Combating food fraud at national level by increasing the capacity of civil society to formulate public policies (Q3096197): Difference between revisions
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(Set a claim value: summary (P836): Objectif général L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer le processus de développement participatif des politiques publiques visant à prévenir la fraude alimentaire et à assurer la sécurité alimentaire des produits roumains et des produits certifiés Halal et Kosher, mais aussi de réglementer cette procédure de certification, en renforçant la capacité de l’organisation non gouvernementale à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alter...) |
(32 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / fr | label / fr | ||||||||||||||
Lutter contre la fraude alimentaire au niveau national en renforçant la capacité de la société civile à formuler des politiques publiques | |||||||||||||||
label / de | label / de | ||||||||||||||
Bekämpfung des Lebensmittelbetrugs auf nationaler Ebene durch Stärkung der Fähigkeit der Zivilgesellschaft, öffentliche Maßnahmen zu formulieren | |||||||||||||||
label / nl | label / nl | ||||||||||||||
Bestrijding van voedselfraude op nationaal niveau door vergroting van het vermogen van het maatschappelijk middenveld om overheidsbeleid te formuleren | |||||||||||||||
label / it | label / it | ||||||||||||||
Lotta contro le frodi alimentari a livello nazionale aumentando la capacità della società civile di formulare politiche pubbliche | |||||||||||||||
label / es | label / es | ||||||||||||||
Lucha contra el fraude alimentario a nivel nacional aumentando la capacidad de la sociedad civil para formular políticas públicas | |||||||||||||||
label / et | label / et | ||||||||||||||
Võitlus toidupettuse vastu riiklikul tasandil, suurendades kodanikuühiskonna suutlikkust kujundada avalikku poliitikat | |||||||||||||||
label / lt | label / lt | ||||||||||||||
Kova su sukčiavimu maisto produktų srityje nacionaliniu lygmeniu didinant pilietinės visuomenės gebėjimą formuoti viešąją politiką | |||||||||||||||
label / hr | label / hr | ||||||||||||||
Borba protiv prijevara povezanih s hranom na nacionalnoj razini povećanjem kapaciteta civilnog društva za oblikovanje javnih politika | |||||||||||||||
label / el | label / el | ||||||||||||||
Καταπολέμηση της απάτης στον τομέα των τροφίμων σε εθνικό επίπεδο με την αύξηση της ικανότητας της κοινωνίας των πολιτών να χαράσσει δημόσιες πολιτικές | |||||||||||||||
label / sk | label / sk | ||||||||||||||
Boj proti potravinovým podvodom na vnútroštátnej úrovni zvýšením schopnosti občianskej spoločnosti formulovať verejné politiky | |||||||||||||||
label / fi | label / fi | ||||||||||||||
Elintarvikepetosten torjunta kansallisella tasolla lisäämällä kansalaisyhteiskunnan valmiuksia laatia julkista politiikkaa | |||||||||||||||
label / pl | label / pl | ||||||||||||||
Zwalczanie fałszowania żywności na szczeblu krajowym poprzez zwiększenie zdolności społeczeństwa obywatelskiego do formułowania polityki publicznej | |||||||||||||||
label / hu | label / hu | ||||||||||||||
Az élelmiszercsalás elleni küzdelem nemzeti szinten a civil társadalom közpolitikák kialakítására irányuló kapacitásának növelésével | |||||||||||||||
label / cs | label / cs | ||||||||||||||
Boj proti podvodům v oblasti potravin na vnitrostátní úrovni zvýšením schopnosti občanské společnosti formulovat veřejné politiky | |||||||||||||||
label / lv | label / lv | ||||||||||||||
Cīņa pret krāpšanu pārtikas jomā valstu līmenī, palielinot pilsoniskās sabiedrības spēju formulēt valsts politiku | |||||||||||||||
label / ga | label / ga | ||||||||||||||
Calaois bhia a chomhrac ar an leibhéal náisiúnta trí chumas na sochaí sibhialta beartais phoiblí a cheapadh a mhéadú | |||||||||||||||
label / sl | label / sl | ||||||||||||||
Boj proti goljufijam s hrano na nacionalni ravni s povečanjem zmogljivosti civilne družbe za oblikovanje javnih politik | |||||||||||||||
label / bg | label / bg | ||||||||||||||
Борба с измамите с храни на национално равнище чрез увеличаване на капацитета на гражданското общество за формулиране на публични политики | |||||||||||||||
label / mt | label / mt | ||||||||||||||
Il-ġlieda kontra l-frodi alimentari fil-livell nazzjonali billi tiżdied il-kapaċità tas-soċjetà ċivili li tifformula politiki pubbliċi | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Combater a fraude alimentar a nível nacional através do aumento da capacidade da sociedade civil para formular políticas públicas | |||||||||||||||
label / da | label / da | ||||||||||||||
Bekæmpelse af fødevaresvig på nationalt plan ved at øge civilsamfundets evne til at udforme offentlige politikker | |||||||||||||||
label / sv | label / sv | ||||||||||||||
Bekämpa livsmedelsbedrägerier på nationell nivå genom att öka det civila samhällets förmåga att utforma offentlig politik | |||||||||||||||
description / bg | description / bg | ||||||||||||||
Проект Q3096197 в Румъния | |||||||||||||||
description / hr | description / hr | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 u Rumunjskoj | |||||||||||||||
description / hu | description / hu | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 Romániában | |||||||||||||||
description / cs | description / cs | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 v Rumunsku | |||||||||||||||
description / da | description / da | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 i Rumænien | |||||||||||||||
description / nl | description / nl | ||||||||||||||
Project Q3096197 in Roemenië | |||||||||||||||
description / et | description / et | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 Rumeenias | |||||||||||||||
description / fi | description / fi | ||||||||||||||
Projekti Q3096197 Romaniassa | |||||||||||||||
description / fr | description / fr | ||||||||||||||
Projet Q3096197 en Roumanie | |||||||||||||||
description / de | description / de | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 in Rumänien | |||||||||||||||
description / el | description / el | ||||||||||||||
Έργο Q3096197 στη Ρουμανία | |||||||||||||||
description / ga | description / ga | ||||||||||||||
Tionscadal Q3096197 sa Rómáin | |||||||||||||||
description / it | description / it | ||||||||||||||
Progetto Q3096197 in Romania | |||||||||||||||
description / lv | description / lv | ||||||||||||||
Projekts Q3096197 Rumānijā | |||||||||||||||
description / lt | description / lt | ||||||||||||||
Projektas Q3096197 Rumunijoje | |||||||||||||||
description / mt | description / mt | ||||||||||||||
Proġett Q3096197 fir-Rumanija | |||||||||||||||
description / pl | description / pl | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 w Rumunii | |||||||||||||||
description / pt | description / pt | ||||||||||||||
Projeto Q3096197 na Romênia | |||||||||||||||
description / ro | description / ro | ||||||||||||||
Proiectul Q3096197 în România | |||||||||||||||
description / sk | description / sk | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 v Rumunsku | |||||||||||||||
description / sl | description / sl | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 v Romuniji | |||||||||||||||
description / es | description / es | ||||||||||||||
Proyecto Q3096197 en Rumania | |||||||||||||||
description / sv | description / sv | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3096197 i Rumänien | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 793,991.682 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 158,798.33640000003 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 158,798.33640000003 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 158,798.33640000003 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 964,703.85 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 192,940.77000000002 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 192,940.77000000002 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 192,940.77000000002 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 0.82 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is to improve the participatory development of public policies to prevent food fraud and to ensure food safety in Romanian products and in Halal and Kosher certified products, but also to regulate this certification procedure, by increasing the capacity of the non-governmental organisation to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government, aiming to develop and introduce systems and standards in public administration, oriented towards citizens and the business environment, in accordance with SCAP. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. The project contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective 1.1: Development and introduction of common systems and standards in public administration that optimise decision-making processes oriented towards citizens and business environment in line with SCAP, because it has the aim and impact of combating and preventing food fraud and ensuring the sig (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.9515523661913576
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Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Municipiul Tulcea / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Objectif général L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer le processus de développement participatif des politiques publiques visant à prévenir la fraude alimentaire et à assurer la sécurité alimentaire des produits roumains et des produits certifiés Halal et Kosher, mais aussi de réglementer cette procédure de certification, en renforçant la capacité de l’organisation non gouvernementale à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques initiées par le gouvernement, visant à développer et à introduire des systèmes et des normes dans l’administration publique, orientées vers les Celtes et l’environnement des entreprises, conformément au SCAP. OBJET DU PROJET: L’objectif du projet est de soutenir et d’accroître la capacité de l’ONG à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques lancées par le gouvernement pour la prévention de la fraude et l’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains et pour la prévention de la fraude et la garantie de la sécurité alimentaire et de la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en facilitant le développement de mécanismes de formulation, de promotion, de suivi des politiques publiques et de renforcement du dialogue social et civique. en plus de comprendre la nécessité de réformer l’administration publique, les activités visant à développer les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités des 40 personnes du groupe cible liés à l’ONG, le développement du mécanisme de formulation et de promotion des politiques publiques et la mise au point d’instruments permettant de suivre et d’évaluer les politiques publiques et de renforcer le dialogue social et civique. Le projet garantit la réalisation d’avantages durables pour le groupe cible, en renforçant leur capacité à comprendre et à approfondir les besoins réels et existants dans le domaine de l’industrie alimentaire en matière de prévention de la fraude et d’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains pour la prévention de la fraude et la sécurité alimentaire et en réglementant la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en acquérant les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités en matière d’élaboration de politiques publiques et de gestion stratégique, en renforçant le dialogue social et civique entre les représentants des ONG, les représentants des partenaires sociaux et le personnel des autorités/institutions publiques locales, mais aussi en créant un mécanisme pour le développement, l’interprétation, la promotion, le suivi et l’évaluation des politiques publiques dans ce domaine. Le projet contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif Spécifique 1.1: L’élaboration et l’introduction de systèmes et de normes communs au sein de l’administration publique qui optimisent les processus décisionnels orientés vers les citoyens et l’environnement des entreprises conformément à la PACS, car elle a pour objectif et a l’impact de lutter et de prévenir la fraude alimentaire et d’assurer la sécurité. (French) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Objectif général L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer le processus de développement participatif des politiques publiques visant à prévenir la fraude alimentaire et à assurer la sécurité alimentaire des produits roumains et des produits certifiés Halal et Kosher, mais aussi de réglementer cette procédure de certification, en renforçant la capacité de l’organisation non gouvernementale à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques initiées par le gouvernement, visant à développer et à introduire des systèmes et des normes dans l’administration publique, orientées vers les Celtes et l’environnement des entreprises, conformément au SCAP. OBJET DU PROJET: L’objectif du projet est de soutenir et d’accroître la capacité de l’ONG à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques lancées par le gouvernement pour la prévention de la fraude et l’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains et pour la prévention de la fraude et la garantie de la sécurité alimentaire et de la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en facilitant le développement de mécanismes de formulation, de promotion, de suivi des politiques publiques et de renforcement du dialogue social et civique. en plus de comprendre la nécessité de réformer l’administration publique, les activités visant à développer les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités des 40 personnes du groupe cible liés à l’ONG, le développement du mécanisme de formulation et de promotion des politiques publiques et la mise au point d’instruments permettant de suivre et d’évaluer les politiques publiques et de renforcer le dialogue social et civique. Le projet garantit la réalisation d’avantages durables pour le groupe cible, en renforçant leur capacité à comprendre et à approfondir les besoins réels et existants dans le domaine de l’industrie alimentaire en matière de prévention de la fraude et d’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains pour la prévention de la fraude et la sécurité alimentaire et en réglementant la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en acquérant les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités en matière d’élaboration de politiques publiques et de gestion stratégique, en renforçant le dialogue social et civique entre les représentants des ONG, les représentants des partenaires sociaux et le personnel des autorités/institutions publiques locales, mais aussi en créant un mécanisme pour le développement, l’interprétation, la promotion, le suivi et l’évaluation des politiques publiques dans ce domaine. Le projet contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif Spécifique 1.1: L’élaboration et l’introduction de systèmes et de normes communs au sein de l’administration publique qui optimisent les processus décisionnels orientés vers les citoyens et l’environnement des entreprises conformément à la PACS, car elle a pour objectif et a l’impact de lutter et de prévenir la fraude alimentaire et d’assurer la sécurité. (French) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Objectif général L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer le processus de développement participatif des politiques publiques visant à prévenir la fraude alimentaire et à assurer la sécurité alimentaire des produits roumains et des produits certifiés Halal et Kosher, mais aussi de réglementer cette procédure de certification, en renforçant la capacité de l’organisation non gouvernementale à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques initiées par le gouvernement, visant à développer et à introduire des systèmes et des normes dans l’administration publique, orientées vers les Celtes et l’environnement des entreprises, conformément au SCAP. OBJET DU PROJET: L’objectif du projet est de soutenir et d’accroître la capacité de l’ONG à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques lancées par le gouvernement pour la prévention de la fraude et l’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains et pour la prévention de la fraude et la garantie de la sécurité alimentaire et de la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en facilitant le développement de mécanismes de formulation, de promotion, de suivi des politiques publiques et de renforcement du dialogue social et civique. en plus de comprendre la nécessité de réformer l’administration publique, les activités visant à développer les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités des 40 personnes du groupe cible liés à l’ONG, le développement du mécanisme de formulation et de promotion des politiques publiques et la mise au point d’instruments permettant de suivre et d’évaluer les politiques publiques et de renforcer le dialogue social et civique. Le projet garantit la réalisation d’avantages durables pour le groupe cible, en renforçant leur capacité à comprendre et à approfondir les besoins réels et existants dans le domaine de l’industrie alimentaire en matière de prévention de la fraude et d’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains pour la prévention de la fraude et la sécurité alimentaire et en réglementant la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en acquérant les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités en matière d’élaboration de politiques publiques et de gestion stratégique, en renforçant le dialogue social et civique entre les représentants des ONG, les représentants des partenaires sociaux et le personnel des autorités/institutions publiques locales, mais aussi en créant un mécanisme pour le développement, l’interprétation, la promotion, le suivi et l’évaluation des politiques publiques dans ce domaine. Le projet contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif Spécifique 1.1: L’élaboration et l’introduction de systèmes et de normes communs au sein de l’administration publique qui optimisent les processus décisionnels orientés vers les citoyens et l’environnement des entreprises conformément à la PACS, car elle a pour objectif et a l’impact de lutter et de prévenir la fraude alimentaire et d’assurer la sécurité. (French) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 26 November 2021
