MoedINOV.: Development of collection coins with innovative aesthetics using advanced technologies (Q2907652): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, da, ro, sv, nl, fr, de, it, pt, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, da, ro, sv,)
(‎Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0382136004983306)
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / start time
1 October 2018
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 October 2018 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
30 September 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 30 September 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): IMPRENSA NACIONAL - CASA DA MOEDA S.A. / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The MoedInov project aims at the application of innovative technologies in the creation of new aesthetic effects on collector coins and thus position and differentiate, with a high value-added product, on the international market. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0382136004983306
Property / beneficiary
Q2993264 (Deleted Item)
Property / beneficiary: Q2993264 (Deleted Item) / rank
Normal rank
Property / budgetProperty / budget
484,997.0 Euro
Amount484,997.0 Euro
484,996.92 Euro
Amount484,996.92 Euro
Property / EU contributionProperty / EU contribution
363,748.0 Euro
Amount363,748.0 Euro
363,747.69 Euro
Amount363,747.69 Euro
Property / co-financing rate
75.0 percent
Amount75.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 75.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: União das freguesias de Oliveira, São Paio e São Sebastião / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation (OT1) / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
75.0 percent
Amount75.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 75.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Research and innovation / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
10 January 2018
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 10 January 2018 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
31 December 2022
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 31 December 2022 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: IMPRENSA NACIONAL - CASA DA MOEDA S.A. / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): IMPRENSA NACIONAL - CASA DA MOEDA S.A. / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
14 November 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 14 November 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 11:38, 23 March 2024

Project Q2907652 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
MoedINOV.: Development of collection coins with innovative aesthetics using advanced technologies
Project Q2907652 in Portugal


    0 references
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    363,747.69 Euro
    0 references
    484,996.92 Euro
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    75.0 percent
    0 references
    10 January 2018
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    31 December 2022
    0 references
    0 references

