Development in the course of R & D works of innovative contact-free automatic car wash DMC up to 3500 kg (Q81356): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in it, and other parts: Adding Italian translations) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt) |
(11 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / fr | label / fr | ||||||||||||||
Développement d’un lavage automatique sans contact | Développement d’un lavage automatique innovant sans contact pour les véhicules DMC jusqu’à 3 500 kg dans le cadre des travaux de R & D | ||||||||||||||
label / de | label / de | ||||||||||||||
Entwicklung einer innovativen | Entwicklung einer innovativen berührungslosen Autowaschanlage für DMC-Fahrzeuge bis 3 500 kg im Zuge von F & E-Arbeiten | ||||||||||||||
label / nl | label / nl | ||||||||||||||
Ontwikkeling van een innovatieve contactloze | Ontwikkeling van een innovatieve contactloze autowasserette voor DMC-voertuigen tot 3 500 kg in het kader van R & D-werkzaamheden | ||||||||||||||
label / it | label / it | ||||||||||||||
Sviluppo di un autolavaggio automatico senza contatto per veicoli DMC fino a | Sviluppo di un innovativo autolavaggio automatico senza contatto per veicoli DMC fino a 3 500 kg nel corso di lavori di R & S | ||||||||||||||
label / es | label / es | ||||||||||||||
Desarrollo de un innovador lavado automático de coches sin contacto para vehículos DMC de hasta 3 500 kg en el transcurso de trabajos de I+D | |||||||||||||||
label / et | label / et | ||||||||||||||
Kuni 3 500 kg kaaluvate DMC-sõidukite uuendusliku ja kontaktivaba automaatpesu väljatöötamine teadus- ja arendustegevuse käigus | |||||||||||||||
label / lt | label / lt | ||||||||||||||
Naujoviškos bekontaktės automatinės automobilių plovyklos, skirtos DMC transporto priemonėms iki 3 500 kg, kūrimas mokslinių tyrimų ir plėtros darbų metu | |||||||||||||||
label / hr | label / hr | ||||||||||||||
Razvoj inovativne nekontaktne automatske autopraonice za DMC vozila do 3 500 kg tijekom istraživanja i razvoja | |||||||||||||||
label / el | label / el | ||||||||||||||
Ανάπτυξη καινοτόμου αυτόματου πλυσίματος αυτοκινήτων χωρίς επαφή για οχήματα DMC έως 3 500 kg κατά τη διάρκεια των εργασιών Ε & Α | |||||||||||||||
label / sk | label / sk | ||||||||||||||
Vývoj inovatívneho bezkontaktného automatického umývania automobilov pre vozidlá DMC do 3 500 kg v priebehu výskumných a vývojových prác | |||||||||||||||
label / fi | label / fi | ||||||||||||||
Innovatiivisen kosketuksettoman automaattisen autonpesun kehittäminen enintään 3 500 kg:n painoisille DMC-ajoneuvoille T & K-töiden aikana | |||||||||||||||
label / hu | label / hu | ||||||||||||||
Innovatív, érintésmentes automata autómosó fejlesztése 3 500 kg-ig terjedő DMC járművek számára a K+F munkák során | |||||||||||||||
label / cs | label / cs | ||||||||||||||
Vývoj inovativní bezkontaktní automatické myčky automobilů pro vozidla DMC do 3 500 kg v průběhu výzkumných a vývojových prací | |||||||||||||||
label / lv | label / lv | ||||||||||||||
Inovatīvas bezkontakta automātiskās automazgātavas izstrāde DMC transportlīdzekļiem līdz 3 500 kg pētniecības un izstrādes darbu laikā | |||||||||||||||
label / ga | label / ga | ||||||||||||||
Forbairt nigh gluaisteán nuálach neamhtheagmhála uathoibríoch d’fheithiclí DMC suas le 3 500 kg le linn oibreacha T & F | |||||||||||||||
label / sl | label / sl | ||||||||||||||
Razvoj inovativne brezkontaktne avtomatske avtopralnice za vozila DMC do 3 500 kg med raziskovalnimi in razvojnimi deli | |||||||||||||||
label / bg | label / bg | ||||||||||||||
Разработване на иновативна безконтактна автоматична автомивка за автомобили с тегло до 3500 кг в хода на научноизследователската и развойна дейност | |||||||||||||||
label / mt | label / mt | ||||||||||||||
L-iżvilupp ta’ ħasla awtomatika innovattiva tal-karozzi mingħajr kuntatt għal vetturi DMC sa 3 500 kg matul xogħlijiet ta’ R & Ż | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Desenvolvimento no decurso de trabalhos de I & D de lavagem automática de carros inovadora sem contacto DMC até 3500 kg | |||||||||||||||
label / da | label / da | ||||||||||||||
Udvikling af en innovativ automatisk bilvask uden kontakt til DMC-køretøjer på op til 3 500 kg i forbindelse med F & U-arbejde | |||||||||||||||
label / ro | label / ro | ||||||||||||||
Dezvoltarea unei spălătorii auto automate fără contact pentru vehiculele DMC de până la 3 500 kg în cursul lucrărilor de cercetare și dezvoltare | |||||||||||||||
label / sv | label / sv | ||||||||||||||
Utveckling av en innovativ beröringsfri automatisk biltvätt för DMC-fordon upp till 3 500 kg i samband med FoU-arbeten | |||||||||||||||
description / bg | description / bg | ||||||||||||||
Проект Q81356 в Полша | |||||||||||||||
description / hr | description / hr | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 u Poljskoj | |||||||||||||||
description / hu | description / hu | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 Lengyelországban | |||||||||||||||
description / cs | description / cs | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 v Polsku | |||||||||||||||
description / da | description / da | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 i Polen | |||||||||||||||
description / nl | description / nl | ||||||||||||||
Project Q81356 in Polen | |||||||||||||||
description / et | description / et | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 Poolas | |||||||||||||||
description / fi | description / fi | ||||||||||||||
Projekti Q81356 Puolassa | |||||||||||||||
description / fr | description / fr | ||||||||||||||
Projet Q81356 en Pologne | |||||||||||||||
description / de | description / de | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 in Polen | |||||||||||||||
description / el | description / el | ||||||||||||||
Έργο Q81356 στην Πολωνία | |||||||||||||||
description / ga | description / ga | ||||||||||||||
Tionscadal Q81356 sa Pholainn | |||||||||||||||
description / it | description / it | ||||||||||||||
Progetto Q81356 in Polonia | |||||||||||||||
description / lv | description / lv | ||||||||||||||
Projekts Q81356 Polijā | |||||||||||||||
description / lt | description / lt | ||||||||||||||
Projektas Q81356 Lenkijoje | |||||||||||||||
description / mt | description / mt | ||||||||||||||
Proġett Q81356 fil-Polonja | |||||||||||||||
description / pt | description / pt | ||||||||||||||
Projeto Q81356 na Polônia | |||||||||||||||
description / ro | description / ro | ||||||||||||||
Proiectul Q81356 în Polonia | |||||||||||||||
description / sk | description / sk | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 v Poľsku | |||||||||||||||
description / sl | description / sl | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 na Poljskem | |||||||||||||||
description / es | description / es | ||||||||||||||
Proyecto Q81356 en Polonia | |||||||||||||||
description / sv | description / sv | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q81356 i Polen | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | Property / EU contribution | ||||||||||||||
| 74,637.23 Euro
| ||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Reference number of the aid programme: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on the granting of financial assistance by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020 As part of the project, research will be carried out aimed at designing and constructing the prototype of the innovative technology of the contact-free automatic car wash DMC up to 3500 kg. To this end, the analysis of the strength of the nodes of the sliding arm and the sliding arm in the function of fluid flow pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and quantity of the washing nozzles in the cleaning of the washing arm in order to determine the recirculation of the dispensing air and the displacement of the space, and the distance from the washed surface, shall be carried out in order to analyse the efficiency of the cleaning process and the maximum coverage of the area analysed. Thanks to the use of innovative technology, characterised by unique features, parameters and functionalities relating to ergonomics, lowering the costs of technological processes as well as improving the quality and result of the final service in the automotive industry. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.3601931896612691
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 du règlement du ministre de l’Infrastructure et du Développement du 10 juillet 2015 relatif à l’octroi d’une aide financière par l’Agence polonaise pour le développement des entreprises dans le cadre du programme opérationnel «Croissance intelligente» 2014-2020Dans le cadre du projet, des recherches seront menées en vue de concevoir et de construire un prototype de technologie innovante de véhicules DMC à lavage automatique sans contact pouvant atteindre 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Grâce à l’utilisation d’une technologie innovante, caractérisée par des caractéristiques, des paramètres et des fonctionnalités uniques liés à l’ergonomie du fonctionnement, la réduction des coûts des processus technologiques ainsi que l’augmentation de la qualité et l’effet obtenu du service final dans l’industrie automobile. (French) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_Programm: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: § 42 der Verordnung des Ministers für Infrastruktur und Entwicklung vom 10. Juli 2015 über die Gewährung von Finanzhilfen durch die polnische Agentur für Unternehmensentwicklung im Rahmen des operationellen Programms „Intelligentes Wachstum“ 2014-2020 Im Rahmen des Projekts werden Forschungen durchgeführt, die darauf abzielen, einen Prototyp der innovativen Technologie von berührungslosen DMC-Fahrzeugen mit automatischen Waschautomaten bis zu 3 500 kg zu konzipieren und zu bauen. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dank des Einsatzes innovativer Technologien, die sich durch einzigartige Merkmale, Parameter und Funktionalitäten im Zusammenhang mit der Ergonomie des Betriebs auszeichnen, die Kosten für technologische Prozesse senken sowie die Qualität und Wirkung des Endservices in der Automobilindustrie erhöhen. (German) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 van de verordening van de minister van Infrastructuur en Ontwikkeling van 10 juli 2015 betreffende de toekenning van financiële bijstand door het Poolse Agentschap voor de ontwikkeling van ondernemingen in het kader van het operationele programma voor slimme groei 2014-2020In het kader van het project zal onderzoek worden verricht naar het ontwerpen en bouwen van een prototype van innovatieve technologie van niet-contactloze autowasserettevoertuigen tot 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dankzij het gebruik van innovatieve technologie, gekenmerkt door unieke kenmerken, parameters en functionaliteiten die verband houden met ergonomie, het verlagen van de kosten van technologische processen en het verhogen van de kwaliteit en het verkregen effect van de uiteindelijke service in de automobielindustrie. (Dutch) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 del Regolamento del Ministro delle Infrastrutture e dello Sviluppo del 10 luglio 2015 relativo alla concessione di assistenza finanziaria da parte dell'Agenzia polacca per lo sviluppo delle imprese nell'ambito del programma operativo per la crescita intelligente 2014-2020Nel quadro del progetto, saranno condotte ricerche finalizzate alla progettazione e alla costruzione di un prototipo di tecnologia innovativa di veicoli DMC automatici senza contatto per autolavaggio fino a 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Grazie all'utilizzo di tecnologie innovative, caratterizzate da caratteristiche, parametri e funzionalità uniche legate all'ergonomia di funzionamento, abbassando i costi dei processi tecnologici, aumentando la qualità e ottenuto l'effetto del servizio finale nell'industria automobilistica. (Italian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | Property / budget | ||||||||||||||