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
ALLGEMEINES ZIEL Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts besteht darin, den Prozess der partizipativen Ausarbeitung öffentlicher Politiken zur Verhinderung von Lebensmittelbetrug und zur Gewährleistung der Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Produkten und bei Halal- und Koscher-zertifizierten Produkten zu verbessern, aber auch um dieses Zertifizierungsverfahren zu regulieren Stärkung der Fähigkeit der Nichtregierungsorganisation, alternative öffentliche Politiken zu von der Regierung initiierten öffentlichen Politiken zu formulieren und zu fördern, mit dem Ziel, Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu entwickeln und einzuführen, die auf Bürger und das Geschäftsumfeld ausgerichtet sind, in Übereinstimmung mit SCAP. ZWECK DES PROJEKTS: Der Zweck des Projekts besteht darin, die Fähigkeit der NGO zu unterstützen und zu erhöhen, alternative öffentliche Maßnahmen zu von der Regierung eingeleiteten öffentlichen Maßnahmen zu formulieren und zu fördern, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Ernährungssicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Ernährungsprodukten zu gewährleisten und zu verhindern Betrug und Sicherheit und Regulierung der Zertifizierung von Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System als Ergebnis der Erleichterung der Entwicklung von Mechanismen zur Formulierung, Förderung und Überwachung öffentlicher Politiken und zur Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerlichen Dialogs sowie des Verständnisses der Notwendigkeit Reform der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Aktivitäten Entwicklung von Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Fähigkeiten der 40 Personen in der Zielgruppe im Zusammenhang mit der NRO, Entwicklung des Mechanismus zur Formulierung und Förderung öffentlicher Politiken und Entwicklung von Instrumenten mit Anwendbarkeit für die Überwachung und Bewertung der Öffentlichkeit Richtlinien und Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs. Das Projekt stellt sicher, dass die Zielgruppe nachhaltige Vorteile erhält, indem ihre Fähigkeit verbessert wird, die tatsächlichen und bestehenden Bedürfnisse in der Lebensmittelindustrie zu verstehen und zu vertiefen, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten zu gewährleisten und um Betrug zu verhindern und Lebensmittel zu gewährleisten Sicherheits- und Zertifizierungsregelung für Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukte im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System, durch den Erwerb von Wissen, Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in der Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik und im strategischen Management, durch die Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs zwischen NRO-Vertretern, Sozialpartnervertretern und Mitarbeitern der öffentlichen Behörden / Institutionen auf lokaler Ebene, sondern auch durch die Schaffung eines Mechanismus zur Ausarbeitung, Interpretation, Förderung, Überwachung und Bewertung der öffentlichen Politik in diesem Bereich. Das Projekt trägt zur Erfüllung des Einzelziels 1.1 bei: Entwicklung und Einführung gemeinsamer Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, die bürger- und wirtschaftsorientierte Entscheidungsprozesse im Sinne des SCAP optimieren, weil es die Bekämpfung und Prävention von Lebensmittelbetrug und Versicherung (German) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: ALLGEMEINES ZIEL Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts besteht darin, den Prozess der partizipativen Ausarbeitung öffentlicher Politiken zur Verhinderung von Lebensmittelbetrug und zur Gewährleistung der Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Produkten und bei Halal- und Koscher-zertifizierten Produkten zu verbessern, aber auch um dieses Zertifizierungsverfahren zu regulieren Stärkung der Fähigkeit der Nichtregierungsorganisation, alternative öffentliche Politiken zu von der Regierung initiierten öffentlichen Politiken zu formulieren und zu fördern, mit dem Ziel, Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu entwickeln und einzuführen, die auf Bürger und das Geschäftsumfeld ausgerichtet sind, in Übereinstimmung mit SCAP. ZWECK DES PROJEKTS: Der Zweck des Projekts besteht darin, die Fähigkeit der NGO zu unterstützen und zu erhöhen, alternative öffentliche Maßnahmen zu von der Regierung eingeleiteten öffentlichen Maßnahmen zu formulieren und zu fördern, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Ernährungssicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Ernährungsprodukten zu gewährleisten und zu verhindern Betrug und Sicherheit und Regulierung der Zertifizierung von Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System als Ergebnis der Erleichterung der Entwicklung von Mechanismen zur Formulierung, Förderung und Überwachung öffentlicher Politiken und zur Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerlichen Dialogs sowie des Verständnisses der Notwendigkeit Reform der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Aktivitäten Entwicklung von Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Fähigkeiten der 40 Personen in der Zielgruppe im Zusammenhang mit der NRO, Entwicklung des Mechanismus zur Formulierung und Förderung öffentlicher Politiken und Entwicklung von Instrumenten mit Anwendbarkeit für die Überwachung und Bewertung der Öffentlichkeit Richtlinien und Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs. Das Projekt stellt sicher, dass die Zielgruppe nachhaltige Vorteile erhält, indem ihre Fähigkeit verbessert wird, die tatsächlichen und bestehenden Bedürfnisse in der Lebensmittelindustrie zu verstehen und zu vertiefen, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten zu gewährleisten und um Betrug zu verhindern und Lebensmittel zu gewährleisten Sicherheits- und Zertifizierungsregelung für Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukte im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System, durch den Erwerb von Wissen, Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in der Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik und im strategischen Management, durch die Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs zwischen NRO-Vertretern, Sozialpartnervertretern und Mitarbeitern der öffentlichen Behörden / Institutionen auf lokaler Ebene, sondern auch durch die Schaffung eines Mechanismus zur Ausarbeitung, Interpretation, Förderung, Überwachung und Bewertung der öffentlichen Politik in diesem Bereich. Das Projekt trägt zur Erfüllung des Einzelziels 1.1 bei: Entwicklung und Einführung gemeinsamer Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, die bürger- und wirtschaftsorientierte Entscheidungsprozesse im Sinne des SCAP optimieren, weil es die Bekämpfung und Prävention von Lebensmittelbetrug und Versicherung (German) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: ALLGEMEINES ZIEL Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts besteht darin, den Prozess der partizipativen Ausarbeitung öffentlicher Politiken zur Verhinderung von Lebensmittelbetrug und zur Gewährleistung der Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Produkten und bei Halal- und Koscher-zertifizierten Produkten zu verbessern, aber auch um dieses Zertifizierungsverfahren zu regulieren Stärkung der Fähigkeit der Nichtregierungsorganisation, alternative öffentliche Politiken zu von der Regierung initiierten öffentlichen Politiken zu formulieren und zu fördern, mit dem Ziel, Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu entwickeln und einzuführen, die auf Bürger und das Geschäftsumfeld ausgerichtet sind, in Übereinstimmung mit SCAP. ZWECK DES PROJEKTS: Der Zweck des Projekts besteht darin, die Fähigkeit der NGO zu unterstützen und zu erhöhen, alternative öffentliche Maßnahmen zu von der Regierung eingeleiteten öffentlichen Maßnahmen zu formulieren und zu fördern, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Ernährungssicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Ernährungsprodukten zu gewährleisten und zu verhindern Betrug und Sicherheit und Regulierung der Zertifizierung von Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System als Ergebnis der Erleichterung der Entwicklung von Mechanismen zur Formulierung, Förderung und Überwachung öffentlicher Politiken und zur Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerlichen Dialogs sowie des Verständnisses der Notwendigkeit Reform der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Aktivitäten Entwicklung von Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Fähigkeiten der 40 Personen in der Zielgruppe im Zusammenhang mit der NRO, Entwicklung des Mechanismus zur Formulierung und Förderung öffentlicher Politiken und Entwicklung von Instrumenten mit Anwendbarkeit für die Überwachung und Bewertung der Öffentlichkeit Richtlinien und Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs. Das Projekt stellt sicher, dass die Zielgruppe nachhaltige Vorteile erhält, indem ihre Fähigkeit verbessert wird, die tatsächlichen und bestehenden Bedürfnisse in der Lebensmittelindustrie zu verstehen und zu vertiefen, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten zu gewährleisten und um Betrug zu verhindern und Lebensmittel zu gewährleisten Sicherheits- und Zertifizierungsregelung für Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukte im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System, durch den Erwerb von Wissen, Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in der Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik und im strategischen Management, durch die Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs zwischen NRO-Vertretern, Sozialpartnervertretern und Mitarbeitern der öffentlichen Behörden / Institutionen auf lokaler Ebene, sondern auch durch die Schaffung eines Mechanismus zur Ausarbeitung, Interpretation, Förderung, Überwachung und Bewertung der öffentlichen Politik in diesem Bereich. Das Projekt trägt zur Erfüllung des Einzelziels 1.1 bei: Entwicklung und Einführung gemeinsamer Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, die bürger- und wirtschaftsorientierte Entscheidungsprozesse im Sinne des SCAP optimieren, weil es die Bekämpfung und Prävention von Lebensmittelbetrug und Versicherung (German) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 1 December 2021
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
ALGEMENE DOELSTELLING De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verbeteren van het proces van participatieve uitwerking van overheidsbeleid voor de preventie van voedselfraude en voor het waarborgen van voedselveiligheid in Roemeense producten en in Halal en Kosher gecertificeerde producten, maar ook voor het reguleren van deze certificeringsprocedure, door het vergroten van het vermogen van de niet-gouvernementele organisatie om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten dan het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd, met als doel het ontwikkelen en invoeren van systemen en normen in het openbaar bestuur, gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat, in overeenstemming met het SCAP . DOEL VAN HET PROJECT: Het doel van het project is het ondersteunen en vergroten van de capaciteit van de NGO om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten voor het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd om fraude te voorkomen en de voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en te voorkomen dat fraude en zorgen voor voedsel en regulering van de certificering van agrovoedingsproducten in het halal en koosjere religieuze systeem, als resultaat van het vergemakkelijken van de ontwikkeling van mechanismen voor het formuleren, promoten en monitoren van overheidsbeleid en het versterken van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog, evenals het begrijpen van de noodzaak om het openbaar bestuur te hervormen, activiteiten ontwikkeling van de kennis, vaardigheden en capaciteiten van de 40 mensen in de doelgroep die verband houden met de NGO, de ontwikkeling van het mechanisme voor het formuleren en promoten van overheidsbeleid en de ontwikkeling van instrumenten met de toepasbaarheid van monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid en versterking van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog. Het project zorgt voor het bereiken van duurzame voordelen voor de doelgroep, door hun vermogen te vergroten om de werkelijke en bestaande behoeften in de voedingsindustrie te begrijpen en te verdiepen om fraude te voorkomen en voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en om fraude te voorkomen en voedsel te garanderen veiligheid en certificering Halal en koosjere agrovoedingsproducten, door kennis, vaardigheden, competenties en vaardigheden te verwerven op het gebied van openbare beleidsvorming en strategisch management, door de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog tussen NGO-vertegenwoordigers, vertegenwoordigers van sociale partners en personeel van lokale overheden / instellingen te versterken, maar ook door een mechanisme te creëren voor de uitwerking, interpretatie, bevordering, monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid op dit gebied. Het project draagt bij aan de vervulling van Specifieke Doelstelling 1.1: Ontwikkeling en invoering van gemeenschappelijke systemen en standaarden in het openbaar bestuur die besluitvormingsprocessen gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat optimaliseren in overeenstemming met SCAP, aangezien het tot doel heeft en effect heeft om voedsel te bestrijden en te voorkomen fraude en zorgen (Dutch) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: ALGEMENE DOELSTELLING De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verbeteren van het proces van participatieve uitwerking van overheidsbeleid voor de preventie van voedselfraude en voor het waarborgen van voedselveiligheid in Roemeense producten en in Halal en Kosher gecertificeerde producten, maar ook voor het reguleren van deze certificeringsprocedure, door het vergroten van het vermogen van de niet-gouvernementele organisatie om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten dan het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd, met als doel het ontwikkelen en invoeren van systemen en normen in het openbaar bestuur, gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat, in overeenstemming met het SCAP . DOEL VAN HET PROJECT: Het doel van het project is het ondersteunen en vergroten van de capaciteit van de NGO om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten voor het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd om fraude te voorkomen en de voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en te voorkomen dat fraude en zorgen voor voedsel en regulering van de certificering van agrovoedingsproducten in het halal en koosjere religieuze systeem, als resultaat van het vergemakkelijken van de ontwikkeling van mechanismen voor het formuleren, promoten en monitoren van overheidsbeleid en het versterken van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog, evenals het begrijpen van de noodzaak om het openbaar bestuur te hervormen, activiteiten ontwikkeling van de kennis, vaardigheden en capaciteiten van de 40 mensen in de doelgroep die verband houden met de NGO, de ontwikkeling van het mechanisme voor het formuleren en promoten van overheidsbeleid en de ontwikkeling van instrumenten met de toepasbaarheid van monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid en versterking van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog. Het project zorgt voor het bereiken van duurzame voordelen voor de doelgroep, door hun vermogen te vergroten om de werkelijke en bestaande behoeften in de voedingsindustrie te begrijpen en te verdiepen om fraude te voorkomen en voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en om fraude te voorkomen en voedsel te garanderen veiligheid en certificering Halal en koosjere agrovoedingsproducten, door kennis, vaardigheden, competenties en vaardigheden te verwerven op het gebied van openbare beleidsvorming en strategisch management, door de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog tussen NGO-vertegenwoordigers, vertegenwoordigers van sociale partners en personeel van lokale overheden / instellingen te versterken, maar ook door een mechanisme te creëren voor de uitwerking, interpretatie, bevordering, monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid op dit gebied. Het project draagt bij aan de vervulling van Specifieke Doelstelling 1.1: Ontwikkeling en invoering van gemeenschappelijke systemen en standaarden in het openbaar bestuur die besluitvormingsprocessen gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat optimaliseren in overeenstemming met SCAP, aangezien het tot doel heeft en effect heeft om voedsel te bestrijden en te voorkomen fraude en zorgen (Dutch) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: ALGEMENE DOELSTELLING De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verbeteren van het proces van participatieve uitwerking van overheidsbeleid voor de preventie van voedselfraude en voor het waarborgen van voedselveiligheid in Roemeense producten en in Halal en Kosher gecertificeerde producten, maar ook voor het reguleren van deze certificeringsprocedure, door het vergroten van het vermogen van de niet-gouvernementele organisatie om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten dan het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd, met als doel het ontwikkelen en invoeren van systemen en normen in het openbaar bestuur, gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat, in overeenstemming met het SCAP . DOEL VAN HET PROJECT: Het doel van het project is het ondersteunen en vergroten van de capaciteit van de NGO om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten voor het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd om fraude te voorkomen en de voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en te voorkomen dat fraude en zorgen voor voedsel en regulering van de certificering van agrovoedingsproducten in het halal en koosjere religieuze systeem, als resultaat van het vergemakkelijken van de ontwikkeling van mechanismen voor het formuleren, promoten en monitoren van overheidsbeleid en het versterken van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog, evenals het begrijpen van de noodzaak om het openbaar bestuur te hervormen, activiteiten ontwikkeling van de kennis, vaardigheden en capaciteiten van de 40 mensen in de doelgroep die verband houden met de NGO, de ontwikkeling van het mechanisme voor het formuleren en promoten van overheidsbeleid en de ontwikkeling van instrumenten met de toepasbaarheid van monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid en versterking van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog. Het project zorgt voor het bereiken van duurzame voordelen voor de doelgroep, door hun vermogen te vergroten om de werkelijke en bestaande behoeften in de voedingsindustrie te begrijpen en te verdiepen om fraude te voorkomen en voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en om fraude te voorkomen en voedsel te garanderen veiligheid en certificering Halal en koosjere agrovoedingsproducten, door kennis, vaardigheden, competenties en vaardigheden te verwerven op het gebied van openbare beleidsvorming en strategisch management, door de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog tussen NGO-vertegenwoordigers, vertegenwoordigers van sociale partners en personeel van lokale overheden / instellingen te versterken, maar ook door een mechanisme te creëren voor de uitwerking, interpretatie, bevordering, monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid op dit gebied. Het project draagt bij aan de vervulling van Specifieke Doelstelling 1.1: Ontwikkeling en invoering van gemeenschappelijke systemen en standaarden in het openbaar bestuur die besluitvormingsprocessen gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat optimaliseren in overeenstemming met SCAP, aangezien het tot doel heeft en effect heeft om voedsel te bestrijden en te voorkomen fraude en zorgen (Dutch) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 5 December 2021
