Your business in Ljubljana! (Q100581): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 04:43, 16 July 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Your business in Ljubljana!
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,133,566.8 zloty
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    272,056.032 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,333,608.0 zloty
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    320,065.92 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 June 2018
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    31 December 2019
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    51°57'7.9"N, 15°5'12.5"E
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    52°8'54.2"N, 15°9'56.9"E
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    52°0'36.4"N, 15°8'59.3"E
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    51°57'26.3"N, 14°44'13.2"E
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    52°3'13.0"N, 15°5'52.8"E
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    52°3'57.6"N, 14°54'32.0"E
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    52°31'3.4"N, 15°24'50.4"E
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    52°26'41.3"N, 15°34'43.0"E
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    52°34'39.4"N, 15°40'47.6"E
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    52°28'45.1"N, 15°46'41.9"E
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    52°35'48.1"N, 15°30'4.0"E
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    52°21'54.7"N, 15°52'23.5"E
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    51°43'50.9"N, 15°49'36.8"E
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    51°57'38.5"N, 15°57'43.2"E
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    51°44'43.8"N, 15°35'40.2"E
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    51°48'11.9"N, 15°42'22.3"E
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    51°41'26.9"N, 15°43'52.3"E
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    51°46'4.8"N, 15°48'36.7"E
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    52°58'0.5"N, 15°45'17.3"E
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    52°50'22.2"N, 15°49'50.5"E
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    52°51'25.9"N, 15°40'20.6"E
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    52°52'42.6"N, 15°31'57.4"E
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    52°50'15.4"N, 15°34'59.5"E
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    52°34'57.4"N, 15°0'29.9"E
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    52°30'43.2"N, 15°14'38.8"E
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    52°33'53.6"N, 14°48'19.4"E
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    52°26'29.0"N, 15°6'58.3"E
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    52°18'50.0"N, 15°4'58.1"E
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    51°52'50.5"N, 16°4'12.7"E
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    51°42'50.8"N, 16°14'40.6"E
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    51°48'13.7"N, 16°19'2.3"E
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    52°9'55.1"N, 15°49'42.6"E
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    51°57'10.4"N, 15°48'34.2"E
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    52°0'47.2"N, 15°25'16.0"E
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    52°4'18.8"N, 15°51'53.3"E
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    51°47'55.0"N, 15°14'11.4"E
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    52°5'7.8"N, 15°37'33.2"E
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    51°53'26.5"N, 15°23'46.0"E
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    52°1'21.4"N, 15°44'8.9"E
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    51°57'4.0"N, 15°42'51.8"E
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    51°42'52.2"N, 15°23'41.3"E
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    51°27'13.0"N, 15°4'53.8"E
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    51°30'2.5"N, 15°11'54.6"E
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    51°33'18.0"N, 15°26'50.3"E
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    51°35'16.1"N, 15°42'55.1"E
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    51°33'54.4"N, 15°32'12.5"E
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    51°36'55.1"N, 15°18'2.9"E
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    Cel główny proj.: Poprawa zdolności do samozatrudnienia wśród 30 osób (24K,6M) zamierzających rozpocząć prowadzenie działalności gosp., bezrobotnych i biernych zaw. w wieku 30 lat i więcej w szczególnie trudnej sytuacji na rynku pracy z obszarów wiejskich o podwyższonym wskaźniku bezrobocia woj. lubuskiego (w rozumieniu KC, 100% UP z terenów wiejskich na obszarach o podwyższonym wskaźniku bezrob.) przez objęcie ich wsparciem szkoleniowym, umożliwienie założenia własnej działalności gosp.w grupie min. 25 osób oraz objęcie tej grupy wsparciem pomostowym w okresie 1.06.2018 - 31.12.2019. Gr. doc: 30 osób w szczeg. trudnej sytuacji na rynku pracy: - kobiety - osoby powyżej 50 r.ż. - osoby o niskich kwalifik. - osoby długotrwale bezrobotne - osoby niepełnosprawne - osoby zamiesz. obszary wiejskie - 100% Działania w proj.: - rekrutacja połączona z diagnozą predyspozycji do prowadzenia działalności gosp. - wsparcie szkoleniowe - bezzwrotne dotacje na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej - pomostowe wsparcie finansowe. Realizacja projektu przyczyni się do wzrostu zdolności do samozatrudnienia osób pozostających bez pracy w województwie lubuskim. (Polish)
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    Main objective: Improving the self-employment capacity of 30 persons (24K, 6M) wishing to engage in self-employment, aged 30 and over, aged 1.06.2018 and over in a particularly difficult situation on the labour market from rural areas with an increased unemployment rate of Lubuskie Province (within the meaning of CC, 100 % of UP from rural areas in areas with an increased non-rob index.) by including them in training, by enabling them to set up their own business in a group of at least 25 persons and to provide the group with a bridge support in the -31.12.2019 period. GR. doc: 30 people in specific difficulty on the labour market: Women above 50 years of age. — low-skilled people. Long-term unemployed — persons with disabilities — people living in rural areas — 100 % Action in favour: — recruitment and recruitment with a view to the pursuit of business activities. — Training support — non-refundable start-up grants — bridging financial support. The implementation of the project will lead to an increase in the self-employment capacity of those who do not work in the region of Lubuskie. (English)
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