Proprietary Programme for Professional Activation APAZ + (Q102656): Difference between revisions

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(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / frlabel / fr
Programme d’activation professionnelle de l’auteur Apaz +
Programme d’activation professionnelle Apaz +
label / delabel / de
Programm der professionellen Aktivierung des Autors Apaz +
Apaz Professional Aktivierungsprogramm +
label / nllabel / nl
Programma van de auteur van professionele activering Apaz +
Apaz Professional Activeringsprogramma +
label / itlabel / it
Programma dell'autore di attivazione professionale Apaz +
Programma di attivazione professionale Apaz +
label / eslabel / es
Programa de Activación Profesional del Autor Apaz +
Programa de Activación Profesional de Apaz +
label / dalabel / da
Proprietær program for professionel aktivering Apaz +
Apaz Professional Aktivering Program +
label / ellabel / el
Ιδιόκτητο Πρόγραμμα Επαγγελματικής Ενεργοποίησης Apaz +
Πρόγραμμα Επαγγελματικής Ενεργοποίησης Apaz +
label / hrlabel / hr
Vlasnički program za profesionalnu aktivaciju Apaz +
Apaz program za profesionalnu aktivaciju +
label / rolabel / ro
Programul de proprietate pentru Activarea Profesională Apaz +
Programul de Activare Profesională Apaz +
label / sklabel / sk
Proprietárny program pre profesionálnu aktiváciu Apaz +
Apaz Profesionálny aktivačný program +
label / mtlabel / mt
Programm Proprjetarju għal Attivazzjoni Professjonali Apaz +
Il-Programm ta’ Attivazzjoni Professjonali Apaz +
label / ptlabel / pt
Programa Proprietário para Ativação Profissional Apaz +
Programa Proprietário de Ativação Profissional APAZ +
label / filabel / fi
Oma ohjelma Professional Activation Apaz +
Apaz Professional Aktivointiohjelma +
label / sllabel / sl
Lastniški program za profesionalno aktivacijo Apaz +
Apaz Professional Activation Program +
label / cslabel / cs
Proprietární program pro profesionální aktivaci Apaz +
Apaz Professional Activation Program +
label / ltlabel / lt
Patentuota programa profesiniam aktyvavimui Apaz +
Apaz Profesionalus aktyvinimo programa +
label / lvlabel / lv
Patentētā programma profesionālās aktivizācijas Apaz +
Apaz profesionālā aktivizēšanas programma +
label / bglabel / bg
Патентована програма за професионална активност Apaz +
Apaz Professional Activation Program +
label / hulabel / hu
Szabadalmaztatott program szakmai aktiválás Apaz +
Apaz Professional Aktivációs Program +
label / galabel / ga
Clár Dílseánach um Ghníomhachtú Gairmiúil APAZ +
Clár Gníomhachtaithe Gairmiúla APAZ +
label / svlabel / sv
Proprietärt program för professionell aktivering Apaz +
Apaz Professional Aktiveringsprogram +
label / etlabel / et
Patenteeritud programm professionaalseks aktiveerimiseks Apaz +
Apaz Professional aktiveerimise programm +
Property / summary: In order to ensure that the dial-up of the dial-up of the dial-up of the dial-in is necessary in the course of the query, it is necessary to do so on the basis of the provisions of C.C., which are threatened with poverty/excluded.(disabled cause).(in addition to access criterion), including non-fixed (from the reason of mental illness). (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0056567908212758
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Le projet sera utilisé pour activer 40 personnes (22 K/18 M) à l’âge de l’activité active (>18 ans), résidant dans le voïvodie conformément aux dispositions du CC, qui sont exposées au risque de pauvreté/exclusion. en raison d’un handicap. (critère d’accès supplémentaire), cela inclut les personnes handicapées en raison d’une maladie mentale.(min.50 % des participants).Le projet est axé sur la faible qualification, car ces qualifications prévalent parmi les ONs dans la voïvodie de Łódź (60 %) et avec un degré significatif d’inachevé (30 %). pour ces personnes se trouvent les plus difficiles.Le processus de restauration capable de participer au projet sera basé sur un parcours individualisé de réinsertion sous la forme d’un programme d’action individuel (DPI), développé par un psychologue, ainsi que sur la participation au seuil du projet, y compris le diagnostic de son système, des ressources, du potentiel et des besoins sociaux, en étroite collaboration avec l’OPS, fournissant un soutien quotidien à un participant donné. (le critère bonus). Le programme proposé dans le projet contient des éléments de réinsertion sociale et d’intégration active (chaque participant participe à des ateliers sur l’acquisition et la formation des compétences de la communauté., entre autres, en mesure de fixer et d’atteindre des objectifs, également grâce à la méthode innovante d’hypothérapie pour l’ON), et la réintégration de la profession. en utilisant des instruments polonais pour acquérir de l’expérience. profession.requis par pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional et pratique habile.professionnel.