I turn to each other! (Q102578): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): Goal: Increase in the number of micro-enterprises by creating an opportunity for self-employment min. 32 Project participants (19K, 13M), not in employment (unemployed and inactive), older than 30., populated area with a degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) for Łódź, within the 01.10.2018-31.08.2020 period. The target group is 40 persons (24K, 16M) aged 30 and over, inhabited sparsely populated areas with a degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Main objective: Increase in the number of micro-enterprises by creating an opportunity for self-employment of min. 32 Participants of the Project (19K, 13M), who are unemployed and economically inactive, over the age of 30, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship, from 01.10.2018-31.08.2020. The target group consists of 40 people (24K, 16M) aged 30 years and over, a sparsely populated area wi...)
Property / summary
Main objective: Increase in the number of micro-enterprises by creating an opportunity for self-employment of min. 32 Participants of the Project (19K, 13M), who are unemployed and economically inactive, over the age of 30, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship, from 01.10.2018-31.08.2020. The target group consists of 40 people (24K, 16M) aged 30 years and over, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship (KC) who are unemployed (unemployed and inactive professionally), intending to start a department of staff with the exception of persons registered in the National Court Register, Central Register and Information on Activity of the Headquarters. 12 months prior to the date of entry into the project. The above-mentioned persons shall belong to at least one of the following groups: — persons over the age of 50 years, – women, – people with disabilities, – long-term unemployed, – low-skilled people. Period of implementation of the project: 01.10.2018-31.08.2020 Main results of the project: Number of jobs created within the framework of ESF measures to take up economic activity – min. 32 pcs. Main products of the project: Number of unemployed persons who received non-refundable funds for starting a business – at least 32 UP. Main tasks of the project: 1. It’s a recruitment. 2. Training and advisory support – preparing to start a business. 3. Non-refundable subsidies for starting a business. 4. Bridge support: financial and non-financial (advisory) (English)
Property / summary: Main objective: Increase in the number of micro-enterprises by creating an opportunity for self-employment of min. 32 Participants of the Project (19K, 13M), who are unemployed and economically inactive, over the age of 30, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship, from 01.10.2018-31.08.2020. The target group consists of 40 people (24K, 16M) aged 30 years and over, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship (KC) who are unemployed (unemployed and inactive professionally), intending to start a department of staff with the exception of persons registered in the National Court Register, Central Register and Information on Activity of the Headquarters. 12 months prior to the date of entry into the project. The above-mentioned persons shall belong to at least one of the following groups: — persons over the age of 50 years, – women, – people with disabilities, – long-term unemployed, – low-skilled people. Period of implementation of the project: 01.10.2018-31.08.2020 Main results of the project: Number of jobs created within the framework of ESF measures to take up economic activity – min. 32 pcs. Main products of the project: Number of unemployed persons who received non-refundable funds for starting a business – at least 32 UP. Main tasks of the project: 1. It’s a recruitment. 2. Training and advisory support – preparing to start a business. 3. Non-refundable subsidies for starting a business. 4. Bridge support: financial and non-financial (advisory) (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Main objective: Increase in the number of micro-enterprises by creating an opportunity for self-employment of min. 32 Participants of the Project (19K, 13M), who are unemployed and economically inactive, over the age of 30, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship, from 01.10.2018-31.08.2020. The target group consists of 40 people (24K, 16M) aged 30 years and over, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship (KC) who are unemployed (unemployed and inactive professionally), intending to start a department of staff with the exception of persons registered in the National Court Register, Central Register and Information on Activity of the Headquarters. 12 months prior to the date of entry into the project. The above-mentioned persons shall belong to at least one of the following groups: — persons over the age of 50 years, – women, – people with disabilities, – long-term unemployed, – low-skilled people. Period of implementation of the project: 01.10.2018-31.08.2020 Main results of the project: Number of jobs created within the framework of ESF measures to take up economic activity – min. 32 pcs. Main products of the project: Number of unemployed persons who received non-refundable funds for starting a business – at least 32 UP. Main tasks of the project: 1. It’s a recruitment. 2. Training and advisory support – preparing to start a business. 3. Non-refundable subsidies for starting a business. 4. Bridge support: financial and non-financial (advisory) (English) / qualifier
point in time: 17 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:15, 17 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
I turn to each other!
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,650,339.6 zloty
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    1 October 2018
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    Cel główny: Wzrost liczby mikroprzedsiębiorstw przez stworzenie szansy na samozatrudnienie min. 32 Uczestnikom Projektu (19K, 13M), pozostających bez pracy (bezrobotne i bierne zawodowo), w wieku powyżej 30 r.ż., zamieszkałe obszar słabo zaludniony zg. z stopniem urbanizacji (DEGURBA 3) woj.łódzkiego, w terminie 01.10.2018 - 31.08.2020. Grupę docelową stanowi 40 osób (24K, 16M) w wieku 30 lat i więcej, zamieszkałe obszar słabo zaludniony zg. z stopniem urbanizacji (DEGURBA 3) woj.łódzkiego (zg. z KC), pozostające bez pracy (bezrobotne i bierne zawodowo), zamierzające rozpocząć prowadzenie dział. gosp., z wyłączeniem osób zarejestrowanych w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym, Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gosp. lub prowadzące działalność na podst. odrębnych przepisów (w tym m.in. dział.adwokacką, komorniczą lub oświatową) w okr. 12 m-cy poprzedzających dzień przystąpienia do proj. Ww. osoby należą co najmniej do jednej z następujących grup: - os. w wieku powyżej 50 r.ż., - kobiety, - os. z niepełnosprawnościami, - os. długotrwale bezrobotne, - os. o niskich kwalifikacjach. Okres realizacji projektu: 01.10.2018 r. - 31.08.2020 r. Główne rezultaty projektu: Liczba utworzonych miejsc pracy w ramach udzielonych z EFS środków na podjęcie działalności gospodarczej - min. 32 szt. Główne produkty projektu: Liczba osób pozostających bez pracy, które otrzymały bezzwrotne środków na podjęcie działalności gospodarczej - min. 32 UP. Główne zadania projektu: 1. Rekrutacja. 2. Wsparcie szkoleniowo - doradcze - przygotowujące do rozpoczęcia działalności gospodarczej. 3. Bezzwrotne dotacje na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej. 4. Wsparcie pomostowe: finansowe i niefinansowe (doradcze). (Polish)
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    Main objective: Increase in the number of micro-enterprises by creating an opportunity for self-employment of min. 32 Participants of the Project (19K, 13M), who are unemployed and economically inactive, over the age of 30, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship, from 01.10.2018-31.08.2020. The target group consists of 40 people (24K, 16M) aged 30 years and over, a sparsely populated area with the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA 3) of the Łódź Voivodeship (KC) who are unemployed (unemployed and inactive professionally), intending to start a department of staff with the exception of persons registered in the National Court Register, Central Register and Information on Activity of the Headquarters. 12 months prior to the date of entry into the project. The above-mentioned persons shall belong to at least one of the following groups: — persons over the age of 50 years, – women, – people with disabilities, – long-term unemployed, – low-skilled people. Period of implementation of the project: 01.10.2018-31.08.2020 Main results of the project: Number of jobs created within the framework of ESF measures to take up economic activity – min. 32 pcs. Main products of the project: Number of unemployed persons who received non-refundable funds for starting a business – at least 32 UP. Main tasks of the project: 1. It’s a recruitment. 2. Training and advisory support – preparing to start a business. 3. Non-refundable subsidies for starting a business. 4. Bridge support: financial and non-financial (advisory) (English)
    17 October 2020
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