    41°26'30.37"N, 8°17'44.05"W
    0 references
    O projeto MoedInov visa a aplicação de tecnologias inovadoras na criação de novos efeitos estéticos em moedas de coleção e, deste modo, posicionar-se e diferenciar-se, com um produto de alto valor acrescentado, no mercado internacional. (Portuguese)
    0 references
    The MoedInov project aims at the application of innovative technologies in the creation of new aesthetic effects on collector coins and thus position and differentiate, with a high value-added product, on the international market. (English)
    8 July 2021
    0 references
    Le projet MOEDINOV vise à l’application de technologies innovantes dans la création de nouveaux effets esthétiques dans les pièces de collection et donc à positionner et à différencier, avec un produit à forte valeur ajoutée, sur le marché international. (French)
    5 December 2021
    0 references
    Das Projekt MOEDINOV zielt auf die Anwendung innovativer Technologien bei der Schaffung neuer ästhetischer Effekte in Sammlermünzen ab und positioniert und differenziert mit einem Produkt mit hohem Mehrwert auf dem internationalen Markt. (German)
    13 December 2021
    0 references
    Het MOEDINOV-project heeft tot doel innovatieve technologieën toe te passen bij het creëren van nieuwe esthetische effecten in verzamelmunten en zo te positioneren en te differentiëren, met een product met een hoge toegevoegde waarde, op de internationale markt. (Dutch)
    19 December 2021
    0 references
    Il progetto MOEDINOV mira all'applicazione di tecnologie innovative nella creazione di nuovi effetti estetici nelle monete da collezione e quindi a posizionare e differenziare, con un prodotto ad alto valore aggiunto, nel mercato internazionale. (Italian)
    17 January 2022
    0 references
    El proyecto MOEDINOV tiene como objetivo la aplicación de tecnologías innovadoras en la creación de nuevos efectos estéticos en monedas de colección y así posicionar y diferenciar, con un producto de alto valor añadido, en el mercado internacional. (Spanish)
    21 January 2022
    0 references
    Projekti MoedInov eesmärk on rakendada innovaatilisi tehnoloogiaid, luues uusi esteetilisi mõjusid meenemüntidele ning seega positsioneerida ja eristada suure lisandväärtusega tootega rahvusvahelisel turul. (Estonian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekto „MoedInov“ tikslas – taikyti naujoviškas technologijas kuriant naujus estetinius efektus kolekcinėms monetoms ir tokiu būdu tarptautinėje rinkoje įsitvirtinti ir diferencijuoti su didelės pridėtinės vertės produktu. (Lithuanian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt MoedInov ima za cilj primjenu inovativnih tehnologija u stvaranju novih estetskih učinaka na kolekcionarske kovanice i time pozicionirati i razlikovati, s proizvodom s visokom dodanom vrijednošću, na međunarodnom tržištu. (Croatian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Το έργο MoedInov στοχεύει στην εφαρμογή καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών στη δημιουργία νέων αισθητικών επιπτώσεων στα συλλεκτικά κέρματα και, ως εκ τούτου, στη θέση και διαφοροποίηση, με ένα προϊόν υψηλής προστιθέμενης αξίας, στη διεθνή αγορά. (Greek)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt MoedInov sa zameriava na aplikáciu inovatívnych technológií pri vytváraní nových estetických účinkov na zberateľské mince a tým aj na postavenie a diferenciáciu s produktom s vysokou pridanou hodnotou na medzinárodnom trhu. (Slovak)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    MoedInov-hankkeen tavoitteena on käyttää innovatiivisia teknologioita uusien esteettisten vaikutusten luomiseksi keräilykolikoihin ja siten sijoittaa ja erottaa toisistaan korkean lisäarvon tuote kansainvälisillä markkinoilla. (Finnish)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt MoedInov ma na celu zastosowanie innowacyjnych technologii w tworzeniu nowych efektów estetycznych na monety kolekcjonerskie, a tym samym pozycjonowanie i różnicowanie, o wysokiej wartości dodanej, na rynku międzynarodowym. (Polish)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    A MoedInov projekt célja innovatív technológiák alkalmazása a gyűjtőérmékre gyakorolt új esztétikai hatások megteremtésében, és ezáltal a nemzetközi piacon nagy hozzáadott értékkel rendelkező termékkel való megkülönböztetésben. (Hungarian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt MoedInov se zaměřuje na využití inovativních technologií při vytváření nových estetických efektů na sběratelské mince, a tím i na pozici a diferenciaci, s produktem s vysokou přidanou hodnotou, na mezinárodním trhu. (Czech)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekta MoedInov mērķis ir ieviest inovatīvas tehnoloģijas jaunu estētisku efektu radīšanai uz kolekcionāra monētām un tādējādi pozicionēt un atšķirt ar produktu ar augstu pievienoto vērtību starptautiskajā tirgū. (Latvian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Tá sé mar aidhm ag tionscadal MoedInov teicneolaíochtaí nuálacha a chur i bhfeidhm maidir le héifeachtaí aeistéitiúla nua a chruthú ar bhoinn inbhailithe agus, ar an gcaoi sin, suíomh agus idirdhealú a dhéanamh, le táirge ard-bhreisluacha, ar an margadh idirnáisiúnta. (Irish)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Cilj projekta MoedInov je uporaba inovativnih tehnologij pri ustvarjanju novih estetskih učinkov na zbirateljske kovance in s tem položaj in razlikovanje, z izdelkom z visoko dodano vrednostjo, na mednarodnem trgu. (Slovenian)
    29 July 2022
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    Проектът „Моединов“ има за цел прилагането на иновативни технологии в създаването на нови естетически ефекти върху колекционерските монети и по този начин позиционирането и диференцирането, с продукт с висока добавена стойност, на международния пазар. (Bulgarian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Il-proġett MoedInov jimmira lejn l-applikazzjoni ta’ teknoloġiji innovattivi fil-ħolqien ta’ effetti estetiċi ġodda fuq il-muniti għall-kollezzjonisti u b’hekk il-pożizzjoni u d-differenzjazzjoni, bi prodott b’valur miżjud għoli, fis-suq internazzjonali. (Maltese)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    MoedInov-projektet har til formål at anvende innovative teknologier til at skabe nye æstetiske virkninger på samlermønter og dermed placere og differentiere på det internationale marked med et produkt med høj værditilvækst. (Danish)
    29 July 2022
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    Proiectul MoedInov vizează aplicarea tehnologiilor inovatoare în crearea de noi efecte estetice asupra monedelor de colecție și, astfel, poziționarea și diferențierea, cu un produs cu valoare adăugată ridicată, pe piața internațională. (Romanian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    MoedInov-projektet syftar till att tillämpa innovativ teknik för att skapa nya estetiska effekter på samlarmynt och därmed positionera och differentiera, med en produkt med högt mervärde, på den internationella marknaden. (Swedish)
    29 July 2022
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    14 November 2023
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