à travers des stages de 6 mois, répondant aux normes définies dans le Cadre européen de qualité pour la pratique et les stages, complété par un examen et un certificat., réalisation. sous le projet offrira des stages dans des concours déficitaires sur Łódź.RP (selon les données du rapport «Marché du travail à woj.łódzk. 2014». WUP Łódź, 04.2015), qui combine plusieurs professions, ce qui aidera à restaurer la capacité.à difficile.pour participer.proj.en étendant leur compet.professional.Realiz.proj.dans la proposition.edually est basé sur des solutions innovantes développées et testées par le W dans le projet validé.Coalition de la rupture de l’opposition sociale EQUAL (French)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (French)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Das Projekt wird genutzt, um 40 Personen (22 K/18 M) im Alter von mehr als 18 Jahren in der Woiwodschaft in der Woiwodschaft gemäß den Bestimmungen des CC zu aktivieren, die aufgrund einer Behinderung von Armut/Ausschluss bedroht sind. für diese Menschen ist das schwierigste.Der Prozess der Restaurierung, die am Projekt teilnehmen kann, basiert auf einem individualisierten Wiedereingliederungsweg in Form eines individuellen Aktionsprogramms (IPD), das von einem Psychologen entwickelt wurde, zusammen mit der Teilnahme an der Schwelle des Projekts, einschließlich der Diagnose seines Systems, Ressourcen, Potenziale und predisp. beruflicher und sozialer Bedürfnisse, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit OPS, die tägliche Unterstützung für einen bestimmten Teilnehmer.(das Bonuskriterium). Das im Projekt angebotene Programm enthält Elemente der sozialen Wiedereingliederung und der aktiven Integration (jeder Teilnehmer nimmt an Workshops zum Erwerb und zur Ausbildung von Kompetenzen der Gemeinschaft teil., unter anderem in der Lage, Ziele zu setzen und zu erreichen, die auch durch die innovative Methode der Hypotherapie für das ON erreicht werden) und Reintegration des Berufs. Einsatz polnischer Instrumente für Erfahrung. profession.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillsful.professional.professional.through 6-Monats-Praktika, die die Standards des Europäischen Qualitätsrahmens für Praktika und Praktika erfüllen, abgeschlossen durch Prüfung und Bescheinigung., Realisierung. unter dem Projekt werden Praktika in Defizitwettbewerben auf Łódź.RP anbieten (nach den Daten aus dem Bericht „Arbeitsmarkt in woj.łó 2014“. WUP Łódź,04.2015), die mehrere Berufe kombiniert, die bei der Wiederherstellung der Fähigkeit.zu schwer.proj.für die Teilnahme.proj. durch die Erweiterung ihrer dem Vorschlag.edually basiert auf innovativen Lösungen, die von der W im validierten Projekt entwickelt und getestet.Coalition of the Breaking of Social Opposition EQUALQUALQUAL (German)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (German)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Het project zal worden gebruikt voor het activeren van 40 personen (22 K/18 M) op de leeftijd van actieve bezetting (>18 jaar), woonachtig in het woiwodschap in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van de CC, die risico lopen op armoede/uitsluiting. als gevolg van een handicap.(toevoeging. toegangscriterium), dit omvat mensen met een handicap als gevolg van psychische aandoeningen.