Children’s style of life at 5 (Q92883): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: summary (P836): Main objective of the PReference for competence for healthy nutrition and physical activity at min. 155 (83K) UP by developing an offer by the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław for the execution of a third mission in cooperation with education providers in the period 01.01.2019 to 28.02.2021.Project duration 26 months [K.D.3].Target:10-11 year olds (130-64K) to attend the 4 Wrocław Primary Schools, i.e. to the German Primary School, Pro...) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): Main objective of the project Improving competences in the field of healthy nutrition and physical activity by at least 155 (83K) UP through the development of the offer of the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław in the scope of the third mission in cooperation with entities active in the field of education in the period 01.01.2019 to 28.02.2021. Project period of 26 m [K.D.3]. Target group: pupils aged 10-11 (130 including 64K) attending 4...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Main objective of the project Improving competences in the field of healthy nutrition and physical activity by at least 155 (83K) UP through the development of the offer of the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław in the scope of the third mission in cooperation with entities active in the field of education in the period 01.01.2019 to 28.02.2021. Project period of 26 m [K.D.3]. Target group: pupils aged 10-11 (130 including 64K) attending 4 Wrocław primary schools, i.e. the Polish German Primary School, Pro Futuro Private Primary School, ETZ Chaim School of Dialogue and Salesian Schools – legal parents/parents and grandparents of children participating in the project (50 people including 33K). Formal cooperation was established with four entities active in the field of education (i.e. non-governmental organisations – Foundations – which are school-leading bodies participating in the project [K.D. 2].A letter of intent was signed, in which the oranes running schools (foundations) expressed their willingness to continue to cooperate with the project in the event of receiving funding. The project provides for the development of educational programmes and the implementation of teaching activities together with the above mentioned entities for children aged 10-11 years, which aim to develop competences for -activating professions and social activities, increasing general knowledge and specialist knowledge and development of interests, stimulating educational and cultural activity (participation in extracurricular activities, acquisition of supplements). (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Main objective of the project Improving competences in the field of healthy nutrition and physical activity by at least 155 (83K) UP through the development of the offer of the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław in the scope of the third mission in cooperation with entities active in the field of education in the period 01.01.2019 to 28.02.2021. Project period of 26 m [K.D.3]. Target group: pupils aged 10-11 (130 including 64K) attending 4 Wrocław primary schools, i.e. the Polish German Primary School, Pro Futuro Private Primary School, ETZ Chaim School of Dialogue and Salesian Schools – legal parents/parents and grandparents of children participating in the project (50 people including 33K). Formal cooperation was established with four entities active in the field of education (i.e. non-governmental organisations – Foundations – which are school-leading bodies participating in the project [K.D. 2].A letter of intent was signed, in which the oranes running schools (foundations) expressed their willingness to continue to cooperate with the project in the event of receiving funding. The project provides for the development of educational programmes and the implementation of teaching activities together with the above mentioned entities for children aged 10-11 years, which aim to develop competences for -activating professions and social activities, increasing general knowledge and specialist knowledge and development of interests, stimulating educational and cultural activity (participation in extracurricular activities, acquisition of supplements). (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Main objective of the project Improving competences in the field of healthy nutrition and physical activity by at least 155 (83K) UP through the development of the offer of the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław in the scope of the third mission in cooperation with entities active in the field of education in the period 01.01.2019 to 28.02.2021. Project period of 26 m [K.D.3]. Target group: pupils aged 10-11 (130 including 64K) attending 4 Wrocław primary schools, i.e. the Polish German Primary School, Pro Futuro Private Primary School, ETZ Chaim School of Dialogue and Salesian Schools – legal parents/parents and grandparents of children participating in the project (50 people including 33K). Formal