Amendment and Restructuring of Home Building N.ª Senhora de Fatima (Q2875714): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 85.0 percentage) |
(Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0078530404999294) |
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / start time | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Property / start time: 1 September 2018 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Property / end time: 31 December 2021 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The Operation Change and Restructuring of the Home Building N.ª Senhora de Fatima actively contributes to the filling of the needs of the population of the municipality of Fundão and is extremely important for improving the conditions of habitability and the quality of life of users. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0078530404999294
| |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Fundão, União das freguesias de Fundão, Valverde, Donas, Aldeia de Joanes e Aldeia Nova do Cabo / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 40°8'26.92"N, 7°30'6.30"W / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Beiras e Serra da Estrela / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | Property / budget | ||||||||||||||
| 164,800.0 Euro
| ||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | Property / EU contribution | ||||||||||||||
| 140,080.0 Euro
| ||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: União das freguesias de Fundão, Valverde, Donas, Aldeia de Joanes e Aldeia Nova do Cabo / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis: Strengthening Social and Territorial Cohesion (APROXIMAR and converge) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
85.0 percent
| |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective: Social inclusion / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / start time | |||||||||||||||
30 September 2020
| |||||||||||||||
Property / start time: 30 September 2020 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
4 August 2022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / end time: 4 August 2022 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
23 May 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 23 May 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Fundão | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Fundão / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
40°8'26.92"N, 7°30'6.30"W
| |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 40°8'26.92"N, 7°30'6.30"W / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 40°8'26.92"N, 7°30'6.30"W / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Beiras e Serra da Estrela / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 14:24, 12 March 2024
Project Q2875714 in Portugal
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Amendment and Restructuring of Home Building N.ª Senhora de Fatima |
Project Q2875714 in Portugal |
140,080.0 Euro
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164,800.0 Euro
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85.0 percent
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30 September 2020
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4 August 2022
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A Operação Alteração e Reestruturação do Edifício do Lar N. ª Senhora de Fátima contribui ativamente para a colmatação das necessidades da população do Município do Fundão e revela-se de extrema importância para a melhoria das condições de habitabilidade e da qualidade de vida dos utentes. (Portuguese)
0 references
The Operation Change and Restructuring of the Home Building N.ª Senhora de Fatima actively contributes to the filling of the needs of the population of the municipality of Fundão and is extremely important for improving the conditions of habitability and the quality of life of users. (English)
7 July 2021
0 references
L’opération Modification et restructuration du bâtiment d’habitation N.a Senhora de Fátima contribue activement à répondre aux besoins de la population de la municipalité de Fundão et est de la plus haute importance pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie et de la qualité de vie des usagers. (French)
4 December 2021
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Die Änderung und Umstrukturierung des Wohngebäudes N.a Senhora de Fátima trägt aktiv zur Deckung der Bedürfnisse der Bevölkerung der Gemeinde Fundão bei und ist von größter Bedeutung für die Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen und der Lebensqualität der Nutzer. (German)
13 December 2021
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Wijziging en herstructurering van het huisgebouw N.a Senhora de Fátima draagt actief bij aan de behoeften van de bevolking van de gemeente Fundão en is van het grootste belang voor de verbetering van de levensomstandigheden en de levenskwaliteit van de gebruikers. (Dutch)
18 December 2021
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Operazione di modifica e ristrutturazione dell'edificio domestico N.a Senhora de Fátima contribuisce attivamente a soddisfare le esigenze della popolazione del comune di Fundão ed è della massima importanza per migliorare le condizioni di vita e la qualità della vita degli utenti. (Italian)
17 January 2022
0 references
La Operación Enmienda y Reestructuración del Edificio Hogar N.a Senhora de Fátima contribuye activamente a satisfacer las necesidades de la población de la Municipalidad de Fundão y es de suma importancia para mejorar las condiciones de vida y la calidad de vida de los usuarios. (Spanish)