(min.50 % van de deelnemers).Het project is gericht op lage kwalificaties, aangezien dergelijke kwalificaties overheersen onder ONs in het woiwodschap Łódź (60 %) en met een aanzienlijke mate van onvolledigheid (30 %), vinden deze mensen het moeilijkst.Het herstelproces dat in staat is om aan het project deel te nemen, zal gebaseerd zijn op een geïndividualiseerde re-integratieroute in de vorm van een individueel actieprogramma (IPD), ontwikkeld door een psycholoog, samen met deelname aan de drempel van het project, met inbegrip van de diagnose van zijn/haar systeem, middelen, potentieel en predisp. beroep en sociale behoeften, in nauwe samenwerking met OPS, het verlenen van ondersteuning op een dagelijkse basis aan een bepaalde deelnemer.(het bonuscriterium). Het programma dat in het project wordt aangeboden bevat elementen van sociale re-integratie en actieve integratie (elke deelnemer neemt deel aan workshops over het verwerven en opleiden van competenties van de gemeenschap., onder andere, in staat om doelen te stellen en te bereiken, ook bereikt door de innovatieve methode van hypotherapie voor de ON), en reïntegratie van het beroep. met behulp van Poolse instrumenten voor het opdoen van ervaring. beroep.verplicht door pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professioneel en praktisch bekwaam.professioneel.professioneel.door middel van 6 maanden stages, voldoen aan de normen van het Europees kwaliteitskader voor praktijk en stages, ingevuld door examen en attest., realisatie. onder het project zal stages bieden bij tekortwedstrijden op Łódź.RP (volgens de gegevens uit het rapport „Work market in woj.łó 2014”. WUP Łódź,04.2015), die verschillende beroepen combineert, die zullen helpen bij het herstellen van het difficult.for Participat.proj.door hun het voorstel uit te breiden.edually is gebaseerd op innovatieve oplossingen ontwikkeld en getest door de W in het gevalideerde project.Coalition of the Breaking of Social Opposition EQUAL (Dutch)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Dutch)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Il progetto sarà utilizzato per attivare 40 persone (22 K/18 M) all'età dell'occupazione attiva (>18 anni), residenti nel voivodato in conformità con le disposizioni del CC, che sono a rischio di povertà/esclusione. a causa di disabilità. come tali qualificanti prevalgono tra ON nel Voivodato di Łódź (60 %) e con un grado significativo di incompleto (30 %), per queste persone trova più difficile. Il processo di restauro in grado di partecipare al progetto si baserà su un percorso individualizzato di reinserimento sotto forma di un Programma d'Azione Individuale (IPD), sviluppato da uno psicologo, insieme alla partecipazione alla soglia del progetto, compresa la diagnosi del suo sistema, risorse, potenziali e predisp. occupazione e bisogni sociali, in stretta collaborazione con OPS, fornendo supporto su base giornaliera ad un dato partecipante.(il criterio bonus). Il programma offerto nel progetto contiene elementi di reinserimento sociale e integrazione attiva (ciascuno partecipante partecipa a workshop sull'acquisizione e formazione delle competenze della comunità., tra gli altri, in grado di fissare e raggiungere obiettivi, raggiunti anche attraverso l'innovativo metodo di ipoterapia per l'On), e il reinserimento della professione. utilizzando strumenti polacchi per acquisire esperienza. profession.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professional.through 6 mesi stage, conforme agli standard stabiliti nel Quadro europeo di qualità per le pratiche e i tirocini, completato da esame e attestato., realizzazione. sotto progetto offrirà stage in concorsi deficitari su Łódź.RP (secondo i dati della relazione "Work market in woj.łó 2014". WUP Łódź, 04.2015), che combina diverse professioni, che aiuteranno a ripristinare la capacità.to difficile per partecipare.proj. ampliando il loro compet.professional.Realiz.proj.nella proposta.edualmente si basa su soluzioni innovative sviluppate e testate dal W nel progetto convalidato.Coalizione della rottura dell'opposizione sociale EQUAL (Italian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Italian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