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di migliorare lo sviluppo partecipativo delle politiche pubbliche per prevenire le frodi alimentari e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti rumeni e nei prodotti certificati Halal e Kosher, ma anche di regolamentare questa procedura di certificazione, aumentando la capacità dell'organizzazione non governativa di formulare e promuovere politiche pubbliche alternative alle politiche pubbliche avviate dal governo, con l'obiettivo di sviluppare e introdurre sistemi e standard nella pubblica amministrazione, orientati verso i cittadini e l'ambiente imprenditoriale, in conformità con lo SCAP. FINALITÀ DEL PROGETTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the Il progetto garantisce benefici sostenibili per il gruppo destinatario, aumentando la loro capacità di comprendere e approfondire le esigenze reali ed esistenti nel settore dell'industria alimentare per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti agroalimentari rumeni e per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare e regolamentare la certificazione dei prodotti agroalimentari nel sistema religioso Halal e Kosher, acquisendo conoscenze, competenze, abilità e capacità nello sviluppo delle politiche pubbliche e nella gestione strategica, rafforzando il dialogo sociale e civico tra i rappresentanti dell'ong, i rappresentanti delle parti sociali e il personale delle autorità pubbliche/istituzioni locali, ma anche creando un meccanismo di elaborazione, interpretazione, promozione, monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche pubbliche in questo settore. Il progetto contribuisce al conseguimento dell'obiettivo specifico 1.1: Sviluppo e introduzione di sistemi e standard comuni nella pubblica amministrazione che ottimizzino i processi decisionali orientati verso i cittadini e il contesto imprenditorial... (Italian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di migliorare lo sviluppo partecipativo delle politiche pubbliche per prevenire le frodi alimentari e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti rumeni e nei prodotti certificati Halal e Kosher, ma anche di regolamentare questa procedura di certificazione, aumentando la capacità dell'organizzazione non governativa di formulare e promuovere politiche pubbliche alternative alle politiche pubbliche avviate dal governo, con l'obiettivo di sviluppare e introdurre sistemi e standard nella pubblica amministrazione, orientati verso i cittadini e l'ambiente imprenditoriale, in conformità con lo SCAP. FINALITÀ DEL PROGETTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the Il progetto garantisce benefici sostenibili per il gruppo destinatario, aumentando la loro capacità di comprendere e approfondire le esigenze reali ed esistenti nel settore dell'industria alimentare per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti agroalimentari rumeni e per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare e regolamentare la certificazione dei prodotti agroalimentari nel sistema religioso Halal e Kosher, acquisendo conoscenze, competenze, abilità e capacità nello sviluppo delle politiche pubbliche e nella gestione strategica, rafforzando il dialogo sociale e civico tra i rappresentanti dell'ong, i rappresentanti delle parti sociali e il personale delle autorità pubbliche/istituzioni locali, ma anche creando un meccanismo di elaborazione, interpretazione, promozione, monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche pubbliche in questo settore. Il progetto contribuisce al conseguimento dell'obiettivo specifico 1.1: Sviluppo e introduzione di sistemi e standard comuni nella pubblica amministrazione che ottimizzino i processi decisionali orientati verso i cittadini e il contesto imprenditorial... (Italian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di migliorare lo sviluppo partecipativo delle politiche pubbliche per prevenire le frodi alimentari e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti rumeni e nei prodotti certificati Halal e Kosher, ma anche di regolamentare questa procedura di certificazione, aumentando la capacità dell'organizzazione non governativa di formulare e promuovere politiche pubbliche alternative alle politiche pubbliche avviate dal governo, con l'obiettivo di sviluppare e introdurre sistemi e standard nella pubblica amministrazione, orientati verso i cittadini e l'ambiente imprenditoriale, in conformità con lo SCAP. FINALITÀ DEL PROGETTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the Il progetto garantisce benefici sostenibili per il gruppo destinatario, aumentando la loro capacità di comprendere e approfondire le esigenze reali ed esistenti nel settore dell'industria alimentare per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti agroalimentari rumeni e per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare e regolamentare la certificazione dei prodotti agroalimentari nel sistema religioso Halal e Kosher, acquisendo conoscenze, competenze, abilità e capacità nello sviluppo delle politiche pubbliche e nella gestione strategica, rafforzando il dialogo sociale e civico tra i rappresentanti dell'ong, i rappresentanti delle parti sociali e il personale delle autorità pubbliche/istituzioni locali, ma anche creando un meccanismo di elaborazione, interpretazione, promozione, monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche pubbliche in questo settore. Il progetto contribuisce al conseguimento dell'obiettivo specifico 1.1: Sviluppo e introduzione di sistemi e standard comuni nella pubblica amministrazione che ottimizzino i processi decisionali orientati verso i cittadini e il contesto imprenditorial... (Italian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 12 January 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar el desarrollo participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir el fraude alimentario y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en los productos rumanos y en los productos certificados Halal y Kosher, pero también regular este procedimiento de certificación, aumentando la capacidad de la organización no gubernamental para formular y promover políticas públicas alternativas a las políticas públicas iniciadas por el Gobierno, con el objetivo de desarrollar e introducir sistemas y normas en la administración pública, orientados a los ciudadanos y al entorno empresarial, de acuerdo con la SCAP. FINALIDAD DEL PROYECTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the El proyecto garantiza beneficios sostenibles para el grupo destinatario, aumentando su capacidad para comprender y profundizar las necesidades reales y existentes en el ámbito de la industria alimentaria para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de los productos agroalimentarios rumanos, así como para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y reglamentar la certificación de los productos agroalimentarios en el sistema religioso Halal y Kosher, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos, competencias, competencias y capacidades en el desarrollo de políticas públicas y la gestión estratégica, mediante el fortalecimiento del diálogo social y cívico entre los representantes de los interlocutores sociales y el personal de las autoridades públicas/instituciones locales, pero también mediante la creación de un mecanismo de elaboración, interpretación, promoción, seguimiento y evaluación de las políticas públicas en este ámbito. El proyecto contribuye a la consecución del objetivo específico 1.1: Desarrollo e introducción de sistemas y normas comunes en la administración pública que optimicen los procesos de ... (Spanish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar el desarrollo participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir el fraude alimentario y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en los productos rumanos y en los productos certificados Halal y Kosher, pero también regular este procedimiento de certificación, aumentando la capacidad de la organización no gubernamental para formular y promover políticas públicas alternativas a las políticas públicas iniciadas por el Gobierno, con el objetivo de desarrollar e introducir sistemas y normas en la administración pública, orientados a los ciudadanos y al entorno empresarial, de acuerdo con la SCAP. FINALIDAD DEL PROYECTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the El proyecto garantiza beneficios sostenibles para el grupo destinatario, aumentando su capacidad para comprender y profundizar las necesidades reales y existentes en el ámbito de la industria alimentaria para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de los productos agroalimentarios rumanos, así como para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y reglamentar la certificación de los productos agroalimentarios en el sistema religioso Halal y Kosher, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos, competencias, competencias y capacidades en el desarrollo de políticas públicas y la gestión estratégica, mediante el fortalecimiento del diálogo social y cívico entre los representantes de los interlocutores sociales y el personal de las autoridades públicas/instituciones locales, pero también mediante la creación de un mecanismo de elaboración, interpretación, promoción, seguimiento y evaluación de las políticas públicas en este ámbito. El proyecto contribuye a la consecución del objetivo específico 1.1: Desarrollo e introducción de sistemas y normas comunes en la administración pública que optimicen los procesos de ... (Spanish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar el desarrollo participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir el fraude alimentario y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en los productos rumanos y en los productos certificados Halal y Kosher, pero también regular este procedimiento de certificación, aumentando la capacidad de la organización no gubernamental para formular y promover políticas públicas alternativas a las políticas públicas iniciadas por el Gobierno, con el objetivo de desarrollar e introducir sistemas y normas en la administración pública, orientados a los ciudadanos y al entorno empresarial, de acuerdo con la SCAP. FINALIDAD DEL PROYECTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the El proyecto garantiza beneficios sostenibles para el grupo destinatario, aumentando su capacidad para comprender y profundizar las necesidades reales y existentes en el ámbito de la industria alimentaria para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de los productos agroalimentarios rumanos, así como para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y reglamentar la certificación de los productos agroalimentarios en el sistema religioso Halal y Kosher, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos, competencias, competencias y capacidades en el desarrollo de políticas públicas y la gestión estratégica, mediante el fortalecimiento del diálogo social y cívico entre los representantes de los interlocutores sociales y el personal de las autoridades públicas/instituciones locales, pero también mediante la creación de un mecanismo de elaboración, interpretación, promoción, seguimiento y evaluación de las políticas públicas en este ámbito. El proyecto contribuye a la consecución del objetivo específico 1.1: Desarrollo e introducción de sistemas y normas comunes en la administración pública que optimicen los procesos de ... (Spanish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 January 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Projekti üldeesmärk on parandada avaliku poliitika kaasavat arendamist, et hoida ära toidupettusi ja tagada toiduohutus Rumeenia toodetes ning Halali ja Kosheri sertifitseeritud toodetes, kuid ka reguleerida seda sertifitseerimismenetlust, suurendades valitsusväliste organisatsioonide suutlikkust töötada välja ja edendada valitsuse algatatud avaliku poliitika alternatiive, mille eesmärk on töötada välja ja kehtestada avaliku halduse süsteemid ja standardid, mis on suunatud kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale kooskõlas säästva põllumajanduspoliitika tegevuskavaga. PROJEKTI EESMÄRK: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt aitab saavutada erieesmärki 1.1: Selliste ühiste süsteemide ja standardite väljatöötamine ja kasutuselevõtmine avalikus halduses, mis optimeerivad kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale suunatud otsustusprotsesse kooskõlas SCAPiga, sest selle eesmärk ja mõju on võidelda toidupettuste vastu ja neid ennetada ning tagada sig (Estonian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekti üldeesmärk on parandada avaliku poliitika kaasavat arendamist, et hoida ära toidupettusi ja tagada toiduohutus Rumeenia toodetes ning Halali ja Kosheri sertifitseeritud toodetes, kuid ka reguleerida seda sertifitseerimismenetlust, suurendades valitsusväliste organisatsioonide suutlikkust töötada välja ja edendada valitsuse algatatud avaliku poliitika alternatiive, mille eesmärk on töötada välja ja kehtestada avaliku halduse süsteemid ja standardid, mis on suunatud kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale kooskõlas säästva põllumajanduspoliitika tegevuskavaga. PROJEKTI EESMÄRK: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt aitab saavutada erieesmärki 1.1: Selliste ühiste süsteemide ja standardite väljatöötamine ja kasutuselevõtmine avalikus halduses, mis optimeerivad kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale suunatud otsustusprotsesse kooskõlas SCAPiga, sest selle eesmärk ja mõju on võidelda toidupettuste vastu ja neid ennetada ning tagada sig (Estonian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekti üldeesmärk on parandada avaliku poliitika kaasavat arendamist, et hoida ära toidupettusi ja tagada toiduohutus Rumeenia toodetes ning Halali ja Kosheri sertifitseeritud toodetes, kuid ka reguleerida seda sertifitseerimismenetlust, suurendades valitsusväliste organisatsioonide suutlikkust töötada välja ja edendada valitsuse algatatud avaliku poliitika alternatiive, mille eesmärk on töötada välja ja kehtestada avaliku halduse süsteemid ja standardid, mis on suunatud kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale kooskõlas säästva põllumajanduspoliitika tegevuskavaga. PROJEKTI EESMÄRK: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt aitab saavutada erieesmärki 1.1: Selliste ühiste süsteemide ja standardite väljatöötamine ja kasutuselevõtmine avalikus halduses, mis optimeerivad kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale suunatud otsustusprotsesse kooskõlas SCAPiga, sest selle eesmärk ja mõju on võidelda toidupettuste vastu ja neid ennetada ning tagada sig (Estonian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Bendras projekto tikslas – gerinti dalyvaujamąjį viešosios politikos plėtojimą, siekiant užkirsti kelią sukčiavimui maisto produktais ir užtikrinti maisto saugą Rumunijos produktuose ir Halal bei Kosher sertifikuotuose produktuose, taip pat reglamentuoti šią sertifikavimo procedūrą didinant nevyriausybinės organizacijos gebėjimus formuoti ir skatinti vyriausybės inicijuotos viešosios politikos alternatyvas, siekiant sukurti ir įdiegti viešojo administravimo sistemas ir standartus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką, pagal SCAP. PROJEKTO TIKSLAS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektas padeda siekti 1.1 konkretaus tikslo: Bendrų viešojo administravimo sistemų ir standartų, kurie optimizuoja sprendimų priėmimo procesus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką pagal SCAP, kūrimas ir diegimas, nes jo tikslas ir poveikis – kovoti su sukčiavimu maisto produktų srityje ir užkirsti jam kelią bei užtikrinti (Lithuanian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Bendras projekto tikslas – gerinti dalyvaujamąjį viešosios politikos plėtojimą, siekiant užkirsti kelią sukčiavimui maisto produktais ir užtikrinti maisto saugą Rumunijos produktuose ir Halal bei Kosher sertifikuotuose produktuose, taip pat reglamentuoti šią sertifikavimo procedūrą didinant nevyriausybinės organizacijos gebėjimus formuoti ir