Construction works -soil building 4 B. J. (Q17291): Difference between revisions

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(7 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / ptlabel / pt
Obras de construção — Edifício do solo 4 B. J.
Obras de construção - edifício do solo 4 B. J.
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Obec Boskovštejn
Property / beneficiary name (string): Obec Boskovštejn / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The investor’s intention is to build new housing units including the necessary equipment and thus provide people from the target group with rents of social housing and the opportunity to rejoin normal life in the municipality. a. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0077211873352017
Property / summaryProperty / summary
A intenção do investidor é construir novas unidades habitacionais, incluindo o equipamento necessário e, assim, proporcionar às pessoas do grupo-alvo rendas de habitação social e a oportunidade de se juntarem à vida normal no concelho. a. (Portuguese)
A intenção do investidor é construir novas unidades habitacionais, incluindo o equipamento necessário, proporcionando assim às pessoas do grupo-alvo rendas de habitação social e a oportunidade de voltarem à vida normal no município. (Portuguese)
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q230585 / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 48°59'50.3"N, 15°53'41.6"E / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS: South Moravian Region / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Prokopov / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Prokopov / qualifier
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q230585 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Obec Boskovštejn
Property / beneficiary name (string): Obec Boskovštejn / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
22 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 22 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 06:28, 9 October 2024

Project Q17291 in Czech Republic
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction works -soil building 4 B. J.
Project Q17291 in Czech Republic


