PROFESSIONAL LAC OF ELECTROMECANICIAN MARINE (Q6882440): Difference between revisions

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Licenciatura Profissional em Eletromecânico Marinho que se realiza ao longo de 3 anos letivos. A formação destina-se a estudantes que tenham concluído pelo menos uma turma de 3.º colégio, segundo ou fora do sistema escolar, em reorientação. (Portuguese)
Licenciatura Profissional em Eletromecânica Marinha, que tem lugar ao longo de 3 anos letivos. A formação destina-se a estudantes que tenham concluído pelo menos uma turma de 3o colégios, segundo ou fora do sistema escolar, em reorientação. (Portuguese)
Property / summary: Professional Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist which takes place over 3 school years. The training is aimed at students who have completed at least one class of 3 rd colleges, second or out of the school system, in reorientation. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0002206305453166

Latest revision as of 00:02, 13 October 2024

Project 201605284 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
Project 201605284 in France


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    487,797.86 Euro
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    609,747.32 Euro
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    80.0 percent
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    1 January 2017
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    31 December 2017
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    Association pour la gérance de l'école maritime et aquacole de La Réunion
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    Baccalauréat professionnel d'Electromécanicien de Marine qui se déroule sur 3 années scolaires. La formation s'adresse à des élèves ayant achevé au moins une classe de 3ème des collèges, les élèves de seconde ou sortis du système scolaire, en réorientation. (French)
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    Professioneller Bachelor of Marine-Elektromechaniker, der über 3 Schuljahre stattfindet. Die Ausbildung richtet sich an Schüler, die mindestens eine Klasse der 3. Klasse der Hochschulen abgeschlossen haben, an Schülerinnen und Schüler, die in der Neuorientierung aus dem Schulsystem ausscheiden. (German)
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    Licenciatura Profesional de Electromecánico Marino que tiene lugar durante 3 años escolares. La formación está dirigida a estudiantes que han completado al menos una clase de 3.º colegios, segundo o fuera del sistema escolar, en reorientación. (Spanish)
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    Profesionálny bakalár morského elektromechanicistu, ktorý sa koná počas 3 školských rokov. Školenie je zamerané na študentov, ktorí absolvovali aspoň jednu triedu 3. vysokých škôl, druhú alebo mimo školského systému, v preorientácii. (Slovak)
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    Professionell kandidatexamen i marin elektromekaniker som äger rum över 3 skolår. Utbildningen riktar sig till studenter som har avslutat minst en klass av 3: e högskolor, andra eller utanför skolsystemet, i omorientering. (Swedish)
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    Baitsiléir Gairmiúil sa Leictreicneoir Muirí a bhíonn ar siúl thar 3 bliana scoile. Tá an oiliúint dírithe ar dhaltaí a bhfuil rang amháin ar a laghad de 3ú coláiste, sa dara coláiste nó lasmuigh den chóras scoile críochnaithe acu, in atreorú. (Irish)
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    Baċellerat Professjonali tal-Marine Electromechanicist li jseħħ aktar minn 3 snin skolastiċi. It-taħriġ huwa mmirat lejn studenti li lestew mill-inqas klassi waħda tat-tielet kulleġġ, it-tieni jew barra mis-sistema skolastika, f’orjentazzjoni mill-ġdid. (Maltese)
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    Profesionální Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist, který se koná více než 3 školní roky. Školení je zaměřeno na studenty, kteří absolvovali alespoň jednu třídu 3. vysokých škol, druhou nebo mimo školní systém, v reorientaci. (Czech)
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    Professionaalne Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist, mis toimub üle 3 kooliaastat. Koolitus on suunatud üliõpilastele, kes on läbinud vähemalt ühe klassi 3. kolledžid, teiseks või koolisüsteemist välja, ümberorienteerudes. (Estonian)
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    Licenciatura Profissional em Eletromecânica Marinha, que tem lugar ao longo de 3 anos letivos. A formação destina-se a estudantes que tenham concluído pelo menos uma turma de 3o colégios, segundo ou fora do sistema escolar, em reorientação. (Portuguese)
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    Professional Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist which takes place over 3 school years. The training is aimed at students who have completed at least one class of 3 rd colleges, second or out of the school system, in reorientation. (English)
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    Szakmai Bachelor Marine Electromechanicist, amely zajlik több mint 3 iskolai év. A képzés azoknak a hallgatóknak szól, akik legalább egy harmadik főiskolai osztályt, második vagy az iskolarendszerből, átorientációban végeztek. (Hungarian)
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    Strokovni diplomant Marine Electromechanicist, ki poteka v treh šolskih letih. Usposabljanje je namenjeno učencem, ki so zaključili vsaj en razred 3. šole, drugi ali izven šolskega sistema, v preusmeritvi. (Slovenian)
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    Corso di laurea professionale di elettromeccanico marino che si svolge in 3 anni scolastici. La formazione è rivolta agli studenti che hanno completato almeno una classe di 3º college, seconda o fuori dal sistema scolastico, in riorientamento. (Italian)
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    Profesionalus jūrų elektromechanisto bakalauras, kuris vyksta daugiau nei 3 mokslo metus. Mokymas skirtas studentams, kurie baigė bent vieną klasę iš 3 kolegijų, antrą ar iš mokyklos sistemos, perorientuojant. (Lithuanian)
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    Profesionālais jūras elektromehāniķa bakalaurs, kas notiek vairāk nekā 3 mācību gadus. Apmācība ir paredzēta studentiem, kuri pārorientācijā ir pabeiguši vismaz vienu 3. koledžu klasi, otro vai ārpus skolas sistēmas. (Latvian)
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    Professionel Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist, der finder sted over 3 skoleår. Uddannelsen er rettet mod studerende, der har gennemført mindst en klasse af 3. gymnasier, anden eller ud af skolesystemet, i omorientering. (Danish)
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    Professional Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist, joka tapahtuu yli 3 kouluvuotta. Koulutus on suunnattu opiskelijoille, jotka ovat suorittaneet vähintään yhden luokan kolmannen korkeakoulun, toisen tai pois koulujärjestelmästä, uudelleensuuntautuneesti. (Finnish)
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    Licențiat profesional de Electromecanist Marine, care are loc peste 3 ani de școală. Formarea se adresează studenților care au absolvit cel puțin o clasă de colegii 3, a doua sau în afara sistemului școlar, în reorientare. (Romanian)
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    Επαγγελματικό Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist που λαμβάνει χώρα πάνω από 3 σχολικά χρόνια. Η εκπαίδευση απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές που έχουν ολοκληρώσει τουλάχιστον μία τάξη των 3ων κολλεγίων, δεύτερη ή εκτός του σχολικού συστήματος, σε αναπροσανατολισμό. (Greek)
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    Професионален бакалавър по морски електромеханик, който се провежда над 3 учебни години. Обучението е насочено към студенти, които са завършили поне един клас от 3-ти колеж, втори или извън училищната система, в преориентация. (Bulgarian)
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    Profesionalni prvostupnik brodskog elektromehaničara koji se održava tijekom 3 školske godine. Trening je namijenjen učenicima koji su završili najmanje jedan razred 3. koledža, drugi ili izvan školskog sustava, u preusmjeravanju. (Croatian)
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    Professionele Bachelor of Marine Electromechanicist die plaatsvindt over 3 schooljaren. De training is gericht op studenten die ten minste één klasse van 3e hogescholen hebben voltooid, tweede of buiten het schoolsysteem, in heroriëntatie. (Dutch)
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    7 December 2023
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