Animation for the Energy Info Space (Q3679080): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, ro, sv, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, ro, sv,) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): O projeto consiste na animação de parte do programa de ação da Unidade 11 Energia e Clima da Agência Local para a Energia e o Clima por parte de: — Workshops, visitas técnicas, conferência anual. — Luta contra a pobreza energética. — Comunicação) |
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project consists of the animation of part of the action programme of the Local Energy and Climate Agency Energy and Climate Unit 11 on the part of: — Workshops, technical visits, annual conference. — Fight against energy poverty. — Communication (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0717057400162432
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
O projeto consiste na animação de parte do programa de ação da Unidade 11 Energia e Clima da Agência Local para a Energia e o Clima por parte de: — Workshops, visitas técnicas, conferência anual. — Luta contra a pobreza energética. — Comunicação (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Aude | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Aude / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Aude / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
43°3'15.37"N, 2°30'44.89"E
| |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 43°3'15.37"N, 2°30'44.89"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 43°3'15.37"N, 2°30'44.89"E / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
7 December 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 7 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 11:25, 11 October 2024
Project Q3679080 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Animation for the Energy Info Space |
Project Q3679080 in France |
17,753.5 Euro
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51,362.5 Euro
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34.57 percent
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1 January 2015
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31 December 2015
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Le projet consiste à l'animation d'une partie du programme d'actions de l'Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat Pôle Energies 11 sur la partie : - Ateliers, visites techniques, conférence annuelle. - Lutte contre la précarité énergétique. - Communication (French)
0 references
The project consists of the animation of part of the action programme of the Local Energy and Climate Agency Energy and Climate Unit 11 on the part of: — Workshops, technical visits, annual conference. — Fight against energy poverty. — Communication (English)
18 November 2021
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Das Projekt besteht in der Betreuung eines Teils des Aktionsprogramms der lokalen Energie- und Klimaagentur Energie 11 in folgenden Bereichen: — Workshops, technische Besuche, Jahreskonferenz. — Bekämpfung der Energiearmut. — Mitteilung (German)
1 December 2021
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Het project bestaat uit de dynamisering van een deel van het actieprogramma van het Plaatselijk Energie- en Klimaatagentschap Energie- en Klimaateenheid 11 van: Workshops, technische bezoeken, jaarlijkse conferentie. Bestrijding van energiearmoede. Communicatie (Dutch)
6 December 2021
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Il progetto consiste nell'animare una parte del programma d'azione dell'Agenzia locale per l'energia e il clima Unità 11 da parte di: — Workshop, visite tecniche, conferenza annuale. — Lotta contro la povertà energetica. — Comunicazione (Italian)
13 January 2022
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El proyecto consiste en la animación de una parte del programa de acción de la Unidad 11 de Energía y Clima de la Agencia Local de Energía y Clima por parte de: — Talleres, visitas técnicas, conferencia anual. Lucha contra la pobreza energética. — Comunicación (Spanish)
14 January 2022
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Projekt hõlmab kohaliku energia- ja kliimaagentuuri energeetika- ja kliimaüksuse 11 tegevusprogrammi ühe osa elavdamist, mis hõlmab järgmist: – Õpikojad, tehnilised külastused, iga-aastane konverents. – Võitlus kütteostuvõimetuse vastu. Teabevahetus (Estonian)
11 August 2022
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Projektą sudaro Vietos energetikos ir klimato agentūros „Energetikos ir klimato skyriaus 11“ veiksmų programos dalis, kurią vykdo: Seminarai, techniniai vizitai, metinė konferencija. – Kova su energijos nepritekliumi. – Komunikacija (Lithuanian)
11 August 2022
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Projekt se sastoji od animacije dijela akcijskog programa Lokalne energetske i klimatske agencije za energiju i klimu 11 na dijelu: Radionice, tehnički posjeti, godišnja konferencija. Borba protiv energetskog siromaštva. Komunikacija (Croatian)
11 August 2022
