Dolnośląskie Academy of Skills TIK-A-N (Q97664): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): “Lower Silesia Skills Academy TIK-A-N” project. 01.02.2017-31.01.2018 is a demeditated bias, i.e. insufficient numbers of adults with a low level of skills and qualifications. (2014), i.e. Lwówek, Jaworski, gold, argentine, argentine, beef, mountain, Gorogórski, lubański, legnicki, looniowski, kwzkowicki, Klanowanicki. The 500s will be supported. (300k, 200M) aged 25 and over. (250oS.) and of the elderly (250os) with: Lwówek, Jaworski, Złotors...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Project “Dolnośląska Academy of ICT-A-N Skills” implemented in round. 01.02.2017-31.01.2018 is an answer to the diagnosed syt.probl. i.e. not sufficient level of skills and knowledge of foreigners among low-skilled adults and people after 50, both unemployment and works, buried from 12 districts of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, in which the unemployment rate exceeds 150 % of the unemployment rate. (according to GUS for 2014) i.e. Lviv, Jaworski...)
Property / summary
Project “Dolnośląska Academy of ICT-A-N Skills” implemented in round. 01.02.2017-31.01.2018 is an answer to the diagnosed syt.probl. i.e. not sufficient level of skills and knowledge of foreigners among low-skilled adults and people after 50, both unemployment and works, buried from 12 districts of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, in which the unemployment rate exceeds 150 % of the unemployment rate. (according to GUS for 2014) i.e. Lviv, Jaworski, Goldryski, Wałbrzych land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Lubanski, Legnica land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzko, ząbkowicki. 500 people will be supported. (300K, 200M) at the age of 25 years or more with low. kwalif. (250 people) and elders (250 people) from area: Lwowecki, Jaworski, Goldryjski, Wałbrzych Land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Luban, Legnicki land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzki, Ząbkowicki, including 250 people. (150K, 100M) and 250 people unemployed (150K, 100M). In addition, at least 60 % of the target gr. i.e. min.300os. (180K, 120M) will be a village inhabitant. The aim of the project is to increase competence. key. participatory project through the implementation of courses in Zakr. TIK and J.E. and mute. 250 students will take part in the foreign language course. (ang-154os.); GM-96os.), lead. to gain competence in accordance with the European Framework for the Description of Language Training (ESOKJ), implemented and settled by unit rates. App.1 to the Guidelines for Education and Ending Certification. Telc/TOEIC or equivalent-min.80 % participation, i.e. min.200os. (120K, 80M) will obtain a TELC/TOEIC certificate or equivalent to achieve competence in a given proficiency in accordance with ESOKJ. In addition, 250 learner will take part in the comp., leading to the gain of IT competences meeting the standards specified in Zał.2 to the Guidelines in the field of education in all subjects and ending cert. external. ECDL DIGCOMP 16/or equivalent – e.g. ECCC – min.80 % learner i.e. min.200person(120K, 80M) will obtain cert. external acquisition of digital computer (English)
Property / summary: Project “Dolnośląska Academy of ICT-A-N Skills” implemented in round. 01.02.2017-31.01.2018 is an answer to the diagnosed syt.probl. i.e. not sufficient level of skills and knowledge of foreigners among low-skilled adults and people after 50, both unemployment and works, buried from 12 districts of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, in which the unemployment rate exceeds 150 % of the unemployment rate. (according to GUS for 2014) i.e. Lviv, Jaworski, Goldryski, Wałbrzych land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Lubanski, Legnica land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzko, ząbkowicki. 