El proyecto se utilizará para activar a 40 personas (22 K/18 M) a la edad de ocupación activa (> 18 años), residentes en el voivodato de acuerdo con las disposiciones del CC, que están en riesgo de pobreza/exclusión. por discapacidad. (criterio de acceso adicional), esto incluye a las personas discapacitadas por enfermedad mental.(min.50 % de los participantes).El proyecto está dirigido a la baja cualificación, como tales calificativos prevalecen entre las ON en el Voivodato de Łódz (60 %) y con un grado significativo de incompleta (30 %), para estas personas encuentran el más difícil. El proceso de restauración capaz de participar en el proyecto se basará en un camino individualizado de reintegración en forma de un Programa de Acción Individual (IPD), desarrollado por un psicólogo, junto con la participación en el umbral del proyecto, incluido el diagnóstico de su sistema, recursos, potencial y predisp. ocupación y necesidades sociales, en estrecha colaboración con la OPS, proporcionando apoyo diario a un participante determinado (el criterio de bonificación). El programa ofrecido en el proyecto contiene elementos de reintegración social e integración activa (cada participante participa en talleres de adquisición y capacitación de competencias de la comunidad., entre otros, capaces de fijar y alcanzar objetivos, también logrados a través del innovador método de hipoterapia para la ON), y reintegración de la profesión. utilizando instrumentos polacos para adquirir experiencia. profesión.requerido por pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional y práctico hábil.profesional.a través de prácticas de 6 meses, cumpliendo con las normas establecidas en el Marco Europeo de Calidad para la Práctica y los períodos de prácticas, completado mediante examen y prueba., realización. bajo conductor.carrera.En el proyecto ofrecerá pasantías en concursos por déficit en Łódδ.RP (según los datos del informe «Work market in woj.łó 2014». WUP Łódz.,04.2015), que combina varias profesiones, lo que ayudará a restaurar la capacidad.a difícil.para participar.proj. mediante la ampliación de su compet.profesional.Realiz.proj.en la propuesta.edualmente se basa en soluciones innovadoras desarrolladas y probadas por el W en el proyecto validado.Coalition of the Breaking of Social Opposition EQUAL (Spanish)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Spanish)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
For at sikre, at det i løbet af forespørgslen er nødvendigt at ringe op til opkaldet på opkaldet, er det nødvendigt at gøre dette på grundlag af bestemmelserne i C.C., som er truet af fattigdom/udelukket (handicappede årsager). (ud over adgangskriteriet), herunder ikke-fastgjort (på grund af psykisk sygdom). (Danish)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Danish)
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Για να εξασφαλιστεί ότι κατά τη διάρκεια του ερωτήματος είναι απαραίτητη η κλήση της κλήσης του dial-up, είναι απαραίτητο να γίνει αυτό με βάση τις διατάξεις του C.C., οι οποίες απειλούνται με φτώχεια/αποκλείεται.(εκτός από το κριτήριο πρόσβασης), συμπεριλαμβανομένων των μη-σταθερών (λόγω ψυχικής ασθένειας). (Greek)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Greek)
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Kako bi se osiguralo da je tijekom upita potrebno biranje birača biranja, potrebno je to učiniti na temelju odredbi C.C.-a, koje su ugrožene siromaštvom/isključenim.(nemogući uzrok).(osim kriterija za pristup), uključujući nefiksirane (iz razloga mentalne bolesti). (Croatian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Croatian)
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Pentru a se asigura că dial-up-ul dial-up-ului dial-up-ului dial-in este necesară în cursul interogării, este necesar să se facă acest lucru pe baza dispozițiilor C.C., care sunt amenințate cu sărăcia/excluderea. (cauze cu handicap) (în plus față de criteriul de acces), inclusiv nefixată (din cauza bolii mintale). (Romanian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Romanian)
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S cieľom zabezpečiť, aby bolo v priebehu dotazu potrebné vytáčanie číselníka, je potrebné to urobiť na základe ustanovení C.C., ktorým hrozí chudoba/vylúčená (zdravotne postihnutá príčina).(okrem kritéria prístupu) vrátane nestanoveného (z dôvodu duševnej choroby). (Slovak)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Slovak)
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Sabiex jiġi żgurat li l-arloġġ tad-dial-up tad-dial-up tad-dial-in ikun meħtieġ matul it-talba, huwa meħtieġ li dan isir fuq il-bażi tad-dispożizzjonijiet tas-C.C., li huma mhedda mill-faqar/eskluża (kawża b’diżabilità). (minbarra l-kriterju tal-aċċess), inkluż mhux fiss (minħabba r-raġuni ta’ mard mentali). (Maltese)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Maltese)
