Knowledge and competences. A programme to improve the quality of the education offer in the municipality of Władysławowo. (Q121253): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to improve the educational potential, increase the knowledge and skills and ease the gap between 793 students (including 369) of all 6 schools in general education in the municipality of Władysławowo, as well as the sustainable improvement of the educational services of those schools by upgrading the qualification of 152 teachers (including 136 women) and providing the teaching background to modern teaching equipment...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to improve the educational potential, increase knowledge and skills and to alleviate the dysfunctions that hinder education in 793 pupils (including 369 students) of all 6 general education schools in the Władysławowo Commune, as well as the improvement of the quality of educational services of these schools by raising the qualifications of 152 teachers (including 136 women) and equipping the teaching base of schools wi...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to improve the educational potential, increase knowledge and skills and to alleviate the dysfunctions that hinder education in 793 pupils (including 369 students) of all 6 general education schools in the Władysławowo Commune, as well as the improvement of the quality of educational services of these schools by raising the qualifications of 152 teachers (including 136 women) and equipping the teaching base of schools with modern teaching aids by 31.10.2018. Specific objectives of the project: 1.Improving knowledge and skills of participants in developing classes by 31.10.2018, 2.diagnosing problem areas and raising the knowledge of participants of equalising classes up to 31.10.2018, 3. mitigation of deficits in participants of therapeutic support and raising awareness of their own potential in professional counselling participants by 31.10.2018, 4. upgrading the quality of the educational offer of schools, thanks to the introduction of ICT, methods of experimentation and teaching developing key attitudes for the year of work to day-to-day school practice, and by raising the knowledge and competences of schools and teachers. The main activities of the project are: —realisation of developing and equalising activities – implementation of classes for students with diagnosed deficits, including special educational needs and disabilities – implementation of classes raising the knowledge and skills of teachers in the scope of the planned support for pupils – retrofitting the teaching base of schools, especially towards increasing ICT-based teaching. All planned classes and forms of support stem from the diagnosis of needs carried out in schools, approved by the governing body – Władysławowo Municipality. Pupils may participate in more than one form of support during the same period. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to improve the educational potential, increase knowledge and skills and to alleviate the dysfunctions that hinder education in 793 pupils (including 369 students) of all 6 general education schools in the Władysławowo Commune, as well as the improvement of the quality of educational services of these schools by raising the qualifications of 152 teachers (including 136 women) and equipping the teaching base of schools with modern teaching aids by 31.10.2018. Specific objectives of the project: 1.Improving knowledge and skills of participants in developing classes by 31.10.2018, 2.diagnosing problem areas and raising the knowledge of participants of equalising classes up to 31.10.2018, 3. mitigation of deficits in participants of therapeutic support and raising awareness of their own potential in professional counselling participants by 31.10.2018, 4. upgrading the quality of the educational offer of schools, thanks to the introduction of ICT, methods of experimentation and teaching developing key attitudes for the year of work to day-to-day school practice, and by raising the knowledge and competences of schools and teachers. The main activities of the project are: —realisation of developing and equalising activities – implementation of classes for students with diagnosed deficits, including special educational needs and disabilities – implementation of classes raising the knowledge and skills of teachers in the scope of the planned support for pupils – retrofitting the teaching base of schools, especially towards increasing ICT-based teaching. All planned classes and forms of support stem from the diagnosis of needs carried out in schools, approved by the governing body – Władysławowo Municipality. Pupils may participate in more than one form of support during the same period. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to improve the educational potential, increase knowledge and skills and to alleviate the dysfunctions that hinder education in 793 pupils (including 369 students) of all 6 general education schools in the Władysławowo Commune, as well as the improvement of the quality of educational services of these schools by raising the qualifications of 152 teachers (including 136 women) and equipping the teaching base of schools with modern teaching aids by 31.10.2018. Specific objectives of the project: 1.Improving knowledge and skills of participants in developing classes by 31.10.2018, 2.diagnosing problem areas and raising the knowledge of participants of equalising classes up to 31.10.2018, 3. mitigation of deficits in participants of therapeutic support and raising awareness of their own potential in professional counselling participants by 31.10.2018, 4. upgrading the quality of the educational offer of schools, thanks to the introduction of ICT, methods of experimentation and teaching developing key attitudes for the year of work to day-to-day school practice, and by raising the knowledge and competences of schools and teachers. The main activities of the project are: —realisation of developing and equalising activities – implementation of classes for students with diagnosed deficits, including special educational needs and disabilities – implementation of classes raising the knowledge and skills of teachers in the scope of the planned support for pupils – retrofitting the teaching base of schools, especially towards increasing ICT-based teaching. All planned classes and forms of support stem from the diagnosis of needs carried out in schools, approved by the governing body – Władysławowo Municipality. Pupils may participate in more than one form of support during the same period. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 21 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:20, 21 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Knowledge and competences. A programme to improve the quality of the education offer in the municipality of Władysławowo.
