The development of key competences for success in the Municipality of Chorkówka (Q120329): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The main problem to which the project is addressed is the low competence of the key students from SP Draganowa, SPKylanach, SP Falliszówka, SP Chorówka, SP Kopytowa and poor performance of the students due to weak performance. SP in Draganowa 2015r-3,2014r-1; SP in Kobylans 2015r-2,2014r-2, 2013-3; SP in Faliszówka 2015r-3,2013r-4; SP in Chorkówka 2015r-3,2014r-4; SP in Kopys 2014r-2,2013r-4; The project will be implemented in the schools betw...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main problem to which the project is answered are the low competences of key students from the Draganowa SP, Kobylanach SP, Faliszówka SP, SP Chorkówki, Kopytowa SP and unsatisfactory results of pupils that result from poor ex-offs. SP in Draganowa 2015r-3,2014r-1; SP in Kobylanach 2015r-2,2014r-2, 2013-3; SP in Faliszówka 2015r-3,2013r-4; SP in Chorkówka 2015r-3,2014r-4; SP in Kopytowa 2014r-2,2013r-4; The project will be implemented in the...)
Property / summary
The main problem to which the project is answered are the low competences of key students from the Draganowa SP, Kobylanach SP, Faliszówka SP, SP Chorkówki, Kopytowa SP and unsatisfactory results of pupils that result from poor ex-offs. SP in Draganowa 2015r-3,2014r-1; SP in Kobylanach 2015r-2,2014r-2, 2013-3; SP in Faliszówka 2015r-3,2013r-4; SP in Chorkówka 2015r-3,2014r-4; SP in Kopytowa 2014r-2,2013r-4; The project will be implemented in the above-mentioned schools from 02.01.2017 to 30.06.2018. 338 teachers will be supported. (160 D. 178ch) including 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) from the SPE: SP Draganowa 52 teacher (21dz, 31ch), SP in Kobylanach 55 teach. (28dz,27ch), SP Faliszówka 61 teach. (32dz.29ch), SP Chorkówka 54 teach. (26dz, 28 ch), SP Kopytowa 116 pupil (53dz, 63ch). In order to address the above mentioned problems of the project, the following classes will be carried out: developing, equalising, meth. experiment and classes aimed at students with special educational needs. Support will also cover 60 n-li (54K,6M). N-le will be trained in working with the student within the framework of competences – key and in the use of experimental methods in education, in order to improve the quality of science teaching and prepare for the process of individualisation of work with pupils from the SPE. The school will be equipped with the equipment necessary to conduct modern, innovative activities and will be equipped with a natural laboratory. The result is an increase of key competences in the field of modern methods and appropriate attitudes and skills in the labour market, which will contribute to improving work and increasing (increase) results from external examinations in 95 % of pupils i.e. 322 (152dz, 170ch), correction of deficits by 112 learners. (50dz, 62ch) and 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) with special educational needs through additional activities and increasing professional competences 100 % of teachers i.e. 60 persons (54K,6M) from above schools by 30.06.2018. (English)
Property / summary: The main problem to which the project is answered are the low competences of key students from the Draganowa SP, Kobylanach SP, Faliszówka SP, SP Chorkówki, Kopytowa SP and unsatisfactory results of pupils that result from poor ex-offs. SP in Draganowa 2015r-3,2014r-1; SP in Kobylanach 2015r-2,2014r-2, 2013-3; SP in Faliszówka 2015r-3,2013r-4; SP in Chorkówka 2015r-3,2014r-4; SP in Kopytowa 2014r-2,2013r-4; The project will be implemented in the above-mentioned schools from 02.01.2017 to 30.06.2018. 338 teachers will be supported. (160 D. 178ch) including 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) from the SPE: SP Draganowa 52 teacher (21dz, 31ch), SP in Kobylanach 55 teach. (28dz,27ch), SP Faliszówka 61 teach. (32dz.29ch), SP Chorkówka 54 teach. (26dz, 28 ch), SP Kopytowa 116 pupil (53dz, 63ch). In order to address the above mentioned problems of the project, the following classes will be carried out: developing, equalising, meth. experiment and classes aimed at students with special educational needs. Support will also cover 60 n-li (54K,6M). N-le will be trained in working with the student within the framework of competences – key and in the use of experimental methods in education, in order to improve the quality of science teaching and prepare for the process of individualisation of work with pupils from the SPE. The school will be equipped with the equipment necessary to conduct modern, innovative activities and will be equipped with a natural laboratory. The result is an increase of key competences in the field of modern methods and appropriate attitudes and skills in the labour market, which will contribute to improving work and increasing (increase) results from external examinations in 95 % of pupils i.e. 322 (152dz, 170ch), correction of deficits by 112 learners. (50dz, 62ch) and 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) with special educational needs through additional activities and increasing professional competences 100 % of teachers i.e. 60 persons (54K,6M) from above schools by 30.06.2018. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The main problem to which the project is answered are the low competences of key students from the Draganowa SP, Kobylanach SP, Faliszówka SP, SP Chorkówki, Kopytowa SP and unsatisfactory results of pupils that result from poor ex-offs. SP in Draganowa 2015r-3,2014r-1; SP in Kobylanach 2015r-2,2014r-2, 2013-3; SP in Faliszówka 2015r-3,2013r-4; SP in Chorkówka 2015r-3,2014r-4; SP in Kopytowa 2014r-2,2013r-4; The project will be implemented in the above-mentioned schools from 02.01.2017 to 30.06.2018. 