skatinti vyriausybės inicijuotos viešosios politikos alternatyvas, siekiant sukurti ir įdiegti viešojo administravimo sistemas ir standartus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką, pagal SCAP. PROJEKTO TIKSLAS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektas padeda siekti 1.1 konkretaus tikslo: Bendrų viešojo administravimo sistemų ir standartų, kurie optimizuoja sprendimų priėmimo procesus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką pagal SCAP, kūrimas ir diegimas, nes jo tikslas ir poveikis – kovoti su sukčiavimu maisto produktų srityje ir užkirsti jam kelią bei užtikrinti (Lithuanian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Bendras projekto tikslas – gerinti dalyvaujamąjį viešosios politikos plėtojimą, siekiant užkirsti kelią sukčiavimui maisto produktais ir užtikrinti maisto saugą Rumunijos produktuose ir Halal bei Kosher sertifikuotuose produktuose, taip pat reglamentuoti šią sertifikavimo procedūrą didinant nevyriausybinės organizacijos gebėjimus formuoti ir skatinti vyriausybės inicijuotos viešosios politikos alternatyvas, siekiant sukurti ir įdiegti viešojo administravimo sistemas ir standartus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką, pagal SCAP. PROJEKTO TIKSLAS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektas padeda siekti 1.1 konkretaus tikslo: Bendrų viešojo administravimo sistemų ir standartų, kurie optimizuoja sprendimų priėmimo procesus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką pagal SCAP, kūrimas ir diegimas, nes jo tikslas ir poveikis – kovoti su sukčiavimu maisto produktų srityje ir užkirsti jam kelią bei užtikrinti (Lithuanian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Opći cilj projekta je poboljšanje participativnog razvoja javnih politika kako bi se spriječile prijevare s hranom i osigurala sigurnost hrane u rumunjskim proizvodima i proizvodima certificiranima halalom i Kosherom, ali i reguliranje ovog postupka certificiranja povećanjem kapaciteta nevladinih organizacija za oblikovanje i promicanje alternativa javnim politikama javnim politikama koje je pokrenula Vlada, s ciljem razvoja i uvođenja sustava i standarda u javnoj upravi, orijentiranih prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju, u skladu sa SCAP-om. SVRHA PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektom se pridonosi ostvarenju posebnog cilja 1.1.: Razvoj i uvođenje zajedničkih sustava i standarda u javnu upravu koji optimiziraju procese donošenja odluka usmjerene prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju u skladu sa SCAP-om, jer ima cilj i utjecaj borbe protiv i sprječavanja prijevara s hranom i osiguravanja sig (Croatian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Opći cilj projekta je poboljšanje participativnog razvoja javnih politika kako bi se spriječile prijevare s hranom i osigurala sigurnost hrane u rumunjskim proizvodima i proizvodima certificiranima halalom i Kosherom, ali i reguliranje ovog postupka certificiranja povećanjem kapaciteta nevladinih organizacija za oblikovanje i promicanje alternativa javnim politikama javnim politikama koje je pokrenula Vlada, s ciljem razvoja i uvođenja sustava i standarda u javnoj upravi, orijentiranih prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju, u skladu sa SCAP-om. SVRHA PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektom se pridonosi ostvarenju posebnog cilja 1.1.: Razvoj i uvođenje zajedničkih sustava i standarda u javnu upravu koji optimiziraju procese donošenja odluka usmjerene prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju u skladu sa SCAP-om, jer ima cilj i utjecaj borbe protiv i sprječavanja prijevara s hranom i osiguravanja sig (Croatian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Opći cilj projekta je poboljšanje participativnog razvoja javnih politika kako bi se spriječile prijevare s hranom i osigurala sigurnost hrane u rumunjskim proizvodima i proizvodima certificiranima halalom i Kosherom, ali i reguliranje ovog postupka certificiranja povećanjem kapaciteta nevladinih organizacija za oblikovanje i promicanje alternativa javnim politikama javnim politikama koje je pokrenula Vlada, s ciljem razvoja i uvođenja sustava i standarda u javnoj upravi, orijentiranih prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju, u skladu sa SCAP-om. SVRHA PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektom se pridonosi ostvarenju posebnog cilja 1.1.: Razvoj i uvođenje zajedničkih sustava i standarda u javnu upravu koji optimiziraju procese donošenja odluka usmjerene prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju u skladu sa SCAP-om, jer ima cilj i utjecaj borbe protiv i sprječavanja prijevara s hranom i osiguravanja sig (Croatian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η βελτίωση της συμμετοχικής ανάπτυξης δημόσιων πολιτικών για την πρόληψη της απάτης στον τομέα των τροφίμων και η διασφάλιση της ασφάλειας των τροφίμων στα ρουμανικά προϊόντα και στα πιστοποιημένα προϊόντα Halal και Kosher, αλλά και η ρύθμιση αυτής της διαδικασίας πιστοποίησης, με την αύξηση της ικανότητας της μη κυβερνητικής οργάνωσης να διαμορφώνει και να προωθεί δημόσιες πολιτικές εναλλακτικές στις δημόσιες πολιτικές που δρομολογούνται από την κυβέρνηση, με στόχο την ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση, προσανατολισμένων προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον, σύμφωνα με το SCAP. ΣΚΟΠΌΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΊΟΥ: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Το σχέδιο συμβάλλει στην επίτευξη του ειδικού στόχου 1.1: Ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή κοινών συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση που βελτιστοποιούν τις διαδικασίες λήψης αποφάσεων που προσανατολίζονται προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον σύμφωνα με το SCAP, διότι έχει ως στόχ... (Greek) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η βελτίωση της συμμετοχικής ανάπτυξης δημόσιων πολιτικών για την πρόληψη της απάτης στον τομέα των τροφίμων και η διασφάλιση της ασφάλειας των τροφίμων στα ρουμανικά προϊόντα και στα πιστοποιημένα προϊόντα Halal και Kosher, αλλά και η ρύθμιση αυτής της διαδικασίας πιστοποίησης, με την αύξηση της ικανότητας της μη κυβερνητικής οργάνωσης να διαμορφώνει και να προωθεί δημόσιες πολιτικές εναλλακτικές στις δημόσιες πολιτικές που δρομολογούνται από την κυβέρνηση, με στόχο την ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση, προσανατολισμένων προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον, σύμφωνα με το SCAP. ΣΚΟΠΌΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΊΟΥ: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Το σχέδιο συμβάλλει στην επίτευξη του ειδικού στόχου 1.1: Ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή κοινών συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση που βελτιστοποιούν τις διαδικασίες λήψης αποφάσεων που προσανατολίζονται προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον σύμφωνα με το SCAP, διότι έχει ως στόχ... (Greek) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η βελτίωση της συμμετοχικής ανάπτυξης δημόσιων πολιτικών για την πρόληψη της απάτης στον τομέα των τροφίμων και η διασφάλιση της ασφάλειας των τροφίμων στα ρουμανικά προϊόντα και στα πιστοποιημένα προϊόντα Halal και Kosher, αλλά και η ρύθμιση αυτής της διαδικασίας πιστοποίησης, με την αύξηση της ικανότητας της μη κυβερνητικής οργάνωσης να διαμορφώνει και να προωθεί δημόσιες πολιτικές εναλλακτικές στις δημόσιες πολιτικές που δρομολογούνται από την κυβέρνηση, με στόχο την ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση, προσανατολισμένων προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον, σύμφωνα με το SCAP. ΣΚΟΠΌΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΊΟΥ: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Το σχέδιο συμβάλλει στην επίτευξη του ειδικού στόχου 1.1: Ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή κοινών συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση που βελτιστοποιούν τις διαδικασίες λήψης αποφάσεων που προσανατολίζονται προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον σύμφωνα με το SCAP, διότι έχει ως στόχ... (Greek) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Všeobecným cieľom projektu je zlepšiť participatívny rozvoj verejných politík s cieľom predchádzať potravinovým podvodom a zaistiť bezpečnosť potravín v rumunských výrobkoch a výrobkoch certifikovaných v Halal a Kosher, ale aj regulovať tento certifikačný postup zvýšením kapacity mimovládnej organizácie formulovať a podporovať alternatívy verejných politík k verejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cieľom vyvinúť a zaviesť systémy a normy vo verejnej správe zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispieva k dosiahnutiu špecifického cieľa 1.1: Rozvoj a zavedenie spoločných systémov a noriem vo verejnej správe, ktoré optimalizujú rozhodovacie procesy zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP, pretože jeho cieľom a dosahom je boj proti potravinovým podvodom a ich predchádzanie a zabezpečenie sig (Slovak) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Všeobecným cieľom projektu je zlepšiť participatívny rozvoj verejných politík s cieľom predchádzať potravinovým podvodom a zaistiť bezpečnosť potravín v rumunských výrobkoch a výrobkoch certifikovaných v Halal a Kosher, ale aj regulovať tento certifikačný postup zvýšením kapacity mimovládnej organizácie formulovať a podporovať alternatívy verejných politík k verejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cieľom vyvinúť a zaviesť systémy a normy vo verejnej správe zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispieva k dosiahnutiu špecifického cieľa 1.1: Rozvoj a zavedenie spoločných systémov a noriem vo verejnej správe, ktoré optimalizujú rozhodovacie procesy zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP, pretože jeho cieľom a dosahom je boj proti potravinovým podvodom a ich predchádzanie a zabezpečenie sig (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Všeobecným cieľom projektu je zlepšiť participatívny rozvoj verejných politík s cieľom predchádzať potravinovým podvodom a zaistiť bezpečnosť potravín v rumunských výrobkoch a výrobkoch certifikovaných v Halal a Kosher, ale aj regulovať tento certifikačný postup zvýšením kapacity mimovládnej organizácie formulovať a podporovať alternatívy verejných politík k verejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cieľom vyvinúť a zaviesť systémy a normy vo verejnej správe zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispieva k dosiahnutiu špecifického cieľa 1.1: Rozvoj a zavedenie spoločných systémov a noriem vo verejnej správe, ktoré optimalizujú rozhodovacie procesy zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP, pretože jeho cieľom a dosahom je boj proti potravinovým podvodom a ich predchádzanie a zabezpečenie sig (Slovak) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on parantaa julkisten politiikkojen osallistavaa kehittämistä elintarvikepetosten ehkäisemiseksi ja elintarviketurvallisuuden varmistamiseksi romanialaisissa tuotteissa sekä Halal- ja Kosher-sertifioiduissa tuotteissa, mutta myös säännellä tätä sertifiointimenettelyä lisäämällä kansalaisjärjestöjen valmiuksia laatia ja edistää julkisen politiikan vaihtoehtoja hallituksen käynnistämille julkisille politiikoille. Tavoitteena on kehittää ja ottaa käyttöön julkishallinnon järjestelmiä ja standardeja, jotka on suunnattu kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle SCAP:n mukaisesti. HANKKEEN TARKOITUS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Hankkeella edistetään erityistavoitteen 1.1 saavuttamista: Kehitetään ja otetaan käyttöön julkishallinnossa yhteisiä järjestelmiä ja standardeja, joilla optimoidaan kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle suunnattuja päätöksentekoprosesseja SCAP:n mukaisesti, koska sen tavoitteena ja vaikutuksena on elintarvikepetosten torjunta ja ehkäisemi... (Finnish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on parantaa julkisten politiikkojen osallistavaa kehittämistä elintarvikepetosten ehkäisemiseksi ja elintarviketurvallisuuden varmistamiseksi romanialaisissa tuotteissa sekä Halal- ja Kosher-sertifioiduissa tuotteissa, mutta myös säännellä tätä sertifiointimenettelyä lisäämällä kansalaisjärjestöjen valmiuksia laatia ja edistää julkisen politiikan vaihtoehtoja hallituksen käynnistämille julkisille politiikoille. Tavoitteena on kehittää ja ottaa käyttöön julkishallinnon järjestelmiä ja standardeja, jotka on suunnattu kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle SCAP:n mukaisesti. HANKKEEN TARKOITUS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Hankkeella edistetään erityistavoitteen 1.1 saavuttamista: Kehitetään ja otetaan käyttöön julkishallinnossa yhteisiä järjestelmiä ja standardeja, joilla optimoidaan kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle suunnattuja päätöksentekoprosesseja SCAP:n mukaisesti, koska sen tavoitteena ja vaikutuksena on elintarvikepetosten torjunta ja ehkäisemi... (Finnish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on parantaa julkisten politiikkojen osallistavaa kehittämistä elintarvikepetosten ehkäisemiseksi ja elintarviketurvallisuuden varmistamiseksi romanialaisissa tuotteissa sekä Halal- ja Kosher-sertifioiduissa tuotteissa, mutta myös säännellä tätä sertifiointimenettelyä lisäämällä kansalaisjärjestöjen valmiuksia laatia ja edistää julkisen politiikan vaihtoehtoja hallituksen käynnistämille julkisille politiikoille. Tavoitteena on kehittää ja ottaa käyttöön julkishallinnon järjestelmiä ja standardeja, jotka on suunnattu kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle SCAP:n mukaisesti. HANKKEEN TARKOITUS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Hankkeella edistetään erityistavoitteen 1.1 saavuttamista: Kehitetään ja otetaan käyttöön julkishallinnossa yhteisiä järjestelmiä ja standardeja, joilla optimoidaan kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle suunnattuja päätöksentekoprosesseja SCAP:n mukaisesti, koska sen tavoitteena ja vaikutuksena on elintarvikepetosten torjunta ja ehkäisemi... (Finnish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Ogólnym celem projektu jest poprawa partycypacyjnego rozwoju polityki publicznej w celu zapobiegania fałszowaniu żywności oraz zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa żywności w produktach rumuńskich oraz produktach certyfikowanych przez Halal i Kosher, a także uregulowanie tej procedury certyfikacji poprzez zwiększenie zdolności organizacji pozarządowej do formułowania i promowania polityki publicznej alternatyw dla polityki publicznej zainicjowanej przez rząd, mającej na celu opracowanie i wprowadzenie systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, ukierunkowanych na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe, zgodnie z zasadami SCAP. CEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt przyczynia się do osiągnięcia celu szczegółowego 1.1: Opracowanie i wprowadzenie wspólnych systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, które optymalizują procesy decyzyjne ukierunkowane na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe zgodnie z zasadami SCAP, ponieważ mają one na celu zwalczanie oszustw w żywności i zapobieganie im oraz zapewnienie im (Polish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Ogólnym celem projektu jest poprawa partycypacyjnego rozwoju polityki publicznej w celu zapobiegania fałszowaniu żywności oraz zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa żywności w produktach rumuńskich oraz produktach certyfikowanych przez Halal i Kosher, a także uregulowanie tej procedury certyfikacji poprzez zwiększenie zdolności organizacji pozarządowej do formułowania i promowania polityki publicznej alternatyw dla polityki publicznej zainicjowanej przez rząd, mającej na celu opracowanie i wprowadzenie systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, ukierunkowanych na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe, zgodnie z zasadami SCAP. CEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt przyczynia się do osiągnięcia celu szczegółowego 1.1: Opracowanie i wprowadzenie wspólnych systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, które optymalizują procesy decyzyjne ukierunkowane na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe zgodnie z zasadami SCAP, ponieważ mają one na celu zwalczanie oszustw w żywności i zapobieganie im oraz zapewnienie im (Polish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Ogólnym celem projektu jest poprawa partycypacyjnego rozwoju polityki publicznej w celu zapobiegania fałszowaniu żywności oraz zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa żywności w produktach rumuńskich oraz produktach certyfikowanych przez Halal i Kosher, a także uregulowanie tej procedury certyfikacji poprzez zwiększenie zdolności organizacji pozarządowej do formułowania i promowania polityki publicznej alternatyw dla polityki publicznej zainicjowanej przez rząd, mającej na celu opracowanie i wprowadzenie systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, ukierunkowanych na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe, zgodnie z zasadami SCAP. CEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt przyczynia się do osiągnięcia celu szczegółowego 1.1: Opracowanie i wprowadzenie wspólnych systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, które optymalizują procesy decyzyjne ukierunkowane na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe zgodnie z zasadami SCAP, ponieważ mają one na celu zwalczanie oszustw w żywności i zapobieganie im oraz zapewnienie im (Polish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