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,675,885.5 zloty
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    1,971,630.0 zloty
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    1 December 2016
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    31 October 2018
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    Celem gł. projektu jest poprawa potencjału edukacyjnego, wzrost wiedzy i umiejętności oraz złagodzenie dysfunkcji utrudniających naukę u 793 uczniów (w tym 369 dz.) wszystkich 6 szkół kształcenia ogólnego w Gminie Władysławowo, a także trwała poprawa jakości usług edukacyjnych tych szkół poprzez podniesienie kwalifikacji 152 nauczycieli (w tym 136 kobiet) oraz doposażenie bazy dydaktycznej szkół w nowoczesne pomoce dydaktyczne do 31.10.2018r. Cele szczegółowe projektu: 1.podniesienie wiedzy i umiejętności uczestników zajęć rozwijających do 31.10.2018r., 2.zdiagnozowanie obszarów problemowych i podniesienie wiedzy uczestników zajęć wyrównujących do 31.10.2018r., 3.złagodzenie deficytów u uczestników wsparcia terapeutycznego i wzrost świadomości własnego potencjału u uczestników doradztwa zawodowego do 31.10.2018r., 4. podniesienie jakości oferty edukacyjnej szkół, dzięki wprowadzeniu TIK, metody eksperymentu i nauczania rozwijającego postawy kluczowe dla r. pracy do codziennej praktyki szkolnej oraz dzięki podniesieniu wiedzy i kompetencji nauczycieli i doposażeniu szkół, do do 31.10.2017r. Zasadnicze działania projektu to: -realizacja zajęć rozwijających i wyrównujących -realizacja zajęć dla uczniów ze zdiagnozowanymi deficytami, w tym o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych i niepełnosprawnych -realizacja zajęć podnoszących wiedzę i umiejętności nauczycieli w zakresie zgodnym z planowanym wsparciem dla uczniów -doposażenie bazy dydaktycznej szkół, gł. w kierunku zwiększenia nauczania opartego o TIK. Wszystkie zaplanowane zajęcia i formy wsparcia wynikają z przeprowadzonej w szkołach diagnozy potrzeb, zatwierdzonej przez organ prowadzący - Gminę Władysławowo. Uczniowie mogą brać udział w więcej niż jedna formach wsparcia w tym samym okresie. (Polish)
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    The aim of the project is to improve the educational potential, increase knowledge and skills and to alleviate the dysfunctions that hinder education in 793 pupils (including 369 students) of all 6 general education schools in the Władysławowo Commune, as well as the improvement of the quality of educational services of these schools by raising the qualifications of 152 teachers (including 136 women) and equipping the teaching base of schools with modern teaching aids by 31.10.2018. Specific objectives of the project: 1.Improving knowledge and skills of participants in developing classes by 31.10.2018, 2.diagnosing problem areas and raising the knowledge of participants of equalising classes up to 31.10.2018, 3. mitigation of deficits in participants of therapeutic support and raising awareness of their own potential in professional counselling participants by 31.10.2018, 4. upgrading the quality of the educational offer of schools, thanks to the introduction of ICT, methods of experimentation and teaching developing key attitudes for the year of work to day-to-day school practice, and by raising the knowledge and competences of schools and teachers. The main activities of the project are: —realisation of developing and equalising activities – implementation of classes for students with diagnosed deficits, including special educational needs and disabilities – implementation of classes raising the knowledge and skills of teachers in the scope of the planned support for pupils – retrofitting the teaching base of schools, especially towards increasing ICT-based teaching. All planned classes and forms of support stem from the diagnosis of needs carried out in schools, approved by the governing body – Władysławowo Municipality. Pupils may participate in more than one form of support during the same period. (English)
    21 October 2020
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