Project RODZINA (Q138526): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The main aim of the project is to improve the quality and accessibility of family support services and foster care services for 301 MOPs in Koszalin on the land of the Municipality of Koszalin, at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion in the period 01.01.2017-31.12.2019. The target group of the project will be 165 people at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion, facing care and 136 family carers. GR. 165 people who are at risk of poverty a...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and availability of family support and foster care services for 301 people benefiting from MOPS assistance in Koszalin in the Municipality of Koszalin, at risk of poverty and/or exclusion in the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2019. The target group of the project will consist of 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion of the community, suffering from caring and educational probl...)
Property / summary
The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and availability of family support and foster care services for 301 people benefiting from MOPS assistance in Koszalin in the Municipality of Koszalin, at risk of poverty and/or exclusion in the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2019. The target group of the project will consist of 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion of the community, suffering from caring and educational problems and 136 people holding family foster care. 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion with care and education problems will be directed to workshops in the NIS in order to participate in the following activities: individual specialist advice (lawyer, teacher, psychologist), workshops “School for Parent”, workshops on home budget management, workshops “Prophylaxis of healthy lifestyle”, participation in alternative forms of leisure time (exit to the theatre, cinema, bowling tournament, excursion to theme villages/educational amusement parks) with the immediate surroundings. Gr. 136 persons responsible for the family care will carry out activities outside the KIS, in order to participate in the workshops of parental competences for people holding family foster care and individual specialist advisory services (lawyer,pedagog,psychologist). Results: 1. 301 people at risk of poverty or social services of general interest will be included. 2. min. 151 people at risk of poverty or crews experiencing multiple outputs will be supported within the framework of the project. 3. min. 241 participants of the project will be supported in the form of family guidance. 4 min. 132 families will be covered by preventive support. 5. 136 people will be directed to participate in education and/or improvement related to the provision of replacement care. (English)
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and availability of family support and foster care services for 301 people benefiting from MOPS assistance in Koszalin in the Municipality of Koszalin, at risk of poverty and/or exclusion in the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2019. The target group of the project will consist of 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion of the community, suffering from caring and educational problems and 136 people holding family foster care. 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion with care and education problems will be directed to workshops in the NIS in order to participate in the following activities: individual specialist advice (lawyer, teacher, psychologist), workshops “School for Parent”, workshops on home budget management, workshops “Prophylaxis of healthy lifestyle”, participation in alternative forms of leisure time (exit to the theatre, cinema, bowling tournament, excursion to theme villages/educational amusement parks) with the immediate surroundings. Gr. 136 persons responsible for the family care will carry out activities outside the KIS, in order to participate in the workshops of parental competences for people holding family foster care and individual specialist advisory services (lawyer,pedagog,psychologist). Results: 1. 301 people at risk of poverty or social services of general interest will be included. 2. min. 151 people at risk of poverty or crews experiencing multiple outputs will be supported within the framework of the project. 3. min. 241 participants of the project will be supported in the form of family guidance. 4 min. 132 families will be covered by preventive support. 5. 136 people will be directed to participate in education and/or improvement related to the provision of replacement care. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and availability of family support and foster care services for 301 people benefiting from MOPS assistance in Koszalin in the Municipality of Koszalin, at risk of poverty and/or exclusion in the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2019. The target group of the project will consist of 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion of the community, suffering from caring and educational problems and 136 people holding family foster care. 