A projekt általános célkitűzése, hogy javítsa az élelmiszercsalás megelőzését és az élelmiszerbiztonság biztosítását célzó közpolitikák részvételen alapuló fejlesztését a román termékekben, valamint a Halal és a Kosher tanúsítvánnyal rendelkező termékekben, valamint szabályozza ezt a tanúsítási eljárást azáltal, hogy növeli a nem kormányzati szervezet kapacitását arra, hogy a kormány által kezdeményezett közpolitikák alternatíváit alakítsa ki és mozdítsa elő, amelynek célja a közigazgatásban a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése az SCAP-nak megfelelően. A PROJEKT CÉLJA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. A projekt hozzájárul az 1.1. sz. egyedi célkitűzés megvalósításához: Olyan közös rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése a közigazgatásban, amelyek optimalizálják a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló döntéshozatali folyamatokat az SCAP-nak megfelelően, mivel célja és hatása az élelmiszercsalás elleni küzdelem és annak ... (Hungarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A projekt általános célkitűzése, hogy javítsa az élelmiszercsalás megelőzését és az élelmiszerbiztonság biztosítását célzó közpolitikák részvételen alapuló fejlesztését a román termékekben, valamint a Halal és a Kosher tanúsítvánnyal rendelkező termékekben, valamint szabályozza ezt a tanúsítási eljárást azáltal, hogy növeli a nem kormányzati szervezet kapacitását arra, hogy a kormány által kezdeményezett közpolitikák alternatíváit alakítsa ki és mozdítsa elő, amelynek célja a közigazgatásban a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése az SCAP-nak megfelelően. A PROJEKT CÉLJA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. A projekt hozzájárul az 1.1. sz. egyedi célkitűzés megvalósításához: Olyan közös rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése a közigazgatásban, amelyek optimalizálják a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló döntéshozatali folyamatokat az SCAP-nak megfelelően, mivel célja és hatása az élelmiszercsalás elleni küzdelem és annak ... (Hungarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A projekt általános célkitűzése, hogy javítsa az élelmiszercsalás megelőzését és az élelmiszerbiztonság biztosítását célzó közpolitikák részvételen alapuló fejlesztését a román termékekben, valamint a Halal és a Kosher tanúsítvánnyal rendelkező termékekben, valamint szabályozza ezt a tanúsítási eljárást azáltal, hogy növeli a nem kormányzati szervezet kapacitását arra, hogy a kormány által kezdeményezett közpolitikák alternatíváit alakítsa ki és mozdítsa elő, amelynek célja a közigazgatásban a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése az SCAP-nak megfelelően. A PROJEKT CÉLJA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. A projekt hozzájárul az 1.1. sz. egyedi célkitűzés megvalósításához: Olyan közös rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése a közigazgatásban, amelyek optimalizálják a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló döntéshozatali folyamatokat az SCAP-nak megfelelően, mivel célja és hatása az élelmiszercsalás elleni küzdelem és annak ... (Hungarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Obecným cílem projektu je zlepšit participativní rozvoj veřejných politik s cílem předcházet podvodům v oblasti potravin a zajistit bezpečnost potravin v rumunských výrobcích a v certifikovaných výrobcích Halal a Košher, ale také regulovat tento postup certifikace zvýšením schopnosti nevládní organizace formulovat a podporovat alternativy veřejných politik k veřejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cílem vytvořit a zavést systémy a normy ve veřejné správě zaměřené na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt přispívá k dosažení specifického cíle 1.1: Rozvoj a zavádění společných systémů a norem ve veřejné správě, které optimalizují rozhodovací procesy orientované na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP, protože jeho cílem a dopadem je boj proti podvodům v potravinářství a jejich předcházení a zajištění sig (Czech) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Obecným cílem projektu je zlepšit participativní rozvoj veřejných politik s cílem předcházet podvodům v oblasti potravin a zajistit bezpečnost potravin v rumunských výrobcích a v certifikovaných výrobcích Halal a Košher, ale také regulovat tento postup certifikace zvýšením schopnosti nevládní organizace formulovat a podporovat alternativy veřejných politik k veřejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cílem vytvořit a zavést systémy a normy ve veřejné správě zaměřené na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt přispívá k dosažení specifického cíle 1.1: Rozvoj a zavádění společných systémů a norem ve veřejné správě, které optimalizují rozhodovací procesy orientované na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP, protože jeho cílem a dopadem je boj proti podvodům v potravinářství a jejich předcházení a zajištění sig (Czech) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Obecným cílem projektu je zlepšit participativní rozvoj veřejných politik s cílem předcházet podvodům v oblasti potravin a zajistit bezpečnost potravin v rumunských výrobcích a v certifikovaných výrobcích Halal a Košher, ale také regulovat tento postup certifikace zvýšením schopnosti nevládní organizace formulovat a podporovat alternativy veřejných politik k veřejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cílem vytvořit a zavést systémy a normy ve veřejné správě zaměřené na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt přispívá k dosažení specifického cíle 1.1: Rozvoj a zavádění společných systémů a norem ve veřejné správě, které optimalizují rozhodovací procesy orientované na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP, protože jeho cílem a dopadem je boj proti podvodům v potravinářství a jejich předcházení a zajištění sig (Czech) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir uzlabot valsts politikas līdzdalības attīstību, lai novērstu krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošinātu pārtikas nekaitīgumu Rumānijas produktiem un Halal un Kosher sertificētiem produktiem, kā arī regulēt šo sertifikācijas procedūru, palielinot nevalstiskās organizācijas spēju formulēt un veicināt valsts politikas alternatīvas valdības ierosinātajai valsts politikai, kuras mērķis ir izstrādāt un ieviest sistēmas un standartus valsts pārvaldē, kas orientēta uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi, saskaņā ar SCAP. PROJEKTA MĒRĶIS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekts palīdz sasniegt konkrēto mērķi Nr. 1.1: Kopēju sistēmu un standartu izstrāde un ieviešana valsts pārvaldē, kas optimizē uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi orientētus lēmumu pieņemšanas procesus saskaņā ar SCAP, jo tās mērķis un ietekme ir apkarot un novērst krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošināt, ka notiek krāpšana pārtikas jomā. (Latvian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir uzlabot valsts politikas līdzdalības attīstību, lai novērstu krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošinātu pārtikas nekaitīgumu Rumānijas produktiem un Halal un Kosher sertificētiem produktiem, kā arī regulēt šo sertifikācijas procedūru, palielinot nevalstiskās organizācijas spēju formulēt un veicināt valsts politikas alternatīvas valdības ierosinātajai valsts politikai, kuras mērķis ir izstrādāt un ieviest sistēmas un standartus valsts pārvaldē, kas orientēta uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi, saskaņā ar SCAP. PROJEKTA MĒRĶIS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekts palīdz sasniegt konkrēto mērķi Nr. 1.1: Kopēju sistēmu un standartu izstrāde un ieviešana valsts pārvaldē, kas optimizē uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi orientētus lēmumu pieņemšanas procesus saskaņā ar SCAP, jo tās mērķis un ietekme ir apkarot un novērst krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošināt, ka notiek krāpšana pārtikas jomā. (Latvian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir uzlabot valsts politikas līdzdalības attīstību, lai novērstu krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošinātu pārtikas nekaitīgumu Rumānijas produktiem un Halal un Kosher sertificētiem produktiem, kā arī regulēt šo sertifikācijas procedūru, palielinot nevalstiskās organizācijas spēju formulēt un veicināt valsts politikas alternatīvas valdības ierosinātajai valsts politikai, kuras mērķis ir izstrādāt un ieviest sistēmas un standartus valsts pārvaldē, kas orientēta uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi, saskaņā ar SCAP. PROJEKTA MĒRĶIS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekts palīdz sasniegt konkrēto mērķi Nr. 1.1: Kopēju sistēmu un standartu izstrāde un ieviešana valsts pārvaldē, kas optimizē uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi orientētus lēmumu pieņemšanas procesus saskaņā ar SCAP, jo tās mērķis un ietekme ir apkarot un novērst krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošināt, ka notiek krāpšana pārtikas jomā. (Latvian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail feabhas a chur ar fhorbairt rannpháirtíochta na mbeartas poiblí chun calaois bia a chosc agus sábháilteacht bia a áirithiú i dtáirgí Rómánacha agus i dtáirgí deimhnithe Halal agus Kosher, ach freisin an nós imeachta deimhniúcháin sin a rialáil, trí chumas na heagraíochta neamhrialtasaí a mhéadú chun roghanna malartacha ar bheartais phoiblí ar bheartais phoiblí arna dtionscnamh ag an Rialtas a cheapadh agus a chur chun cinn, arb é is aidhm dóibh córais agus caighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí, atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó, i gcomhréir le SCAP. CUSPÓIR AN TIONSCADAIL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Rannchuidíonn an tionscadal le Cuspóir Sonrach 1.1 a bhaint amach: Comhchórais agus comhchaighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí lena mbaintear an leas is fearr as próisis chinnteoireachta atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó i gcomhréir le SCAP, toisc go bh... (Irish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail feabhas a chur ar fhorbairt rannpháirtíochta na mbeartas poiblí chun calaois bia a chosc agus sábháilteacht bia a áirithiú i dtáirgí Rómánacha agus i dtáirgí deimhnithe Halal agus Kosher, ach freisin an nós imeachta deimhniúcháin sin a rialáil, trí chumas na heagraíochta neamhrialtasaí a mhéadú chun roghanna malartacha ar bheartais phoiblí ar bheartais phoiblí arna dtionscnamh ag an Rialtas a cheapadh agus a chur chun cinn, arb é is aidhm dóibh córais agus caighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí, atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó, i gcomhréir le SCAP. CUSPÓIR AN TIONSCADAIL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Rannchuidíonn an tionscadal le Cuspóir Sonrach 1.1 a bhaint amach: Comhchórais agus comhchaighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí lena mbaintear an leas is fearr as próisis chinnteoireachta atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó i gcomhréir le SCAP, toisc go bh... (Irish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail feabhas a chur ar fhorbairt rannpháirtíochta na mbeartas poiblí chun calaois bia a chosc agus sábháilteacht bia a áirithiú i dtáirgí Rómánacha agus i dtáirgí deimhnithe Halal agus Kosher, ach freisin an nós imeachta deimhniúcháin sin a rialáil, trí chumas na heagraíochta neamhrialtasaí a mhéadú chun roghanna malartacha ar bheartais phoiblí ar bheartais phoiblí arna dtionscnamh ag an Rialtas a cheapadh agus a chur chun cinn, arb é is aidhm dóibh córais agus caighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí, atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó, i gcomhréir le SCAP. CUSPÓIR AN TIONSCADAIL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Rannchuidíonn an tionscadal le Cuspóir Sonrach 1.1 a bhaint amach: Comhchórais agus comhchaighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí lena mbaintear an leas is fearr as próisis chinnteoireachta atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó i gcomhréir le SCAP, toisc go bh... (Irish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Splošni cilj projekta je izboljšati participativni razvoj javnih politik za preprečevanje goljufij s hrano in zagotavljanje varnosti hrane v romunskih proizvodih ter proizvodih s certifikatom Halal in Kosher, pa tudi urediti ta postopek certificiranja s povečanjem zmogljivosti nevladne organizacije za oblikovanje in spodbujanje alternativ javnih politik javnim politikam, ki jih je začela izvajati vlada, katerih cilj je razvoj in uvedba sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, usmerjenih v državljane in poslovno okolje, v skladu s SCAP. NAMEN PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispeva k doseganju posebnega cilja 1.1: Razvoj in uvedba skupnih sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, ki optimizirajo postopke odločanja, usmerjene v državljane in poslovno okolje v skladu s SCAP, ker je njen cilj in učinek boj proti goljufijam s hrano in njihovo preprečevanje ter zagotavljanje (Slovenian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Splošni cilj projekta je izboljšati participativni razvoj javnih politik za preprečevanje goljufij s hrano in zagotavljanje varnosti hrane v romunskih proizvodih ter proizvodih s certifikatom Halal in Kosher, pa tudi urediti ta postopek certificiranja s povečanjem zmogljivosti nevladne organizacije za oblikovanje in spodbujanje alternativ javnih politik javnim politikam, ki jih je začela izvajati vlada, katerih cilj je razvoj in uvedba sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, usmerjenih v državljane in poslovno okolje, v skladu s SCAP. NAMEN PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispeva k doseganju posebnega cilja 1.1: Razvoj in uvedba skupnih sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, ki optimizirajo postopke odločanja, usmerjene v državljane in poslovno okolje v skladu s SCAP, ker je njen cilj in učinek boj proti goljufijam s hrano in njihovo preprečevanje ter zagotavljanje (Slovenian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Splošni cilj projekta je izboljšati participativni razvoj javnih politik za preprečevanje goljufij s hrano in zagotavljanje varnosti hrane v romunskih proizvodih ter proizvodih s certifikatom Halal in Kosher, pa tudi urediti ta postopek certificiranja s povečanjem zmogljivosti nevladne organizacije za oblikovanje in spodbujanje alternativ javnih politik javnim politikam, ki jih je začela izvajati vlada, katerih cilj je razvoj in uvedba sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, usmerjenih v državljane in poslovno okolje, v skladu s SCAP. NAMEN PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispeva k doseganju posebnega cilja 1.1: Razvoj in uvedba skupnih sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, ki optimizirajo postopke odločanja, usmerjene v državljane in poslovno okolje v skladu s SCAP, ker je njen cilj in učinek boj proti goljufijam s hrano in njihovo preprečevanje ter zagotavljanje (Slovenian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Общата цел на проекта е да се подобри участието в разработването на публични политики за предотвратяване на измамите с храни и да се гарантира безопасността на храните в румънските продукти и в сертифицираните от Халал и Кошер продукти, но също така и да се регулира тази процедура за сертифициране, като се увеличи капацитетът на неправителствената организация да формулира и насърчава публични политики, алтернативи на публичните политики, инициирани от правителството, насочени към разработването и въвеждането на системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата, в съответствие със SCAP. ЦЕЛ НА ПРОЕКТА: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Проектът допринася за постигането на специфична цел 1.1: Разработване и въвеждане на общи системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, които оптимизират процесите на вземане на решения, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата в съответствие със SCAP, тъй като тя има за цел и въздействие борбата и предотвратяването на и... (Bulgarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Общата цел на проекта е да се подобри участието в разработването на публични политики за предотвратяване на измамите с храни и да се гарантира безопасността на храните в румънските продукти и в сертифицираните от Халал и Кошер продукти, но също така и да се регулира тази процедура за сертифициране, като се увеличи капацитетът на неправителствената организация да формулира и насърчава публични политики, алтернативи на публичните политики, инициирани от правителството, насочени към разработването и въвеждането на системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата, в съответствие със SCAP. ЦЕЛ НА ПРОЕКТА: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Проектът допринася за постигането на специфична цел 1.1: Разработване и въвеждане на общи системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, които оптимизират процесите на вземане на решения, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата в съответствие със SCAP, тъй като тя има за цел и въздействие борбата и предотвратяването на и... (Bulgarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Общата цел на проекта е да се подобри участието в разработването на публични политики за предотвратяване на измамите с храни и да се гарантира безопасността на храните в румънските продукти и в сертифицираните от Халал и Кошер продукти, но също така и да се регулира тази процедура за сертифициране, като се увеличи капацитетът на неправителствената организация да формулира и насърчава публични политики, алтернативи на публичните политики, инициирани от правителството, насочени към разработването и въвеждането на системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата, в съответствие със SCAP. ЦЕЛ НА ПРОЕКТА: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Проектът допринася за постигането на специфична цел 1.1: Разработване и въвеждане на общи системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, които оптимизират процесите на вземане на решения, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата в съответствие със SCAP, тъй като тя има за цел и въздействие борбата и предотвратяването на и... (Bulgarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
