INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION — 08/16/SG/0020 (Q4661275): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en)
(‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): O projeto consiste na participação na exposição internacional PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), em Amesterdão, de 24 a 25 de abril de 2018. Além disso, realiza uma missão comercial nos Países Baixos para visitar potenciais clientes. Por último, farão catálogos e cartazes em inglês.)
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / location (string)
40216 Valverde del Majano
Property / location (string): 40216 Valverde del Majano / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
40°57'23.80"N, 4°14'4.96"W
Property / coordinate location: 40°57'23.80"N, 4°14'4.96"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 40°57'23.80"N, 4°14'4.96"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Segovia Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
13,716.2099609375 Euro
Amount13,716.2099609375 Euro
Property / budget: 13,716.2099609375 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
6,858.10498046875 Euro
Amount6,858.10498046875 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 6,858.10498046875 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / summary: The project consists of participation in the international exhibition PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24-25 April 2018. He also carries out a commercial mission to the Netherlands to visit potential customers. Finally, they will make catalogues and posters in English. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0299501750816692
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O projeto consiste na participação na exposição internacional PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdão de 24 a 25 de abril de 2018. Ele também realiza uma missão comercial nos Países Baixos para visitar potenciais clientes. Por último, farão catálogos e cartazes em inglês. (Portuguese)
O projeto consiste na participação na exposição internacional PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), em Amesterdão, de 24 a 25 de abril de 2018. Além disso, realiza uma missão comercial nos Países Baixos para visitar potenciais clientes. Por último, farão catálogos e cartazes em inglês. (Portuguese)
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Valverde del Majano / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
12 June 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 12 June 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Valverde del Majano
Property / location (string): Valverde del Majano / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
40°57'23.80"N, 4°14'4.96"W
Property / coordinate location: 40°57'23.80"N, 4°14'4.96"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 40°57'23.80"N, 4°14'4.96"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Segovia Province / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 03:10, 12 October 2024

Project Q4661275 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q4661275 in Spain


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    6,858.105 Euro
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    13,716.21 Euro
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    50.0 percent
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    9 March 2018
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    3 September 2020
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    40°57'23.80"N, 4°14'4.96"W
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    El proyecto consiste en la participación en la Feria internacional PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24-25 de abril 2018. Además realización una misión comercial a Holanda para visitar a potenciales clientes. Por último van a realizar catálogos y cartelería en inglés. (Spanish)
    0 references
    The project consists of participation in the international exhibition PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24-25 April 2018. He also carries out a commercial mission to the Netherlands to visit potential customers. Finally, they will make catalogues and posters in English. (English)
    0 references
    Projektet består av deltagande i den internationella utställningen PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24–25 april 2018. Han utför också ett kommersiellt uppdrag till Nederländerna för att besöka potentiella kunder. Slutligen kommer de att göra kataloger och affischer på engelska. (Swedish)
    0 references
    O projeto consiste na participação na exposição internacional PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), em Amesterdão, de 24 a 25 de abril de 2018. Além disso, realiza uma missão comercial nos Países Baixos para visitar potenciais clientes. Por último, farão catálogos e cartazes em inglês. (Portuguese)
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    Το έργο συνίσταται στη συμμετοχή στη διεθνή έκθεση PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Άμστερνταμ 24-25 Απριλίου 2018. Επίσης, πραγματοποιεί εμπορική αποστολή στις Κάτω Χώρες για να επισκεφθεί δυνητικούς πελάτες. Τέλος, θα κάνουν καταλόγους και αφίσες στα αγγλικά. (Greek)
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    Projekt hõlmab osalemist rahvusvahelisel näitusel PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24.-25. aprillil 2018. Samuti täidab ta ärilist missiooni Madalmaadesse, et külastada potentsiaalseid kliente. Lõpuks, nad teevad kataloogid ja plakatid inglise keeles. (Estonian)