| 87,808.5 Euro
| ||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Rzeszów / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Rzeszów / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programa: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 del Reglamento del Ministro de Infraestructuras y Desarrollo, de 10 de julio de 2015, relativo a la concesión de ayuda financiera por parte de la Agencia Polaca para el Desarrollo Empresarial en el marco del Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020En el marco del proyecto, se llevará a cabo una investigación destinada a diseñar y construir un prototipo de tecnología innovadora de vehículos DMC de lavado automático sin contacto de hasta 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Gracias al uso de tecnología innovadora, caracterizada por características únicas, parámetros y funcionalidades relacionadas con la ergonomía de operación, reduciendo los costos de los procesos tecnológicos, así como aumentando la calidad y el efecto obtenido del servicio final en la industria automotriz. (Spanish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programa: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 del Reglamento del Ministro de Infraestructuras y Desarrollo, de 10 de julio de 2015, relativo a la concesión de ayuda financiera por parte de la Agencia Polaca para el Desarrollo Empresarial en el marco del Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020En el marco del proyecto, se llevará a cabo una investigación destinada a diseñar y construir un prototipo de tecnología innovadora de vehículos DMC de lavado automático sin contacto de hasta 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Gracias al uso de tecnología innovadora, caracterizada por características únicas, parámetros y funcionalidades relacionadas con la ergonomía de operación, reduciendo los costos de los procesos tecnológicos, así como aumentando la calidad y el efecto obtenido del servicio final en la industria automotriz. (Spanish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programa: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 del Reglamento del Ministro de Infraestructuras y Desarrollo, de 10 de julio de 2015, relativo a la concesión de ayuda financiera por parte de la Agencia Polaca para el Desarrollo Empresarial en el marco del Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020En el marco del proyecto, se llevará a cabo una investigación destinada a diseñar y construir un prototipo de tecnología innovadora de vehículos DMC de lavado automático sin contacto de hasta 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Gracias al uso de tecnología innovadora, caracterizada por características únicas, parámetros y funcionalidades relacionadas con la ergonomía de operación, reduciendo los costos de los procesos tecnológicos, así como aumentando la calidad y el efecto obtenido del servicio final en la industria automotriz. (Spanish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 19 January 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), abi_de_minimis: Taristu- ja arendusministri 10. juuli 2015. aasta määruse „Poola ettevõtluse arendamise ameti finantsabi andmine aruka majanduskasvu rakenduskava 2014–2020 raames“ § 42 Projekti raames viiakse läbi uuringuid, mille eesmärk on projekteerida ja ehitada kuni 3 500 kg kaaluvate DMC sõidukite uuendusliku tehnoloogia prototüüp. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tänu uuendusliku tehnoloogia kasutamisele, mida iseloomustavad ergonoomikaga seotud ainulaadsed omadused, parameetrid ja funktsioonid, vähendades tehnoloogiliste protsesside kulusid ning suurendades autotööstuse lõppteenuse kvaliteeti ja saavutatud mõju. (Estonian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), abi_de_minimis: Taristu- ja arendusministri 10. juuli 2015. aasta määruse „Poola ettevõtluse arendamise ameti finantsabi andmine aruka majanduskasvu rakenduskava 2014–2020 raames“ § 42 Projekti raames viiakse läbi uuringuid, mille eesmärk on projekteerida ja ehitada kuni 3 500 kg kaaluvate DMC sõidukite uuendusliku tehnoloogia prototüüp. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tänu uuendusliku tehnoloogia kasutamisele, mida iseloomustavad ergonoomikaga seotud ainulaadsed omadused, parameetrid ja funktsioonid, vähendades tehnoloogiliste protsesside kulusid ning suurendades autotööstuse lõppteenuse kvaliteeti ja saavutatud mõju. (Estonian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), abi_de_minimis: Taristu- ja arendusministri 10. juuli 2015. aasta määruse „Poola ettevõtluse arendamise ameti finantsabi andmine aruka majanduskasvu rakenduskava 2014–2020 raames“ § 42 Projekti raames viiakse läbi uuringuid, mille eesmärk on projekteerida ja ehitada kuni 3 500 kg kaaluvate DMC sõidukite uuendusliku tehnoloogia prototüüp. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tänu uuendusliku tehnoloogia kasutamisele, mida iseloomustavad ergonoomikaga seotud ainulaadsed omadused, parameetrid ja funktsioonid, vähendades tehnoloogiliste protsesside kulusid ning suurendades autotööstuse lõppteenuse kvaliteeti ja saavutatud mõju. (Estonian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 2015 m. liepos 10 d. Infrastruktūros ir plėtros ministro potvarkio dėl Lenkijos įmonių plėtros agentūros finansinės paramos skyrimo pagal 2014–2020 m. Pažangaus augimo veiksmų programą 42 straipsnis Projekto pagrindu bus atliekami moksliniai tyrimai, kurių tikslas – projektuoti ir konstruoti naujoviškos technologijos prototipą bekontaktės automatinės plovyklos DMC transporto priemonėms iki 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dėl inovatyvių technologijų, kurioms būdingos unikalios funkcijos, parametrai ir funkcijos, susijusios su ergonomika, naudojimo, sumažinant technologinių procesų sąnaudas, taip pat didinant kokybę ir gaunamą galutinės paslaugos poveikį automobilių pramonėje. (Lithuanian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 2015 m. liepos 10 d. Infrastruktūros ir plėtros ministro potvarkio dėl Lenkijos įmonių plėtros agentūros finansinės paramos skyrimo pagal 2014–2020 m. Pažangaus augimo veiksmų programą 42 straipsnis Projekto pagrindu bus atliekami moksliniai tyrimai, kurių tikslas – projektuoti ir konstruoti naujoviškos technologijos prototipą bekontaktės automatinės plovyklos DMC transporto priemonėms iki 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dėl inovatyvių technologijų, kurioms būdingos unikalios funkcijos, parametrai ir funkcijos, susijusios su ergonomika, naudojimo, sumažinant technologinių procesų sąnaudas, taip pat didinant kokybę ir gaunamą galutinės paslaugos poveikį automobilių pramonėje. (Lithuanian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 2015 m. liepos 10 d. Infrastruktūros ir plėtros ministro potvarkio dėl Lenkijos įmonių plėtros agentūros finansinės paramos skyrimo pagal 2014–2020 m. Pažangaus augimo veiksmų programą 42 straipsnis Projekto pagrindu bus atliekami moksliniai tyrimai, kurių tikslas – projektuoti ir konstruoti naujoviškos technologijos prototipą bekontaktės automatinės plovyklos DMC transporto priemonėms iki 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dėl inovatyvių technologijų, kurioms būdingos unikalios funkcijos, parametrai ir funkcijos, susijusios su ergonomika, naudojimo, sumažinant technologinių procesų sąnaudas, taip pat didinant kokybę ir gaunamą galutinės paslaugos poveikį automobilių pramonėje. (Lithuanian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 Uredbe ministra infrastrukture i razvoja od 10. srpnja 2015. o dodjeli financijske pomoći od strane poljske agencije za razvoj poduzetništva u okviru Operativnog programa za pametan rast 2014. – 2020.U okviru projekta provest će se istraživanje s ciljem projektiranja i izgradnje prototipa inovativne tehnologije vozila bez kontakta s automatskim autopraonicama do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujući primjeni inovativne tehnologije, koju karakteriziraju jedinstvene značajke, parametri i funkcionalnosti povezane s ergonomijom rada, snižavanje troškova tehnoloških procesa te povećanje kvalitete i postignutog učinka konačne usluge u automobilskoj industriji. (Croatian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 Uredbe ministra infrastrukture i razvoja od 10. srpnja 2015. o dodjeli financijske pomoći od strane poljske agencije za razvoj poduzetništva u okviru Operativnog programa za pametan rast 2014. – 2020.U okviru projekta provest će se istraživanje s ciljem projektiranja i izgradnje prototipa inovativne tehnologije vozila bez kontakta s automatskim autopraonicama do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujući primjeni inovativne tehnologije, koju karakteriziraju jedinstvene značajke, parametri i funkcionalnosti povezane s ergonomijom rada, snižavanje troškova tehnoloških procesa te povećanje kvalitete i postignutog učinka konačne usluge u automobilskoj industriji. (Croatian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 Uredbe ministra infrastrukture i razvoja od 10. srpnja 2015. o dodjeli financijske pomoći od strane poljske agencije za razvoj poduzetništva u okviru Operativnog programa za pametan rast 2014. – 2020.U okviru projekta provest će se istraživanje s ciljem projektiranja i izgradnje prototipa inovativne tehnologije vozila bez kontakta s automatskim autopraonicama do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujući primjeni inovativne tehnologije, koju karakteriziraju jedinstvene značajke, parametri i