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Το έργο αποτελείται από την εμψύχωση μέρους του προγράμματος δράσης της Μονάδας 11 του Τοπικού Οργανισμού Ενέργειας και Κλίμα για την Ενέργεια και το Κλίμα από την πλευρά: — Εργαστήρια, τεχνικές επισκέψεις, ετήσια διάσκεψη. Καταπολέμηση της ενεργειακής φτώχειας. — ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ (Greek)
11 August 2022
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Projekt pozostáva z oživenia časti akčného programu Miestnej energetickej a klimatickej agentúry pre energetiku a klímu jednotky 11 na strane: — Workshopy, technické návštevy, výročná konferencia. — Boj proti energetickej chudobe. Komunikácia (Slovak)
11 August 2022
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Hanke koostuu paikallisen energia- ja ilmastokeskuksen Energia- ja ilmastoyksikön 11 toimintaohjelman toiminnan edistämisestä seuraavien tahojen osalta: — Työpajat, tekniset vierailut, vuotuinen konferenssi. — Energiaköyhyyden torjunta. — Tiedonanto (Finnish)
11 August 2022
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Projekt składa się z aktywizacji części programu działania Lokalnej Agencji Energii i Klimatu 11 Działu 11 ze strony: Warsztaty, wizyty techniczne, doroczna konferencja. Walka z ubóstwem energetycznym. — Komunikacja (Polish)
11 August 2022
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A projekt a Helyi Energia- és Klímaügyi Ügynökség (Energia- és Éghajlat-politika) 11. egysége cselekvési programja egy részének animációjából áll, amely a következő részekből áll: – Munkaértekezletek, szakmai látogatások, éves konferencia. Az energiaszegénység elleni küzdelem. Kommunikáció (Hungarian)
11 August 2022
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Projekt sestává z propagace části akčního programu místní agentury pro energetiku a klima oddělení 11 pro energetiku a klima na straně: Workshopy, technické návštěvy, výroční konference. Boj proti energetické chudobě. — Komunikace (Czech)
11 August 2022
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Projekts sastāv no vietējās enerģētikas un klimata aģentūras Enerģētikas un klimata vienības 11 rīcības programmas daļas aktivizēšanas: Darbsemināri, tehniskas vizītes, ikgadēja konference. — Cīņa pret enerģētisko nabadzību. — Saziņa (Latvian)
11 August 2022
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Is éard atá sa tionscadal ná cuid de chlár gníomhaíochta Aonad Fuinnimh agus Aeráide agus Aeráide Áitiúil Fuinnimh agus Aeráide 11 a bheochan ó thaobh na nithe seo a leanas: — Ceardlanna, cuairteanna teicniúla, comhdháil bhliantúil. — An comhrac i gcoinne na bochtaineachta fuinnimh. — Cumarsáid (Irish)
11 August 2022
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Projekt je sestavljen iz animacije dela akcijskega programa enote 11 lokalne agencije za energijo in podnebje za energijo in podnebje: — Delavnice, tehnični obiski, letna konferenca. — Boj proti energetski revščini. — Obveščanje (Slovenian)
11 August 2022
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Проектът се състои в популяризирането на част от програмата за действие на местния енергиен и климатичен отдел 11 на Агенцията по енергетика и климат от страна на: — Семинари, технически посещения, годишна конференция. — Борба с енергийната бедност. — Съобщение (Bulgarian)
11 August 2022
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Il-proġett jikkonsisti fl-animazzjoni ta’ parti mill-programm ta’ azzjoni tal-Unità 11 tal-Enerġija u l-Klima tal-Aġenzija Lokali dwar l-Enerġija u l-Klima min-naħa ta’: — Workshops, żjarat tekniċi, konferenza annwali. — Il-ġlieda kontra l-faqar enerġetiku. — Komunikazzjoni (Maltese)
11 August 2022
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O projeto consiste na animação de parte do programa de ação da Unidade 11 Energia e Clima da Agência Local para a Energia e o Clima por parte de: — Workshops, visitas técnicas, conferência anual. — Luta contra a pobreza energética. — Comunicação (Portuguese)
11 August 2022
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Projektet består af animation af en del af handlingsprogrammet for det lokale energi- og klimaagenturs energi- og klimaenhed 11 fra: — Workshops, tekniske besøg, årlig konference. — Bekæmpelse af energifattigdom. — Meddelelse (Danish)
11 August 2022
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Proiectul constă în animarea unei părți a programului de acțiune al Unității 11 pentru energie și climă a Agenției Locale pentru Energie și Climă din partea: Ateliere, vizite tehnice, conferință anuală. Combaterea sărăciei energetice. — Comunicare (Romanian)
11 August 2022
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Projektet består av en del av handlingsprogrammet för den lokala energi- och klimatbyrån Energi- och klimatenhet 11 för: — Workshoppar, tekniska besök, årlig konferens. — Kampen mot energifattigdom. — Meddelande (Swedish)
11 August 2022
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7 December 2023
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