L-objettiv ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jtejjeb l-iżvilupp parteċipattiv tal-politiki pubbliċi għall-prevenzjoni tal-frodi alimentari u li jiżgura s-sikurezza tal-ikel fil-prodotti Rumeni u fil-prodotti ċċertifikati minn Halal u Kosher, iżda wkoll li jirregola din il-proċedura ta’ ċertifikazzjoni, billi jżid il-kapaċità tal-organizzazzjoni mhux governattiva li tifformula u tippromwovi politiki pubbliċi alternattivi għall-politiki pubbliċi mibdija mill-Gvern, bil-għan li jiġu żviluppati u introdotti sistemi u standards fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika, orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju, f’konformità mal-SCAP. L-GĦAN TAL-PROĠETT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Il-proġett jikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-Objettiv Speċifiku 1.1: L-iżvilupp u l-introduzzjoni ta’ sistemi u standards komuni fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika li jottimizzaw il-proċessi tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju f’konformità mal-SCAP, minħabba li għandha l-għan u l-impatt tal-... (Maltese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L-objettiv ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jtejjeb l-iżvilupp parteċipattiv tal-politiki pubbliċi għall-prevenzjoni tal-frodi alimentari u li jiżgura s-sikurezza tal-ikel fil-prodotti Rumeni u fil-prodotti ċċertifikati minn Halal u Kosher, iżda wkoll li jirregola din il-proċedura ta’ ċertifikazzjoni, billi jżid il-kapaċità tal-organizzazzjoni mhux governattiva li tifformula u tippromwovi politiki pubbliċi alternattivi għall-politiki pubbliċi mibdija mill-Gvern, bil-għan li jiġu żviluppati u introdotti sistemi u standards fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika, orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju, f’konformità mal-SCAP. L-GĦAN TAL-PROĠETT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Il-proġett jikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-Objettiv Speċifiku 1.1: L-iżvilupp u l-introduzzjoni ta’ sistemi u standards komuni fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika li jottimizzaw il-proċessi tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju f’konformità mal-SCAP, minħabba li għandha l-għan u l-impatt tal-... (Maltese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L-objettiv ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jtejjeb l-iżvilupp parteċipattiv tal-politiki pubbliċi għall-prevenzjoni tal-frodi alimentari u li jiżgura s-sikurezza tal-ikel fil-prodotti Rumeni u fil-prodotti ċċertifikati minn Halal u Kosher, iżda wkoll li jirregola din il-proċedura ta’ ċertifikazzjoni, billi jżid il-kapaċità tal-organizzazzjoni mhux governattiva li tifformula u tippromwovi politiki pubbliċi alternattivi għall-politiki pubbliċi mibdija mill-Gvern, bil-għan li jiġu żviluppati u introdotti sistemi u standards fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika, orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju, f’konformità mal-SCAP. L-GĦAN TAL-PROĠETT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Il-proġett jikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-Objettiv Speċifiku 1.1: L-iżvilupp u l-introduzzjoni ta’ sistemi u standards komuni fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika li jottimizzaw il-proċessi tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju f’konformità mal-SCAP, minħabba li għandha l-għan u l-impatt tal-... (Maltese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
O objetivo geral do projeto é melhorar o desenvolvimento participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir a fraude alimentar e garantir a segurança alimentar nos produtos romenos e nos produtos certificados Halal e Kosher, mas também regulamentar este procedimento de certificação, aumentando a capacidade da organização não governamental de formular e promover políticas públicas alternativas às políticas públicas iniciadas pelo Governo, visando desenvolver e introduzir sistemas e normas na administração pública, orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, de acordo com a SCAP. OBJETIVO DO PROJETO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. O projeto contribui para a realização do objetivo específico 1.1: Desenvolvimento e introdução de sistemas e normas comuns na administração pública que otimizam os processos de tomada de decisão orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, em consonância com a SCAP, uma vez que tem o objetivo e o impacto de combater e prevenir a fraude alimentar e asse... (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: O objetivo geral do projeto é melhorar o desenvolvimento participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir a fraude alimentar e garantir a segurança alimentar nos produtos romenos e nos produtos certificados Halal e Kosher, mas também regulamentar este procedimento de certificação, aumentando a capacidade da organização não governamental de formular e promover políticas públicas alternativas às políticas públicas iniciadas pelo Governo, visando desenvolver e introduzir sistemas e normas na administração pública, orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, de acordo com a SCAP. OBJETIVO DO PROJETO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. O projeto contribui para a realização do objetivo específico 1.1: Desenvolvimento e introdução de sistemas e normas comuns na administração pública que otimizam os processos de tomada de decisão orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, em consonância com a SCAP, uma vez que tem o objetivo e o impacto de combater e prevenir a fraude alimentar e asse... (Portuguese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: O objetivo geral do projeto é melhorar o desenvolvimento participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir a fraude alimentar e garantir a segurança alimentar nos produtos romenos e nos produtos certificados Halal e Kosher, mas também regulamentar este procedimento de certificação, aumentando a capacidade da organização não governamental de formular e promover políticas públicas alternativas às políticas públicas iniciadas pelo Governo, visando desenvolver e introduzir sistemas e normas na administração pública, orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, de acordo com a SCAP. OBJETIVO DO PROJETO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. O projeto contribui para a realização do objetivo específico 1.1: Desenvolvimento e introdução de sistemas e normas comuns na administração pública que otimizam os processos de tomada de decisão orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, em consonância com a SCAP, uma vez que tem o objetivo e o impacto de combater e prevenir a fraude alimentar e asse... (Portuguese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Det overordnede mål med projektet er at forbedre deltagelsesbaseret udvikling af offentlige politikker til forebyggelse af fødevaresvindel og at sikre fødevaresikkerheden i rumænske produkter og i Halal- og Kosher-certificerede produkter, men også at regulere denne certificeringsprocedure ved at øge den ikke-statslige organisations kapacitet til at formulere og fremme offentlige politiske alternativer til offentlige politikker, der er iværksat af regeringen, med det formål at udvikle og indføre systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervsmiljøet i overensstemmelse med SCAP. PROJEKTETS FORMÅL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrager til opfyldelsen af specifikt mål 1.1: Udvikling og indførelse af fælles systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der optimerer beslutningsprocesser, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervslivet i overensstemmelse med SCAP, fordi det har til formål og gennemslagskraft at bekæmpe og forebygge fødevares... (Danish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Det overordnede mål med projektet er at forbedre deltagelsesbaseret udvikling af offentlige politikker til forebyggelse af fødevaresvindel og at sikre fødevaresikkerheden i rumænske produkter og i Halal- og Kosher-certificerede produkter, men også at regulere denne certificeringsprocedure ved at øge den ikke-statslige organisations kapacitet til at formulere og fremme offentlige politiske alternativer til offentlige politikker, der er iværksat af regeringen, med det formål at udvikle og indføre systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervsmiljøet i overensstemmelse med SCAP. PROJEKTETS FORMÅL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrager til opfyldelsen af specifikt mål 1.1: Udvikling og indførelse af fælles systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der optimerer beslutningsprocesser, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervslivet i overensstemmelse med SCAP, fordi det har til formål og gennemslagskraft at bekæmpe og forebygge fødevares... (Danish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Det overordnede mål med projektet er at forbedre deltagelsesbaseret udvikling af offentlige politikker til forebyggelse af fødevaresvindel og at sikre fødevaresikkerheden i rumænske produkter og i Halal- og Kosher-certificerede produkter, men også at regulere denne certificeringsprocedure ved at øge den ikke-statslige organisations kapacitet til at formulere og fremme offentlige politiske alternativer til offentlige politikker, der er iværksat af regeringen, med det formål at udvikle og indføre systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervsmiljøet i overensstemmelse med SCAP. PROJEKTETS FORMÅL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrager til opfyldelsen af specifikt mål 1.1: Udvikling og indførelse af fælles systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der optimerer beslutningsprocesser, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervslivet i overensstemmelse med SCAP, fordi det har til formål og gennemslagskraft at bekæmpe og forebygge fødevares... (Danish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Projektets allmänna mål är att förbättra den deltagande utvecklingen av offentliga strategier för att förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och garantera livsmedelssäkerheten i rumänska produkter och i Halal- och Kosher-certifierade produkter, men också att reglera detta certifieringsförfarande genom att öka den icke-statliga organisationens förmåga att utforma och främja offentliga politiska alternativ till den offentliga politik som regeringen tagit initiativ till, i syfte att utveckla och införa system och standarder inom den offentliga förvaltningen, inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat, i enlighet med SCAP. PROJEKTETS SYFTE: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrar till att uppnå särskilt mål 1.1: Utveckling och införande av gemensamma system och standarder inom offentlig förvaltning som optimerar beslutsprocesser som är inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat i linje med SCAP, eftersom det har till syfte och effekt att bekämpa och förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och säkerställa att (Swedish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projektets allmänna mål är att förbättra den deltagande utvecklingen av offentliga strategier för att förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och garantera livsmedelssäkerheten i rumänska produkter och i Halal- och Kosher-certifierade produkter, men också att reglera detta certifieringsförfarande genom att öka den icke-statliga organisationens förmåga att utforma och främja offentliga politiska alternativ till den offentliga politik som regeringen tagit initiativ till, i syfte att utveckla och införa system och standarder inom den offentliga förvaltningen, inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat, i enlighet med SCAP. PROJEKTETS SYFTE: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrar till att uppnå särskilt mål 1.1: Utveckling och införande av gemensamma system och standarder inom offentlig förvaltning som optimerar beslutsprocesser som är inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat i linje med SCAP, eftersom det har till syfte och effekt att bekämpa och förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och säkerställa att (Swedish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projektets allmänna mål är att förbättra den deltagande utvecklingen av offentliga strategier för att förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och garantera livsmedelssäkerheten i rumänska produkter och i Halal- och Kosher-certifierade produkter, men också att reglera detta certifieringsförfarande genom att öka den icke-statliga organisationens förmåga att utforma och främja offentliga politiska alternativ till den offentliga politik som regeringen tagit initiativ till, i syfte att utveckla och införa system och standarder inom den offentliga förvaltningen, inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat, i enlighet med SCAP. PROJEKTETS SYFTE: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrar till att uppnå särskilt mål 1.1: Utveckling och införande av gemensamma system och standarder inom offentlig förvaltning som optimerar beslutsprocesser som är inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat i linje med SCAP, eftersom det har till syfte och effekt att bekämpa och förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och säkerställa att (Swedish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Satu Mare / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Bucureşti / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Bucureşti / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Ilfov / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Ialomiţa / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Buzău / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Buzău / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Buzău / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Galaţi / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Harghita / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Tulcea / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Botoşani / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Investment in institutional capacity and in the efficiency of public administrations and public services at the national, regional and local levels with a view to reforms, better regulation and good governance / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: Q3118332 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
964,703.9 Romanian Leu
| |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 964,703.9 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
192,940.77500000002 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 192,940.77500000002 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
793,991.7 Romanian Leu
| |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 793,991.7 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
158,798.33750000002 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 158,798.33750000002 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
82.3041868079936200 percent
| |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 82.3041868079936200 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 08:20, 26 June 2024
Project Q3096197 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Combating food fraud at national level by increasing the capacity of civil society to formulate public policies |
Project Q3096197 in Romania |
793,991.7 Romanian Leu
0 references
158,798.33750000002 Euro
0 references
964,703.9 Romanian Leu
0 references
192,940.77500000002 Euro
0 references
82.3041868079936200 percent
0 references
17 July 2018
0 references
16 November 2019
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OBIECTIVUL GENERAL Obiectivul general al proiectului este de imbunatatire a procesului de elaborare participativa a politicilor publice pentru prevenirea fraudei alimentare si pentru asigurarea sigurantei alimentare in cadrul produselor romanesti si in cadrul produselor certificate Halal si Kosher, dar si pentru reglementarea acestei proceduri de certificare, prin cresterea capacitatii organizatiei non-guvernamentale de a formula si a promova politici publice alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern, avand ca scop dezvoltarea si introducerea unor sisteme si standarde in administratia publica, orientate catre cetateni si mediul de afaceri, in concordanta cu SCAP. SCOPUL PROIECTULUI: Scopul proiectului este de a sustine si de a creşte capacitatea ONG-ului in vederea formularii si promovarii politicilor publice alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern pentru prevenirea fraudei si asigurarea sigurantei alimentare in cadrul produselor agroalimentare romanesti si pentru prevenirea fraudei si asigurarea sigurantei alimentare si reglementarea certificarii produselor agroalimentare in sistem religios Halal si Kosher, ca urmare a facilitarii dezvoltarii mecanismelor de formulare, promovare, monitorizare a politicilor publice si de consolidare a dialogului social si civic, precum si intelegerea nevoii de reformare a administratiei publice, a activitatilor de dezvoltare a cunostintelor, competentelor si abilitatilor celor 40 de persoane din grupul tinta aferente ONG-ului, a dezvoltarii mecanismului pentru formularea si promovarea de politici publice si a dezvoltarii de instumente cu aplicabilitate de monitorizare si evaluare a politicilor publice si de consolidare a dialogului social si civic. Proiectul asigura obtinerea de beneficii durabile pentru grupul tinta, prin cresterea capacitatii acestora de a intelege si aprofunda nevoile reale si existente in domeniul industriei alimentare pentru prevenirea fraudei si asigurarea sigurantei alimentare in cadrul produselor agroalimentare romanesti si pentru prevenirea fraudei si asigurarea sigurantei alimentare si reglementarea certificarii produselor agroalimentare in sistem religios Halal si Kosher, prin dobandirea unor cunostinte, competente, aptitudini si abilitati in elaborarea politicilor publice si in management strategic, prin intarirea dialogului social si civic intre reprezentantii ong-ului, reprezentanti partenerilor sociali si personalul din autoritatile/institutiile publice locale, dar si prin crearea unui mecanism de elaborare, interpretare, promovare, monitorizare si evaluare a politicilor publice in acest domeniu. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea Obiectivului Specific 1.1: Dezvoltarea și introducerea de sisteme și standarde comune în administrația publică ce optimizează procesele decizionale orientate către cetățeni și mediul de afaceri în concordanță cu SCAP, deoarece are ca scop si ca impact combaterea si prevenirea fraudei alimentare si asigurarea sig (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to improve the participatory development of public policies to prevent food fraud and to ensure food safety in Romanian products and in Halal and Kosher certified products, but also to regulate this certification procedure, by increasing the capacity of the non-governmental organisation to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government, aiming to develop and introduce systems and standards in public administration, oriented towards citizens and the business environment, in accordance with SCAP. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. The project contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective 1.1: Development and introduction of common systems and standards in public administration that optimise decision-making processes oriented towards citizens and business environment in line with SCAP, because it has the aim and impact of combating and preventing food fraud and ensuring the sig (English)
