COVTRAVI-19-CM (Q6844190): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): Estudar os mecanismos patogénicos causados pelo vírus para identificar alvos terapêuticos das sequelas da doença, desenvolvimento de novos antivirais e viricidas; bem como estratégias de vigilância/emergência de agentes patogénicos, a fim de compreender melhor as consequências desta pandemia e melhorar a resposta a futuras pandemias.) |
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 1,180,000.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 590,000.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 50.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Study the pathogenic mechanisms caused by the virus to identify therapeutic targets of the sequelae of the disease, development of new antivirals and viricides; as well as surveillance/emergency strategies of pathogens, in order to better understand the consequences of this pandemic and improve the response to future pandemics. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0473260121116624
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Estudar os mecanismos patogénicos causados pelo vírus para identificar alvos terapêuticos das sequelas da doença, desenvolvimento de novos antivirais e viricidas; bem como estratégias de vigilância/emergência de agentes patogénicos, a fim de compreender melhor as consequências desta pandemia e melhorar a resposta a futuras pandemias. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
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Property / date of last update: 6 July 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
1,180,000.0 Euro
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Property / budget: 1,180,000.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
1,180,000.0 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 1,180,000.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
100.0 percent
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Property / co-financing rate: 100.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
21 December 2023
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Property / date of last update: 21 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 23:49, 12 October 2024
Project DGUI/20/11/001-21/09/2 in Spain
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | COVTRAVI-19-CM |
Project DGUI/20/11/001-21/09/2 in Spain |
1,180,000.0 Euro
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1,180,000.0 Euro
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100.0 percent
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1 February 2020
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30 December 2022
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Estudiar los mecanismos patogénicos provocados por el virus para identificar dianas terapéuticas de las secuelas de la enfermedad, desarrollo de nuevos antivirales y viricidas; así como estrategias de vigilancia/emergencia de patógenos,con objeto de entender mejor las consecuencias de esta pandemia y mejorar la respuesta a futuras pandemias. (Spanish)
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Проучване на патогенните механизми, причинени от вируса, за да се идентифицират терапевтичните цели на последиците от болестта, развитието на нови антивирусни и вирициди; както и стратегиите за наблюдение/спешни ситуации на патогените, за да се разберат по-добре последиците от тази пандемия и да се подобри реакцията при бъдещи пандемии. (Bulgarian)
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Studovat patogenní mechanismy způsobené virem za účelem identifikace terapeutických cílů onemocnění, vývoje nových antivirotik a viricidů; jakož i strategie dohledu/nouzových strategií pro patogeny s cílem lépe porozumět důsledkům této pandemie a zlepšit reakci na budoucí pandemie. (Czech)
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Undersøge de patogene mekanismer forårsaget af virus for at identificere terapeutiske mål for sygdommens følgevirkninger, udvikling af nye antivirale og viricider samt overvågning/nødstrategier for patogener for bedre at forstå konsekvenserne af denne pandemi og forbedre reaktionen på fremtidige pandemier. (Danish)
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Die durch das Virus verursachten pathogenen Mechanismen zu untersuchen, um therapeutische Ziele der Seuchenfolgen, Entwicklung neuer antiviraler Mittel und Virizide zu identifizieren; sowie Überwachungs-/Notfallstrategien von Krankheitserregern, um die Folgen dieser Pandemie besser zu verstehen und die Reaktion auf künftige Pandemien zu verbessern. (German)
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Να μελετηθούν οι παθογόνοι μηχανισμοί που προκαλούνται από τον ιό για τον προσδιορισμό των θεραπευτικών στόχων των επακόλουθων της νόσου, της ανάπτυξης νέων αντιιικών και ιικών ιών· καθώς και στρατηγικές επιτήρησης/έκτακτης ανάγκης των παθογόνων παραγόντων, προκειμένου να κατανοηθούν καλύτερα οι συνέπειες αυτής της πανδημίας και να βελτιωθεί η αντίδραση σε μελλοντικές πανδημίες. (Greek)
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Study the pathogenic mechanisms caused by the virus to identify therapeutic targets of the sequelae of the disease, development of new antivirals and viricides; as well as surveillance/emergency strategies of pathogens, in order to better understand the consequences of this pandemic and improve the response to future pandemics. (English)
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Uurida viiruse põhjustatud patogeenseid mehhanisme, et teha kindlaks haiguse järglaste terapeutilised sihtmärgid, uute viirusevastaste ravimite ja viritsiidide väljatöötamine; samuti patogeenide seire/hädaolukorra strateegiad, et paremini mõista pandeemia tagajärgi ja parandada reageerimist tulevastele pandeemiatele. (Estonian)
