Requalification of the Envelope to the Almeida Garrett Station and Garden (Q2878305): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item)
(‎Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0079848492167969)
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): MUNICÍPIO DE OVAR / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The operation of Requalification Involving the Almeida Garrett Station and Garden aims to enhance the qualities of the streets, in order to equip them with valences that allow them to become spaces directed to the pedestrian circulation and the enjoyment of this space safely. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0079848492167969
Property / beneficiary
Q2990942 (Deleted Item)
Property / beneficiary: Q2990942 (Deleted Item) / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
1,083,347.76 Euro
Amount1,083,347.76 Euro
Property / budget: 1,083,347.76 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
920,845.6 Euro
Amount920,845.6 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 920,845.6 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
30 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 30 August 2022 / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
23 May 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 23 May 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: União das freguesias de Ovar, São João, Arada e São Vicente de Pereira Jusã / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: MUNICÍPIO DE OVAR / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): MUNICÍPIO DE OVAR / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
12 December 2022
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 12 December 2022 / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
1,066,380.8 Euro
Amount1,066,380.8 Euro
Property / budget: 1,066,380.8 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
906,423.6 Euro
Amount906,423.6 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 906,423.6 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
14 November 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 14 November 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 15:02, 20 March 2024

Project Q2878305 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
Requalification of the Envelope to the Almeida Garrett Station and Garden
Project Q2878305 in Portugal


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    906,423.6 Euro
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    1,066,380.8 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    7 March 2020
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    12 December 2022
    0 references
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    40°50'44.41"N, 8°38'54.53"W
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    A operação de Requalificação Envolvente à Estação e Jardim Almeida Garrett visa potenciar as qualidades dos arruamentos, de forma a dotá-los de valências que permitem torná-las em espaços direcionados para a circulação pedonal e a fruição desse espaço em segurança. (Portuguese)
    0 references
    The operation of Requalification Involving the Almeida Garrett Station and Garden aims to enhance the qualities of the streets, in order to equip them with valences that allow them to become spaces directed to the pedestrian circulation and the enjoyment of this space safely. (English)
    7 July 2021
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    L’opération de Requalification Engagement à la Station et Jardim Almeida Garrett vise à renforcer les qualités des rues, afin de les équiper de valences qui leur permettent de devenir des espaces dirigés vers la circulation piétonne et la jouissance de cet espace en sécurité. (French)
    4 December 2021
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    Der Betrieb von Requalification Engagement für die Station und Jardim Almeida Garrett zielt darauf ab, die Qualitäten der Straßen zu verbessern, um sie mit Werten auszustatten, die ihnen erlauben, Räume zu werden, die auf Fußgängerzirkulation und den Genuss dieses Raumes in Sicherheit gerichtet sind. (German)
    13 December 2021
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    De werking van Requalification Engagement naar het Station en Jardim Almeida Garrett is gericht op het verbeteren van de kwaliteiten van de straten, om hen uit te rusten met valenties die hen in staat stellen om ruimten te worden gericht op voetgangers circulatie en het genieten van deze ruimte in veiligheid. (Dutch)
    18 December 2021
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    L'operazione di riqualificazione Engagement alla Stazione e Jardim Almeida Garrett mira a valorizzare le qualità delle strade, al fine di dotarle di valenze che consentano loro di diventare spazi diretti alla circolazione pedonale e al godimento di questo spazio in sicurezza. (Italian)
    17 January 2022
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    La operación de Compromiso de Recalificación a la Estación y Jardim Almeida Garrett tiene como objetivo realzar las cualidades de las calles, con el fin de dotarlas de valencias que les permitan convertirse en espacios dirigidos a la circulación peatonal y el disfrute de este espacio en seguridad. (Spanish)
    20 January 2022
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    Almeida Garretti jaama ja aiaga seotud rekvalifikatsiooni toimimise eesmärk on parandada tänavate omadusi, et varustada neid valentsidega, mis võimaldavad neil muutuda jalakäijate ringlusele suunatud ruumiks ja nautida seda ruumi ohutult. (Estonian)
    29 July 2022