14 September 2021
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Objectif général L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer le processus de développement participatif des politiques publiques visant à prévenir la fraude alimentaire et à assurer la sécurité alimentaire des produits roumains et des produits certifiés Halal et Kosher, mais aussi de réglementer cette procédure de certification, en renforçant la capacité de l’organisation non gouvernementale à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques initiées par le gouvernement, visant à développer et à introduire des systèmes et des normes dans l’administration publique, orientées vers les Celtes et l’environnement des entreprises, conformément au SCAP. OBJET DU PROJET: L’objectif du projet est de soutenir et d’accroître la capacité de l’ONG à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques lancées par le gouvernement pour la prévention de la fraude et l’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains et pour la prévention de la fraude et la garantie de la sécurité alimentaire et de la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en facilitant le développement de mécanismes de formulation, de promotion, de suivi des politiques publiques et de renforcement du dialogue social et civique. en plus de comprendre la nécessité de réformer l’administration publique, les activités visant à développer les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités des 40 personnes du groupe cible liés à l’ONG, le développement du mécanisme de formulation et de promotion des politiques publiques et la mise au point d’instruments permettant de suivre et d’évaluer les politiques publiques et de renforcer le dialogue social et civique. Le projet garantit la réalisation d’avantages durables pour le groupe cible, en renforçant leur capacité à comprendre et à approfondir les besoins réels et existants dans le domaine de l’industrie alimentaire en matière de prévention de la fraude et d’assurance de la sécurité alimentaire dans les produits agroalimentaires roumains pour la prévention de la fraude et la sécurité alimentaire et en réglementant la certification des produits agroalimentaires dans le système religieux Halal et Kosher, en acquérant les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités en matière d’élaboration de politiques publiques et de gestion stratégique, en renforçant le dialogue social et civique entre les représentants des ONG, les représentants des partenaires sociaux et le personnel des autorités/institutions publiques locales, mais aussi en créant un mécanisme pour le développement, l’interprétation, la promotion, le suivi et l’évaluation des politiques publiques dans ce domaine. Le projet contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif Spécifique 1.1: L’élaboration et l’introduction de systèmes et de normes communs au sein de l’administration publique qui optimisent les processus décisionnels orientés vers les citoyens et l’environnement des entreprises conformément à la PACS, car elle a pour objectif et a l’impact de lutter et de prévenir la fraude alimentaire et d’assurer la sécurité. (French)
26 November 2021
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ALLGEMEINES ZIEL Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts besteht darin, den Prozess der partizipativen Ausarbeitung öffentlicher Politiken zur Verhinderung von Lebensmittelbetrug und zur Gewährleistung der Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Produkten und bei Halal- und Koscher-zertifizierten Produkten zu verbessern, aber auch um dieses Zertifizierungsverfahren zu regulieren Stärkung der Fähigkeit der Nichtregierungsorganisation, alternative öffentliche Politiken zu von der Regierung initiierten öffentlichen Politiken zu formulieren und zu fördern, mit dem Ziel, Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu entwickeln und einzuführen, die auf Bürger und das Geschäftsumfeld ausgerichtet sind, in Übereinstimmung mit SCAP. ZWECK DES PROJEKTS: Der Zweck des Projekts besteht darin, die Fähigkeit der NGO zu unterstützen und zu erhöhen, alternative öffentliche Maßnahmen zu von der Regierung eingeleiteten öffentlichen Maßnahmen zu formulieren und zu fördern, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Ernährungssicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Ernährungsprodukten zu gewährleisten und zu verhindern Betrug und Sicherheit und Regulierung der Zertifizierung von Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System als Ergebnis der Erleichterung der Entwicklung von Mechanismen zur Formulierung, Förderung und Überwachung öffentlicher Politiken und zur Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerlichen Dialogs sowie des Verständnisses der Notwendigkeit Reform der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Aktivitäten Entwicklung von Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Fähigkeiten der 40 Personen in der Zielgruppe im Zusammenhang mit der NRO, Entwicklung des Mechanismus zur Formulierung und Förderung öffentlicher Politiken und Entwicklung von Instrumenten mit Anwendbarkeit für die Überwachung und Bewertung der Öffentlichkeit Richtlinien und Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs. Das Projekt stellt sicher, dass die Zielgruppe nachhaltige Vorteile erhält, indem ihre Fähigkeit verbessert wird, die tatsächlichen und bestehenden Bedürfnisse in der Lebensmittelindustrie zu verstehen und zu vertiefen, um Betrug zu verhindern und die Lebensmittelsicherheit bei rumänischen Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukten zu gewährleisten und um Betrug zu verhindern und Lebensmittel zu gewährleisten Sicherheits- und Zertifizierungsregelung für Agrar- und Lebensmittelprodukte im Halal- und koscheren religiösen System, durch den Erwerb von Wissen, Kompetenzen, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in der Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik und im strategischen Management, durch die Stärkung des sozialen und bürgerschaftlichen Dialogs zwischen NRO-Vertretern, Sozialpartnervertretern und Mitarbeitern der öffentlichen Behörden / Institutionen auf lokaler Ebene, sondern auch durch die Schaffung eines Mechanismus zur Ausarbeitung, Interpretation, Förderung, Überwachung und Bewertung der öffentlichen Politik in diesem Bereich. Das Projekt trägt zur Erfüllung des Einzelziels 1.1 bei: Entwicklung und Einführung gemeinsamer Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, die bürger- und wirtschaftsorientierte Entscheidungsprozesse im Sinne des SCAP optimieren, weil es die Bekämpfung und Prävention von Lebensmittelbetrug und Versicherung (German)
1 December 2021
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ALGEMENE DOELSTELLING De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verbeteren van het proces van participatieve uitwerking van overheidsbeleid voor de preventie van voedselfraude en voor het waarborgen van voedselveiligheid in Roemeense producten en in Halal en Kosher gecertificeerde producten, maar ook voor het reguleren van deze certificeringsprocedure, door het vergroten van het vermogen van de niet-gouvernementele organisatie om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten dan het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd, met als doel het ontwikkelen en invoeren van systemen en normen in het openbaar bestuur, gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat, in overeenstemming met het SCAP . DOEL VAN HET PROJECT: Het doel van het project is het ondersteunen en vergroten van de capaciteit van de NGO om alternatief overheidsbeleid te formuleren en te promoten voor het overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd om fraude te voorkomen en de voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en te voorkomen dat fraude en zorgen voor voedsel en regulering van de certificering van agrovoedingsproducten in het halal en koosjere religieuze systeem, als resultaat van het vergemakkelijken van de ontwikkeling van mechanismen voor het formuleren, promoten en monitoren van overheidsbeleid en het versterken van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog, evenals het begrijpen van de noodzaak om het openbaar bestuur te hervormen, activiteiten ontwikkeling van de kennis, vaardigheden en capaciteiten van de 40 mensen in de doelgroep die verband houden met de NGO, de ontwikkeling van het mechanisme voor het formuleren en promoten van overheidsbeleid en de ontwikkeling van instrumenten met de toepasbaarheid van monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid en versterking van de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog. Het project zorgt voor het bereiken van duurzame voordelen voor de doelgroep, door hun vermogen te vergroten om de werkelijke en bestaande behoeften in de voedingsindustrie te begrijpen en te verdiepen om fraude te voorkomen en voedselzekerheid in Roemeense agrovoedingsproducten te waarborgen en om fraude te voorkomen en voedsel te garanderen veiligheid en certificering Halal en koosjere agrovoedingsproducten, door kennis, vaardigheden, competenties en vaardigheden te verwerven op het gebied van openbare beleidsvorming en strategisch management, door de sociale en maatschappelijke dialoog tussen NGO-vertegenwoordigers, vertegenwoordigers van sociale partners en personeel van lokale overheden / instellingen te versterken, maar ook door een mechanisme te creëren voor de uitwerking, interpretatie, bevordering, monitoring en evaluatie van overheidsbeleid op dit gebied. Het project draagt bij aan de vervulling van Specifieke Doelstelling 1.1: Ontwikkeling en invoering van gemeenschappelijke systemen en standaarden in het openbaar bestuur die besluitvormingsprocessen gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat optimaliseren in overeenstemming met SCAP, aangezien het tot doel heeft en effect heeft om voedsel te bestrijden en te voorkomen fraude en zorgen (Dutch)
5 December 2021
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L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di migliorare lo sviluppo partecipativo delle politiche pubbliche per prevenire le frodi alimentari e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti rumeni e nei prodotti certificati Halal e Kosher, ma anche di regolamentare questa procedura di certificazione, aumentando la capacità dell'organizzazione non governativa di formulare e promuovere politiche pubbliche alternative alle politiche pubbliche avviate dal governo, con l'obiettivo di sviluppare e introdurre sistemi e standard nella pubblica amministrazione, orientati verso i cittadini e l'ambiente imprenditoriale, in conformità con lo SCAP. FINALITÀ DEL PROGETTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the Il progetto garantisce benefici sostenibili per il gruppo destinatario, aumentando la loro capacità di comprendere e approfondire le esigenze reali ed esistenti nel settore dell'industria alimentare per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare nei prodotti agroalimentari rumeni e per prevenire le frodi e garantire la sicurezza alimentare e regolamentare la certificazione dei prodotti agroalimentari nel sistema religioso Halal e Kosher, acquisendo conoscenze, competenze, abilità e capacità nello sviluppo delle politiche pubbliche e nella gestione strategica, rafforzando il dialogo sociale e civico tra i rappresentanti dell'ong, i rappresentanti delle parti sociali e il personale delle autorità pubbliche/istituzioni locali, ma anche creando un meccanismo di elaborazione, interpretazione, promozione, monitoraggio e valutazione delle politiche pubbliche in questo settore. Il progetto contribuisce al conseguimento dell'obiettivo specifico 1.1: Sviluppo e introduzione di sistemi e standard comuni nella pubblica amministrazione che ottimizzino i processi decisionali orientati verso i cittadini e il contesto imprenditorial... (Italian)
12 January 2022
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El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar el desarrollo participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir el fraude alimentario y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en los productos rumanos y en los productos certificados Halal y Kosher, pero también regular este procedimiento de certificación, aumentando la capacidad de la organización no gubernamental para formular y promover políticas públicas alternativas a las políticas públicas iniciadas por el Gobierno, con el objetivo de desarrollar e introducir sistemas y normas en la administración pública, orientados a los ciudadanos y al entorno empresarial, de acuerdo con la SCAP. FINALIDAD DEL PROYECTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the El proyecto garantiza beneficios sostenibles para el grupo destinatario, aumentando su capacidad para comprender y profundizar las necesidades reales y existentes en el ámbito de la industria alimentaria para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de los productos agroalimentarios rumanos, así como para prevenir el fraude y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y reglamentar la certificación de los productos agroalimentarios en el sistema religioso Halal y Kosher, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos, competencias, competencias y capacidades en el desarrollo de políticas públicas y la gestión estratégica, mediante el fortalecimiento del diálogo social y cívico entre los representantes de los interlocutores sociales y el personal de las autoridades públicas/instituciones locales, pero también mediante la creación de un mecanismo de elaboración, interpretación, promoción, seguimiento y evaluación de las políticas públicas en este ámbito. El proyecto contribuye a la consecución del objetivo específico 1.1: Desarrollo e introducción de sistemas y normas comunes en la administración pública que optimicen los procesos de ... (Spanish)
13 January 2022
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Projekti üldeesmärk on parandada avaliku poliitika kaasavat arendamist, et hoida ära toidupettusi ja tagada toiduohutus Rumeenia toodetes ning Halali ja Kosheri sertifitseeritud toodetes, kuid ka reguleerida seda sertifitseerimismenetlust, suurendades valitsusväliste organisatsioonide suutlikkust töötada välja ja edendada valitsuse algatatud avaliku poliitika alternatiive, mille eesmärk on töötada välja ja kehtestada avaliku halduse süsteemid ja standardid, mis on suunatud kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale kooskõlas säästva põllumajanduspoliitika tegevuskavaga. PROJEKTI EESMÄRK: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt aitab saavutada erieesmärki 1.1: Selliste ühiste süsteemide ja standardite väljatöötamine ja kasutuselevõtmine avalikus halduses, mis optimeerivad kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale suunatud otsustusprotsesse kooskõlas SCAPiga, sest selle eesmärk ja mõju on võidelda toidupettuste vastu ja neid ennetada ning tagada sig (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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Bendras projekto tikslas – gerinti dalyvaujamąjį viešosios politikos plėtojimą, siekiant užkirsti kelią sukčiavimui maisto produktais ir užtikrinti maisto saugą Rumunijos produktuose ir Halal bei Kosher sertifikuotuose produktuose, taip pat reglamentuoti šią sertifikavimo procedūrą didinant nevyriausybinės organizacijos gebėjimus formuoti ir skatinti vyriausybės inicijuotos viešosios politikos alternatyvas, siekiant sukurti ir įdiegti viešojo administravimo sistemas ir standartus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką, pagal SCAP. PROJEKTO TIKSLAS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektas padeda siekti 1.1 konkretaus tikslo: Bendrų viešojo administravimo sistemų ir standartų, kurie optimizuoja sprendimų priėmimo procesus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką pagal SCAP, kūrimas ir diegimas, nes jo tikslas ir poveikis – kovoti su sukčiavimu maisto produktų srityje ir užkirsti jam kelią bei užtikrinti (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
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Opći cilj projekta je poboljšanje participativnog razvoja javnih politika kako bi se spriječile prijevare s hranom i osigurala sigurnost hrane u rumunjskim proizvodima i proizvodima certificiranima halalom i Kosherom, ali i reguliranje ovog postupka certificiranja povećanjem kapaciteta nevladinih organizacija za oblikovanje i promicanje alternativa javnim politikama javnim politikama koje je pokrenula Vlada, s ciljem razvoja i uvođenja sustava i standarda u javnoj upravi, orijentiranih prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju, u skladu sa SCAP-om. SVRHA PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektom se pridonosi ostvarenju posebnog cilja 1.1.: Razvoj i uvođenje zajedničkih sustava i standarda u javnu upravu koji optimiziraju procese donošenja odluka usmjerene prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju u skladu sa SCAP-om, jer ima cilj i utjecaj borbe protiv i sprječavanja prijevara s hranom i osiguravanja sig (Croatian)
3 August 2022
