Innovation of the concept of “energy from waste” for the low-carbon economy: New carbon capture technology for the thermal chemical treatment of municipal solid waste (carbon capture and storage – CCSW) (Q3056455): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created a new Item: import item from Latvia)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt)
(27 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
Innovation of the concept of “energy from waste” for the low-carbon economy: New carbon capture technology for the thermal chemical treatment of municipal solid waste (carbon capture and storage – CCSW)
label / frlabel / fr
Innovation du concept «énergie issue des déchets» pour une économie à faible intensité de carbone: nouvelle technologie de captage du carbone pour le recyclage thermochimique des déchets municipaux solides (captage et stockage du carbone provenant des déchets — CCSW)
label / delabel / de
Innovation des Konzepts „Energie aus Abfall“ für eine CO2-arme Wirtschaft: neue CO2-Abscheidungstechnik für thermochemisches Recycling fester Siedlungsabfälle (Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -lagerung aus Abfällen – CCSW)
label / nllabel / nl
Innovatie van het concept „energie uit afval” voor een koolstofarme economie: nieuwe koolstofafvangtechnologie voor thermochemische recycling van vast stedelijk afval (afvang en opslag van koolstof uit afval — CCSW)
label / itlabel / it
Innovazione del concetto di "energia dai rifiuti" per un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio: nuova tecnologia di cattura del carbonio per il riciclaggio termochimico dei rifiuti solidi urbani (cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio dai rifiuti — CCSW)
label / eslabel / es
Innovación del concepto de «energía a partir de los residuos» para una economía hipocarbónica: nueva tecnología de captura de carbono para el reciclado termoquímico de residuos sólidos municipales (captura y almacenamiento de carbono de residuos — CCSW)
label / etlabel / et
Mõiste „jäätmetest toodetud energia“uuendus vähese CO2-heitega majanduse jaoks: Uus süsinikdioksiidi kogumise tehnoloogia tahkete olmejäätmete termiliseks keemiliseks töötlemiseks (süsinikdioksiidi kogumine ja säilitamine – CCSW)
label / ltlabel / lt
„Atliekų energijos“ sąvokos naujovės mažo anglies dioksido kiekio technologijų ekonomikai: Nauja anglies dioksido surinkimo technologija, skirta komunalinių kietųjų atliekų terminiam cheminiam apdorojimui (anglies dioksido surinkimas ir saugojimas – CCSW)
label / hrlabel / hr
Inovacije koncepta „energija iz otpada” za niskougljično gospodarstvo: Nova tehnologija hvatanja ugljika za toplinsku kemijsku obradu komunalnog krutog otpada (zahvaćanje i skladištenje ugljika – CCSW)
label / ellabel / el
Καινοτομία της έννοιας της «ενέργειας από απόβλητα» για την οικονομία χαμηλών εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα: Νέα τεχνολογία δέσμευσης άνθρακα για τη θερμική χημική επεξεργασία αστικών στερεών αποβλήτων (δέσμευση και αποθήκευση άνθρακα — CCSW)
label / sklabel / sk
Inovácia koncepcie „energie z odpadu“ pre nízkouhlíkové hospodárstvo: Nová technológia zachytávania uhlíka na tepelné chemické spracovanie tuhého komunálneho odpadu (zachytávanie a ukladanie uhlíka – CCSW)
label / filabel / fi
”Jätteestä peräisin olevan energian” käsitteen innovointi vähähiilisessä taloudessa: Uusi hiilidioksidin talteenottoteknologia kiinteän yhdyskuntajätteen lämpökemiallista käsittelyä varten (hiilen talteenotto ja varastointi – CCSW)
label / pllabel / pl
Innowacja koncepcji „energii z odpadów” na potrzeby gospodarki niskoemisyjnej: Nowa technologia wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla do termicznej obróbki chemicznej komunalnych odpadów stałych (wychwyt i składowanie dwutlenku węgla – CCSW)
label / hulabel / hu
A „hulladékból származó energia” fogalmának innovációja az alacsony szén-dioxid-kibocsátású gazdaság érdekében: Új szén-dioxid-leválasztási technológia a települési szilárd hulladék hőkémiai kezelésére (szén-dioxid-leválasztás és -tárolás – CCSW)
label / cslabel / cs
Inovace pojmu „energie z odpadů“ pro nízkouhlíkové hospodářství: Nová technologie zachycování uhlíku pro tepelné chemické zpracování tuhého komunálního odpadu (zachycování a ukládání uhlíku – CCSW)
label / galabel / ga
Nuálaíocht maidir leis an gcoincheap “fuinneamh ó dhramhaíl” don gheilleagar ísealcharbóin: Teicneolaíocht nua gabhála carbóin le haghaidh cóireáil cheimiceach theirmeach ar dhramhaíl sholadach chathrach (gabháil agus stóráil carbóin — CCSW)
label / sllabel / sl
Inovacija koncepta „energija iz odpadkov“ za nizkoogljično gospodarstvo: Nova tehnologija zajemanja ogljika za termično kemično obdelavo trdnih komunalnih odpadkov (zajemanje in shranjevanje ogljika – CCSW)
label / bglabel / bg
Иновации на концепцията за „енергия от отпадъци“ за нисковъглеродната икономика: Нова технология за улавяне на въглерод за термично химично третиране на твърди битови отпадъци (улавяне и съхранение на въглерод — CCSW)
label / mtlabel / mt
Innovazzjoni tal-kunċett ta’ “enerġija mill-iskart” għall-ekonomija b’livell baxx ta’ karbonju: Teknoloġija ġdida għall-qbid tal-karbonju għat-trattament kimiku termali tal-iskart solidu muniċipali (qbid u ħżin tal-karbonju — CCSW)
label / ptlabel / pt
Inovação do conceito de «energia proveniente de resíduos» para a economia hipocarbónica: Nova tecnologia de captura de carbono para o tratamento químico térmico de resíduos sólidos urbanos (captura e armazenamento de carbono – CACW)
label / dalabel / da
Innovation af begrebet "energi fra affald" for lavemissionsøkonomien: Ny CO2-opsamlingsteknologi til termisk kemisk behandling af fast kommunalt affald (CO2-opsamling og -lagring — CCSW)
label / rolabel / ro
Inovarea conceptului de „energie din deșeuri” pentru economia cu emisii scăzute de dioxid de carbon: Noua tehnologie de captare a carbonului pentru tratarea termică a deșeurilor solide municipale (captarea și stocarea dioxidului de carbon – CCSW)
label / svlabel / sv
Innovation av begreppet ”energi från avfall” för en koldioxidsnål ekonomi: Ny teknik för avskiljning av koldioxid för termisk kemisk behandling av fast kommunalt avfall (avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid – CCSW)
description / endescription / en
Project in Portugal 158
Project Q3056455 in Latvia
description / bgdescription / bg
Проект Q3056455 в Латвия
description / hrdescription / hr
Projekt Q3056455 u Latviji
description / hudescription / hu
Projekt Q3056455 Lettországban
description / csdescription / cs
Projekt Q3056455 v Lotyšsku
description / dadescription / da
Projekt Q3056455 i Letland
description / nldescription / nl
Project Q3056455 in Letland
description / etdescription / et
Projekt Q3056455 Lätis
description / fidescription / fi
Projekti Q3056455 Latviassa
description / frdescription / fr
Projet Q3056455 en Lettonie
description / dedescription / de
Projekt Q3056455 in Lettland
description / eldescription / el
Έργο Q3056455 στη Λετονία
description / gadescription / ga
Tionscadal Q3056455 sa Laitvia
description / itdescription / it
Progetto Q3056455 in Lettonia
description / lvdescription / lv
Projekts Q3056455 Latvijā
description / ltdescription / lt
Projektas Q3056455 Latvijoje
description / mtdescription / mt
Proġett Q3056455 fil-Latvja
description / pldescription / pl
Projekt Q3056455 na Łotwie
description / ptdescription / pt
Projeto Q3056455 na Letônia
description / rodescription / ro
Proiectul Q3056455 în Letonia
description / skdescription / sk
Projekt Q3056455 v Lotyšsku
description / sldescription / sl
Projekt Q3056455 v Latviji
description / esdescription / es
Proyecto Q3056455 en Letonia
description / svdescription / sv
Projekt Q3056455 i Lettland
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Latvia / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
646,361.5 Euro
Amount646,361.5 Euro
Property / budget: 646,361.5 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
373,596.94 Euro
Amount373,596.94 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 373,596.94 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
1 October 2020
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 October 2020 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
30 September 2023
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 30 September 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): LATVIJAS UNIVERSITĀTE / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Projekta galvenais mērķis ir paplašināt zināšanu bāzi par oglekļa uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas (CCS) tehnoloģijām cieto sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei pieejā, kas integrē oglekļa uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu koncepcijā “enerģija no atkritumiem”. Līdz ar to, projekta nolūks ir attīstīt sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidotā oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu (t.s. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).Atbilstoši šai koncepcijai, projekta mērķis ir (1) attīstīt un paplašināt iepriekš izstrādātu, no atkritumiem iegūta kurināmā (NAIK jeb RDF) termoķīmiskas (gazifikācija) pārstrādes tehnoloģiju, izvērtēt, izpētīt un (2) adaptēt tehnoloģiski un ekonomiski atbilstošāko risinājumu pirmssadedzināšanas oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas realizēšanai termoķīmiskā atkritumu pārstrādes procesa ietvaros, kā arī izstrādāt eksperimentālu iekārtu, kas demonstrētu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas potenciālu un kļūtu par inovatīvu risinājumu sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei.Projekta aktivitātes un rezultāti ir tieši saistīti ar pētījumiem enerģijas ražošanas nozarē un citās tautsaimniecības nozarēs, piemēram, sabiedriskajos pakalpojumos, ķīmiskajā rūpniecībā un citās jomās. Pētījums pilnībā atbilst Latvijas nacionālās Viedās Specializācijas (RIS3) stratēģijas "Viedā enerģētika" un tās saistīto jomu " Viedie materiāli, tehnoloģijas un inženiersistēmas " un "Zināšanu ietilpīga bioekonomika" mērķiem. Projekts un tā sagaidāmie rezultāti atbilst saimniecisko darbību statistiskās klasifikācijas (NACE 2. red.) jomai 38.21 - Atkritumu apstrāde un izvietošana (izņemot bīstamos atkritumus). Projekts tiks īstenots kā rūpniecisks pētījums vides tehnoloģiju jomā un tam nav saimniecisks raksturs.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes ir: 1) pieejamo oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas metožu analīze, izmantojot literatūras analīzi un laboratorijas testus, kuras rezultātā, tiks izvēlēts pareizākais oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas risinājums; 2) no atkritumiem atgūtā kurināmā (RDF) gazifikācijas produktu izpēte saistībā ar CCSW, tostarp raksturojot procesā radušos sintēzes gāzu (t.s. singāzes) kvalitātes ietekmi uz oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu, kā arī pētīt iespēju no atkritumiem iegūtās bioogles izmantošanai par sorbentiem oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas ciklā; 3) oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas bloka plānošana, izveide, un savienošana ar projekta grupas iepriekšējā projekta realizācijas rezultātā izveidoto RDF piro-gazifikācijas iekārtu (tādējādi demonstrējot konceptuālu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas iekārtas prototipu); 4) Projekta rezultātu izplatīšana.Projekta realizācijas beigās sagaidāmi sekojoši rezultāti: trīs zinātniski orģinālraksti, kas tiks iesniegti publicēšanai Web of Science vai SCOPUS datubāzēs iekļautajos žurnālos vai konferenču rakstu krājumos; viens zinātniskais oriģinālraksts, kas tiks iesniegts publicēšanai augsta citējamības faktora (Q1, Q2) žurnālā, kā arī piecas prezentācijas starptautiskajās konferencēs. Projekta rezultātā tiks izveidota eksperimentāla iekārta (modulis - tā plānošana un izveide), kas nodrošinās iespēju uztvert oglekļa dioksīdu no sintēzes gāzēm, kas radušās no atkritumiem iegūtā kurināmā gazifikācijas laikā, kā arī optimizētu tehnoloģiju oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas procesam. Izstrādāto, atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidoto oglekļa uztveršanas un noglabāšanas tehnoloģiju plānots aizsargāt ar LR patentu. Liela uzmanība tiks pievērsta projekta rezultātu izplatīšanai un oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšanas (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) koncepcijas rezultātu izplatīšanai, prezentējot to starptautiskās zinātniskajās konferencēs, nacionāla līmeņa speciālistu sanāksmēs, zinātniski - populāros izdevumos, kā arī Interneta tīmeklī. Projektā plānotas divas jauno zinātnieku, viena jaunā pētnieka un trīs maģistrantūras vai doktorantūra studējošo amata vietas. Plānots, ka projekts tiks uzsākts 01.10.2020. un ilgs 36 mēnešus līdz 30.09.2023. Projektu īstenos Latvijas Universitāte sadarbībā ar tās partneri – SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (Kurzemes reģionālā atkritumu apsaimniekošanas sabiedrība). Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir EUR 646 361,50, 57,8% ERAF līdzfinansējums EUR 373 596,94 apmērā.Atslēgvārdi: oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšana; cietie sadzīves atkritumi; no atkritumiem iegūts kurināmais; termoķīmiskā apstrāde; maza mēroga sadales sistēmas; bioenerģija ar oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu. (Latvian)
Property / summary: Projekta galvenais mērķis ir paplašināt zināšanu bāzi par oglekļa uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas (CCS) tehnoloģijām cieto sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei pieejā, kas integrē oglekļa uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu koncepcijā “enerģija no atkritumiem”. Līdz ar to, projekta nolūks ir attīstīt sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidotā oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu (t.s. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).Atbilstoši šai koncepcijai, projekta mērķis ir (1) attīstīt un paplašināt iepriekš izstrādātu, no atkritumiem iegūta kurināmā (NAIK jeb RDF) termoķīmiskas (gazifikācija) pārstrādes tehnoloģiju, izvērtēt, izpētīt un (2) adaptēt tehnoloģiski un ekonomiski atbilstošāko risinājumu pirmssadedzināšanas oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas realizēšanai termoķīmiskā atkritumu pārstrādes procesa ietvaros, kā arī izstrādāt eksperimentālu iekārtu, kas demonstrētu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas potenciālu un kļūtu par inovatīvu risinājumu sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei.Projekta aktivitātes un rezultāti ir tieši saistīti ar pētījumiem enerģijas ražošanas nozarē un citās tautsaimniecības nozarēs, piemēram, sabiedriskajos pakalpojumos, ķīmiskajā rūpniecībā un citās jomās. Pētījums pilnībā atbilst Latvijas nacionālās Viedās Specializācijas (RIS3) stratēģijas "Viedā enerģētika" un tās saistīto jomu " Viedie materiāli, tehnoloģijas un inženiersistēmas " un "Zināšanu ietilpīga bioekonomika" mērķiem. Projekts un tā sagaidāmie rezultāti atbilst saimniecisko darbību statistiskās klasifikācijas (NACE 2. red.) jomai 38.21 - Atkritumu apstrāde un izvietošana (izņemot bīstamos atkritumus). Projekts tiks īstenots kā rūpniecisks pētījums vides tehnoloģiju jomā un tam nav saimniecisks raksturs.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes ir: 1) pieejamo oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas metožu analīze, izmantojot literatūras analīzi un laboratorijas testus, kuras rezultātā, tiks izvēlēts pareizākais oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas risinājums; 2) no atkritumiem atgūtā kurināmā (RDF) gazifikācijas produktu izpēte saistībā ar CCSW, tostarp raksturojot procesā radušos sintēzes gāzu (t.s. singāzes) kvalitātes ietekmi uz oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu, kā arī pētīt iespēju no atkritumiem iegūtās bioogles izmantošanai par sorbentiem oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas ciklā; 3) oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas bloka plānošana, izveide, un savienošana ar projekta grupas iepriekšējā projekta realizācijas rezultātā izveidoto RDF piro-gazifikācijas iekārtu (tādējādi demonstrējot konceptuālu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas iekārtas prototipu); 4) Projekta rezultātu izplatīšana.Projekta realizācijas beigās sagaidāmi sekojoši rezultāti: trīs zinātniski orģinālraksti, kas tiks iesniegti publicēšanai Web of Science vai SCOPUS datubāzēs iekļautajos žurnālos vai konferenču rakstu krājumos; viens zinātniskais oriģinālraksts, kas tiks iesniegts publicēšanai augsta citējamības faktora (Q1, Q2) žurnālā, kā arī piecas prezentācijas starptautiskajās konferencēs. Projekta rezultātā tiks izveidota eksperimentāla iekārta (modulis - tā plānošana un izveide), kas nodrošinās iespēju uztvert oglekļa dioksīdu no sintēzes gāzēm, kas radušās no atkritumiem iegūtā kurināmā gazifikācijas laikā, kā arī optimizētu tehnoloģiju oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas procesam. Izstrādāto, atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidoto oglekļa uztveršanas un noglabāšanas tehnoloģiju plānots aizsargāt ar LR patentu. Liela uzmanība tiks pievērsta projekta rezultātu izplatīšanai un oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšanas (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) koncepcijas rezultātu izplatīšanai, prezentējot to starptautiskās zinātniskajās konferencēs, nacionāla līmeņa speciālistu sanāksmēs, zinātniski - populāros izdevumos, kā arī Interneta tīmeklī. Projektā plānotas divas jauno zinātnieku, viena jaunā pētnieka un trīs maģistrantūras vai doktorantūra studējošo amata vietas. Plānots, ka projekts tiks uzsākts 01.10.2020. un ilgs 36 mēnešus līdz 30.09.2023. Projektu īstenos Latvijas Universitāte sadarbībā ar tās partneri – SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (Kurzemes reģionālā atkritumu apsaimniekošanas sabiedrība). Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir EUR 646 361,50, 57,8% ERAF līdzfinansējums EUR 373 596,94 apmērā.Atslēgvārdi: oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšana; cietie sadzīves atkritumi; no atkritumiem iegūts kurināmais; termoķīmiskā apstrāde; maza mēroga sadales sistēmas; bioenerģija ar oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu. (Latvian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Research and innovation activities in public research centres and centres of competence including networking / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1004Rātsupītes iela 7 k-3, Rīga, LV-1067Vibsteri, Remtes pag., Saldus nov., LV-3871
Property / location (string): Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1004Rātsupītes iela 7 k-3, Rīga, LV-1067Vibsteri, Remtes pag., Saldus nov., LV-3871 / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Growth and Employment - LV - ERDF/ESF/CF/YEI / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Rīga / rank
Normal rank
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Latvia / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
646,361.5 Euro
Amount646,361.5 Euro
Property / budget: 646,361.5 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
373,596.94 Euro
Amount373,596.94 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 373,596.94 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
1 October 2020
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 October 2020 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
30 September 2023
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 30 September 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): LATVIJAS UNIVERSITĀTE / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Projekta galvenais mērķis ir paplašināt zināšanu bāzi par oglekļa uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas (CCS) tehnoloģijām cieto sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei pieejā, kas integrē oglekļa uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu koncepcijā “enerģija no atkritumiem”. Līdz ar to, projekta nolūks ir attīstīt sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidotā oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu (t.s. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).Atbilstoši šai koncepcijai, projekta mērķis ir (1) attīstīt un paplašināt iepriekš izstrādātu, no atkritumiem iegūta kurināmā (NAIK jeb RDF) termoķīmiskas (gazifikācija) pārstrādes tehnoloģiju, izvērtēt, izpētīt un (2) adaptēt tehnoloģiski un ekonomiski atbilstošāko risinājumu pirmssadedzināšanas oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas realizēšanai termoķīmiskā atkritumu pārstrādes procesa ietvaros, kā arī izstrādāt eksperimentālu iekārtu, kas demonstrētu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas potenciālu un kļūtu par inovatīvu risinājumu sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei.Projekta aktivitātes un rezultāti ir tieši saistīti ar pētījumiem enerģijas ražošanas nozarē un citās tautsaimniecības nozarēs, piemēram, sabiedriskajos pakalpojumos, ķīmiskajā rūpniecībā un citās jomās. Pētījums pilnībā atbilst Latvijas nacionālās Viedās Specializācijas (RIS3) stratēģijas "Viedā enerģētika" un tās saistīto jomu " Viedie materiāli, tehnoloģijas un inženiersistēmas " un "Zināšanu ietilpīga bioekonomika" mērķiem. Projekts un tā sagaidāmie rezultāti atbilst saimniecisko darbību statistiskās klasifikācijas (NACE 2. red.) jomai 38.21 - Atkritumu apstrāde un izvietošana (izņemot bīstamos atkritumus). Projekts tiks īstenots kā rūpniecisks pētījums vides tehnoloģiju jomā un tam nav saimniecisks raksturs.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes ir: 1) pieejamo oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas metožu analīze, izmantojot literatūras analīzi un laboratorijas testus, kuras rezultātā, tiks izvēlēts pareizākais oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas risinājums; 2) no atkritumiem atgūtā kurināmā (RDF) gazifikācijas produktu izpēte saistībā ar CCSW, tostarp raksturojot procesā radušos sintēzes gāzu (t.s. singāzes) kvalitātes ietekmi uz oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu, kā arī pētīt iespēju no atkritumiem iegūtās bioogles izmantošanai par sorbentiem oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas ciklā; 3) oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas bloka plānošana, izveide, un savienošana ar projekta grupas iepriekšējā projekta realizācijas rezultātā izveidoto RDF piro-gazifikācijas iekārtu (tādējādi demonstrējot konceptuālu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas iekārtas prototipu); 4) Projekta rezultātu izplatīšana.Projekta realizācijas beigās sagaidāmi sekojoši rezultāti: trīs zinātniski orģinālraksti, kas tiks iesniegti publicēšanai Web of Science vai SCOPUS datubāzēs iekļautajos žurnālos vai konferenču rakstu krājumos; viens zinātniskais oriģinālraksts, kas tiks iesniegts publicēšanai augsta citējamības faktora (Q1, Q2) žurnālā, kā arī piecas prezentācijas starptautiskajās konferencēs. Projekta rezultātā tiks izveidota eksperimentāla iekārta (modulis - tā plānošana un izveide), kas nodrošinās iespēju uztvert oglekļa dioksīdu no sintēzes gāzēm, kas radušās no atkritumiem iegūtā kurināmā gazifikācijas laikā, kā arī optimizētu tehnoloģiju oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas procesam. Izstrādāto, atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidoto oglekļa uztveršanas un noglabāšanas tehnoloģiju plānots aizsargāt ar LR patentu. Liela uzmanība tiks pievērsta projekta rezultātu izplatīšanai un oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšanas (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) koncepcijas rezultātu izplatīšanai, prezentējot to starptautiskās zinātniskajās konferencēs, nacionāla līmeņa speciālistu sanāksmēs, zinātniski - populāros izdevumos, kā arī Interneta tīmeklī. Projektā plānotas divas jauno zinātnieku, viena jaunā pētnieka un trīs maģistrantūras vai doktorantūra studējošo amata vietas. Plānots, ka projekts tiks uzsākts 01.10.2020. un ilgs 36 mēnešus līdz 30.09.2023. Projektu īstenos Latvijas Universitāte sadarbībā ar tās partneri – SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (Kurzemes reģionālā atkritumu apsaimniekošanas sabiedrība). Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir EUR 646 361,50, 57,8% ERAF līdzfinansējums EUR 373 596,94 apmērā.Atslēgvārdi: oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšana; cietie sadzīves atkritumi; no atkritumiem iegūts kurināmais; termoķīmiskā apstrāde; maza mēroga sadales sistēmas; bioenerģija ar oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu. (Latvian)
Property / summary: Projekta galvenais mērķis ir paplašināt zināšanu bāzi par oglekļa uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas (CCS) tehnoloģijām cieto sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei pieejā, kas integrē oglekļa uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu koncepcijā “enerģija no atkritumiem”. Līdz ar to, projekta nolūks ir attīstīt sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidotā oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu (t.s. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).Atbilstoši šai koncepcijai, projekta mērķis ir (1) attīstīt un paplašināt iepriekš izstrādātu, no atkritumiem iegūta kurināmā (NAIK jeb RDF) termoķīmiskas (gazifikācija) pārstrādes tehnoloģiju, izvērtēt, izpētīt un (2) adaptēt tehnoloģiski un ekonomiski atbilstošāko risinājumu pirmssadedzināšanas oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas realizēšanai termoķīmiskā atkritumu pārstrādes procesa ietvaros, kā arī izstrādāt eksperimentālu iekārtu, kas demonstrētu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas potenciālu un kļūtu par inovatīvu risinājumu sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei.Projekta aktivitātes un rezultāti ir tieši saistīti ar pētījumiem enerģijas ražošanas nozarē un citās tautsaimniecības nozarēs, piemēram, sabiedriskajos pakalpojumos, ķīmiskajā rūpniecībā un citās jomās. Pētījums pilnībā atbilst Latvijas nacionālās Viedās Specializācijas (RIS3) stratēģijas "Viedā enerģētika" un tās saistīto jomu " Viedie materiāli, tehnoloģijas un inženiersistēmas " un "Zināšanu ietilpīga bioekonomika" mērķiem. Projekts un tā sagaidāmie rezultāti atbilst saimniecisko darbību statistiskās klasifikācijas (NACE 2. red.) jomai 38.21 - Atkritumu apstrāde un izvietošana (izņemot bīstamos atkritumus). Projekts tiks īstenots kā rūpniecisks pētījums vides tehnoloģiju jomā un tam nav saimniecisks raksturs.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes ir: 1) pieejamo oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas metožu analīze, izmantojot literatūras analīzi un laboratorijas testus, kuras rezultātā, tiks izvēlēts pareizākais oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas risinājums; 2) no atkritumiem atgūtā kurināmā (RDF) gazifikācijas produktu izpēte saistībā ar CCSW, tostarp raksturojot procesā radušos sintēzes gāzu (t.s. singāzes) kvalitātes ietekmi uz oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu, kā arī pētīt iespēju no atkritumiem iegūtās bioogles izmantošanai par sorbentiem oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas ciklā; 3) oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas bloka plānošana, izveide, un savienošana ar projekta grupas iepriekšējā projekta realizācijas rezultātā izveidoto RDF piro-gazifikācijas iekārtu (tādējādi demonstrējot konceptuālu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas iekārtas prototipu); 4) Projekta rezultātu izplatīšana.Projekta realizācijas beigās sagaidāmi sekojoši rezultāti: trīs zinātniski orģinālraksti, kas tiks iesniegti publicēšanai Web of Science vai SCOPUS datubāzēs iekļautajos žurnālos vai konferenču rakstu krājumos; viens zinātniskais oriģinālraksts, kas tiks iesniegts publicēšanai augsta citējamības faktora (Q1, Q2) žurnālā, kā arī piecas prezentācijas starptautiskajās konferencēs. Projekta rezultātā tiks izveidota eksperimentāla iekārta (modulis - tā plānošana un izveide), kas nodrošinās iespēju uztvert oglekļa dioksīdu no sintēzes gāzēm, kas radušās no atkritumiem iegūtā kurināmā gazifikācijas laikā, kā arī optimizētu tehnoloģiju oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas procesam. Izstrādāto, atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidoto oglekļa uztveršanas un noglabāšanas tehnoloģiju plānots aizsargāt ar LR patentu. Liela uzmanība tiks pievērsta projekta rezultātu izplatīšanai un oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšanas (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) koncepcijas rezultātu izplatīšanai, prezentējot to starptautiskās zinātniskajās konferencēs, nacionāla līmeņa speciālistu sanāksmēs, zinātniski - populāros izdevumos, kā arī Interneta tīmeklī. Projektā plānotas divas jauno zinātnieku, viena jaunā pētnieka un trīs maģistrantūras vai doktorantūra studējošo amata vietas. Plānots, ka projekts tiks uzsākts 01.10.2020. un ilgs 36 mēnešus līdz 30.09.2023. Projektu īstenos Latvijas Universitāte sadarbībā ar tās partneri – SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (Kurzemes reģionālā atkritumu apsaimniekošanas sabiedrība). Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir EUR 646 361,50, 57,8% ERAF līdzfinansējums EUR 373 596,94 apmērā.Atslēgvārdi: oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšana; cietie sadzīves atkritumi; no atkritumiem iegūts kurināmais; termoķīmiskā apstrāde; maza mēroga sadales sistēmas; bioenerģija ar oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu. (Latvian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The main objective of the project is to expand the knowledge base on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies for the recycling of solid municipal waste in an approach that integrates carbon capture and storage into the “waste energy” concept. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. The project and its expected results correspond to the scope of the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Treatment and disposal of waste (other than hazardous waste). The project will be implemented as industrial research in the field of environmental technologies and it is not economical.The main activities of the project are: 1) Analysis of available carbon dioxide capture methods using literature analysis and laboratory testing, leading to the selection of the most appropriate carbon capture solution; 2) Exploration of waste recovered fuels (RDF) gasification products related to CCSW, including the impact of quality of process synthesis gases (so-called syngas) on carbon capture, and explore the possibility of using bio-coal from waste as sorbents in the carbon dioxide capture cycle; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility created as a result of the project group’s previous project (therefore demonstrating a conceptual prototype carbon capture device); 4) Dissemination of project results.At the end of the project the following results are expected: Three scientific originals which will be submitted for publication in journals or conference articles included in Web of Science or SCOPUS databases; One scientific original to be submitted for publication in the high citation factor (Q1, Q2) journal, as well as five presentations at international conferences. (English)
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to expand the knowledge base on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies for the recycling of solid municipal waste in an approach that integrates carbon capture and storage into the “waste energy” concept. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. The project and its expected results correspond to the scope of the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Treatment and disposal of waste (other than hazardous waste). The project will be implemented as industrial research in the field of environmental technologies and it is not economical.The main activities of the project are: 1) Analysis of available carbon dioxide capture methods using literature analysis and laboratory testing, leading to the selection of the most appropriate carbon capture solution; 2) Exploration of waste recovered fuels (RDF) gasification products related to CCSW, including the impact of quality of process synthesis gases (so-called syngas) on carbon capture, and explore the possibility of using bio-coal from waste as sorbents in the carbon dioxide capture cycle; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility created as a result of the project group’s previous project (therefore demonstrating a conceptual prototype carbon capture device); 4) Dissemination of project results.At the end of the project the following results are expected: Three scientific originals which will be submitted for publication in journals or conference articles included in Web of Science or SCOPUS databases; One scientific original to be submitted for publication in the high citation factor (Q1, Q2) journal, as well as five presentations at international conferences. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to expand the knowledge base on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies for the recycling of solid municipal waste in an approach that integrates carbon capture and storage into the “waste energy” concept. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. The project and its expected results correspond to the scope of the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Treatment and disposal of waste (other than hazardous waste). The project will be implemented as industrial research in the field of environmental technologies and it is not economical.The main activities of the project are: 1) Analysis of available carbon dioxide capture methods using literature analysis and laboratory testing, leading to the selection of the most appropriate carbon capture solution; 2) Exploration of waste recovered fuels (RDF) gasification products related to CCSW, including the impact of quality of process synthesis gases (so-called syngas) on carbon capture, and explore the possibility of using bio-coal from waste as sorbents in the carbon dioxide capture cycle; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility created as a result of the project group’s previous project (therefore demonstrating a conceptual prototype carbon capture device); 4) Dissemination of project results.At the end of the project the following results are expected: Three scientific originals which will be submitted for publication in journals or conference articles included in Web of Science or SCOPUS databases; One scientific original to be submitted for publication in the high citation factor (Q1, Q2) journal, as well as five presentations at international conferences. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 July 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to expand the knowledge base on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies for the recycling of solid municipal waste in an approach that integrates carbon capture and storage into the “waste energy” concept. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. The project and its expected results correspond to the scope of the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Treatment and disposal of waste (other than hazardous waste). The project will be implemented as industrial research in the field of environmental technologies and it is not economical.The main activities of the project are: 1) Analysis of available carbon dioxide capture methods using literature analysis and laboratory testing, leading to the selection of the most appropriate carbon capture solution; 2) Exploration of waste recovered fuels (RDF) gasification products related to CCSW, including the impact of quality of process synthesis gases (so-called syngas) on carbon capture, and explore the possibility of using bio-coal from waste as sorbents in the carbon dioxide capture cycle; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility created as a result of the project group’s previous project (therefore demonstrating a conceptual prototype carbon capture device); 4) Dissemination of project results.At the end of the project the following results are expected: Three scientific originals which will be submitted for publication in journals or conference articles included in Web of Science or SCOPUS databases; One scientific original to be submitted for publication in the high citation factor (Q1, Q2) journal, as well as five presentations at international conferences. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.8253239688074057
