till följd av skadliga effekter, c. Energieffektivitetsfrågor.Alla dessa åtgärder kommer att öka medvetenheten, vilket kommer att förbättra levnadsvillkoren. Verksamheten kommer att genomföras genom följande: förberedelse av reklaminformationsmaterial som genomför en informationskampanj 1 åtgärd under året som förbereder affischer under kommunala evenemang i informationsstället för organisationen av en ekologisk tävling 1 st organisation av en tävling för affischer för barn och ungdomar 1 st löpande aktiviteter för att öka miljömedvetenheten.Huvudkategorier: kosztów:1.Koszt ersättning av värmeugnen2. Kostnaden för uppvärmningsanläggningen3. Kostnaden för informationsfrämjande aktiviteter kommer att påverka spridningen av kunskap om programmet4.Övervakare övervakning och kontroll av genomförandet av uppgifter. Genomförandet av januari 2021 juni 2023. Målgrupp: Invånare i hela området i Rock kommun, med gamla ineffektiva pannor för området, som är belägna i det polska territoriet. (Swedish)
29 November 2022
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Projekto objektas – senų akmens anglių katilų pakeitimas moderniais dujiniais katilais, taip pat vidaus įrenginių diegimas pastate, kuris būtinas tinkamam naujos šildymo sistemos veikimui. Įgyvendinus projektą kietųjų dalelių KD10 koncentracija bus sumažinta nuo 1 5095 iki 0,000805, t. y. 99,95 PM2,5, nuo 0,6356 iki 0,000805 CO2 kiekio sumažinimo 99,87 CO2 nuo 413,14 iki 209 196 sumažinimo 49.36 Numatomos informuotumo apie aplinką didinimo priemonės. Daugiausia dėmesio bus skiriama trims svarbiausioms sritims: a. Gamtos išteklių taupymas b. Susijus su mažo išmetamųjų teršalų kiekio problema, kaip svarbu sumažinti dėl žalingo poveikio išmetamų teršalų kiekį, c. Energijos vartojimo efektyvumo klausimus.Visi šie veiksmai padidins informuotumą, o tai pagerins gyvenimo sąlygas. Veikla bus vykdoma per: reklaminės informacinės medžiagos, kuria vykdoma informacinė kampanija 1 veiksmas per metus rengiant plakatus savivaldybių renginių metu, organizuojant ekologinį konkursą 1 vnt. Konkurso dėl plakatų vaikams ir jaunimui organizavimas.Pagrindinės kategorijos: kosztów:1.Koszt šildymo krosnies pakeitimas2.Šildymo įrenginio kaina3.Informacijos skatinimo veiklos išlaidos turės įtakos žinių apie programą sklaidai4.Kontrolieriai stebi ir tikrina užduočių įgyvendinimą. Įgyvendinimas 2021 m. birželio mėn. (Lithuanian)
29 November 2022
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Obiectul proiectului este înlocuirea cazanelor vechi pe cărbune cu cazane moderne pe gaz, împreună cu implementarea instalațiilor interne în clădire necesare pentru buna funcționare a noului sistem de încălzire. Ca urmare a punerii în aplicare, concentrațiile de pulberi în suspensie PM10 vor fi reduse de la 1,5095 la 0,000805 reduceri de 99,95 PM2,5 de la 0,6356 la 0,000805 reducere cu 99,87 CO2 de la 413,14 la 209 196 de reducere 49,36Măsurile de sensibilizare cu privire la mediu sunt planificate. Tema se va axa pe cele mai importante trei domenii:a. Economisirea resurselor naturale b. Referitor la problema emisiilor scăzute, cât de important este reducerea nivelului de emisii scăzute care rezultă din efectele nocive, c. probleme legate de eficiența energetică.Toate aceste acțiuni vor spori gradul de conștientizare, ceea ce va îmbunătăți condițiile de viață. Activitățile se vor desfășura prin: pregătirea materialelor informative promoționale care desfășoară o campanie de informare 1 acțiune pe parcursul anului de pregătire a afișelor în timpul evenimentelor municipale ale organizării punctului de informare al unui concurs ecologic 1 buc a unui concurs pentru afișe pentru copii și tineri 1 buc activități de desfășurare a activităților de sensibilizare cu privire la mediu.Principalele categorii: kosztów:1.Koszt înlocuirea cuptorului de încălzire2.Costurile instalației de încălzire3. Costul activităților de promovare a informațiilor va afecta diseminarea cunoștințelor despre program4.Monitorii monitorizează și verifică punerea în aplicare a sarcinilor. Implementarea în ianuarie 2021 iunie 2023. Grup țintă: rezidenți din întreaga zonă a Municipiului Rock, având cazane vechi ineficiente pentru zona, care sunt situate în zona POP poloneză. (Romanian)