500 people will be supported. (300K, 200M) at the age of 25 years or more with low. kwalif. (250 people) and elders (250 people) from area: Lwowecki, Jaworski, Goldryjski, Wałbrzych Land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Luban, Legnicki land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzki, Ząbkowicki, including 250 people. (150K, 100M) and 250 people unemployed (150K, 100M). In addition, at least 60 % of the target gr. i.e. min.300os. (180K, 120M) will be a village inhabitant. The aim of the project is to increase competence. key. participatory project through the implementation of courses in Zakr. TIK and J.E. and mute. 250 students will take part in the foreign language course. (ang-154os.); GM-96os.), lead. to gain competence in accordance with the European Framework for the Description of Language Training (ESOKJ), implemented and settled by unit rates. App.1 to the Guidelines for Education and Ending Certification. Telc/TOEIC or equivalent-min.80 % participation, i.e. min.200os. (120K, 80M) will obtain a TELC/TOEIC certificate or equivalent to achieve competence in a given proficiency in accordance with ESOKJ. In addition, 250 learner will take part in the comp., leading to the gain of IT competences meeting the standards specified in Zał.2 to the Guidelines in the field of education in all subjects and ending cert. external. ECDL DIGCOMP 16/or equivalent – e.g. ECCC – min.80 % learner i.e. min.200person(120K, 80M) will obtain cert. external acquisition of digital computer (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Project “Dolnośląska Academy of ICT-A-N Skills” implemented in round. 01.02.2017-31.01.2018 is an answer to the diagnosed syt.probl. i.e. not sufficient level of skills and knowledge of foreigners among low-skilled adults and people after 50, both unemployment and works, buried from 12 districts of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, in which the unemployment rate exceeds 150 % of the unemployment rate. (according to GUS for 2014) i.e. Lviv, Jaworski, Goldryski, Wałbrzych land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Lubanski, Legnica land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzko, ząbkowicki. 500 people will be supported. (300K, 200M) at the age of 25 years or more with low. kwalif. (250 people) and elders (250 people) from area: Lwowecki, Jaworski, Goldryjski, Wałbrzych Land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Luban, Legnicki land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzki, Ząbkowicki, including 250 people. (150K, 100M) and 250 people unemployed (150K, 100M). In addition, at least 60 % of the target gr. i.e. min.300os. (180K, 120M) will be a village inhabitant. The aim of the project is to increase competence. key. participatory project through the implementation of courses in Zakr. TIK and J.E. and mute. 250 students will take part in the foreign language course. (ang-154os.); GM-96os.), lead. to gain competence in accordance with the European Framework for the Description of Language Training (ESOKJ), implemented and settled by unit rates. App.1 to the Guidelines for Education and Ending Certification. Telc/TOEIC or equivalent-min.80 % participation, i.e. min.200os. (120K, 80M) will obtain a TELC/TOEIC certificate or equivalent to achieve competence in a given proficiency in accordance with ESOKJ. In addition, 250 learner will take part in the comp., leading to the gain of IT competences meeting the standards specified in Zał.2 to the Guidelines in the field of education in all subjects and ending cert. external. ECDL DIGCOMP 16/or equivalent – e.g. ECCC – min.80 % learner i.e. min.200person(120K, 80M) will obtain cert. external acquisition of digital computer (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 23:50, 15 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Dolnośląskie Academy of Skills TIK-A-N
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    830,882.18 zloty
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    199,411.72 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    977,508.45 zloty
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    234,602.03 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 February 2017
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    31 January 2018