Property / summary
L’objectif principal du projet est d’élargir la base de connaissances sur les technologies de captage et de stockage du carbone (CSC) pour le recyclage des déchets municipaux solides dans une approche intégrant le captage et le stockage du carbone dans le concept de «l’énergie issue des déchets». Ainsi, l’objectif du projet est de développer et de développer le captage et le stockage du dioxyde de carbone (CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets) résultant du recyclage des déchets municipaux. Selon ce concept, l’objectif du projet est (1) de développer et d’étendre la technologie de traitement thermochimique (gazéification) des combustibles dérivés des déchets (NAIK ou RDF), d’évaluer, d’étudier et (2) d’adapter la solution la plus appropriée du point de vue technologique et économique pour la réalisation du captage du dioxyde de carbone avant la combustion dans le cadre du processus de recyclage des déchets thermochimiques; les activités et les résultats du projet sont directement liés à la recherche dans le secteur de l’énergie et d’autres secteurs économiques tels que les services publics, l’industrie chimique et d’autres secteurs. L’étude est pleinement conforme aux objectifs de la stratégie nationale lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) «Énergie intelligente» et de ses domaines connexes «Matériaux intelligents, technologies et systèmes d’ingénierie» et «bioéconomie à forte intensité de connaissances». Le projet et les résultats escomptés entrent dans le champ d’application de la Classification statistique des activités économiques (NACE Rév. 2) 38.21 — Traitement et élimination des déchets (à l’exclusion des déchets dangereux). Le projet sera mis en œuvre en tant que recherche industrielle dans le domaine des technologies environnementales et n’est pas de nature économique. Les principales activités du projet sont les suivantes: 1) une analyse des méthodes de captage du carbone disponibles à l’aide d’analyses bibliographiques et d’essais en laboratoire qui mèneront à la sélection de la solution de captage du carbone la plus appropriée; 2) la recherche sur les produits de gazéification des combustibles récupérés (FRD) dans le contexte de la CCSW, y compris une description de l’impact des gaz de synthèse générés par le procédé (appelés gaz de synthèse) sur le captage du carbone, ainsi que la possibilité d’utiliser le biocharbon dérivé des déchets comme sorbants dans le cycle de captage du dioxyde de carbone; 3) planification, mise en place et raccordement de l’unité de captage du dioxyde de carbone à l’installation de pyrogazéification RDF établie à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet précédent du groupe de projet (démontrant ainsi un prototype conceptuel de l’installation de captage du dioxyde de carbone); 4) Diffusion des résultats du projet. Les résultats suivants sont attendus à la fin de la réalisation du projet: trois documents scientifiques originaux, qui seront soumis pour publication dans des revues ou des documents de conférence contenus dans le Web of Science ou les bases de données SCOPUS; un article scientifique original, qui sera présenté pour publication dans la revue High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), ainsi que cinq présentations lors de conférences internationales. À la suite du projet, une installation expérimentale (le module — sa planification et son développement) sera mise en place, qui permettra de capter le dioxyde de carbone provenant des gaz de synthèse produits lors de la gazéification des combustibles usagés, ainsi qu’une technologie optimisée pour le processus de captage du carbone. Il est prévu de protéger la technologie de captage et d’élimination du carbone mise au point à la suite du recyclage des déchets avec le brevet de la République de Lettonie. Une grande attention sera accordée à la diffusion des résultats des projets et à la diffusion des résultats de la CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets, en les présentant lors de conférences scientifiques internationales, lors de réunions d’experts au niveau national, dans des publications scientifiques et populaires, ainsi que sur Internet. Le projet prévoit deux postes pour les jeunes scientifiques, un jeune chercheur et trois étudiants de maîtrise ou de doctorat. Le projet devrait débuter le 1er octobre 2020 et durer 36 mois jusqu’au 30 septembre 2023. Le projet sera mis en œuvre par l’Université de Lettonie en coopération avec son partenaire SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Le total des coûts éligibles du projet s’élève à 646 361,50 EUR, dont: 57,8 % de cofinancement FEDER d’un montant de 373 596,94 EUR. piégeage et stockage du carbone; déchets solides municipaux; combustibles dérivés des déchets; traitement thermochimique; systèmes de distribution à petite échelle; bioénergie grâce au captage et au stockage du carbone. (French)
Property / summary: L’objectif principal du projet est d’élargir la base de connaissances sur les technologies de captage et de stockage du carbone (CSC) pour le recyclage des déchets municipaux solides dans une approche intégrant le captage et le stockage du carbone dans le concept de «l’énergie issue des déchets». Ainsi, l’objectif du projet est de développer et de développer le captage et le stockage du dioxyde de carbone (CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets) résultant du recyclage des déchets municipaux. Selon ce concept, l’objectif du projet est (1) de développer et d’étendre la technologie de traitement thermochimique (gazéification) des combustibles dérivés des déchets (NAIK ou RDF), d’évaluer, d’étudier et (2) d’adapter la solution la plus appropriée du point de vue technologique et économique pour la réalisation du captage du dioxyde de carbone avant la combustion dans le cadre du processus de recyclage des déchets thermochimiques; les activités et les résultats du projet sont directement liés à la recherche dans le secteur de l’énergie et d’autres secteurs économiques tels que les services publics, l’industrie chimique et d’autres secteurs. L’étude est pleinement conforme aux objectifs de la stratégie nationale lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) «Énergie intelligente» et de ses domaines connexes «Matériaux intelligents, technologies et systèmes d’ingénierie» et «bioéconomie à forte intensité de connaissances». Le projet et les résultats escomptés entrent dans le champ d’application de la Classification statistique des activités économiques (NACE Rév. 2) 38.21 — Traitement et élimination des déchets (à l’exclusion des déchets dangereux). Le projet sera mis en œuvre en tant que recherche industrielle dans le domaine des technologies environnementales et n’est pas de nature économique. Les principales activités du projet sont les suivantes: 1) une analyse des méthodes de captage du carbone disponibles à l’aide d’analyses bibliographiques et d’essais en laboratoire qui mèneront à la sélection de la solution de captage du carbone la plus appropriée; 2) la recherche sur les produits de gazéification des combustibles récupérés (FRD) dans le contexte de la CCSW, y compris une description de l’impact des gaz de synthèse générés par le procédé (appelés gaz de synthèse) sur le captage du carbone, ainsi que la possibilité d’utiliser le biocharbon dérivé des déchets comme sorbants dans le cycle de captage du dioxyde de carbone; 3) planification, mise en place et raccordement de l’unité de captage du dioxyde de carbone à l’installation de pyrogazéification RDF établie à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet précédent du groupe de projet (démontrant ainsi un prototype conceptuel de l’installation de captage du dioxyde de carbone); 4) Diffusion des résultats du projet. Les résultats suivants sont attendus à la fin de la réalisation du projet: trois documents scientifiques originaux, qui seront soumis pour publication dans des revues ou des documents de conférence contenus dans le Web of Science ou les bases de données SCOPUS; un article scientifique original, qui sera présenté pour publication dans la revue High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), ainsi que cinq présentations lors de conférences internationales. À la suite du projet, une installation expérimentale (le module — sa planification et son développement) sera mise en place, qui permettra de capter le dioxyde de carbone provenant des gaz de synthèse produits lors de la gazéification des combustibles usagés, ainsi qu’une technologie optimisée pour le processus de captage du carbone. Il est prévu de protéger la technologie de captage et d’élimination du carbone mise au point à la suite du recyclage des déchets avec le brevet de la République de Lettonie. Une grande attention sera accordée à la diffusion des résultats des projets et à la diffusion des résultats de la CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets, en les présentant lors de conférences scientifiques internationales, lors de réunions d’experts au niveau national, dans des publications scientifiques et populaires, ainsi que sur Internet. Le projet prévoit deux postes pour les jeunes scientifiques, un jeune chercheur et trois étudiants de maîtrise ou de doctorat. Le projet devrait débuter le 1er octobre 2020 et durer 36 mois jusqu’au 30 septembre 2023. Le projet sera mis en œuvre par l’Université de Lettonie en coopération avec son partenaire SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Le total des coûts éligibles du projet s’élève à 646 361,50 EUR, dont: 57,8 % de cofinancement FEDER d’un montant de 373 596,94 EUR. piégeage et stockage du carbone; déchets solides municipaux; combustibles dérivés des déchets; traitement thermochimique; systèmes de distribution à petite échelle; bioénergie grâce au captage et au stockage du carbone. (French) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: L’objectif principal du projet est d’élargir la base de connaissances sur les technologies de captage et de stockage du carbone (CSC) pour le recyclage des déchets municipaux solides dans une approche intégrant le captage et le stockage du carbone dans le concept de «l’énergie issue des déchets». Ainsi, l’objectif du projet est de développer et de développer le captage et le stockage du dioxyde de carbone (CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets) résultant du recyclage des déchets municipaux. Selon ce concept, l’objectif du projet est (1) de développer et d’étendre la technologie de traitement thermochimique (gazéification) des combustibles dérivés des déchets (NAIK ou RDF), d’évaluer, d’étudier et (2) d’adapter la solution la plus appropriée du point de vue technologique et économique pour la réalisation du captage du dioxyde de carbone avant la combustion dans le cadre du processus de recyclage des déchets thermochimiques; les activités et les résultats du projet sont directement liés à la recherche dans le secteur de l’énergie et d’autres secteurs économiques tels que les services publics, l’industrie chimique et d’autres secteurs. L’étude est pleinement conforme aux objectifs de la stratégie nationale lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) «Énergie intelligente» et de ses domaines connexes «Matériaux intelligents, technologies et systèmes d’ingénierie» et «bioéconomie à forte intensité de connaissances». Le projet et les résultats escomptés entrent dans le champ d’application de la Classification statistique des activités économiques (NACE Rév. 2) 38.21 — Traitement et élimination des déchets (à l’exclusion des déchets dangereux). Le projet sera mis en œuvre en tant que recherche industrielle dans le domaine des technologies environnementales et n’est pas de nature économique. Les principales activités du projet sont les suivantes: 1) une analyse des méthodes de captage du carbone disponibles à l’aide d’analyses bibliographiques et d’essais en laboratoire qui mèneront à la sélection de la solution de captage du carbone la plus appropriée; 2) la recherche sur les produits de gazéification des combustibles récupérés (FRD) dans le contexte de la CCSW, y compris une description de l’impact des gaz de synthèse générés par le procédé (appelés gaz de synthèse) sur le captage du carbone, ainsi que la possibilité d’utiliser le biocharbon dérivé des déchets comme sorbants dans le cycle de captage du dioxyde de carbone; 3) planification, mise en place et raccordement de l’unité de captage du dioxyde de carbone à l’installation de pyrogazéification RDF établie à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet précédent du groupe de projet (démontrant ainsi un prototype conceptuel de l’installation de captage du dioxyde de carbone); 4) Diffusion des résultats du projet. Les résultats suivants sont attendus à la fin de la réalisation du projet: trois documents scientifiques originaux, qui seront soumis pour publication dans des revues ou des documents de conférence contenus dans le Web of Science ou les bases de données SCOPUS; un article scientifique original, qui sera présenté pour publication dans la revue High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), ainsi que cinq présentations lors de conférences internationales. À la suite du projet, une installation expérimentale (le module — sa planification et son développement) sera mise en place, qui permettra de capter le dioxyde de carbone provenant des gaz de synthèse produits lors de la gazéification des combustibles usagés, ainsi qu’une technologie optimisée pour le processus de captage du carbone. Il est prévu de protéger la technologie de captage et d’élimination du carbone mise au point à la suite du recyclage des déchets avec le brevet de la République de Lettonie. Une grande attention sera accordée à la diffusion des résultats des projets et à la diffusion des résultats de la CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets, en les présentant lors de conférences scientifiques internationales, lors de réunions d’experts au niveau national, dans des publications scientifiques et populaires, ainsi que sur Internet. Le projet prévoit deux postes pour les jeunes scientifiques, un jeune chercheur et trois étudiants de maîtrise ou de doctorat. Le projet devrait débuter le 1er octobre 2020 et durer 36 mois jusqu’au 30 septembre 2023. Le projet sera mis en œuvre par l’Université de Lettonie en coopération avec son partenaire SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Le total des coûts éligibles du projet s’élève à 646 361,50 EUR, dont: 57,8 % de cofinancement FEDER d’un montant de 373 596,94 EUR. piégeage et stockage du carbone; déchets solides municipaux; combustibles dérivés des déchets; traitement thermochimique; systèmes de distribution à petite échelle; bioénergie grâce au captage et au stockage du carbone. (French) / qualifier
point in time: 25 November 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Erweiterung der Wissensbasis über Technologien zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung (CCS) für das Recycling fester Siedlungsabfälle in einem Ansatz, der die Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -Speicherung in das Konzept „Energie aus Abfällen“ integriert. Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Entwicklung von Kohlendioxidabscheidung und -speicherung (sog. CCSW- CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aus Abfällen), die sich aus dem Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen ergeben. Ziel des Projekts ist es, (1) die thermochemische (Vergasungs-)Verarbeitungstechnologie von zuvor entwickelten abfallbedingten Brennstoffen (NAIK oder RDF) zu entwickeln und zu erweitern, um die technologisch und wirtschaftlich am besten geeignete Lösung für die Realisierung der CO2-Abscheidung vor der Verbrennung im thermochemischen Abfallrecycling zu bewerten, zu untersuchen und (2) anzupassen; Entwicklung einer Versuchsanlage, um das Potenzial der CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aufzuzeigen und zu einer innovativen Lösung für das Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen zu werden. Die Projektaktivitäten und -ergebnisse stehen in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Forschung im Energiesektor und anderen Wirtschaftszweigen wie öffentlichen Dienstleistungen, Chemieindustrie und anderen Sektoren. Die Studie steht voll und ganz im Einklang mit den Zielen der lettischen nationalen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) und den damit verbundenen Bereichen „Smart Materials, Technology and Engineering Systems“ und „Wissensintensive Bioökonomie“. Das Projekt und die erwarteten Ergebnisse fallen in den Anwendungsbereich der statistischen Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Abfallbehandlung und -entsorgung (ohne gefährliche Abfälle). Das Projekt wird als industrielle Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Umwelttechnologien durchgeführt und ist nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Projekts sind: 1) eine Analyse der verfügbaren CO2-Abscheidungsmethoden unter Verwendung von Literaturanalysen und Labortests, die zur Auswahl der am besten geeigneten CO2-Abscheidungslösung führen; 2) Erforschung der Vergasungsprodukte von abfallverwerteten Brennstoffen (RDF) im Zusammenhang mit CCSW, einschließlich einer Beschreibung der Auswirkungen der prozessgenerierten Synthesegase (sog. Syngas) auf die Kohlenstoffabscheidung, sowie Prüfung der Möglichkeit, Biokohle aus Abfällen als Sorbensmittel im Kohlendioxidabscheidungszyklus zu verwenden; 3) Planung, Errichtung und Verbindung der Kohlendioxidabscheidung mit der RDF-Pyrovergasungsanlage, die infolge der Durchführung des früheren Projekts der Projektgruppe eingerichtet wurde (damit ein konzeptueller Prototyp der Kohlendioxidabscheidungsanlage demonstriert wird); 4) Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse. Folgende Ergebnisse werden am Ende der Projektdurchführung erwartet: drei ursprüngliche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die zur Veröffentlichung in Zeitschriften oder Konferenzpapieren in Web of Science oder SCOPUS-Datenbanken eingereicht werden; ein ursprünglicher wissenschaftlicher Artikel, der zur Veröffentlichung in der Zeitschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) sowie fünf Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen präsentiert wird. Als Ergebnis des Projekts wird eine experimentelle Anlage (das Modul – seine Planung und Entwicklung) eingerichtet, die die Abscheidung von Kohlendioxid aus Synthesegasen ermöglicht, die bei der Vergasung von Abfallbrennstoffen erzeugt werden, sowie eine optimierte Technologie für den CO2-Abscheidungsprozess. Es ist geplant, die CO2-Abscheidungs- und Entsorgungstechnologie zu schützen, die durch das Recycling von Abfällen mit dem Patent der Republik Lettland entwickelt wurde. Große Aufmerksamkeit wird der Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse und der Verbreitung von CCSW-CO2-Abscheidungs- und -Speichern aus Abfallresultaten gewidmet, indem sie sie auf internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, auf nationalen Expertensitzungen, in wissenschaftlichen und populären Publikationen sowie im Internet präsentiert. Das Projekt sieht zwei Positionen für junge Wissenschaftler, einen jungen Forscher und drei Master- oder Doktoranden vor. Das Projekt soll am 01/10/2020 beginnen und 36 Monate bis zum 30.9.2023 laufen. Das Projekt wird von der Universität Lettland in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Partner SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO“ (Regionale Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft Kurzeme) durchgeführt. Die förderfähigen Gesamtkosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf 6 463 661,50 EUR, davon: 57,8 % EFRE-Kofinanzierung in Höhe von 3 735 596,94 EUR. CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung; feste Siedlungsabfälle; abfallbedingte Brennstoffe; thermochemische Behandlung; kleine Verteilersysteme; Bioenergie durch Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung. (German)
Property / summary: Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Erweiterung der Wissensbasis über Technologien zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung (CCS) für das Recycling fester Siedlungsabfälle in einem Ansatz, der die Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -Speicherung in das Konzept „Energie aus Abfällen“ integriert. Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Entwicklung von Kohlendioxidabscheidung und -speicherung (sog. CCSW- CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aus Abfällen), die sich aus dem Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen ergeben. Ziel des Projekts ist es, (1) die thermochemische (Vergasungs-)Verarbeitungstechnologie von zuvor entwickelten abfallbedingten Brennstoffen (NAIK oder RDF) zu entwickeln und zu erweitern, um die technologisch und wirtschaftlich am besten geeignete Lösung für die Realisierung der CO2-Abscheidung vor der Verbrennung im thermochemischen Abfallrecycling zu bewerten, zu untersuchen und (2) anzupassen; Entwicklung einer Versuchsanlage, um das Potenzial der CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aufzuzeigen und zu einer innovativen Lösung für das Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen zu werden. Die Projektaktivitäten und -ergebnisse stehen in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Forschung im Energiesektor und anderen Wirtschaftszweigen wie öffentlichen Dienstleistungen, Chemieindustrie und anderen Sektoren. Die Studie steht voll und ganz im Einklang mit den Zielen der lettischen nationalen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) und den damit verbundenen Bereichen „Smart Materials, Technology and Engineering Systems“ und „Wissensintensive Bioökonomie“. Das Projekt und die erwarteten Ergebnisse fallen in den Anwendungsbereich der statistischen Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Abfallbehandlung und -entsorgung (ohne gefährliche Abfälle). Das Projekt wird als industrielle Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Umwelttechnologien durchgeführt und ist nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Projekts sind: 1) eine Analyse der verfügbaren CO2-Abscheidungsmethoden unter Verwendung von Literaturanalysen und Labortests, die zur Auswahl der am besten geeigneten CO2-Abscheidungslösung führen; 2) Erforschung der Vergasungsprodukte von abfallverwerteten Brennstoffen (RDF) im Zusammenhang mit CCSW, einschließlich einer Beschreibung der Auswirkungen der prozessgenerierten Synthesegase (sog. Syngas) auf die Kohlenstoffabscheidung, sowie Prüfung der Möglichkeit, Biokohle aus Abfällen als Sorbensmittel im Kohlendioxidabscheidungszyklus zu verwenden; 3) Planung, Errichtung und Verbindung der Kohlendioxidabscheidung mit der RDF-Pyrovergasungsanlage, die infolge der Durchführung des früheren Projekts der Projektgruppe eingerichtet wurde (damit ein konzeptueller Prototyp der Kohlendioxidabscheidungsanlage demonstriert wird); 4) Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse. Folgende Ergebnisse werden am Ende der Projektdurchführung erwartet: drei ursprüngliche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die zur Veröffentlichung in Zeitschriften oder Konferenzpapieren in Web of Science oder SCOPUS-Datenbanken eingereicht werden; ein ursprünglicher wissenschaftlicher Artikel, der zur Veröffentlichung in der Zeitschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) sowie fünf Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen präsentiert wird. Als Ergebnis des Projekts wird eine experimentelle Anlage (das Modul – seine Planung und Entwicklung) eingerichtet, die die Abscheidung von Kohlendioxid aus Synthesegasen ermöglicht, die bei der Vergasung von Abfallbrennstoffen erzeugt werden, sowie eine optimierte Technologie für den CO2-Abscheidungsprozess. Es ist geplant, die CO2-Abscheidungs- und Entsorgungstechnologie zu schützen, die durch das Recycling von Abfällen mit dem Patent der Republik Lettland entwickelt wurde. Große Aufmerksamkeit wird der Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse und der Verbreitung von CCSW-CO2-Abscheidungs- und -Speichern aus Abfallresultaten gewidmet, indem sie sie auf internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, auf nationalen Expertensitzungen, in wissenschaftlichen und populären Publikationen sowie im Internet präsentiert. Das Projekt sieht zwei Positionen für junge Wissenschaftler, einen jungen Forscher und drei Master- oder Doktoranden vor. Das Projekt soll am 01/10/2020 beginnen und 36 Monate bis zum 30.9.2023 laufen. Das Projekt wird von der Universität Lettland in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Partner SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO“ (Regionale Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft Kurzeme) durchgeführt. Die förderfähigen Gesamtkosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf 6 463 661,50 EUR, davon: 57,8 % EFRE-Kofinanzierung in Höhe von 3 735 596,94 EUR. CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung; feste Siedlungsabfälle; abfallbedingte Brennstoffe; thermochemische Behandlung; kleine Verteilersysteme; Bioenergie durch Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung. (German) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Erweiterung der Wissensbasis über Technologien zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung (CCS) für das Recycling fester Siedlungsabfälle in einem Ansatz, der die Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -Speicherung in das Konzept „Energie aus Abfällen“ integriert. Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Entwicklung von Kohlendioxidabscheidung und -speicherung (sog. CCSW- CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aus Abfällen), die sich aus dem Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen ergeben. Ziel des Projekts ist es, (1) die thermochemische (Vergasungs-)Verarbeitungstechnologie von zuvor entwickelten abfallbedingten Brennstoffen (NAIK oder RDF) zu entwickeln und zu erweitern, um die technologisch und wirtschaftlich am besten geeignete Lösung für die Realisierung der CO2-Abscheidung vor der Verbrennung im thermochemischen Abfallrecycling zu bewerten, zu untersuchen und (2) anzupassen; Entwicklung einer Versuchsanlage, um das Potenzial der CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aufzuzeigen und zu einer innovativen Lösung für das Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen zu werden. Die Projektaktivitäten und -ergebnisse stehen in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Forschung im Energiesektor und anderen Wirtschaftszweigen wie öffentlichen Dienstleistungen, Chemieindustrie und anderen Sektoren. Die Studie steht voll und ganz im Einklang mit den Zielen der lettischen nationalen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) und den damit verbundenen Bereichen „Smart Materials, Technology and Engineering Systems“ und „Wissensintensive Bioökonomie“. Das Projekt und die erwarteten Ergebnisse fallen in den Anwendungsbereich der statistischen Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Abfallbehandlung und -entsorgung (ohne gefährliche Abfälle). Das Projekt wird als industrielle Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Umwelttechnologien durchgeführt und ist nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Projekts sind: 1) eine Analyse der verfügbaren CO2-Abscheidungsmethoden unter Verwendung von Literaturanalysen und Labortests, die zur Auswahl der am besten geeigneten CO2-Abscheidungslösung führen; 2) Erforschung der Vergasungsprodukte von abfallverwerteten Brennstoffen (RDF) im Zusammenhang mit CCSW, einschließlich einer Beschreibung der Auswirkungen der prozessgenerierten Synthesegase (sog. Syngas) auf die Kohlenstoffabscheidung, sowie Prüfung der Möglichkeit, Biokohle aus Abfällen als Sorbensmittel im Kohlendioxidabscheidungszyklus zu verwenden; 3) Planung, Errichtung und Verbindung der Kohlendioxidabscheidung mit der RDF-Pyrovergasungsanlage, die infolge der Durchführung des früheren Projekts der Projektgruppe eingerichtet wurde (damit ein konzeptueller Prototyp der Kohlendioxidabscheidungsanlage demonstriert wird); 4) Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse. Folgende Ergebnisse werden am Ende der Projektdurchführung erwartet: drei ursprüngliche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die zur Veröffentlichung in Zeitschriften oder Konferenzpapieren in Web of Science oder SCOPUS-Datenbanken eingereicht werden; ein ursprünglicher wissenschaftlicher Artikel, der zur Veröffentlichung in der Zeitschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) sowie fünf Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen präsentiert wird. Als Ergebnis des Projekts wird eine experimentelle Anlage (das Modul – seine Planung und Entwicklung) eingerichtet, die die Abscheidung von Kohlendioxid aus Synthesegasen ermöglicht, die bei der Vergasung von Abfallbrennstoffen erzeugt werden, sowie eine optimierte Technologie für den CO2-Abscheidungsprozess. Es ist geplant, die CO2-Abscheidungs- und Entsorgungstechnologie zu schützen, die durch das Recycling von Abfällen mit dem Patent der Republik Lettland entwickelt wurde. Große Aufmerksamkeit wird der Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse und der Verbreitung von CCSW-CO2-Abscheidungs- und -Speichern aus Abfallresultaten gewidmet, indem sie sie auf internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, auf nationalen Expertensitzungen, in wissenschaftlichen und populären Publikationen sowie im Internet präsentiert. Das Projekt sieht zwei Positionen für junge Wissenschaftler, einen jungen Forscher und drei Master- oder Doktoranden vor. Das Projekt soll am 01/10/2020 beginnen und 36 Monate bis zum 30.9.2023 laufen. Das Projekt wird von der Universität Lettland in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Partner SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO“ (Regionale Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft Kurzeme) durchgeführt. Die förderfähigen Gesamtkosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf 6 463 661,50 EUR, davon: 57,8 % EFRE-Kofinanzierung in Höhe von 3 735 596,94 EUR. CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung; feste Siedlungsabfälle; abfallbedingte Brennstoffe; thermochemische Behandlung; kleine Verteilersysteme; Bioenergie durch Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung. (German) / qualifier
point in time: 28 November 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
De belangrijkste doelstelling van het project is het uitbreiden van de kennisbasis over technologieën voor koolstofafvang en -opslag (CCS) voor de recycling van vast stedelijk afval in een aanpak die koolstofafvang en -opslag in het concept „energie uit afval” integreert. Het doel van het project is dus het ontwikkelen en ontwikkelen van koolstofdioxideafvang en -opslag (de zogenaamde CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) als gevolg van de recycling van stedelijk afval. Volgens dit concept is het doel van het project (1) het ontwikkelen en uitbreiden van de thermochemische (vergassing) verwerkingstechnologie van eerder ontwikkelde afvalafkomstige brandstoffen (NAIK of RDF), het evalueren, bestuderen en (2) aanpassen van de meest technologisch en economisch geschikte oplossing voor de realisatie van koolstofdioxide-afvang vóór verbranding in het thermochemische afvalrecyclingproces; en een experimentele faciliteit te ontwikkelen om het potentieel voor koolstofafvang en -opslag aan te tonen en een innovatieve oplossing te worden voor de recycling van stedelijk afval. De projectactiviteiten en resultaten zijn rechtstreeks gekoppeld aan onderzoek in de energiesector en andere economische sectoren zoals overheidsdiensten, de chemische industrie en andere sectoren. De studie is volledig in overeenstemming met de doelstellingen van de Letse nationale strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3) „Slimme energie” en de bijbehorende gebieden „Slimme materialen, technologie en technische systemen” en „kennisintensieve bio-economie”. Het project en de verwachte resultaten vallen binnen het toepassingsgebied van de statistische classificatie van economische activiteiten (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Afvalverwerking en -verwijdering (met uitzondering van gevaarlijke afvalstoffen). Het project zal worden uitgevoerd als industrieel onderzoek op het gebied van milieutechnologieën en is niet van economische aard. De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn: 1) een analyse van de beschikbare koolstofafvangmethoden aan de hand van literatuuranalyses en laboratoriumtests die zullen leiden tot de selectie van de meest geschikte koolstofafvangoplossing; 2) onderzoek naar vergassingsproducten van teruggewonnen afvalbrandstoffen (RDF’s) in het kader van CCSW, met inbegrip van een beschrijving van het effect van procesgegenereerde synthesegassen (zogenaamde syngas) op koolstofafvang, en onderzoek naar de mogelijkheid om biokool afkomstig uit afval als sorbens te gebruiken in de koolstofdioxideafvangcyclus; 3) planning, oprichting en aansluiting van de kooldioxideafvangeenheid met de RDF-pyrovergassingsinstallatie die is opgericht naar aanleiding van de uitvoering van het vorige project van de projectgroep (waardoor een conceptueel prototype van de koolstofdioxideafvanginstallatie wordt aangetoond); 4) Verspreiding van de projectresultaten. Aan het einde van het project worden de volgende resultaten verwacht: drie originele wetenschappelijke papers, die zullen worden ingediend voor publicatie in tijdschriften of conferentiedocumenten die zijn opgenomen in Web of Science-databanken of SCOPUS-databanken; een origineel wetenschappelijk artikel, dat zal worden gepresenteerd voor publicatie in het tijdschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), evenals vijf presentaties op internationale conferenties. Als gevolg van het project zal een experimentele installatie (de module — planning en ontwikkeling) worden opgezet, die het mogelijk zal maken koolstofdioxide op te vangen uit synthesegassen die worden geproduceerd tijdens de vergassing van afvalbrandstoffen, alsook een geoptimaliseerde technologie voor het koolstofafvangproces. Het is de bedoeling de technologie voor koolstofafvang en -verwijdering te beschermen die is ontwikkeld als gevolg van de recycling van afval met het octrooi van de Republiek Letland. Er zal veel aandacht worden besteed aan de verspreiding van de projectresultaten en de verspreiding van de resultaten van CCSW — CO2-afvang en -opslag uit afval, door deze te presenteren op internationale wetenschappelijke conferenties, op vergaderingen van deskundigen op nationaal niveau, in wetenschappelijke en populaire publicaties, alsook op internet. Het project voorziet in twee functies voor jonge wetenschappers, een jonge onderzoeker en drie master- of doctoraatsstudenten. Het project zal op 1 oktober 2020 van start gaan en 36 maanden lopen tot 30.09.2023. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd door de Universiteit van Letland in samenwerking met haar partner — SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO” (regionaal afvalbeheerbedrijf Kurzeme). De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 646 361,50 EUR, waarvan: 57,8 % EFRO-medefinanciering voor een bedrag van 373 596,94 EUR. koolstofafvang en -opslag; vast stedelijk afval; uit afval verkregen brandstoffen; thermochemische behandeling; kleinschalige distributiesystemen; bio-energie door koolstofafvang en -opslag. (Dutch)