20 January 2022
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Senhora de Fatima koduhoone tegevusmuudatus ja ümberkorraldamine aitab aktiivselt kaasa Fundão valla elanike vajaduste rahuldamisele ning on äärmiselt oluline kasutajate elamistingimuste ja elukvaliteedi parandamisel. (Estonian)
29 July 2022
0 references
Namų pastato „Senhora de Fatima“ veiklos keitimas ir restruktūrizavimas aktyviai prisideda prie Fundão savivaldybės gyventojų poreikių tenkinimo ir yra labai svarbus gerinant gyvenimo sąlygas ir vartotojų gyvenimo kokybę. (Lithuanian)
29 July 2022
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Operacija Promjena i restrukturiranje stambene zgrade N.I Senhora de Fatima aktivno doprinosi ispunjenju potreba stanovništva općine Fundão i izuzetno je važna za poboljšanje uvjeta stanovanja i kvalitete života korisnika. (Croatian)
29 July 2022
0 references
Η αλλαγή λειτουργίας και η αναδιάρθρωση του οικιακού κτιρίου N.‹ Senhora de Fatima συμβάλλει ενεργά στην κάλυψη των αναγκών του πληθυσμού του δήμου Fundão και είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντική για τη βελτίωση των συνθηκών κατοικησιμότητας και της ποιότητας ζωής των χρηστών. (Greek)
29 July 2022
0 references
Zmena prevádzky a reštrukturalizácia budovy Domáca budova č. Senhora de Fatima aktívne prispieva k napĺňaniu potrieb obyvateľstva obce Fundão a je mimoriadne dôležitá pre zlepšenie podmienok obývateľnosti a kvality života používateľov. (Slovak)
29 July 2022
0 references
Kotitalon N.-Senhora de Fatiman toimintamuutos ja rakenneuudistus myötävaikuttavat aktiivisesti Fundãon kunnan väestön tarpeiden täyttämiseen ja ovat erittäin tärkeitä asumisedellytysten ja käyttäjien elämänlaadun parantamiseksi. (Finnish)
29 July 2022
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Operacja Zmiana i Restrukturyzacja Budownictwa Domowego nr Senhora de Fatima aktywnie przyczynia się do zaspokojenia potrzeb ludności gminy Fundão i jest niezwykle ważna dla poprawy warunków zamieszkania i jakości życia użytkowników. (Polish)
29 July 2022
0 references
A Senhora de Fatima lakóépület átalakítása és átalakítása aktívan hozzájárul Fundão település lakossága szükségleteinek kielégítéséhez, és rendkívül fontos a felhasználók lakhatósági feltételeinek és életminőségének javítása szempontjából. (Hungarian)
29 July 2022
0 references
Operace Změna a restrukturalizace Home Building N.↑ Senhora de Fatima aktivně přispívá k naplnění potřeb obyvatel obce Fundão a je mimořádně důležitá pro zlepšení podmínek obyvatel a kvality života uživatelů. (Czech)
29 July 2022
0 references
Mājas ēkas N. Senthora de Fatima darbības maiņa un pārstrukturēšana aktīvi veicina Fundão pašvaldības iedzīvotāju vajadzību apmierināšanu un ir ārkārtīgi svarīga, lai uzlabotu apdzīvojamības apstākļus un lietotāju dzīves kvalitāti. (Latvian)
29 July 2022
0 references
Cuireann Oibríocht Athraithe agus Athstruchtúrú an Fhoirgneamh Baile N.Χ Senhora de Fatima go gníomhach le riachtanais dhaonra bhardas Fundão a líonadh agus tá sé thar a bheith tábhachtach chun coinníollacha cónaitheachta agus caighdeán saoil na n-úsáideoirí a fheabhsú. (Irish)
29 July 2022
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Operacija Sprememba in prestrukturiranje stanovanjske stavbe N. Senhora de Fatima aktivno prispeva k zadovoljevanju potreb prebivalstva občine Fundão in je izjemno pomembna za izboljšanje pogojev bivanja in kakovosti življenja uporabnikov. (Slovenian)
29 July 2022
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Операцията „Промяна и преструктуриране на домашната сграда N.“ Senhora de Fatima допринася активно за задоволяването на нуждите на населението на община Fundão и е изключително важна за подобряване на условията за обитаване и качеството на живот на ползвателите. (Bulgarian)
29 July 2022
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Il-Bidla fl-Operazzjoni u r-Ristrutturar tal-Binja tad-Dar (Senhora de Fatima) tikkontribwixxi b’mod attiv biex jimtlew il-ħtiġijiet tal-popolazzjoni tal-muniċipalità ta’ Fundão u hija importanti ħafna għat-titjib tal-kundizzjonijiet tal-abitabilità u l-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-utenti. (Maltese)
29 July 2022
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Driftsændringen og omstruktureringen af hjemmebygningen i Senhora de Fatima bidrager aktivt til at opfylde behovene hos befolkningen i Fundão kommune og er yderst vigtigt for at forbedre beboeligheden og livskvaliteten for brugerne. (Danish)
29 July 2022
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Operațiunea "Schimbarea și restructurarea clădirii "Clădirii" "Senhora de Fatima" contribuie în mod activ la satisfacerea nevoilor populației din localitatea Fundão și este extrem de importantă pentru îmbunătățirea condițiilor de locuire și a calității vieții utilizatorilor. (Romanian)
29 July 2022
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Operation Change and Restructuring of the Home Building N. Senhora de Fatima bidrar aktivt till att tillgodose behoven hos befolkningen i Fundão kommun och är oerhört viktig för att förbättra villkoren för beboelighet och livskvalitet för användarna. (Swedish)
29 July 2022
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23 May 2023
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0 references
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