cooperation was established with four entities active in the field of education (i.e. non-governmental organisations – Foundations – which are school-leading bodies participating in the project [K.D. 2].A letter of intent was signed, in which the oranes running schools (foundations) expressed their willingness to continue to cooperate with the project in the event of receiving funding. The project provides for the development of educational programmes and the implementation of teaching activities together with the above mentioned entities for children aged 10-11 years, which aim to develop competences for -activating professions and social activities, increasing general knowledge and specialist knowledge and development of interests, stimulating educational and cultural activity (participation in extracurricular activities, acquisition of supplements). (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 October 2020
Revision as of 21:39, 15 October 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Children’s style of life at 5 |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
305,760.47 zloty
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362,791.25 zloty
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84.28 percent
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1 January 2019
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28 February 2021
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0 references
Cel główny projektu Podniesienie kompetencji w zakresie zdrowego żywienia i aktywności fizycznej przez min 155 (83K) UP poprzez rozwój oferty Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu w zakresie realizacji trzeciej misji we współpracy z podmiotami działającymi na rzecz edukacji w okresie 01.01.2019 do 28.02.2021. Okres realizacji projektu 26 m-ce [K.D.3].Grupa docelowa: uczniowie w wieku 10-11 lat (130 w tym64K) uczęszczający do 4 Wrocławskich szkół podstawowych, tj. do Polsko Niemieckiej Szkoły Podstawowej, Niepublicznej Szkoły Podstawowej Pro Futuro, Szkoły Dialogu Kultur ETZ Chaim oraz Zespołu Szkół Salezjańskich- rodzice/opiekunowie prawni oraz dziadkowie dzieci biorących udział w projekcie (50 osób w tym 33K). Nawiązana została formalna współpraca z czterema podmiotami działającymi na rzecz edukacji (tj. organizacjami pozarządowymi - Fundacjami- będącymi organami prowadzącymi szkoły biorące udział w projekcie [K.D. 2].Został podpisany list intencyjny, w którym orany prowadzące szkoły (Fundacje) wyraziły chęć dalszej kontynuacji współpracy przy projekcie w sytuacji otrzymania dofinansowania. Współpraca pozwoli na lepsze dostosowanie oferty do potrzeb i oczekiwań GD, tym samym wpłynie na osiągnięcie zakładanych wskaźników.Projekt przewiduje opracowanie programów kształcenia i realizację działań dydaktycznych wspólnie z wyżej wskazanymi podmiotami dla dzieci w wieku 10-11 lat, służących rozwijaniu u jego uczestników kompetencji pozwalających na -aktywizacją zawod. i społeczną, poszerzaniem wiedzy ogólnej i specjalist. oraz rozwojem zainteres, pobudzaniem aktywności edukacyjnej i kulturalnej (udział w zajęciach pozalekcyjnych, nabywanie dodatk. wiedzy w zakresie zdrowego żywienia i aktywności ruchowej, poznanie nowoczes. urządzeń badawczych);- zapobieganiem społ. wykluczeniu (poprzez działania edukacyjne zmierzające do profilaktyki w zakresie zdrow. żywienia, która zmniejsza szanse wystąpienia otyłości, a więc czynnika, mogącego wpływać na wykluczenie społeczne). (Polish)
0 references
Main objective of the project Improving competences in the field of healthy nutrition and physical activity by at least 155 (83K) UP through the development of the offer of the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław in the scope of the third mission in cooperation with entities active in the field of education in the period 01.01.2019 to 28.02.2021. Project period of 26 m [K.D.3]. Target group: pupils aged 10-11 (130 including 64K) attending 4 Wrocław primary schools, i.e. the Polish German Primary School, Pro Futuro Private Primary School, ETZ Chaim School of Dialogue and Salesian Schools – legal parents/parents and grandparents of children participating in the project (50 people including 33K). Formal cooperation was established with four entities active in the field of education (i.e. non-governmental organisations – Foundations – which are school-leading bodies participating in the project [K.D. 2].A letter of intent was signed, in which the oranes running schools (foundations) expressed their willingness to continue to cooperate with the project in the event of receiving funding. The project provides for the development of educational programmes and the implementation of teaching activities together with the above mentioned entities for children aged 10-11 years, which aim to develop competences for -activating professions and social activities, increasing general knowledge and specialist knowledge and development of interests, stimulating educational and cultural activity (participation in extracurricular activities, acquisition of supplements). (English)
15 October 2020
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0 references