Property / summary: De belangrijkste doelstelling van het project is het uitbreiden van de kennisbasis over technologieën voor koolstofafvang en -opslag (CCS) voor de recycling van vast stedelijk afval in een aanpak die koolstofafvang en -opslag in het concept „energie uit afval” integreert. Het doel van het project is dus het ontwikkelen en ontwikkelen van koolstofdioxideafvang en -opslag (de zogenaamde CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) als gevolg van de recycling van stedelijk afval. Volgens dit concept is het doel van het project (1) het ontwikkelen en uitbreiden van de thermochemische (vergassing) verwerkingstechnologie van eerder ontwikkelde afvalafkomstige brandstoffen (NAIK of RDF), het evalueren, bestuderen en (2) aanpassen van de meest technologisch en economisch geschikte oplossing voor de realisatie van koolstofdioxide-afvang vóór verbranding in het thermochemische afvalrecyclingproces; en een experimentele faciliteit te ontwikkelen om het potentieel voor koolstofafvang en -opslag aan te tonen en een innovatieve oplossing te worden voor de recycling van stedelijk afval. De projectactiviteiten en resultaten zijn rechtstreeks gekoppeld aan onderzoek in de energiesector en andere economische sectoren zoals overheidsdiensten, de chemische industrie en andere sectoren. De studie is volledig in overeenstemming met de doelstellingen van de Letse nationale strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3) „Slimme energie” en de bijbehorende gebieden „Slimme materialen, technologie en technische systemen” en „kennisintensieve bio-economie”. Het project en de verwachte resultaten vallen binnen het toepassingsgebied van de statistische classificatie van economische activiteiten (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Afvalverwerking en -verwijdering (met uitzondering van gevaarlijke afvalstoffen). Het project zal worden uitgevoerd als industrieel onderzoek op het gebied van milieutechnologieën en is niet van economische aard. De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn: 1) een analyse van de beschikbare koolstofafvangmethoden aan de hand van literatuuranalyses en laboratoriumtests die zullen leiden tot de selectie van de meest geschikte koolstofafvangoplossing; 2) onderzoek naar vergassingsproducten van teruggewonnen afvalbrandstoffen (RDF’s) in het kader van CCSW, met inbegrip van een beschrijving van het effect van procesgegenereerde synthesegassen (zogenaamde syngas) op koolstofafvang, en onderzoek naar de mogelijkheid om biokool afkomstig uit afval als sorbens te gebruiken in de koolstofdioxideafvangcyclus; 3) planning, oprichting en aansluiting van de kooldioxideafvangeenheid met de RDF-pyrovergassingsinstallatie die is opgericht naar aanleiding van de uitvoering van het vorige project van de projectgroep (waardoor een conceptueel prototype van de koolstofdioxideafvanginstallatie wordt aangetoond); 4) Verspreiding van de projectresultaten. Aan het einde van het project worden de volgende resultaten verwacht: drie originele wetenschappelijke papers, die zullen worden ingediend voor publicatie in tijdschriften of conferentiedocumenten die zijn opgenomen in Web of Science-databanken of SCOPUS-databanken; een origineel wetenschappelijk artikel, dat zal worden gepresenteerd voor publicatie in het tijdschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), evenals vijf presentaties op internationale conferenties. Als gevolg van het project zal een experimentele installatie (de module — planning en ontwikkeling) worden opgezet, die het mogelijk zal maken koolstofdioxide op te vangen uit synthesegassen die worden geproduceerd tijdens de vergassing van afvalbrandstoffen, alsook een geoptimaliseerde technologie voor het koolstofafvangproces. Het is de bedoeling de technologie voor koolstofafvang en -verwijdering te beschermen die is ontwikkeld als gevolg van de recycling van afval met het octrooi van de Republiek Letland. Er zal veel aandacht worden besteed aan de verspreiding van de projectresultaten en de verspreiding van de resultaten van CCSW — CO2-afvang en -opslag uit afval, door deze te presenteren op internationale wetenschappelijke conferenties, op vergaderingen van deskundigen op nationaal niveau, in wetenschappelijke en populaire publicaties, alsook op internet. Het project voorziet in twee functies voor jonge wetenschappers, een jonge onderzoeker en drie master- of doctoraatsstudenten. Het project zal op 1 oktober 2020 van start gaan en 36 maanden lopen tot 30.09.2023. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd door de Universiteit van Letland in samenwerking met haar partner — SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO” (regionaal afvalbeheerbedrijf Kurzeme). De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 646 361,50 EUR, waarvan: 57,8 % EFRO-medefinanciering voor een bedrag van 373 596,94 EUR. koolstofafvang en -opslag; vast stedelijk afval; uit afval verkregen brandstoffen; thermochemische behandeling; kleinschalige distributiesystemen; bio-energie door koolstofafvang en -opslag. (Dutch) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: De belangrijkste doelstelling van het project is het uitbreiden van de kennisbasis over technologieën voor koolstofafvang en -opslag (CCS) voor de recycling van vast stedelijk afval in een aanpak die koolstofafvang en -opslag in het concept „energie uit afval” integreert. Het doel van het project is dus het ontwikkelen en ontwikkelen van koolstofdioxideafvang en -opslag (de zogenaamde CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) als gevolg van de recycling van stedelijk afval. Volgens dit concept is het doel van het project (1) het ontwikkelen en uitbreiden van de thermochemische (vergassing) verwerkingstechnologie van eerder ontwikkelde afvalafkomstige brandstoffen (NAIK of RDF), het evalueren, bestuderen en (2) aanpassen van de meest technologisch en economisch geschikte oplossing voor de realisatie van koolstofdioxide-afvang vóór verbranding in het thermochemische afvalrecyclingproces; en een experimentele faciliteit te ontwikkelen om het potentieel voor koolstofafvang en -opslag aan te tonen en een innovatieve oplossing te worden voor de recycling van stedelijk afval. De projectactiviteiten en resultaten zijn rechtstreeks gekoppeld aan onderzoek in de energiesector en andere economische sectoren zoals overheidsdiensten, de chemische industrie en andere sectoren. De studie is volledig in overeenstemming met de doelstellingen van de Letse nationale strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3) „Slimme energie” en de bijbehorende gebieden „Slimme materialen, technologie en technische systemen” en „kennisintensieve bio-economie”. Het project en de verwachte resultaten vallen binnen het toepassingsgebied van de statistische classificatie van economische activiteiten (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Afvalverwerking en -verwijdering (met uitzondering van gevaarlijke afvalstoffen). Het project zal worden uitgevoerd als industrieel onderzoek op het gebied van milieutechnologieën en is niet van economische aard. De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn: 1) een analyse van de beschikbare koolstofafvangmethoden aan de hand van literatuuranalyses en laboratoriumtests die zullen leiden tot de selectie van de meest geschikte koolstofafvangoplossing; 2) onderzoek naar vergassingsproducten van teruggewonnen afvalbrandstoffen (RDF’s) in het kader van CCSW, met inbegrip van een beschrijving van het effect van procesgegenereerde synthesegassen (zogenaamde syngas) op koolstofafvang, en onderzoek naar de mogelijkheid om biokool afkomstig uit afval als sorbens te gebruiken in de koolstofdioxideafvangcyclus; 3) planning, oprichting en aansluiting van de kooldioxideafvangeenheid met de RDF-pyrovergassingsinstallatie die is opgericht naar aanleiding van de uitvoering van het vorige project van de projectgroep (waardoor een conceptueel prototype van de koolstofdioxideafvanginstallatie wordt aangetoond); 4) Verspreiding van de projectresultaten. Aan het einde van het project worden de volgende resultaten verwacht: drie originele wetenschappelijke papers, die zullen worden ingediend voor publicatie in tijdschriften of conferentiedocumenten die zijn opgenomen in Web of Science-databanken of SCOPUS-databanken; een origineel wetenschappelijk artikel, dat zal worden gepresenteerd voor publicatie in het tijdschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), evenals vijf presentaties op internationale conferenties. Als gevolg van het project zal een experimentele installatie (de module — planning en ontwikkeling) worden opgezet, die het mogelijk zal maken koolstofdioxide op te vangen uit synthesegassen die worden geproduceerd tijdens de vergassing van afvalbrandstoffen, alsook een geoptimaliseerde technologie voor het koolstofafvangproces. Het is de bedoeling de technologie voor koolstofafvang en -verwijdering te beschermen die is ontwikkeld als gevolg van de recycling van afval met het octrooi van de Republiek Letland. Er zal veel aandacht worden besteed aan de verspreiding van de projectresultaten en de verspreiding van de resultaten van CCSW — CO2-afvang en -opslag uit afval, door deze te presenteren op internationale wetenschappelijke conferenties, op vergaderingen van deskundigen op nationaal niveau, in wetenschappelijke en populaire publicaties, alsook op internet. Het project voorziet in twee functies voor jonge wetenschappers, een jonge onderzoeker en drie master- of doctoraatsstudenten. Het project zal op 1 oktober 2020 van start gaan en 36 maanden lopen tot 30.09.2023. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd door de Universiteit van Letland in samenwerking met haar partner — SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO” (regionaal afvalbeheerbedrijf Kurzeme). De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 646 361,50 EUR, waarvan: 57,8 % EFRO-medefinanciering voor een bedrag van 373 596,94 EUR. koolstofafvang en -opslag; vast stedelijk afval; uit afval verkregen brandstoffen; thermochemische behandeling; kleinschalige distributiesystemen; bio-energie door koolstofafvang en -opslag. (Dutch) / qualifier
point in time: 28 November 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
L'obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di ampliare la base di conoscenze sulle tecnologie di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio (CCS) per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti solidi urbani in un approccio che integra la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio nel concetto di "energia dai rifiuti". Pertanto, l'obiettivo del progetto è quello di sviluppare e sviluppare la cattura e lo stoccaggio dell'anidride carbonica (c.d. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) derivanti dal riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. In base a tale concetto, l'obiettivo del progetto è (1) sviluppare ed espandere la tecnologia di trattamento termochimica (gassificazione) dei combustibili derivati dai rifiuti precedentemente sviluppati (NAIK o RDF), per valutare, studiare e 2) adattare la soluzione più tecnologica ed economicamente appropriata per la realizzazione della cattura di anidride carbonica precombustione nell'ambito del processo di riciclaggio dei rifiuti termochimici; sviluppare un impianto sperimentale per dimostrare il potenziale di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio e diventare una soluzione innovativa per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. Le attività e i risultati del progetto sono direttamente legati alla ricerca nel settore dell'energia e in altri settori economici come i servizi pubblici, l'industria chimica e altri settori. Lo studio è pienamente coerente con gli obiettivi della strategia nazionale lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3) "Energia intelligente" e relativi settori "Materiali intelligenti, tecnologia e sistemi di ingegneria" e "bioeconomia ad alta intensità di conoscenze". Il progetto e i risultati attesi rientrano nell'ambito della classificazione statistica delle attività economiche (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattamento e smaltimento dei rifiuti (esclusi i rifiuti pericolosi). Il progetto sarà realizzato come ricerca industriale nel campo delle tecnologie ambientali e non di natura economica. Le principali attività del progetto sono: 1) un'analisi dei metodi disponibili di cattura del carbonio mediante analisi della letteratura e prove di laboratorio che portino alla scelta della soluzione più appropriata per la cattura del carbonio; 2) la ricerca sui prodotti di gassificazione dei combustibili recuperati dai rifiuti (RDF) nel contesto della CCSW, compresa una descrizione dell'impatto dei gas di sintesi generati dal processo (i cosiddetti gas di sintesi) sulla cattura del carbonio, nonché la possibilità di utilizzare il biocarbone derivato dai rifiuti come sorbenti nel ciclo di cattura dell'anidride carbonica; 3) pianificazione, realizzazione e collegamento dell'unità di cattura dell'anidride carbonica con l'impianto di pirogassificazione RDF istituito a seguito dell'attuazione del precedente progetto del gruppo di progetto (evidenziando così un prototipo concettuale dell'impianto di cattura dell'anidride carbonica); 4) Diffusione dei risultati del progetto. Al termine della realizzazione del progetto sono attesi i seguenti risultati: tre documenti scientifici originali, che saranno presentati per la pubblicazione in riviste o documenti di conferenza contenuti nelle banche dati Web of Science o SCOPUS; un articolo scientifico originale, che sarà presentato per la pubblicazione nella rivista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) e cinque presentazioni alle conferenze internazionali. Come risultato del progetto, sarà istituito un impianto sperimentale (il modulo — la sua pianificazione e sviluppo) che consentirà la cattura dell'anidride carbonica dai gas di sintesi prodotti durante la gassificazione dei combustibili di scarto, nonché una tecnologia ottimizzata per il processo di cattura del carbonio. Si prevede di proteggere la tecnologia di cattura e smaltimento del carbonio sviluppata a seguito del riciclaggio dei rifiuti con il brevetto della Repubblica di Lettonia. Grande attenzione sarà rivolta alla diffusione dei risultati dei progetti e alla diffusione dei risultati CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage dai rifiuti, presentandoli a conferenze scientifiche internazionali, a riunioni di esperti a livello nazionale, in pubblicazioni scientifiche e popolari, nonché su Internet. Il progetto prevede due posizioni per giovani scienziati, un giovane ricercatore e tre dottorandi. Il progetto dovrebbe iniziare l'1.10.2020 e durare 36 mesi fino al 30.9.2023. Il progetto sarà attuato dall'Università di Lettonia in collaborazione con il suo partner — SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (società regionale di gestione dei rifiuti di Kurzeme). I costi totali ammissibili del progetto ammontano a 646 361,50 EUR, di cui: 57,8 % di cofinanziamento FESR per un importo di 373 596,94 EUR. cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio; rifiuti solidi urbani; combustibili derivati dai rifiuti; trattamento termochimico; sistemi di distribuzione su piccola scala; bioenergia attraverso la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio. (Italian)
Property / summary: L'obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di ampliare la base di conoscenze sulle tecnologie di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio (CCS) per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti solidi urbani in un approccio che integra la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio nel concetto di "energia dai rifiuti". Pertanto, l'obiettivo del progetto è quello di sviluppare e sviluppare la cattura e lo stoccaggio dell'anidride carbonica (c.d. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) derivanti dal riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. In base a tale concetto, l'obiettivo del progetto è (1) sviluppare ed espandere la tecnologia di trattamento termochimica (gassificazione) dei combustibili derivati dai rifiuti precedentemente sviluppati (NAIK o RDF), per valutare, studiare e 2) adattare la soluzione più tecnologica ed economicamente appropriata per la realizzazione della cattura di anidride carbonica precombustione nell'ambito del processo di riciclaggio dei rifiuti termochimici; sviluppare un impianto sperimentale per dimostrare il potenziale di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio e diventare una soluzione innovativa per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. Le attività e i risultati del progetto sono direttamente legati alla ricerca nel settore dell'energia e in altri settori economici come i servizi pubblici, l'industria chimica e altri settori. Lo studio è pienamente coerente con gli obiettivi della strategia nazionale lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3) "Energia intelligente" e relativi settori "Materiali intelligenti, tecnologia e sistemi di ingegneria" e "bioeconomia ad alta intensità di conoscenze". Il progetto e i risultati attesi rientrano nell'ambito della classificazione statistica delle attività economiche (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattamento e smaltimento dei rifiuti (esclusi i rifiuti pericolosi). Il progetto sarà realizzato come ricerca industriale nel campo delle tecnologie ambientali e non di natura economica. Le principali attività del progetto sono: 1) un'analisi dei metodi disponibili di cattura del carbonio mediante analisi della letteratura e prove di laboratorio che portino alla scelta della soluzione più appropriata per la cattura del carbonio; 2) la ricerca sui prodotti di gassificazione dei combustibili recuperati dai rifiuti (RDF) nel contesto della CCSW, compresa una descrizione dell'impatto dei gas di sintesi generati dal processo (i cosiddetti gas di sintesi) sulla cattura del carbonio, nonché la possibilità di utilizzare il biocarbone derivato dai rifiuti come sorbenti nel ciclo di cattura dell'anidride carbonica; 3) pianificazione, realizzazione e collegamento dell'unità di cattura dell'anidride carbonica con l'impianto di pirogassificazione RDF istituito a seguito dell'attuazione del precedente progetto del gruppo di progetto (evidenziando così un prototipo concettuale dell'impianto di cattura dell'anidride carbonica); 4) Diffusione dei risultati del progetto. Al termine della realizzazione del progetto sono attesi i seguenti risultati: tre documenti scientifici originali, che saranno presentati per la pubblicazione in riviste o documenti di conferenza contenuti nelle banche dati Web of Science o SCOPUS; un articolo scientifico originale, che sarà presentato per la pubblicazione nella rivista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) e cinque presentazioni alle conferenze internazionali. Come risultato del progetto, sarà istituito un impianto sperimentale (il modulo — la sua pianificazione e sviluppo) che consentirà la cattura dell'anidride carbonica dai gas di sintesi prodotti durante la gassificazione dei combustibili di scarto, nonché una tecnologia ottimizzata per il processo di cattura del carbonio. Si prevede di proteggere la tecnologia di cattura e smaltimento del carbonio sviluppata a seguito del riciclaggio dei rifiuti con il brevetto della Repubblica di Lettonia. Grande attenzione sarà rivolta alla diffusione dei risultati dei progetti e alla diffusione dei risultati CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage dai rifiuti, presentandoli a conferenze scientifiche internazionali, a riunioni di esperti a livello nazionale, in pubblicazioni scientifiche e popolari, nonché su Internet. Il progetto prevede due posizioni per giovani scienziati, un giovane ricercatore e tre dottorandi. Il progetto dovrebbe iniziare l'1.10.2020 e durare 36 mesi fino al 30.9.2023. Il progetto sarà attuato dall'Università di Lettonia in collaborazione con il suo partner — SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (società regionale di gestione dei rifiuti di Kurzeme). I costi totali ammissibili del progetto ammontano a 646 361,50 EUR, di cui: 57,8 % di cofinanziamento FESR per un importo di 373 596,94 EUR. cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio; rifiuti solidi urbani; combustibili derivati dai rifiuti; trattamento termochimico; sistemi di distribuzione su piccola scala; bioenergia attraverso la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio. (Italian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: L'obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di ampliare la base di conoscenze sulle tecnologie di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio (CCS) per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti solidi urbani in un approccio che integra la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio nel concetto di "energia dai rifiuti". Pertanto, l'obiettivo del progetto è quello di sviluppare e sviluppare la cattura e lo stoccaggio dell'anidride carbonica (c.d. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) derivanti dal riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. In base a tale concetto, l'obiettivo del progetto è (1) sviluppare ed espandere la tecnologia di trattamento termochimica (gassificazione) dei combustibili derivati dai rifiuti precedentemente sviluppati (NAIK o RDF), per valutare, studiare e 2) adattare la soluzione più tecnologica ed economicamente appropriata per la realizzazione della cattura di anidride carbonica precombustione nell'ambito del processo di riciclaggio dei rifiuti termochimici; sviluppare un impianto sperimentale per dimostrare il potenziale di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio e diventare una soluzione innovativa per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. Le attività e i risultati del progetto sono direttamente legati alla ricerca nel settore dell'energia e in altri settori economici come i servizi pubblici, l'industria chimica e altri settori. Lo studio è pienamente coerente con gli obiettivi della strategia nazionale lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3) "Energia intelligente" e relativi settori "Materiali intelligenti, tecnologia e sistemi di ingegneria" e "bioeconomia ad alta intensità di conoscenze". Il progetto e i risultati attesi rientrano nell'ambito della classificazione statistica delle attività economiche (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattamento e smaltimento dei rifiuti (esclusi i rifiuti pericolosi). Il progetto sarà realizzato come ricerca industriale nel campo delle tecnologie ambientali e non di natura economica. Le principali attività del progetto sono: 1) un'analisi dei metodi disponibili di cattura del carbonio mediante analisi della letteratura e prove di laboratorio che portino alla scelta della soluzione più appropriata per la cattura del carbonio; 2) la ricerca sui prodotti di gassificazione dei combustibili recuperati dai rifiuti (RDF) nel contesto della CCSW, compresa una descrizione dell'impatto dei gas di sintesi generati dal processo (i cosiddetti gas di sintesi) sulla cattura del carbonio, nonché la possibilità di utilizzare il biocarbone derivato dai rifiuti come sorbenti nel ciclo di cattura dell'anidride carbonica; 3) pianificazione, realizzazione e collegamento dell'unità di cattura dell'anidride carbonica con l'impianto di pirogassificazione RDF istituito a seguito dell'attuazione del precedente progetto del gruppo di progetto (evidenziando così un prototipo concettuale dell'impianto di cattura dell'anidride carbonica); 4) Diffusione dei risultati del progetto. Al termine della realizzazione del progetto sono attesi i seguenti risultati: tre documenti scientifici originali, che saranno presentati per la pubblicazione in riviste o documenti di conferenza contenuti nelle banche dati Web of Science o SCOPUS; un articolo scientifico originale, che sarà presentato per la pubblicazione nella rivista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) e cinque presentazioni alle conferenze internazionali. Come risultato del progetto, sarà istituito un impianto sperimentale (il modulo — la sua pianificazione e sviluppo) che consentirà la cattura dell'anidride carbonica dai gas di sintesi prodotti durante la gassificazione dei combustibili di scarto, nonché una tecnologia ottimizzata per il processo di cattura del carbonio. Si prevede di proteggere la tecnologia di cattura e smaltimento del carbonio sviluppata a seguito del riciclaggio dei rifiuti con il brevetto della Repubblica di Lettonia. Grande attenzione sarà rivolta alla diffusione dei risultati dei progetti e alla diffusione dei risultati CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage dai rifiuti, presentandoli a conferenze scientifiche internazionali, a riunioni di esperti a livello nazionale, in pubblicazioni scientifiche e popolari, nonché su Internet. Il progetto prevede due posizioni per giovani scienziati, un giovane ricercatore e tre dottorandi. Il progetto dovrebbe iniziare l'1.10.2020 e durare 36 mesi fino al 30.9.2023. Il progetto sarà attuato dall'Università di Lettonia in collaborazione con il suo partner — SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (società regionale di gestione dei rifiuti di Kurzeme). I costi totali ammissibili del progetto ammontano a 646 361,50 EUR, di cui: 57,8 % di cofinanziamento FESR per un importo di 373 596,94 EUR. cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio; rifiuti solidi urbani; combustibili derivati dai rifiuti; trattamento termochimico; sistemi di distribuzione su piccola scala; bioenergia attraverso la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio. (Italian) / qualifier
point in time: 11 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
El objetivo principal del proyecto es ampliar la base de conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CCS) para el reciclado de residuos municipales sólidos en un enfoque que integre la captura y el almacenamiento de carbono en el concepto de «energía a partir de residuos». Así, el objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar y desarrollar la captura y el almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono (denominados CCSW-Captura y Almacenamiento de Carbono de Residuos) resultante del reciclado de residuos municipales. De acuerdo con este concepto, el objetivo del proyecto es 1) desarrollar y ampliar la tecnología de procesamiento termoquímica (gasificación) de combustibles derivados de residuos previamente desarrollados (NAIK o RDF), evaluar, estudiar y (2) adaptar la solución más adecuada desde el punto de vista tecnológico y económico para la realización de la captura de dióxido de carbono antes de la combustión en el proceso de reciclado de residuos termoquímicos; y desarrollar una instalación experimental para demostrar el potencial de captura y almacenamiento de carbono y convertirse en una solución innovadora para el reciclaje de residuos municipales. Las actividades del proyecto y los resultados están directamente relacionados con la investigación en el sector energético y otros sectores económicos como los servicios públicos, la industria química y otros sectores. El estudio es plenamente coherente con los objetivos de la estrategia nacional letona de especialización inteligente (RIS3) «Energía inteligente» y sus ámbitos conexos «materiales inteligentes, tecnología y sistemas de ingeniería» y «bioeconomía intensiva en conocimientos». El proyecto y sus resultados previstos entran en el ámbito de aplicación de la Clasificación Estadística de Actividades Económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamiento y eliminación de residuos (excluidos los residuos peligrosos). El proyecto se ejecutará como una investigación industrial en el campo de las tecnologías ambientales y no es de carácter económico. Las principales actividades del proyecto son: 1) un análisis de los métodos disponibles de captura de carbono utilizando análisis de literatura y pruebas de laboratorio que conduzcan a la selección de la solución de captura de carbono más adecuada; 2) la investigación de los productos de gasificación de los combustibles recuperados en el contexto del CCSW, incluida una descripción del impacto de los gases de síntesis generados por el proceso (el denominado gas de síntesis) en la captura de carbono, así como la posibilidad de utilizar el biocarbón derivado de los residuos como sorbentes en el ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) planificación, establecimiento y conexión de la unidad de captura de dióxido de carbono con la instalación de pirogasificación de RDF establecida como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto anterior del grupo de proyecto (demostrando así un prototipo conceptual de la instalación de captura de dióxido de carbono); 4) Difusión de los resultados del proyecto. Se esperan los siguientes resultados al final de la realización del proyecto: tres artículos científicos originales, que se presentarán para su publicación en revistas o documentos de conferencias contenidos en las bases de datos Web of Science o SCOPUS; un artículo científico original, que se presentará para su publicación en la revista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), así como cinco presentaciones en conferencias internacionales. Como resultado del proyecto, se establecerá una instalación experimental (el módulo — su planificación y desarrollo) que permitirá la captura de dióxido de carbono de los gases de síntesis producidos durante la gasificación de los combustibles residuales, así como una tecnología optimizada para el proceso de captura de carbono. Está previsto proteger la tecnología de captura y eliminación de carbono desarrollada como resultado del reciclado de residuos con la patente de la República de Letonia. Se prestará gran atención a la difusión de los resultados de los proyectos y a la difusión de los resultados de la captura y almacenamiento de carbono a partir de residuos, presentándolo en conferencias científicas internacionales, en reuniones de expertos a nivel nacional, en publicaciones científicas y populares, así como en Internet. El proyecto prevé dos puestos para jóvenes científicos, un joven investigador y tres estudiantes de maestría o doctorado. Está previsto que el proyecto comience el 01.10.2020 y tendrá una duración de 36 meses hasta el 30.9.2023. El proyecto será ejecutado por la Universidad de Letonia en cooperación con su socio — SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Los costes subvencionables totales del proyecto ascienden a 646 361,50 EUR, de los cuales: 57,8 % de cofinanciación del FEDER por un importe de 373 596,94 EUR. captura y almacenamiento de carbono; residuos sólidos municipales; combustibles derivados de residuos; tratamiento termoquímico; sis... (Spanish)
