UIG 2022: AAU – Implementation of innovative start-up projects (Q6877498): Difference between revisions

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(‎Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0001713008336983)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
label / ptlabel / pt
UIG 2022: UQA — Implementação de projetos inovadores em fase de arranque
UIG 2022: UQA – Execução de projetos inovadores de empresas em fase de arranque
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Promoção de innov., tech.orient., projetos baseados no conhecimento com perspetivas de sucesso Idea de negócio|Desenvolvimento de produtos/serviços comercializáveis|Preparação (Portuguese)
Promoção de projectos innov., tech.orient., baseados no conhecimento com perspectivas de êxito Perfeição Ideia de negócio (Portuguese)

Latest revision as of 09:31, 13 October 2024

Project GENERATED-ID-2014AT16RFOP001-2023-12-5-2032 in Austria
Language Label Description Also known as
UIG 2022: AAU – Implementation of innovative start-up projects
Project GENERATED-ID-2014AT16RFOP001-2023-12-5-2032 in Austria


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    61,949.0 Euro
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    31 March 2022
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    30 April 2023
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    Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
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    46°38'22.09"N, 14°17'43.80"E
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    Förderung innov., tech.orient., wissensbasierter Vorhaben mit Erfolgsaussichten Perfektionierung Geschäftsidee|Entwicklung marktfähiger Produkte/Dienstleistungen|Vorbereitung Unternehmensgründung (German)
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    Promotion innov., tech.orient., projets basés sur la connaissance avec des chances de succès perfectionner l’idée d’entreprise|Développer des produits/services commercialisables|Préparer la création d’entreprise (French)
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    Bevordering van innovatie, tech.orient., op kennis gebaseerde projecten met succesmogelijkheden Perfectie Bedrijfsidee |Ontwikkeling van verhandelbare producten/diensten|Voorbereiding (Dutch)
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    Насърчаване на иновативни, технологични, базирани на знания проекти с перспективи за успех Перфекция Бизнес идея|Разработване на продаваеми продукти/услуги|Подготовка (Bulgarian)
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    Promocija innov., tech.orient., na znanju temelječih projektov z obeti za uspeh Perfection Business idea|Razvoj tržnih izdelkov/storitev|Priprava (Slovenian)
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    Fremme af innov., tech.orient., videnbaserede projekter med udsigter til succes Perfection Business idé|Udvikling af omsættelige produkter/tjenester| Forberedelse (Danish)
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    Inovāciju veicināšana, tech.orient., uz zināšanām balstīti projekti ar izredzēm uz panākumiem Perfection Biznesa ideja| Tirgojamu produktu/pakalpojumu izstrāde|Sagatavošana (Latvian)
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    Promoción de innov., tech.orient., proyectos basados en el conocimiento con perspectivas de éxito Perfection Idea de negocio|Desarrollo de productos/servicios comercializables|Preparación (Spanish)
    0 references
    Προώθηση της καινοτομίας., tech.orient., βασισμένα στη γνώση έργα με προοπτικές επιτυχίας Perfection Business ιδέα|Ανάπτυξη εμπορεύσιμων προϊόντων/υπηρεσιών|Προετοιμασία (Greek)
    0 references
    Promoção de projectos innov., tech.orient., baseados no conhecimento com perspectivas de êxito Perfeição Ideia de negócio (Portuguese)
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    Propagácia inov., tech.orient., znalostných projektov s vyhliadkami na úspech Perfection Business idea|Rozvoj obchodovateľných výrobkov/služieb|Príprava (Slovak)
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    Promozzjoni ta’ proġetti innovattivi., tech.orient., ibbażati fuq l-għarfien bi prospetti ta’ suċċess Perfection Business idea|L-iżvilupp ta’ prodotti/servizzi kummerċjabbli|Tħejjija (Maltese)
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    Innovatsiooni edendamine., tech.orient., teadmistepõhised projektid, millel on edu väljavaated Perfection Business Idea| Turukõlblike toodete/teenuste arendamine| Ettevalmistus (Estonian)
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    Promovarea proiectelor innov., tech.orient., bazate pe cunoaștere, cu perspective de succes Ideea de afaceri Perfection|Dezvoltarea produselor/serviciilor comercializabilePregătirea (Romanian)
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    Nuáil, tech.orient., tionscadail eolasbhunaithe a chur chun cinn le hionchais ratha Perfection Business idea|Forbairt táirgí/seirbhísí indíolta|Ullmhúchán (Irish)
    0 references
    Podpora inovací, tech.orient., znalostních projektů s vyhlídkami na úspěch Perfection Business idea|Vývoj obchodovatelných produktů/služeb|Příprava (Czech)
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    Inovacijų skatinimas, tech.orient., žiniomis pagrįsti projektai su sėkmės perspektyvomis Tobulumo Verslo idėja| Parduodamų produktų/paslaugų kūrimas|Pasirengimas (Lithuanian)
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    Az innov., tech.orient., tudásalapú projektek támogatása a siker kilátásaival Tökéletesség Üzleti ötlet | piacképes termékek/szolgáltatások fejlesztése|Felkészülés (Hungarian)
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    Främjande av innov., tech.orient., kunskapsbaserade projekt med utsikter till framgång Perfection Affärsidé|Utveckling av säljbara produkter/tjänster|Preparation (Swedish)
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    Promotion of innov., tech.orient., knowledge-based projects with prospects of success Perfection Business idea|Development of marketable products/services|Preparation (English)
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    Innovatiivisuuden edistäminen, tech.orient., tietopohjaiset hankkeet, joilla on menestysnäkymiä Täydellisyys Liikeidea| Markkinointikelpoisten tuotteiden/palvelujen kehittäminen|Valmistaminen (Finnish)
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    Promozione di innov., tech.orient., progetti basati sulla conoscenza con prospettive di successo Perfection Business idea|Sviluppo di prodotti/servizi commerciabili|Preparazione (Italian)
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    Promocija innov., tech.orient., projekata temeljenih na znanju s izgledima za uspjeh Perfection Business ideja|Razvoj utrživih proizvoda/usluga |Priprema (Croatian)
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    7 December 2023
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