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A fim de assegurar a necessidade de efetuar a marcação da marcação no decurso da consulta, é necessário fazê-lo com base nas disposições de C.C., que estão ameaçadas de pobreza/exclusão. (para além do critério de acesso), incluindo as não fixas (a partir do motivo de doença mental). (Portuguese)
A fim de assegurar que o dial-up do dial-up do dial-up do dial-in é necessário no decurso da consulta, é necessário fazê-lo com base nas disposições do C.C., que estão ameaçados de pobreza / excluídos. (causa deficiente). (além do critério de acesso), incluindo não fixo (por motivo de doença mental). (Portuguese)
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Jotta voidaan varmistaa, että puhelun yhteydessä on tarpeen valita valinta valintavalintaan, se on tehtävä C.C.:n säännösten perusteella, joita uhkaa köyhyys/poissulkeminen (vammainen syy).(pääsykriteerin lisäksi), mukaan lukien kiinteät (mielenterveyssairauden vuoksi)). (Finnish)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Finnish)
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Da bi zagotovili, da je med poizvedbo potrebno klicanje klicanja na klic, je treba to storiti na podlagi določb C.C., ki jim grozi revščina/izključeno (invalidni razlog).(poleg merila za dostop), vključno z nefiksnimi (zaradi duševne bolezni). (Slovenian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Slovenian)
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Aby bylo zajištěno, že je v průběhu dotazu nutné vytočit vytočení vytáčení telefonátu, je nutné tak učinit na základě ustanovení C.C., která jsou ohrožena chudobou/vyloučena. (příčina se zdravotním postižením). (kromě kritéria přístupu), včetně nepevných (z důvodu duševní nemoci). (Czech)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Czech)
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Siekiant užtikrinti, kad apklausos metu būtų būtina surinkti rinkimo numerį, būtina tai padaryti remiantis C.C. nuostatomis, kurioms gresia skurdas/neįgalumas (neįgalumo priežastis).(be prieigos kriterijaus), įskaitant nefiksuotą (dėl psichinės ligos priežasties). (Lithuanian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Lithuanian)
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Lai nodrošinātu, ka vaicājuma laikā ir nepieciešama iezvanīšanas iezvanīšana, tas ir jādara, pamatojoties uz C.C. noteikumiem, kurus apdraud nabadzība/izslēgti (invalīdi).(papildus piekļuves kritērijam), tostarp nefiksētiem (garīgās slimības dēļ). (Latvian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Latvian)
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За да се гарантира, че в хода на запитването е необходимо да се набере комутационното набиране на набирането, е необходимо да се направи това въз основа на разпоредбите на C.C., които са застрашени от бедност/изключена (причина за увреждане). (в допълнение към критерия за достъп), включително нефиксирани (от причината за психическо заболяване). (Bulgarian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Bulgarian)
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Annak biztosítása érdekében, hogy a betárcsázó betárcsázásának betárcsázása szükséges legyen a lekérdezés során, ezt a C.C. rendelkezései alapján kell megtenni, amelyek szegénységgel/kizártsággal fenyegetnek.(a hozzáférés kritériuma mellett), beleértve a nem rögzített (a mentális betegség okából eredő) feltételeket is. (Hungarian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Hungarian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
D’fhonn a chinntiú go bhfuil gá le diailiú an diailithe ar an dhiailiú isteach le linn an cheist, is gá é sin a dhéanamh ar bhonn fhorálacha C.C., atá faoi bhagairt bochtaineachta/eisiata.(de bhreis ar chritéar rochtana), lena n-áirítear neamh-shocrú (ó chúis meabhairghalar). (Irish)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Irish)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
