Rehabilitation and extension of the kitchen and restoration of Fanny Desjardins College in Bras-Panon (Q6879973): Difference between revisions

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Reabilitação e ampliação da cozinha e restauração do Colégio Fanny Desjardins em Bras-Panon
Reabilitação e ampliação da cozinha e restauração do Fanny Desjardins College em Bras-Panon
Property / summary: With a view to improving the conditions for the restoration of students within the Collège de Bras-Panon, the Department of Reunion decided to carry out work to repair the whole of the refectory and the kitchen of the college. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0003307640455356
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Com o objetivo de melhorar as condições para a restauração dos estudantes no Collège de Bras-Panon, o Departamento da Reunião decidiu realizar trabalhos de reparação de todo o refeitório e da cozinha do colégio. (Portuguese)
Com vista a melhorar as condições para a restauração dos estudantes no Collège de Bras-Panon, o Departamento da Reunião decidiu realizar trabalhos para reparar todo o refeitório e a cozinha do colégio. (Portuguese)

Latest revision as of 09:39, 13 October 2024

Project RE0034447 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
Rehabilitation and extension of the kitchen and restoration of Fanny Desjardins College in Bras-Panon
Project RE0034447 in France


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    1,040,988.41 Euro
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    1,156,653.79 Euro
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    90.0 percent
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    1 February 2019
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    28 February 2023
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    21°1'24.96"S, 55°37'9.44"E
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    En vue de l'amélioration des conditions de restauration des élèves au sein du Collège de Bras-Panon, le Département de La Réunion a décidé de procéder à des travaux de réfection de l'ensemble du réfectoire et de la cuisine du collège. (French)
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    Um die Bedingungen für die Wiederherstellung der Schüler im Kollegium von Bras-Panon zu verbessern, hat das Departement La Réunion beschlossen, Arbeiten zur Sanierung des gesamten Refektoriums und der Küche des Kollegiums durchzuführen. (German)
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    С оглед подобряване на условията за възстановяване на студентите в рамките на Collège de Bras-Panon, Департаментът на Реюнион решава да извърши работа по ремонта на цялата трапезария и кухнята на колежа. (Bulgarian)
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    Con el fin de mejorar las condiciones para la restauración de los estudiantes dentro del Collège de Bras-Panon, el Departamento de Reunión decidió realizar trabajos de reparación de la totalidad del refectorio y la cocina del colegio. (Spanish)
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    D’fhonn feabhas a chur ar na coinníollacha chun mic léinn a athchóiriú laistigh den Collège de Bras-Panon, chinn Roinn an Reunion obair a dhéanamh chun an t-iomlán de refectory agus cistin an choláiste a dheisiú. (Irish)
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    Med henblik på at forbedre betingelserne for restaurering af studerende i Collège de Bras-Panon, Institut for Reunion besluttet at udføre arbejde for at reparere hele refektoriet og køkkenet på kollegiet. (Danish)
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    S cílem zlepšit podmínky pro restaurování studentů v rámci Collège de Bras-Panon se oddělení Réunion rozhodlo provést opravy celého refektáře a kuchyně vysoké školy. (Czech)
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    S cieľom zlepšiť podmienky pre obnovu študentov v rámci Collège de Bras-Panon sa oddelenie Réunion rozhodlo vykonať práce na oprave celej refektérie a kuchyne vysokej školy. (Slovak)
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    With a view to improving the conditions for the restoration of students within the Collège de Bras-Panon, the Department of Reunion decided to carry out work to repair the whole of the refectory and the kitchen of the college. (English)
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    Com vista a melhorar as condições para a restauração dos estudantes no Collège de Bras-Panon, o Departamento da Reunião decidiu realizar trabalhos para reparar todo o refeitório e a cozinha do colégio. (Portuguese)
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    În vederea îmbunătățirii condițiilor de restaurare a studenților în cadrul Collège de Bras-Panon, Departamentul Reunion a decis să efectueze lucrări de reparare a întregului refector și a bucătăriei colegiului. (Romanian)
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    Z namenom izboljšanja pogojev za restavriranje študentov v Collège de Bras-Panon se je Oddelek za Reunion odločil, da bo opravil dela za popravilo celotne refektorije in kuhinje fakultete. (Slovenian)
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    Selleks, et parandada üliõpilaste taastamise tingimusi Collège de Bras-Panonis, otsustas Réunioni osakond teha tööd kogu kolledži refektooriumi ja köögi parandamiseks. (Estonian)
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    För att förbättra förutsättningarna för restaurering av studenter inom Collège de Bras-Panon, beslutade avdelningen för återförening att utföra arbete för att reparera hela refectory och köket på högskolan. (Swedish)
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    Bl-għan li jittejbu l-kundizzjonijiet għar-restawr tal-istudenti fi ħdan il-Colège de Bras-Panon, id-Dipartiment ta’ Reunion iddeċieda li jwettaq xogħol biex isewwi r-refettorju kollu u l-kċina tal-kulleġġ. (Maltese)
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    Lai uzlabotu apstākļus studentu atjaunošanai Collège de Bras-Panon, Reinjonas departaments nolēma veikt visu koledžas refektora un virtuves remontu. (Latvian)
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    Al fine di migliorare le condizioni per il restauro degli studenti all'interno del Collège de Bras-Panon, il Dipartimento della Riunione ha deciso di svolgere lavori per riparare l'intero refettorio e la cucina del collegio. (Italian)
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    A Collège de Bras-Panon hallgatóinak helyreállítására vonatkozó feltételek javítása érdekében a Reunion Tanszék úgy döntött, hogy a kollégium teljes refektóriumának és konyhájának javítására irányuló munkát végez. (Hungarian)
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    Parantaakseen opiskelijoiden palauttamisen edellytyksiä Collège de Bras-Panonissa, Reunion departementti päätti tehdä töitä koko kollegion refektorian ja keittiön korjaamiseksi. (Finnish)
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    S ciljem poboljšanja uvjeta za obnovu studenata u okviru Collège de Bras-Panon, Odjel za ponovno okupljanje odlučio je obaviti radove na popravku cijelog refektora i kuhinje fakulteta. (Croatian)
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    Siekiant pagerinti studentų atkūrimo sąlygas Collčge de Bras-Panon, Reunjono departamentas nusprendė atlikti darbus, siekiant remontuoti visą restoraną ir kolegijos virtuvę. (Lithuanian)
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    Προκειμένου να βελτιωθούν οι συνθήκες αποκατάστασης των φοιτητών στο Collège de Bras-Panon, το Τμήμα Ρεϊνιόν αποφάσισε να εκτελέσει εργασίες για την επισκευή του συνόλου της αποθήκης και της κουζίνας του κολλεγίου. (Greek)
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    Met het oog op de verbetering van de voorwaarden voor de restauratie van studenten binnen het Collège de Bras-Panon, besloot het departement Reunion om werkzaamheden uit te voeren om de hele refter en de keuken van het college te repareren. (Dutch)
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    7 December 2023
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