funkcionalnosti povezane s ergonomijom rada, snižavanje troškova tehnoloških procesa te povećanje kvalitete i postignutog učinka konačne usluge u automobilskoj industriji. (Croatian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_πρόγραμμα: SA.42799(2015/X), ενίσχυση_de_minimis: Άρθρο 42 του Κανονισμού του Υπουργού Υποδομών και Ανάπτυξης της 10ης Ιουλίου 2015 σχετικά με τη χορήγηση χρηματοδοτικής συνδρομής από τον Πολωνικό Οργανισμό για την Ανάπτυξη Επιχειρήσεων στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος Έξυπνης Ανάπτυξης 2014-2020Στο πλαίσιο του έργου, θα διεξαχθεί έρευνα με στόχο τον σχεδιασμό και την κατασκευή πρωτοτύπου καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας οχημάτων αυτόματης πλύσης αυτοκινήτων χωρίς επαφή έως 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Χάρη στη χρήση καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας, που χαρακτηρίζεται από μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά, παραμέτρους και λειτουργίες που σχετίζονται με την εργονομία της λειτουργίας, μειώνοντας το κόστος των τεχνολογικών διαδικασιών, καθώς και αυξάνοντας την ποιότητα και το αποτέλεσμα της τελικής υπηρεσίας στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία. (Greek) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_πρόγραμμα: SA.42799(2015/X), ενίσχυση_de_minimis: Άρθρο 42 του Κανονισμού του Υπουργού Υποδομών και Ανάπτυξης της 10ης Ιουλίου 2015 σχετικά με τη χορήγηση χρηματοδοτικής συνδρομής από τον Πολωνικό Οργανισμό για την Ανάπτυξη Επιχειρήσεων στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος Έξυπνης Ανάπτυξης 2014-2020Στο πλαίσιο του έργου, θα διεξαχθεί έρευνα με στόχο τον σχεδιασμό και την κατασκευή πρωτοτύπου καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας οχημάτων αυτόματης πλύσης αυτοκινήτων χωρίς επαφή έως 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Χάρη στη χρήση καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας, που χαρακτηρίζεται από μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά, παραμέτρους και λειτουργίες που σχετίζονται με την εργονομία της λειτουργίας, μειώνοντας το κόστος των τεχνολογικών διαδικασιών, καθώς και αυξάνοντας την ποιότητα και το αποτέλεσμα της τελικής υπηρεσίας στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία. (Greek) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_πρόγραμμα: SA.42799(2015/X), ενίσχυση_de_minimis: Άρθρο 42 του Κανονισμού του Υπουργού Υποδομών και Ανάπτυξης της 10ης Ιουλίου 2015 σχετικά με τη χορήγηση χρηματοδοτικής συνδρομής από τον Πολωνικό Οργανισμό για την Ανάπτυξη Επιχειρήσεων στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος Έξυπνης Ανάπτυξης 2014-2020Στο πλαίσιο του έργου, θα διεξαχθεί έρευνα με στόχο τον σχεδιασμό και την κατασκευή πρωτοτύπου καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας οχημάτων αυτόματης πλύσης αυτοκινήτων χωρίς επαφή έως 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Χάρη στη χρήση καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας, που χαρακτηρίζεται από μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά, παραμέτρους και λειτουργίες που σχετίζονται με την εργονομία της λειτουργίας, μειώνοντας το κόστος των τεχνολογικών διαδικασιών, καθώς και αυξάνοντας την ποιότητα και το αποτέλεσμα της τελικής υπηρεσίας στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία. (Greek) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: § 42 Nariadenia ministra infraštruktúry a rozvoja z 10. júla 2015 o poskytnutí finančnej pomoci Poľskej agentúry pre rozvoj podnikania v rámci operačného programu Inteligentný rast na roky 2014 – 2020V rámci projektu sa uskutoční výskum zameraný na projektovanie a výstavbu prototypu inovačnej technológie bezkontaktnej automatickej umývačky DMC vozidiel s hmotnosťou do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Vďaka použitiu inovatívnej technológie, charakterizovanej jedinečnými vlastnosťami, parametrami a funkciami súvisiacimi s ergonómiou prevádzky, znížením nákladov na technologické procesy, ako aj zvýšením kvality a dosiahnutého efektu finálneho servisu v automobilovom priemysle. (Slovak) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: § 42 Nariadenia ministra infraštruktúry a rozvoja z 10. júla 2015 o poskytnutí finančnej pomoci Poľskej agentúry pre rozvoj podnikania v rámci operačného programu Inteligentný rast na roky 2014 – 2020V rámci projektu sa uskutoční výskum zameraný na projektovanie a výstavbu prototypu inovačnej technológie bezkontaktnej automatickej umývačky DMC vozidiel s hmotnosťou do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Vďaka použitiu inovatívnej technológie, charakterizovanej jedinečnými vlastnosťami, parametrami a funkciami súvisiacimi s ergonómiou prevádzky, znížením nákladov na technologické procesy, ako aj zvýšením kvality a dosiahnutého efektu finálneho servisu v automobilovom priemysle. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: § 42 Nariadenia ministra infraštruktúry a rozvoja z 10. júla 2015 o poskytnutí finančnej pomoci Poľskej agentúry pre rozvoj podnikania v rámci operačného programu Inteligentný rast na roky 2014 – 2020V rámci projektu sa uskutoční výskum zameraný na projektovanie a výstavbu prototypu inovačnej technológie bezkontaktnej automatickej umývačky DMC vozidiel s hmotnosťou do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Vďaka použitiu inovatívnej technológie, charakterizovanej jedinečnými vlastnosťami, parametrami a funkciami súvisiacimi s ergonómiou prevádzky, znížením nákladov na technologické procesy, ako aj zvýšením kvality a dosiahnutého efektu finálneho servisu v automobilovom priemysle. (Slovak) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_ohjelma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Puolan yrityskehitysviraston rahoitusavun myöntämisestä älykkään kasvun toimenpideohjelman 2014–2020 puitteissa 10 päivänä heinäkuuta 2015 annetun infrastruktuuri- ja kehitysministerin asetuksen 42 §. Hankkeen puitteissa tehdään tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on suunnitella ja rakentaa innovatiivisen teknologian prototyyppi kosketuksettomista autopesuautoista, joiden paino on enintään 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Innovatiivisen teknologian käytön ansiosta, jolle on ominaista toiminnan ergonomiaan liittyvät ainutlaatuiset ominaisuudet, parametrit ja toiminnot, teknisten prosessien kustannusten alentaminen sekä autoteollisuuden loppupalvelun laadun ja saavutetun vaikutuksen lisääminen. (Finnish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_ohjelma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Puolan yrityskehitysviraston rahoitusavun myöntämisestä älykkään kasvun toimenpideohjelman 2014–2020 puitteissa 10 päivänä heinäkuuta 2015 annetun infrastruktuuri- ja kehitysministerin asetuksen 42 §. Hankkeen puitteissa tehdään tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on suunnitella ja rakentaa innovatiivisen teknologian prototyyppi kosketuksettomista autopesuautoista, joiden paino on enintään 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Innovatiivisen teknologian käytön ansiosta, jolle on ominaista toiminnan ergonomiaan liittyvät ainutlaatuiset ominaisuudet, parametrit ja toiminnot, teknisten prosessien kustannusten alentaminen sekä autoteollisuuden loppupalvelun laadun ja saavutetun vaikutuksen lisääminen. (Finnish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_ohjelma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Puolan yrityskehitysviraston rahoitusavun myöntämisestä älykkään kasvun toimenpideohjelman 2014–2020 puitteissa 10 päivänä heinäkuuta 2015 annetun infrastruktuuri- ja kehitysministerin asetuksen 42 §. Hankkeen puitteissa tehdään tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on suunnitella ja rakentaa innovatiivisen teknologian prototyyppi kosketuksettomista autopesuautoista, joiden paino on enintään 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Innovatiivisen teknologian käytön ansiosta, jolle on ominaista toiminnan ergonomiaan liittyvät ainutlaatuiset ominaisuudet, parametrit ja toiminnot, teknisten prosessien kustannusten alentaminen sekä autoteollisuuden loppupalvelun laadun ja saavutetun vaikutuksen lisääminen. (Finnish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Az infrastrukturális és fejlesztési miniszter 2015. július 10-i rendelete a 2014–2020-as Intelligens Növekedési Operatív Program keretében a Lengyel Vállalkozásfejlesztési Ügynökség által nyújtandó pénzügyi támogatásrólA projekt keretében kutatást végeznek a 3 500 kg-ig terjedő, érintésmentes automata autómosó járművek innovatív technológiájának megtervezésére és megépítésére. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Az innovatív technológia használatának köszönhetően, amelyet az üzemeltetés ergonómiájához kapcsolódó egyedi jellemzők, paraméterek és funkciók jellemeznek, csökkentve a technológiai folyamatok költségeit, valamint növelve a végső szolgáltatás minőségét és elért hatását az autóiparban. (Hungarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Az infrastrukturális és fejlesztési miniszter 2015. július 10-i rendelete a 2014–2020-as Intelligens Növekedési Operatív Program keretében a Lengyel Vállalkozásfejlesztési Ügynökség által nyújtandó pénzügyi támogatásrólA projekt keretében kutatást végeznek a 3 500 kg-ig terjedő, érintésmentes automata autómosó járművek innovatív technológiájának megtervezésére és megépítésére. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Az innovatív technológia használatának köszönhetően, amelyet az üzemeltetés ergonómiájához kapcsolódó egyedi jellemzők, paraméterek és funkciók jellemeznek, csökkentve a technológiai folyamatok költségeit, valamint növelve a végső szolgáltatás minőségét és elért hatását az autóiparban. (Hungarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Az infrastrukturális és fejlesztési miniszter 2015. július 10-i rendelete a 2014–2020-as Intelligens Növekedési Operatív Program keretében a Lengyel Vállalkozásfejlesztési Ügynökség által nyújtandó pénzügyi támogatásrólA projekt keretében kutatást végeznek a 3 500 kg-ig terjedő, érintésmentes automata autómosó járművek innovatív technológiájának megtervezésére és megépítésére. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Az innovatív technológia használatának köszönhetően, amelyet az üzemeltetés ergonómiájához kapcsolódó egyedi jellemzők, paraméterek és funkciók jellemeznek, csökkentve a technológiai folyamatok költségeit, valamint növelve a végső szolgáltatás minőségét és elért hatását az autóiparban. (Hungarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), podpora_de_minimis: §42 Nařízení ministra infrastruktury a rozvoje ze dne 10. července 2015 o poskytování finanční pomoci ze strany Polské agentury pro rozvoj podnikání v rámci Operačního programu Inteligentní růst na období 2014–2020V rámci projektu bude proveden výzkum zaměřený na návrh a výstavbu prototypu inovativní technologie bezkontaktních vozidel automatické myčky automobilů do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Díky využití inovativní technologie, vyznačující se jedinečnými vlastnostmi, parametry a funkcemi spojenými s ergonomií provozu, snížením nákladů na technologické procesy a zvýšením kvality a získaného účinku konečné služby v automobilovém průmyslu. (Czech) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), podpora_de_minimis: §42 Nařízení ministra infrastruktury a rozvoje ze dne 10. července 2015 o poskytování finanční pomoci ze strany Polské agentury pro rozvoj podnikání v rámci Operačního programu Inteligentní růst na období 2014–2020V rámci projektu bude proveden výzkum zaměřený na návrh a výstavbu prototypu inovativní technologie bezkontaktních vozidel automatické myčky automobilů do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Díky využití inovativní technologie, vyznačující se jedinečnými vlastnostmi, parametry a funkcemi spojenými s ergonomií provozu, snížením nákladů na technologické procesy a zvýšením kvality a získaného účinku konečné služby v automobilovém průmyslu. (Czech) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), podpora_de_minimis: §42 Nařízení ministra infrastruktury a rozvoje ze dne 10. července 2015 o poskytování finanční pomoci ze strany Polské agentury pro rozvoj podnikání v rámci Operačního programu Inteligentní růst na období 2014–2020V rámci projektu bude proveden výzkum zaměřený na návrh a výstavbu prototypu inovativní technologie bezkontaktních vozidel automatické myčky automobilů do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Díky využití inovativní technologie, vyznačující se jedinečnými vlastnostmi, parametry a funkcemi spojenými s ergonomií provozu, snížením nákladů na technologické procesy a zvýšením kvality a získaného účinku konečné služby v automobilovém průmyslu. (Czech) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Infrastruktūras un attīstības ministra 2015. gada 10. jūlija Noteikumu par finansiālās palīdzības piešķiršanu, ko veic Polijas Uzņēmumu attīstības aģentūra saskaņā ar Viedās izaugsmes darbības programmu 2014.-2020. gadam, 42. pants Projekta ietvaros tiks veikti pētījumi, kuru mērķis ir izstrādāt un būvēt inovatīvas tehnoloģijas prototipu bezkontakta automātiskās automazgātavas DMC transportlīdzekļiem, kuru svars ir līdz 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Pateicoties inovatīvu tehnoloģiju izmantošanai, ko raksturo unikālas funkcijas, parametri un funkcijas, kas saistītas ar darbības ergonomiku, samazinot tehnoloģisko procesu izmaksas, kā arī palielinot gala pakalpojuma kvalitāti un iegūto efektu autobūves nozarē. (Latvian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Infrastruktūras un attīstības ministra 2015. gada 10. jūlija Noteikumu par finansiālās palīdzības piešķiršanu, ko veic Polijas Uzņēmumu attīstības aģentūra saskaņā ar Viedās izaugsmes darbības programmu 2014.-2020. gadam, 42. pants Projekta ietvaros tiks veikti pētījumi, kuru mērķis ir izstrādāt un būvēt inovatīvas tehnoloģijas prototipu bezkontakta automātiskās automazgātavas DMC transportlīdzekļiem, kuru svars ir līdz 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Pateicoties inovatīvu tehnoloģiju izmantošanai, ko raksturo unikālas funkcijas, parametri un funkcijas, kas saistītas ar darbības ergonomiku, samazinot tehnoloģisko procesu izmaksas, kā arī palielinot gala pakalpojuma kvalitāti un iegūto efektu autobūves nozarē. (Latvian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Infrastruktūras un attīstības ministra 2015. gada 10. jūlija Noteikumu par finansiālās palīdzības piešķiršanu, ko veic Polijas Uzņēmumu attīstības aģentūra saskaņā ar Viedās izaugsmes darbības programmu 2014.-2020. gadam, 42. pants Projekta ietvaros tiks veikti pētījumi, kuru mērķis ir izstrādāt un būvēt inovatīvas tehnoloģijas prototipu bezkontakta automātiskās automazgātavas DMC transportlīdzekļiem, kuru svars ir līdz 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Pateicoties inovatīvu tehnoloģiju izmantošanai, ko raksturo unikālas funkcijas, parametri un funkcijas, kas saistītas ar darbības ergonomiku, samazinot tehnoloģisko procesu izmaksas, kā arī palielinot gala pakalpojuma kvalitāti un iegūto efektu autobūves nozarē. (Latvian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Uimhir_reference_aid_clár: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 den Rialachán ón Aire Bonneagair agus Forbartha an 10 Iúil 2015 maidir le deonú cúnaimh airgeadais ag Gníomhaireacht na Polainne um Fhorbairt Fiontair faoin gClár Oibríochtúil um Fhás Cliste 2014-2020 Faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail, déanfar taighde atá dírithe ar fhréamhshamhail de theicneolaíocht nuálach a dhearadh agus a thógáil d’fheithiclí uathoibríocha nigh gluaisteán neamhtheagmhála suas le 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the A bhuí le húsáid na teicneolaíochta nuálaí, tréithe uathúla, paraiméadair agus feidhmiúlachtaí a bhaineann le heirgeanamaíocht oibríochta, costais na bpróiseas teicneolaíochta a ísliú chomh maith le cáilíocht na seirbhíse deiridh i dtionscal na ngluaisteán agus an éifeacht a fhaightear di a mhéadú. (Irish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Uimhir_reference_aid_clár: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 den Rialachán ón Aire Bonneagair agus Forbartha an 10 Iúil 2015 maidir le deonú cúnaimh airgeadais ag Gníomhaireacht na Polainne um Fhorbairt Fiontair faoin gClár Oibríochtúil um Fhás Cliste 2014-2020 Faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail, déanfar taighde atá dírithe ar fhréamhshamhail de theicneolaíocht nuálach a dhearadh agus a thógáil d’fheithiclí uathoibríocha nigh gluaisteán neamhtheagmhála suas le 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the A bhuí le húsáid na teicneolaíochta nuálaí, tréithe uathúla, paraiméadair agus feidhmiúlachtaí a bhaineann le heirgeanamaíocht oibríochta, costais na bpróiseas teicneolaíochta a ísliú chomh maith le cáilíocht na seirbhíse deiridh i dtionscal na ngluaisteán agus an éifeacht a fhaightear di a mhéadú. (Irish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Uimhir_reference_aid_clár: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 den Rialachán ón Aire Bonneagair agus Forbartha an 10 Iúil 2015 maidir le deonú cúnaimh airgeadais ag Gníomhaireacht na Polainne um Fhorbairt Fiontair faoin gClár Oibríochtúil um Fhás Cliste 2014-2020 Faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail, déanfar taighde atá dírithe ar fhréamhshamhail de theicneolaíocht nuálach a dhearadh agus a thógáil d’fheithiclí uathoibríocha nigh gluaisteán neamhtheagmhála suas le 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the A bhuí le húsáid na teicneolaíochta nuálaí, tréithe uathúla, paraiméadair agus feidhmiúlachtaí a bhaineann le heirgeanamaíocht oibríochta, costais na bpróiseas teicneolaíochta a ísliú chomh maith le cáilíocht na seirbhíse deiridh i dtionscal na ngluaisteán agus an éifeacht a fhaightear di a mhéadú. (Irish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Člen 42 uredbe ministra za infrastrukturo in razvoj z dne 10. julija 2015 o dodelitvi finančne pomoči poljske agencije za razvoj podjetništva v okviru operativnega programa za pametno rast 2014–2020V okviru projekta se bodo izvajale raziskave, namenjene oblikovanju in izdelavi prototipa inovativne tehnologije brezkontaktnih avtomatskih vozil DMC za pranje avtomobilov do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujoč uporabi inovativne tehnologije, za katero so značilne edinstvene značilnosti, parametri in funkcionalnosti, povezani z ergonomijo delovanja, znižanje stroškov tehnoloških procesov ter povečanje kakovosti in pridobljenega učinka končne storitve v avtomobilski industriji. (Slovenian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Člen 42 uredbe ministra za infrastrukturo in razvoj z dne 10. julija 2015 o dodelitvi finančne pomoči poljske agencije za razvoj podjetništva v okviru operativnega programa za pametno rast 2014–2020V okviru projekta se bodo izvajale raziskave, namenjene oblikovanju in izdelavi prototipa inovativne tehnologije brezkontaktnih avtomatskih vozil DMC za pranje avtomobilov do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujoč uporabi inovativne tehnologije, za katero so značilne edinstvene značilnosti, parametri in funkcionalnosti, povezani z ergonomijo delovanja, znižanje stroškov tehnoloških procesov ter povečanje kakovosti in pridobljenega učinka končne storitve v avtomobilski industriji. (Slovenian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Člen 42 uredbe ministra za infrastrukturo in razvoj z dne 10. julija 2015 o dodelitvi finančne pomoči poljske agencije za razvoj podjetništva v okviru operativnega programa za pametno rast 2014–2020V okviru projekta se bodo izvajale raziskave, namenjene oblikovanju in izdelavi prototipa inovativne tehnologije brezkontaktnih avtomatskih vozil DMC za pranje avtomobilov do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujoč uporabi inovativne tehnologije, za katero so značilne edinstvene značilnosti, parametri in funkcionalnosti, povezani z ergonomijo delovanja, znižanje stroškov tehnoloških procesov ter povečanje kakovosti in pridobljenega učinka končne storitve v avtomobilski industriji. (Slovenian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_програма: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 от Наредбата на министъра на инфраструктурата и развитието от 10.7.2015 г. за предоставяне на финансова помощ от Полската агенция за развитие на предприятията по Оперативна програма „Интелигентен растеж“ 2014—2020В рамките на проекта ще се проведат изследвания за проектиране и изграждане на прототип на иновативна технология на безконтактни автоматични автомивки до 3 500 кг. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Благодарение на използването на иновативна технология, характеризираща се с уникални характеристики, параметри и функционалности, свързани с ергономичността на работа, намаляване на разходите за технологични процеси, както и повишаване на качеството и получения ефект от крайната услуга в автомобилната индустрия. (Bulgarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_програма: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 от Наредбата на министъра на инфраструктурата и развитието от 10.7.2015 г. за предоставяне на финансова помощ от Полската агенция за развитие на предприятията по Оперативна програма „Интелигентен растеж“ 2014—2020В рамките на проекта ще се проведат изследвания за проектиране и изграждане на прототип на иновативна технология на безконтактни автоматични автомивки до 3 500 кг. