Connecting Roobuka railway stop to Aespa settlement (Q3068014): Difference between revisions

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(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / ptlabel / pt
Conectando a parada ferroviária de Roobuka ao assentamento Aespa
Ligação da estação ferroviária de Roobuka à povoação de Aespa
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Kohila Vallavalitsus
Property / beneficiary name (string): Kohila Vallavalitsus / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: A carriageway with lightways shall be built. The existing Unity Road will be reconstructed within 770 m and new road sections will be built within 410 m to the Roobuka railway stop. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0086650505792275
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Deve ser construída uma faixa de rodagem com vias ligeiras. A atual Unity Road será reconstruída dentro de 770 m e novos troços rodoviários serão construídos dentro de 410 m até a paragem ferroviária de Roobuka. (Portuguese)
Deve ser construída uma faixa de rodagem com luzes. A atual estrada da unidade será reconstruída num raio de 770 m e serão construídos novos troços rodoviários num raio de 410 m até à paragem ferroviária de Roobuka. (Portuguese)
Property / coordinate location: 59°9'54.25"N, 24°45'42.44"E / qualifier
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3080020 / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Kohila vald / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Kohila Vallavalitsus / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Kohila Vallavalitsus
Property / beneficiary name (string): Kohila Vallavalitsus / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: Sustainable transport. / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Network infrastructure in transport and energy / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
6 November 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 6 November 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Rapla maakond
Property / location (string): Rapla maakond / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 09:30, 9 October 2024

Project Q3068014 in Estonia
Language Label Description Also known as
Connecting Roobuka railway stop to Aespa settlement
Project Q3068014 in Estonia