Property / summary: El objetivo principal del proyecto es ampliar la base de conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CCS) para el reciclado de residuos municipales sólidos en un enfoque que integre la captura y el almacenamiento de carbono en el concepto de «energía a partir de residuos». Así, el objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar y desarrollar la captura y el almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono (denominados CCSW-Captura y Almacenamiento de Carbono de Residuos) resultante del reciclado de residuos municipales. De acuerdo con este concepto, el objetivo del proyecto es 1) desarrollar y ampliar la tecnología de procesamiento termoquímica (gasificación) de combustibles derivados de residuos previamente desarrollados (NAIK o RDF), evaluar, estudiar y (2) adaptar la solución más adecuada desde el punto de vista tecnológico y económico para la realización de la captura de dióxido de carbono antes de la combustión en el proceso de reciclado de residuos termoquímicos; y desarrollar una instalación experimental para demostrar el potencial de captura y almacenamiento de carbono y convertirse en una solución innovadora para el reciclaje de residuos municipales. Las actividades del proyecto y los resultados están directamente relacionados con la investigación en el sector energético y otros sectores económicos como los servicios públicos, la industria química y otros sectores. El estudio es plenamente coherente con los objetivos de la estrategia nacional letona de especialización inteligente (RIS3) «Energía inteligente» y sus ámbitos conexos «materiales inteligentes, tecnología y sistemas de ingeniería» y «bioeconomía intensiva en conocimientos». El proyecto y sus resultados previstos entran en el ámbito de aplicación de la Clasificación Estadística de Actividades Económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamiento y eliminación de residuos (excluidos los residuos peligrosos). El proyecto se ejecutará como una investigación industrial en el campo de las tecnologías ambientales y no es de carácter económico. Las principales actividades del proyecto son: 1) un análisis de los métodos disponibles de captura de carbono utilizando análisis de literatura y pruebas de laboratorio que conduzcan a la selección de la solución de captura de carbono más adecuada; 2) la investigación de los productos de gasificación de los combustibles recuperados en el contexto del CCSW, incluida una descripción del impacto de los gases de síntesis generados por el proceso (el denominado gas de síntesis) en la captura de carbono, así como la posibilidad de utilizar el biocarbón derivado de los residuos como sorbentes en el ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) planificación, establecimiento y conexión de la unidad de captura de dióxido de carbono con la instalación de pirogasificación de RDF establecida como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto anterior del grupo de proyecto (demostrando así un prototipo conceptual de la instalación de captura de dióxido de carbono); 4) Difusión de los resultados del proyecto. Se esperan los siguientes resultados al final de la realización del proyecto: tres artículos científicos originales, que se presentarán para su publicación en revistas o documentos de conferencias contenidos en las bases de datos Web of Science o SCOPUS; un artículo científico original, que se presentará para su publicación en la revista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), así como cinco presentaciones en conferencias internacionales. Como resultado del proyecto, se establecerá una instalación experimental (el módulo — su planificación y desarrollo) que permitirá la captura de dióxido de carbono de los gases de síntesis producidos durante la gasificación de los combustibles residuales, así como una tecnología optimizada para el proceso de captura de carbono. Está previsto proteger la tecnología de captura y eliminación de carbono desarrollada como resultado del reciclado de residuos con la patente de la República de Letonia. Se prestará gran atención a la difusión de los resultados de los proyectos y a la difusión de los resultados de la captura y almacenamiento de carbono a partir de residuos, presentándolo en conferencias científicas internacionales, en reuniones de expertos a nivel nacional, en publicaciones científicas y populares, así como en Internet. El proyecto prevé dos puestos para jóvenes científicos, un joven investigador y tres estudiantes de maestría o doctorado. Está previsto que el proyecto comience el 01.10.2020 y tendrá una duración de 36 meses hasta el 30.9.2023. El proyecto será ejecutado por la Universidad de Letonia en cooperación con su socio — SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Los costes subvencionables totales del proyecto ascienden a 646 361,50 EUR, de los cuales: 57,8 % de cofinanciación del FEDER por un importe de 373 596,94 EUR. captura y almacenamiento de carbono; residuos sólidos municipales; combustibles derivados de residuos; tratamiento termoquímico; sis... (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: El objetivo principal del proyecto es ampliar la base de conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CCS) para el reciclado de residuos municipales sólidos en un enfoque que integre la captura y el almacenamiento de carbono en el concepto de «energía a partir de residuos». Así, el objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar y desarrollar la captura y el almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono (denominados CCSW-Captura y Almacenamiento de Carbono de Residuos) resultante del reciclado de residuos municipales. De acuerdo con este concepto, el objetivo del proyecto es 1) desarrollar y ampliar la tecnología de procesamiento termoquímica (gasificación) de combustibles derivados de residuos previamente desarrollados (NAIK o RDF), evaluar, estudiar y (2) adaptar la solución más adecuada desde el punto de vista tecnológico y económico para la realización de la captura de dióxido de carbono antes de la combustión en el proceso de reciclado de residuos termoquímicos; y desarrollar una instalación experimental para demostrar el potencial de captura y almacenamiento de carbono y convertirse en una solución innovadora para el reciclaje de residuos municipales. Las actividades del proyecto y los resultados están directamente relacionados con la investigación en el sector energético y otros sectores económicos como los servicios públicos, la industria química y otros sectores. El estudio es plenamente coherente con los objetivos de la estrategia nacional letona de especialización inteligente (RIS3) «Energía inteligente» y sus ámbitos conexos «materiales inteligentes, tecnología y sistemas de ingeniería» y «bioeconomía intensiva en conocimientos». El proyecto y sus resultados previstos entran en el ámbito de aplicación de la Clasificación Estadística de Actividades Económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamiento y eliminación de residuos (excluidos los residuos peligrosos). El proyecto se ejecutará como una investigación industrial en el campo de las tecnologías ambientales y no es de carácter económico. Las principales actividades del proyecto son: 1) un análisis de los métodos disponibles de captura de carbono utilizando análisis de literatura y pruebas de laboratorio que conduzcan a la selección de la solución de captura de carbono más adecuada; 2) la investigación de los productos de gasificación de los combustibles recuperados en el contexto del CCSW, incluida una descripción del impacto de los gases de síntesis generados por el proceso (el denominado gas de síntesis) en la captura de carbono, así como la posibilidad de utilizar el biocarbón derivado de los residuos como sorbentes en el ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) planificación, establecimiento y conexión de la unidad de captura de dióxido de carbono con la instalación de pirogasificación de RDF establecida como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto anterior del grupo de proyecto (demostrando así un prototipo conceptual de la instalación de captura de dióxido de carbono); 4) Difusión de los resultados del proyecto. Se esperan los siguientes resultados al final de la realización del proyecto: tres artículos científicos originales, que se presentarán para su publicación en revistas o documentos de conferencias contenidos en las bases de datos Web of Science o SCOPUS; un artículo científico original, que se presentará para su publicación en la revista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), así como cinco presentaciones en conferencias internacionales. Como resultado del proyecto, se establecerá una instalación experimental (el módulo — su planificación y desarrollo) que permitirá la captura de dióxido de carbono de los gases de síntesis producidos durante la gasificación de los combustibles residuales, así como una tecnología optimizada para el proceso de captura de carbono. Está previsto proteger la tecnología de captura y eliminación de carbono desarrollada como resultado del reciclado de residuos con la patente de la República de Letonia. Se prestará gran atención a la difusión de los resultados de los proyectos y a la difusión de los resultados de la captura y almacenamiento de carbono a partir de residuos, presentándolo en conferencias científicas internacionales, en reuniones de expertos a nivel nacional, en publicaciones científicas y populares, así como en Internet. El proyecto prevé dos puestos para jóvenes científicos, un joven investigador y tres estudiantes de maestría o doctorado. Está previsto que el proyecto comience el 01.10.2020 y tendrá una duración de 36 meses hasta el 30.9.2023. El proyecto será ejecutado por la Universidad de Letonia en cooperación con su socio — SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Los costes subvencionables totales del proyecto ascienden a 646 361,50 EUR, de los cuales: 57,8 % de cofinanciación del FEDER por un importe de 373 596,94 EUR. captura y almacenamiento de carbono; residuos sólidos municipales; combustibles derivados de residuos; tratamiento termoquímico; sis... (Spanish) / qualifier
point in time: 12 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Projekti peamine eesmärk on laiendada süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise tehnoloogiate teadmusbaasi tahkete olmejäätmete ringlussevõtuks lähenemisviisi abil, mis integreerib süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise jäätmeenergia kontseptsiooni. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt ja selle oodatavad tulemused vastavad majandustegevusalade statistilise klassifikaatori (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Jäätmete käitlemine ja kõrvaldamine (v.a ohtlikud jäätmed) ulatusele. Projekti rakendatakse tööstusuuringutena keskkonnatehnoloogiate valdkonnas ja see ei ole ökonoomne. Projekti põhitegevus on: 1) olemasolevate süsinikdioksiidi kogumise meetodite analüüs kirjandusanalüüsi ja laboratoorsete katsete abil, mille tulemusena valitakse kõige sobivam süsinikdioksiidi kogumise lahendus; 2) CCSW-ga seotud taaskasutatud kütuste gaasistamistoodete uurimine, sealhulgas protsessi sünteesgaaside (nn süngaas) kvaliteedi mõju süsinikdioksiidi kogumisele, ning uurida võimalust kasutada jäätmetest biosütt süsinikdioksiidi kogumise tsüklis sorbentidena; 3) Süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ploki planeerimine, arendamine ja ühendamine pöördtrummelahju pürogaasistamisrajatisega, mis loodi projektirühma eelmise projekti tulemusena (seega demonstreerib kontseptuaalset süsinikdioksiidi kogumise seadme prototüüpi); 4) Projekti tulemuste levitamine.Projekti lõpus oodatakse järgmisi tulemusi: Kolm teaduslikku originaali, mis esitatakse avaldamiseks ajakirjades või konverentsiartiklites, mis sisalduvad teaduse veebi või SCOPUSe andmebaasides; Üks teaduslik originaal esitatakse avaldamiseks kõrge tsitaatteguriga (Q1, Q2) ajakirjas, samuti viis ettekannet rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel. (Estonian)
Property / summary: Projekti peamine eesmärk on laiendada süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise tehnoloogiate teadmusbaasi tahkete olmejäätmete ringlussevõtuks lähenemisviisi abil, mis integreerib süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise jäätmeenergia kontseptsiooni. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt ja selle oodatavad tulemused vastavad majandustegevusalade statistilise klassifikaatori (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Jäätmete käitlemine ja kõrvaldamine (v.a ohtlikud jäätmed) ulatusele. Projekti rakendatakse tööstusuuringutena keskkonnatehnoloogiate valdkonnas ja see ei ole ökonoomne. Projekti põhitegevus on: 1) olemasolevate süsinikdioksiidi kogumise meetodite analüüs kirjandusanalüüsi ja laboratoorsete katsete abil, mille tulemusena valitakse kõige sobivam süsinikdioksiidi kogumise lahendus; 2) CCSW-ga seotud taaskasutatud kütuste gaasistamistoodete uurimine, sealhulgas protsessi sünteesgaaside (nn süngaas) kvaliteedi mõju süsinikdioksiidi kogumisele, ning uurida võimalust kasutada jäätmetest biosütt süsinikdioksiidi kogumise tsüklis sorbentidena; 3) Süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ploki planeerimine, arendamine ja ühendamine pöördtrummelahju pürogaasistamisrajatisega, mis loodi projektirühma eelmise projekti tulemusena (seega demonstreerib kontseptuaalset süsinikdioksiidi kogumise seadme prototüüpi); 4) Projekti tulemuste levitamine.Projekti lõpus oodatakse järgmisi tulemusi: Kolm teaduslikku originaali, mis esitatakse avaldamiseks ajakirjades või konverentsiartiklites, mis sisalduvad teaduse veebi või SCOPUSe andmebaasides; Üks teaduslik originaal esitatakse avaldamiseks kõrge tsitaatteguriga (Q1, Q2) ajakirjas, samuti viis ettekannet rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel. (Estonian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Projekti peamine eesmärk on laiendada süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise tehnoloogiate teadmusbaasi tahkete olmejäätmete ringlussevõtuks lähenemisviisi abil, mis integreerib süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise jäätmeenergia kontseptsiooni. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt ja selle oodatavad tulemused vastavad majandustegevusalade statistilise klassifikaatori (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Jäätmete käitlemine ja kõrvaldamine (v.a ohtlikud jäätmed) ulatusele. Projekti rakendatakse tööstusuuringutena keskkonnatehnoloogiate valdkonnas ja see ei ole ökonoomne. Projekti põhitegevus on: 1) olemasolevate süsinikdioksiidi kogumise meetodite analüüs kirjandusanalüüsi ja laboratoorsete katsete abil, mille tulemusena valitakse kõige sobivam süsinikdioksiidi kogumise lahendus; 2) CCSW-ga seotud taaskasutatud kütuste gaasistamistoodete uurimine, sealhulgas protsessi sünteesgaaside (nn süngaas) kvaliteedi mõju süsinikdioksiidi kogumisele, ning uurida võimalust kasutada jäätmetest biosütt süsinikdioksiidi kogumise tsüklis sorbentidena; 3) Süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ploki planeerimine, arendamine ja ühendamine pöördtrummelahju pürogaasistamisrajatisega, mis loodi projektirühma eelmise projekti tulemusena (seega demonstreerib kontseptuaalset süsinikdioksiidi kogumise seadme prototüüpi); 4) Projekti tulemuste levitamine.Projekti lõpus oodatakse järgmisi tulemusi: Kolm teaduslikku originaali, mis esitatakse avaldamiseks ajakirjades või konverentsiartiklites, mis sisalduvad teaduse veebi või SCOPUSe andmebaasides; Üks teaduslik originaal esitatakse avaldamiseks kõrge tsitaatteguriga (Q1, Q2) ajakirjas, samuti viis ettekannet rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel. (Estonian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – išplėsti žinių apie anglies dioksido surinkimo ir saugojimo (CCS) technologijas, skirtas kietųjų komunalinių atliekų perdirbimui, bazę taikant metodą, pagal kurį anglies dioksido surinkimas ir saugojimas integruojami į „atliekų energijos“ koncepciją. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektas ir jo numatomi rezultatai atitinka statistinį ekonominės veiklos rūšių klasifikatorių (NACE 2 red. 38.21 – Atliekų (išskyrus pavojingas atliekas) apdorojimas ir šalinimas). Projektas bus įgyvendinamas kaip pramoniniai tyrimai aplinkosaugos technologijų srityje ir nėra ekonomiškas. Pagrindinė projekto veikla yra: 1) turimų anglies dioksido surinkimo metodų analizė, naudojant literatūros analizę ir laboratorinius tyrimus, kad būtų pasirinktas tinkamiausias anglies dioksido surinkimo sprendimas; 2) Atliekų regeneruoto kuro (RDF) dujinimo produktų, susijusių su CCSW, žvalgymas, įskaitant procesų sintezės dujų (vadinamųjų sintezės dujų) kokybės poveikį anglies surinkimui, ir išnagrinėti galimybę anglies dioksido surinkimo cikle kaip sorbentus naudoti biologines anglis iš atliekų; 3) anglies dioksido surinkimo bloko planavimas, kūrimas ir sujungimas su KRB piro dujinimo įrenginiu, sukurtu vykdant ankstesnį projekto grupės projektą (todėl parodomas konceptualus anglies dioksido surinkimo įrenginio prototipas); 4) projekto rezultatų sklaida. Projekto pabaigoje tikimasi šių rezultatų: Trys moksliniai originalai, kurie bus pateikti publikuoti žurnaluose ar konferencijų straipsniuose, įtrauktuose į „Web of Science“ arba SCOPUS duomenų bazes; Vienas mokslinis originalas turi būti pateiktas skelbti didelio citavimo koeficiento (Q1, Q2) žurnale, taip pat penki pristatymai tarptautinėse konferencijose. (Lithuanian)
Property / summary: Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – išplėsti žinių apie anglies dioksido surinkimo ir saugojimo (CCS) technologijas, skirtas kietųjų komunalinių atliekų perdirbimui, bazę taikant metodą, pagal kurį anglies dioksido surinkimas ir saugojimas integruojami į „atliekų energijos“ koncepciją. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektas ir jo numatomi rezultatai atitinka statistinį ekonominės veiklos rūšių klasifikatorių (NACE 2 red. 38.21 – Atliekų (išskyrus pavojingas atliekas) apdorojimas ir šalinimas). Projektas bus įgyvendinamas kaip pramoniniai tyrimai aplinkosaugos technologijų srityje ir nėra ekonomiškas. Pagrindinė projekto veikla yra: 1) turimų anglies dioksido surinkimo metodų analizė, naudojant literatūros analizę ir laboratorinius tyrimus, kad būtų pasirinktas tinkamiausias anglies dioksido surinkimo sprendimas; 2) Atliekų regeneruoto kuro (RDF) dujinimo produktų, susijusių su CCSW, žvalgymas, įskaitant procesų sintezės dujų (vadinamųjų sintezės dujų) kokybės poveikį anglies surinkimui, ir išnagrinėti galimybę anglies dioksido surinkimo cikle kaip sorbentus naudoti biologines anglis iš atliekų; 3) anglies dioksido surinkimo bloko planavimas, kūrimas ir sujungimas su KRB piro dujinimo įrenginiu, sukurtu vykdant ankstesnį projekto grupės projektą (todėl parodomas konceptualus anglies dioksido surinkimo įrenginio prototipas); 4) projekto rezultatų sklaida. Projekto pabaigoje tikimasi šių rezultatų: Trys moksliniai originalai, kurie bus pateikti publikuoti žurnaluose ar konferencijų straipsniuose, įtrauktuose į „Web of Science“ arba SCOPUS duomenų bazes; Vienas mokslinis originalas turi būti pateiktas skelbti didelio citavimo koeficiento (Q1, Q2) žurnale, taip pat penki pristatymai tarptautinėse konferencijose. (Lithuanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – išplėsti žinių apie anglies dioksido surinkimo ir saugojimo (CCS) technologijas, skirtas kietųjų komunalinių atliekų perdirbimui, bazę taikant metodą, pagal kurį anglies dioksido surinkimas ir saugojimas integruojami į „atliekų energijos“ koncepciją. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektas ir jo numatomi rezultatai atitinka statistinį ekonominės veiklos rūšių klasifikatorių (NACE 2 red. 38.21 – Atliekų (išskyrus pavojingas atliekas) apdorojimas ir šalinimas). Projektas bus įgyvendinamas kaip pramoniniai tyrimai aplinkosaugos technologijų srityje ir nėra ekonomiškas. Pagrindinė projekto veikla yra: 1) turimų anglies dioksido surinkimo metodų analizė, naudojant literatūros analizę ir laboratorinius tyrimus, kad būtų pasirinktas tinkamiausias anglies dioksido surinkimo sprendimas; 2) Atliekų regeneruoto kuro (RDF) dujinimo produktų, susijusių su CCSW, žvalgymas, įskaitant procesų sintezės dujų (vadinamųjų sintezės dujų) kokybės poveikį anglies surinkimui, ir išnagrinėti galimybę anglies dioksido surinkimo cikle kaip sorbentus naudoti biologines anglis iš atliekų; 3) anglies dioksido surinkimo bloko planavimas, kūrimas ir sujungimas su KRB piro dujinimo įrenginiu, sukurtu vykdant ankstesnį projekto grupės projektą (todėl parodomas konceptualus anglies dioksido surinkimo įrenginio prototipas); 4) projekto rezultatų sklaida. Projekto pabaigoje tikimasi šių rezultatų: Trys moksliniai originalai, kurie bus pateikti publikuoti žurnaluose ar konferencijų straipsniuose, įtrauktuose į „Web of Science“ arba SCOPUS duomenų bazes; Vienas mokslinis originalas turi būti pateiktas skelbti didelio citavimo koeficiento (Q1, Q2) žurnale, taip pat penki pristatymai tarptautinėse konferencijose. (Lithuanian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Glavni je cilj projekta proširiti bazu znanja o tehnologijama hvatanja i skladištenja ugljika (CCS) za recikliranje krutog komunalnog otpada u pristupu kojim se hvatanje i skladištenje ugljika integrira u koncept „energije otpada”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i njegovi očekivani rezultati odgovaraju opsegu statističke klasifikacije gospodarskih djelatnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obrada i zbrinjavanje otpada (osim opasnog otpada). Projekt će se provoditi kao industrijsko istraživanje u području ekoloških tehnologija i nije ekonomičan. Glavne aktivnosti projekta su: 1) Analiza dostupnih metoda hvatanja ugljikova dioksida pomoću analize literature i laboratorijskog ispitivanja, što dovodi do odabira najprikladnijeg rješenja za hvatanje ugljika; 2) Istraživanje proizvoda za uplinjavanje oporabljenih otpadnih goriva (RDF) povezanih s CCSW-om, uključujući utjecaj kvalitete plinova za sintezu procesa (tzv. sintetički plin) na hvatanje ugljika i istraživanje mogućnosti uporabe biološkog ugljena iz otpada kao sorbensa u ciklusu hvatanja ugljikova dioksida; 3) Planiranje, razvoj i povezivanje bloka hvatanja ugljika s postrojenjem za piroplinizaciju RDF-a nastalog kao rezultat prethodnog projekta projektne skupine (stoga pokazuje konceptualni prototip uređaja za hvatanje ugljika); 4) Širenje rezultata projekta.Na kraju projekta očekuju se sljedeći rezultati: Tri znanstvena izvornika koja će biti dostavljena na objavu u časopisima ili konferencijskim člancima uključenima u Web of Science ili SCOPUS baze podataka; Jedan znanstveni izvornik koji se podnosi na objavu u časopisu visokog citacijskog faktora (Q1, Q2), kao i pet prezentacija na međunarodnim konferencijama. (Croatian)
Property / summary: Glavni je cilj projekta proširiti bazu znanja o tehnologijama hvatanja i skladištenja ugljika (CCS) za recikliranje krutog komunalnog otpada u pristupu kojim se hvatanje i skladištenje ugljika integrira u koncept „energije otpada”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i njegovi očekivani rezultati odgovaraju opsegu statističke klasifikacije gospodarskih djelatnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obrada i zbrinjavanje otpada (osim opasnog otpada). Projekt će se provoditi kao industrijsko istraživanje u području ekoloških tehnologija i nije ekonomičan. Glavne aktivnosti projekta su: 1) Analiza dostupnih metoda hvatanja ugljikova dioksida pomoću analize literature i laboratorijskog ispitivanja, što dovodi do odabira najprikladnijeg rješenja za hvatanje ugljika; 2) Istraživanje proizvoda za uplinjavanje oporabljenih otpadnih goriva (RDF) povezanih s CCSW-om, uključujući utjecaj kvalitete plinova za sintezu procesa (tzv. sintetički plin) na hvatanje ugljika i istraživanje mogućnosti uporabe biološkog ugljena iz otpada kao sorbensa u ciklusu hvatanja ugljikova dioksida; 3) Planiranje, razvoj i povezivanje bloka hvatanja ugljika s postrojenjem za piroplinizaciju RDF-a nastalog kao rezultat prethodnog projekta projektne skupine (stoga pokazuje konceptualni prototip uređaja za hvatanje ugljika); 4) Širenje rezultata projekta.Na kraju projekta očekuju se sljedeći rezultati: Tri znanstvena izvornika koja će biti dostavljena na objavu u časopisima ili konferencijskim člancima uključenima u Web of Science ili SCOPUS baze podataka; Jedan znanstveni izvornik koji se podnosi na objavu u časopisu visokog citacijskog faktora (Q1, Q2), kao i pet prezentacija na međunarodnim konferencijama. (Croatian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Glavni je cilj projekta proširiti bazu znanja o tehnologijama hvatanja i skladištenja ugljika (CCS) za recikliranje krutog komunalnog otpada u pristupu kojim se hvatanje i skladištenje ugljika integrira u koncept „energije otpada”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i njegovi očekivani rezultati odgovaraju opsegu statističke klasifikacije gospodarskih djelatnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obrada i zbrinjavanje otpada (osim opasnog otpada). Projekt će se provoditi kao industrijsko istraživanje u području ekoloških tehnologija i nije ekonomičan. Glavne aktivnosti projekta su: 1) Analiza dostupnih metoda hvatanja ugljikova dioksida pomoću analize literature i laboratorijskog ispitivanja, što dovodi do odabira najprikladnijeg rješenja za hvatanje ugljika; 2) Istraživanje proizvoda za uplinjavanje oporabljenih otpadnih goriva (RDF) povezanih s CCSW-om, uključujući utjecaj kvalitete plinova za sintezu procesa (tzv. sintetički plin) na hvatanje ugljika i istraživanje mogućnosti uporabe biološkog ugljena iz otpada kao sorbensa u ciklusu hvatanja ugljikova dioksida; 3) Planiranje, razvoj i povezivanje bloka hvatanja ugljika s postrojenjem za piroplinizaciju RDF-a nastalog kao rezultat prethodnog projekta projektne skupine (stoga pokazuje konceptualni prototip uređaja za hvatanje ugljika); 4) Širenje rezultata projekta.Na kraju projekta očekuju se sljedeći rezultati: Tri znanstvena izvornika koja će biti dostavljena na objavu u časopisima ili konferencijskim člancima uključenima u Web of Science ili SCOPUS baze podataka; Jedan znanstveni izvornik koji se podnosi na objavu u časopisu visokog citacijskog faktora (Q1, Q2), kao i pet prezentacija na međunarodnim konferencijama. (Croatian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι η επέκταση της βάσης γνώσεων σχετικά με τις τεχνολογίες δέσμευσης και αποθήκευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα (CCS) για την ανακύκλωση στερεών αστικών αποβλήτων στο πλαίσιο μιας προσέγγισης που ενσωματώνει τη δέσμευση και αποθήκευση άνθρακα στην έννοια της «ενέργειας αποβλήτων». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Το έργο και τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματά του αντιστοιχούν στο πεδίο εφαρμογής της στατιστικής ταξινόμησης των οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων (NACE αναθ. 2) 38.21 — Επεξεργασία και διάθεση αποβλήτων (εκτός από επικίνδυνα απόβλητα). Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί ως βιομηχανική έρευνα στον τομέα των περιβαλλοντικών τεχνολογιών και δεν είναι οικονομικό. Οι κύριες δραστηριότητες του έργου είναι: 1) Ανάλυση των διαθέσιμων μεθόδων δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη χρήση βιβλιογραφικών αναλύσεων και εργαστηριακών δοκιμών, που οδηγούν στην επιλογή της καταλληλότερης λύσης δέσμευσης άνθρακα· 2) Εξερεύνηση προϊόντων αεριοποίησης ανακτημένων καυσίμων (RDF) που σχετίζονται με τη CCSW, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των επιπτώσεων της ποιότητας των αερίων σύνθεσης διεργασιών (αποκαλούμενο συνθετικό αέριο) στη δέσμευση του άνθρακα, και διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας χρήσης του βιοάνθρακα από απόβλητα ως απορροφητικών ουσιών στον κύκλο δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα· 3) Ο σχεδιασμός, η ανάπτυξη και η σύνδεση της μονάδας δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη διευκόλυνση αεριοποίησης πυρός RDF που δημιουργήθηκε ως αποτέλεσμα του προηγούμενου έργου της ομάδας έργου (επομένως επίδειξη μιας εννοιολογικής συσκευής δέσμευσης άνθρακα)· 4) Διάδοση των αποτελεσμάτων του έργου.Στο τέλος του έργου αναμένονται τα ακόλουθα αποτελέσματα: Τρία επιστημονικά πρωτότυπα που θα υποβληθούν προς δημοσίευση σε περιοδικά ή άρθρα συνεδρίων που περιλαμβάνονται σε βάσεις δεδομένων Web of Science ή SCOPUS· Ένα επιστημονικό πρωτότυπο θα υποβληθεί για δημοσίευση στο περιοδικό High citation factor (Q1, Q2), καθώς και πέντε παρουσιάσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια. (Greek)
Property / summary: Κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι η επέκταση της βάσης γνώσεων σχετικά με τις τεχνολογίες δέσμευσης και αποθήκευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα (CCS) για την ανακύκλωση στερεών αστικών αποβλήτων στο πλαίσιο μιας προσέγγισης που ενσωματώνει τη δέσμευση και αποθήκευση άνθρακα στην έννοια της «ενέργειας αποβλήτων». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Το έργο και τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματά του αντιστοιχούν στο πεδίο εφαρμογής της στατιστικής ταξινόμησης των οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων (NACE αναθ. 2) 38.21 — Επεξεργασία και διάθεση αποβλήτων (εκτός από επικίνδυνα απόβλητα). Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί ως βιομηχανική έρευνα στον τομέα των περιβαλλοντικών τεχνολογιών και δεν είναι οικονομικό. Οι κύριες δραστηριότητες του έργου είναι: 1) Ανάλυση των διαθέσιμων μεθόδων δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη χρήση βιβλιογραφικών αναλύσεων και εργαστηριακών δοκιμών, που οδηγούν στην επιλογή της καταλληλότερης λύσης δέσμευσης άνθρακα· 2) Εξερεύνηση προϊόντων αεριοποίησης ανακτημένων καυσίμων (RDF) που σχετίζονται με τη CCSW, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των επιπτώσεων της ποιότητας των αερίων σύνθεσης διεργασιών (αποκαλούμενο συνθετικό αέριο) στη δέσμευση του άνθρακα, και διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας χρήσης του βιοάνθρακα από απόβλητα ως απορροφητικών ουσιών στον κύκλο δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα· 3) Ο σχεδιασμός, η ανάπτυξη και η σύνδεση της μονάδας δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη διευκόλυνση αεριοποίησης πυρός RDF που δημιουργήθηκε ως αποτέλεσμα του προηγούμενου έργου της ομάδας έργου (επομένως επίδειξη μιας εννοιολογικής συσκευής δέσμευσης άνθρακα)· 4) Διάδοση των αποτελεσμάτων του έργου.Στο τέλος του έργου αναμένονται τα ακόλουθα αποτελέσματα: Τρία επιστημονικά πρωτότυπα που θα υποβληθούν προς δημοσίευση σε περιοδικά ή άρθρα συνεδρίων που περιλαμβάνονται σε βάσεις δεδομένων Web of Science ή SCOPUS· Ένα επιστημονικό πρωτότυπο θα υποβληθεί για δημοσίευση στο περιοδικό High citation factor (Q1, Q2), καθώς και πέντε παρουσιάσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια. (Greek) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι η επέκταση της βάσης γνώσεων σχετικά με τις τεχνολογίες δέσμευσης και αποθήκευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα (CCS) για την ανακύκλωση στερεών αστικών αποβλήτων στο πλαίσιο μιας προσέγγισης που ενσωματώνει τη δέσμευση και αποθήκευση άνθρακα στην έννοια της «ενέργειας αποβλήτων». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Το έργο και τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματά του αντιστοιχούν στο πεδίο εφαρμογής της στατιστικής ταξινόμησης των οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων (NACE αναθ. 2) 38.21 — Επεξεργασία και διάθεση αποβλήτων (εκτός από επικίνδυνα απόβλητα). Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί ως βιομηχανική έρευνα στον τομέα των περιβαλλοντικών τεχνολογιών και δεν είναι οικονομικό. Οι κύριες δραστηριότητες του έργου είναι: 1) Ανάλυση των διαθέσιμων μεθόδων δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη χρήση βιβλιογραφικών αναλύσεων και εργαστηριακών δοκιμών, που οδηγούν στην επιλογή της καταλληλότερης λύσης δέσμευσης άνθρακα· 2) Εξερεύνηση προϊόντων αεριοποίησης ανακτημένων καυσίμων (RDF) που σχετίζονται με τη CCSW, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των επιπτώσεων της ποιότητας των αερίων σύνθεσης διεργασιών (αποκαλούμενο συνθετικό αέριο) στη δέσμευση του άνθρακα, και διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας χρήσης του βιοάνθρακα από απόβλητα ως απορροφητικών ουσιών στον κύκλο δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα· 3) Ο σχεδιασμός, η ανάπτυξη και η σύνδεση της μονάδας δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη διευκόλυνση αεριοποίησης πυρός RDF που δημιουργήθηκε ως αποτέλεσμα του προηγούμενου έργου της ομάδας έργου (επομένως επίδειξη μιας εννοιολογικής συσκευής δέσμευσης άνθρακα)· 4) Διάδοση των αποτελεσμάτων του έργου.Στο τέλος του έργου αναμένονται τα ακόλουθα αποτελέσματα: Τρία επιστημονικά πρωτότυπα που θα υποβληθούν προς δημοσίευση σε περιοδικά ή άρθρα συνεδρίων που περιλαμβάνονται σε βάσεις δεδομένων Web of Science ή SCOPUS· Ένα επιστημονικό πρωτότυπο θα υποβληθεί για δημοσίευση στο περιοδικό High citation factor (Q1, Q2), καθώς και πέντε παρουσιάσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια. (Greek) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Hlavným cieľom projektu je rozšíriť vedomostnú základňu o technológiách zachytávania a ukladania oxidu uhličitého (CCS) na recykláciu pevného komunálneho odpadu v prístupe, ktorý začleňuje zachytávanie a ukladanie uhlíka do koncepcie „odpadovej energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očakávané výsledky zodpovedajú rozsahu štatistickej klasifikácie ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Spracovanie a zneškodňovanie odpadu (okrem nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizovaný ako priemyselný výskum v oblasti environmentálnych technológií a nie je hospodárny.Hlavné aktivity projektu sú: 1) Analýza dostupných metód zachytávania oxidu uhličitého pomocou analýzy literatúry a laboratórneho testovania, čo vedie k výberu najvhodnejšieho roztoku na zachytávanie uhlíka; 2) Prieskum produktov splyňovania zhodnotených odpadov (RDF) súvisiacich s CCSW vrátane vplyvu kvality plynov syntézy procesov (tzv. synplynu) na zachytávanie uhlíka a preskúmať možnosť použitia biouhlie z odpadu ako sorbentov v cykle zachytávania oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánovanie, rozvoj a prepojenie blokov zachytávania uhlíka so zariadením na splyňovanie Pyro RBP, ktoré bolo vytvorené na základe predchádzajúceho projektu projektovej skupiny (preto demonštruje koncepčný prototyp zariadenia na zachytávanie uhlíka); 4) Šírenie výsledkov projektu. Na konci projektu sa očakávajú tieto výsledky: Tri vedecké originály, ktoré budú predložené na uverejnenie v časopisoch alebo konferenčných článkoch zahrnutých v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS; Jeden vedecký originál, ktorý sa má predložiť na uverejnenie v časopise s vysokým citačným faktorom (Q1, Q2), ako aj päť prezentácií na medzinárodných konferenciách. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Hlavným cieľom projektu je rozšíriť vedomostnú základňu o technológiách zachytávania a ukladania oxidu uhličitého (CCS) na recykláciu pevného komunálneho odpadu v prístupe, ktorý začleňuje zachytávanie a ukladanie uhlíka do koncepcie „odpadovej energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očakávané výsledky zodpovedajú rozsahu štatistickej klasifikácie ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Spracovanie a zneškodňovanie odpadu (okrem nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizovaný ako priemyselný výskum v oblasti environmentálnych technológií a nie je hospodárny.Hlavné aktivity projektu sú: 1) Analýza dostupných metód zachytávania oxidu uhličitého pomocou analýzy literatúry a laboratórneho testovania, čo vedie k výberu najvhodnejšieho roztoku na zachytávanie uhlíka; 2) Prieskum produktov splyňovania zhodnotených odpadov (RDF) súvisiacich s CCSW vrátane vplyvu kvality plynov syntézy procesov (tzv. synplynu) na zachytávanie uhlíka a preskúmať možnosť použitia biouhlie z odpadu ako sorbentov v cykle zachytávania oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánovanie, rozvoj a prepojenie blokov zachytávania uhlíka so zariadením na splyňovanie Pyro RBP, ktoré bolo vytvorené na základe predchádzajúceho projektu projektovej skupiny (preto demonštruje koncepčný prototyp zariadenia na zachytávanie uhlíka); 4) Šírenie výsledkov projektu. Na konci projektu sa očakávajú tieto výsledky: Tri vedecké originály, ktoré budú predložené na uverejnenie v časopisoch alebo konferenčných článkoch zahrnutých v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS; Jeden vedecký originál, ktorý sa má predložiť na uverejnenie v časopise s vysokým citačným faktorom (Q1, Q2), ako aj päť prezentácií na medzinárodných konferenciách. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Hlavným cieľom projektu je rozšíriť vedomostnú základňu o technológiách zachytávania a ukladania oxidu uhličitého (CCS) na recykláciu pevného komunálneho odpadu v prístupe, ktorý začleňuje zachytávanie a ukladanie uhlíka do koncepcie „odpadovej energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očakávané výsledky zodpovedajú rozsahu štatistickej klasifikácie ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Spracovanie a zneškodňovanie odpadu (okrem nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizovaný ako priemyselný výskum v oblasti environmentálnych technológií a nie je hospodárny.Hlavné aktivity projektu sú: 1) Analýza dostupných metód zachytávania oxidu uhličitého pomocou analýzy literatúry a laboratórneho testovania, čo vedie k výberu najvhodnejšieho roztoku na zachytávanie uhlíka; 2) Prieskum produktov splyňovania zhodnotených odpadov (RDF) súvisiacich s CCSW vrátane vplyvu kvality plynov syntézy procesov (tzv. synplynu) na zachytávanie uhlíka a preskúmať možnosť použitia biouhlie z odpadu ako sorbentov v cykle zachytávania oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánovanie, rozvoj a prepojenie blokov zachytávania uhlíka so zariadením na splyňovanie Pyro RBP, ktoré bolo vytvorené na základe predchádzajúceho projektu projektovej skupiny (preto demonštruje koncepčný prototyp zariadenia na zachytávanie uhlíka); 4) Šírenie výsledkov projektu. Na konci projektu sa očakávajú tieto výsledky: Tri vedecké originály, ktoré budú predložené na uverejnenie v časopisoch alebo konferenčných článkoch zahrnutých v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS; Jeden vedecký originál, ktorý sa má predložiť na uverejnenie v časopise s vysokým citačným faktorom (Q1, Q2), ako aj päť prezentácií na medzinárodných konferenciách. (Slovak) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Hankkeen päätavoitteena on laajentaa kiinteän yhdyskuntajätteen kierrätystä koskevaa tietopohjaa hiilidioksidin talteenotto- ja varastointitekniikoista (CCS) lähestymistavalla, jossa hiilidioksidin talteenotto ja varastointi sisällytetään jätteen energiakonseptiin. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Hanke ja sen odotetut tulokset vastaavat tilastollisen toimialaluokituksen (NACE Rev. 2) soveltamisalaa 38.21 – Jätteiden (muiden kuin vaarallisten jätteiden) käsittely ja loppukäsittely. Hanke toteutetaan teollisena tutkimuksena ympäristöteknologian alalla, eikä se ole taloudellisesti kannattava. Hankkeen päätoiminnot ovat seuraavat: 1) käytettävissä olevien hiilidioksidin talteenottomenetelmien analysointi kirjallisuusanalyysin ja laboratoriokokeiden avulla, mikä johtaa sopivimman hiilidioksidin talteenottoliuoksen valintaan; 2) CCSW:hen liittyvien talteenotettujen polttoaineiden (RDF) kaasutustuotteiden tutkiminen, mukaan lukien prosessisynteesikaasujen (ns. synteesikaasujen) laadun vaikutus hiilidioksidin talteenottoon, ja tutkia mahdollisuutta käyttää jätteestä peräisin olevaa biohiiliä sorbenteina hiilidioksidin talteenottosyklissä; 3) Hiilidioksidin talteenottolohkojen suunnittelu, kehittäminen ja liittäminen RDF-pyrokaasutuslaitokseen, joka on luotu hankeryhmän edellisen hankkeen tuloksena (jolloin demonstroidaan hiilidioksidin talteenottolaitteen käsitteellinen prototyyppi); 4) Hankkeen tulosten levittäminen. Hankkeen päättyessä odotetaan seuraavia tuloksia: Kolme tieteellistä alkuperäiskappaletta, jotka toimitetaan julkaistavaksi Web of Science- tai SCOPUS-tietokantoihin sisältyvissä aikakauslehdissä tai konferenssiartikkeleissa; Yksi tieteellinen alkuperäiskappale toimitetaan julkaistavaksi korkean viitekertoimen (Q1, Q2) lehdessä sekä viisi esitelmää kansainvälisissä konferensseissa. (Finnish)