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Благодарение на използването на иновативна технология, характеризираща се с уникални характеристики, параметри и функционалности, свързани с ергономичността на работа, намаляване на разходите за технологични процеси, както и повишаване на качеството и получения ефект от крайната услуга в автомобилната индустрия. (Bulgarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_програма: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 от Наредбата на министъра на инфраструктурата и развитието от 10.7.2015 г. за предоставяне на финансова помощ от Полската агенция за развитие на предприятията по Оперативна програма „Интелигентен растеж“ 2014—2020В рамките на проекта ще се проведат изследвания за проектиране и изграждане на прототип на иновативна технология на безконтактни автоматични автомивки до 3 500 кг. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Благодарение на използването на иновативна технология, характеризираща се с уникални характеристики, параметри и функционалности, свързани с ергономичността на работа, намаляване на разходите за технологични процеси, както и повишаване на качеството и получения ефект от крайната услуга в автомобилната индустрия. (Bulgarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), għajnuna_de_minimis: §42 tar-Regolament tal-Ministru tal-Infrastruttura u l-Iżvilupp tal-10 ta’ Lulju 2015 dwar l-għoti ta’ assistenza finanzjarja mill-Aġenzija Pollakka għall-Iżvilupp tal-Intrapriżi taħt il-Programm Operazzjonali ta’ Tkabbir Intelliġenti 2014–2020 Fil-qafas tal-proġett, se titwettaq riċerka mmirata lejn id-disinn u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ prototip ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva ta’ vetturi awtomatiċi mingħajr kuntatt ta’ DMC għall-ħasil tal-karozzi sa 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Bis-saħħa tal-użu ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva, ikkaratterizzata minn karatteristiċi, parametri u funzjonalitajiet uniċi relatati mal-ergonomija tal-operat, it-tnaqqis tal-ispejjeż tal-proċessi teknoloġiċi kif ukoll iż-żieda fil-kwalità u l-effett miksub tas-servizz finali fl-industrija tal-karozzi. (Maltese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), għajnuna_de_minimis: §42 tar-Regolament tal-Ministru tal-Infrastruttura u l-Iżvilupp tal-10 ta’ Lulju 2015 dwar l-għoti ta’ assistenza finanzjarja mill-Aġenzija Pollakka għall-Iżvilupp tal-Intrapriżi taħt il-Programm Operazzjonali ta’ Tkabbir Intelliġenti 2014–2020 Fil-qafas tal-proġett, se titwettaq riċerka mmirata lejn id-disinn u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ prototip ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva ta’ vetturi awtomatiċi mingħajr kuntatt ta’ DMC għall-ħasil tal-karozzi sa 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Bis-saħħa tal-użu ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva, ikkaratterizzata minn karatteristiċi, parametri u funzjonalitajiet uniċi relatati mal-ergonomija tal-operat, it-tnaqqis tal-ispejjeż tal-proċessi teknoloġiċi kif ukoll iż-żieda fil-kwalità u l-effett miksub tas-servizz finali fl-industrija tal-karozzi. (Maltese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), għajnuna_de_minimis: §42 tar-Regolament tal-Ministru tal-Infrastruttura u l-Iżvilupp tal-10 ta’ Lulju 2015 dwar l-għoti ta’ assistenza finanzjarja mill-Aġenzija Pollakka għall-Iżvilupp tal-Intrapriżi taħt il-Programm Operazzjonali ta’ Tkabbir Intelliġenti 2014–2020 Fil-qafas tal-proġett, se titwettaq riċerka mmirata lejn id-disinn u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ prototip ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva ta’ vetturi awtomatiċi mingħajr kuntatt ta’ DMC għall-ħasil tal-karozzi sa 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Bis-saħħa tal-użu ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva, ikkaratterizzata minn karatteristiċi, parametri u funzjonalitajiet uniċi relatati mal-ergonomija tal-operat, it-tnaqqis tal-ispejjeż tal-proċessi teknoloġiċi kif ukoll iż-żieda fil-kwalità u l-effett miksub tas-servizz finali fl-industrija tal-karozzi. (Maltese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Número de referência do programa de ajuda: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 da Portaria do Ministro das Infraestruturas e do Desenvolvimento, de 10 de julho de 2015, sobre a concessão de assistência financeira pela Agência Polaca para o Desenvolvimento Empresarial no âmbito do Programa Operacional Desenvolvimento Inteligente 2014-2020. No âmbito do projeto, será realizada investigação destinada a conceber e construir o protótipo da tecnologia inovadora da lavagem automática de automóveis sem contacto DMC até 3500 kg. Para o efeito, a análise da resistência dos nós do braço deslizante e do braço deslizante em função da pressão do fluxo de fluido, do número de bicos de lavagem e da distância da superfície lavada (1), a análise do impacto da forma e da quantidade dos bicos de lavagem na limpeza do braço de lavagem, a fim de determinar a recirculação do ar de distribuição e o deslocamento do espaço, bem como a distância da superfície lavada, devem ser efetuadas a fim de analisar a eficiência do processo de limpeza e a cobertura máxima da área analisada. Graças à utilização de tecnologia inovadora, caracterizada por características, parâmetros e funcionalidades únicas relacionadas com a ergonomia, reduzindo os custos dos processos tecnológicos, bem como melhorando a qualidade e o resultado do serviço final na indústria automóvel. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Número de referência do programa de ajuda: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 da Portaria do Ministro das Infraestruturas e do Desenvolvimento, de 10 de julho de 2015, sobre a concessão de assistência financeira pela Agência Polaca para o Desenvolvimento Empresarial no âmbito do Programa Operacional Desenvolvimento Inteligente 2014-2020. No âmbito do projeto, será realizada investigação destinada a conceber e construir o protótipo da tecnologia inovadora da lavagem automática de automóveis sem contacto DMC até 3500 kg. Para o efeito, a análise da resistência dos nós do braço deslizante e do braço deslizante em função da pressão do fluxo de fluido, do número de bicos de lavagem e da distância da superfície lavada (1), a análise do impacto da forma e da quantidade dos bicos de lavagem na limpeza do braço de lavagem, a fim de determinar a recirculação do ar de distribuição e o deslocamento do espaço, bem como a distância da superfície lavada, devem ser efetuadas a fim de analisar a eficiência do processo de limpeza e a cobertura máxima da área analisada. Graças à utilização de tecnologia inovadora, caracterizada por características, parâmetros e funcionalidades únicas relacionadas com a ergonomia, reduzindo os custos dos processos tecnológicos, bem como melhorando a qualidade e o resultado do serviço final na indústria automóvel. (Portuguese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Número de referência do programa de ajuda: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 da Portaria do Ministro das Infraestruturas e do Desenvolvimento, de 10 de julho de 2015, sobre a concessão de assistência financeira pela Agência Polaca para o Desenvolvimento Empresarial no âmbito do Programa Operacional Desenvolvimento Inteligente 2014-2020. No âmbito do projeto, será realizada investigação destinada a conceber e construir o protótipo da tecnologia inovadora da lavagem automática de automóveis sem contacto DMC até 3500 kg. Para o efeito, a análise da resistência dos nós do braço deslizante e do braço deslizante em função da pressão do fluxo de fluido, do número de bicos de lavagem e da distância da superfície lavada (1), a análise do impacto da forma e da quantidade dos bicos de lavagem na limpeza do braço de lavagem, a fim de determinar a recirculação do ar de distribuição e o deslocamento do espaço, bem como a distância da superfície lavada, devem ser efetuadas a fim de analisar a eficiência do processo de limpeza e a cobertura máxima da área analisada. Graças à utilização de tecnologia inovadora, caracterizada por características, parâmetros e funcionalidades únicas relacionadas com a ergonomia, reduzindo os custos dos processos tecnológicos, bem como melhorando a qualidade e o resultado do serviço final na indústria automóvel. (Portuguese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Nummer_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 i bekendtgørelse af 10. juli 2015 fra ministeren for infrastruktur og udvikling om ydelse af finansiel støtte fra det polske agentur for virksomhedsudvikling under det operationelle program for intelligent vækst 2014-2020I forbindelse med projektet vil der blive udført forskning med henblik på at udforme og konstruere en prototype af innovativ teknologi for ikke-kontaktfrie DMC-køretøjer til automatisk bilvask på op til 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Takket være brugen af innovativ teknologi, der er kendetegnet ved unikke funktioner, parametre og funktionaliteter i forbindelse med ergonomi, sænker omkostningerne ved teknologiske processer samt øger kvaliteten og den opnåede effekt af den endelige service i bilindustrien. (Danish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Nummer_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 i bekendtgørelse af 10. juli 2015 fra ministeren for infrastruktur og udvikling om ydelse af finansiel støtte fra det polske agentur for virksomhedsudvikling under det operationelle program for intelligent vækst 2014-2020I forbindelse med projektet vil der blive udført forskning med henblik på at udforme og konstruere en prototype af innovativ teknologi for ikke-kontaktfrie DMC-køretøjer til automatisk bilvask på op til 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Takket være brugen af innovativ teknologi, der er kendetegnet ved unikke funktioner, parametre og funktionaliteter i forbindelse med ergonomi, sænker omkostningerne ved teknologiske processer samt øger kvaliteten og den opnåede effekt af den endelige service i bilindustrien. (Danish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Nummer_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 i bekendtgørelse af 10. juli 2015 fra ministeren for infrastruktur og udvikling om ydelse af finansiel støtte fra det polske agentur for virksomhedsudvikling under det operationelle program for intelligent vækst 2014-2020I forbindelse med projektet vil der blive udført forskning med henblik på at udforme og konstruere en prototype af innovativ teknologi for ikke-kontaktfrie DMC-køretøjer til automatisk bilvask på op til 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Takket være brugen af innovativ teknologi, der er kendetegnet ved unikke funktioner, parametre