Municipal GIS (Q4657110): Difference between revisions

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(‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): A operação consiste na implementação de uma ferramenta SIG na Câmara Municipal de _x000D_ Toledo. A implementação consiste na instalação, configuração e licenciamento de um SIG.)
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / location (string)
45168 Toledo
Property / location (string): 45168 Toledo / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
39°49'41.56"N, 3°57'53.32"W
Property / coordinate location: 39°49'41.56"N, 3°57'53.32"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 39°49'41.56"N, 3°57'53.32"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Toledo Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
486,000.0 Euro
Amount486,000.0 Euro
Property / budget: 486,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
388,800.0 Euro
Amount388,800.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 388,800.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.0 percent
Amount80.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The operation consists of the implementation of a GIS tool in the City Council of _x000D_ Toledo. The implementation consists of the installation, configuration and licensing of a GIS. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0056465401739495
Property / summaryProperty / summary
A operação consiste na implementação de um instrumento de SIG na Câmara Municipal de _x000D_ Toledo. A implementação consiste na instalação, configuração e licenciamento de um SIG. (Portuguese)
A operação consiste na implementação de uma ferramenta SIG na Câmara Municipal de _x000D_ Toledo. A implementação consiste na instalação, configuração e licenciamento de um SIG. (Portuguese)
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Toledo / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Toledo Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Toledo Province / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Toledo / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
39°52'12.47"N, 4°0'56.27"W
Property / coordinate location: 39°52'12.47"N, 4°0'56.27"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 39°52'12.47"N, 4°0'56.27"W / qualifier
Property / budget
486,000.0 Euro
Amount486,000.0 Euro
Property / budget: 486,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
391,716.0 Euro
Amount391,716.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 391,716.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.6 percent
Amount80.6 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.6 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
20 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 20 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 12:52, 12 October 2024

Project Q4657110 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
Municipal GIS
Project Q4657110 in Spain


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    391,716.0 Euro
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    486,000.0 Euro
    0 references
    80.6 percent
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    15 April 2022
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    31 December 2023
    0 references
    0 references

    39°52'12.47"N, 4°0'56.27"W
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    La operación consiste en la implantación de una herramienta SIG en el Ayuntamiento de _x000D_ Toledo. La implantación consiste en la instalación, configuración y licenciamiento de un SIG. (Spanish)
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    Η πράξη συνίσταται στην εφαρμογή ενός εργαλείου GIS στο Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο του _x000D_ Toledo. Η υλοποίηση συνίσταται στην εγκατάσταση, διαμόρφωση και αδειοδότηση ενός ΣΓΠ. (Greek)
    0 references
    Operationen består af implementeringen af ​​et GIS-værktøj i byrådet i _x000D_ Toledo. Implementeringen består af installation, konfiguration og licensering af et GIS. (Danish)
    0 references
    Operacija je sestavljena iz uporabe orodja GIS v mestnem svetu _x000D_ Toledo. Izvedba je sestavljena iz namestitve, konfiguracije in licenciranja GIS. (Slovenian)
    0 references
    Operácia pozostáva z implementácie nástroja GIS v mestskej rade _x000D_ Toledo. Implementácia pozostáva z inštalácie, konfigurácie a udeľovania licencií GIS. (Slovak)
    0 references
    Die Operation besteht in der Implementierung eines GIS-Instruments im Stadtrat von _x000D_ Toledo. Die Implementierung besteht aus der Installation, Konfiguration und Lizenzierung eines GIS. (German)
    0 references
    The operation consists of the implementation of a GIS tool in the City Council of _x000D_ Toledo. The implementation consists of the installation, configuration and licensing of a GIS. (English)
    0 references
    L-operazzjoni tikkonsisti fl-implimentazzjoni ta’ għodda tal-GIS fil-Kunsill tal-Belt ta’ _x000D_ Toledo. L-implimentazzjoni tikkonsisti fl-installazzjoni, il-konfigurazzjoni u l-liċenzjar ta’ GIS. (Maltese)
    0 references
    A operação consiste na implementação de uma ferramenta SIG na Câmara Municipal de _x000D_ Toledo. A implementação consiste na instalação, configuração e licenciamento de um SIG. (Portuguese)
    0 references
    Operațiunea constă în implementarea unui instrument GIS în Consiliul Local al _x000D_ Toledo. Implementarea constă în instalarea, configurarea și licențierea unui GIS. (Romanian)
    0 references
    Operatsioon seisneb GIS-vahendi rakendamises _x000D_ Toledo linnavolikogus. Rakendus hõlmab GISi paigaldamist, konfiguratsiooni ja litsentsimist. (Estonian)
    0 references
    Operaciją sudaro GIS priemonės įdiegimas _x000D_ Toledo miesto taryboje. Įgyvendinimą sudaro GIS diegimas, konfigūravimas ir licencijavimas. (Lithuanian)
    0 references
    Операцията се състои в въвеждането на инструмент за ГИС в Градския съвет на _x000D_ Toledo. Внедряването се състои в инсталиране, конфигуриране и лицензиране на ГИС. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    Is éard atá san oibríocht ná uirlis GIS a chur i bhfeidhm sa Chomhairle Cathrach de _x000D_ Toledo. Is éard atá i gceist leis an gcur chun feidhme GIS a shuiteáil, a chumrú agus a cheadúnú. (Irish)
    0 references
    Insatsen består av genomförandet av ett GIS-verktyg i stadsfullmäktige _x000D_ Toledo. Implementeringen består av installation, konfiguration och licensiering av ett GIS. (Swedish)
    0 references
    Operacija se sastoji od implementacije GIS alata u Gradskom vijeću _x000D_ Toledo. Implementacija se sastoji od instalacije, konfiguracije i licenciranja GIS-a. (Croatian)
    0 references
    L’opération consiste en la mise en œuvre d’un outil SIG au conseil municipal de _x000D_ Toledo. La mise en œuvre consiste en l’installation, la configuration et l’octroi de licences d’un SIG. (French)
    0 references
    De operatie bestaat uit de implementatie van een GIS-tool in de gemeenteraad van _x000D_ Toledo. De implementatie bestaat uit de installatie, configuratie en licentie van een GIS. (Dutch)
    0 references
    Toiminta koostuu paikkatietojärjestelmätyökalun käyttöönotosta kaupunginvaltuustossa _x000D_ Toledo. Toteutus koostuu paikkatietojärjestelmän asentamisesta, konfiguroinnista ja lisensoinnista. (Finnish)
    0 references
    Operace spočívá v implementaci nástroje GIS v městské radě _x000D_ Toledo. Implementace spočívá v instalaci, konfiguraci a licencování GIS. (Czech)
    0 references
    Darbība ietver ĢIS rīka ieviešanu pilsētas domē _x000D_ Toledo. Īstenošana ietver ĢIS uzstādīšanu, konfigurēšanu un licencēšanu. (Latvian)
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    L'operazione consiste nell'implementazione di uno strumento GIS nel consiglio comunale di _x000D_ Toledo. L'implementazione consiste nell'installazione, configurazione e licenza di un GIS. (Italian)
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    A művelet egy GIS eszköz megvalósításából áll a Toledo-i Városi Tanácsban. A megvalósítás GIS telepítéséből, konfigurálásából és engedélyezéséből áll. (Hungarian)
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    20 December 2023
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