29 November 2022
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Oggetto del progetto è la sostituzione di vecchie caldaie a carbone con moderne caldaie a gas, unitamente alla realizzazione di impianti interni nell'edificio necessari per il corretto funzionamento del nuovo impianto di riscaldamento. A seguito dell'attuazione, le concentrazioni di particolato PM10 saranno ridotte da 1.5095 a 0,000805 riduzioni di 99,95 PM2,5 da 0,6356 a 0,000805 riduzione di 99,87 CO2 da 413.14 a 209,196 riduzione 49.36Le misure di sensibilizzazione ambientale sono previste. L'argomento si concentrerà sui tre settori più importanti:a. Risparmio delle risorse naturali b. Riguardo al problema delle basse emissioni, quanto sia importante ridurre il livello di basse emissioni derivanti da effetti nocivi, c. questioni di efficienza energetica.Tutte queste azioni aumenteranno la consapevolezza, che migliorerà le condizioni di vita. Le attività saranno svolte attraverso: preparazione di materiale informativo promozionale che svolge una campagna informativa 1 azione durante l'anno di preparazione dei manifesti durante gli eventi comunali dell'organizzazione del punto informativo di un concorso ecologico 1 pc organizzazione di un concorso per manifesti per bambini e ragazzi 1 pz in esecuzione attività di sensibilizzazione ambientale.Principali categorie: kosztów:1.Koszt sostituzione del forno di riscaldamento2.Il costo dell'impianto di riscaldamento3.Il costo delle attività di promozione dell'informazione influenzerà la diffusione delle conoscenze sul programma4.Monitor monitoraggio e verifica dell'esecuzione dei compiti. Attuazione del gennaio 2021 giugno 2023. (Italian)
29 November 2022
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Predmetom projektu je výmena starých kotlov na uhlie modernými plynovými kotlami spolu s realizáciou vnútorných inštalácií v budove potrebných pre správne fungovanie nového vykurovacieho systému. V dôsledku implementácie sa znížia koncentrácie tuhých častíc PM10 z 1,5095 na 0,000805 zníženia o 99,95 PM2,5 z 0,6356 na 0,000805 zníženie o 99,87 CO2 zo 413,14 na 209,196 zníženia 49.36 Opatrenia na zvýšenie informovanosti o životnom prostredí sú plánované. Téma sa zameria na tri najdôležitejšie oblasti:a. úspora prírodných zdrojov b. Súvisí s problémom nízkych emisií, aké dôležité je znížiť úroveň nízkych emisií vyplývajúcich zo škodlivých účinkov, c. otázky energetickej účinnosti.Všetky tieto akcie zvýšia povedomie, čo zlepší životné podmienky. Činnosti sa budú vykonávať prostredníctvom: príprava propagačných informačných materiálov vykonávajúcich informačnú kampaň 1 akcia počas roka príprava plagátov počas komunálnych podujatí organizácie informačných miest ekologickej súťaže 1 ks organizácia súťaže pre plagáty pre deti a mladých ľudí 1 ks bežiace aktivity zvyšujúce povedomie o životnom prostredí.Hlavné kategórie: kosztów:1.Koszt výmena vykurovacej pece2. Náklady na vykurovacie zariadenie3. Náklady na informačné propagačné činnosti budú mať vplyv na šírenie poznatkov o programe4.Monitory monitorovanie a overovanie vykonávania úloh. Vykonávanie z januára 2021 júna 2023. Cieľová skupina: Obyvateľi celej oblasti Rock Municipality, ktoré majú staré neefektívne kotly pre oblasť, ktoré sa nachádzajú v oblasti poľskej oblasti. (Slovak)
29 November 2022