og funktionaliteter i forbindelse med ergonomi, sænker omkostningerne ved teknologiske processer samt øger kvaliteten og den opnåede effekt af den endelige service i bilindustrien. (Danish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 din Regulamentul Ministrului Infrastructurii și Dezvoltării din 10 iulie 2015 privind acordarea de asistență financiară de către Agenția Poloneză pentru Dezvoltarea Întreprinderii în cadrul Programului Operațional Creștere Inteligentă 2014-2020În cadrul proiectului, se vor desfășura cercetări menite să proiecteze și să construiască un prototip de tehnologie inovatoare de spălare automată fără contact a vehiculelor DMC de până la 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Datorită utilizării tehnologiei inovatoare, caracterizată prin caracteristici unice, parametri și funcționalități legate de ergonomia de operare, reducerea costurilor proceselor tehnologice, precum și creșterea calității și a efectului obținut al serviciului final în industria auto. (Romanian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 din Regulamentul Ministrului Infrastructurii și Dezvoltării din 10 iulie 2015 privind acordarea de asistență financiară de către Agenția Poloneză pentru Dezvoltarea Întreprinderii în cadrul Programului Operațional Creștere Inteligentă 2014-2020În cadrul proiectului, se vor desfășura cercetări menite să proiecteze și să construiască un prototip de tehnologie inovatoare de spălare automată fără contact a vehiculelor DMC de până la 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Datorită utilizării tehnologiei inovatoare, caracterizată prin caracteristici unice, parametri și funcționalități legate de ergonomia de operare, reducerea costurilor proceselor tehnologice, precum și creșterea calității și a efectului obținut al serviciului final în industria auto. (Romanian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 din Regulamentul Ministrului Infrastructurii și Dezvoltării din 10 iulie 2015 privind acordarea de asistență financiară de către Agenția Poloneză pentru Dezvoltarea Întreprinderii în cadrul Programului Operațional Creștere Inteligentă 2014-2020În cadrul proiectului, se vor desfășura cercetări menite să proiecteze și să construiască un prototip de tehnologie inovatoare de spălare automată fără contact a vehiculelor DMC de până la 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Datorită utilizării tehnologiei inovatoare, caracterizată prin caracteristici unice, parametri și funcționalități legate de ergonomia de operare, reducerea costurilor proceselor tehnologice, precum și creșterea calității și a efectului obținut al serviciului final în industria auto. (Romanian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 42 § i infrastruktur- och utvecklingsministerns förordning av den 10 juli 2015 om beviljande av ekonomiskt stöd från den polska byrån för företagsutveckling inom ramen för det operativa programmet för smart tillväxt 2014–2020Inom ramen för projektet kommer forskning att genomföras i syfte att utforma och konstruera en prototyp av innovativ teknik för icke-kontaktautomatisk biltvätt DMC-fordon upp till 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tack vare användningen av innovativ teknik, som kännetecknas av unika egenskaper, parametrar och funktioner relaterade till ergonomi, sänker kostnaderna för tekniska processer samt ökar kvaliteten och den erhållna effekten av den slutliga tjänsten i fordonsindustrin. (Swedish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 42 § i infrastruktur- och utvecklingsministerns förordning av den 10 juli 2015 om beviljande av ekonomiskt stöd från den polska byrån för företagsutveckling inom ramen för det operativa programmet för smart tillväxt 2014–2020Inom ramen för projektet kommer forskning att genomföras i syfte att utforma och konstruera en prototyp av innovativ teknik för icke-kontaktautomatisk biltvätt DMC-fordon upp till 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tack vare användningen av innovativ teknik, som kännetecknas av unika egenskaper, parametrar och funktioner relaterade till ergonomi, sänker kostnaderna för tekniska processer samt ökar kvaliteten och den erhållna effekten av den slutliga tjänsten i fordonsindustrin. (Swedish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 42 § i infrastruktur- och utvecklingsministerns förordning av den 10 juli 2015 om beviljande av ekonomiskt stöd från den polska byrån för företagsutveckling inom ramen för det operativa programmet för smart tillväxt 2014–2020Inom ramen för projektet kommer forskning att genomföras i syfte att utforma och konstruera en prototyp av innovativ teknik för icke-kontaktautomatisk biltvätt DMC-fordon upp till 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tack vare användningen av innovativ teknik, som kännetecknas av unika egenskaper, parametrar och funktioner relaterade till ergonomi, sänker kostnaderna för tekniska processer samt ökar kvaliteten och den erhållna effekten av den slutliga tjänsten i fordonsindustrin. (Swedish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 August 2022
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Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: Rzeszów | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: Rzeszów / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
85.0 percent
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Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
50°2'14.82"N, 22°0'16.99"E
| |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 50°2'14.82"N, 22°0'16.99"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 50°2'14.82"N, 22°0'16.99"E / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Rzeszowski / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Rzeszowski / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective: Research and innovation / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
24 May 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 24 May 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 21:50, 12 October 2024
Project Q81356 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development in the course of R & D works of innovative contact-free automatic car wash DMC up to 3500 kg |
Project Q81356 in Poland |
335,750.0 zloty
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395,000.0 zloty
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85.0 percent
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28 March 2018
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27 November 2018
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Numer_referencyjny_programu_pomocowego: SA.42799(2015/X), pomoc_de_minimis: §42 rozporządzenia Ministra Infrastruktury i Rozwoju z dnia 10 lipca 2015 r. w sprawie udzielania przez Polską Agencję Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości pomocy finansowej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014–2020W ramach projektu przeprowadzone zostaną badania ukierunkowane na zaprojektowanie i skonstruowanie prototypu innowacyjnej technologii bezdotykowej myjni automatycznej pojazdów DMC do 3500kg. W tym celu zostaną przeprowadzone badania w zakresie - analiza wytrzymałości węzłów mocowania ramienia myjącego przesuwno-obrotowego oraz ramienia myjącego przesuwnego w funkcji ciśnienia strumienia cieczy, ilości dysz myjących i odległości od mytej powierzchni (1), analiza wpływu kształtu i ilości dysz myjących ramienia myjącego przesuwno – obrotowego oraz przesuwnego w funkcji ciśnienia cieczy i odległości od mytej powierzchni na efektywność procesu mycia i maksymalnego pokrycia analizowanego obszaru - opracowanie najbardziej optymalnego rozkładu dysz myjących i kształt ramion myjących (2), określenie ukształtowania kanałów i dysz nadmuchowych systemu osuszania pojazdu skoncentrowanym strumieniem powietrza po ukończeniu mycia - określenie parametrów oraz wydajności zasilania systemu osuszania w powietrze przy uwzględnieniu dostępnych w handlu promieniowych wentylatorów przemysłowych (3), włączenie końcowych użytkowników w proces tworzenia prototypu bezdotykowej myjni automatycznej, w tym w szczególności w zakresie testowania i optymalizacji rozwiązania w celu weryfikacji poprawności funkcjonowania oraz dostosowania do potrzeb grup (4). Dzięki wykorzystaniu innowacyjnej technologii, charakteryzującej się unikalnymi cechami, parametrami i funkcjonalnościami odnoszącymi się do ergonomii działania, obniżenia kosztów realizowanych procesów technologicznych jak również podniesienie jakości i uzyskiwanego efektu finalnej usługi w branży okołomotoryzacyjnej. (Polish)
0 references
Reference number of the aid programme: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on the granting of financial assistance by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020 As part of the project, research will be carried out aimed at designing and constructing the prototype of the innovative technology of the contact-free automatic car wash DMC up to 3500 kg. To this end, the analysis of the strength of the nodes of the sliding arm and the sliding arm in the function of fluid flow pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and quantity of the washing nozzles in the cleaning of the washing arm in order to determine the recirculation of the dispensing air and the displacement of the space, and the distance from the washed surface, shall be carried out in order to analyse the efficiency of the cleaning process and the maximum coverage of the area analysed. Thanks to the use of innovative technology, characterised by unique features, parameters and functionalities relating to ergonomics, lowering the costs of technological processes as well as improving the quality and result of the final service in the automotive industry. (English)
14 October 2020
0 references
Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 du règlement du ministre de l’Infrastructure et du Développement du 10 juillet 2015 relatif à l’octroi d’une aide financière par l’Agence polonaise pour le développement des entreprises dans le cadre du programme opérationnel «Croissance intelligente» 2014-2020Dans le cadre du projet, des recherches seront menées en vue de concevoir et de construire un prototype de technologie innovante de véhicules DMC à lavage automatique sans contact pouvant atteindre 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Grâce à l’utilisation d’une technologie innovante, caractérisée par des caractéristiques, des paramètres et des fonctionnalités uniques liés à l’ergonomie du fonctionnement, la réduction des coûts des processus technologiques ainsi que l’augmentation de la qualité et l’effet obtenu du service final dans l’industrie automobile. (French)
30 November 2021