    0 references
    205,269.90 Euro
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    241,494.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    10 August 2015
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    31 October 2016
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    Kohila Vallavalitsus
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    59°9'54.25"N, 24°45'42.44"E
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    Rajatakse sõidutee koos kergteega. Rekonstrueeritakse olemasolev Ühistute tee 770 m ulatuses ning rajatakse uued teelõigud 410 meetri ulatuses Roobuka raudteepeatuseni. (Estonian)
    0 references
    A carriageway with lightways shall be built. The existing Unity Road will be reconstructed within 770 m and new road sections will be built within 410 m to the Roobuka railway stop. (English)
    16 August 2021
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    Une chaussée avec des voies lumineuses doit être construite. La route Unity existante sera reconstruite dans un rayon de 770 m et de nouveaux tronçons routiers seront construits à moins de 410 m jusqu’à l’arrêt ferroviaire Roobuka. (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Es muss eine Fahrbahn mit Lichtwegen gebaut werden. Die bestehende Unity Road wird innerhalb von 770 m rekonstruiert und neue Straßenabschnitte werden innerhalb von 410 m bis zur Haltestelle Roobuka gebaut. (German)
    30 November 2021
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    Er wordt een rijbaan met Lightways gebouwd. De bestaande Unity Road zal worden gereconstrueerd binnen 770 m en nieuwe weggedeelten zullen worden aangelegd binnen 410 m naar de Roobuka spoorweghalte. (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
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    Deve essere costruita una carreggiata con Lightways. La strada di unità esistente sarà ricostruita entro 770 m e nuovi tratti stradali saranno costruiti entro 410 m fino alla fermata ferroviaria Roobuka. (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    Se construirá una calzada con vías ligeras. La carretera Unity existente se reconstruirá dentro de 770 m y se construirán nuevos tramos de carretera a 410 m de la parada ferroviaria de Roobuka. (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
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    Θα κατασκευαστεί οδικός άξονας με Lightways. Η υφιστάμενη Οδός Ενότητας θα ανακατασκευαστεί εντός 770 μέτρων και θα κατασκευαστούν νέα οδικά τμήματα σε απόσταση 410 μέτρων από τη σιδηροδρομική στάση Roobuka. (Greek)
    17 August 2022
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    Der skal bygges en kørebane med letbaner. Den eksisterende Unity Road vil blive rekonstrueret inden for 770 m og nye vejstrækninger vil blive bygget inden for 410 m til Roobuka jernbanestoppestedet. (Danish)
    17 August 2022
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    Moottoritiet on rakennettava. Nykyistä Unity Road -tietä kunnostetaan 770 metrin säteellä ja uusia tieosuuksia rakennetaan 410 metrin säteellä Roobukan rautatiepysäkille. (Finnish)
    17 August 2022
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    Għandha tinbena karreġġata bil-Lightways. It-Triq Unitarja eżistenti se tinbena mill-ġdid fi ħdan 770 m u se jinbnew sezzjonijiet ġodda tat-toroq fi ħdan 410 m sal-waqfa ferrovjarja ta’ Roobuka. (Maltese)
    17 August 2022
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    Uzbūvē brauktuves ar Lightways. Esošais Unity Road tiks rekonstruēts 770 m attālumā un jauni ceļa posmi tiks izbūvēti 410 m attālumā līdz Roobuka dzelzceļa pieturai. (Latvian)
    17 August 2022
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    Musí byť vybudovaná vozovka s svetelnými dráhami. Existujúca cesta Unity bude rekonštruovaná do 770 m a nové cestné úseky budú vybudované v okruhu 410 m od železničnej zastávky Roobuka. (Slovak)
    17 August 2022
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    Tógfar carrbhealach le solasbhealaí. Déanfar an Bóthar Aontachta atá ann faoi láthair a atógáil laistigh de 770 m agus tógfar codanna bóthair nua laistigh de 410 m go dtí stad iarnróid Roobuka. (Irish)
    17 August 2022
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    Musí být postavena vozovka s Lightwayem. Stávající Unity Road bude rekonstruována do 770 m a nové silniční úseky budou postaveny do 410 m k železniční zastávce Roobuka. (Czech)
    17 August 2022
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    Deve ser construída uma faixa de rodagem com luzes. A atual estrada da unidade será reconstruída num raio de 770 m e serão construídos novos troços rodoviários num raio de 410 m até à paragem ferroviária de Roobuka. (Portuguese)
    17 August 2022
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    Könnyűfolyosóval ellátott útpályát kell építeni. A meglévő Unity Road 770 m-en belül rekonstruálódik, új útszakaszokat építenek 410 m-en belül a Roobuka megállóig. (Hungarian)
    17 August 2022
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    Трябва да бъде изградена платна със светлинни пътища. Съществуващият Юнити Път ще бъде реконструиран на 770 м и ще бъдат изградени нови пътни участъци в рамките на 410 м до жп спирка „Робука“. (Bulgarian)
    17 August 2022
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    Turi būti nutiestas važiuojamasis kelias su Lightways. Esamas Vienybės kelias bus rekonstruotas per 770 m, o naujos kelio atkarpos bus nutiestos per 410 m iki Roobuka geležinkelio stotelės. (Lithuanian)
    17 August 2022
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    Mora se izgraditi kolnik sa svjetlosnim stazama. Postojeća cesta Unity bit će obnovljena u roku od 770 m, a nove dionice cesta bit će izgrađene unutar 410 m do željezničke stanice Roobuka. (Croatian)
    17 August 2022
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    En körbana med Lightways ska byggas. Den befintliga Unity Road kommer att byggas om inom 770 m och nya vägsträckor kommer att byggas inom 410 m till Roobukas hållplats. (Swedish)
    17 August 2022
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    Se construiește un carosabil cu căi ferate. Drumul Unity existent va fi reconstruit pe o rază de 770 m și se vor construi noi tronsoane rutiere la o distanță de 410 m până la stația de cale ferată Roobuka. (Romanian)
    17 August 2022
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    Zgradi se vozišče z Lightwayi. Obstoječa Unity Road bo obnovljena znotraj 770 m, novi cestni odseki pa bodo zgrajeni v 410 m do železniške postaje Roobuka. (Slovenian)
    17 August 2022
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    Budowana jest jezdnia z drogami świetlnymi. Istniejąca droga Jedności zostanie przebudowana w odległości 770 m, a nowe odcinki dróg w odległości 410 m od przystanku kolejowego Roobuka. (Polish)
    17 August 2022
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    6 November 2023
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    Rapla maakond
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