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O objeto do projeto é a substituição de antigas caldeiras a carvão por caldeiras a gás modernas, juntamente com a implementação de instalações internas no edifício necessário para o bom funcionamento do novo sistema de aquecimento. Como resultado da implementação, as concentrações de partículas PM10 serão reduzidas de 1.5095 para 0,000805 reduções de 99,95 PM2,5 de 0,6356 para 0,000805 redução de 99,87 CO2 de 413,14 para 209.196 redução 49,36As medidas para aumentar a conscientização ambiental estão planejadas. O tema será focado nas três áreas mais importantes:a. Poupança de recursos naturais b. Relacionado com o problema das baixas emissões, quão importante é reduzir o nível de baixas emissões resultantes de efeitos nocivos, c. Questões de eficiência energética.Todas essas ações aumentarão a conscientização, o que melhorará as condições de vida. As atividades serão realizadas através de: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Portuguese)
29 November 2022
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Obiectul proiectului este înlocuirea cazanelor vechi pe cărbune cu cazane moderne pe gaz, împreună cu implementarea instalațiilor interne în clădire necesare pentru buna funcționare a noului sistem de încălzire. Ca urmare a punerii în aplicare, concentrațiile de pulberi în suspensie PM10 vor fi reduse de la 1,5095 la 0,000805 reduceri de 99,95 PM2,5 de la 0,6356 la 0,000805 reducere cu 99,87 CO2 de la 413,14 la 209 196 de reducere 49,36Măsurile de sensibilizare cu privire la mediu sunt planificate. Tema se va axa pe cele mai importante trei domenii:a. Economisirea resurselor naturale b. Referitor la problema emisiilor scăzute, cât de important este reducerea nivelului de emisii scăzute care rezultă din efectele nocive, c. probleme legate de eficiența energetică.Toate aceste acțiuni vor spori gradul de conștientizare, ceea ce va îmbunătăți condițiile de viață. Activitățile se vor desfășura prin: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Romanian)
29 November 2022
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Projekti teemaks on vanade kivisöekatelde asendamine kaasaegsete gaasikateldega ning uue küttesüsteemi nõuetekohaseks toimimiseks vajalike sisepaigaldiste juurutamine hoones. Rakendamise tulemusena vähendatakse tahkete osakeste PM10 kontsentratsiooni 1,5095-lt 0,000805-le 99,95 PM2,5 vähendamiselt 0,6356-lt 0,000805-le 99,87 CO2 vähendamiselt 413,14-lt 209 196-le 49.36Keskkonnateadlikkuse tõstmise meetmed on kavandatud. Teema keskendub kolmele kõige olulisemale valdkonnale:a. Loodusvarade säästmine b. Seoses vähese heite probleemiga, kui oluline on vähendada kahjulikest mõjudest tulenevat madalat heidet, c. energiatõhususe küsimused.Kõik need meetmed suurendavad teadlikkust, mis parandab elutingimusi. Tegevused viiakse ellu järgmiste meetmete kaudu: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Estonian)
29 November 2022
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Le projet a pour objet le remplacement d’anciennes chaudières à charbon par des chaudières à gaz modernes, ainsi que la mise en place d’installations internes dans le bâtiment nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du nouveau système de chauffage. À la suite de la mise en œuvre, les concentrations de particules PM10 seront réduites de 1 5095 à 0,000805, soit 99,95 PM2,5, de 0,6356 à 0,0000805, réduction de 99,87 CO2 de 413.14 à 209 196 réduction 49.36Les mesures de sensibilisation à l’environnement sont prévues. Le sujet sera axé sur les trois domaines les plus importants: a. Sauvegarder les ressources naturelles b. En lien avec le problème des faibles émissions, l’importance de réduire le niveau de faibles émissions résultant des effets nocifs, c. questions d’efficacité énergétique.Toutes ces actions permettront d’accroître la sensibilisation, ce qui améliorera les conditions de vie. Les activités seront menées par: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (French)
29 November 2022