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Number_reference_aid_Programm: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: § 42 der Verordnung des Ministers für Infrastruktur und Entwicklung vom 10. Juli 2015 über die Gewährung von Finanzhilfen durch die polnische Agentur für Unternehmensentwicklung im Rahmen des operationellen Programms „Intelligentes Wachstum“ 2014-2020 Im Rahmen des Projekts werden Forschungen durchgeführt, die darauf abzielen, einen Prototyp der innovativen Technologie von berührungslosen DMC-Fahrzeugen mit automatischen Waschautomaten bis zu 3 500 kg zu konzipieren und zu bauen. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dank des Einsatzes innovativer Technologien, die sich durch einzigartige Merkmale, Parameter und Funktionalitäten im Zusammenhang mit der Ergonomie des Betriebs auszeichnen, die Kosten für technologische Prozesse senken sowie die Qualität und Wirkung des Endservices in der Automobilindustrie erhöhen. (German)
7 December 2021
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Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 van de verordening van de minister van Infrastructuur en Ontwikkeling van 10 juli 2015 betreffende de toekenning van financiële bijstand door het Poolse Agentschap voor de ontwikkeling van ondernemingen in het kader van het operationele programma voor slimme groei 2014-2020In het kader van het project zal onderzoek worden verricht naar het ontwerpen en bouwen van een prototype van innovatieve technologie van niet-contactloze autowasserettevoertuigen tot 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dankzij het gebruik van innovatieve technologie, gekenmerkt door unieke kenmerken, parameters en functionaliteiten die verband houden met ergonomie, het verlagen van de kosten van technologische processen en het verhogen van de kwaliteit en het verkregen effect van de uiteindelijke service in de automobielindustrie. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
0 references
Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 del Regolamento del Ministro delle Infrastrutture e dello Sviluppo del 10 luglio 2015 relativo alla concessione di assistenza finanziaria da parte dell'Agenzia polacca per lo sviluppo delle imprese nell'ambito del programma operativo per la crescita intelligente 2014-2020Nel quadro del progetto, saranno condotte ricerche finalizzate alla progettazione e alla costruzione di un prototipo di tecnologia innovativa di veicoli DMC automatici senza contatto per autolavaggio fino a 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Grazie all'utilizzo di tecnologie innovative, caratterizzate da caratteristiche, parametri e funzionalità uniche legate all'ergonomia di funzionamento, abbassando i costi dei processi tecnologici, aumentando la qualità e ottenuto l'effetto del servizio finale nell'industria automobilistica. (Italian)
15 January 2022
0 references
Number_reference_aid_programa: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 del Reglamento del Ministro de Infraestructuras y Desarrollo, de 10 de julio de 2015, relativo a la concesión de ayuda financiera por parte de la Agencia Polaca para el Desarrollo Empresarial en el marco del Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020En el marco del proyecto, se llevará a cabo una investigación destinada a diseñar y construir un prototipo de tecnología innovadora de vehículos DMC de lavado automático sin contacto de hasta 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Gracias al uso de tecnología innovadora, caracterizada por características únicas, parámetros y funcionalidades relacionadas con la ergonomía de operación, reduciendo los costos de los procesos tecnológicos, así como aumentando la calidad y el efecto obtenido del servicio final en la industria automotriz. (Spanish)
19 January 2022
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Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), abi_de_minimis: Taristu- ja arendusministri 10. juuli 2015. aasta määruse „Poola ettevõtluse arendamise ameti finantsabi andmine aruka majanduskasvu rakenduskava 2014–2020 raames“ § 42 Projekti raames viiakse läbi uuringuid, mille eesmärk on projekteerida ja ehitada kuni 3 500 kg kaaluvate DMC sõidukite uuendusliku tehnoloogia prototüüp. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tänu uuendusliku tehnoloogia kasutamisele, mida iseloomustavad ergonoomikaga seotud ainulaadsed omadused, parameetrid ja funktsioonid, vähendades tehnoloogiliste protsesside kulusid ning suurendades autotööstuse lõppteenuse kvaliteeti ja saavutatud mõju. (Estonian)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 2015 m. liepos 10 d. Infrastruktūros ir plėtros ministro potvarkio dėl Lenkijos įmonių plėtros agentūros finansinės paramos skyrimo pagal 2014–2020 m. Pažangaus augimo veiksmų programą 42 straipsnis Projekto pagrindu bus atliekami moksliniai tyrimai, kurių tikslas – projektuoti ir konstruoti naujoviškos technologijos prototipą bekontaktės automatinės plovyklos DMC transporto priemonėms iki 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Dėl inovatyvių technologijų, kurioms būdingos unikalios funkcijos, parametrai ir funkcijos, susijusios su ergonomika, naudojimo, sumažinant technologinių procesų sąnaudas, taip pat didinant kokybę ir gaunamą galutinės paslaugos poveikį automobilių pramonėje. (Lithuanian)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 Uredbe ministra infrastrukture i razvoja od 10. srpnja 2015. o dodjeli financijske pomoći od strane poljske agencije za razvoj poduzetništva u okviru Operativnog programa za pametan rast 2014. – 2020.U okviru projekta provest će se istraživanje s ciljem projektiranja i izgradnje prototipa inovativne tehnologije vozila bez kontakta s automatskim autopraonicama do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujući primjeni inovativne tehnologije, koju karakteriziraju jedinstvene značajke, parametri i funkcionalnosti povezane s ergonomijom rada, snižavanje troškova tehnoloških procesa te povećanje kvalitete i postignutog učinka konačne usluge u automobilskoj industriji. (Croatian)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_πρόγραμμα: SA.42799(2015/X), ενίσχυση_de_minimis: Άρθρο 42 του Κανονισμού του Υπουργού Υποδομών και Ανάπτυξης της 10ης Ιουλίου 2015 σχετικά με τη χορήγηση χρηματοδοτικής συνδρομής από τον Πολωνικό Οργανισμό για την Ανάπτυξη Επιχειρήσεων στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος Έξυπνης Ανάπτυξης 2014-2020Στο πλαίσιο του έργου, θα διεξαχθεί έρευνα με στόχο τον σχεδιασμό και την κατασκευή πρωτοτύπου καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας οχημάτων αυτόματης πλύσης αυτοκινήτων χωρίς επαφή έως 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Χάρη στη χρήση καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας, που χαρακτηρίζεται από μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά, παραμέτρους και λειτουργίες που σχετίζονται με την εργονομία της λειτουργίας, μειώνοντας το κόστος των τεχνολογικών διαδικασιών, καθώς και αυξάνοντας την ποιότητα και το αποτέλεσμα της τελικής υπηρεσίας στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία. (Greek)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: § 42 Nariadenia ministra infraštruktúry a rozvoja z 10. júla 2015 o poskytnutí finančnej pomoci Poľskej agentúry pre rozvoj podnikania v rámci operačného programu Inteligentný rast na roky 2014 – 2020V rámci projektu sa uskutoční výskum zameraný na projektovanie a výstavbu prototypu inovačnej technológie bezkontaktnej automatickej umývačky DMC vozidiel s hmotnosťou do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Vďaka použitiu inovatívnej technológie, charakterizovanej jedinečnými vlastnosťami, parametrami a funkciami súvisiacimi s ergonómiou prevádzky, znížením nákladov na technologické procesy, ako aj zvýšením kvality a dosiahnutého efektu finálneho servisu v automobilovom priemysle. (Slovak)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_ohjelma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Puolan yrityskehitysviraston rahoitusavun myöntämisestä älykkään kasvun toimenpideohjelman 2014–2020 puitteissa 10 päivänä heinäkuuta 2015 annetun infrastruktuuri- ja kehitysministerin asetuksen 42 §. Hankkeen puitteissa tehdään tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on suunnitella ja rakentaa innovatiivisen teknologian prototyyppi kosketuksettomista autopesuautoista, joiden paino on enintään 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Innovatiivisen teknologian käytön ansiosta, jolle on ominaista toiminnan ergonomiaan liittyvät ainutlaatuiset ominaisuudet, parametrit ja toiminnot, teknisten prosessien kustannusten alentaminen sekä autoteollisuuden loppupalvelun laadun ja saavutetun vaikutuksen lisääminen. (Finnish)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Az infrastrukturális és fejlesztési miniszter 2015. július 10-i rendelete a 2014–2020-as Intelligens Növekedési Operatív Program keretében a Lengyel Vállalkozásfejlesztési Ügynökség által nyújtandó pénzügyi támogatásrólA projekt keretében kutatást végeznek a 3 500 kg-ig terjedő, érintésmentes automata autómosó járművek innovatív technológiájának megtervezésére és megépítésére. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Az innovatív technológia használatának köszönhetően, amelyet az üzemeltetés ergonómiájához kapcsolódó egyedi jellemzők, paraméterek és funkciók jellemeznek, csökkentve a technológiai folyamatok költségeit, valamint növelve a végső szolgáltatás minőségét és elért hatását az autóiparban. (Hungarian)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), podpora_de_minimis: §42 Nařízení ministra infrastruktury a rozvoje ze dne 10. července 2015 o poskytování finanční pomoci ze strany Polské agentury pro rozvoj podnikání v rámci Operačního programu Inteligentní růst na období 2014–2020V rámci projektu bude proveden výzkum zaměřený na návrh a výstavbu prototypu inovativní technologie bezkontaktních vozidel automatické myčky automobilů do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Díky využití inovativní technologie, vyznačující se jedinečnými vlastnostmi, parametry a funkcemi spojenými s ergonomií provozu, snížením nákladů na technologické procesy a zvýšením kvality a získaného účinku konečné služby v automobilovém průmyslu. (Czech)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Infrastruktūras un attīstības ministra 2015. gada 10. jūlija Noteikumu par finansiālās palīdzības piešķiršanu, ko veic Polijas Uzņēmumu attīstības aģentūra saskaņā ar Viedās izaugsmes darbības programmu 2014.-2020. gadam, 42. pants Projekta ietvaros tiks veikti pētījumi, kuru mērķis ir izstrādāt un būvēt inovatīvas tehnoloģijas prototipu bezkontakta automātiskās automazgātavas DMC transportlīdzekļiem, kuru svars ir līdz 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Pateicoties inovatīvu tehnoloģiju izmantošanai, ko raksturo unikālas funkcijas, parametri un funkcijas, kas saistītas ar darbības ergonomiku, samazinot tehnoloģisko procesu izmaksas, kā arī palielinot gala pakalpojuma kvalitāti un iegūto efektu autobūves nozarē. (Latvian)