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    Almeida Garrett stotį ir sodą apimančios kvalifikacijos operacija siekiama pagerinti gatvių savybes, kad jos galėtų saugiai tapti erdvėmis, nukreiptomis į pėsčiųjų cirkuliaciją ir malonumą šioje erdvėje. (Lithuanian)
    29 July 2022
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    Rad Rekvalifikacije Uključivanje Almeida Garrett stanice i vrt ima za cilj poboljšati kvalitete ulica, kako bi ih opremiti s valencijama koje im omogućuju da postanu prostori usmjereni na pješačke cirkulacije i uživanje u ovom prostoru sigurno. (Croatian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Η λειτουργία του Requalification με τη συμμετοχή του Σταθμού Almeida Garrett και του Κήπου έχει ως στόχο να ενισχύσει τις ιδιότητες των δρόμων, προκειμένου να τους εξοπλίσει με σθένους που τους επιτρέπουν να γίνουν χώροι που κατευθύνονται προς την κυκλοφορία των πεζών και την απόλαυση του χώρου αυτού με ασφάλεια. (Greek)
    29 July 2022
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    Prevádzka rekvalifikačnej stanice a záhrady Almeida Garrett sa zameriava na zvýšenie kvality ulíc s cieľom vybaviť ich valenciami, ktoré im umožňujú stať sa priestormi smerujúcimi k cirkulácii chodcov a pôžitku z tohto priestoru bezpečne. (Slovak)
    29 July 2022
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    Almeida Garrettin aseman ja puutarhan revalifioinnin toiminnan tavoitteena on parantaa katujen ominaisuuksia, jotta ne voidaan varustaa valennoilla, joiden avulla ne voivat tulla jalankulkijoiden kulkuun ja tämän tilan nauttimiseen turvallisesti suuntautuneiksi paikoiksi. (Finnish)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Działanie Requalification Insembling the Almeida Garrett Station and Garden ma na celu poprawę jakości ulic, aby wyposażyć je w wartości, które pozwolą im stać się przestrzeniami skierowanymi do ruchu pieszego i bezpiecznie korzystać z tej przestrzeni. (Polish)
    29 July 2022
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    Az Almeida Garrett állomást és kertet magában foglaló Requalification üzemeltetésének célja, hogy javítsa az utcák minőségét annak érdekében, hogy olyan völgyekkel lássa el őket, amelyek lehetővé teszik számukra, hogy a gyalogosforgalomra és a tér biztonságos élvezetére irányított terekké váljanak. (Hungarian)
    29 July 2022
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    Cílem činnosti Rekvalifikace zahrnující stanici a zahradu Almeida Garrett je zvýšit kvalitu ulic, aby se vybavily valencemi, které jim umožní stát se prostorem určeným k oběhu chodců a užívat si tohoto prostoru bezpečně. (Czech)
    29 July 2022
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    Pārkvalifikācijas darbības Almeida Garrett stacijas un dārza mērķis ir uzlabot ielu īpašības, lai tās aprīkotu ar valencēm, kas ļauj tām kļūt par vietām, kas vērstas uz gājēju cirkulāciju un šīs telpas drošu baudīšanu. (Latvian)
    29 July 2022
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    Tá sé mar aidhm ag oibriú na hAthcháilíochta a bhaineann le Stáisiún agus Gairdín Almeida Garrett cáilíochtaí na sráideanna a fheabhsú, chun iad a threalmhú le faidiúlachtaí a ligeann dóibh a bheith ina spásanna dírithe ar chúrsaíocht coisithe agus taitneamh a bhaint as an spás seo go sábháilte. (Irish)
    29 July 2022
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    Namen delovanja prekvalifikacije, ki vključuje postajo Almeida Garrett in vrt, je izboljšati lastnosti ulic, da bi jih opremili z valenci, ki jim omogočajo, da postanejo prostori, usmerjeni v kroženje pešcev in varno uživanje tega prostora. (Slovenian)
    29 July 2022
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    Действието на преквалифицирането, включващо гара Almeida Garrett и градина, има за цел да подобри качествата на улиците, за да ги оборудва с валенции, които им позволяват да се превърнат в пространства, насочени към движението на пешеходците и безопасното ползване на това пространство. (Bulgarian)
    29 July 2022
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    L-operazzjoni tar-Rikwalifikazzjoni li tinvolvi l-Istazzjon u l-Ġnien Garrett ta’ Almeida għandha l-għan li ttejjeb il-kwalitajiet tat-toroq, sabiex jiġu mgħammra b’valuri li jippermettulhom isiru spazji diretti lejn iċ-ċirkolazzjoni pedonali u t-tgawdija ta’ dan l-ispazju b’mod sikur. (Maltese)
    29 July 2022
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    Driften af Requalification Involvering Almeida Garrett Station og Garden har til formål at forbedre kvaliteten af gaderne, for at udstyre dem med valenser, der gør det muligt for dem at blive rum rettet mod fodgængercirkulationen og nydelsen af dette rum sikkert. (Danish)
    29 July 2022
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    Exploatarea recalificării care implică stația și grădina Almeida Garrett își propune să îmbunătățească calitățile străzilor, pentru a le dota cu valențe care să le permită să devină spații orientate spre circulația pietonală și pentru a se bucura de acest spațiu în condiții de siguranță. (Romanian)
    29 July 2022
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    Driften av Requalification Involving the Almeida Garrett Station and Garden syftar till att förbättra kvaliteten på gatorna, för att utrusta dem med valenser som gör det möjligt för dem att bli utrymmen riktade till fotgängare cirkulation och njutning av detta utrymme på ett säkert sätt. (Swedish)
    29 July 2022
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    14 November 2023
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