Interceptor collector of the Villoria River (Laviana Council) (Q3214856): Difference between revisions
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(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Colecionador de intercetores do rio Villoria (Conselho da Laviana) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Construction of a collector, which, starting from San Pedro de Villoria, collects the flows of the sanitation networks of the populations of the valley of the Villoria River. It leads them to the existing Interceptor Collector of the Nalón River, in the vicinity of Entralgo , for further treatment at the Frieres Water Treatment Plant. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0560819618552184
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Construção de um colector, que, a partir de San Pedro de Villoria, recolhe os fluxos das redes de saneamento das populações do vale do rio Villoria. Conduz-os ao coletor de intercetores existente no rio Nalón, nas proximidades de Entralgo , para tratamento posterior na estação de tratamento de águas de Frieres. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||||||
Property / postal code: 33032 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Laviana / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
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Property / coordinate location: 43°13'55.34"N, 5°32'51.79"W / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Province of Asturias / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 2,858,660.75 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 2,286,928.75 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Laviana / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
12 June 2023
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Property / date of last update: 12 June 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Laviana | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Laviana / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
43°13'55.34"N, 5°32'51.79"W
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Property / coordinate location: 43°13'55.34"N, 5°32'51.79"W / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 43°13'55.34"N, 5°32'51.79"W / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Province of Asturias / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 21:53, 10 October 2024
Project Q3214856 in Spain
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Interceptor collector of the Villoria River (Laviana Council) |
Project Q3214856 in Spain |
2,286,928.8 Euro
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2,858,660.8 Euro
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80.00000559702642 percent
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1 January 2014
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17 August 2016
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Construcción de un colector, que, partiendo del núcleo de San Pedro de Villoria, recoja los caudales de las redes de saneamiento de las poblaciones de la vega del río Villoria y los conduzca finalmente al existente Colector Interceptor del río Nalón, en las inmediaciones de Entralgo, para su posterior tratamiento en la Estación Depuradora de Frieres. (Spanish)
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Construction of a collector, which, starting from San Pedro de Villoria, collects the flows of the sanitation networks of the populations of the valley of the Villoria River. It leads them to the existing Interceptor Collector of the Nalón River, in the vicinity of Entralgo , for further treatment at the Frieres Water Treatment Plant. (English)
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Construction d’un collecteur, qui, à partir du centre de San Pedro de Villoria, collecte les flux des réseaux d’assainissement des populations de la rivière Villoria et les conduit finalement à l’Intercepteur actuel de la rivière Nalón, dans les environs d’Entralgo, pour un traitement ultérieur dans la station d’épuration de Frieres. (French)
5 December 2021
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Bau eines Sammlers, der, ausgehend vom Kern von San Pedro de Villoria, die Flüsse aus den sanitären Netzen der Populationen der Villoria-Fluss Vega sammelt und sie schließlich zum bestehenden Interceptor Collector des Nalón River in der Nähe von Entralgo zur weiteren Behandlung in der Behandlungsanlage Frieres führt. (German)
10 December 2021
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Bouw van een verzamelaar, die, uitgaande van de kern van San Pedro de Villoria, de stromen verzamelt uit de rioleringsnetwerken van de populaties van de Villoria-rivier vega en hen ten slotte naar de bestaande Interceptor Collector van de rivier de Nalón, in de buurt van Entralgo, brengt voor verdere behandeling in de zuiveringsinstallatie van Frieres. (Dutch)
17 December 2021
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Costruzione di un collettore che, partendo dal nucleo di San Pedro de Villoria, raccoglie i flussi dalle reti igienico-sanitarie delle popolazioni del fiume Villoria vega e li conduce infine all'attuale Collettore di Intercettori del fiume Nalón, nelle vicinanze di Entralgo, per un ulteriore trattamento nell'impianto di trattamento di Frieres. (Italian)
16 January 2022
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Κατασκευή συλλέκτη, ο οποίος, ξεκινώντας από το San Pedro de Villoria, συλλέγει τις ροές των δικτύων αποχέτευσης των πληθυσμών της κοιλάδας του ποταμού Villoria. Τους οδηγεί στον υφιστάμενο συλλέκτη αναχαίτισης του ποταμού Nalón, κοντά στο Entralgo, για περαιτέρω επεξεργασία στο εργοστάσιο επεξεργασίας υδάτων Frieres. (Greek)
18 August 2022
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Opførelse af en samler, der starter fra San Pedro de Villoria, indsamler strømmene af sanitære netværk af befolkningerne i dalen ved Villoria-floden. Det fører dem til den eksisterende interceptor Collector af Nalón-floden, i nærheden af Entralgo, med henblik på yderligere behandling på Frieres vandbehandlingsanlæg. (Danish)
