Activation of young people who are unemployed in the Steering District (II) (Q89847): Difference between revisions

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(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / frlabel / fr
Activation des jeunes sans emploi dans le quartier du Sommet (II)
Activation des jeunes chômeurs dans le district du sommet (II)
label / delabel / de
Aktivierung junger Menschen ohne Arbeit im Bezirk Summit (II)
Aktivierung arbeitsloser Jugendlicher im Gipfelbezirk (II)
label / nllabel / nl
Activering van jongeren zonder baan in het district van de top (II)
Activering van werkloze jongeren in het topdistrict (II)
label / itlabel / it
Attivazione dei giovani senza lavoro nel distretto del vertice (II)
Attivazione dei giovani disoccupati nel distretto del vertice (II)
label / eslabel / es
Activación de los jóvenes sin empleo en el distrito de Summit (II)
Activación de jóvenes desempleados en el distrito de la cumbre (II)
label / dalabel / da
Aktivering af unge, der er arbejdsløse i styringsdistriktet (II)
Aktivering af arbejdsløse unge i topmødedistriktet (II)
label / ellabel / el
Ενεργοποίηση νέων που είναι άνεργοι στη διευθύνουσα περιφέρεια (II)
Ενεργοποίηση ανέργων νέων στην περιφέρεια κορυφής (II)
label / hrlabel / hr
Aktivacija mladih koji su nezaposleni u Upravljačkom okrugu (II)
Aktivacija nezaposlenih mladih u okrugu sastanka na vrhu (II)
label / rolabel / ro
Activarea tinerilor care sunt șomeri în districtul director (II)
Activarea tinerilor șomeri în districtul summitului (II)
label / sklabel / sk
Aktivácia mladých ľudí, ktorí sú nezamestnaní v riadiacom okrese (II)
Aktivácia nezamestnaných mladých ľudí v okrese samitu (II)
label / mtlabel / mt
Attivazzjoni ta’ żgħażagħ li huma qiegħda fid-Distrett ta’ Tmexxija (II)
Attivazzjoni ta’ żgħażagħ qiegħda fid-distrett tas-summit (II)
label / filabel / fi
Ohjauspiirin työttömien nuorten aktivointi (II)
Työttömien nuorten aktivointi huippukokouksessa (II)
label / sllabel / sl
Aktiviranje mladih, ki so brezposelni v usmerjevalnem okrožju (II)
Aktivacija brezposelnih mladih v okrožju vrha (II)
label / cslabel / cs
Aktivace nezaměstnaných mladých lidí v řídícím obvodu (II)
Aktivace nezaměstnaných mladých lidí v okrese summitu (II)
label / ltlabel / lt
Jaunų bedarbių aktyvinimas iniciatyvinėje apygardoje (II)
Jaunų bedarbių aktyvinimas aukščiausiojo lygio susitikimo rajone (II)
label / lvlabel / lv
Jauniešu, kuri ir bezdarbnieki, aktivizēšana vadības rajonā (II)
Jauniešu bezdarbnieku aktivizēšana samita rajonā (II)
label / bglabel / bg
Активизиране на младите хора, които са безработни в ръководния район (II)
Активизиране на безработните млади хора в района на срещата на върха (II)
label / hulabel / hu
Munkanélküli fiatalok aktiválása az irányítónegyedben (II)
Munkanélküli fiatalok aktiválása a csúcstalálkozón (II)
label / galabel / ga
Gníomhachtú daoine óga atá dífhostaithe sa Cheantar Stiúrtha (II)
Daoine óga dífhostaithe a ghníomhachtú i gceantar an chruinnithe mullaigh (II)
label / svlabel / sv
Aktivering av arbetslösa ungdomar i styrdistriktet (II)
Aktivering av arbetslösa ungdomar i toppmötesdistriktet (II)
label / etlabel / et
Juhtpiirkonnas töötute noorte aktiveerimine (II)
Töötute noorte aktiveerimine tippkohtumise piirkonnas (II)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to increase the employability of young people under the age of 30 who are unemployed in the Steering District. The target group is 271 young people aged 18-29 years without a job, registered at the District Labour Office in Szczytno as unemployed, who do not participate in education and training (the so-called NEETs), for whom a I or II aid profile has been established. The project will be implemented in the period from 1 January 2016 to 31 August 2017. The objectives of the project will be realised through professional activation based on the following activities: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: — 12 % of disabled project participants, – 30 % of long-term unemployed project participants, – 43 % of low-skilled project participants. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.3734116366245024
Property / summaryProperty / summary
