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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): Our project is to develop a controlled technology for controlled breeding and breeding of sandai in circulating conditions. On the basis of the work carried out, R & D will bring about the market of a breeding material with specific properties (to collect a feedingstuff, homogeneous and robust to be manipulated), to be used in commercial establishments producing fish and on fishing holdings, as restocking material for open and joint waters. Cu...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Our project is to develop the proprietary technology of controlled reproduction and farming of zander’s fish in recirculation conditions. Thanks to our R & D work, we will introduce on the market zander’s breeding material with specific properties (trained for feedingstuffs, homogeneous and highly manipulative) -to be used in commercial centres producing commodity fish and in fishing farms, as restocking material of open waters and ponds. Curren...)
Property / summary
Our project is to develop the proprietary technology of controlled reproduction and farming of zander’s fish in recirculation conditions. Thanks to our R & D work, we will introduce on the market zander’s breeding material with specific properties (trained for feedingstuffs, homogeneous and highly manipulative) -to be used in commercial centres producing commodity fish and in fishing farms, as restocking material of open waters and ponds. Currently, restocking methods are based only on the so-called summer and autumn fish obtained only in joint conditions. They are completely unpredictable and unsatisfactory, because survival is very low. Cannibalism is an important factor in this. Moreover, due to natural breeding conditions, this fish is characterised by “delicacy”, which makes it unsuitable for transporting and restocking lakes in other regions of the country (today the breeding takes place mainly in the south of Poland). Therefore, optimising the breeding and maintenance of larval and juvenile forms is key to increasing the production of zander and maintaining adequate restocking on fishing holdings, which consequently affects the availability of adult species for the final consumer. We assume that in relation to breeding in open waters, our technology (based on ecological solutions minimising the use of feed and water) will be, at least 10 times more efficient. In the course of our work on the basis of the knowledge available and the basic research carried out earlier by the IRW, we intend to develop a technology that demonstrates the fundamental interdependence between nutrition, farming conditions and the resulting zander increments. The resulting “synergy effect” will allow that in the future technological solutions developed by our company can be used for other, valuable, too difficult species of our native fish. (English)
Property / summary: Our project is to develop the proprietary technology of controlled reproduction and farming of zander’s fish in recirculation conditions. Thanks to our R & D work, we will introduce on the market zander’s breeding material with specific properties (trained for feedingstuffs, homogeneous and highly manipulative) -to be used in commercial centres producing commodity fish and in fishing farms, as restocking material of open waters and ponds. Currently, restocking methods are based only on the so-called summer and autumn fish obtained only in joint conditions. They are completely unpredictable and unsatisfactory, because survival is very low. Cannibalism is an important factor in this. Moreover, due to natural breeding conditions, this fish is characterised by “delicacy”, which makes it unsuitable for transporting and restocking lakes in other regions of the country (today the breeding takes place mainly in the south of Poland). Therefore, optimising the breeding and maintenance of larval and juvenile forms is key to increasing the production of zander and maintaining adequate restocking on fishing holdings, which consequently affects the availability of adult species for the final consumer. We assume that in relation to breeding in open waters, our technology (based on ecological solutions minimising the use of feed and water) will be, at least 10 times more efficient. In the course of our work on the basis of the knowledge available and the basic research carried out earlier by the IRW, we intend to develop a technology that demonstrates the fundamental interdependence between nutrition, farming conditions and the resulting zander increments. The resulting “synergy effect” will allow that in the future technological solutions developed by our company can be used for other, valuable, too difficult species of our native fish. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Our project is to develop the proprietary technology of controlled reproduction and farming of zander’s fish in recirculation conditions. Thanks to our R & D work, we will introduce on the market zander’s breeding material with specific properties (trained for feedingstuffs, homogeneous and highly manipulative) -to be used in commercial centres producing commodity fish and in fishing farms, as restocking material of open waters and ponds. Currently, restocking methods are based only on the so-called summer and autumn fish obtained only in joint conditions. They are completely unpredictable and unsatisfactory, because survival is very low. Cannibalism is an important factor in this. Moreover, due to natural breeding conditions, this fish is characterised by “delicacy”, which makes it unsuitable for transporting and restocking lakes in other regions of the country (today the breeding takes place mainly in the south of Poland). Therefore, optimising the breeding and maintenance of larval and juvenile forms is key to increasing the production of zander and maintaining adequate restocking on fishing holdings, which consequently affects the availability of adult species for the final consumer. We assume that in relation to breeding in open waters, our technology (based on ecological solutions minimising the use of feed and water) will be, at least 10 times more efficient. In the course of our work on the basis of the knowledge available and the basic research carried out earlier by the IRW, we intend to develop a technology that demonstrates the fundamental interdependence between nutrition, farming conditions and the resulting zander increments. The resulting “synergy effect” will allow that in the future technological solutions developed by our company can be used for other, valuable, too difficult species of our native fish. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 17 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:14, 17 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    3,288,145.03 zloty
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    789,154.81 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    4,691,950.96 zloty
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    1,126,068.23 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    70.08 percent
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    1 October 2016
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    31 December 2018
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    52°40'5.5"N, 22°19'5.2"E
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    Nasz projekt polega na opracowaniu autorskiej technologii kontrolowanego rozrodu i chowu narybku sandacza w warunkach recyrkulacyjnych. Dzięki przeprowadzonym pracom B+R wprowadzimy na rynek materiał hodowlany sandacza o specyficznych właściwościach (przyuczony do pobierania pasz, jednorodny i o dużej odporności na manipulacje) -do wykorzystania w komercyjnych ośrodkach produkujących ryby towarowe oraz w gospodarstwach rybackich, jako materiał zarybieniowy wód otwartych i stawów. Obecnie metody zarybienia opierają się jedynie na tzw. narybku letnim i jesiennym pozyskanym wyłącznie w warunkach stawowych. Są one całkowicie nieprzewidywalne oraz niedające satysfakcjonujących efektów, bowiem przeżywalność jest bardzo niska. Istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na to jest kanibalizm. Ponadto ze względu na naturalne warunki rozrodu narybek ten cechuje się „delikatnością”, przez co nie nadaje się do transportu i zarybiania jezior w innych regionach kraju (dziś hodowla odbywa się głownie na południu Polski). W związku z powyższym optymalizacja procesów rozrodu i podchowu form larwalnych i młodocianych jest kluczem do zwiększenia produkcji sandacza oraz utrzymania odpowiedniego stanu zarybienia w gospodarstwach rybackich, co w konsekwencji wpływa na dostępność dorosłych gatunków dla ostatecznego konsumenta. Zakładamy, że w stosunku do rozrodu w wodach otwartych nasza technologia (oparta na ekologicznych rozwiązaniach minimalizujących zużycie pasz i wody) będzie, co najmniej 10 krotnie wydajniejsza. W trakcie prac na podstawie dostępnej wiedzy oraz przeprowadzonych wcześniej przez IRŚ badań podstawowych zamierzamy rozwinąć technologię, która wykazała podstawowe współzależności pomiędzy sposobem żywienia, warunkami chowu a uzyskiwanymi przyrostami sandacza. Uzyskany „efekt synergii” pozwoli, aby w przyszłości wypracowane przez naszą firmę rozwiązania technologiczne mogły być wykorzystane dla innych, wartościowych, zbyt trudnych do chowu gatunków naszych ryb rodzimych. (Polish)
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    Our project is to develop the proprietary technology of controlled reproduction and farming of zander’s fish in recirculation conditions. Thanks to our R & D work, we will introduce on the market zander’s breeding material with specific properties (trained for feedingstuffs, homogeneous and highly manipulative) -to be used in commercial centres producing commodity fish and in fishing farms, as restocking material of open waters and ponds. Currently, restocking methods are based only on the so-called summer and autumn fish obtained only in joint conditions. They are completely unpredictable and unsatisfactory, because survival is very low. Cannibalism is an important factor in this. Moreover, due to natural breeding conditions, this fish is characterised by “delicacy”, which makes it unsuitable for transporting and restocking lakes in other regions of the country (today the breeding takes place mainly in the south of Poland). Therefore, optimising the breeding and maintenance of larval and juvenile forms is key to increasing the production of zander and maintaining adequate restocking on fishing holdings, which consequently affects the availability of adult species for the final consumer. We assume that in relation to breeding in open waters, our technology (based on ecological solutions minimising the use of feed and water) will be, at least 10 times more efficient. In the course of our work on the basis of the knowledge available and the basic research carried out earlier by the IRW, we intend to develop a technology that demonstrates the fundamental interdependence between nutrition, farming conditions and the resulting zander increments. The resulting “synergy effect” will allow that in the future technological solutions developed by our company can be used for other, valuable, too difficult species of our native fish. (English)
    17 October 2020
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