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Předmětem projektu je výměna starých uhelných kotlů moderními plynovými kotlemi spolu s realizací vnitřních zařízení v budově nezbytných pro řádné fungování nového topného systému. V důsledku provádění se sníží koncentrace částic PM10 z 1,5095 na 0,000805 snížení o 99,95 PM2,5 z 0,6356 na 0,000805 snížení o 99,87 CO2 z 413,14 na 209,196 snížení 49.36 Opatření ke zvýšení povědomí o životním prostředí. Téma se zaměří na tři nejdůležitější oblasti:a. Úspora přírodních zdrojů b. V souvislosti s problémem nízkých emisí, jak důležité je snížit úroveň nízkých emisí způsobených škodlivými účinky, c. problematika energetické účinnosti.Všechna tato opatření zvýší povědomí, což zlepší životní podmínky. Činnosti budou prováděny prostřednictvím: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Czech)
29 November 2022
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Is é ábhar an tionscadail ná coirí gáis nua-aimseartha a chur in ionad na seanchoirí guail, mar aon le cur i bhfeidhm suiteálacha inmheánacha san fhoirgneamh atá riachtanach d’fheidhmiú cuí an chórais téimh nua. Mar thoradh ar chur i bhfeidhm, laghdófar tiúchan ábhar cáithníneach PM10 ó laghduithe 1,5095 go 0.000805 de 99.95 PM2.5 ó 0.6356 go 0.000805 de 99.87 CO2 ó 413.14 go 209,196 laghdú 49.36Tá na bearta chun feasacht chomhshaoil a ardú beartaithe. Díreoidh an topaic ar na trí réimse is tábhachtaí: acmhainní nádúrtha a shábháil b. a bhaineann le fadhb na n-astaíochtaí ísle, cé chomh tábhachtach is atá sé leibhéal na n-astaíochtaí ísle a eascraíonn as éifeachtaí díobhálacha a laghdú, c. Saincheisteanna éifeachtúlachta fuinnimh.Méadóidh na gníomhaíochtaí sin go léir feasacht, rud a chuirfidh feabhas ar dhálaí maireachtála. Déanfar na gníomhaíochtaí trí na nithe seo a leanas: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Irish)
29 November 2022
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Predmetom projektu je výmena starých kotlov na uhlie modernými plynovými kotlami spolu s realizáciou vnútorných inštalácií v budove potrebných pre správne fungovanie nového vykurovacieho systému. V dôsledku implementácie sa znížia koncentrácie tuhých častíc PM10 z 1,5095 na 0,000805 zníženia o 99,95 PM2,5 z 0,6356 na 0,000805 zníženie o 99,87 CO2 zo 413,14 na 209,196 zníženia 49.36 Opatrenia na zvýšenie informovanosti o životnom prostredí sú plánované. Téma sa zameria na tri najdôležitejšie oblasti:a. úspora prírodných zdrojov b. Súvisí s problémom nízkych emisií, aké dôležité je znížiť úroveň nízkych emisií vyplývajúcich zo škodlivých účinkov, c. otázky energetickej účinnosti.Všetky tieto akcie zvýšia povedomie, čo zlepší životné podmienky. Činnosti sa budú vykonávať prostredníctvom: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Slovak)
29 November 2022
0 references
Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa s-sostituzzjoni ta’ bojlers tal-faħam qodma b’bojlers moderni tal-gass, flimkien mal-implimentazzjoni ta’ installazzjonijiet interni fil-bini meħtieġa għall-funzjonament xieraq tas-sistema l-ġdida tat-tisħin. Bħala riżultat tal-implimentazzjoni, il-konċentrazzjonijiet ta’ materja partikolata PM10 se jitnaqqsu minn 1,5095 għal 0.000805 tnaqqis ta’ 99.95 PM2.5 minn 0.6356 għal tnaqqis ta’ 0.000805 ta’ 99.87 CO2 minn 413.14 għal tnaqqis ta’ 209,196 49.36 Il-miżuri biex titqajjem kuxjenza ambjentali huma ppjanati. Is-suġġett se jiffoka fuq it-tliet oqsma l-aktar importanti:a. Iffrankar tar-riżorsi naturali b. Relatati mal-problema ta’ emissjonijiet baxxi, kemm huwa importanti li jitnaqqas il-livell ta’ emissjonijiet baxxi li jirriżultaw minn effetti ta’ ħsara, c. Kwistjonijiet dwar l-effiċjenza fl-enerġija. Dawn l-azzjonijiet kollha se jżidu l-għarfien, li se jtejjeb il-kundizzjonijiet tal-għajxien. L-attivitajiet se jitwettqu permezz ta’: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Maltese)
29 November 2022