Property / summary: Hankkeen päätavoitteena on laajentaa kiinteän yhdyskuntajätteen kierrätystä koskevaa tietopohjaa hiilidioksidin talteenotto- ja varastointitekniikoista (CCS) lähestymistavalla, jossa hiilidioksidin talteenotto ja varastointi sisällytetään jätteen energiakonseptiin. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Hanke ja sen odotetut tulokset vastaavat tilastollisen toimialaluokituksen (NACE Rev. 2) soveltamisalaa 38.21 – Jätteiden (muiden kuin vaarallisten jätteiden) käsittely ja loppukäsittely. Hanke toteutetaan teollisena tutkimuksena ympäristöteknologian alalla, eikä se ole taloudellisesti kannattava. Hankkeen päätoiminnot ovat seuraavat: 1) käytettävissä olevien hiilidioksidin talteenottomenetelmien analysointi kirjallisuusanalyysin ja laboratoriokokeiden avulla, mikä johtaa sopivimman hiilidioksidin talteenottoliuoksen valintaan; 2) CCSW:hen liittyvien talteenotettujen polttoaineiden (RDF) kaasutustuotteiden tutkiminen, mukaan lukien prosessisynteesikaasujen (ns. synteesikaasujen) laadun vaikutus hiilidioksidin talteenottoon, ja tutkia mahdollisuutta käyttää jätteestä peräisin olevaa biohiiliä sorbenteina hiilidioksidin talteenottosyklissä; 3) Hiilidioksidin talteenottolohkojen suunnittelu, kehittäminen ja liittäminen RDF-pyrokaasutuslaitokseen, joka on luotu hankeryhmän edellisen hankkeen tuloksena (jolloin demonstroidaan hiilidioksidin talteenottolaitteen käsitteellinen prototyyppi); 4) Hankkeen tulosten levittäminen. Hankkeen päättyessä odotetaan seuraavia tuloksia: Kolme tieteellistä alkuperäiskappaletta, jotka toimitetaan julkaistavaksi Web of Science- tai SCOPUS-tietokantoihin sisältyvissä aikakauslehdissä tai konferenssiartikkeleissa; Yksi tieteellinen alkuperäiskappale toimitetaan julkaistavaksi korkean viitekertoimen (Q1, Q2) lehdessä sekä viisi esitelmää kansainvälisissä konferensseissa. (Finnish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Hankkeen päätavoitteena on laajentaa kiinteän yhdyskuntajätteen kierrätystä koskevaa tietopohjaa hiilidioksidin talteenotto- ja varastointitekniikoista (CCS) lähestymistavalla, jossa hiilidioksidin talteenotto ja varastointi sisällytetään jätteen energiakonseptiin. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Hanke ja sen odotetut tulokset vastaavat tilastollisen toimialaluokituksen (NACE Rev. 2) soveltamisalaa 38.21 – Jätteiden (muiden kuin vaarallisten jätteiden) käsittely ja loppukäsittely. Hanke toteutetaan teollisena tutkimuksena ympäristöteknologian alalla, eikä se ole taloudellisesti kannattava. Hankkeen päätoiminnot ovat seuraavat: 1) käytettävissä olevien hiilidioksidin talteenottomenetelmien analysointi kirjallisuusanalyysin ja laboratoriokokeiden avulla, mikä johtaa sopivimman hiilidioksidin talteenottoliuoksen valintaan; 2) CCSW:hen liittyvien talteenotettujen polttoaineiden (RDF) kaasutustuotteiden tutkiminen, mukaan lukien prosessisynteesikaasujen (ns. synteesikaasujen) laadun vaikutus hiilidioksidin talteenottoon, ja tutkia mahdollisuutta käyttää jätteestä peräisin olevaa biohiiliä sorbenteina hiilidioksidin talteenottosyklissä; 3) Hiilidioksidin talteenottolohkojen suunnittelu, kehittäminen ja liittäminen RDF-pyrokaasutuslaitokseen, joka on luotu hankeryhmän edellisen hankkeen tuloksena (jolloin demonstroidaan hiilidioksidin talteenottolaitteen käsitteellinen prototyyppi); 4) Hankkeen tulosten levittäminen. Hankkeen päättyessä odotetaan seuraavia tuloksia: Kolme tieteellistä alkuperäiskappaletta, jotka toimitetaan julkaistavaksi Web of Science- tai SCOPUS-tietokantoihin sisältyvissä aikakauslehdissä tai konferenssiartikkeleissa; Yksi tieteellinen alkuperäiskappale toimitetaan julkaistavaksi korkean viitekertoimen (Q1, Q2) lehdessä sekä viisi esitelmää kansainvälisissä konferensseissa. (Finnish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Głównym celem projektu jest rozszerzenie bazy wiedzy na temat technologii wychwytywania i składowania dwutlenku węgla (CCS) w zakresie recyklingu stałych odpadów komunalnych w ramach podejścia, które włącza wychwytywanie i składowanie dwutlenku węgla do koncepcji „energii odpadów”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i jego oczekiwane wyniki odpowiadają zakresowi statystycznej klasyfikacji działalności gospodarczej (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Przetwarzanie i unieszkodliwianie odpadów (innych niż odpady niebezpieczne). Projekt będzie realizowany jako badania przemysłowe w dziedzinie technologii środowiskowych i nie jest ekonomiczny.Główne działania projektu to: 1) Analiza dostępnych metod wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z wykorzystaniem analizy literatury i badań laboratoryjnych, prowadząca do wyboru najodpowiedniejszego rozwiązania wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 2) poszukiwanie produktów zgazowania odpadów odzyskanych paliw (RDF) związanych z CCSW, w tym wpływu jakości gazów syntezy procesowej (tzw. gazu syntezowego) na wychwytywanie dwutlenku węgla, oraz zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania biowęgla z odpadów jako sorbentów w cyklu wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 3) Planowanie, rozwój i połączenie bloków wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z instalacją zgazowania Pyro RDF, stworzoną w wyniku poprzedniego projektu grupy projektowej (w związku z tym zademonstrowanie konceptualnego prototypu urządzenia do wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla); 4) Upowszechnianie wyników projektu. Po zakończeniu projektu spodziewane są następujące rezultaty: Trzy oryginały naukowe, które zostaną przedłożone do publikacji w czasopismach lub artykułach konferencyjnych zawartych w bazach danych Web of Science lub SCOPUS; Jeden oryginał naukowy, który zostanie przedłożony do publikacji w czasopiśmie o wysokim współczynniku cytowania (Q1, Q2), a także pięć prezentacji na konferencjach międzynarodowych. (Polish)
Property / summary: Głównym celem projektu jest rozszerzenie bazy wiedzy na temat technologii wychwytywania i składowania dwutlenku węgla (CCS) w zakresie recyklingu stałych odpadów komunalnych w ramach podejścia, które włącza wychwytywanie i składowanie dwutlenku węgla do koncepcji „energii odpadów”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i jego oczekiwane wyniki odpowiadają zakresowi statystycznej klasyfikacji działalności gospodarczej (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Przetwarzanie i unieszkodliwianie odpadów (innych niż odpady niebezpieczne). Projekt będzie realizowany jako badania przemysłowe w dziedzinie technologii środowiskowych i nie jest ekonomiczny.Główne działania projektu to: 1) Analiza dostępnych metod wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z wykorzystaniem analizy literatury i badań laboratoryjnych, prowadząca do wyboru najodpowiedniejszego rozwiązania wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 2) poszukiwanie produktów zgazowania odpadów odzyskanych paliw (RDF) związanych z CCSW, w tym wpływu jakości gazów syntezy procesowej (tzw. gazu syntezowego) na wychwytywanie dwutlenku węgla, oraz zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania biowęgla z odpadów jako sorbentów w cyklu wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 3) Planowanie, rozwój i połączenie bloków wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z instalacją zgazowania Pyro RDF, stworzoną w wyniku poprzedniego projektu grupy projektowej (w związku z tym zademonstrowanie konceptualnego prototypu urządzenia do wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla); 4) Upowszechnianie wyników projektu. Po zakończeniu projektu spodziewane są następujące rezultaty: Trzy oryginały naukowe, które zostaną przedłożone do publikacji w czasopismach lub artykułach konferencyjnych zawartych w bazach danych Web of Science lub SCOPUS; Jeden oryginał naukowy, który zostanie przedłożony do publikacji w czasopiśmie o wysokim współczynniku cytowania (Q1, Q2), a także pięć prezentacji na konferencjach międzynarodowych. (Polish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Głównym celem projektu jest rozszerzenie bazy wiedzy na temat technologii wychwytywania i składowania dwutlenku węgla (CCS) w zakresie recyklingu stałych odpadów komunalnych w ramach podejścia, które włącza wychwytywanie i składowanie dwutlenku węgla do koncepcji „energii odpadów”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i jego oczekiwane wyniki odpowiadają zakresowi statystycznej klasyfikacji działalności gospodarczej (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Przetwarzanie i unieszkodliwianie odpadów (innych niż odpady niebezpieczne). Projekt będzie realizowany jako badania przemysłowe w dziedzinie technologii środowiskowych i nie jest ekonomiczny.Główne działania projektu to: 1) Analiza dostępnych metod wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z wykorzystaniem analizy literatury i badań laboratoryjnych, prowadząca do wyboru najodpowiedniejszego rozwiązania wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 2) poszukiwanie produktów zgazowania odpadów odzyskanych paliw (RDF) związanych z CCSW, w tym wpływu jakości gazów syntezy procesowej (tzw. gazu syntezowego) na wychwytywanie dwutlenku węgla, oraz zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania biowęgla z odpadów jako sorbentów w cyklu wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 3) Planowanie, rozwój i połączenie bloków wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z instalacją zgazowania Pyro RDF, stworzoną w wyniku poprzedniego projektu grupy projektowej (w związku z tym zademonstrowanie konceptualnego prototypu urządzenia do wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla); 4) Upowszechnianie wyników projektu. Po zakończeniu projektu spodziewane są następujące rezultaty: Trzy oryginały naukowe, które zostaną przedłożone do publikacji w czasopismach lub artykułach konferencyjnych zawartych w bazach danych Web of Science lub SCOPUS; Jeden oryginał naukowy, który zostanie przedłożony do publikacji w czasopiśmie o wysokim współczynniku cytowania (Q1, Q2), a także pięć prezentacji na konferencjach międzynarodowych. (Polish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
A projekt fő célja a szilárd települési hulladék újrafeldolgozására szolgáló szén-dioxid-leválasztási és -tárolási technológiák tudásalapjának bővítése olyan megközelítéssel, amely a szén-dioxid-leválasztást és -tárolást integrálja a „hulladékenergia” koncepcióba. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. A projekt és várható eredményei megfelelnek a gazdasági tevékenységek statisztikai osztályozásának (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – A veszélyes hulladékoktól eltérő hulladékok kezelése és ártalmatlanítása területének. A projekt a környezetvédelmi technológiák területén végzett ipari kutatásként valósul meg, és nem gazdaságos.A projekt fő tevékenységei a következők: 1) A rendelkezésre álló szén-dioxid-leválasztási módszerek elemzése szakirodalmi elemzéssel és laboratóriumi vizsgálattal, ami a legmegfelelőbb szén-dioxid-leválasztási megoldás kiválasztásához vezet; 2) A CCSW-hez kapcsolódó, hulladékhasznosított tüzelőanyagok (RDF) gázosítására szolgáló termékek feltárása, beleértve a folyamatszintézisgázok (úgynevezett szintézisgázok) minőségének a szén-dioxid-leválasztásra gyakorolt hatását, és feltárja a hulladékból származó bioszén szorbensként való felhasználásának lehetőségét a szén-dioxid-leválasztási ciklusban; 3) A szén-dioxid-leválasztás blokkjának tervezése, fejlesztése és összekapcsolása a projektcsoport korábbi projektjének eredményeként létrehozott RDF Pyro gázosítási eszközzel (ezért demonstrálja a szén-dioxid-leválasztási eszköz koncepcionális prototípusát); 4) A projekt eredményeinek terjesztése.A projekt végén a következő eredmények várhatók: Három tudományos eredeti példány, amelyeket a Web of Science vagy a SCOPUS adatbázisában található folyóiratokban vagy konferenciacikkekben való közzététel céljából benyújtanak; Egy tudományos eredetit kell benyújtani közzétételre a magas idézési tényező (Q1, Q2) folyóiratban, valamint öt előadást nemzetközi konferenciákon. (Hungarian)
Property / summary: A projekt fő célja a szilárd települési hulladék újrafeldolgozására szolgáló szén-dioxid-leválasztási és -tárolási technológiák tudásalapjának bővítése olyan megközelítéssel, amely a szén-dioxid-leválasztást és -tárolást integrálja a „hulladékenergia” koncepcióba. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. A projekt és várható eredményei megfelelnek a gazdasági tevékenységek statisztikai osztályozásának (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – A veszélyes hulladékoktól eltérő hulladékok kezelése és ártalmatlanítása területének. A projekt a környezetvédelmi technológiák területén végzett ipari kutatásként valósul meg, és nem gazdaságos.A projekt fő tevékenységei a következők: 1) A rendelkezésre álló szén-dioxid-leválasztási módszerek elemzése szakirodalmi elemzéssel és laboratóriumi vizsgálattal, ami a legmegfelelőbb szén-dioxid-leválasztási megoldás kiválasztásához vezet; 2) A CCSW-hez kapcsolódó, hulladékhasznosított tüzelőanyagok (RDF) gázosítására szolgáló termékek feltárása, beleértve a folyamatszintézisgázok (úgynevezett szintézisgázok) minőségének a szén-dioxid-leválasztásra gyakorolt hatását, és feltárja a hulladékból származó bioszén szorbensként való felhasználásának lehetőségét a szén-dioxid-leválasztási ciklusban; 3) A szén-dioxid-leválasztás blokkjának tervezése, fejlesztése és összekapcsolása a projektcsoport korábbi projektjének eredményeként létrehozott RDF Pyro gázosítási eszközzel (ezért demonstrálja a szén-dioxid-leválasztási eszköz koncepcionális prototípusát); 4) A projekt eredményeinek terjesztése.A projekt végén a következő eredmények várhatók: Három tudományos eredeti példány, amelyeket a Web of Science vagy a SCOPUS adatbázisában található folyóiratokban vagy konferenciacikkekben való közzététel céljából benyújtanak; Egy tudományos eredetit kell benyújtani közzétételre a magas idézési tényező (Q1, Q2) folyóiratban, valamint öt előadást nemzetközi konferenciákon. (Hungarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: A projekt fő célja a szilárd települési hulladék újrafeldolgozására szolgáló szén-dioxid-leválasztási és -tárolási technológiák tudásalapjának bővítése olyan megközelítéssel, amely a szén-dioxid-leválasztást és -tárolást integrálja a „hulladékenergia” koncepcióba. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. A projekt és várható eredményei megfelelnek a gazdasági tevékenységek statisztikai osztályozásának (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – A veszélyes hulladékoktól eltérő hulladékok kezelése és ártalmatlanítása területének. A projekt a környezetvédelmi technológiák területén végzett ipari kutatásként valósul meg, és nem gazdaságos.A projekt fő tevékenységei a következők: 1) A rendelkezésre álló szén-dioxid-leválasztási módszerek elemzése szakirodalmi elemzéssel és laboratóriumi vizsgálattal, ami a legmegfelelőbb szén-dioxid-leválasztási megoldás kiválasztásához vezet; 2) A CCSW-hez kapcsolódó, hulladékhasznosított tüzelőanyagok (RDF) gázosítására szolgáló termékek feltárása, beleértve a folyamatszintézisgázok (úgynevezett szintézisgázok) minőségének a szén-dioxid-leválasztásra gyakorolt hatását, és feltárja a hulladékból származó bioszén szorbensként való felhasználásának lehetőségét a szén-dioxid-leválasztási ciklusban; 3) A szén-dioxid-leválasztás blokkjának tervezése, fejlesztése és összekapcsolása a projektcsoport korábbi projektjének eredményeként létrehozott RDF Pyro gázosítási eszközzel (ezért demonstrálja a szén-dioxid-leválasztási eszköz koncepcionális prototípusát); 4) A projekt eredményeinek terjesztése.A projekt végén a következő eredmények várhatók: Három tudományos eredeti példány, amelyeket a Web of Science vagy a SCOPUS adatbázisában található folyóiratokban vagy konferenciacikkekben való közzététel céljából benyújtanak; Egy tudományos eredetit kell benyújtani közzétételre a magas idézési tényező (Q1, Q2) folyóiratban, valamint öt előadást nemzetközi konferenciákon. (Hungarian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Hlavním cílem projektu je rozšířit znalostní základnu o technologiích zachycování a ukládání uhlíku (CCS) pro recyklaci pevného komunálního odpadu v přístupu, který začleňuje zachycování a ukládání uhlíku do koncepce „odpadní energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očekávané výsledky odpovídají rozsahu statistické klasifikace ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Zpracování a odstraňování odpadů (jiného než nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizován jako průmyslový výzkum v oblasti environmentálních technologií a není hospodárný.Hlavní činnosti projektu jsou: 1) Analýza dostupných metod zachycování oxidu uhličitého pomocí analýzy literatury a laboratorního testování, vedoucí k výběru nejvhodnějšího řešení pro zachycování uhlíku; 2) Průzkum produktů zplyňování využitých paliv (RDF) souvisejících s CCSW, včetně dopadu kvality plynů pro syntézu procesů (tzv. syngas) na zachycování uhlíku, a prozkoumat možnost využití biologického uhlí z odpadu jako sorbentů v cyklu zachycování oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánování bloků zachycování uhlíku, jeho vývoj a propojení se zařízením na zplyňování RDF vytvořeným na základě předchozího projektu projektové skupiny (proto demonstruje koncepční prototyp zařízení pro zachycování uhlíku); 4) Šíření výsledků projektu.Na konci projektu se očekávají následující výsledky: Tři vědecké originály, které budou předloženy ke zveřejnění v časopisech nebo článcích konference obsažených v databázích Web of Science nebo SCOPUS; Jeden vědecký originál bude předložen ke zveřejnění v časopise s vysokým citačním faktorem (Q1, Q2) a pět prezentací na mezinárodních konferencích. (Czech)
Property / summary: Hlavním cílem projektu je rozšířit znalostní základnu o technologiích zachycování a ukládání uhlíku (CCS) pro recyklaci pevného komunálního odpadu v přístupu, který začleňuje zachycování a ukládání uhlíku do koncepce „odpadní energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očekávané výsledky odpovídají rozsahu statistické klasifikace ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Zpracování a odstraňování odpadů (jiného než nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizován jako průmyslový výzkum v oblasti environmentálních technologií a není hospodárný.Hlavní činnosti projektu jsou: 1) Analýza dostupných metod zachycování oxidu uhličitého pomocí analýzy literatury a laboratorního testování, vedoucí k výběru nejvhodnějšího řešení pro zachycování uhlíku; 2) Průzkum produktů zplyňování využitých paliv (RDF) souvisejících s CCSW, včetně dopadu kvality plynů pro syntézu procesů (tzv. syngas) na zachycování uhlíku, a prozkoumat možnost využití biologického uhlí z odpadu jako sorbentů v cyklu zachycování oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánování bloků zachycování uhlíku, jeho vývoj a propojení se zařízením na zplyňování RDF vytvořeným na základě předchozího projektu projektové skupiny (proto demonstruje koncepční prototyp zařízení pro zachycování uhlíku); 4) Šíření výsledků projektu.Na konci projektu se očekávají následující výsledky: Tři vědecké originály, které budou předloženy ke zveřejnění v časopisech nebo článcích konference obsažených v databázích Web of Science nebo SCOPUS; Jeden vědecký originál bude předložen ke zveřejnění v časopise s vysokým citačním faktorem (Q1, Q2) a pět prezentací na mezinárodních konferencích. (Czech) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Hlavním cílem projektu je rozšířit znalostní základnu o technologiích zachycování a ukládání uhlíku (CCS) pro recyklaci pevného komunálního odpadu v přístupu, který začleňuje zachycování a ukládání uhlíku do koncepce „odpadní energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očekávané výsledky odpovídají rozsahu statistické klasifikace ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Zpracování a odstraňování odpadů (jiného než nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizován jako průmyslový výzkum v oblasti environmentálních technologií a není hospodárný.Hlavní činnosti projektu jsou: 1) Analýza dostupných metod zachycování oxidu uhličitého pomocí analýzy literatury a laboratorního testování, vedoucí k výběru nejvhodnějšího řešení pro zachycování uhlíku; 2) Průzkum produktů zplyňování využitých paliv (RDF) souvisejících s CCSW, včetně dopadu kvality plynů pro syntézu procesů (tzv. syngas) na zachycování uhlíku, a prozkoumat možnost využití biologického uhlí z odpadu jako sorbentů v cyklu zachycování oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánování bloků zachycování uhlíku, jeho vývoj a propojení se zařízením na zplyňování RDF vytvořeným na základě předchozího projektu projektové skupiny (proto demonstruje koncepční prototyp zařízení pro zachycování uhlíku); 4) Šíření výsledků projektu.Na konci projektu se očekávají následující výsledky: Tři vědecké originály, které budou předloženy ke zveřejnění v časopisech nebo článcích konference obsažených v databázích Web of Science nebo SCOPUS; Jeden vědecký originál bude předložen ke zveřejnění v časopise s vysokým citačním faktorem (Q1, Q2) a pět prezentací na mezinárodních konferencích. (Czech) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail an bonn eolais ar theicneolaíochtaí Gabhála agus Stórála Carbóin (CCS) chun dramhaíl chathrach sholadach a athchúrsáil a leathnú i gcur chuige lena gcomhtháthaítear gabháil agus stóráil carbóin sa choincheap “fuinneamh dramhaíola”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Freagraíonn an tionscadal agus na torthaí a bhfuiltear ag súil leo do raon feidhme aicmiú staidrimh na ngníomhaíochtaí eacnamaíocha (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Cóireáil agus diúscairt dramhaíola (seachas dramhaíl ghuaiseach). Cuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm mar thaighde tionsclaíoch i réimse na dteicneolaíochtaí comhshaoil agus ní eacnamaíoch é.Is iad príomhghníomhaíochtaí an tionscadail: 1) Anailís ar mhodhanna gabhála dé-ocsaíd charbóin atá ar fáil ag baint úsáide as anailís litríochta agus tástáil saotharlainne, as a dtiocfaidh roghnú an tuaslagáin gabhála carbóin is oiriúnaí; 2) Taiscéalaíocht a dhéanamh ar tháirgí gásúcháin breoslaí gnóthaithe dramhaíola (RDF) a bhaineann le CCSW, lena n-áirítear tionchar cháilíocht na ngás sintéise próisis (gás sintéiseach mar a thugtar air) ar ghabháil carbóin, agus féachaint an bhféadfaí bith-ghual ó dhramhaíl a úsáid mar shorbúis sa timthriall gabhála dé-ocsaíde carbóin; 3) Pleanáil, Forbairt agus Ceangal Bloc Gabhála Carbóin leis an tSaoráid Gáisithe Pyro RDF a cruthaíodh mar thoradh ar thionscadal roimhe seo an ghrúpa tionscadail (dá bhrí sin, gléas gabhála carbóin fréamhshamhail choincheapúil a léiriú); 4) Scaipeadh torthaí tionscadail.Ag deireadh an tionscadail táthar ag súil leis na torthaí seo a leanas: Trí bhunchóipeanna eolaíocha a chuirfear isteach lena bhfoilsiú in irisleabhair nó in ailt chomhdhála a áirítear i mbunachair sonraí Web of Science nó SCOPUS; Bunleagan eolaíoch amháin atá le cur isteach lena fhoilsiú san irisleabhar ardluaite (Q1, Q2), chomh maith le cúig chur i láthair ag comhdhálacha idirnáisiúnta. (Irish)
Property / summary: Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail an bonn eolais ar theicneolaíochtaí Gabhála agus Stórála Carbóin (CCS) chun dramhaíl chathrach sholadach a athchúrsáil a leathnú i gcur chuige lena gcomhtháthaítear gabháil agus stóráil carbóin sa choincheap “fuinneamh dramhaíola”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Freagraíonn an tionscadal agus na torthaí a bhfuiltear ag súil leo do raon feidhme aicmiú staidrimh na ngníomhaíochtaí eacnamaíocha (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Cóireáil agus diúscairt dramhaíola (seachas dramhaíl ghuaiseach). Cuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm mar thaighde tionsclaíoch i réimse na dteicneolaíochtaí comhshaoil agus ní eacnamaíoch é.Is iad príomhghníomhaíochtaí an tionscadail: 1) Anailís ar mhodhanna gabhála dé-ocsaíd charbóin atá ar fáil ag baint úsáide as anailís litríochta agus tástáil saotharlainne, as a dtiocfaidh roghnú an tuaslagáin gabhála carbóin is oiriúnaí; 2) Taiscéalaíocht a dhéanamh ar tháirgí gásúcháin breoslaí gnóthaithe dramhaíola (RDF) a bhaineann le CCSW, lena n-áirítear tionchar cháilíocht na ngás sintéise próisis (gás sintéiseach mar a thugtar air) ar ghabháil carbóin, agus féachaint an bhféadfaí bith-ghual ó dhramhaíl a úsáid mar shorbúis sa timthriall gabhála dé-ocsaíde carbóin; 3) Pleanáil, Forbairt agus Ceangal Bloc Gabhála Carbóin leis an tSaoráid Gáisithe Pyro RDF a cruthaíodh mar thoradh ar thionscadal roimhe seo an ghrúpa tionscadail (dá bhrí sin, gléas gabhála carbóin fréamhshamhail choincheapúil a léiriú); 4) Scaipeadh torthaí tionscadail.Ag deireadh an tionscadail táthar ag súil leis na torthaí seo a leanas: Trí bhunchóipeanna eolaíocha a chuirfear isteach lena bhfoilsiú in irisleabhair nó in ailt chomhdhála a áirítear i mbunachair sonraí Web of Science nó SCOPUS; Bunleagan eolaíoch amháin atá le cur isteach lena fhoilsiú san irisleabhar ardluaite (Q1, Q2), chomh maith le cúig chur i láthair ag comhdhálacha idirnáisiúnta. (Irish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail an bonn eolais ar theicneolaíochtaí Gabhála agus Stórála Carbóin (CCS) chun dramhaíl chathrach sholadach a athchúrsáil a leathnú i gcur chuige lena gcomhtháthaítear gabháil agus stóráil carbóin sa choincheap “fuinneamh dramhaíola”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Freagraíonn an tionscadal agus na torthaí a bhfuiltear ag súil leo do raon feidhme aicmiú staidrimh na ngníomhaíochtaí eacnamaíocha (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Cóireáil agus diúscairt dramhaíola (seachas dramhaíl ghuaiseach). Cuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm mar thaighde tionsclaíoch i réimse na dteicneolaíochtaí comhshaoil agus ní eacnamaíoch é.Is iad príomhghníomhaíochtaí an tionscadail: 1) Anailís ar mhodhanna gabhála dé-ocsaíd charbóin atá ar fáil ag baint úsáide as anailís litríochta agus tástáil saotharlainne, as a dtiocfaidh roghnú an tuaslagáin gabhála carbóin is oiriúnaí; 2) Taiscéalaíocht a dhéanamh ar tháirgí gásúcháin breoslaí gnóthaithe dramhaíola (RDF) a bhaineann le CCSW, lena n-áirítear tionchar cháilíocht na ngás sintéise próisis (gás sintéiseach mar a thugtar air) ar ghabháil carbóin, agus féachaint an bhféadfaí bith-ghual ó dhramhaíl a úsáid mar shorbúis sa timthriall gabhála dé-ocsaíde carbóin; 3) Pleanáil, Forbairt agus Ceangal Bloc Gabhála Carbóin leis an tSaoráid Gáisithe Pyro RDF a cruthaíodh mar thoradh ar thionscadal roimhe seo an ghrúpa tionscadail (dá bhrí sin, gléas gabhála carbóin fréamhshamhail choincheapúil a léiriú); 4) Scaipeadh torthaí tionscadail.Ag deireadh an tionscadail táthar ag súil leis na torthaí seo a leanas: Trí bhunchóipeanna eolaíocha a chuirfear isteach lena bhfoilsiú in irisleabhair nó in ailt chomhdhála a áirítear i mbunachair sonraí Web of Science nó SCOPUS; Bunleagan eolaíoch amháin atá le cur isteach lena fhoilsiú san irisleabhar ardluaite (Q1, Q2), chomh maith le cúig chur i láthair ag comhdhálacha idirnáisiúnta. (Irish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Glavni cilj projekta je razširiti bazo znanja o tehnologijah zajemanja in shranjevanja ogljika (CCS) za recikliranje trdnih komunalnih odpadkov s pristopom, ki vključuje zajemanje in shranjevanje ogljika v koncept „energije odpadkov“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt in njegovi pričakovani rezultati ustrezajo obsegu statistične klasifikacije gospodarskih dejavnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obdelava in odstranjevanje odpadkov (razen nevarnih odpadkov). Projekt se bo izvajal kot industrijsko raziskovanje na področju okoljskih tehnologij in ni ekonomičen.Glavne dejavnosti projekta so: 1) analiza razpoložljivih metod zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida z uporabo analize literature in laboratorijskega preskušanja, na podlagi katerega se izbere najprimernejša rešitev za zajemanje ogljika; 2) raziskovanje proizvodov za uplinjanje iz odpadkov, povezanih s CCSW, vključno z vplivom kakovosti sinteznih plinov (t. i. singas) na zajemanje ogljika, ter preučitev možnosti uporabe biološkega premoga iz odpadkov kot sorbentov v ciklu zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida; 3) načrtovanje, razvoj in povezovanje blokov zajemanja ogljika z instrumentom RDF za piro uplinjanje, ki je bil ustvarjen kot rezultat prejšnjega projekta projektne skupine (zato prikazuje konceptualni prototip naprave za zajemanje ogljika); 4) Razširjanje rezultatov projekta.Ob koncu projekta se pričakujejo naslednji rezultati: Trije znanstveni izvirniki, ki bodo predloženi v objavo v revijah ali konferenčnih člankih, ki so vključeni v podatkovno zbirko Web of Science ali SCOPUS; En znanstveni izvirnik, ki ga je treba predložiti v objavo v reviji z visokim faktorjem citiranja (Q1, Q2), in pet predstavitev na mednarodnih konferencah. (Slovenian)
Property / summary: Glavni cilj projekta je razširiti bazo znanja o tehnologijah zajemanja in shranjevanja ogljika (CCS) za recikliranje trdnih komunalnih odpadkov s pristopom, ki vključuje zajemanje in shranjevanje ogljika v koncept „energije odpadkov“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt in njegovi pričakovani rezultati ustrezajo obsegu statistične klasifikacije gospodarskih dejavnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obdelava in odstranjevanje odpadkov (razen nevarnih odpadkov). Projekt se bo izvajal kot industrijsko raziskovanje na področju okoljskih tehnologij in ni ekonomičen.Glavne dejavnosti projekta so: 1) analiza razpoložljivih metod zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida z uporabo analize literature in laboratorijskega preskušanja, na podlagi katerega se izbere najprimernejša rešitev za zajemanje ogljika; 2) raziskovanje proizvodov za uplinjanje iz odpadkov, povezanih s CCSW, vključno z vplivom kakovosti sinteznih plinov (t. i. singas) na zajemanje ogljika, ter preučitev možnosti uporabe biološkega premoga iz odpadkov kot sorbentov v ciklu zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida; 3) načrtovanje, razvoj in povezovanje blokov zajemanja ogljika z instrumentom RDF za piro uplinjanje, ki je bil ustvarjen kot rezultat prejšnjega projekta projektne skupine (zato prikazuje konceptualni prototip naprave za zajemanje ogljika); 4) Razširjanje rezultatov projekta.Ob koncu projekta se pričakujejo naslednji rezultati: Trije znanstveni izvirniki, ki bodo predloženi v objavo v revijah ali konferenčnih člankih, ki so vključeni v podatkovno zbirko Web of Science ali SCOPUS; En znanstveni izvirnik, ki ga je treba predložiti v objavo v reviji z visokim faktorjem citiranja (Q1, Q2), in pet predstavitev na mednarodnih konferencah. (Slovenian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Glavni cilj projekta je razširiti bazo znanja o tehnologijah zajemanja in shranjevanja ogljika (CCS) za recikliranje trdnih komunalnih odpadkov s pristopom, ki vključuje zajemanje in shranjevanje ogljika v koncept „energije odpadkov“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt in njegovi pričakovani rezultati ustrezajo obsegu statistične klasifikacije gospodarskih dejavnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obdelava in odstranjevanje odpadkov (razen nevarnih odpadkov). Projekt se bo izvajal kot industrijsko raziskovanje na področju okoljskih tehnologij in ni ekonomičen.Glavne dejavnosti projekta so: 1) analiza razpoložljivih metod zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida z uporabo analize literature in laboratorijskega preskušanja, na podlagi katerega se izbere najprimernejša rešitev za zajemanje ogljika; 2) raziskovanje proizvodov za uplinjanje iz odpadkov, povezanih s CCSW, vključno z vplivom kakovosti sinteznih plinov (t. i. singas) na zajemanje ogljika, ter preučitev možnosti uporabe biološkega premoga iz odpadkov kot sorbentov v ciklu zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida; 3) načrtovanje, razvoj in povezovanje blokov zajemanja ogljika z instrumentom RDF za piro uplinjanje, ki je bil ustvarjen kot rezultat prejšnjega projekta projektne skupine (zato prikazuje konceptualni prototip naprave za zajemanje ogljika); 4) Razširjanje rezultatov projekta.Ob koncu projekta se pričakujejo naslednji rezultati: Trije znanstveni izvirniki, ki bodo predloženi v objavo v revijah ali konferenčnih člankih, ki so vključeni v podatkovno zbirko Web of Science ali SCOPUS; En znanstveni izvirnik, ki ga je treba predložiti v objavo v reviji z visokim faktorjem citiranja (Q1, Q2), in pet predstavitev na mednarodnih konferencah. (Slovenian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Основната цел на проекта е да се разшири базата от знания за технологиите за улавяне и съхранение на въглерод (CCS) за рециклиране на твърди битови отпадъци чрез подход, който интегрира улавянето и съхранението на въглерод в концепцията за „отпадъчна енергия“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Проектът и очакваните резултати съответстват на обхвата на статистическата класификация на икономическите дейности (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Третиране и обезвреждане на отпадъци (различни от опасни отпадъци). Проектът ще бъде реализиран като индустриални изследвания в областта на екологичните технологии и не е икономичен. Основните дейности по проекта са: 1) Анализ на наличните методи за улавяне на въглероден диоксид с помощта на литературен анализ и лабораторни изпитвания, което води до избора на най-подходящия разтвор за улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 2) Проучване на продукти за газификация на отпадъчни горива (RDF), свързани с CCSW, включително въздействието на качеството на технологичните синтетични газове (т.нар. синтетичен газ) върху улавянето на въглерод, и проучване на възможността за използване на биовъглища от отпадъци като сорбенти в цикъла на улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 3) Планиране, разработване и свързване на блокове за улавяне на въглерод с RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, създаден в резултат на предишния проект на проектната група (следователно демонстриране на концептуален прототип на устройство за улавяне на въглерод); 4) Разпространение на резултатите от проекта.В края на проекта се очакват следните резултати: Три научни оригинала, които ще бъдат представени за публикуване в списания или в конферентни статии, включени в Web of Science или бази данни SCOPUS; Един научен оригинал, който да бъде представен за публикуване в списанието с висок коефициент на цитиране (Q1, Q2), както и пет презентации на международни конференции. (Bulgarian)