L’objectif de ce projet est d’accroître les possibilités d’emploi pour les jeunes de moins de 30 ans qui sont sans emploi dans le district du Sommet. Le groupe cible est de 271 jeunes âgés de 18 à 29 ans sans emploi, inscrits au bureau du travail du district de Szczytno en tant que chômeurs, qui ne participent pas à l’éducation et à la formation (les «NEET»), pour lesquels le premier ou le deuxième profil d’aide a été établi. Le projet sera mis en œuvre du 1er janvier 2016 au 31 août 2017. Les objectifs du projet seront réalisés grâce à une activation professionnelle basée sur les activités suivantes: 1) l’identification du degré d’éloignement des jeunes du marché du travail par l’établissement d’un profil d’assistance, 2) l’identification des besoins des jeunes et le diagnostic des possibilités de développement professionnel par l’élaboration d’un plan d’action individuel, 3) la médiation individuelle dans la sélection d’une profession compatible avec les qualifications et les compétences du participant au projet ou l’orientation professionnelle dans le domaine de la planification de l’évolution de carrière, y compris l’amélioration ou le complément des compétences et qualifications professionnelles 4) les services et instruments du marché du travail conduisant à l’acquisition ou à l’achèvement des qualifications professionnelles, l’acquisition d’une expérience professionnelle, le soutien à l’accès à l’emploi par le remboursement d’une partie des coûts salariaux, le soutien aux subventions de démarrage des entreprises. Le principal résultat du projet sera de créer des emplois de qualité pour au moins 38 % des participants au projet qui ne sont pas éligibles à l’un des groupes cibles suivants, et par: — 12 % des participants au projet handicapés, — 30 % des participants au projet sans emploi de longue durée, — 43 % des participants au projet peu qualifiés. (French)
L’objectif du projet est d’accroître les possibilités d’emploi pour les jeunes de moins de 30 ans sans emploi dans le district du sommet. Le groupe cible est de 271 jeunes âgés de 18 à 29 ans sans emploi, inscrits au bureau du travail de Poviat à Szczytno en tant que chômeurs, qui ne participent pas à l’éducation et à la formation (les NEET), pour lesquels un profil d’aide première ou deuxième a été établi. Le projet sera mis en œuvre entre le 1er janvier 2016 et le 31 août 2017. Les objectifs du projet seront atteints par l’activation professionnelle sur la base des activités suivantes: 1) l’identification du degré de séparation des jeunes du marché du travail par l’établissement d’un profil d’assistance, 2) l’identification des besoins des jeunes et le diagnostic des possibilités dans le domaine du développement professionnel par l’élaboration d’un plan d’action individuel, 3) l’intermédiation individuelle dans la sélection d’une profession compatible avec les qualifications et les compétences du participant au projet ou l’orientation professionnelle dans le domaine de la planification de carrière, y compris le relèvement ou le complément de compétences et de qualifications professionnelles 4) les services et les instruments du marché du travail conduisant à l’acquisition ou à l’achèvement des qualifications professionnelles, l’obtention d’une expérience professionnelle, l’accompagnement à la prise en charge d’une partie des coûts salariaux, le soutien à la création d’une entreprise par l’octroi d’une subvention pour la création d’une entreprise. Le principal résultat du projet sera l’adoption d’emplois de bonne qualité par au moins 38 % des participants au projet qui ne sont pas éligibles à l’un des groupes cibles suivants, et par: — 12 % des participants handicapés au projet, — 30 % des participants au projet au chômage de longue durée, — 43 % des participants au projet peu qualifiés. (French)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für junge Menschen unter 30 Jahren zu erhöhen, die im Bezirk Summit arbeitslos sind. Zielgruppe sind 271 junge Menschen im Alter von 18 bis 29 Jahren ohne Arbeit, die im Bezirksarbeitsamt in Szczytno als Arbeitslose registriert sind, die nicht an der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung teilnehmen (sogenannte NEETs), für die das erste oder zweite Profil der Unterstützung eingerichtet wurde. Das Projekt wird vom 1. Januar 2016 bis zum 31. August 2017 umgesetzt. Die Ziele des Projekts werden durch eine professionelle Aktivierung auf der Grundlage folgender Aktivitäten realisiert: 1) Ermittlung des Grads der Abgelegenheit junger Menschen vom Arbeitsmarkt durch Festlegung eines Profils der Unterstützung, 2) Ermittlung der Bedürfnisse junger Menschen und Diagnosemöglichkeiten im Bereich der beruflichen Entwicklung durch die Entwicklung eines individuellen Aktionsplans, 3) individuelle Vermittlung bei der Auswahl eines Berufes im Einklang mit den Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen des Projektteilnehmers oder der Berufsberatung im Bereich der Laufbahnentwicklungsplanung, einschließlich der Verbesserung oder Ergänzung von beruflichen Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen 4) Dienstleistungen und Instrumente des Arbeitsmarktes, die zum Erwerb oder zum Abschluss von Berufsqualifikationen führen, Berufserfahrung sammeln, Unterstützung bei der Aufnahme einer Beschäftigung durch Erstattung eines Teils der Lohnkosten, Unterstützung von Unternehmensgründungszuschüssen. Das Hauptergebnis des Projekts besteht darin, mindestens 38 % der Projektteilnehmer, die nicht für eine der folgenden Zielgruppen in Frage kommen, hochwertige Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, und zwar durch: — 12 % der Projektteilnehmer mit Behinderungen, – 30 % der Projektteilnehmer mit Langzeitarbeitslosen, 43 % der gering qualifizierten Projektteilnehmer. (German)
Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für junge Menschen unter 30 Jahren zu erhöhen, die im Gipfelbezirk arbeitslos sind. Zielgruppe sind 271 junge Menschen im Alter von 18 bis 29 Jahren ohne Arbeit, die im Arbeitsamt Poviat in Szczytno als arbeitslos registriert sind, die nicht an einer allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung teilnehmen (die sogenannten NEETs), für die ein Erst- oder Zweithilfeprofil erstellt wurde. Das Projekt wird zwischen dem 1. Januar 2016 und dem 31. August 2017 durchgeführt. Die Ziele des Projekts werden durch professionelle Aktivierung auf der Grundlage folgender Aktivitäten erreicht: 1) Ermittlung des Grads der Trennung junger Menschen vom Arbeitsmarkt durch Erstellung eines Unterstützungsprofils, 2) Ermittlung des Bedarfs junger Menschen und Diagnose von Chancen im Bereich der beruflichen Entwicklung durch Ausarbeitung eines individuellen Aktionsplans, 3) individuelle Vermittlung bei der Auswahl eines Berufs im Einklang mit den Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen des Projektteilnehmers oder Berufsberatung im Bereich der Laufbahnentwicklungsplanung, einschließlich der Erhöhung oder Ergänzung von Kompetenzen und beruflichen Qualifikationen 4) Dienstleistungen und Arbeitsmarktinstrumente, die zum Erwerb oder zum Abschluss von beruflichen Qualifikationen führen, Berufserfahrung sammeln, einen Teil der Lohnkosten unterstützen, die Unterstützung bei der Unternehmensgründung durch Gewährung eines Zuschusses für die Gründung eines eigenen Unternehmens. Das Hauptergebnis des Projekts ist die Aufnahme hochwertiger Arbeitsplätze durch mindestens 38 % der Projektteilnehmer, die nicht für eine der folgenden Zielgruppen in Frage kommen, und durch: — 12 % der Projektteilnehmer mit Behinderungen, – 30 % der langzeitarbeitslosen Projektteilnehmer – 43 % der Projektteilnehmer mit geringer Qualifikation. (German)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Het doel van het project is de werkgelegenheidskansen te vergroten voor jongeren onder de 30 jaar die werkloos zijn in het district van de Top. De doelgroep is 271 jongeren in de leeftijd van 18-29 jaar zonder baan, ingeschreven bij het arbeidsbureau van het district Szczytno als werkloze, die niet deelnemen aan onderwijs en opleiding (de zogenaamde NEET’s), voor wie het eerste of tweede bijstandsprofiel is vastgesteld. Het project wordt uitgevoerd van 1 januari 2016 tot en met 31 augustus 2017. De doelstellingen van het project worden gerealiseerd door professionele activering op basis van de volgende activiteiten: 1) het vaststellen van de mate van afstand van jongeren van de arbeidsmarkt door het opstellen van een bijstandsprofiel, 2) het in kaart brengen van de behoeften van jongeren en het diagnosticeren van kansen op het gebied van professionele ontwikkeling door de ontwikkeling van een individueel actieplan, 3) individuele bemiddeling bij de selectie van een beroep dat aansluit bij de kwalificaties en competenties van de projectdeelnemer of loopbaanbegeleiding op het gebied van loopbaanontwikkelingsplanning, met inbegrip van het opwaarderen of aanvullen van beroepscompetenties en -kwalificaties 4) diensten en instrumenten van de arbeidsmarkt die leiden tot de verwerving of voltooiing van beroepskwalificaties, het opdoen van beroepservaring, het ondersteunen van het in dienst nemen van een deel van de loonkosten, het ondersteunen van subsidies voor het opstarten van een bedrijf. Het belangrijkste resultaat van het project is dat ten minste 38 % van de projectdeelnemers die niet in aanmerking komen voor een van de volgende doelgroepen, werk van goede kwaliteit verricht, en door: — 12 % van de deelnemers aan projecten met een handicap, — 30 % van de langdurig werkloze projectdeelnemers — 43 % van de laaggeschoolde projectdeelnemers. (Dutch)