För att säkerställa att uppringningen av uppringningen av uppringningen av uppringningen av uppringningen är nödvändig under sökningen är det nödvändigt att göra detta på grundval av bestämmelserna i C.C., som hotas av fattigdom/utesluten (funktionshindrad orsak).(utöver tillträdeskriteriet), inklusive icke-fasta (av anledning av psykisk sjukdom). (Swedish)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Swedish)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Selleks et tagada, et päringu käigus on vajalik sissehelistamise sissehelistamise sissehelistamine, tuleb seda teha C.C. sätete alusel, mida ähvardab vaesus/välja arvatud (puuetega seotud põhjus).(lisaks juurdepääsukriteeriumile), sealhulgas mittefikseeritud (vaimse haiguse tõttu). (Estonian)
The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Estonian)
Property / contained in NUTS: Łódzki / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS: Miasto Łódź / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Łódź / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Łódź / qualifier
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Social inclusion / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
24 May 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 24 May 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 03:47, 11 October 2024

Project Q102656 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Proprietary Programme for Professional Activation APAZ +
Project Q102656 in Poland


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    1,097,038.56 zloty
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    243,871.67 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,290,633.6 zloty
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    286,907.85 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 February 2016
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    30 April 2017
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    51°54'14.00"N, 19°26'21.34"E
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    51°46'7.43"N, 19°27'25.16"E
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    Proj.posłuży aktywizacji społ.-zawod.40 os.(22 K/18 M)w wieku aktywn.zawod.(>18 r.ż.),zamieszkujacych na terenie woj.łódzk.zgodnie z przepisami KC,zagrożonych ubóstwem/wyklucz.społ.z przyczyny niepełnosprawn.(dodatk.kryterium dostępu),w tym zwł.niepełnosprawn.z powodu choroby psych.(min.50% uczestn.).Proj.skierowany jest zwł.do os.z niskimi kwalifikac.,z uwagi na to,że takie kwalifik.przeważają wśród ON w woj.łódzk.(60%)oraz ze znaczn.stopn.niepełnospr.(30%),gdyż te os.najrzadziej znajdują zatrudn.Proces przywracania zatrudn.uczestn.proj.odbędzie się w oparciu o zindywidualizowaną ścieżkę reintegracji w postaci Indywidualnego Programu Działania(IPD),opracowanego przez psychologa,wraz z uczestn.u progu jego udz.w proj.,z uwzgl.diagnozy jego syt.,zasobów,potencjału i predysp.zawod.i społ.oraz potrzeb,w ścisłej współpracy z OPS,udzielającym na co dzień wsparcia danemu uczestn.(kryterium premiujące).Program oferowany w proj.zawiera elementy reintegracji społ.i aktywnej integracji (każdy uczestn.weźmie udz.w warsztatach dot.nabywania i treningu kompetencji społ.służ wytyczania i osiągania celów,realizowanych również poprzez nowatorską metodę hipoterapii dla ON),oraz reintegracji zawod.z wykorzyst.instrumentów RP służących zdobyciu doświadcz.zawod.wymaganego przez pracodawców:tj.nabywanie doświadcz.zawod.i praktycznych umiejętn.zawodow.poprzez 6-m-czne staże,spełniające standardy wskazane w Europejskiej Ramie Jakości Praktyk i Staży,zakończone egzaminem i zaświadcz.,realizow.pod kierown.opiekuna.W proj.oferowane będą staże w zawodach deficytowych na łódzk.RP(wg danych z raportu"Rynek pracy w woj.łódzk.w 2014r.",WUP Łódź,04.2015),na stan.łączących kilka profesji,co dodatk.pomoże w przywróceniu zatrudn.dla uczestn.proj.poprzez poszerzenie ich kompet.zawod.Realiz.proj.w propon.kształcie oparta jest na innowacyjnych rozwiąz.,opracowanych i testowanych przez W w zwalidowanym proj.Koalicja Łamania Oporów Społecznych KŁOS zrealizow.w progr.EQUAL (Polish)
    0 references
    In order to ensure that the dial-up of the dial-up of the dial-up of the dial-in is necessary in the course of the query, it is necessary to do so on the basis of the provisions of C.C., which are threatened with poverty/excluded.(disabled cause).(in addition to access criterion), including non-fixed (from the reason of mental illness). (English)