Property / summary: Основната цел на проекта е да се разшири базата от знания за технологиите за улавяне и съхранение на въглерод (CCS) за рециклиране на твърди битови отпадъци чрез подход, който интегрира улавянето и съхранението на въглерод в концепцията за „отпадъчна енергия“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Проектът и очакваните резултати съответстват на обхвата на статистическата класификация на икономическите дейности (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Третиране и обезвреждане на отпадъци (различни от опасни отпадъци). Проектът ще бъде реализиран като индустриални изследвания в областта на екологичните технологии и не е икономичен. Основните дейности по проекта са: 1) Анализ на наличните методи за улавяне на въглероден диоксид с помощта на литературен анализ и лабораторни изпитвания, което води до избора на най-подходящия разтвор за улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 2) Проучване на продукти за газификация на отпадъчни горива (RDF), свързани с CCSW, включително въздействието на качеството на технологичните синтетични газове (т.нар. синтетичен газ) върху улавянето на въглерод, и проучване на възможността за използване на биовъглища от отпадъци като сорбенти в цикъла на улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 3) Планиране, разработване и свързване на блокове за улавяне на въглерод с RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, създаден в резултат на предишния проект на проектната група (следователно демонстриране на концептуален прототип на устройство за улавяне на въглерод); 4) Разпространение на резултатите от проекта.В края на проекта се очакват следните резултати: Три научни оригинала, които ще бъдат представени за публикуване в списания или в конферентни статии, включени в Web of Science или бази данни SCOPUS; Един научен оригинал, който да бъде представен за публикуване в списанието с висок коефициент на цитиране (Q1, Q2), както и пет презентации на международни конференции. (Bulgarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Основната цел на проекта е да се разшири базата от знания за технологиите за улавяне и съхранение на въглерод (CCS) за рециклиране на твърди битови отпадъци чрез подход, който интегрира улавянето и съхранението на въглерод в концепцията за „отпадъчна енергия“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Проектът и очакваните резултати съответстват на обхвата на статистическата класификация на икономическите дейности (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Третиране и обезвреждане на отпадъци (различни от опасни отпадъци). Проектът ще бъде реализиран като индустриални изследвания в областта на екологичните технологии и не е икономичен. Основните дейности по проекта са: 1) Анализ на наличните методи за улавяне на въглероден диоксид с помощта на литературен анализ и лабораторни изпитвания, което води до избора на най-подходящия разтвор за улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 2) Проучване на продукти за газификация на отпадъчни горива (RDF), свързани с CCSW, включително въздействието на качеството на технологичните синтетични газове (т.нар. синтетичен газ) върху улавянето на въглерод, и проучване на възможността за използване на биовъглища от отпадъци като сорбенти в цикъла на улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 3) Планиране, разработване и свързване на блокове за улавяне на въглерод с RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, създаден в резултат на предишния проект на проектната група (следователно демонстриране на концептуален прототип на устройство за улавяне на въглерод); 4) Разпространение на резултатите от проекта.В края на проекта се очакват следните резултати: Три научни оригинала, които ще бъдат представени за публикуване в списания или в конферентни статии, включени в Web of Science или бази данни SCOPUS; Един научен оригинал, който да бъде представен за публикуване в списанието с висок коефициент на цитиране (Q1, Q2), както и пет презентации на международни конференции. (Bulgarian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li jespandi l-bażi tal-għarfien dwar it-teknoloġiji tal-Qbid u l-Ħżin tal-Karbonju (CCS) għar-riċiklaġġ tal-iskart muniċipali solidu f’approċċ li jintegra l-qbid u l-ħżin tal-karbonju fil-kunċett tal-“enerġija mill-iskart”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Il-proġett u r-riżultati mistennija tiegħu jikkorrispondu mal-ambitu tal-klassifikazzjoni statistika tal-attivitajiet ekonomiċi (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattament u rimi tal-iskart (għajr skart perikoluż). Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat bħala riċerka industrijali fil-qasam tat-teknoloġiji ambjentali u mhuwiex ekonomiku. L-attivitajiet ewlenin tal-proġett huma: 1) Analiżi tal-metodi disponibbli għall-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju bl-użu ta’ analiżi tal-letteratura u ttestjar fil-laboratorju, li twassal għall-għażla tal-aktar soluzzjoni xierqa għall-qbid tal-karbonju; 2) L-esplorazzjoni ta’ prodotti ta’ gassifikazzjoni ta’ fjuwils irkuprati (RDF) relatati mas-CCSW, inkluż l-impatt tal-kwalità tal-gassijiet ta’ sinteżi tal-proċess (l-hekk imsejħa syngas) fuq il-qbid tal-karbonju, u l-esplorazzjoni tal-possibbiltà li jintuża l-faħam bijoloġiku mill-iskart bħala sorbents fiċ-ċiklu tal-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju; 3) L-Ippjanar, l-Iżvilupp, u l-Konnessjoni tal-Bokkijiet tal-Ġbir tal-Karbonju mal-Faċilità tal-Gassifikazzjoni Pyro RDF maħluqa bħala riżultat tal-proġett preċedenti tal-grupp tal-proġett (u b’hekk jintwera prototip kunċettwali ta’ apparat għall-qbid tal-karbonju); 4) Disseminazzjoni tar-riżultati tal-proġett.Fl-aħħar tal-proġett huma mistennija r-riżultati li ġejjin: Tliet oriġinali xjentifiċi li ser jiġu ppreżentati għall-pubblikazzjoni f’ġurnali jew artikli f’konferenzi inklużi fil-Web of Science jew fil-bażijiet tad-data SCOPUS; Oriġinal xjentifiku wieħed għandu jiġi ppreżentat għall-pubblikazzjoni fil-ġurnal tal-fattur ta’ ċitazzjoni għolja (Q1, Q2), kif ukoll ħames preżentazzjonijiet f’konferenzi internazzjonali. (Maltese)
Property / summary: L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li jespandi l-bażi tal-għarfien dwar it-teknoloġiji tal-Qbid u l-Ħżin tal-Karbonju (CCS) għar-riċiklaġġ tal-iskart muniċipali solidu f’approċċ li jintegra l-qbid u l-ħżin tal-karbonju fil-kunċett tal-“enerġija mill-iskart”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Il-proġett u r-riżultati mistennija tiegħu jikkorrispondu mal-ambitu tal-klassifikazzjoni statistika tal-attivitajiet ekonomiċi (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattament u rimi tal-iskart (għajr skart perikoluż). Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat bħala riċerka industrijali fil-qasam tat-teknoloġiji ambjentali u mhuwiex ekonomiku. L-attivitajiet ewlenin tal-proġett huma: 1) Analiżi tal-metodi disponibbli għall-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju bl-użu ta’ analiżi tal-letteratura u ttestjar fil-laboratorju, li twassal għall-għażla tal-aktar soluzzjoni xierqa għall-qbid tal-karbonju; 2) L-esplorazzjoni ta’ prodotti ta’ gassifikazzjoni ta’ fjuwils irkuprati (RDF) relatati mas-CCSW, inkluż l-impatt tal-kwalità tal-gassijiet ta’ sinteżi tal-proċess (l-hekk imsejħa syngas) fuq il-qbid tal-karbonju, u l-esplorazzjoni tal-possibbiltà li jintuża l-faħam bijoloġiku mill-iskart bħala sorbents fiċ-ċiklu tal-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju; 3) L-Ippjanar, l-Iżvilupp, u l-Konnessjoni tal-Bokkijiet tal-Ġbir tal-Karbonju mal-Faċilità tal-Gassifikazzjoni Pyro RDF maħluqa bħala riżultat tal-proġett preċedenti tal-grupp tal-proġett (u b’hekk jintwera prototip kunċettwali ta’ apparat għall-qbid tal-karbonju); 4) Disseminazzjoni tar-riżultati tal-proġett.Fl-aħħar tal-proġett huma mistennija r-riżultati li ġejjin: Tliet oriġinali xjentifiċi li ser jiġu ppreżentati għall-pubblikazzjoni f’ġurnali jew artikli f’konferenzi inklużi fil-Web of Science jew fil-bażijiet tad-data SCOPUS; Oriġinal xjentifiku wieħed għandu jiġi ppreżentat għall-pubblikazzjoni fil-ġurnal tal-fattur ta’ ċitazzjoni għolja (Q1, Q2), kif ukoll ħames preżentazzjonijiet f’konferenzi internazzjonali. (Maltese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li jespandi l-bażi tal-għarfien dwar it-teknoloġiji tal-Qbid u l-Ħżin tal-Karbonju (CCS) għar-riċiklaġġ tal-iskart muniċipali solidu f’approċċ li jintegra l-qbid u l-ħżin tal-karbonju fil-kunċett tal-“enerġija mill-iskart”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Il-proġett u r-riżultati mistennija tiegħu jikkorrispondu mal-ambitu tal-klassifikazzjoni statistika tal-attivitajiet ekonomiċi (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattament u rimi tal-iskart (għajr skart perikoluż). Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat bħala riċerka industrijali fil-qasam tat-teknoloġiji ambjentali u mhuwiex ekonomiku. L-attivitajiet ewlenin tal-proġett huma: 1) Analiżi tal-metodi disponibbli għall-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju bl-użu ta’ analiżi tal-letteratura u ttestjar fil-laboratorju, li twassal għall-għażla tal-aktar soluzzjoni xierqa għall-qbid tal-karbonju; 2) L-esplorazzjoni ta’ prodotti ta’ gassifikazzjoni ta’ fjuwils irkuprati (RDF) relatati mas-CCSW, inkluż l-impatt tal-kwalità tal-gassijiet ta’ sinteżi tal-proċess (l-hekk imsejħa syngas) fuq il-qbid tal-karbonju, u l-esplorazzjoni tal-possibbiltà li jintuża l-faħam bijoloġiku mill-iskart bħala sorbents fiċ-ċiklu tal-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju; 3) L-Ippjanar, l-Iżvilupp, u l-Konnessjoni tal-Bokkijiet tal-Ġbir tal-Karbonju mal-Faċilità tal-Gassifikazzjoni Pyro RDF maħluqa bħala riżultat tal-proġett preċedenti tal-grupp tal-proġett (u b’hekk jintwera prototip kunċettwali ta’ apparat għall-qbid tal-karbonju); 4) Disseminazzjoni tar-riżultati tal-proġett.Fl-aħħar tal-proġett huma mistennija r-riżultati li ġejjin: Tliet oriġinali xjentifiċi li ser jiġu ppreżentati għall-pubblikazzjoni f’ġurnali jew artikli f’konferenzi inklużi fil-Web of Science jew fil-bażijiet tad-data SCOPUS; Oriġinal xjentifiku wieħed għandu jiġi ppreżentat għall-pubblikazzjoni fil-ġurnal tal-fattur ta’ ċitazzjoni għolja (Q1, Q2), kif ukoll ħames preżentazzjonijiet f’konferenzi internazzjonali. (Maltese) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
O principal objetivo do projeto é alargar a base de conhecimentos sobre as tecnologias de captura e armazenamento de carbono (CAC) para a reciclagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos, numa abordagem que integre a captura e o armazenamento de carbono no conceito de «energia residual». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. O projeto e os seus resultados esperados correspondem ao âmbito da nomenclatura estatística das atividades económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamento e eliminação de resíduos (exceto resíduos perigosos). O projeto será executado como investigação industrial no domínio das tecnologias ambientais e não é económico. As principais atividades do projeto são: 1) Análise dos métodos de captura de dióxido de carbono disponíveis, utilizando análises bibliográficas e ensaios laboratoriais, conducentes à seleção da solução de captura de carbono mais adequada; 2) Exploração de produtos de gaseificação de combustíveis recuperados de resíduos (RDF) relacionados com a CACW, incluindo o impacto da qualidade dos gases de síntese dos processos (o chamado gás de síntese) na captura de carbono, e explorar a possibilidade de utilizar biocarvão de resíduos como adsorvente no ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) Planeamento, desenvolvimento e ligação de blocos de captura de carbono com a instalação de pirogasificação do FTR criada em resultado do projeto anterior do grupo de projeto (demonstrando assim um protótipo conceptual de dispositivo de captura de carbono); 4) Divulgação dos resultados do projecto.No final do projecto são esperados os seguintes resultados: Três originais científicos que serão submetidos para publicação em revistas ou artigos de conferências incluídos nas bases de dados Web of Science ou SCOPUS; Um original científico a ser submetido para publicação na revista High Citation Factor (Q1, Q2), bem como cinco apresentações em conferências internacionais. (Portuguese)
Property / summary: O principal objetivo do projeto é alargar a base de conhecimentos sobre as tecnologias de captura e armazenamento de carbono (CAC) para a reciclagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos, numa abordagem que integre a captura e o armazenamento de carbono no conceito de «energia residual». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. O projeto e os seus resultados esperados correspondem ao âmbito da nomenclatura estatística das atividades económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamento e eliminação de resíduos (exceto resíduos perigosos). O projeto será executado como investigação industrial no domínio das tecnologias ambientais e não é económico. As principais atividades do projeto são: 1) Análise dos métodos de captura de dióxido de carbono disponíveis, utilizando análises bibliográficas e ensaios laboratoriais, conducentes à seleção da solução de captura de carbono mais adequada; 2) Exploração de produtos de gaseificação de combustíveis recuperados de resíduos (RDF) relacionados com a CACW, incluindo o impacto da qualidade dos gases de síntese dos processos (o chamado gás de síntese) na captura de carbono, e explorar a possibilidade de utilizar biocarvão de resíduos como adsorvente no ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) Planeamento, desenvolvimento e ligação de blocos de captura de carbono com a instalação de pirogasificação do FTR criada em resultado do projeto anterior do grupo de projeto (demonstrando assim um protótipo conceptual de dispositivo de captura de carbono); 4) Divulgação dos resultados do projecto.No final do projecto são esperados os seguintes resultados: Três originais científicos que serão submetidos para publicação em revistas ou artigos de conferências incluídos nas bases de dados Web of Science ou SCOPUS; Um original científico a ser submetido para publicação na revista High Citation Factor (Q1, Q2), bem como cinco apresentações em conferências internacionais. (Portuguese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: O principal objetivo do projeto é alargar a base de conhecimentos sobre as tecnologias de captura e armazenamento de carbono (CAC) para a reciclagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos, numa abordagem que integre a captura e o armazenamento de carbono no conceito de «energia residual». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. O projeto e os seus resultados esperados correspondem ao âmbito da nomenclatura estatística das atividades económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamento e eliminação de resíduos (exceto resíduos perigosos). O projeto será executado como investigação industrial no domínio das tecnologias ambientais e não é económico. As principais atividades do projeto são: 1) Análise dos métodos de captura de dióxido de carbono disponíveis, utilizando análises bibliográficas e ensaios laboratoriais, conducentes à seleção da solução de captura de carbono mais adequada; 2) Exploração de produtos de gaseificação de combustíveis recuperados de resíduos (RDF) relacionados com a CACW, incluindo o impacto da qualidade dos gases de síntese dos processos (o chamado gás de síntese) na captura de carbono, e explorar a possibilidade de utilizar biocarvão de resíduos como adsorvente no ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) Planeamento, desenvolvimento e ligação de blocos de captura de carbono com a instalação de pirogasificação do FTR criada em resultado do projeto anterior do grupo de projeto (demonstrando assim um protótipo conceptual de dispositivo de captura de carbono); 4) Divulgação dos resultados do projecto.No final do projecto são esperados os seguintes resultados: Três originais científicos que serão submetidos para publicação em revistas ou artigos de conferências incluídos nas bases de dados Web of Science ou SCOPUS; Um original científico a ser submetido para publicação na revista High Citation Factor (Q1, Q2), bem como cinco apresentações em conferências internacionais. (Portuguese) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Hovedformålet med projektet er at udvide videnbasen om teknologier til CO2-opsamling og -lagring (CCS) til genanvendelse af fast kommunalt affald i en tilgang, der integrerer CO2-opsamling og -lagring i begrebet "affaldsenergi". The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet og dets forventede resultater svarer til anvendelsesområdet for den statistiske nomenklatur for økonomiske aktiviteter (NACE rev. 2) 38.21 — Behandling og bortskaffelse af affald (bortset fra farligt affald). Projektet vil blive gennemført som industriel forskning inden for miljøteknologi, og det er ikke økonomisk. Projektets vigtigste aktiviteter er: 1) Analyse af tilgængelige CO2-opsamlingsmetoder ved hjælp af litteraturanalyse og laboratorietest, der fører til udvælgelse af den mest hensigtsmæssige CO2-opsamlingsopløsning; 2) Efterforskning af affaldsgenvundne brændsler (RDF) forgasningsprodukter relateret til CCSW, herunder virkningen af kvaliteten af processyntesegasser (såkaldte syngas) på CO2-opsamling, og undersøge muligheden for at anvende biokul fra affald som sorbenter i CO2-opsamlingscyklussen; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, der blev oprettet som et resultat af projektgruppens tidligere projekt (der derfor demonstrerer en konceptuel prototype CO2-opsamlingsenhed); 4) Formidling af projektresultater. Ved projektets afslutning forventes følgende resultater: Tre videnskabelige originaler, som vil blive offentliggjort i tidsskrifter eller konferenceartikler, der indgår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser En videnskabelig original, der skal offentliggøres i tidsskriftet "high cititation factor" (Q1, Q2), samt fem præsentationer på internationale konferencer. (Danish)
Property / summary: Hovedformålet med projektet er at udvide videnbasen om teknologier til CO2-opsamling og -lagring (CCS) til genanvendelse af fast kommunalt affald i en tilgang, der integrerer CO2-opsamling og -lagring i begrebet "affaldsenergi". The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet og dets forventede resultater svarer til anvendelsesområdet for den statistiske nomenklatur for økonomiske aktiviteter (NACE rev. 2) 38.21 — Behandling og bortskaffelse af affald (bortset fra farligt affald). Projektet vil blive gennemført som industriel forskning inden for miljøteknologi, og det er ikke økonomisk. Projektets vigtigste aktiviteter er: 1) Analyse af tilgængelige CO2-opsamlingsmetoder ved hjælp af litteraturanalyse og laboratorietest, der fører til udvælgelse af den mest hensigtsmæssige CO2-opsamlingsopløsning; 2) Efterforskning af affaldsgenvundne brændsler (RDF) forgasningsprodukter relateret til CCSW, herunder virkningen af kvaliteten af processyntesegasser (såkaldte syngas) på CO2-opsamling, og undersøge muligheden for at anvende biokul fra affald som sorbenter i CO2-opsamlingscyklussen; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, der blev oprettet som et resultat af projektgruppens tidligere projekt (der derfor demonstrerer en konceptuel prototype CO2-opsamlingsenhed); 4) Formidling af projektresultater. Ved projektets afslutning forventes følgende resultater: Tre videnskabelige originaler, som vil blive offentliggjort i tidsskrifter eller konferenceartikler, der indgår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser En videnskabelig original, der skal offentliggøres i tidsskriftet "high cititation factor" (Q1, Q2), samt fem præsentationer på internationale konferencer. (Danish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Hovedformålet med projektet er at udvide videnbasen om teknologier til CO2-opsamling og -lagring (CCS) til genanvendelse af fast kommunalt affald i en tilgang, der integrerer CO2-opsamling og -lagring i begrebet "affaldsenergi". The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet og dets forventede resultater svarer til anvendelsesområdet for den statistiske nomenklatur for økonomiske aktiviteter (NACE rev. 2) 38.21 — Behandling og bortskaffelse af affald (bortset fra farligt affald). Projektet vil blive gennemført som industriel forskning inden for miljøteknologi, og det er ikke økonomisk. Projektets vigtigste aktiviteter er: 1) Analyse af tilgængelige CO2-opsamlingsmetoder ved hjælp af litteraturanalyse og laboratorietest, der fører til udvælgelse af den mest hensigtsmæssige CO2-opsamlingsopløsning; 2) Efterforskning af affaldsgenvundne brændsler (RDF) forgasningsprodukter relateret til CCSW, herunder virkningen af kvaliteten af processyntesegasser (såkaldte syngas) på CO2-opsamling, og undersøge muligheden for at anvende biokul fra affald som sorbenter i CO2-opsamlingscyklussen; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, der blev oprettet som et resultat af projektgruppens tidligere projekt (der derfor demonstrerer en konceptuel prototype CO2-opsamlingsenhed); 4) Formidling af projektresultater. Ved projektets afslutning forventes følgende resultater: Tre videnskabelige originaler, som vil blive offentliggjort i tidsskrifter eller konferenceartikler, der indgår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser En videnskabelig original, der skal offentliggøres i tidsskriftet "high cititation factor" (Q1, Q2), samt fem præsentationer på internationale konferencer. (Danish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Obiectivul principal al proiectului este de a extinde baza de cunoștințe privind tehnologiile de captare și stocare a carbonului (CSC) pentru reciclarea deșeurilor municipale solide într-o abordare care integrează captarea și stocarea carbonului în conceptul de „energie reziduală”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Proiectul și rezultatele preconizate corespund domeniului de aplicare al clasificării statistice a activităților economice (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Tratarea și eliminarea deșeurilor (altele decât deșeurile periculoase). Proiectul va fi implementat ca cercetare industrială în domeniul tehnologiilor de mediu și nu este economic. Principalele activități ale proiectului sunt: 1) Analiza metodelor disponibile de captare a dioxidului de carbon utilizând analiza literaturii de specialitate și testarea de laborator, conducând la selectarea celei mai adecvate soluții de captare a carbonului; 2) Explorarea produselor de gazeificare a combustibililor recuperați (RDF) legate de CSCW, inclusiv impactul calității gazelor de sinteză a proceselor (așa-numitele gaze de sinteză) asupra captării carbonului, și să exploreze posibilitatea utilizării biocărbunelui din deșeuri ca sorbenți în ciclul de captare a dioxidului de carbon; 3) Planificarea, dezvoltarea și conectarea blocurilor de captare a carbonului cu instalația RDF Pyro Gasification creată ca urmare a proiectului anterior al grupului de proiect (prin urmare, demonstrând un prototip conceptual de dispozitiv de captare a carbonului); 4) Diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului. La finalul proiectului sunt așteptate următoarele rezultate: Trei originale științifice care vor fi prezentate spre publicare în reviste sau articole de conferință incluse în bazele de date Web of Science sau SCOPUS; Un original științific care urmează să fie prezentat spre publicare în revista cu factor ridicat de citare (Q1, Q2), precum și cinci prezentări în cadrul conferințelor internaționale. (Romanian)
Property / summary: Obiectivul principal al proiectului este de a extinde baza de cunoștințe privind tehnologiile de captare și stocare a carbonului (CSC) pentru reciclarea deșeurilor municipale solide într-o abordare care integrează captarea și stocarea carbonului în conceptul de „energie reziduală”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Proiectul și rezultatele preconizate corespund domeniului de aplicare al clasificării statistice a activităților economice (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Tratarea și eliminarea deșeurilor (altele decât deșeurile periculoase). Proiectul va fi implementat ca cercetare industrială în domeniul tehnologiilor de mediu și nu este economic. Principalele activități ale proiectului sunt: 1) Analiza metodelor disponibile de captare a dioxidului de carbon utilizând analiza literaturii de specialitate și testarea de laborator, conducând la selectarea celei mai adecvate soluții de captare a carbonului; 2) Explorarea produselor de gazeificare a combustibililor recuperați (RDF) legate de CSCW, inclusiv impactul calității gazelor de sinteză a proceselor (așa-numitele gaze de sinteză) asupra captării carbonului, și să exploreze posibilitatea utilizării biocărbunelui din deșeuri ca sorbenți în ciclul de captare a dioxidului de carbon; 3) Planificarea, dezvoltarea și conectarea blocurilor de captare a carbonului cu instalația RDF Pyro Gasification creată ca urmare a proiectului anterior al grupului de proiect (prin urmare, demonstrând un prototip conceptual de dispozitiv de captare a carbonului); 4) Diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului. La finalul proiectului sunt așteptate următoarele rezultate: Trei originale științifice care vor fi prezentate spre publicare în reviste sau articole de conferință incluse în bazele de date Web of Science sau SCOPUS; Un original științific care urmează să fie prezentat spre publicare în revista cu factor ridicat de citare (Q1, Q2), precum și cinci prezentări în cadrul conferințelor internaționale. (Romanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Obiectivul principal al proiectului este de a extinde baza de cunoștințe privind tehnologiile de captare și stocare a carbonului (CSC) pentru reciclarea deșeurilor municipale solide într-o abordare care integrează captarea și stocarea carbonului în conceptul de „energie reziduală”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Proiectul și rezultatele preconizate corespund domeniului de aplicare al clasificării statistice a activităților economice (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Tratarea și eliminarea deșeurilor (altele decât deșeurile periculoase). Proiectul va fi implementat ca cercetare industrială în domeniul tehnologiilor de mediu și nu este economic. Principalele activități ale proiectului sunt: 1) Analiza metodelor disponibile de captare a dioxidului de carbon utilizând analiza literaturii de specialitate și testarea de laborator, conducând la selectarea celei mai adecvate soluții de captare a carbonului; 2) Explorarea produselor de gazeificare a combustibililor recuperați (RDF) legate de CSCW, inclusiv impactul calității gazelor de sinteză a proceselor (așa-numitele gaze de sinteză) asupra captării carbonului, și să exploreze posibilitatea utilizării biocărbunelui din deșeuri ca sorbenți în ciclul de captare a dioxidului de carbon; 3) Planificarea, dezvoltarea și conectarea blocurilor de captare a carbonului cu instalația RDF Pyro Gasification creată ca urmare a proiectului anterior al grupului de proiect (prin urmare, demonstrând un prototip conceptual de dispozitiv de captare a carbonului); 4) Diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului. La finalul proiectului sunt așteptate următoarele rezultate: Trei originale științifice care vor fi prezentate spre publicare în reviste sau articole de conferință incluse în bazele de date Web of Science sau SCOPUS; Un original științific care urmează să fie prezentat spre publicare în revista cu factor ridicat de citare (Q1, Q2), precum și cinci prezentări în cadrul conferințelor internaționale. (Romanian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Huvudsyftet med projektet är att utöka kunskapsbasen om teknik för avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid (CCS) för återvinning av fast kommunalt avfall i en strategi som integrerar avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid i begreppet ”avfallsenergi”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet och dess förväntade resultat motsvarar omfattningen av den statistiska näringsgrensindelningen (Nace rev. 2) 38.21 – Behandling och bortskaffande av avfall (utom farligt avfall). Projektet kommer att genomföras som industriell forskning inom miljöteknik och det är inte ekonomiskt.Projektets huvudsakliga verksamhet är: 1) Analys av tillgängliga metoder för koldioxidavskiljning med hjälp av litteraturanalys och laboratorietester, vilket leder till valet av den lämpligaste lösningen för avskiljning av koldioxid. 2) Utforskning av återvunna bränslen (RDF) förgasningsprodukter i samband med CCSW, inbegripet inverkan av kvaliteten på processsyntesgaser (s.k. syntesgas) på avskiljning av koldioxid, och undersöka möjligheten att använda biokol från avfall som sorbenter i avskiljningscykeln för koldioxid. 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility som skapats som ett resultat av projektgruppens tidigare projekt (därför demonstrerar en konceptuell prototyp för avskiljning av koldioxid). 4) Spridning av projektresultat.I slutet av projektet förväntas följande resultat: Tre vetenskapliga original som kommer att lämnas in för publicering i tidskrifter eller konferensartiklar som ingår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser. Ett vetenskapligt original som ska lämnas in för publicering i den höga referensfaktorn (Q1, Q2) samt fem presentationer på internationella konferenser. (Swedish)
Property / summary: Huvudsyftet med projektet är att utöka kunskapsbasen om teknik för avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid (CCS) för återvinning av fast kommunalt avfall i en strategi som integrerar avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid i begreppet ”avfallsenergi”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet och dess förväntade resultat motsvarar omfattningen av den statistiska näringsgrensindelningen (Nace rev. 2) 38.21 – Behandling och bortskaffande av avfall (utom farligt avfall). Projektet kommer att genomföras som industriell forskning inom miljöteknik och det är inte ekonomiskt.Projektets huvudsakliga verksamhet är: 1) Analys av tillgängliga metoder för koldioxidavskiljning med hjälp av litteraturanalys och laboratorietester, vilket leder till valet av den lämpligaste lösningen för avskiljning av koldioxid. 2) Utforskning av återvunna bränslen (RDF) förgasningsprodukter i samband med CCSW, inbegripet inverkan av kvaliteten på processsyntesgaser (s.k. syntesgas) på avskiljning av koldioxid, och undersöka möjligheten att använda biokol från avfall som sorbenter i avskiljningscykeln för koldioxid. 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility som skapats som ett resultat av projektgruppens tidigare projekt (därför demonstrerar en konceptuell prototyp för avskiljning av koldioxid). 4) Spridning av projektresultat.I slutet av projektet förväntas följande resultat: Tre vetenskapliga original som kommer att lämnas in för publicering i tidskrifter eller konferensartiklar som ingår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser. Ett vetenskapligt original som ska lämnas in för publicering i den höga referensfaktorn (Q1, Q2) samt fem presentationer på internationella konferenser. (Swedish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Huvudsyftet med projektet är att utöka kunskapsbasen om teknik för avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid (CCS) för återvinning av fast kommunalt avfall i en strategi som integrerar avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid i begreppet ”avfallsenergi”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet och dess förväntade resultat motsvarar omfattningen av den statistiska näringsgrensindelningen (Nace rev. 2) 38.21 – Behandling och bortskaffande av avfall (utom farligt avfall). Projektet kommer att genomföras som industriell forskning inom miljöteknik och det är inte ekonomiskt.Projektets huvudsakliga verksamhet är: 1) Analys av tillgängliga metoder för koldioxidavskiljning med hjälp av litteraturanalys och laboratorietester, vilket leder till valet av den lämpligaste lösningen för avskiljning av koldioxid. 2) Utforskning av återvunna bränslen (RDF) förgasningsprodukter i samband med CCSW, inbegripet inverkan av kvaliteten på processsyntesgaser (s.k. syntesgas) på avskiljning av koldioxid, och undersöka möjligheten att använda biokol från avfall som sorbenter i avskiljningscykeln för koldioxid. 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility som skapats som ett resultat av projektgruppens tidigare projekt (därför demonstrerar en konceptuell prototyp för avskiljning av koldioxid). 4) Spridning av projektresultat.I slutet av projektet förväntas följande resultat: Tre vetenskapliga original som kommer att lämnas in för publicering i tidskrifter eller konferensartiklar som ingår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser. Ett vetenskapligt original som ska lämnas in för publicering i den höga referensfaktorn (Q1, Q2) samt fem presentationer på internationella konferenser. (Swedish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Research and innovation activities in public research centres and centres of competence including networking / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1004