18 August 2022
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Sellaisen keräilijän rakentaminen, joka San Pedro de Villoriasta alkaen kerää Villoria-joen laakson populaatioiden puhtaanapitoverkostojen virtaa. Se johtaa heidät Nalón-joen pysäytinkerääjään Entralgon läheisyydessä jatkokäsittelyä varten Frieresin vedenpuhdistamossa. (Finnish)
18 August 2022
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Kostruzzjoni ta’ kollettur, li jibda minn San Pedro de Villoria, jiġbor il-flussi tan-netwerks sanitarji tal-popolazzjonijiet tal-wied tax-Xmara Villoria. Dan iwassalhom għall-Kolletturi tal-Interċettitur eżistenti tax-Xmara Nalón, qrib Entralgo, għal aktar trattament fl-Impjant tat-Trattament tal-Ilma ta’ Frieres. (Maltese)
18 August 2022
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Kolekcionāra būvniecība, kas, sākot no San Pedro de Villoria, savāc Villoria upes ielejas iedzīvotāju sanitārijas tīklu plūsmas. Tas ved tos uz esošo pārtvērēju savācēju Nalón upes tuvumā Entralgo, lai turpinātu attīrīšanu Frieres ūdens attīrīšanas iekārtā. (Latvian)
18 August 2022
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Výstavba zberača, ktorý od San Pedro de Villoria zhromažďuje toky sanitačných sietí obyvateľov údolia rieky Villoria. Vedie ich k existujúcemu zberateľovi rieky Nalón, v blízkosti Entralga, na ďalšie ošetrenie v čistiarni vody Frieres. (Slovak)
18 August 2022
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Bailíonn tógáil bailitheora, ag tosú ó San Pedro de Villoria, sreafaí líonraí sláintíochta dhaonraí ghleann Villoria. Tugann sé iad chuig Bailitheoir Idirghabhálaí Abhainn Nalón atá ann cheana féin, i gcomharsanacht Entralgo, le haghaidh tuilleadh cóireála ag Gléasra Cóireála Uisce Frieres. (Irish)
18 August 2022
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Stavba sběratele, který počínaje San Pedro de Villoria shromažďuje toky sanitárních sítí populací v údolí řeky Villoria. Vede je ke stávajícímu Sběrateli stíhače řeky Nalón v blízkosti obce Entralgo k dalšímu ošetření v čistírně odpadních vod Frieres. (Czech)
18 August 2022
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Construção de um colector, que, a partir de San Pedro de Villoria, recolhe os fluxos das redes de saneamento das populações do vale do rio Villoria. Conduz-os ao coletor de intercetores existente no rio Nalón, nas proximidades de Entralgo , para tratamento posterior na estação de tratamento de águas de Frieres. (Portuguese)
18 August 2022
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Kollektsionääri ehitamine, mis alates San Pedro de Villoriast kogub Villoria jõe oru elanike kanalisatsioonivõrkude vooge. See viib nad Entralgo lähedal asuva Nalóni jõe pealtvaataja juurde, et neid täiendavalt töödelda Frieresi veepuhastusjaamas. (Estonian)
18 August 2022
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Egy gyűjtő építése, amely San Pedro de Villoria-tól kezdve összegyűjti a Villoria folyó völgyének lakosságának szennyvízelvezetési hálózatait. Ez vezeti őket a Nalón folyó meglévő gyűjtőjéhez, az Entralgo közelében, további kezelés céljából a Frieres víztisztító telepen. (Hungarian)
18 August 2022
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Изграждане на колектор, който започва от Сан Педро де Вилория и събира потоците от канализационните мрежи на популациите на долината на река Вилория. Тя ги отвежда до съществуващия колектор за прегрупиране на река Nalón, в близост до Entralgo, за по-нататъшно пречистване в пречиствателната станция Frieres. (Bulgarian)
18 August 2022
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Kolektoriaus, kuris nuo San Pedro de Villoria renka Villorijos slėnio gyventojų sanitarijos tinklų srautus, statyba. Tai veda juos į Nalón upės interceptorių kolekcininką, esantį netoli Entralgo, tolesniam apdorojimui Frieres vandens valymo įrenginyje. (Lithuanian)
18 August 2022
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Izgradnja kolektora, koji, počevši od San Pedro de Villoria, prikuplja tokove sanitarnih mreža stanovništva doline rijeke Villoria. To ih dovodi do postojećeg Interceptor kolektora rijeke Nalón, u blizini Entralga, za daljnje liječenje u postrojenju za pročišćavanje vode Frieres. (Croatian)
18 August 2022
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Byggandet av en samlare, som, med början från San Pedro de Villoria, samlar flödena av sanitetsnäten för befolkningarna i floden Villorias dal. Det leder dem till den befintliga Interceptor Collector i floden Nalón, i närheten av Entralgo, för ytterligare rening vid Frieres vattenreningsanläggning. (Swedish)
18 August 2022
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Construirea unui colector, care, pornind de la San Pedro de Villoria, colectează fluxurile rețelelor de salubritate ale populațiilor din valea râului Villoria. Aceasta le conduce la actualul colector de interceptoare al râului Nalón, în vecinătatea Entralgo, pentru continuarea tratării la stația de tratare a apei din Frieres. (Romanian)
18 August 2022
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Gradnja zbiralca, ki od San Pedro de Villoria zbira tokove sanitarnih omrežij prebivalstva doline reke Villoria. Vodi jih do obstoječega zbiralca prestrezalcev reke Nalón, v bližini Entralga, za nadaljnjo obdelavo v čistilni napravi Frieres. (Slovenian)
18 August 2022
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Budowa kolektora, który, począwszy od San Pedro de Villoria, gromadzi przepływy sieci sanitarnych ludności doliny rzeki Villoria. Prowadzi je do istniejącego Interceptor Collector rzeki Nalón, w pobliżu Entralgo, w celu dalszego oczyszczania w oczyszczalni ścieków Frieres. (Polish)
18 August 2022
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12 June 2023
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