Mońki on traineeships (Q116667): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and quality of practical training and to better match the labour market needs of 54 (22K, 32M) to students/pupils and 4 (2K, 2M) to teachers/vocational training teachers in the group of vocational and vocational schools in the Mońki in traineeships with employers for the period up to 11.2020. Audience: — 54 students at the Technical College and the Industrial School in ZSOisa in the Mo...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and quality of practical training and to better adapt to the needs of the labour market among 54 (22K,32M) students and 4 (2K,2M) teachers/teachers at the General Education and Vocational Schools in Mońki taking part in traineeships with employers in the period up to 11.2020. Target group: — 54 students of the Technology and Industry School at the ZSOiZ in Mońki railway transport techniq...)
Property / summary
The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and quality of practical training and to better adapt to the needs of the labour market among 54 (22K,32M) students and 4 (2K,2M) teachers/teachers at the General Education and Vocational Schools in Mońki taking part in traineeships with employers in the period up to 11.2020. Target group: — 54 students of the Technology and Industry School at the ZSOiZ in Mońki railway transport techniques – 4 people. (4M) hotel technology – 8 people. (8K) nutrition techniques and catering services – 20 people. (14K,6M) farmer/technician farmer – 8 people (8M) techniques for mechanisation of agriculture and agrotronics – 10 people. (10M) salesman technician – 4 people. (4M) – 4 teachers/li (2K,2M) vocational training employed at the ZSOiZ in Mońki. The main results of the project include: increase the skills and professional competences of 54 students; increasing professional skills and competences by 4 teachers; improving employability and career prospects; increasing the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; increasing self-esteem and self-esteem; increase incentives to continue to participate in education or training, acquire new work experience and skills in the working environment by pupils, increase the attractiveness of VET and mobility on the labour market, including adapting vocational education to market needs. Main tasks: internships for 54 students and internships for 4 teachers/teachers. All of the following problems arise from the diagnosis of the needs of the General Education and Vocational Schools Team in Mońki approved and approved in 2016 by the governing body, i.e. Moniecki County. (English)
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and quality of practical training and to better adapt to the needs of the labour market among 54 (22K,32M) students and 4 (2K,2M) teachers/teachers at the General Education and Vocational Schools in Mońki taking part in traineeships with employers in the period up to 11.2020. Target group: — 54 students of the Technology and Industry School at the ZSOiZ in Mońki railway transport techniques – 4 people. (4M) hotel technology – 8 people. (8K) nutrition techniques and catering services – 20 people. (14K,6M) farmer/technician farmer – 8 people (8M) techniques for mechanisation of agriculture and agrotronics – 10 people. (10M) salesman technician – 4 people. (4M) – 4 teachers/li (2K,2M) vocational training employed at the ZSOiZ in Mońki. The main results of the project include: increase the skills and professional competences of 54 students; increasing professional skills and competences by 4 teachers; improving employability and career prospects; increasing the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; increasing self-esteem and self-esteem; increase incentives to continue to participate in education or training, acquire new work experience and skills in the working environment by pupils, increase the attractiveness of VET and mobility on the labour market, including adapting vocational education to market needs. Main tasks: internships for 54 students and internships for 4 teachers/teachers. All of the following problems arise from the diagnosis of the needs of the General Education and Vocational Schools Team in Mońki approved and approved in 2016 by the governing body, i.e. Moniecki County. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and quality of practical training and to better adapt to the needs of the labour market among 54 (22K,32M) students and 4 (2K,2M) teachers/teachers at the General Education and Vocational Schools in Mońki taking part in traineeships with employers in the period up to 11.2020. Target group: — 54 students of the Technology and Industry School at the ZSOiZ in Mońki railway transport techniques – 4 people. (4M) hotel technology – 8 people. (8K) nutrition techniques and catering services – 20 people. (14K,6M) farmer/technician farmer – 8 people (8M) techniques for mechanisation of agriculture and agrotronics – 10 people. (10M) salesman technician – 4 people. (4M) – 4 teachers/li (2K,2M) vocational training employed at the ZSOiZ in Mońki. The main results of the project include: increase the skills and professional competences of 54 students; increasing professional skills and competences by 4 teachers; improving employability and career prospects; increasing the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; increasing self-esteem and self-esteem; increase incentives to continue to participate in education or training, acquire new work experience and skills in the working environment by pupils, increase the attractiveness of VET and mobility on the labour market, including adapting vocational education to market needs. Main tasks: internships for 54 students and internships for 4 teachers/teachers. All of the following problems arise from the diagnosis of the needs of the General Education and Vocational Schools Team in Mońki approved and approved in 2016 by the governing body, i.e. Moniecki County. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 20 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:38, 20 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Mońki on traineeships
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    360,376.62 zloty
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    86,490.39 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    423,972.5 zloty
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    101,753.4 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    53°7'39.0"N, 23°8'49.6"E
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    53°24'23.8"N, 22°47'54.2"E
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    Głównym celem projektu jest podniesienie umiejętności i jakości kształcenia praktycznego oraz lepsze dostosowanie do potrzeb rynku pracy wśród 54 (22K,32M) uczennic/uczniów i 4 (2K,2M) nauczycielek/nauczycieli kształcenia zawodowego w Zespole Szkół Ogólnokształcących i Zawodowych w Mońkach biorących udział w stażach u pracodawców w okresie do 11.2020r. Grupa docelowa: - 54 uczennic/ów Technikum oraz Szkoły branżowej w ZSOiZ w Mońkach technik transportu kolejowego – 4 os. (4M) technik hotelarstwa – 8 os. (8K) technik żywienia i usług gastronomicznych – 20 os. (14K,6M) rolnik/technik rolnik – 8 os. (8M) technik mechanizacji rolnictwa i agrotroniki - 10 os. (10M) technik handlowiec - 4 os. (4M) - 4 nauczycielek/li (2K,2M) kształcenia zawodowego zatrudnionych w ZSOiZ w Mońkach. Do głównych rezultatów projektu zaliczymy: zwiększenie umiejętności i kompetencji zawodowych przez 54 uczennic/ów; zwiększenie umiejętności i kompetencji zawodowych przez 4 nauczycielek/li; zwiększenie szans na zatrudnienie i lepsza perspektywa kariery; zwiększenie zmysłu inicjatywy i przedsiębiorczości; zwiększenie usamodzielnienia i poczucia własnej wartości; zwiększenie motywacji do dalszego uczestnictwa w kształceniu lub szkoleniu, nabycie przez uczniów nowych doświadczeń zawodowych i umiejętności w środowisku pracy, zwiększanie atrakcyjności kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego oraz mobilności na rynku pracy, w tym dostosowanie edukacji zawodowej do potrzeb rynku. Główne zadania: staże zawodowe dla 54 uczennic/uczniów oraz staże zawodowe dla 4 nauczycielek/nauczycieli. Wszystkie poniższe problemy wynikają z diagnozy potrzeb Zespołu Szkół Ogólnokształcących i Zawodowych w Mońkach zaakceptowanej i zatwierdzonej w 2016r. przez organ prowadzący, czyli Powiat Moniecki. (Polish)
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    The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and quality of practical training and to better adapt to the needs of the labour market among 54 (22K,32M) students and 4 (2K,2M) teachers/teachers at the General Education and Vocational Schools in Mońki taking part in traineeships with employers in the period up to 11.2020. Target group: — 54 students of the Technology and Industry School at the ZSOiZ in Mońki railway transport techniques – 4 people. (4M) hotel technology – 8 people. (8K) nutrition techniques and catering services – 20 people. (14K,6M) farmer/technician farmer – 8 people (8M) techniques for mechanisation of agriculture and agrotronics – 10 people. (10M) salesman technician – 4 people. (4M) – 4 teachers/li (2K,2M) vocational training employed at the ZSOiZ in Mońki. The main results of the project include: increase the skills and professional competences of 54 students; increasing professional skills and competences by 4 teachers; improving employability and career prospects; increasing the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; increasing self-esteem and self-esteem; increase incentives to continue to participate in education or training, acquire new work experience and skills in the working environment by pupils, increase the attractiveness of VET and mobility on the labour market, including adapting vocational education to market needs. Main tasks: internships for 54 students and internships for 4 teachers/teachers. All of the following problems arise from the diagnosis of the needs of the General Education and Vocational Schools Team in Mońki approved and approved in 2016 by the governing body, i.e. Moniecki County. (English)
    20 October 2020
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