13 August 2022
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Uimhir_reference_aid_clár: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 den Rialachán ón Aire Bonneagair agus Forbartha an 10 Iúil 2015 maidir le deonú cúnaimh airgeadais ag Gníomhaireacht na Polainne um Fhorbairt Fiontair faoin gClár Oibríochtúil um Fhás Cliste 2014-2020 Faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail, déanfar taighde atá dírithe ar fhréamhshamhail de theicneolaíocht nuálach a dhearadh agus a thógáil d’fheithiclí uathoibríocha nigh gluaisteán neamhtheagmhála suas le 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the A bhuí le húsáid na teicneolaíochta nuálaí, tréithe uathúla, paraiméadair agus feidhmiúlachtaí a bhaineann le heirgeanamaíocht oibríochta, costais na bpróiseas teicneolaíochta a ísliú chomh maith le cáilíocht na seirbhíse deiridh i dtionscal na ngluaisteán agus an éifeacht a fhaightear di a mhéadú. (Irish)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: Člen 42 uredbe ministra za infrastrukturo in razvoj z dne 10. julija 2015 o dodelitvi finančne pomoči poljske agencije za razvoj podjetništva v okviru operativnega programa za pametno rast 2014–2020V okviru projekta se bodo izvajale raziskave, namenjene oblikovanju in izdelavi prototipa inovativne tehnologije brezkontaktnih avtomatskih vozil DMC za pranje avtomobilov do 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Zahvaljujoč uporabi inovativne tehnologije, za katero so značilne edinstvene značilnosti, parametri in funkcionalnosti, povezani z ergonomijo delovanja, znižanje stroškov tehnoloških procesov ter povečanje kakovosti in pridobljenega učinka končne storitve v avtomobilski industriji. (Slovenian)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_програма: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 от Наредбата на министъра на инфраструктурата и развитието от 10.7.2015 г. за предоставяне на финансова помощ от Полската агенция за развитие на предприятията по Оперативна програма „Интелигентен растеж“ 2014—2020В рамките на проекта ще се проведат изследвания за проектиране и изграждане на прототип на иновативна технология на безконтактни автоматични автомивки до 3 500 кг. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Благодарение на използването на иновативна технология, характеризираща се с уникални характеристики, параметри и функционалности, свързани с ергономичността на работа, намаляване на разходите за технологични процеси, както и повишаване на качеството и получения ефект от крайната услуга в автомобилната индустрия. (Bulgarian)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.42799(2015/X), għajnuna_de_minimis: §42 tar-Regolament tal-Ministru tal-Infrastruttura u l-Iżvilupp tal-10 ta’ Lulju 2015 dwar l-għoti ta’ assistenza finanzjarja mill-Aġenzija Pollakka għall-Iżvilupp tal-Intrapriżi taħt il-Programm Operazzjonali ta’ Tkabbir Intelliġenti 2014–2020 Fil-qafas tal-proġett, se titwettaq riċerka mmirata lejn id-disinn u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ prototip ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva ta’ vetturi awtomatiċi mingħajr kuntatt ta’ DMC għall-ħasil tal-karozzi sa 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Bis-saħħa tal-użu ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva, ikkaratterizzata minn karatteristiċi, parametri u funzjonalitajiet uniċi relatati mal-ergonomija tal-operat, it-tnaqqis tal-ispejjeż tal-proċessi teknoloġiċi kif ukoll iż-żieda fil-kwalità u l-effett miksub tas-servizz finali fl-industrija tal-karozzi. (Maltese)
13 August 2022
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Número de referência do programa de ajuda: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 da Portaria do Ministro das Infraestruturas e do Desenvolvimento, de 10 de julho de 2015, sobre a concessão de assistência financeira pela Agência Polaca para o Desenvolvimento Empresarial no âmbito do Programa Operacional Desenvolvimento Inteligente 2014-2020. No âmbito do projeto, será realizada investigação destinada a conceber e construir o protótipo da tecnologia inovadora da lavagem automática de automóveis sem contacto DMC até 3500 kg. Para o efeito, a análise da resistência dos nós do braço deslizante e do braço deslizante em função da pressão do fluxo de fluido, do número de bicos de lavagem e da distância da superfície lavada (1), a análise do impacto da forma e da quantidade dos bicos de lavagem na limpeza do braço de lavagem, a fim de determinar a recirculação do ar de distribuição e o deslocamento do espaço, bem como a distância da superfície lavada, devem ser efetuadas a fim de analisar a eficiência do processo de limpeza e a cobertura máxima da área analisada. Graças à utilização de tecnologia inovadora, caracterizada por características, parâmetros e funcionalidades únicas relacionadas com a ergonomia, reduzindo os custos dos processos tecnológicos, bem como melhorando a qualidade e o resultado do serviço final na indústria automóvel. (Portuguese)
13 August 2022
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Nummer_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 i bekendtgørelse af 10. juli 2015 fra ministeren for infrastruktur og udvikling om ydelse af finansiel støtte fra det polske agentur for virksomhedsudvikling under det operationelle program for intelligent vækst 2014-2020I forbindelse med projektet vil der blive udført forskning med henblik på at udforme og konstruere en prototype af innovativ teknologi for ikke-kontaktfrie DMC-køretøjer til automatisk bilvask på op til 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Takket være brugen af innovativ teknologi, der er kendetegnet ved unikke funktioner, parametre og funktionaliteter i forbindelse med ergonomi, sænker omkostningerne ved teknologiske processer samt øger kvaliteten og den opnåede effekt af den endelige service i bilindustrien. (Danish)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: §42 din Regulamentul Ministrului Infrastructurii și Dezvoltării din 10 iulie 2015 privind acordarea de asistență financiară de către Agenția Poloneză pentru Dezvoltarea Întreprinderii în cadrul Programului Operațional Creștere Inteligentă 2014-2020În cadrul proiectului, se vor desfășura cercetări menite să proiecteze și să construiască un prototip de tehnologie inovatoare de spălare automată fără contact a vehiculelor DMC de până la 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Datorită utilizării tehnologiei inovatoare, caracterizată prin caracteristici unice, parametri și funcționalități legate de ergonomia de operare, reducerea costurilor proceselor tehnologice, precum și creșterea calității și a efectului obținut al serviciului final în industria auto. (Romanian)
13 August 2022
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Number_reference_aid_program: SA.42799(2015/X), aid_de_minimis: 42 § i infrastruktur- och utvecklingsministerns förordning av den 10 juli 2015 om beviljande av ekonomiskt stöd från den polska byrån för företagsutveckling inom ramen för det operativa programmet för smart tillväxt 2014–2020Inom ramen för projektet kommer forskning att genomföras i syfte att utforma och konstruera en prototyp av innovativ teknik för icke-kontaktautomatisk biltvätt DMC-fordon upp till 3 500 kg. To this end, research will be carried out in the field of analysis of the strength of the mounting nodes of the washing arm of the sliding-rotary arm and of the sliding washing arm as a function of fluid flux pressure, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the washed surface (1), the analysis of the impact of the shape and the number of washing nozzles of the sliding and rotary washing arm and the sliding liquid pressure and distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area — development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the shape of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the air flowing process (3), the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms (2), the determination of the functioning of channels and nozzles in the wet air conditioning system in order to achieve the efficiency of the airflow in order to complete the flow of the air streams, the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air drainage system in the field of the air conditioning system in order to complete the flow of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system in order to complete the operation of the airflow in order to complete the operation of the airflow system, and the need to improve the functioning of the air-drying system in the vehicle’s air conditioning system, and the automatic monitoring of the flow of the air flow, in particular, the analysis of the pressure of the liquid jet, the number of washing nozzles and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the analysed area, the development of the most optimal distribution of the washing nozzles and the shape of the washing arms, the determination of the functioning of the drainage and the distance from the wash surface on the efficiency of the washing process and the maximum coverage of the operation of the air streaming process (3), the integration of the cleaning nozzles and the shape of the washing arms in order to improve the functioning of the air conditioning system in order to achieve the proper functioning of the airflow in the process, and to determine the exhaustiveness of the exhaust system in order to complete the operation of the air streaming system, including in particular the optimisation of the needs of the ducts and the nozzles in the air conditioning system, and in order to determine the exhaustiveness of the air flow system in order to complete the operation of the air streams, including in particular, the need to improve the functioning of the vehicle’s air drainage system, and to determine the operational efficiency of the air streaming system in order to complete the operation of the air stream, including in particular the optimisation group, the need to improve the functioning of the air drainage system, and the automatic adjustment of the air flow in order to complete the Tack vare användningen av innovativ teknik, som kännetecknas av unika egenskaper, parametrar och funktioner relaterade till ergonomi, sänker kostnaderna för tekniska processer samt ökar kvaliteten och den erhållna effekten av den slutliga tjänsten i fordonsindustrin. (Swedish)
13 August 2022
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24 May 2023
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