Implementation of Industry 4.0 elements at Cars Technology s.r.o. (Q4583743): Difference between revisions

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(9 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / ptlabel / pt
Implementação de elementos da Indústria 4.0 na Cars Technology s.r.o.
Implementação dos elementos da Indústria 4.0 na Cars Technology s.r.o.
description / endescription / en
Project Q4583743 in Czechia
Property / contained in NUTS: Olomouc Region / qualifier
Property / budget
12,990,578.89 Czech koruna
Amount12,990,578.89 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / budget: 12,990,578.89 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
532,613.7344900001 Euro
Amount532,613.7344900001 Euro
Property / budget: 532,613.7344900001 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
5,845,760.5 Czech koruna
Amount5,845,760.5 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / EU contribution: 5,845,760.5 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
239,676.1805 Euro
Amount239,676.1805 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 239,676.1805 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
44.999999996151054 percent
Amount44.999999996151054 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 44.999999996151054 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The subject of the project is to increase the level of digitisation, automation and introduction of elements of the so-called Industry 4.0 in the form of implementation into the real operation of Cars Technology s.r.o. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0066546452067302
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O tema do projeto é aumentar o nível de digitalização, automação e introdução de elementos da chamada Indústria 4.0 sob a forma de implementação na operação real da Cars Technology s.r.o. (Portuguese)
O objetivo do projeto é aumentar o nível de digitalização, automatização e introdução de elementos da chamada Indústria 4.0 sob a forma de implementação no funcionamento real da Cars Technology s.r.o. (Portuguese)
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Brodek u Prostějova / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Brodek u Prostějova / qualifier
Property / end time
8 March 2023
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 8 March 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
0.0 Czech koruna
Amount0.0 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / budget: 0.0 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
0.0 Euro
Amount0.0 Euro
Property / budget: 0.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
0.0 Czech koruna
Amount0.0 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / EU contribution: 0.0 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
0.0 Euro
Amount0.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 0.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
0 percent
Amount0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
1 June 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 1 June 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 02:24, 12 October 2024

Project Q4583743 in Czechia
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of Industry 4.0 elements at Cars Technology s.r.o.
Project Q4583743 in Czechia


    0 references
    0.0 Czech koruna
    0 references
    0.0 Euro
    0 references
    0.0 Czech koruna
    0 references
    0.0 Euro
    0 references
    0 percent
    0 references
    8 March 2023
    0 references
    Cars Technology s.r.o.
    0 references