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Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η βελτίωση της συμμετοχικής ανάπτυξης δημόσιων πολιτικών για την πρόληψη της απάτης στον τομέα των τροφίμων και η διασφάλιση της ασφάλειας των τροφίμων στα ρουμανικά προϊόντα και στα πιστοποιημένα προϊόντα Halal και Kosher, αλλά και η ρύθμιση αυτής της διαδικασίας πιστοποίησης, με την αύξηση της ικανότητας της μη κυβερνητικής οργάνωσης να διαμορφώνει και να προωθεί δημόσιες πολιτικές εναλλακτικές στις δημόσιες πολιτικές που δρομολογούνται από την κυβέρνηση, με στόχο την ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση, προσανατολισμένων προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον, σύμφωνα με το SCAP. ΣΚΟΠΌΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΊΟΥ: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Το σχέδιο συμβάλλει στην επίτευξη του ειδικού στόχου 1.1: Ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή κοινών συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση που βελτιστοποιούν τις διαδικασίες λήψης αποφάσεων που προσανατολίζονται προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον σύμφωνα με το SCAP, διότι έχει ως στόχ... (Greek)
3 August 2022
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Všeobecným cieľom projektu je zlepšiť participatívny rozvoj verejných politík s cieľom predchádzať potravinovým podvodom a zaistiť bezpečnosť potravín v rumunských výrobkoch a výrobkoch certifikovaných v Halal a Kosher, ale aj regulovať tento certifikačný postup zvýšením kapacity mimovládnej organizácie formulovať a podporovať alternatívy verejných politík k verejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cieľom vyvinúť a zaviesť systémy a normy vo verejnej správe zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispieva k dosiahnutiu špecifického cieľa 1.1: Rozvoj a zavedenie spoločných systémov a noriem vo verejnej správe, ktoré optimalizujú rozhodovacie procesy zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP, pretože jeho cieľom a dosahom je boj proti potravinovým podvodom a ich predchádzanie a zabezpečenie sig (Slovak)
3 August 2022
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Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on parantaa julkisten politiikkojen osallistavaa kehittämistä elintarvikepetosten ehkäisemiseksi ja elintarviketurvallisuuden varmistamiseksi romanialaisissa tuotteissa sekä Halal- ja Kosher-sertifioiduissa tuotteissa, mutta myös säännellä tätä sertifiointimenettelyä lisäämällä kansalaisjärjestöjen valmiuksia laatia ja edistää julkisen politiikan vaihtoehtoja hallituksen käynnistämille julkisille politiikoille. Tavoitteena on kehittää ja ottaa käyttöön julkishallinnon järjestelmiä ja standardeja, jotka on suunnattu kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle SCAP:n mukaisesti. HANKKEEN TARKOITUS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Hankkeella edistetään erityistavoitteen 1.1 saavuttamista: Kehitetään ja otetaan käyttöön julkishallinnossa yhteisiä järjestelmiä ja standardeja, joilla optimoidaan kansalaisille ja liiketoimintaympäristölle suunnattuja päätöksentekoprosesseja SCAP:n mukaisesti, koska sen tavoitteena ja vaikutuksena on elintarvikepetosten torjunta ja ehkäisemi... (Finnish)
3 August 2022
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Ogólnym celem projektu jest poprawa partycypacyjnego rozwoju polityki publicznej w celu zapobiegania fałszowaniu żywności oraz zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa żywności w produktach rumuńskich oraz produktach certyfikowanych przez Halal i Kosher, a także uregulowanie tej procedury certyfikacji poprzez zwiększenie zdolności organizacji pozarządowej do formułowania i promowania polityki publicznej alternatyw dla polityki publicznej zainicjowanej przez rząd, mającej na celu opracowanie i wprowadzenie systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, ukierunkowanych na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe, zgodnie z zasadami SCAP. CEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt przyczynia się do osiągnięcia celu szczegółowego 1.1: Opracowanie i wprowadzenie wspólnych systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, które optymalizują procesy decyzyjne ukierunkowane na obywateli i otoczenie biznesowe zgodnie z zasadami SCAP, ponieważ mają one na celu zwalczanie oszustw w żywności i zapobieganie im oraz zapewnienie im (Polish)
3 August 2022
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A projekt általános célkitűzése, hogy javítsa az élelmiszercsalás megelőzését és az élelmiszerbiztonság biztosítását célzó közpolitikák részvételen alapuló fejlesztését a román termékekben, valamint a Halal és a Kosher tanúsítvánnyal rendelkező termékekben, valamint szabályozza ezt a tanúsítási eljárást azáltal, hogy növeli a nem kormányzati szervezet kapacitását arra, hogy a kormány által kezdeményezett közpolitikák alternatíváit alakítsa ki és mozdítsa elő, amelynek célja a közigazgatásban a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése az SCAP-nak megfelelően. A PROJEKT CÉLJA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. A projekt hozzájárul az 1.1. sz. egyedi célkitűzés megvalósításához: Olyan közös rendszerek és szabványok kidolgozása és bevezetése a közigazgatásban, amelyek optimalizálják a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló döntéshozatali folyamatokat az SCAP-nak megfelelően, mivel célja és hatása az élelmiszercsalás elleni küzdelem és annak ... (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
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Obecným cílem projektu je zlepšit participativní rozvoj veřejných politik s cílem předcházet podvodům v oblasti potravin a zajistit bezpečnost potravin v rumunských výrobcích a v certifikovaných výrobcích Halal a Košher, ale také regulovat tento postup certifikace zvýšením schopnosti nevládní organizace formulovat a podporovat alternativy veřejných politik k veřejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cílem vytvořit a zavést systémy a normy ve veřejné správě zaměřené na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt přispívá k dosažení specifického cíle 1.1: Rozvoj a zavádění společných systémů a norem ve veřejné správě, které optimalizují rozhodovací procesy orientované na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP, protože jeho cílem a dopadem je boj proti podvodům v potravinářství a jejich předcházení a zajištění sig (Czech)
3 August 2022
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Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir uzlabot valsts politikas līdzdalības attīstību, lai novērstu krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošinātu pārtikas nekaitīgumu Rumānijas produktiem un Halal un Kosher sertificētiem produktiem, kā arī regulēt šo sertifikācijas procedūru, palielinot nevalstiskās organizācijas spēju formulēt un veicināt valsts politikas alternatīvas valdības ierosinātajai valsts politikai, kuras mērķis ir izstrādāt un ieviest sistēmas un standartus valsts pārvaldē, kas orientēta uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi, saskaņā ar SCAP. PROJEKTA MĒRĶIS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekts palīdz sasniegt konkrēto mērķi Nr. 1.1: Kopēju sistēmu un standartu izstrāde un ieviešana valsts pārvaldē, kas optimizē uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi orientētus lēmumu pieņemšanas procesus saskaņā ar SCAP, jo tās mērķis un ietekme ir apkarot un novērst krāpšanu pārtikas jomā un nodrošināt, ka notiek krāpšana pārtikas jomā. (Latvian)
3 August 2022
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Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail feabhas a chur ar fhorbairt rannpháirtíochta na mbeartas poiblí chun calaois bia a chosc agus sábháilteacht bia a áirithiú i dtáirgí Rómánacha agus i dtáirgí deimhnithe Halal agus Kosher, ach freisin an nós imeachta deimhniúcháin sin a rialáil, trí chumas na heagraíochta neamhrialtasaí a mhéadú chun roghanna malartacha ar bheartais phoiblí ar bheartais phoiblí arna dtionscnamh ag an Rialtas a cheapadh agus a chur chun cinn, arb é is aidhm dóibh córais agus caighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí, atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó, i gcomhréir le SCAP. CUSPÓIR AN TIONSCADAIL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Rannchuidíonn an tionscadal le Cuspóir Sonrach 1.1 a bhaint amach: Comhchórais agus comhchaighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí lena mbaintear an leas is fearr as próisis chinnteoireachta atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar thimpeallacht an ghnó i gcomhréir le SCAP, toisc go bh... (Irish)
3 August 2022
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Splošni cilj projekta je izboljšati participativni razvoj javnih politik za preprečevanje goljufij s hrano in zagotavljanje varnosti hrane v romunskih proizvodih ter proizvodih s certifikatom Halal in Kosher, pa tudi urediti ta postopek certificiranja s povečanjem zmogljivosti nevladne organizacije za oblikovanje in spodbujanje alternativ javnih politik javnim politikam, ki jih je začela izvajati vlada, katerih cilj je razvoj in uvedba sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, usmerjenih v državljane in poslovno okolje, v skladu s SCAP. NAMEN PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projekt prispeva k doseganju posebnega cilja 1.1: Razvoj in uvedba skupnih sistemov in standardov v javni upravi, ki optimizirajo postopke odločanja, usmerjene v državljane in poslovno okolje v skladu s SCAP, ker je njen cilj in učinek boj proti goljufijam s hrano in njihovo preprečevanje ter zagotavljanje (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
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Общата цел на проекта е да се подобри участието в разработването на публични политики за предотвратяване на измамите с храни и да се гарантира безопасността на храните в румънските продукти и в сертифицираните от Халал и Кошер продукти, но също така и да се регулира тази процедура за сертифициране, като се увеличи капацитетът на неправителствената организация да формулира и насърчава публични политики, алтернативи на публичните политики, инициирани от правителството, насочени към разработването и въвеждането на системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата, в съответствие със SCAP. ЦЕЛ НА ПРОЕКТА: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Проектът допринася за постигането на специфична цел 1.1: Разработване и въвеждане на общи системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, които оптимизират процесите на вземане на решения, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата в съответствие със SCAP, тъй като тя има за цел и въздействие борбата и предотвратяването на и... (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
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L-objettiv ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jtejjeb l-iżvilupp parteċipattiv tal-politiki pubbliċi għall-prevenzjoni tal-frodi alimentari u li jiżgura s-sikurezza tal-ikel fil-prodotti Rumeni u fil-prodotti ċċertifikati minn Halal u Kosher, iżda wkoll li jirregola din il-proċedura ta’ ċertifikazzjoni, billi jżid il-kapaċità tal-organizzazzjoni mhux governattiva li tifformula u tippromwovi politiki pubbliċi alternattivi għall-politiki pubbliċi mibdija mill-Gvern, bil-għan li jiġu żviluppati u introdotti sistemi u standards fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika, orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju, f’konformità mal-SCAP. L-GĦAN TAL-PROĠETT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Il-proġett jikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-Objettiv Speċifiku 1.1: L-iżvilupp u l-introduzzjoni ta’ sistemi u standards komuni fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika li jottimizzaw il-proċessi tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju f’konformità mal-SCAP, minħabba li għandha l-għan u l-impatt tal-... (Maltese)
3 August 2022
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O objetivo geral do projeto é melhorar o desenvolvimento participativo de políticas públicas para prevenir a fraude alimentar e garantir a segurança alimentar nos produtos romenos e nos produtos certificados Halal e Kosher, mas também regulamentar este procedimento de certificação, aumentando a capacidade da organização não governamental de formular e promover políticas públicas alternativas às políticas públicas iniciadas pelo Governo, visando desenvolver e introduzir sistemas e normas na administração pública, orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, de acordo com a SCAP. OBJETIVO DO PROJETO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. O projeto contribui para a realização do objetivo específico 1.1: Desenvolvimento e introdução de sistemas e normas comuns na administração pública que otimizam os processos de tomada de decisão orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, em consonância com a SCAP, uma vez que tem o objetivo e o impacto de combater e prevenir a fraude alimentar e asse... (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
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Det overordnede mål med projektet er at forbedre deltagelsesbaseret udvikling af offentlige politikker til forebyggelse af fødevaresvindel og at sikre fødevaresikkerheden i rumænske produkter og i Halal- og Kosher-certificerede produkter, men også at regulere denne certificeringsprocedure ved at øge den ikke-statslige organisations kapacitet til at formulere og fremme offentlige politiske alternativer til offentlige politikker, der er iværksat af regeringen, med det formål at udvikle og indføre systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervsmiljøet i overensstemmelse med SCAP. PROJEKTETS FORMÅL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrager til opfyldelsen af specifikt mål 1.1: Udvikling og indførelse af fælles systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der optimerer beslutningsprocesser, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervslivet i overensstemmelse med SCAP, fordi det har til formål og gennemslagskraft at bekæmpe og forebygge fødevares... (Danish)
3 August 2022
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Projektets allmänna mål är att förbättra den deltagande utvecklingen av offentliga strategier för att förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och garantera livsmedelssäkerheten i rumänska produkter och i Halal- och Kosher-certifierade produkter, men också att reglera detta certifieringsförfarande genom att öka den icke-statliga organisationens förmåga att utforma och främja offentliga politiska alternativ till den offentliga politik som regeringen tagit initiativ till, i syfte att utveckla och införa system och standarder inom den offentliga förvaltningen, inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat, i enlighet med SCAP. PROJEKTETS SYFTE: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO in order to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government to prevent fraud and ensure food safety in Romanian agri-food products and to prevent fraud and ensure food safety and to regulate the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, as a result of facilitating the development of mechanisms for formulation, promotion, monitoring of public policies and strengthening of social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, to develop the public dialogue mechanism for the development of public administration and to the promotion of the public policy and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the public dialogue mechanism and the development of the public policy for the development of the public administration and the development of the knowledge, competences and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group related to the NGO, the development of the mechanism for public policy development and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the public administration and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public dialogue for the development of the civic policies and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy, the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the civic policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy, the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy and the development of the public policy for the development of the public policy and the development of the civic dialogue and the development of the public policy for the The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand and deepen the real and existing needs in the field of food industry for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety in Romanian agri-food products and for preventing fraud and ensuring food safety and regulating the certification of agri-food products in the religious system Halal and Kosher, by acquiring knowledge, competences, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening the social and civic dialogue between the representatives of the ong, the representatives of the social partners and the staff of the local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism of elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. Projektet bidrar till att uppnå särskilt mål 1.1: Utveckling och införande av gemensamma system och standarder inom offentlig förvaltning som optimerar beslutsprocesser som är inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat i linje med SCAP, eftersom det har till syfte och effekt att bekämpa och förebygga livsmedelsbedrägerier och säkerställa att (Swedish)
3 August 2022
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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Judeţul Satu Mare, Romania
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Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, Romania
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Judeţul Bihor, Romania
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Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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Judeţul Ilfov, Romania
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Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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Judeţul Arad, Romania
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