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Tutkia viruksen aiheuttamia patogeenisiä mekanismeja taudin jälkipuoliskon terapeuttisten kohteiden tunnistamiseksi, uusien viruslääkkeiden ja virusmyrkkyjen kehittymisen; taudinaiheuttajien seuranta- ja hätästrategioiden lisäksi, jotta voidaan ymmärtää paremmin tämän pandemian seuraukset ja parantaa toimia tuleviin pandemioihin. (Finnish)
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Étudier les mécanismes pathogènes causés par le virus pour identifier les cibles thérapeutiques des séquelles de la maladie, le développement de nouveaux antiviraux et viricides; ainsi que des stratégies de surveillance et d’urgence des agents pathogènes, afin de mieux comprendre les conséquences de cette pandémie et d’améliorer la réponse aux futures pandémies. (French)
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Staidéar a dhéanamh ar na sásraí pataigineacha arb é an víreas is cúis leo chun spriocanna teiripeacha shequelae an ghalair a shainaithint, chun frithvíreasaigh agus viricídí nua a fhorbairt; chomh maith le straitéisí faireachais/éigeandála na bpataiginí, chun tuiscint níos fearr a fháil ar iarmhairtí na paindéime seo agus chun feabhas a chur ar an bhfreagairt ar phaindéimí a bheidh ann amach anseo. (Irish)
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Proučavanje patogenih mehanizama uzrokovanih virusom kako bi se utvrdili terapijski ciljevi posljedica bolesti, razvoj novih antivirusnih lijekova i viricida; kao i strategije nadzora/hitnih strategija patogena kako bi se bolje razumjele posljedice ove pandemije i poboljšao odgovor na buduće pandemije. (Croatian)
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Tanulmányozza a vírus által okozott patogén mechanizmusokat, hogy azonosítsa a betegség következményeinek terápiás célpontjait, új vírusellenes szerek és viricidek kialakulását; valamint a kórokozókra vonatkozó felügyeleti/sürgősségi stratégiák a világjárvány következményeinek jobb megértése és a jövőbeli világjárványokra való reagálás javítása érdekében. (Hungarian)
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Studiare i meccanismi patogeni causati dal virus per identificare gli obiettivi terapeutici delle sequele della malattia, lo sviluppo di nuovi antivirali e viricidi; nonché strategie di sorveglianza/emergenza degli agenti patogeni, al fine di comprendere meglio le conseguenze di questa pandemia e migliorare la risposta alle pandemie future. (Italian)
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Ištirti viruso sukeliamus patogeninius mechanizmus, kad būtų galima nustatyti ligos padarinių terapinius tikslus, naujų antivirusinių vaistų ir virusicidų vystymąsi; taip pat patogenų priežiūros ir (arba) nepaprastosios padėties strategijas, kad būtų galima geriau suprasti šios pandemijos padarinius ir pagerinti atsaką į būsimas pandemijas. (Lithuanian)
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Pētīt vīrusa izraisītos patogēnos mehānismus, lai noteiktu slimības seku terapeitiskos mērķus, jaunu pretvīrusu līdzekļu un viricīdu attīstību; kā arī patogēnu uzraudzības/ārkārtas stratēģijas, lai labāk izprastu šīs pandēmijas sekas un uzlabotu reakciju uz turpmākām pandēmijām. (Latvian)
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Jistudja l-mekkaniżmi patoġeniċi kkawżati mill-virus biex jidentifika miri terapewtiċi tal-konsegwenzi tal-marda, l-iżvilupp ta’ antivirali u viriċidi ġodda; kif ukoll strateġiji ta’ sorveljanza/emerġenza ta’ patoġeni, sabiex jinftiehmu aħjar il-konsegwenzi ta’ din il-pandemija u jittejjeb ir-rispons għal pandemiji futuri. (Maltese)
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De door het virus veroorzaakte pathogene mechanismen bestuderen om therapeutische doelen van de gevolgen van de ziekte, de ontwikkeling van nieuwe antivirale middelen en viriciden te identificeren; naast surveillance-/noodstrategieën voor ziekteverwekkers, om de gevolgen van deze pandemie beter te begrijpen en de respons op toekomstige pandemieën te verbeteren. (Dutch)
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Estudar os mecanismos patogénicos causados pelo vírus para identificar alvos terapêuticos das sequelas da doença, desenvolvimento de novos antivirais e viricidas; bem como estratégias de vigilância/emergência de agentes patogénicos, a fim de compreender melhor as consequências desta pandemia e melhorar a resposta a futuras pandemias. (Portuguese)
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Studierea mecanismelor patogene cauzate de virus pentru a identifica țintele terapeutice ale sechelelor bolii, dezvoltarea de noi antivirale și virusicide; precum și strategiile de supraveghere/de urgență a agenților patogeni, pentru a înțelege mai bine consecințele acestei pandemii și pentru a îmbunătăți răspunsul la pandemiile viitoare. (Romanian)
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Študovať patogénne mechanizmy spôsobené vírusom na identifikáciu terapeutických cieľov následkov ochorenia, vývoja nových antivirotík a viricídov; ako aj stratégie dohľadu nad patogénmi/núdzové stratégie s cieľom lepšie pochopiť dôsledky tejto pandémie a zlepšiť reakciu na budúce pandémie. (Slovak)
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Preučiti patogene mehanizme, ki jih povzroča virus, da bi opredelili terapevtske tarče posledic bolezni, razvoj novih protivirusnih zdravil in viricide; pa tudi strategije spremljanja in izrednih razmer patogenov, da bi bolje razumeli posledice te pandemije in izboljšali odziv na prihodnje pandemije. (Slovenian)
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Studera de patogena mekanismer som orsakas av viruset för att identifiera terapeutiska mål för sjukdomens följdverkningar, utveckling av nya antivirala medel och viricider. liksom övervakning/nödstrategier för patogener, för att bättre förstå konsekvenserna av denna pandemi och förbättra insatserna mot framtida pandemier. (Swedish)
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12 June 2023
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21 December 2023
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