    49°21'55.51"N, 17°5'30.34"E
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    0 references
    Předmětem projektu je zvýšení úrovně digitalizace, automatizace a zavedení prvků tzv. průmyslu 4.0 formou implementace do reálného provozu společnosti Cars Technology s.r.o. (Czech)
    0 references
    The subject of the project is to increase the level of digitisation, automation and introduction of elements of the so-called Industry 4.0 in the form of implementation into the real operation of Cars Technology s.r.o. (English)
    0 references
    Целта на проекта е да се повиши нивото на дигитализация, автоматизация и въвеждане на елементи от така наречената Индустрия 4.0 под формата на внедряване в реалната експлоатация на Cars Technology s.r.o. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    El tema del proyecto es aumentar el nivel de digitalización, automatización e introducción de elementos de la llamada Industria 4.0 en forma de implementación en el funcionamiento real de Cars Technology s.r.o. (Spanish)
    0 references
    Projekta priekšmets ir palielināt digitalizācijas līmeni, automatizāciju un tā sauktās rūpniecības 4.0 elementu ieviešanu, ieviešot automobiļu tehnoloģiju reālo darbību s.r.o. (Latvian)
    0 references
    Predmet projekta je povećati razinu digitalizacije, automatizacije i uvođenja elemenata takozvane Industrije 4.0 u obliku implementacije u stvarni rad Cars Technology s.r.o. (Croatian)
    0 references
    Projekti eesmärk on suurendada nn Industry 4.0 digiteerimise, automatiseerimise ja elementide kasutuselevõtmist Cars Technology s.r.o tegelikus töös rakendamise vormis. (Estonian)
    0 references
    Oggetto del progetto è quello di aumentare il livello di digitalizzazione, automazione e introduzione di elementi della cosiddetta Industria 4.0 sotto forma di implementazione nel reale funzionamento di Cars Technology s.r.o. (Italian)
    0 references
    Projekto tikslas – padidinti vadinamosios „Pramonės 4.0“ elementų skaitmeninimo, automatizavimo ir įdiegimo lygį, įgyvendinant „Cars Technology s.r.o.“ realų veikimą. (Lithuanian)
    0 references
    Hankkeen tavoitteena on lisätä digitalisaatiota, automaatiota ja niin kutsutun Teollisuus 4.0:n elementtien käyttöönottoa Cars Technology s.r.o:n todellisessa toiminnassa. (Finnish)
    0 references
    Is é ábhar an tionscadail an leibhéal digitithe, uathoibrithe agus tabhairt isteach gnéithe de Thionscal 4.0, mar a thugtar air, a mhéadú i bhfoirm cur chun feidhme i bhfíoroibriú s.r.o. (Irish)
    0 references
    Predmet projekta je povečati stopnjo digitalizacije, avtomatizacije in uvajanja elementov tako imenovane industrije 4.0 v obliki implementacije v realno delovanje Cars Technology s.r.o. (Slovenian)
    0 references
    Het onderwerp van het project is het verhogen van het niveau van digitalisering, automatisering en introductie van elementen van de zogenaamde Industry 4.0 in de vorm van implementatie in de echte werking van Cars Technology s.r.o. (Dutch)
    0 references
    Gegenstand des Projekts ist es, den Grad der Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Einführung von Elementen der sogenannten Industrie 4.0 in Form der Umsetzung in den realen Betrieb von Cars Technology s.r.o. zu erhöhen. (German)
    0 references
    O objetivo do projeto é aumentar o nível de digitalização, automatização e introdução de elementos da chamada Indústria 4.0 sob a forma de implementação no funcionamento real da Cars Technology s.r.o. (Portuguese)
    0 references
    L’objet du projet est d’augmenter le niveau de numérisation, d’automatisation et d’introduction d’éléments de la soi-disant Industrie 4.0 sous forme de mise en œuvre dans le fonctionnement réel de Cars Technology s.r.o. (French)
    0 references
    Syftet med projektet är att öka digitaliseringen, automatiseringen och introduktionen av delar av den så kallade Industri 4.0 i form av implementering i den verkliga driften av Cars Technology s.r.o. (Swedish)
    0 references
    Projektets emne er at øge digitaliseringen, automatiseringen og indførelsen af elementer af den såkaldte Industri 4.0 i form af implementering i den virkelige drift af Cars Technology s.r.o. (Danish)
    0 references
    Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η αύξηση του επιπέδου ψηφιοποίησης, αυτοματοποίησης και εισαγωγής στοιχείων της λεγόμενης Βιομηχανίας 4.0 με τη μορφή εφαρμογής στην πραγματική λειτουργία της Cars Technology s.r.o. (Greek)
    0 references
    Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa li jiżdied il-livell tad-diġitizzazzjoni, l-awtomatizzazzjoni u l-introduzzjoni ta’ elementi tal-hekk imsejħa Industrija 4.0 fil-forma ta’ implimentazzjoni fl-operat reali tat-Teknoloġija tal-Karozzi s.r.o. (Maltese)
    0 references
    A projekt tárgya a digitalizálás, az automatizálás és az úgynevezett Ipar 4.0 elemeinek bevezetése a Cars Technology s.r.o. valós működésébe történő bevezetés formájában. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Obiectul proiectului este creșterea nivelului de digitalizare, automatizare și introducerea elementelor așa-numitei Industria 4.0 sub forma implementării în funcționarea reală a Cars Technology s.r.o. (Romanian)
    0 references
    Predmetom projektu je zvýšiť úroveň digitalizácie, automatizácie a zavedenia prvkov takzvaného Priemyslu 4.0 vo forme implementácie do reálnej prevádzky spoločnosti Cars Technology s.r.o. (Slovak)
    0 references
    1 June 2023
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