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Predmet projekta je zamjena starih kotlova na ugljen suvremenim plinskim kotlovima, zajedno s implementacijom unutarnjih instalacija u zgradi potrebnih za pravilno funkcioniranje novog sustava grijanja. Kao rezultat provedbe, koncentracije lebdećih čestica PM10 smanjit će se sa 1,5095 na 0,000805 smanjenja od 99,95 PM2,5 sa 0,6356 na 0,000805 smanjenje od 99,87 CO2 s 413,14 na 209 196 smanjenje 49.36 Mjere za podizanje svijesti o okolišu planirane su. Tema će se usredotočiti na tri najvažnija područja: a. Štednja prirodnih resursa b. Povezano s problemom niskih emisija, koliko je važno smanjiti razinu niskih emisija koje proizlaze iz štetnih učinaka, c. pitanja energetske učinkovitosti.Sve će te mjere povećati svijest, čime će se poboljšati životni uvjeti. Aktivnosti će se provoditi putem: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Croatian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Oggetto del progetto è la sostituzione di vecchie caldaie a carbone con moderne caldaie a gas, unitamente alla realizzazione di impianti interni nell'edificio necessari per il corretto funzionamento del nuovo impianto di riscaldamento. A seguito dell'attuazione, le concentrazioni di particolato PM10 saranno ridotte da 1.5095 a 0,000805 riduzioni di 99,95 PM2,5 da 0,6356 a 0,00805 riduzione di 99,87 CO2 da 413.14 a 209,196 riduzione 49.36Le misure di sensibilizzazione ambientale sono previste. L'argomento si concentrerà sui tre settori più importanti:a. Risparmio delle risorse naturali b. Riguardo al problema delle basse emissioni, quanto sia importante ridurre il livello di basse emissioni derivanti da effetti nocivi, c. questioni di efficienza energetica.Tutte queste azioni aumenteranno la consapevolezza, che migliorerà le condizioni di vita. Le attività saranno svolte attraverso: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Italian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Hankkeen aiheena on vanhojen hiilikattiloiden korvaaminen nykyaikaisilla kaasukattiloilla sekä uuden lämmitysjärjestelmän asianmukaisen toiminnan kannalta välttämättömän rakennuksen sisäisten laitteistojen toteuttaminen. Täytäntöönpanon tuloksena PM10-hiukkasten pitoisuuksia pienennetään 1 5095:stä 0,000805:een 99,95 PM2,5:stä 0,6356:sta 0,000805:een eli 99,87 CO2-päästöön 441,14:stä 209:een196:een 49,36 Ympäristötietoisuuden lisäämiseen tähtääviä toimenpiteitä suunnitellaan. Aihe keskittyy kolmeen tärkeimpään osa-alueeseen: a. Luonnonvarojen säästäminen b. Vähäpäästöongelmaan liittyen, kuinka tärkeää on vähentää haitallisten vaikutusten aiheuttamaa vähäisten päästöjen tasoa, ks. energiatehokkuuskysymykset. Kaikki nämä toimet lisäävät tietoisuutta, mikä parantaa elinoloja. Toimet toteutetaan seuraavin keinoin: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Finnish)
29 November 2022
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Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η αντικατάσταση παλαιών λεβήτων άνθρακα με σύγχρονους λέβητες αερίου, καθώς και η υλοποίηση εσωτερικών εγκαταστάσεων στο κτίριο που είναι απαραίτητες για την ορθή λειτουργία του νέου συστήματος θέρμανσης. Ως αποτέλεσμα της εφαρμογής, οι συγκεντρώσεις σωματιδίων ΑΣ10 θα μειωθούν από 1,5095 σε 0,000805 μειώσεις κατά 99,95 ΑΣ2,5 από 0,6356 σε 0,000805 μείωση 99,87 CO2 από 413,14 σε 209.196 μείωση 49,36Τα μέτρα για την αύξηση της περιβαλλοντικής ευαισθητοποίησης σχεδιάζονται. Το θέμα θα επικεντρωθεί στους τρεις σημαντικότερους τομείς: α. Εξοικονόμηση φυσικών πόρων β. Σχετικά με το πρόβλημα των χαμηλών εκπομπών, πόσο σημαντικό είναι να μειωθεί το επίπεδο των χαμηλών εκπομπών που προκύπτουν από επιβλαβείς επιπτώσεις, γ. θέματα ενεργειακής απόδοσης.Όλες αυτές οι δράσεις θα αυξήσουν την ευαισθητοποίηση, η οποία θα βελτιώσει τις συνθήκες διαβίωσης. Οι δραστηριότητες θα διεξαχθούν μέσω: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Greek)
29 November 2022