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    Projekt „Dolnośląska Akademia Umiejętności TIK-A-N” realiz. w okr. 01.02.2017–31.01.2018 stanowi odp. na zdiagnozowaną syt.probl. tj. niewystarcz. poziom umiejętn. cyfr. oraz znaj. j.obcych (ang. i niem.) wśród os. dorosłych o niskich kwalifik. i os. po 50rż., zarówno bezrob., jak i prac., poch. z 12 pow. woj.dolnośląskiego, w których st.bezrobocia przekracza 150% st.bezrobocia w woj. (wg.GUS za 2014) tj. lwóweckiego, jaworskiego, złotoryjskiego, wałbrzyskiego ziemskiego, wołowskiego, górowskiego, jeleniogórskiego ziemskiego, lubańskiego, legnickiego ziemskiego, dzierżoniowskiego, kłodzkiego, ząbkowickiego. Wsparciem objętych zostanie 500os. (300K, 200M) w wieku 25 lat i więcej o nisk. kwalif. (250os.) i os. starszych (250os.) z pow.: lwówecki, jaworski, złotoryjski, wałbrzyski ziemski, wołowski, górowski, jeleniogórski ziemski, lubański, legnicki ziemski, dzierżoniowski, kłodzki, ząbkowicki, w tym 250os. zatrudn. (150K, 100M) oraz 250os. bezrobotnych (150K, 100M). Ponadto, min.60% gr. docelowej tj. min.300os. (180K, 120M) będą stanowili mieszk. wsi. Celem projektu jest wzrost kompet. klucz. uczestn. proj. poprzez realizację kursów w zakr. TIK oraz j.ang. i niem. 250 ucz. weźmie udział w kursie j.obc. (ang-154os.; niem-96os.), prowadz. do uzysk. kompet. zg. z Europejskim Systemem Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (ESOKJ), realizowanym i rozliczanym stawkami jednostk. zg. Zał.1 do Wytycznych w obsz. edukacji i kończącym się certyfik. zewn. TELC/TOEIC lub równoważny- min.80% uczestn. tj. min.200os. (120K, 80M) uzyska certyfikat TELC/TOEIC lub równoważny potw. osiągn. kompetencji jęz. na danym poz. biegłości jęz. zg. z ESOKJ. Ponadto 250 ucz. weźmie udział w szk. komp., prowadzącym do uzysk. kompetencji informat. spełniających standardy określ. w Zał.2 do Wytycznych w obsz. edukacji we wszystkich obsz. i kończącym się cert. zewn. ECDL DIGCOMP 16/lub równoważny – np. ECCC - min.80% ucz. tj. min.200os.(120K, 80M) uzyska cert. zewn. potw. nabycie komp. cyfrowych (Polish)
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    Project “Dolnośląska Academy of ICT-A-N Skills” implemented in round. 01.02.2017-31.01.2018 is an answer to the diagnosed syt.probl. i.e. not sufficient level of skills and knowledge of foreigners among low-skilled adults and people after 50, both unemployment and works, buried from 12 districts of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, in which the unemployment rate exceeds 150 % of the unemployment rate. (according to GUS for 2014) i.e. Lviv, Jaworski, Goldryski, Wałbrzych land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Lubanski, Legnica land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzko, ząbkowicki. 500 people will be supported. (300K, 200M) at the age of 25 years or more with low. kwalif. (250 people) and elders (250 people) from area: Lwowecki, Jaworski, Goldryjski, Wałbrzych Land, Wołowski, Górowski, Jeleniogórski land, Luban, Legnicki land, Dzierżoniowski, Kłodzki, Ząbkowicki, including 250 people. (150K, 100M) and 250 people unemployed (150K, 100M). In addition, at least 60 % of the target gr. i.e. min.300os. (180K, 120M) will be a village inhabitant. The aim of the project is to increase competence. key. participatory project through the implementation of courses in Zakr. TIK and J.E. and mute. 250 students will take part in the foreign language course. (ang-154os.); GM-96os.), lead. to gain competence in accordance with the European Framework for the Description of Language Training (ESOKJ), implemented and settled by unit rates. App.1 to the Guidelines for Education and Ending Certification. Telc/TOEIC or equivalent-min.80 % participation, i.e. min.200os. (120K, 80M) will obtain a TELC/TOEIC certificate or equivalent to achieve competence in a given proficiency in accordance with ESOKJ. In addition, 250 learner will take part in the comp., leading to the gain of IT competences meeting the standards specified in Zał.2 to the Guidelines in the field of education in all subjects and ending cert. external. ECDL DIGCOMP 16/or equivalent – e.g. ECCC – min.80 % learner i.e. min.200person(120K, 80M) will obtain cert. external acquisition of digital computer (English)
    15 October 2020
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