Active parents, active child (Q133776): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to increase social activity and improve the family situation of 35 people (70 % of women, 30 % of men, including 20 adults, 15 children) at risk of social exclusion in Area A and B in the IEE for the period 01.11.2018-31.10.2019. The project is part of the integrated project. JASIELSKA. The support will cover the following instruments: — multi-profiling the resource and the need to identify participants’ deficits/need...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to increase social activity and improve the family situation of 35 people (70 % of women, 30 % of men, including 20 adults, 15 children) at risk of social exclusion in Area A and B in the IEE for the period 01.11.2018-31.10.2019. The project is part of the integrated project. JASIELSKA. The support will cover the following instruments: — multi-profiling the resource and the need to identify participants’ deficits/needs and adapt the support path (individual profile of the participant and the personal development plan; Education, workshops and psychological training — support for psychosocial skills of participants; Specific specialised guidance (lawyer, mediator, psychologist, therapist and in), — implementation of workshops for parents enhancing parenting skills; — training seminars run by specialists in order to improve the everyday life of, among other things, nutrition and hygiene of life, household budget management, — family activities: family counselling, family visits (inclusive and educational), joint activities with a productive leisure time — support for children and young people: activities with social therapy, preventive and educational activities, an external workshop for children, a family feature which is planned and organised by project participants. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to increase social activity and improve the family situation of 35 people (70 % of women, 30 % of men, including 20 adults, 15 children) at risk of social exclusion in Area A and B in the IEE for the period 01.11.2018-31.10.2019. The project is part of the integrated project. JASIELSKA. The support will cover the following instruments: — multi-profiling the resource and the need to identify participants’ deficits/needs and adapt the support path (individual profile of the participant and the personal development plan; Education, workshops and psychological training — support for psychosocial skills of participants; Specific specialised guidance (lawyer, mediator, psychologist, therapist and in), — implementation of workshops for parents enhancing parenting skills; — training seminars run by specialists in order to improve the everyday life of, among other things, nutrition and hygiene of life, household budget management, — family activities: family counselling, family visits (inclusive and educational), joint activities with a productive leisure time — support for children and young people: activities with social therapy, preventive and educational activities, an external workshop for children, a family feature which is planned and organised by project participants. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 18:51, 21 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Active parents, active child
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    278,800.0 zloty
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    66,912.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    331,900.0 zloty
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    79,656.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    84.0 percent
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    1 November 2018
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    31 October 2019
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    53°35'46.0"N, 19°34'34.0"E
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    Celem projektu jest podniesienie aktywności społecznej i poprawa sytuacji rodzinnej 35 osób (70% kobiet, 30% mężczyzn, w tym 20 osób dorosłych, 15 dzieci) zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym zamieszkujących obszar A i B w Iławie objęty rewitalizacją, w okresie 01.11.2018-31.10.2019. Projekt jest częścią zintegrowanego przedsięwzięcia KOMPLEKSOWA REWITALIZACJA REJONU UL. JASIELSKIEJ. Wsparcie będzie obejmowało następujące instrumenty: - wieloprofilowa diagnoza zasobów i potrzeb-określenie deficytów/potrzeb uczestników i dostosowanie ścieżki wsparcia (indywidualny profil uczestnika i plan rozwoju osobistego; - prowadzenie zajęć psychoedukacyjnych, warsztaty i treningi psychologiczne - wsparcie umiejętności psychospołecznych uczestników; - poradnictwo indywidualne specjalistyczne (prawnik, mediator, psycholog, terapeuta i in), - realizacja warsztatów Szkoła dla rodziców wzmacniająca umiejętności wychowawcze; - seminaria edukacyjne prowadzone przez specjalistów dotyczące podniesienia jakości codziennego życia w zakresie żywienia i higienicznego trybu życia, gospodarowania budżetem domowym, - działania rodzinne: poradnictwo rodzinne, wyjazdy rodzinne (integracyjne i edukacyjne), wspólne zajęcia dot.aktywnego spędzania czasu wolnego - wsparcie dla dzieci i młodzieży: zajęcia z elementami socjoterapii, zajęcia profilaktyczno-wychowawcze, warsztaty wyjazdowe dla dzieci - festyn rodzinny-zaplanowany i zorganizowany przez uczestników projektu. (Polish)
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