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Projekto objektas – senų akmens anglių katilų pakeitimas moderniais dujiniais katilais, taip pat vidaus įrenginių diegimas pastate, kuris būtinas tinkamam naujos šildymo sistemos veikimui. Įgyvendinus projektą kietųjų dalelių KD10 koncentracija bus sumažinta nuo 1 5095 iki 0,000805, t. y. 99,95 PM2,5, nuo 0,6356 iki 0,000805 CO2 kiekio sumažinimo 99,87 CO2 nuo 413,14 iki 209 196 sumažinimo 49.36 Numatomos informuotumo apie aplinką didinimo priemonės. Daugiausia dėmesio bus skiriama trims svarbiausioms sritims: a. Gamtos išteklių taupymas b. Susijus su mažo išmetamųjų teršalų kiekio problema, kaip svarbu sumažinti dėl žalingo poveikio išmetamų teršalų kiekį, c. Energijos vartojimo efektyvumo klausimus.Visi šie veiksmai padidins informuotumą, o tai pagerins gyvenimo sąlygas. Veikla bus vykdoma per: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Lithuanian)
29 November 2022
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Syftet med projektet är att ersätta gamla kolpannor med moderna gaspannor, tillsammans med genomförandet av interna installationer i byggnaden som är nödvändiga för att det nya värmesystemet ska fungera korrekt. Som ett resultat av genomförandet kommer koncentrationerna av partiklar PM10 att minskas från 1,5095 till 0,000805 minskningar med 99,95 PM2,5 från 0,6356 till 0,0000805 minskning med 99,87 CO2 från 413.14 till 209 196 minskning 49.36 Åtgärder för att öka miljömedvetenheten planeras. Ämnet kommer att inriktas på de tre viktigaste områdena:a. Att spara naturresurser b. I samband med problemet med låga utsläpp, hur viktigt det är att minska de låga utsläppen till följd av skadliga effekter, c. Energieffektivitetsfrågor.Alla dessa åtgärder kommer att öka medvetenheten, vilket kommer att förbättra levnadsvillkoren. Verksamheten kommer att genomföras genom följande: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Swedish)
29 November 2022
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Het onderwerp van het project is de vervanging van oude kolenketels door moderne gasketels, samen met de implementatie van interne installaties in het gebouw die nodig zijn voor de goede werking van het nieuwe verwarmingssysteem. Als gevolg van de implementatie zullen de concentraties fijnstof PM10 worden teruggebracht van 1.5095 naar 0.000805 reducties van 99,95 PM2.5 van 0,6356 naar 0,000805 reductie van 99,87 CO2 van 413,14 naar 209.196 reductie 49.36De maatregelen om het milieubewustzijn te vergroten zijn gepland. Het onderwerp zal zich richten op de drie belangrijkste gebieden:a. Het besparen van natuurlijke hulpbronnen b. Met betrekking tot het probleem van lage emissies, hoe belangrijk het is om het niveau van lage emissies als gevolg van schadelijke effecten te verminderen, c. energie-efficiëntiekwesties.Al deze acties zullen het bewustzijn vergroten, wat de leefomstandigheden zal verbeteren. De activiteiten zullen worden uitgevoerd door: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Dutch)
29 November 2022
0 references
El tema del proyecto es la sustitución de antiguas calderas de carbón por calderas de gas modernas, junto con la implementación de instalaciones internas en el edificio necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento del nuevo sistema de calefacción. Como resultado de la implementación, las concentraciones de partículas PM10 se reducirán de 1.5095 a 0,000805 reducciones de 99,95 PM2.5 de 0,6356 a 0,000805 reducción de 99,87 CO2 de 413,14 a 209,196 reducción 49.36Las medidas de sensibilización ambiental están previstas. El tema se centrará en las tres áreas más importantes: a. Ahorro de recursos naturales b. Relacionado con el problema de las bajas emisiones, cuán importante es reducir el nivel de bajas emisiones resultantes de efectos nocivos, c. Cuestiones de eficiencia energética.Todas estas acciones aumentarán la concienciación, lo que mejorará las condiciones de vida. Las actividades se llevarán a cabo a través