Ilham Aliyev (Q2614937): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: The description in Wikidata changed)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in tr: The description in Wikidata changed)
(16 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
aliases / es / 0aliases / es / 0
İlham Əliyev
aliases / sv / 0aliases / sv / 0
Ilham Äliyev
aliases / tr / 0aliases / tr / 0
İlham Haydaroğlu Aliyev
aliases / en / 0aliases / en / 0
Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliev
aliases / en / 1aliases / en / 1
Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev
aliases / en / 2aliases / en / 2
Ilham Aliyev
aliases / da / 0aliases / da / 0
Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev
description / itdescription / it
secondo dittatore della Repubblica dell'Azerbaigian
politico azero
description / endescription / en
Dictator of the Republic of Azerbaijan
President of Azerbaijan since 2003
description / esdescription / es
segundo dictador de la República de Azerbaiyán
político azerí
description / pldescription / pl
dyktator Azerbejdżanu
azerski polityk
description / hudescription / hu
Azerbajdzsán diktátora
azerbajdzsáni politikus
description / dedescription / de
zweiter Diktator der Republik Aserbaidschan
aserbaidschanischer Politiker
description / nldescription / nl
dictator van Azerbeidzjan
politicus uit Azerbeidzjan
description / bgdescription / bg
втори диктатор на Република Азербайджан
азербайджански политик
description / lbdescription / lb
4. President vum Aserbaidschan
aserbaidschanesche Politiker
description / frdescription / fr
deuxième dictateur de la République d'Azerbaïdjan
homme d'État d'Azerbaïdjan
description / trdescription / tr
Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti'nin ikinci diktatörü
4. Azerbaycan cumhurbaşkanı (2003–görevde)
description / ptdescription / pt
segundo ditador da República do Azerbaijão
político azerbaijano
description / csdescription / cs
Ázerbájdžánský diktátor
ázerbájdžánský politik
description / dadescription / da
Republikken Aserbajdsjans anden diktator
Aserbajdsjans præsident siden 2003

Revision as of 07:39, 1 December 2024

President of Azerbaijan since 2003
  • Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliev
Language Label Description Also known as
Ilham Aliyev
President of Azerbaijan since 2003
  • Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliev



0 references