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion with care and education problems will be directed to workshops in the NIS in order to participate in the following activities: individual specialist advice (lawyer, teacher, psychologist), workshops “School for Parent”, workshops on home budget management, workshops “Prophylaxis of healthy lifestyle”, participation in alternative forms of leisure time (exit to the theatre, cinema, bowling tournament, excursion to theme villages/educational amusement parks) with the immediate surroundings. Gr. 136 persons responsible for the family care will carry out activities outside the KIS, in order to participate in the workshops of parental competences for people holding family foster care and individual specialist advisory services (lawyer,pedagog,psychologist). Results: 1. 301 people at risk of poverty or social services of general interest will be included. 2. min. 151 people at risk of poverty or crews experiencing multiple outputs will be supported within the framework of the project. 3. min. 241 participants of the project will be supported in the form of family guidance. 4 min. 132 families will be covered by preventive support. 5. 136 people will be directed to participate in education and/or improvement related to the provision of replacement care. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 21 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 18:55, 21 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    480,934.88 zloty
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    115,424.37 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    565,805.75 zloty
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    135,793.38 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2017
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    31 December 2019
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    Celem głównym projektu jest podniesienie jakości i dostępności usług w zakresie wsparcia rodziny i pieczy zastępczej dla 301 osób objętych pomocą MOPS w Koszalinie na terenie Gminy Miasto Koszalin,zagrożonych ubóstwem i/lub wykluczeniem społ. w okresie od 01.01.2017r. do 31.12.2019r. Grupę docelową projektu stanowić będzie 165 os.zagrożonych ubóstwem i/lub wykluczeniem społ., borykających się z problemami opiekuńczo-wychowawczymi oraz 136 os. sprawujących rodzinną pieczę zastępczą. Gr. 165 os. zagrożonych ubóstwem i/lub wykluczeniem społ.,z problemami opiekuńczo-wychowawczymi zostanie skierowana na warsztaty w KIS celem uczestnictwa w następujących działaniach: indywidualne doradztwo specjalistyczne (prawnik, pedagog, psycholog), warsztaty „ Szkoła dla rodzica”, warsztaty z zakresu gospodarowania budżetem domowym, warsztaty „Profilaktyka zdrowego trybu życia”, udział w alternatywnych formach spędzania czasu wolnego(wyjścia do teatru, kina, turniej bowlingowy, wyjazd do wiosek tematycznych/edukacyjnych parków rozrywki)wraz z najbliższym otoczeniem. Gr. 136 os.sprawujących rodzinną pieczę zastępczą realizować będzie działania poza KIS, celem uczestnictwa w warsztatach kompetencji rodzicielskich dla os. sprawujących rodzinną pieczę zastępczą oraz indywidualnym doradztwie specjalistycznym (prawnik,pedagog,psycholog). Rezultaty: 1. 301 os. zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykl.społ. zostanie objętych usługami społecznymi świadczonymi w interesie ogólnym. 2. min. 151 os. zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykl.społ., doświadczających wielokrotnego wykl.społ. zostanie objętych wsparciem w ramach projektu. 3. min. 241 uczestników projektu zostanie objętych wsparciem w postaci poradnictwa rodzinnego. 4. min. 132 rodziny zostaną objęte wsparciem prewencyjnym. 5. 136 os. zostaną skierowane do uczestnictwa w kształceniu i/lub doskonaleniu związanym ze sprawowaniem pieczy zastępczej. (Polish)
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    The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and availability of family support and foster care services for 301 people benefiting from MOPS assistance in Koszalin in the Municipality of Koszalin, at risk of poverty and/or exclusion in the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2019. The target group of the project will consist of 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion of the community, suffering from caring and educational problems and 136 people holding family foster care. 165 people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion with care and education problems will be directed to workshops in the NIS in order to participate in the following activities: individual specialist advice (lawyer, teacher, psychologist), workshops “School for Parent”, workshops on home budget management, workshops “Prophylaxis of healthy lifestyle”, participation in alternative forms of leisure time (exit to the theatre, cinema, bowling tournament, excursion to theme villages/educational amusement parks) with the immediate surroundings. Gr. 136 persons responsible for the family care will carry out activities outside the KIS, in order to participate in the workshops of parental competences for people holding family foster care and individual specialist advisory services (lawyer,pedagog,psychologist). Results: 1. 301 people at risk of poverty or social services of general interest will be included. 2. min. 151 people at risk of poverty or crews experiencing multiple outputs will be supported within the framework of the project. 3. min. 241 participants of the project will be supported in the form of family guidance. 4 min. 132 families will be covered by preventive support. 5. 136 people will be directed to participate in education and/or improvement related to the provision of replacement care. (English)
    21 October 2020
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