    17 October 2020
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (French)
    1 December 2021
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    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (German)
    7 December 2021
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    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Italian)
    15 January 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Danish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Greek)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Croatian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Romanian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Slovak)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Maltese)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    A fim de assegurar que o dial-up do dial-up do dial-up do dial-in é necessário no decurso da consulta, é necessário fazê-lo com base nas disposições do C.C., que estão ameaçados de pobreza / excluídos. (causa deficiente). (além do critério de acesso), incluindo não fixo (por motivo de doença mental). (Portuguese)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Finnish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Slovenian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Czech)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Lithuanian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Latvian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Bulgarian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Hungarian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Irish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Swedish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The project will be used to activate the community-professional 40 persons(22 K/18 M)at the age of active profession(> 18 years old), residing in the territory of the province of Lodz. in accordance with the provisions of the CC, at risk of poverty/exclusion.for the reason of disability.(addition. access criterion), including disability due to mental illness.(min.50 % participation).The project is directed to people with low qualifications, due to the fact that such a qualification prevails among him in the province of Lodz.(60 %)and from a significant degree of disability (30 %), the process of restoring the ability to employ.proj.proj. will take place on the basis of an individualised path of reintegration in the form of an Individual Program of Action (IPD), developed by a psychologist, along with the participation at the threshold of his or her activities, taking into account the diagnosis of its system, resources, potential and predysp.zawod.and the needs, in close cooperation with the OPS, providing support on a daily basis to a given participation.(a bonus criterion).The program offered in the project contains elements of social reintegration and active integration (each participation will take place in workshops on acquisition and training of competences of the community service, including the ability to set and achieve goals, also implemented through the innovative method of hypotherapy for ON), and reintegration of the profession with the use of instruments of the Republic of Poland to gain experience.professional.required by pracodawców:tj.nabywanie experience.professional and practical skillful.professionals.through 6-m internships, meeting the standards indicated in the European Quality Framework for Practices and Traineeships, completed with an exam and attest.,realizow.under the management of the caretaker.In the project, internships will be offered in shortfall occupations for boats.RP (according to data from the report “The labour market in woj.łó 2014.”, WUP Łódź,04.2015),on a condition.combining several professions,which will help to restore employable.proj.for expanding their proon.form is based on innovative solutions.developed and tested by W in a validated project.Coalition Breaking Social Resistance KŁOS progr.EQUAL (Estonian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: zgierski
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    WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: Łódź
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    24 May 2023
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