338 teachers will be supported. (160 D. 178ch) including 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) from the SPE: SP Draganowa 52 teacher (21dz, 31ch), SP in Kobylanach 55 teach. (28dz,27ch), SP Faliszówka 61 teach. (32dz.29ch), SP Chorkówka 54 teach. (26dz, 28 ch), SP Kopytowa 116 pupil (53dz, 63ch). In order to address the above mentioned problems of the project, the following classes will be carried out: developing, equalising, meth. experiment and classes aimed at students with special educational needs. Support will also cover 60 n-li (54K,6M). N-le will be trained in working with the student within the framework of competences – key and in the use of experimental methods in education, in order to improve the quality of science teaching and prepare for the process of individualisation of work with pupils from the SPE. The school will be equipped with the equipment necessary to conduct modern, innovative activities and will be equipped with a natural laboratory. The result is an increase of key competences in the field of modern methods and appropriate attitudes and skills in the labour market, which will contribute to improving work and increasing (increase) results from external examinations in 95 % of pupils i.e. 322 (152dz, 170ch), correction of deficits by 112 learners. (50dz, 62ch) and 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) with special educational needs through additional activities and increasing professional competences 100 % of teachers i.e. 60 persons (54K,6M) from above schools by 30.06.2018. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 20 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 16:45, 20 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
The development of key competences for success in the Municipality of Chorkówka
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    Głównym problemem, na który odpowiedź stanowi projekt są niskie kompetencje kluczowe uczniów z SP Draganowej, SP Kobylanach, SP Faliszówki, SP Chorkówki, SP Kopytowej oraz niezadawalające wyniki uczniów które wynikają ze słabych wyn. egz. zewn. SP w Draganowej 2015r-3,2014r-1; SP w Kobylanach 2015r-2,2014r-2, 2013r.-3; SP w Faliszówce 2015r-3,2013r-4; SP w Chorkówce 2015r-3,2014r-4; SP w Kopytowej 2014r-2,2013r-4; Projekt realizowany będzie w w/w szkołach okresie od 02.01.2017 do 30.06.2018. Wsparciem objętych zostanie 338 ucz. (160dz,178ch) w tym 202 ucz. (76dz, 126ch) ze SPE: SP Draganowa 52 ucz (21dz, 31ch), SP w Kobylanach 55 ucz. (28dz,27ch), SP Faliszówka 61 ucz. (32dz,29ch), SP Chorkówka 54 ucz. (26dz, 28 ch), SP Kopytowa 116 ucz (53dz, 63ch). W celu zniwelowania w/w problemów ramach projektu realizowane będą zajęcia: rozwijające, wyrównujące, met. eksperymentu oraz zajęcia skierowane do uczniów o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych. Wsparciem obejmiemy również 60 n-li (54K,6M). N-le zostaną przeszkoleni w pracy z uczniem w ramach kompetencji – kluczowych oraz w zakresie wykorzystania metod eksperymentu w edukacji, w celu podnoszenia jakości nauczania przedmiotów ścisłych oraz przygotowania do prowadzenia procesu indywidualizacji pracy z uczniem ze SPE. Szkoła zostanie wyposażona w sprzęt niezbędny do prowadzenia nowoczesnych, innowacyjnych zajęć oraz doposażona zostanie pracownia przyrodnicza. Efektem jest podniesienie kompetencji kluczowych w zakresie nowoczesnych metod oraz właściwych postaw i umiejętności na rynku pracy co przyczyni się do poprawy pracy i zwiększenia (podniesienia) wyników z egzaminów zewnętrznych u 95 % uczniów tj. 322 (152dz, 170ch), zniwelowanie deficytów zniwelowanie deficytów u 112 ucz. (50dz,62ch) i 202 ucz. (76dz, 126ch) ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi poprzez realizację zajęć dodatkowych oraz podniesienie kompetencji zawodowych 100 % nauczycieli tj 60 osób(54K,6M) z w/w szkół w terminie do 30.06.2018 r. (Polish)
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    The main problem to which the project is answered are the low competences of key students from the Draganowa SP, Kobylanach SP, Faliszówka SP, SP Chorkówki, Kopytowa SP and unsatisfactory results of pupils that result from poor ex-offs. SP in Draganowa 2015r-3,2014r-1; SP in Kobylanach 2015r-2,2014r-2, 2013-3; SP in Faliszówka 2015r-3,2013r-4; SP in Chorkówka 2015r-3,2014r-4; SP in Kopytowa 2014r-2,2013r-4; The project will be implemented in the above-mentioned schools from 02.01.2017 to 30.06.2018. 338 teachers will be supported. (160 D. 178ch) including 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) from the SPE: SP Draganowa 52 teacher (21dz, 31ch), SP in Kobylanach 55 teach. (28dz,27ch), SP Faliszówka 61 teach. (32dz.29ch), SP Chorkówka 54 teach. (26dz, 28 ch), SP Kopytowa 116 pupil (53dz, 63ch). In order to address the above mentioned problems of the project, the following classes will be carried out: developing, equalising, meth. experiment and classes aimed at students with special educational needs. Support will also cover 60 n-li (54K,6M). N-le will be trained in working with the student within the framework of competences – key and in the use of experimental methods in education, in order to improve the quality of science teaching and prepare for the process of individualisation of work with pupils from the SPE. The school will be equipped with the equipment necessary to conduct modern, innovative activities and will be equipped with a natural laboratory. The result is an increase of key competences in the field of modern methods and appropriate attitudes and skills in the labour market, which will contribute to improving work and increasing (increase) results from external examinations in 95 % of pupils i.e. 322 (152dz, 170ch), correction of deficits by 112 learners. (50dz, 62ch) and 202 teach. (76dz, 126ch) with special educational needs through additional activities and increasing professional competences 100 % of teachers i.e. 60 persons (54K,6M) from above schools by 30.06.2018. (English)
    20 October 2020
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