Property / location (string): Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1004 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Rātsupītes iela 7 k-3, Rīga, LV-1067
Property / location (string): Rātsupītes iela 7 k-3, Rīga, LV-1067 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Vibsteri, Remtes pag., Saldus nov., LV-3871
Property / location (string): Vibsteri, Remtes pag., Saldus nov., LV-3871 / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Growth and Employment - LV - ERDF/ESF/CF/YEI / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
56°56'12.12"N, 24°5'50.71"E
Property / coordinate location: 56°56'12.12"N, 24°5'50.71"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
56°59'3.70"N, 24°1'28.74"E
Property / coordinate location: 56°59'3.70"N, 24°1'28.74"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Riga / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Riga / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3058558 / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
57.8 percent
Amount57.8 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 57.8 percent / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 23:29, 8 October 2024

Project Q3056455 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Innovation of the concept of “energy from waste” for the low-carbon economy: New carbon capture technology for the thermal chemical treatment of municipal solid waste (carbon capture and storage – CCSW)
Project Q3056455 in Latvia


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    373,596.94 Euro
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    646,361.5 Euro
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    57.8 percent
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    1 October 2020
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    30 September 2023
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    56°56'12.12"N, 24°5'50.71"E
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    56°59'3.70"N, 24°1'28.74"E
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    Projekta galvenais mērķis ir paplašināt zināšanu bāzi par oglekļa uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas (CCS) tehnoloģijām cieto sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei pieejā, kas integrē oglekļa uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu koncepcijā “enerģija no atkritumiem”. Līdz ar to, projekta nolūks ir attīstīt sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidotā oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu (t.s. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).Atbilstoši šai koncepcijai, projekta mērķis ir (1) attīstīt un paplašināt iepriekš izstrādātu, no atkritumiem iegūta kurināmā (NAIK jeb RDF) termoķīmiskas (gazifikācija) pārstrādes tehnoloģiju, izvērtēt, izpētīt un (2) adaptēt tehnoloģiski un ekonomiski atbilstošāko risinājumu pirmssadedzināšanas oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas realizēšanai termoķīmiskā atkritumu pārstrādes procesa ietvaros, kā arī izstrādāt eksperimentālu iekārtu, kas demonstrētu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas un uzglabāšanas potenciālu un kļūtu par inovatīvu risinājumu sadzīves atkritumu pārstrādei.Projekta aktivitātes un rezultāti ir tieši saistīti ar pētījumiem enerģijas ražošanas nozarē un citās tautsaimniecības nozarēs, piemēram, sabiedriskajos pakalpojumos, ķīmiskajā rūpniecībā un citās jomās. Pētījums pilnībā atbilst Latvijas nacionālās Viedās Specializācijas (RIS3) stratēģijas "Viedā enerģētika" un tās saistīto jomu " Viedie materiāli, tehnoloģijas un inženiersistēmas " un "Zināšanu ietilpīga bioekonomika" mērķiem. Projekts un tā sagaidāmie rezultāti atbilst saimniecisko darbību statistiskās klasifikācijas (NACE 2. red.) jomai 38.21 - Atkritumu apstrāde un izvietošana (izņemot bīstamos atkritumus). Projekts tiks īstenots kā rūpniecisks pētījums vides tehnoloģiju jomā un tam nav saimniecisks raksturs.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes ir: 1) pieejamo oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas metožu analīze, izmantojot literatūras analīzi un laboratorijas testus, kuras rezultātā, tiks izvēlēts pareizākais oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas risinājums; 2) no atkritumiem atgūtā kurināmā (RDF) gazifikācijas produktu izpēte saistībā ar CCSW, tostarp raksturojot procesā radušos sintēzes gāzu (t.s. singāzes) kvalitātes ietekmi uz oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu, kā arī pētīt iespēju no atkritumiem iegūtās bioogles izmantošanai par sorbentiem oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas ciklā; 3) oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas bloka plānošana, izveide, un savienošana ar projekta grupas iepriekšējā projekta realizācijas rezultātā izveidoto RDF piro-gazifikācijas iekārtu (tādējādi demonstrējot konceptuālu oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas iekārtas prototipu); 4) Projekta rezultātu izplatīšana.Projekta realizācijas beigās sagaidāmi sekojoši rezultāti: trīs zinātniski orģinālraksti, kas tiks iesniegti publicēšanai Web of Science vai SCOPUS datubāzēs iekļautajos žurnālos vai konferenču rakstu krājumos; viens zinātniskais oriģinālraksts, kas tiks iesniegts publicēšanai augsta citējamības faktora (Q1, Q2) žurnālā, kā arī piecas prezentācijas starptautiskajās konferencēs. Projekta rezultātā tiks izveidota eksperimentāla iekārta (modulis - tā plānošana un izveide), kas nodrošinās iespēju uztvert oglekļa dioksīdu no sintēzes gāzēm, kas radušās no atkritumiem iegūtā kurināmā gazifikācijas laikā, kā arī optimizētu tehnoloģiju oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanas procesam. Izstrādāto, atkritumu pārstrādes rezultātā veidoto oglekļa uztveršanas un noglabāšanas tehnoloģiju plānots aizsargāt ar LR patentu. Liela uzmanība tiks pievērsta projekta rezultātu izplatīšanai un oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšanas (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) koncepcijas rezultātu izplatīšanai, prezentējot to starptautiskās zinātniskajās konferencēs, nacionāla līmeņa speciālistu sanāksmēs, zinātniski - populāros izdevumos, kā arī Interneta tīmeklī. Projektā plānotas divas jauno zinātnieku, viena jaunā pētnieka un trīs maģistrantūras vai doktorantūra studējošo amata vietas. Plānots, ka projekts tiks uzsākts 01.10.2020. un ilgs 36 mēnešus līdz 30.09.2023. Projektu īstenos Latvijas Universitāte sadarbībā ar tās partneri – SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (Kurzemes reģionālā atkritumu apsaimniekošanas sabiedrība). Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir EUR 646 361,50, 57,8% ERAF līdzfinansējums EUR 373 596,94 apmērā.Atslēgvārdi: oglekļa dioksīda uztveršana un uzglabāšana; cietie sadzīves atkritumi; no atkritumiem iegūts kurināmais; termoķīmiskā apstrāde; maza mēroga sadales sistēmas; bioenerģija ar oglekļa dioksīda uztveršanu un uzglabāšanu. (Latvian)
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to expand the knowledge base on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies for the recycling of solid municipal waste in an approach that integrates carbon capture and storage into the “waste energy” concept. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. The project and its expected results correspond to the scope of the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Treatment and disposal of waste (other than hazardous waste). The project will be implemented as industrial research in the field of environmental technologies and it is not economical.The main activities of the project are: 1) Analysis of available carbon dioxide capture methods using literature analysis and laboratory testing, leading to the selection of the most appropriate carbon capture solution; 2) Exploration of waste recovered fuels (RDF) gasification products related to CCSW, including the impact of quality of process synthesis gases (so-called syngas) on carbon capture, and explore the possibility of using bio-coal from waste as sorbents in the carbon dioxide capture cycle; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility created as a result of the project group’s previous project (therefore demonstrating a conceptual prototype carbon capture device); 4) Dissemination of project results.At the end of the project the following results are expected: Three scientific originals which will be submitted for publication in journals or conference articles included in Web of Science or SCOPUS databases; One scientific original to be submitted for publication in the high citation factor (Q1, Q2) journal, as well as five presentations at international conferences. (English)
    15 July 2021
    0 references
    L’objectif principal du projet est d’élargir la base de connaissances sur les technologies de captage et de stockage du carbone (CSC) pour le recyclage des déchets municipaux solides dans une approche intégrant le captage et le stockage du carbone dans le concept de «l’énergie issue des déchets». Ainsi, l’objectif du projet est de développer et de développer le captage et le stockage du dioxyde de carbone (CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets) résultant du recyclage des déchets municipaux. Selon ce concept, l’objectif du projet est (1) de développer et d’étendre la technologie de traitement thermochimique (gazéification) des combustibles dérivés des déchets (NAIK ou RDF), d’évaluer, d’étudier et (2) d’adapter la solution la plus appropriée du point de vue technologique et économique pour la réalisation du captage du dioxyde de carbone avant la combustion dans le cadre du processus de recyclage des déchets thermochimiques; les activités et les résultats du projet sont directement liés à la recherche dans le secteur de l’énergie et d’autres secteurs économiques tels que les services publics, l’industrie chimique et d’autres secteurs. L’étude est pleinement conforme aux objectifs de la stratégie nationale lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) «Énergie intelligente» et de ses domaines connexes «Matériaux intelligents, technologies et systèmes d’ingénierie» et «bioéconomie à forte intensité de connaissances». Le projet et les résultats escomptés entrent dans le champ d’application de la Classification statistique des activités économiques (NACE Rév. 2) 38.21 — Traitement et élimination des déchets (à l’exclusion des déchets dangereux). Le projet sera mis en œuvre en tant que recherche industrielle dans le domaine des technologies environnementales et n’est pas de nature économique. Les principales activités du projet sont les suivantes: 1) une analyse des méthodes de captage du carbone disponibles à l’aide d’analyses bibliographiques et d’essais en laboratoire qui mèneront à la sélection de la solution de captage du carbone la plus appropriée; 2) la recherche sur les produits de gazéification des combustibles récupérés (FRD) dans le contexte de la CCSW, y compris une description de l’impact des gaz de synthèse générés par le procédé (appelés gaz de synthèse) sur le captage du carbone, ainsi que la possibilité d’utiliser le biocharbon dérivé des déchets comme sorbants dans le cycle de captage du dioxyde de carbone; 3) planification, mise en place et raccordement de l’unité de captage du dioxyde de carbone à l’installation de pyrogazéification RDF établie à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet précédent du groupe de projet (démontrant ainsi un prototype conceptuel de l’installation de captage du dioxyde de carbone); 4) Diffusion des résultats du projet. Les résultats suivants sont attendus à la fin de la réalisation du projet: trois documents scientifiques originaux, qui seront soumis pour publication dans des revues ou des documents de conférence contenus dans le Web of Science ou les bases de données SCOPUS; un article scientifique original, qui sera présenté pour publication dans la revue High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), ainsi que cinq présentations lors de conférences internationales. À la suite du projet, une installation expérimentale (le module — sa planification et son développement) sera mise en place, qui permettra de capter le dioxyde de carbone provenant des gaz de synthèse produits lors de la gazéification des combustibles usagés, ainsi qu’une technologie optimisée pour le processus de captage du carbone. Il est prévu de protéger la technologie de captage et d’élimination du carbone mise au point à la suite du recyclage des déchets avec le brevet de la République de Lettonie. Une grande attention sera accordée à la diffusion des résultats des projets et à la diffusion des résultats de la CCSW — Captage et stockage du carbone à partir de déchets, en les présentant lors de conférences scientifiques internationales, lors de réunions d’experts au niveau national, dans des publications scientifiques et populaires, ainsi que sur Internet. Le projet prévoit deux postes pour les jeunes scientifiques, un jeune chercheur et trois étudiants de maîtrise ou de doctorat. Le projet devrait débuter le 1er octobre 2020 et durer 36 mois jusqu’au 30 septembre 2023. Le projet sera mis en œuvre par l’Université de Lettonie en coopération avec son partenaire SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Le total des coûts éligibles du projet s’élève à 646 361,50 EUR, dont: 57,8 % de cofinancement FEDER d’un montant de 373 596,94 EUR. piégeage et stockage du carbone; déchets solides municipaux; combustibles dérivés des déchets; traitement thermochimique; systèmes de distribution à petite échelle; bioénergie grâce au captage et au stockage du carbone. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Erweiterung der Wissensbasis über Technologien zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung (CCS) für das Recycling fester Siedlungsabfälle in einem Ansatz, der die Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -Speicherung in das Konzept „Energie aus Abfällen“ integriert. Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und Entwicklung von Kohlendioxidabscheidung und -speicherung (sog. CCSW- CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aus Abfällen), die sich aus dem Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen ergeben. Ziel des Projekts ist es, (1) die thermochemische (Vergasungs-)Verarbeitungstechnologie von zuvor entwickelten abfallbedingten Brennstoffen (NAIK oder RDF) zu entwickeln und zu erweitern, um die technologisch und wirtschaftlich am besten geeignete Lösung für die Realisierung der CO2-Abscheidung vor der Verbrennung im thermochemischen Abfallrecycling zu bewerten, zu untersuchen und (2) anzupassen; Entwicklung einer Versuchsanlage, um das Potenzial der CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung aufzuzeigen und zu einer innovativen Lösung für das Recycling von Siedlungsabfällen zu werden. Die Projektaktivitäten und -ergebnisse stehen in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Forschung im Energiesektor und anderen Wirtschaftszweigen wie öffentlichen Dienstleistungen, Chemieindustrie und anderen Sektoren. Die Studie steht voll und ganz im Einklang mit den Zielen der lettischen nationalen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) und den damit verbundenen Bereichen „Smart Materials, Technology and Engineering Systems“ und „Wissensintensive Bioökonomie“. Das Projekt und die erwarteten Ergebnisse fallen in den Anwendungsbereich der statistischen Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Abfallbehandlung und -entsorgung (ohne gefährliche Abfälle). Das Projekt wird als industrielle Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Umwelttechnologien durchgeführt und ist nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Projekts sind: 1) eine Analyse der verfügbaren CO2-Abscheidungsmethoden unter Verwendung von Literaturanalysen und Labortests, die zur Auswahl der am besten geeigneten CO2-Abscheidungslösung führen; 2) Erforschung der Vergasungsprodukte von abfallverwerteten Brennstoffen (RDF) im Zusammenhang mit CCSW, einschließlich einer Beschreibung der Auswirkungen der prozessgenerierten Synthesegase (sog. Syngas) auf die Kohlenstoffabscheidung, sowie Prüfung der Möglichkeit, Biokohle aus Abfällen als Sorbensmittel im Kohlendioxidabscheidungszyklus zu verwenden; 3) Planung, Errichtung und Verbindung der Kohlendioxidabscheidung mit der RDF-Pyrovergasungsanlage, die infolge der Durchführung des früheren Projekts der Projektgruppe eingerichtet wurde (damit ein konzeptueller Prototyp der Kohlendioxidabscheidungsanlage demonstriert wird); 4) Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse. Folgende Ergebnisse werden am Ende der Projektdurchführung erwartet: drei ursprüngliche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die zur Veröffentlichung in Zeitschriften oder Konferenzpapieren in Web of Science oder SCOPUS-Datenbanken eingereicht werden; ein ursprünglicher wissenschaftlicher Artikel, der zur Veröffentlichung in der Zeitschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) sowie fünf Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen präsentiert wird. Als Ergebnis des Projekts wird eine experimentelle Anlage (das Modul – seine Planung und Entwicklung) eingerichtet, die die Abscheidung von Kohlendioxid aus Synthesegasen ermöglicht, die bei der Vergasung von Abfallbrennstoffen erzeugt werden, sowie eine optimierte Technologie für den CO2-Abscheidungsprozess. Es ist geplant, die CO2-Abscheidungs- und Entsorgungstechnologie zu schützen, die durch das Recycling von Abfällen mit dem Patent der Republik Lettland entwickelt wurde. Große Aufmerksamkeit wird der Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse und der Verbreitung von CCSW-CO2-Abscheidungs- und -Speichern aus Abfallresultaten gewidmet, indem sie sie auf internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, auf nationalen Expertensitzungen, in wissenschaftlichen und populären Publikationen sowie im Internet präsentiert. Das Projekt sieht zwei Positionen für junge Wissenschaftler, einen jungen Forscher und drei Master- oder Doktoranden vor. Das Projekt soll am 01/10/2020 beginnen und 36 Monate bis zum 30.9.2023 laufen. Das Projekt wird von der Universität Lettland in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Partner SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO“ (Regionale Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft Kurzeme) durchgeführt. Die förderfähigen Gesamtkosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf 6 463 661,50 EUR, davon: 57,8 % EFRE-Kofinanzierung in Höhe von 3 735 596,94 EUR. CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung; feste Siedlungsabfälle; abfallbedingte Brennstoffe; thermochemische Behandlung; kleine Verteilersysteme; Bioenergie durch Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    De belangrijkste doelstelling van het project is het uitbreiden van de kennisbasis over technologieën voor koolstofafvang en -opslag (CCS) voor de recycling van vast stedelijk afval in een aanpak die koolstofafvang en -opslag in het concept „energie uit afval” integreert. Het doel van het project is dus het ontwikkelen en ontwikkelen van koolstofdioxideafvang en -opslag (de zogenaamde CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) als gevolg van de recycling van stedelijk afval. Volgens dit concept is het doel van het project (1) het ontwikkelen en uitbreiden van de thermochemische (vergassing) verwerkingstechnologie van eerder ontwikkelde afvalafkomstige brandstoffen (NAIK of RDF), het evalueren, bestuderen en (2) aanpassen van de meest technologisch en economisch geschikte oplossing voor de realisatie van koolstofdioxide-afvang vóór verbranding in het thermochemische afvalrecyclingproces; en een experimentele faciliteit te ontwikkelen om het potentieel voor koolstofafvang en -opslag aan te tonen en een innovatieve oplossing te worden voor de recycling van stedelijk afval. De projectactiviteiten en resultaten zijn rechtstreeks gekoppeld aan onderzoek in de energiesector en andere economische sectoren zoals overheidsdiensten, de chemische industrie en andere sectoren. De studie is volledig in overeenstemming met de doelstellingen van de Letse nationale strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3) „Slimme energie” en de bijbehorende gebieden „Slimme materialen, technologie en technische systemen” en „kennisintensieve bio-economie”. Het project en de verwachte resultaten vallen binnen het toepassingsgebied van de statistische classificatie van economische activiteiten (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Afvalverwerking en -verwijdering (met uitzondering van gevaarlijke afvalstoffen). Het project zal worden uitgevoerd als industrieel onderzoek op het gebied van milieutechnologieën en is niet van economische aard. De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn: 1) een analyse van de beschikbare koolstofafvangmethoden aan de hand van literatuuranalyses en laboratoriumtests die zullen leiden tot de selectie van de meest geschikte koolstofafvangoplossing; 2) onderzoek naar vergassingsproducten van teruggewonnen afvalbrandstoffen (RDF’s) in het kader van CCSW, met inbegrip van een beschrijving van het effect van procesgegenereerde synthesegassen (zogenaamde syngas) op koolstofafvang, en onderzoek naar de mogelijkheid om biokool afkomstig uit afval als sorbens te gebruiken in de koolstofdioxideafvangcyclus; 3) planning, oprichting en aansluiting van de kooldioxideafvangeenheid met de RDF-pyrovergassingsinstallatie die is opgericht naar aanleiding van de uitvoering van het vorige project van de projectgroep (waardoor een conceptueel prototype van de koolstofdioxideafvanginstallatie wordt aangetoond); 4) Verspreiding van de projectresultaten. Aan het einde van het project worden de volgende resultaten verwacht: drie originele wetenschappelijke papers, die zullen worden ingediend voor publicatie in tijdschriften of conferentiedocumenten die zijn opgenomen in Web of Science-databanken of SCOPUS-databanken; een origineel wetenschappelijk artikel, dat zal worden gepresenteerd voor publicatie in het tijdschrift High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), evenals vijf presentaties op internationale conferenties. Als gevolg van het project zal een experimentele installatie (de module — planning en ontwikkeling) worden opgezet, die het mogelijk zal maken koolstofdioxide op te vangen uit synthesegassen die worden geproduceerd tijdens de vergassing van afvalbrandstoffen, alsook een geoptimaliseerde technologie voor het koolstofafvangproces. Het is de bedoeling de technologie voor koolstofafvang en -verwijdering te beschermen die is ontwikkeld als gevolg van de recycling van afval met het octrooi van de Republiek Letland. Er zal veel aandacht worden besteed aan de verspreiding van de projectresultaten en de verspreiding van de resultaten van CCSW — CO2-afvang en -opslag uit afval, door deze te presenteren op internationale wetenschappelijke conferenties, op vergaderingen van deskundigen op nationaal niveau, in wetenschappelijke en populaire publicaties, alsook op internet. Het project voorziet in twee functies voor jonge wetenschappers, een jonge onderzoeker en drie master- of doctoraatsstudenten. Het project zal op 1 oktober 2020 van start gaan en 36 maanden lopen tot 30.09.2023. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd door de Universiteit van Letland in samenwerking met haar partner — SIA „Viduskurzemes AAO” (regionaal afvalbeheerbedrijf Kurzeme). De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 646 361,50 EUR, waarvan: 57,8 % EFRO-medefinanciering voor een bedrag van 373 596,94 EUR. koolstofafvang en -opslag; vast stedelijk afval; uit afval verkregen brandstoffen; thermochemische behandeling; kleinschalige distributiesystemen; bio-energie door koolstofafvang en -opslag. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
    0 references
    L'obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di ampliare la base di conoscenze sulle tecnologie di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio (CCS) per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti solidi urbani in un approccio che integra la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio nel concetto di "energia dai rifiuti". Pertanto, l'obiettivo del progetto è quello di sviluppare e sviluppare la cattura e lo stoccaggio dell'anidride carbonica (c.d. CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste) derivanti dal riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. In base a tale concetto, l'obiettivo del progetto è (1) sviluppare ed espandere la tecnologia di trattamento termochimica (gassificazione) dei combustibili derivati dai rifiuti precedentemente sviluppati (NAIK o RDF), per valutare, studiare e 2) adattare la soluzione più tecnologica ed economicamente appropriata per la realizzazione della cattura di anidride carbonica precombustione nell'ambito del processo di riciclaggio dei rifiuti termochimici; sviluppare un impianto sperimentale per dimostrare il potenziale di cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio e diventare una soluzione innovativa per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani. Le attività e i risultati del progetto sono direttamente legati alla ricerca nel settore dell'energia e in altri settori economici come i servizi pubblici, l'industria chimica e altri settori. Lo studio è pienamente coerente con gli obiettivi della strategia nazionale lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3) "Energia intelligente" e relativi settori "Materiali intelligenti, tecnologia e sistemi di ingegneria" e "bioeconomia ad alta intensità di conoscenze". Il progetto e i risultati attesi rientrano nell'ambito della classificazione statistica delle attività economiche (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattamento e smaltimento dei rifiuti (esclusi i rifiuti pericolosi). Il progetto sarà realizzato come ricerca industriale nel campo delle tecnologie ambientali e non di natura economica. Le principali attività del progetto sono: 1) un'analisi dei metodi disponibili di cattura del carbonio mediante analisi della letteratura e prove di laboratorio che portino alla scelta della soluzione più appropriata per la cattura del carbonio; 2) la ricerca sui prodotti di gassificazione dei combustibili recuperati dai rifiuti (RDF) nel contesto della CCSW, compresa una descrizione dell'impatto dei gas di sintesi generati dal processo (i cosiddetti gas di sintesi) sulla cattura del carbonio, nonché la possibilità di utilizzare il biocarbone derivato dai rifiuti come sorbenti nel ciclo di cattura dell'anidride carbonica; 3) pianificazione, realizzazione e collegamento dell'unità di cattura dell'anidride carbonica con l'impianto di pirogassificazione RDF istituito a seguito dell'attuazione del precedente progetto del gruppo di progetto (evidenziando così un prototipo concettuale dell'impianto di cattura dell'anidride carbonica); 4) Diffusione dei risultati del progetto. Al termine della realizzazione del progetto sono attesi i seguenti risultati: tre documenti scientifici originali, che saranno presentati per la pubblicazione in riviste o documenti di conferenza contenuti nelle banche dati Web of Science o SCOPUS; un articolo scientifico originale, che sarà presentato per la pubblicazione nella rivista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2) e cinque presentazioni alle conferenze internazionali. Come risultato del progetto, sarà istituito un impianto sperimentale (il modulo — la sua pianificazione e sviluppo) che consentirà la cattura dell'anidride carbonica dai gas di sintesi prodotti durante la gassificazione dei combustibili di scarto, nonché una tecnologia ottimizzata per il processo di cattura del carbonio. Si prevede di proteggere la tecnologia di cattura e smaltimento del carbonio sviluppata a seguito del riciclaggio dei rifiuti con il brevetto della Repubblica di Lettonia. Grande attenzione sarà rivolta alla diffusione dei risultati dei progetti e alla diffusione dei risultati CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage dai rifiuti, presentandoli a conferenze scientifiche internazionali, a riunioni di esperti a livello nazionale, in pubblicazioni scientifiche e popolari, nonché su Internet. Il progetto prevede due posizioni per giovani scienziati, un giovane ricercatore e tre dottorandi. Il progetto dovrebbe iniziare l'1.10.2020 e durare 36 mesi fino al 30.9.2023. Il progetto sarà attuato dall'Università di Lettonia in collaborazione con il suo partner — SIA "Viduskurzemes AAO" (società regionale di gestione dei rifiuti di Kurzeme). I costi totali ammissibili del progetto ammontano a 646 361,50 EUR, di cui: 57,8 % di cofinanziamento FESR per un importo di 373 596,94 EUR. cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio; rifiuti solidi urbani; combustibili derivati dai rifiuti; trattamento termochimico; sistemi di distribuzione su piccola scala; bioenergia attraverso la cattura e lo stoccaggio del carbonio. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
    0 references