    0 references
    5,261,624.1 Czech koruna
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    210,464.96 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    6,190,146.0 Czech koruna
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    247,605.84 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    85 percent
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    1 October 2017
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    30 July 2018
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    30 September 2018
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    Obec Boskovštejn
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    48°59'50.3"N, 15°53'41.6"E
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    Záměrem investora je vybudovat nové bytové jednotky včetně potřebného vybavení a tím zajistit osobám z cílové skupiny nájemné sociální bydlení a možnost se opětovně zapojit do běžného života v obci. a. (Czech)
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    The investor’s intention is to build new housing units including the necessary equipment and thus provide people from the target group with rents of social housing and the opportunity to rejoin normal life in the municipality. a. (English)
    22 October 2020
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    L’investisseur a l’intention de construire de nouvelles unités d’habitation, y compris l’équipement nécessaire, pour fournir aux personnes du groupe cible un logement social et la possibilité de réintégrer la vie quotidienne dans la municipalité. (French)
    28 November 2021
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    Der Investor beabsichtigt, neue Wohneinheiten, einschließlich der notwendigen Ausstattung, zu bauen, um Menschen aus der Zielgruppe sozialen Wohnungsbau und die Möglichkeit zu bieten, den Alltag in der Gemeinde wieder aufzunehmen. (German)
    2 December 2021
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    Het is de bedoeling van de investeerder om nieuwe wooneenheden te bouwen, met inbegrip van de nodige apparatuur, om mensen uit de doelgroep sociale huisvesting te bieden en de mogelijkheid om het dagelijks leven in de gemeente opnieuw in te voeren. (Dutch)
    13 December 2021
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    L'intenzione dell'investitore è quella di costruire nuove unità abitative, comprese le attrezzature necessarie, per fornire alle persone del gruppo target alloggi sociali e l'opportunità di rientrare nella vita quotidiana nel comune. (Italian)
    14 January 2022
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    La intención del inversor es construir nuevas unidades de vivienda, incluyendo el equipo necesario, para proporcionar a las personas del grupo destinatario una vivienda social y la oportunidad de reincorporarse a la vida cotidiana en el municipio. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    Investoren har til hensigt at bygge nye boliger, herunder det nødvendige udstyr, og dermed give personer fra målgruppen leje af socialt boligbyggeri og mulighed for at vende tilbage til det normale liv i kommunen. (Danish)
    3 July 2022
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    Η πρόθεση του επενδυτή είναι να κατασκευάσει νέες κατοικίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του απαραίτητου εξοπλισμού, και έτσι να παράσχει στους ανθρώπους της ομάδας-στόχου τα ενοίκια κοινωνικών κατοικιών και την ευκαιρία να επανέλθουν στην κανονική ζωή του δήμου. (Greek)
    3 July 2022
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    Namjera investitora je izgraditi nove stambene jedinice, uključujući potrebnu opremu, čime će se ljudima iz ciljne skupine osigurati najamnina socijalnog stanovanja i prilika za povratak u normalan život u općini. (Croatian)
    3 July 2022
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    Intenția investitorului este de a construi noi locuințe, inclusiv echipamentele necesare și, astfel, de a oferi persoanelor din grupul țintă chirii de locuințe sociale și posibilitatea de a reveni la viața normală în municipalitate. a. (Romanian)
    3 July 2022
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    Zámerom investora je vybudovať nové bytové jednotky vrátane potrebného vybavenia, a tak poskytnúť ľuďom z cieľovej skupiny nájomné za sociálne bývanie a možnosť vrátiť sa k normálnemu životu v obci. a. (Slovak)
    3 July 2022
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    L-intenzjoni tal-investitur hija li jibni unitajiet residenzjali ġodda inkluż it-tagħmir meħtieġ u b’hekk jipprovdi lin-nies mill-grupp fil-mira b’kirjiet ta’ akkomodazzjoni soċjali u l-opportunità li jerġgħu jissieħbu fil-ħajja normali fil-muniċipalità. a. (Maltese)
    3 July 2022
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    A intenção do investidor é construir novas unidades habitacionais, incluindo o equipamento necessário, proporcionando assim às pessoas do grupo-alvo rendas de habitação social e a oportunidade de voltarem à vida normal no município. (Portuguese)
    3 July 2022
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    Sijoittajan tarkoituksena on rakentaa uusia asuntoja, mukaan lukien tarvittavat laitteet, ja tarjota siten kohderyhmän ihmisille sosiaalisen asuntotuotannon vuokrat ja mahdollisuus palata normaaliin elämään kunnassa. a. (Finnish)
    3 July 2022
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    Intencją inwestora jest wybudowanie nowych lokali mieszkalnych wraz z niezbędnym wyposażeniem, a tym samym zapewnienie mieszkańcom grupy docelowej czynszów za mieszkania socjalne oraz możliwość powrotu do normalnego życia w gminie. (Polish)
    3 July 2022
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    Namen vlagatelja je zgraditi nove stanovanjske enote, vključno s potrebno opremo, in tako ljudem iz ciljne skupine zagotoviti najemnine za socialna stanovanja in možnost, da se ponovno vključijo v normalno življenje v občini. (Slovenian)
    3 July 2022
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    Investuotojas ketina statyti naujus būstus, įskaitant reikalingą įrangą, ir taip suteikti tikslinės grupės žmonėms socialinio būsto nuomos mokestį ir galimybę vėl prisijungti prie normalaus gyvenimo savivaldybėje. a. (Lithuanian)
    3 July 2022
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    Investora nodoms ir būvēt jaunus mājokļus, tostarp nepieciešamo aprīkojumu, un tādējādi nodrošināt mērķgrupas iedzīvotājiem sociālo mājokļu īres maksu un iespēju atjaunot normālu dzīvi pašvaldībā. a. (Latvian)
    3 July 2022
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    Намерението на инвеститора е да изгради нови жилищни единици, включително необходимото оборудване, и по този начин да предостави на хората от целевата група наем на социални жилища и възможност да се присъединят отново към нормалния живот в общината. (Bulgarian)
    3 July 2022
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    A befektető szándéka, hogy új lakóegységeket építsen ki, beleértve a szükséges berendezéseket, és így a célcsoport tagjai számára szociális lakások bérleti díját és az önkormányzaton belüli rendes élethez való visszatérés lehetőségét biztosítsa. (Hungarian)
    3 July 2022
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    Is é rún an infheisteora aonaid tithíochta nua a thógáil lena n-áirítear an trealamh is gá agus dá bhrí sin cíosanna tithíochta sóisialta agus deis a thabhairt do dhaoine ón spriocghrúpa dul isteach sa ghnáthshaol sa bhardas. (Irish)
    3 July 2022
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    Investerarens avsikt är att bygga nya bostäder inklusive nödvändig utrustning och på så sätt ge personer från målgruppen hyror av subventionerade bostäder och möjlighet att återförenas med det normala livet i kommunen. a. (Swedish)
    3 July 2022
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    Investori eesmärk on ehitada uusi eluasemeid koos vajalike seadmetega ning anda sihtrühma kuuluvatele inimestele sotsiaalkorterite rent ja võimalus naasta omavalitsusüksuses normaalseks eluks. a. (Estonian)
    3 July 2022
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    22 December 2023
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