de: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Spanish)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projekta priekšmets ir veco akmeņogļu katlu nomaiņa ar mūsdienīgiem gāzes katliem, kā arī iekšējo iekārtu ieviešana ēkā, kas nepieciešama jaunās apkures sistēmas pareizai darbībai. Īstenošanas rezultātā daļiņu PM10 koncentrācija tiks samazināta no 1,5095 līdz 0,0000805 samazinājumam par 99,95 PM2,5 no 0,6356 līdz 0,000805 samazinājumam par 99,87 CO2 no 413,14 līdz 209,196 samazinājumam 49.36. Tematā galvenā uzmanība tiks pievērsta trim vissvarīgākajām jomām:a. Dabas resursu taupīšana b. Saistīts ar zemu emisiju problēmu, cik svarīgi ir samazināt kaitīgo seku izraisīto zemo emisiju līmeni, c. Energoefektivitātes jautājumi. Visi šie pasākumi palielinās informētību, kas uzlabos dzīves apstākļus. Darbības tiks veiktas, izmantojot: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Latvian)
29 November 2022
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Predmet projekta je zamenjava starih kotlov na premog s sodobnimi plinskimi kotli, skupaj z izvedbo notranjih instalacij v stavbi, ki je potrebna za pravilno delovanje novega ogrevalnega sistema. Zaradi izvajanja se bodo koncentracije trdnih delcev PM10 zmanjšale s 1.5095 na 0,000805 zmanjšanje za 99,95 PM2,5 z 0,6356 na 0,000805 zmanjšanje za 99,87 CO2 s 413,14 na 209,196 zmanjšanje 49.36Ukrepi za povečanje okoljske ozaveščenosti so načrtovani. Tema se bo osredotočila na tri najpomembnejša področja: a. varčevanje z naravnimi viri b. V zvezi s problemom nizkih emisij, kako pomembno je zmanjšati raven nizkih emisij, ki so posledica škodljivih učinkov, c. vprašanja energetske učinkovitosti.Vsi ti ukrepi bodo povečali ozaveščenost, kar bo izboljšalo življenjske pogoje. Dejavnosti se bodo izvajale prek: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Slovenian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Предмет на проекта е подмяната на стари въглищни котли с модерни газови котли, както и въвеждането на вътрешни инсталации в сградата, необходими за правилното функциониране на новата отоплителна система. В резултат на прилагането концентрациите на прахови частици ПЧ10 ще бъдат намалени от 1,5095 на 0,000805 намаления от 99,95 PM2.5 от 0,6356 на 0,000805 намаление на 99,87 CO2 от 413.14 на 209 196 намаление 49.36 Мерките за повишаване на осведомеността за околната среда са планирани. Темата ще се съсредоточи върху трите най-важни области: а. Спестяване на природни ресурси Б. Свързани с проблема с ниските емисии, колко важно е да се намали нивото на ниски емисии в резултат на вредни въздействия, в. Въпроси, свързани с енергийната ефективност.Всички тези действия ще повишат осведомеността, което ще подобри условията на живот. Дейностите ще се извършват чрез: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Bulgarian)
29 November 2022
0 references
A projekt tárgya a régi szénkazánok modern gázkazánokkal való helyettesítése, valamint az új fűtési rendszer megfelelő működéséhez szükséges épület belső berendezéseinek megvalósítása. A végrehajtás eredményeként a PM10 részecskék koncentrációja 1 5095-ről 0,000805-re csökken, 99,95 PM2,5-tel 0,6356-ról 0,000805-re, 99,87 szén-dioxid 413,14-ről 209 196-ra történő csökkentésével. A téma a három legfontosabb területre összpontosít:a. A természeti erőforrások megtakarítása b. Az alacsony kibocsátás problémájával kapcsolatban mennyire fontos a káros hatásokból eredő alacsony kibocsátás szintjének csökkentése, c. Energiahatékonysági kérdések. Mindezen intézkedések növelik a tudatosságot, ami javítja az életkörülményeket. A tevékenységek a következőkön keresztül valósulnak meg: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Hungarian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Gegenstand des Projekts ist der Austausch alter Kohlekessel durch moderne Gaskessel sowie die Implementierung interner Anlagen im Gebäude, die für das ordnungsgemäße Funktionieren des neuen Heizsystems erforderlich sind. Infolge der Umsetzung werden die Feinstaubkonzentrationen PM10 von 1.995 auf 0,000805 Reduktionen um 99,95 PM2,5 von 0,6356 auf 0,000805 Reduktion von 99,87 CO2 von 413,14 auf 209.196 Reduktion 49.36 Die Maßnahmen zur Sensibilisierung für die Umwelt sind geplant. Das Thema wird sich auf die drei wichtigsten Bereiche konzentrieren:a. Einsparung natürlicher Ressourcen b. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Problem der niedrigen Emissionen, wie wichtig es ist, das Niveau der niedrigen Emissionen durch schädliche Auswirkungen zu reduzieren, c. Energieeffizienzprobleme.Alle diese Maßnahmen werden das Bewusstsein erhöhen, wodurch die Lebensbedingungen verbessert werden. Die Tätigkeiten werden durchgeführt durch: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (German)
29 November 2022
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Projektets emne er udskiftning af gamle kulkedler med moderne gaskedler sammen med implementering af interne installationer i bygningen, der er nødvendige for, at det nye varmeanlæg kan fungere korrekt. Som følge af gennemførelsen vil koncentrationerne af partikler PM10 blive reduceret fra 1.5095 til 0,000805 reduktioner på 99,95 PM2,5 fra 0,6356 til 0,000805 reduktion på 99,87 CO2 fra 413,14 til 209,196 reduktion 49.36Foranstaltninger til at øge miljøbevidstheden er planlagt. Emnet vil fokusere på de tre vigtigste områder:a. Besparelse af naturressourcer b. Relateret til problemet med lave emissioner, hvor vigtigt det er at reducere niveauet af lave emissioner som følge af skadelige virkninger, c. Energieffektivitetsproblemer.Alle disse foranstaltninger vil øge bevidstheden, hvilket vil forbedre levevilkårene. Aktiviteterne vil blive gennemført gennem: preparation of promotional information materials carrying out an information campaign 1 action during the year preparing posters during municipal events of the information point organisation of an ecological competition 1 pc organisation of a competition for posters for children and young people 1 pcs running activities raising environmental awareness.Main categories kosztów:1.Koszt replacement of the heating furnace2.The cost of the heating installation3.The cost of information activities will affect the dissemination of knowledge about the program4.Monitors monitoring and verifying the implementation of tasks. Implementation of January 2021 June 2023. Target group: Residents of the whole area of the Municipality of the Rock, having old inefficient boilers for the area, which are located in the area of the Polish territory are located in the area of the local area.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the region.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area of the territory of the municipality.The area of the territory of the region is located in the area of the Polish territory.The area is located in the area of the territory of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the Polish territory.They are located in the area of the Polish territory.The area of the area is located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, the area of which are located in the area of the area, the area of which the area is located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area, which are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the area.The area is located in the area of the area.They are located in the area of the territory.The area is located in the area of the region.The area of the area is located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.They are located in the area of the territory of the region.The (Danish)
29 November 2022
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WOJ.: MAŁOPOLSKIE, POW.: krakowski
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13 December 2023
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