‘Improving communication accessibility of the city of Białystok on the Warsaw side (national outlet from Białystok — from Białystok to S8)’ (title of the Eastern Partnership Programme — Reconstruction of the DK8 section from the border of the city of Białystok to the junction of the junction of adult education (DK8) and reconstruction of the DW676 section from the junction. John Paul II, - Q88480 (Q88480): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: summary (P836): The project is planned to be implemented through a comprehensive upgrade of the DK8 upgrade at the entrance to Białystok in the direction of Warsaw.The draft sections of DK8, DW676 and DW669 are the only communication link between Podlaskie Province and the Polish regions of central and south-west Poland, and are also part of the urban ring road, leaving both the urban ring road and the transit routes in the direction of Warsaw, Ełk, Augustow,...) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The planned project includes a comprehensive reconstruction of DK8 at the entrance to Białystok from the direction of Warsaw. The project fragments DK8, DW676 and DW669 constitute the only connection of Podlaskie voivodship with the central and south-western regions of Poland, as well as an element of the urban bypass that leads both to the mid-city bypass and to transit roads towards Warsaw, Ełku, Augustów, Bobrownik and Lublin. This project is...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The planned project includes a comprehensive reconstruction of DK8 at the entrance to Białystok from the direction of Warsaw. The project fragments DK8, DW676 and DW669 constitute the only connection of Podlaskie voivodship with the central and south-western regions of Poland, as well as an element of the urban bypass that leads both to the mid-city bypass and to transit roads towards Warsaw, Ełku, Augustów, Bobrownik and Lublin. This project is an integrated project. Integration of the project involves the implementation of road investments related to the reconstruction of the S8 road. The scope of the project was divided into two tasks, i.e. the construction of a road junction in Porosłay: ul. F. Kleeberg – DK8 – DW 676 – Al. John Paul II along with the viaduct above railway line No. 38 in the street. It’s a gene. F. Kleeberg and construction of the intersection Al. John Paul II – Al. Independence – ul. National Armed Forces. As a result of the project, products will be created: — length of national roads rebuilt in the TEN-T network – 1,79 km; — length of reconstructed voivodship roads – 2.8 km. Direct beneficiaries of the Project will be: — residents of Białystok and its functional area commuting to work, for commercial purposes or using health care or public administration offices located in the city of Białystok; — potential and present investors and their counterparties using industrial infrastructure located in the Bialystok Functional Area; — all road users with particular regard to transit crossings through the voivodship; — tourists visiting the region. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The planned project includes a comprehensive reconstruction of DK8 at the entrance to Białystok from the direction of Warsaw. The project fragments DK8, DW676 and DW669 constitute the only connection of Podlaskie voivodship with the central and south-western regions of Poland, as well as an element of the urban bypass that leads both to the mid-city bypass and to transit roads towards Warsaw, Ełku, Augustów, Bobrownik and Lublin. This project is an integrated project. Integration of the project involves the implementation of road investments related to the reconstruction of the S8 road. The scope of the project was divided into two tasks, i.e. the construction of a road junction in Porosłay: ul. F. Kleeberg – DK8 – DW 676 – Al. John Paul II along with the viaduct above railway line No. 38 in the street. It’s a gene. F. Kleeberg and construction of the intersection Al. John Paul II – Al. Independence – ul. National Armed Forces. As a result of the project, products will be created: — length of national roads rebuilt in the TEN-T network – 1,79 km; — length of reconstructed voivodship roads – 2.8 km. Direct beneficiaries of the Project will be: — residents of Białystok and its functional area commuting to work, for commercial purposes or using health care or public administration offices located in the city of Białystok; — potential and present investors and their counterparties using industrial infrastructure located in the Bialystok Functional Area; — all road users with particular regard to transit crossings through the voivodship; — tourists visiting the region. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The planned project includes a comprehensive reconstruction of DK8 at the entrance to Białystok from the direction of Warsaw. The project fragments DK8, DW676 and DW669 constitute the only connection of Podlaskie voivodship with the central and south-western regions of Poland, as well as an element of the urban bypass that leads both to the mid-city bypass and to transit roads towards Warsaw, Ełku, Augustów, Bobrownik and Lublin. This project is an integrated project. Integration of the project involves the implementation of road investments related to the reconstruction of the S8 road. The scope of the project was divided into two tasks, i.e. the construction of a road junction in Porosłay: ul. F. Kleeberg – DK8 – DW 676 – Al. John Paul II along with the viaduct above railway line No. 38 in the street. It’s a gene. F. Kleeberg and construction of the intersection Al. John Paul II – Al. Independence – ul. National Armed Forces. As a result of the project, products will be created: — length of national roads rebuilt in the TEN-T network – 1,79 km; — length of reconstructed voivodship roads – 2.8 km. Direct beneficiaries of the Project will be: — residents of Białystok and its functional area commuting to work, for commercial purposes or using health care or public administration offices located in the city of Białystok; — potential and present investors and their counterparties using industrial infrastructure located in the Bialystok Functional Area; — all road users with particular regard to transit crossings through the voivodship; — tourists visiting the region. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 14 October 2020
Revision as of 15:43, 14 October 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | ‘Improving communication accessibility of the city of Białystok on the Warsaw side (national outlet from Białystok — from Białystok to S8)’ (title of the Eastern Partnership Programme — Reconstruction of the DK8 section from the border of the city of Białystok to the junction of the junction of adult education (DK8) and reconstruction of the DW676 section from the junction. John Paul II, - Q88480 |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
219,773,379.41 zloty
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297,467,575.4 zloty
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73.88 percent
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6 April 2018
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5 April 2020
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0 references
Planowane do realizacji przedsięwzięcie obejmuje kompleksową przebudowę DK8 na wlocie do Białegostoku z kierunku Warszawy. Objęte projektem fragmenty DK8, DW676 oraz DW669 stanowią jedyne połączenie komunikacyjne województwa podlaskiego z centralnymi i południowo-zachodnimi regionami Polski, a ponadto stanowią element obwodnicy miejskiej wyprowadzającej ruch zarówno do obwodnicy śródmiejskiej jak i do dróg tranzytowych w kierunku Warszawy, Ełku, Augustowa, Bobrownik, Lublina. Przedmiotowy projekt jest projektem zintegrowanym. Zintegrowanie projektu polega na realizacji inwestycji drogowych dotyczących przebudowy drogi S8. Zakres projektu podzielono na dwa zadania tj. budowa węzła drogowego w Porosłach: ul. F. Kleeberga – DK8 –DW 676 – Al. Jana Pawła II wraz z wiaduktem nad linią kolejową nr 38 w ciągu ul. Gen. F. Kleeberga oraz budowa skrzyżowania Al. Jana Pawła II – Al. Niepodległości - ul. Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych. W wyniku realizacji Projektu powstaną produkty: - długość przebudowanych dróg krajowych w sieci TEN-T - 1,79 km; - długość przebudowanych dróg wojewódzkich - 2,8 km. Bezpośrednimi beneficjentami Projektu będą: - mieszkańcy Białegostoku oraz jego obszaru funkcjonalnego, dojeżdżający do pracy, w celach handlowych lub korzystający z opieki zdrowotnej czy urzędów administracji państwowej zlokalizowanej na terenie miasta Białegostoku; - potencjalni oraz obecni inwestorzy oraz ich kontrahenci korzystający z infrastruktury przemysłowej zlokalizowanej na terenie Białostockiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego; - wszyscy użytkownicy drogi ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przejazdów tranzytowych przejeżdżający przez teren województwa; - turyści odwiedzający region. (Polish)
0 references
The planned project includes a comprehensive reconstruction of DK8 at the entrance to Białystok from the direction of Warsaw. The project fragments DK8, DW676 and DW669 constitute the only connection of Podlaskie voivodship with the central and south-western regions of Poland, as well as an element of the urban bypass that leads both to the mid-city bypass and to transit roads towards Warsaw, Ełku, Augustów, Bobrownik and Lublin. This project is an integrated project. Integration of the project involves the implementation of road investments related to the reconstruction of the S8 road. The scope of the project was divided into two tasks, i.e. the construction of a road junction in Porosłay: ul. F. Kleeberg – DK8 – DW 676 – Al. John Paul II along with the viaduct above railway line No. 38 in the street. It’s a gene. F. Kleeberg and construction of the intersection Al. John Paul II – Al. Independence – ul. National Armed Forces. As a result of the project, products will be created: — length of national roads rebuilt in the TEN-T network – 1,79 km; — length of reconstructed voivodship roads – 2.8 km. Direct beneficiaries of the Project will be: — residents of Białystok and its functional area commuting to work, for commercial purposes or using health care or public administration offices located in the city of Białystok; — potential and present investors and their counterparties using industrial infrastructure located in the Bialystok Functional Area; — all road users with particular regard to transit crossings through the voivodship; — tourists visiting the region. (English)
14 October 2020
0 references
0 references