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    Проектът се състои от участие в международното изложение PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Амстердам 24—25 април 2018 г. Той също така осъществява търговска мисия в Нидерландия, за да посети потенциални клиенти. И накрая, те ще направят каталози и плакати на английски език. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    Das Projekt besteht aus der Teilnahme an der internationalen Ausstellung PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam vom 24. bis 25. April 2018. Er führt auch eine kommerzielle Mission in die Niederlande durch, um potenzielle Kunden zu besuchen. Schließlich werden sie Kataloge und Plakate in englischer Sprache erstellen. (German)
    0 references
    Projektet består af deltagelse i den internationale udstilling PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24.-25. april 2018. Han udfører også en kommerciel mission til Nederlandene for at besøge potentielle kunder. Endelig vil de lave kataloger og plakater på engelsk. (Danish)
    0 references
    Projekt pozostáva z účasti na medzinárodnej výstave PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24. – 25. apríla 2018. Taktiež vykonáva obchodnú misiu do Holandska s cieľom navštíviť potenciálnych zákazníkov. Nakoniec budú vytvárať katalógy a plagáty v angličtine. (Slovak)
    0 references
    Is éard atá sa tionscadal rannpháirtíocht sa taispeántas idirnáisiúnta PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amstardam 24-25 Aibreán 2018. Tugann sé faoi mhisean tráchtála chuig an Ísiltír freisin chun cuairt a thabhairt ar chustaiméirí ionchasacha. Ar deireadh, déanfaidh siad catalóga agus póstaeir i mBéarla. (Irish)
    0 references
    Projekt se sastoji od sudjelovanja na međunarodnoj izložbi PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24. – 25. travnja 2018. Također obavlja komercijalnu misiju u Nizozemskoj kako bi posjetio potencijalne kupce. Na kraju, izradit će kataloge i plakate na engleskom jeziku. (Croatian)
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    Il-proġett jikkonsisti fil-parteċipazzjoni fil-wirja internazzjonali PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24–25 ta’ April 2018. Huwa jwettaq ukoll missjoni kummerċjali fil-Pajjiżi l-Baxxi biex iżur klijenti potenzjali. Fl-aħħar nett, huma se jagħmlu katalgi u posters bl-Ingliż. (Maltese)
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    Projektą sudaro dalyvavimas tarptautinėje parodoje PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdame, 2018 m. balandžio 24–25 d. Jis taip pat vykdo komercinę misiją į Nyderlandus, kad aplankytų potencialius klientus. Galiausiai jie sukurs katalogus ir plakatus anglų kalba. (Lithuanian)
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    Le projet consiste en la participation à l’exposition internationale PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam du 24 au 25 avril 2018. Il effectue également une mission commerciale aux Pays-Bas pour rendre visite à des clients potentiels. Enfin, ils réaliseront des catalogues et des affiches en anglais. (French)
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    Il progetto consiste nella partecipazione alla fiera internazionale PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24-25 aprile 2018. Svolge anche una missione commerciale nei Paesi Bassi per visitare potenziali clienti. Infine, realizzeranno cataloghi e manifesti in inglese. (Italian)
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    Het project bestaat uit deelname aan de internationale tentoonstelling PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24-25 april 2018. Hij voert ook een commerciële missie naar Nederland om potentiële klanten te bezoeken. Tot slot zullen ze catalogi en posters in het Engels maken. (Dutch)
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    Hanke koostuu osallistumisesta kansainväliseen PRSE 2018 -näyttelyyn (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24.-2018. Hän tekee myös kaupallisen tehtävän Alankomaihin vierailemaan potentiaalisilla asiakkailla. Lopuksi he tekevät luetteloita ja julisteita englanniksi. (Finnish)
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    Projekt sestává z účasti na mezinárodní výstavě PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam 24.–25. dubna 2018. Podniká také obchodní misi do Nizozemska, aby navštívila potenciální zákazníky. Nakonec budou vytvářet katalogy a plakáty v angličtině. (Czech)
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    Projektā piedalās starptautiskā izstāde PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdama, 2018. gada 24.–25. aprīlis. Viņš arī veic komerciālu misiju Nīderlandē, lai apmeklētu potenciālos klientus. Visbeidzot, viņi izgatavos katalogus un plakātus angļu valodā. (Latvian)
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    Proiectul constă în participarea la expoziția internațională PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam, 24-25 aprilie 2018. De asemenea, efectuează o misiune comercială în Țările de Jos pentru a vizita potențiali clienți. În cele din urmă, vor face cataloage și postere în limba engleză. (Romanian)
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    Projekt je sestavljen iz sodelovanja na mednarodni razstavi PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe), Amsterdam, 24.–25. april 2018. Prav tako opravlja komercialno poslanstvo na Nizozemskem, da obišče potencialne stranke. Na koncu bodo pripravili kataloge in plakate v angleščini. (Slovenian)
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    A projekt a PRSE 2018 (The Plastics Recycling Show Europe) nemzetközi kiállításon való részvételből áll, Amszterdam 2018. április 24–25. Emellett kereskedelmi küldetést is végez Hollandiába, hogy felkeresse a potenciális ügyfeleket. Végül katalógusokat és plakátokat készítenek angol nyelven. (Hungarian)
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    12 June 2023
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    Valverde del Majano
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