    El objetivo principal del proyecto es ampliar la base de conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CCS) para el reciclado de residuos municipales sólidos en un enfoque que integre la captura y el almacenamiento de carbono en el concepto de «energía a partir de residuos». Así, el objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar y desarrollar la captura y el almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono (denominados CCSW-Captura y Almacenamiento de Carbono de Residuos) resultante del reciclado de residuos municipales. De acuerdo con este concepto, el objetivo del proyecto es 1) desarrollar y ampliar la tecnología de procesamiento termoquímica (gasificación) de combustibles derivados de residuos previamente desarrollados (NAIK o RDF), evaluar, estudiar y (2) adaptar la solución más adecuada desde el punto de vista tecnológico y económico para la realización de la captura de dióxido de carbono antes de la combustión en el proceso de reciclado de residuos termoquímicos; y desarrollar una instalación experimental para demostrar el potencial de captura y almacenamiento de carbono y convertirse en una solución innovadora para el reciclaje de residuos municipales. Las actividades del proyecto y los resultados están directamente relacionados con la investigación en el sector energético y otros sectores económicos como los servicios públicos, la industria química y otros sectores. El estudio es plenamente coherente con los objetivos de la estrategia nacional letona de especialización inteligente (RIS3) «Energía inteligente» y sus ámbitos conexos «materiales inteligentes, tecnología y sistemas de ingeniería» y «bioeconomía intensiva en conocimientos». El proyecto y sus resultados previstos entran en el ámbito de aplicación de la Clasificación Estadística de Actividades Económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamiento y eliminación de residuos (excluidos los residuos peligrosos). El proyecto se ejecutará como una investigación industrial en el campo de las tecnologías ambientales y no es de carácter económico. Las principales actividades del proyecto son: 1) un análisis de los métodos disponibles de captura de carbono utilizando análisis de literatura y pruebas de laboratorio que conduzcan a la selección de la solución de captura de carbono más adecuada; 2) la investigación de los productos de gasificación de los combustibles recuperados en el contexto del CCSW, incluida una descripción del impacto de los gases de síntesis generados por el proceso (el denominado gas de síntesis) en la captura de carbono, así como la posibilidad de utilizar el biocarbón derivado de los residuos como sorbentes en el ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) planificación, establecimiento y conexión de la unidad de captura de dióxido de carbono con la instalación de pirogasificación de RDF establecida como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto anterior del grupo de proyecto (demostrando así un prototipo conceptual de la instalación de captura de dióxido de carbono); 4) Difusión de los resultados del proyecto. Se esperan los siguientes resultados al final de la realización del proyecto: tres artículos científicos originales, que se presentarán para su publicación en revistas o documentos de conferencias contenidos en las bases de datos Web of Science o SCOPUS; un artículo científico original, que se presentará para su publicación en la revista High quotability Factor (Q1, Q2), así como cinco presentaciones en conferencias internacionales. Como resultado del proyecto, se establecerá una instalación experimental (el módulo — su planificación y desarrollo) que permitirá la captura de dióxido de carbono de los gases de síntesis producidos durante la gasificación de los combustibles residuales, así como una tecnología optimizada para el proceso de captura de carbono. Está previsto proteger la tecnología de captura y eliminación de carbono desarrollada como resultado del reciclado de residuos con la patente de la República de Letonia. Se prestará gran atención a la difusión de los resultados de los proyectos y a la difusión de los resultados de la captura y almacenamiento de carbono a partir de residuos, presentándolo en conferencias científicas internacionales, en reuniones de expertos a nivel nacional, en publicaciones científicas y populares, así como en Internet. El proyecto prevé dos puestos para jóvenes científicos, un joven investigador y tres estudiantes de maestría o doctorado. Está previsto que el proyecto comience el 01.10.2020 y tendrá una duración de 36 meses hasta el 30.9.2023. El proyecto será ejecutado por la Universidad de Letonia en cooperación con su socio — SIA «Viduskurzemes AAO» (Kurzeme Regional Waste Management Company). Los costes subvencionables totales del proyecto ascienden a 646 361,50 EUR, de los cuales: 57,8 % de cofinanciación del FEDER por un importe de 373 596,94 EUR. captura y almacenamiento de carbono; residuos sólidos municipales; combustibles derivados de residuos; tratamiento termoquímico; sis... (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti peamine eesmärk on laiendada süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise tehnoloogiate teadmusbaasi tahkete olmejäätmete ringlussevõtuks lähenemisviisi abil, mis integreerib süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ja säilitamise jäätmeenergia kontseptsiooni. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt ja selle oodatavad tulemused vastavad majandustegevusalade statistilise klassifikaatori (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Jäätmete käitlemine ja kõrvaldamine (v.a ohtlikud jäätmed) ulatusele. Projekti rakendatakse tööstusuuringutena keskkonnatehnoloogiate valdkonnas ja see ei ole ökonoomne. Projekti põhitegevus on: 1) olemasolevate süsinikdioksiidi kogumise meetodite analüüs kirjandusanalüüsi ja laboratoorsete katsete abil, mille tulemusena valitakse kõige sobivam süsinikdioksiidi kogumise lahendus; 2) CCSW-ga seotud taaskasutatud kütuste gaasistamistoodete uurimine, sealhulgas protsessi sünteesgaaside (nn süngaas) kvaliteedi mõju süsinikdioksiidi kogumisele, ning uurida võimalust kasutada jäätmetest biosütt süsinikdioksiidi kogumise tsüklis sorbentidena; 3) Süsinikdioksiidi kogumise ploki planeerimine, arendamine ja ühendamine pöördtrummelahju pürogaasistamisrajatisega, mis loodi projektirühma eelmise projekti tulemusena (seega demonstreerib kontseptuaalset süsinikdioksiidi kogumise seadme prototüüpi); 4) Projekti tulemuste levitamine.Projekti lõpus oodatakse järgmisi tulemusi: Kolm teaduslikku originaali, mis esitatakse avaldamiseks ajakirjades või konverentsiartiklites, mis sisalduvad teaduse veebi või SCOPUSe andmebaasides; Üks teaduslik originaal esitatakse avaldamiseks kõrge tsitaatteguriga (Q1, Q2) ajakirjas, samuti viis ettekannet rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – išplėsti žinių apie anglies dioksido surinkimo ir saugojimo (CCS) technologijas, skirtas kietųjų komunalinių atliekų perdirbimui, bazę taikant metodą, pagal kurį anglies dioksido surinkimas ir saugojimas integruojami į „atliekų energijos“ koncepciją. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektas ir jo numatomi rezultatai atitinka statistinį ekonominės veiklos rūšių klasifikatorių (NACE 2 red. 38.21 – Atliekų (išskyrus pavojingas atliekas) apdorojimas ir šalinimas). Projektas bus įgyvendinamas kaip pramoniniai tyrimai aplinkosaugos technologijų srityje ir nėra ekonomiškas. Pagrindinė projekto veikla yra: 1) turimų anglies dioksido surinkimo metodų analizė, naudojant literatūros analizę ir laboratorinius tyrimus, kad būtų pasirinktas tinkamiausias anglies dioksido surinkimo sprendimas; 2) Atliekų regeneruoto kuro (RDF) dujinimo produktų, susijusių su CCSW, žvalgymas, įskaitant procesų sintezės dujų (vadinamųjų sintezės dujų) kokybės poveikį anglies surinkimui, ir išnagrinėti galimybę anglies dioksido surinkimo cikle kaip sorbentus naudoti biologines anglis iš atliekų; 3) anglies dioksido surinkimo bloko planavimas, kūrimas ir sujungimas su KRB piro dujinimo įrenginiu, sukurtu vykdant ankstesnį projekto grupės projektą (todėl parodomas konceptualus anglies dioksido surinkimo įrenginio prototipas); 4) projekto rezultatų sklaida. Projekto pabaigoje tikimasi šių rezultatų: Trys moksliniai originalai, kurie bus pateikti publikuoti žurnaluose ar konferencijų straipsniuose, įtrauktuose į „Web of Science“ arba SCOPUS duomenų bazes; Vienas mokslinis originalas turi būti pateiktas skelbti didelio citavimo koeficiento (Q1, Q2) žurnale, taip pat penki pristatymai tarptautinėse konferencijose. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Glavni je cilj projekta proširiti bazu znanja o tehnologijama hvatanja i skladištenja ugljika (CCS) za recikliranje krutog komunalnog otpada u pristupu kojim se hvatanje i skladištenje ugljika integrira u koncept „energije otpada”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i njegovi očekivani rezultati odgovaraju opsegu statističke klasifikacije gospodarskih djelatnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obrada i zbrinjavanje otpada (osim opasnog otpada). Projekt će se provoditi kao industrijsko istraživanje u području ekoloških tehnologija i nije ekonomičan. Glavne aktivnosti projekta su: 1) Analiza dostupnih metoda hvatanja ugljikova dioksida pomoću analize literature i laboratorijskog ispitivanja, što dovodi do odabira najprikladnijeg rješenja za hvatanje ugljika; 2) Istraživanje proizvoda za uplinjavanje oporabljenih otpadnih goriva (RDF) povezanih s CCSW-om, uključujući utjecaj kvalitete plinova za sintezu procesa (tzv. sintetički plin) na hvatanje ugljika i istraživanje mogućnosti uporabe biološkog ugljena iz otpada kao sorbensa u ciklusu hvatanja ugljikova dioksida; 3) Planiranje, razvoj i povezivanje bloka hvatanja ugljika s postrojenjem za piroplinizaciju RDF-a nastalog kao rezultat prethodnog projekta projektne skupine (stoga pokazuje konceptualni prototip uređaja za hvatanje ugljika); 4) Širenje rezultata projekta.Na kraju projekta očekuju se sljedeći rezultati: Tri znanstvena izvornika koja će biti dostavljena na objavu u časopisima ili konferencijskim člancima uključenima u Web of Science ili SCOPUS baze podataka; Jedan znanstveni izvornik koji se podnosi na objavu u časopisu visokog citacijskog faktora (Q1, Q2), kao i pet prezentacija na međunarodnim konferencijama. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι η επέκταση της βάσης γνώσεων σχετικά με τις τεχνολογίες δέσμευσης και αποθήκευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα (CCS) για την ανακύκλωση στερεών αστικών αποβλήτων στο πλαίσιο μιας προσέγγισης που ενσωματώνει τη δέσμευση και αποθήκευση άνθρακα στην έννοια της «ενέργειας αποβλήτων». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Το έργο και τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματά του αντιστοιχούν στο πεδίο εφαρμογής της στατιστικής ταξινόμησης των οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων (NACE αναθ. 2) 38.21 — Επεξεργασία και διάθεση αποβλήτων (εκτός από επικίνδυνα απόβλητα). Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί ως βιομηχανική έρευνα στον τομέα των περιβαλλοντικών τεχνολογιών και δεν είναι οικονομικό. Οι κύριες δραστηριότητες του έργου είναι: 1) Ανάλυση των διαθέσιμων μεθόδων δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη χρήση βιβλιογραφικών αναλύσεων και εργαστηριακών δοκιμών, που οδηγούν στην επιλογή της καταλληλότερης λύσης δέσμευσης άνθρακα· 2) Εξερεύνηση προϊόντων αεριοποίησης ανακτημένων καυσίμων (RDF) που σχετίζονται με τη CCSW, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των επιπτώσεων της ποιότητας των αερίων σύνθεσης διεργασιών (αποκαλούμενο συνθετικό αέριο) στη δέσμευση του άνθρακα, και διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας χρήσης του βιοάνθρακα από απόβλητα ως απορροφητικών ουσιών στον κύκλο δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα· 3) Ο σχεδιασμός, η ανάπτυξη και η σύνδεση της μονάδας δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με τη διευκόλυνση αεριοποίησης πυρός RDF που δημιουργήθηκε ως αποτέλεσμα του προηγούμενου έργου της ομάδας έργου (επομένως επίδειξη μιας εννοιολογικής συσκευής δέσμευσης άνθρακα)· 4) Διάδοση των αποτελεσμάτων του έργου.Στο τέλος του έργου αναμένονται τα ακόλουθα αποτελέσματα: Τρία επιστημονικά πρωτότυπα που θα υποβληθούν προς δημοσίευση σε περιοδικά ή άρθρα συνεδρίων που περιλαμβάνονται σε βάσεις δεδομένων Web of Science ή SCOPUS· Ένα επιστημονικό πρωτότυπο θα υποβληθεί για δημοσίευση στο περιοδικό High citation factor (Q1, Q2), καθώς και πέντε παρουσιάσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Hlavným cieľom projektu je rozšíriť vedomostnú základňu o technológiách zachytávania a ukladania oxidu uhličitého (CCS) na recykláciu pevného komunálneho odpadu v prístupe, ktorý začleňuje zachytávanie a ukladanie uhlíka do koncepcie „odpadovej energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očakávané výsledky zodpovedajú rozsahu štatistickej klasifikácie ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Spracovanie a zneškodňovanie odpadu (okrem nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizovaný ako priemyselný výskum v oblasti environmentálnych technológií a nie je hospodárny.Hlavné aktivity projektu sú: 1) Analýza dostupných metód zachytávania oxidu uhličitého pomocou analýzy literatúry a laboratórneho testovania, čo vedie k výberu najvhodnejšieho roztoku na zachytávanie uhlíka; 2) Prieskum produktov splyňovania zhodnotených odpadov (RDF) súvisiacich s CCSW vrátane vplyvu kvality plynov syntézy procesov (tzv. synplynu) na zachytávanie uhlíka a preskúmať možnosť použitia biouhlie z odpadu ako sorbentov v cykle zachytávania oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánovanie, rozvoj a prepojenie blokov zachytávania uhlíka so zariadením na splyňovanie Pyro RBP, ktoré bolo vytvorené na základe predchádzajúceho projektu projektovej skupiny (preto demonštruje koncepčný prototyp zariadenia na zachytávanie uhlíka); 4) Šírenie výsledkov projektu. Na konci projektu sa očakávajú tieto výsledky: Tri vedecké originály, ktoré budú predložené na uverejnenie v časopisoch alebo konferenčných článkoch zahrnutých v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS; Jeden vedecký originál, ktorý sa má predložiť na uverejnenie v časopise s vysokým citačným faktorom (Q1, Q2), ako aj päť prezentácií na medzinárodných konferenciách. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen päätavoitteena on laajentaa kiinteän yhdyskuntajätteen kierrätystä koskevaa tietopohjaa hiilidioksidin talteenotto- ja varastointitekniikoista (CCS) lähestymistavalla, jossa hiilidioksidin talteenotto ja varastointi sisällytetään jätteen energiakonseptiin. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Hanke ja sen odotetut tulokset vastaavat tilastollisen toimialaluokituksen (NACE Rev. 2) soveltamisalaa 38.21 – Jätteiden (muiden kuin vaarallisten jätteiden) käsittely ja loppukäsittely. Hanke toteutetaan teollisena tutkimuksena ympäristöteknologian alalla, eikä se ole taloudellisesti kannattava. Hankkeen päätoiminnot ovat seuraavat: 1) käytettävissä olevien hiilidioksidin talteenottomenetelmien analysointi kirjallisuusanalyysin ja laboratoriokokeiden avulla, mikä johtaa sopivimman hiilidioksidin talteenottoliuoksen valintaan; 2) CCSW:hen liittyvien talteenotettujen polttoaineiden (RDF) kaasutustuotteiden tutkiminen, mukaan lukien prosessisynteesikaasujen (ns. synteesikaasujen) laadun vaikutus hiilidioksidin talteenottoon, ja tutkia mahdollisuutta käyttää jätteestä peräisin olevaa biohiiliä sorbenteina hiilidioksidin talteenottosyklissä; 3) Hiilidioksidin talteenottolohkojen suunnittelu, kehittäminen ja liittäminen RDF-pyrokaasutuslaitokseen, joka on luotu hankeryhmän edellisen hankkeen tuloksena (jolloin demonstroidaan hiilidioksidin talteenottolaitteen käsitteellinen prototyyppi); 4) Hankkeen tulosten levittäminen. Hankkeen päättyessä odotetaan seuraavia tuloksia: Kolme tieteellistä alkuperäiskappaletta, jotka toimitetaan julkaistavaksi Web of Science- tai SCOPUS-tietokantoihin sisältyvissä aikakauslehdissä tai konferenssiartikkeleissa; Yksi tieteellinen alkuperäiskappale toimitetaan julkaistavaksi korkean viitekertoimen (Q1, Q2) lehdessä sekä viisi esitelmää kansainvälisissä konferensseissa. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Głównym celem projektu jest rozszerzenie bazy wiedzy na temat technologii wychwytywania i składowania dwutlenku węgla (CCS) w zakresie recyklingu stałych odpadów komunalnych w ramach podejścia, które włącza wychwytywanie i składowanie dwutlenku węgla do koncepcji „energii odpadów”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt i jego oczekiwane wyniki odpowiadają zakresowi statystycznej klasyfikacji działalności gospodarczej (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Przetwarzanie i unieszkodliwianie odpadów (innych niż odpady niebezpieczne). Projekt będzie realizowany jako badania przemysłowe w dziedzinie technologii środowiskowych i nie jest ekonomiczny.Główne działania projektu to: 1) Analiza dostępnych metod wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z wykorzystaniem analizy literatury i badań laboratoryjnych, prowadząca do wyboru najodpowiedniejszego rozwiązania wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 2) poszukiwanie produktów zgazowania odpadów odzyskanych paliw (RDF) związanych z CCSW, w tym wpływu jakości gazów syntezy procesowej (tzw. gazu syntezowego) na wychwytywanie dwutlenku węgla, oraz zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania biowęgla z odpadów jako sorbentów w cyklu wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla; 3) Planowanie, rozwój i połączenie bloków wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla z instalacją zgazowania Pyro RDF, stworzoną w wyniku poprzedniego projektu grupy projektowej (w związku z tym zademonstrowanie konceptualnego prototypu urządzenia do wychwytywania dwutlenku węgla); 4) Upowszechnianie wyników projektu. Po zakończeniu projektu spodziewane są następujące rezultaty: Trzy oryginały naukowe, które zostaną przedłożone do publikacji w czasopismach lub artykułach konferencyjnych zawartych w bazach danych Web of Science lub SCOPUS; Jeden oryginał naukowy, który zostanie przedłożony do publikacji w czasopiśmie o wysokim współczynniku cytowania (Q1, Q2), a także pięć prezentacji na konferencjach międzynarodowych. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt fő célja a szilárd települési hulladék újrafeldolgozására szolgáló szén-dioxid-leválasztási és -tárolási technológiák tudásalapjának bővítése olyan megközelítéssel, amely a szén-dioxid-leválasztást és -tárolást integrálja a „hulladékenergia” koncepcióba. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. A projekt és várható eredményei megfelelnek a gazdasági tevékenységek statisztikai osztályozásának (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – A veszélyes hulladékoktól eltérő hulladékok kezelése és ártalmatlanítása területének. A projekt a környezetvédelmi technológiák területén végzett ipari kutatásként valósul meg, és nem gazdaságos.A projekt fő tevékenységei a következők: 1) A rendelkezésre álló szén-dioxid-leválasztási módszerek elemzése szakirodalmi elemzéssel és laboratóriumi vizsgálattal, ami a legmegfelelőbb szén-dioxid-leválasztási megoldás kiválasztásához vezet; 2) A CCSW-hez kapcsolódó, hulladékhasznosított tüzelőanyagok (RDF) gázosítására szolgáló termékek feltárása, beleértve a folyamatszintézisgázok (úgynevezett szintézisgázok) minőségének a szén-dioxid-leválasztásra gyakorolt hatását, és feltárja a hulladékból származó bioszén szorbensként való felhasználásának lehetőségét a szén-dioxid-leválasztási ciklusban; 3) A szén-dioxid-leválasztás blokkjának tervezése, fejlesztése és összekapcsolása a projektcsoport korábbi projektjének eredményeként létrehozott RDF Pyro gázosítási eszközzel (ezért demonstrálja a szén-dioxid-leválasztási eszköz koncepcionális prototípusát); 4) A projekt eredményeinek terjesztése.A projekt végén a következő eredmények várhatók: Három tudományos eredeti példány, amelyeket a Web of Science vagy a SCOPUS adatbázisában található folyóiratokban vagy konferenciacikkekben való közzététel céljából benyújtanak; Egy tudományos eredetit kell benyújtani közzétételre a magas idézési tényező (Q1, Q2) folyóiratban, valamint öt előadást nemzetközi konferenciákon. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Hlavním cílem projektu je rozšířit znalostní základnu o technologiích zachycování a ukládání uhlíku (CCS) pro recyklaci pevného komunálního odpadu v přístupu, který začleňuje zachycování a ukládání uhlíku do koncepce „odpadní energie“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt a jeho očekávané výsledky odpovídají rozsahu statistické klasifikace ekonomických činností (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Zpracování a odstraňování odpadů (jiného než nebezpečného odpadu). Projekt bude realizován jako průmyslový výzkum v oblasti environmentálních technologií a není hospodárný.Hlavní činnosti projektu jsou: 1) Analýza dostupných metod zachycování oxidu uhličitého pomocí analýzy literatury a laboratorního testování, vedoucí k výběru nejvhodnějšího řešení pro zachycování uhlíku; 2) Průzkum produktů zplyňování využitých paliv (RDF) souvisejících s CCSW, včetně dopadu kvality plynů pro syntézu procesů (tzv. syngas) na zachycování uhlíku, a prozkoumat možnost využití biologického uhlí z odpadu jako sorbentů v cyklu zachycování oxidu uhličitého; 3) Plánování bloků zachycování uhlíku, jeho vývoj a propojení se zařízením na zplyňování RDF vytvořeným na základě předchozího projektu projektové skupiny (proto demonstruje koncepční prototyp zařízení pro zachycování uhlíku); 4) Šíření výsledků projektu.Na konci projektu se očekávají následující výsledky: Tři vědecké originály, které budou předloženy ke zveřejnění v časopisech nebo článcích konference obsažených v databázích Web of Science nebo SCOPUS; Jeden vědecký originál bude předložen ke zveřejnění v časopise s vysokým citačním faktorem (Q1, Q2) a pět prezentací na mezinárodních konferencích. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail an bonn eolais ar theicneolaíochtaí Gabhála agus Stórála Carbóin (CCS) chun dramhaíl chathrach sholadach a athchúrsáil a leathnú i gcur chuige lena gcomhtháthaítear gabháil agus stóráil carbóin sa choincheap “fuinneamh dramhaíola”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Freagraíonn an tionscadal agus na torthaí a bhfuiltear ag súil leo do raon feidhme aicmiú staidrimh na ngníomhaíochtaí eacnamaíocha (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Cóireáil agus diúscairt dramhaíola (seachas dramhaíl ghuaiseach). Cuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm mar thaighde tionsclaíoch i réimse na dteicneolaíochtaí comhshaoil agus ní eacnamaíoch é.Is iad príomhghníomhaíochtaí an tionscadail: 1) Anailís ar mhodhanna gabhála dé-ocsaíd charbóin atá ar fáil ag baint úsáide as anailís litríochta agus tástáil saotharlainne, as a dtiocfaidh roghnú an tuaslagáin gabhála carbóin is oiriúnaí; 2) Taiscéalaíocht a dhéanamh ar tháirgí gásúcháin breoslaí gnóthaithe dramhaíola (RDF) a bhaineann le CCSW, lena n-áirítear tionchar cháilíocht na ngás sintéise próisis (gás sintéiseach mar a thugtar air) ar ghabháil carbóin, agus féachaint an bhféadfaí bith-ghual ó dhramhaíl a úsáid mar shorbúis sa timthriall gabhála dé-ocsaíde carbóin; 3) Pleanáil, Forbairt agus Ceangal Bloc Gabhála Carbóin leis an tSaoráid Gáisithe Pyro RDF a cruthaíodh mar thoradh ar thionscadal roimhe seo an ghrúpa tionscadail (dá bhrí sin, gléas gabhála carbóin fréamhshamhail choincheapúil a léiriú); 4) Scaipeadh torthaí tionscadail.Ag deireadh an tionscadail táthar ag súil leis na torthaí seo a leanas: Trí bhunchóipeanna eolaíocha a chuirfear isteach lena bhfoilsiú in irisleabhair nó in ailt chomhdhála a áirítear i mbunachair sonraí Web of Science nó SCOPUS; Bunleagan eolaíoch amháin atá le cur isteach lena fhoilsiú san irisleabhar ardluaite (Q1, Q2), chomh maith le cúig chur i láthair ag comhdhálacha idirnáisiúnta. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Glavni cilj projekta je razširiti bazo znanja o tehnologijah zajemanja in shranjevanja ogljika (CCS) za recikliranje trdnih komunalnih odpadkov s pristopom, ki vključuje zajemanje in shranjevanje ogljika v koncept „energije odpadkov“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projekt in njegovi pričakovani rezultati ustrezajo obsegu statistične klasifikacije gospodarskih dejavnosti (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Obdelava in odstranjevanje odpadkov (razen nevarnih odpadkov). Projekt se bo izvajal kot industrijsko raziskovanje na področju okoljskih tehnologij in ni ekonomičen.Glavne dejavnosti projekta so: 1) analiza razpoložljivih metod zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida z uporabo analize literature in laboratorijskega preskušanja, na podlagi katerega se izbere najprimernejša rešitev za zajemanje ogljika; 2) raziskovanje proizvodov za uplinjanje iz odpadkov, povezanih s CCSW, vključno z vplivom kakovosti sinteznih plinov (t. i. singas) na zajemanje ogljika, ter preučitev možnosti uporabe biološkega premoga iz odpadkov kot sorbentov v ciklu zajemanja ogljikovega dioksida; 3) načrtovanje, razvoj in povezovanje blokov zajemanja ogljika z instrumentom RDF za piro uplinjanje, ki je bil ustvarjen kot rezultat prejšnjega projekta projektne skupine (zato prikazuje konceptualni prototip naprave za zajemanje ogljika); 4) Razširjanje rezultatov projekta.Ob koncu projekta se pričakujejo naslednji rezultati: Trije znanstveni izvirniki, ki bodo predloženi v objavo v revijah ali konferenčnih člankih, ki so vključeni v podatkovno zbirko Web of Science ali SCOPUS; En znanstveni izvirnik, ki ga je treba predložiti v objavo v reviji z visokim faktorjem citiranja (Q1, Q2), in pet predstavitev na mednarodnih konferencah. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Основната цел на проекта е да се разшири базата от знания за технологиите за улавяне и съхранение на въглерод (CCS) за рециклиране на твърди битови отпадъци чрез подход, който интегрира улавянето и съхранението на въглерод в концепцията за „отпадъчна енергия“. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Проектът и очакваните резултати съответстват на обхвата на статистическата класификация на икономическите дейности (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Третиране и обезвреждане на отпадъци (различни от опасни отпадъци). Проектът ще бъде реализиран като индустриални изследвания в областта на екологичните технологии и не е икономичен. Основните дейности по проекта са: 1) Анализ на наличните методи за улавяне на въглероден диоксид с помощта на литературен анализ и лабораторни изпитвания, което води до избора на най-подходящия разтвор за улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 2) Проучване на продукти за газификация на отпадъчни горива (RDF), свързани с CCSW, включително въздействието на качеството на технологичните синтетични газове (т.нар. синтетичен газ) върху улавянето на въглерод, и проучване на възможността за използване на биовъглища от отпадъци като сорбенти в цикъла на улавяне на въглероден диоксид; 3) Планиране, разработване и свързване на блокове за улавяне на въглерод с RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, създаден в резултат на предишния проект на проектната група (следователно демонстриране на концептуален прототип на устройство за улавяне на въглерод); 4) Разпространение на резултатите от проекта.В края на проекта се очакват следните резултати: Три научни оригинала, които ще бъдат представени за публикуване в списания или в конферентни статии, включени в Web of Science или бази данни SCOPUS; Един научен оригинал, който да бъде представен за публикуване в списанието с висок коефициент на цитиране (Q1, Q2), както и пет презентации на международни конференции. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li jespandi l-bażi tal-għarfien dwar it-teknoloġiji tal-Qbid u l-Ħżin tal-Karbonju (CCS) għar-riċiklaġġ tal-iskart muniċipali solidu f’approċċ li jintegra l-qbid u l-ħżin tal-karbonju fil-kunċett tal-“enerġija mill-iskart”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Il-proġett u r-riżultati mistennija tiegħu jikkorrispondu mal-ambitu tal-klassifikazzjoni statistika tal-attivitajiet ekonomiċi (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Trattament u rimi tal-iskart (għajr skart perikoluż). Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat bħala riċerka industrijali fil-qasam tat-teknoloġiji ambjentali u mhuwiex ekonomiku. L-attivitajiet ewlenin tal-proġett huma: 1) Analiżi tal-metodi disponibbli għall-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju bl-użu ta’ analiżi tal-letteratura u ttestjar fil-laboratorju, li twassal għall-għażla tal-aktar soluzzjoni xierqa għall-qbid tal-karbonju; 2) L-esplorazzjoni ta’ prodotti ta’ gassifikazzjoni ta’ fjuwils irkuprati (RDF) relatati mas-CCSW, inkluż l-impatt tal-kwalità tal-gassijiet ta’ sinteżi tal-proċess (l-hekk imsejħa syngas) fuq il-qbid tal-karbonju, u l-esplorazzjoni tal-possibbiltà li jintuża l-faħam bijoloġiku mill-iskart bħala sorbents fiċ-ċiklu tal-qbid tad-diossidu tal-karbonju; 3) L-Ippjanar, l-Iżvilupp, u l-Konnessjoni tal-Bokkijiet tal-Ġbir tal-Karbonju mal-Faċilità tal-Gassifikazzjoni Pyro RDF maħluqa bħala riżultat tal-proġett preċedenti tal-grupp tal-proġett (u b’hekk jintwera prototip kunċettwali ta’ apparat għall-qbid tal-karbonju); 4) Disseminazzjoni tar-riżultati tal-proġett.Fl-aħħar tal-proġett huma mistennija r-riżultati li ġejjin: Tliet oriġinali xjentifiċi li ser jiġu ppreżentati għall-pubblikazzjoni f’ġurnali jew artikli f’konferenzi inklużi fil-Web of Science jew fil-bażijiet tad-data SCOPUS; Oriġinal xjentifiku wieħed għandu jiġi ppreżentat għall-pubblikazzjoni fil-ġurnal tal-fattur ta’ ċitazzjoni għolja (Q1, Q2), kif ukoll ħames preżentazzjonijiet f’konferenzi internazzjonali. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    O principal objetivo do projeto é alargar a base de conhecimentos sobre as tecnologias de captura e armazenamento de carbono (CAC) para a reciclagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos, numa abordagem que integre a captura e o armazenamento de carbono no conceito de «energia residual». The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. O projeto e os seus resultados esperados correspondem ao âmbito da nomenclatura estatística das atividades económicas (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 — Tratamento e eliminação de resíduos (exceto resíduos perigosos). O projeto será executado como investigação industrial no domínio das tecnologias ambientais e não é económico. As principais atividades do projeto são: 1) Análise dos métodos de captura de dióxido de carbono disponíveis, utilizando análises bibliográficas e ensaios laboratoriais, conducentes à seleção da solução de captura de carbono mais adequada; 2) Exploração de produtos de gaseificação de combustíveis recuperados de resíduos (RDF) relacionados com a CACW, incluindo o impacto da qualidade dos gases de síntese dos processos (o chamado gás de síntese) na captura de carbono, e explorar a possibilidade de utilizar biocarvão de resíduos como adsorvente no ciclo de captura de dióxido de carbono; 3) Planeamento, desenvolvimento e ligação de blocos de captura de carbono com a instalação de pirogasificação do FTR criada em resultado do projeto anterior do grupo de projeto (demonstrando assim um protótipo conceptual de dispositivo de captura de carbono); 4) Divulgação dos resultados do projecto.No final do projecto são esperados os seguintes resultados: Três originais científicos que serão submetidos para publicação em revistas ou artigos de conferências incluídos nas bases de dados Web of Science ou SCOPUS; Um original científico a ser submetido para publicação na revista High Citation Factor (Q1, Q2), bem como cinco apresentações em conferências internacionais. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Hovedformålet med projektet er at udvide videnbasen om teknologier til CO2-opsamling og -lagring (CCS) til genanvendelse af fast kommunalt affald i en tilgang, der integrerer CO2-opsamling og -lagring i begrebet "affaldsenergi". The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet og dets forventede resultater svarer til anvendelsesområdet for den statistiske nomenklatur for økonomiske aktiviteter (NACE rev. 2) 38.21 — Behandling og bortskaffelse af affald (bortset fra farligt affald). Projektet vil blive gennemført som industriel forskning inden for miljøteknologi, og det er ikke økonomisk. Projektets vigtigste aktiviteter er: 1) Analyse af tilgængelige CO2-opsamlingsmetoder ved hjælp af litteraturanalyse og laboratorietest, der fører til udvælgelse af den mest hensigtsmæssige CO2-opsamlingsopløsning; 2) Efterforskning af affaldsgenvundne brændsler (RDF) forgasningsprodukter relateret til CCSW, herunder virkningen af kvaliteten af processyntesegasser (såkaldte syngas) på CO2-opsamling, og undersøge muligheden for at anvende biokul fra affald som sorbenter i CO2-opsamlingscyklussen; 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility, der blev oprettet som et resultat af projektgruppens tidligere projekt (der derfor demonstrerer en konceptuel prototype CO2-opsamlingsenhed); 4) Formidling af projektresultater. Ved projektets afslutning forventes følgende resultater: Tre videnskabelige originaler, som vil blive offentliggjort i tidsskrifter eller konferenceartikler, der indgår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser En videnskabelig original, der skal offentliggøres i tidsskriftet "high cititation factor" (Q1, Q2), samt fem præsentationer på internationale konferencer. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Obiectivul principal al proiectului este de a extinde baza de cunoștințe privind tehnologiile de captare și stocare a carbonului (CSC) pentru reciclarea deșeurilor municipale solide într-o abordare care integrează captarea și stocarea carbonului în conceptul de „energie reziduală”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Proiectul și rezultatele preconizate corespund domeniului de aplicare al clasificării statistice a activităților economice (NACE Rev. 2) 38.21 – Tratarea și eliminarea deșeurilor (altele decât deșeurile periculoase). Proiectul va fi implementat ca cercetare industrială în domeniul tehnologiilor de mediu și nu este economic. Principalele activități ale proiectului sunt: 1) Analiza metodelor disponibile de captare a dioxidului de carbon utilizând analiza literaturii de specialitate și testarea de laborator, conducând la selectarea celei mai adecvate soluții de captare a carbonului; 2) Explorarea produselor de gazeificare a combustibililor recuperați (RDF) legate de CSCW, inclusiv impactul calității gazelor de sinteză a proceselor (așa-numitele gaze de sinteză) asupra captării carbonului, și să exploreze posibilitatea utilizării biocărbunelui din deșeuri ca sorbenți în ciclul de captare a dioxidului de carbon; 3) Planificarea, dezvoltarea și conectarea blocurilor de captare a carbonului cu instalația RDF Pyro Gasification creată ca urmare a proiectului anterior al grupului de proiect (prin urmare, demonstrând un prototip conceptual de dispozitiv de captare a carbonului); 4) Diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului. La finalul proiectului sunt așteptate următoarele rezultate: Trei originale științifice care vor fi prezentate spre publicare în reviste sau articole de conferință incluse în bazele de date Web of Science sau SCOPUS; Un original științific care urmează să fie prezentat spre publicare în revista cu factor ridicat de citare (Q1, Q2), precum și cinci prezentări în cadrul conferințelor internaționale. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Huvudsyftet med projektet är att utöka kunskapsbasen om teknik för avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid (CCS) för återvinning av fast kommunalt avfall i en strategi som integrerar avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid i begreppet ”avfallsenergi”. The project therefore aims to develop the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the recycling of municipal waste (CCSW- Carbon Capture and Storage from Waste).According to this concept, the project aims (1) to develop and extend pre-incinerated (NAIC or RDF) thermochemical (gasification) recycling technology, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF) in the thermochemical sector, to develop in other energy-related industrial applications the results of the process for recycling, to evaluate, explore and (2) adapt the technologically and economically most appropriate solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC) for the realisation of the thermal energy sector, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the potential of the process for industrial recycling, for example in other waste treatment options, as well as for the development of the most technologically and economically appropriate pre-incineration solution for carbon capture, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-based applications, for example in the field of industrial carbon recycling, and for the development of the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial carbon-recycling studies, that would be directly related to the demonstration of the industrial and industrial feasibility of waste, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications for demonstration of industrial carbon-recycling, as well as in other industrial applications for demonstration of waste recycling, to develop the solution for pre-combustion carbon capture and storage, as well as to develop in other energy-based industrial applications the results of the process for industrial recycling, as well as the design and feasibility of the technologically and economically most appropriate pre-combustion solution for the realisation of carbon dioxide capture, as well as in other sectors of the process, as well as in other energy-based industrial applications, as well as in other industrial applications, for example, to develop the technological and economical solution for pre-combustion carbon capture (NAIC or RDF), for example in the field of industrial combustion, as well as in other industrial applications for industrial carbon-based applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial applications, for industrial The research is fully consistent with the objectives of the Latvian National Smart Specialisation (RIS3) strategy “Smart Energy” and its related fields “Smart Materials, Technologies and Engineering System” and “Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy”. Projektet och dess förväntade resultat motsvarar omfattningen av den statistiska näringsgrensindelningen (Nace rev. 2) 38.21 – Behandling och bortskaffande av avfall (utom farligt avfall). Projektet kommer att genomföras som industriell forskning inom miljöteknik och det är inte ekonomiskt.Projektets huvudsakliga verksamhet är: 1) Analys av tillgängliga metoder för koldioxidavskiljning med hjälp av litteraturanalys och laboratorietester, vilket leder till valet av den lämpligaste lösningen för avskiljning av koldioxid. 2) Utforskning av återvunna bränslen (RDF) förgasningsprodukter i samband med CCSW, inbegripet inverkan av kvaliteten på processsyntesgaser (s.k. syntesgas) på avskiljning av koldioxid, och undersöka möjligheten att använda biokol från avfall som sorbenter i avskiljningscykeln för koldioxid. 3) Carbon Capture Block Planning, Development, and Connection with the RDF Pyro Gasification Facility som skapats som ett resultat av projektgruppens tidigare projekt (därför demonstrerar en konceptuell prototyp för avskiljning av koldioxid). 4) Spridning av projektresultat.I slutet av projektet förväntas följande resultat: Tre vetenskapliga original som kommer att lämnas in för publicering i tidskrifter eller konferensartiklar som ingår i Web of Science eller SCOPUS-databaser. Ett vetenskapligt original som ska lämnas in för publicering i den höga referensfaktorn (Q1, Q2) samt fem presentationer på internationella konferenser. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1004
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    Rātsupītes iela 7 k-3, Rīga, LV-1067
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    Vibsteri, Remtes pag., Saldus nov., LV-3871
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