Het doel van het project is het vergroten van de arbeidskansen voor jongeren onder de 30 jaar die werkloos zijn in het topdistrict. De doelgroep is 271 jongeren van 18-29 jaar zonder werk, ingeschreven bij het Arbeidsbureau Poviat in Szczytno als werkloos, die niet deelnemen aan onderwijs en opleiding (de zogenaamde NEET’s), voor wie een eerste of tweede hulpprofiel is vastgesteld. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd tussen 1 januari 2016 en 31 augustus 2017. De doelstellingen van het project zullen worden bereikt door middel van professionele activering op basis van de volgende activiteiten: 1) identificatie van de mate waarin jongeren van de arbeidsmarkt zijn gescheiden door een profiel van bijstand vast te stellen, 2) de behoeften van jongeren vast te stellen en kansen op het gebied van de ontwikkeling van de beroepsontwikkeling te diagnosticeren door middel van de ontwikkeling van een individueel actieplan, 3) individuele bemiddeling bij de selectie van een beroep dat strookt met de kwalificaties en competenties van de projectdeelnemer of loopbaanbegeleiding op het gebied van loopbaanontwikkelingsplanning, met inbegrip van het verhogen of aanvullen van competenties en beroepskwalificaties 4) diensten en arbeidsmarktinstrumenten die leiden tot het verwerven of voltooien van beroepskwalificaties, het verkrijgen van beroepservaring, het ondersteunen van een deel van de loonkosten, het ondersteunen bij het starten van een bedrijf door het verlenen van een subsidie voor de vestiging van een eigen bedrijf. Het belangrijkste resultaat van het project is dat ten minste 38 % van de projectdeelnemers die niet voor een van de volgende doelgroepen in aanmerking komen, van kwalitatief goede werkgelegenheid gebruikmaken, en door: — 12 % van de gehandicapte projectdeelnemers, — 30 % van de langdurig werklozen projectdeelnemers, 43 % van de projectdeelnemers met lage kwalificaties. (Dutch)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di aumentare le opportunità di lavoro per i giovani di età inferiore ai 30 anni disoccupati nel distretto di Summit. Il gruppo target è di 271 giovani di età compresa tra i 18 e i 29 anni senza lavoro, iscritti all'Ufficio del lavoro distrettuale di Szczytno come disoccupati, che non partecipano all'istruzione e alla formazione (i cosiddetti NEET), per i quali è stato stabilito il primo o il secondo profilo di assistenza. Il progetto sarà attuato dal 1º gennaio 2016 al 31 agosto 2017. Gli obiettivi del progetto saranno realizzati attraverso l'attivazione professionale basata sulle seguenti attività: 1) individuare il grado di lontananza dei giovani dal mercato del lavoro attraverso la definizione di un profilo di assistenza, 2) individuare le esigenze dei giovani e diagnosticare le opportunità nel campo dello sviluppo professionale attraverso l'elaborazione di un piano d'azione individuale; 3) mediazione individuale nella selezione di una professione coerente con le qualifiche e le competenze del partecipante al progetto o orientamento professionale nel campo della pianificazione dello sviluppo della carriera, compreso il miglioramento o l'integrazione delle competenze e delle qualifiche professionali 4) servizi e strumenti del mercato del lavoro che portano all'acquisizione o al completamento di qualifiche professionali, acquisizione di esperienza professionale, sostegno all'occupazione rimborsando parte dei costi salariali, sostegno alle borse di avviamento aziendale. Il principale risultato del progetto sarà quello di garantire un'occupazione di buona qualità di almeno il 38 % dei partecipanti al progetto non ammissibili a nessuno dei seguenti gruppi destinatari e: — 12 % dei partecipanti al progetto disabili, — 30 % dei partecipanti al progetto disoccupati di lungo periodo, — 43 % dei partecipanti al progetto scarsamente qualificati. (Italian)
L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di aumentare le opportunità di occupazione per i giovani di età inferiore ai 30 anni disoccupati nel distretto del vertice. Il gruppo target è costituito da 271 giovani di età compresa tra i 18 e i 29 anni senza lavoro, iscritti all'Ufficio del lavoro di Poviat a Szczytno come disoccupati, che non partecipano all'istruzione e alla formazione (i cosiddetti NEET), per i quali è stato stabilito un profilo di primo o secondo aiuto. Il progetto sarà attuato tra il 1º gennaio 2016 e il 31 agosto 2017. Gli obiettivi del progetto saranno raggiunti attraverso l'attivazione professionale basata sulle seguenti attività: 1) l'individuazione del grado di separazione dei giovani dal mercato del lavoro attraverso la definizione di un profilo di assistenza, 2) l'individuazione delle esigenze dei giovani e la diagnosi di opportunità nel campo dello sviluppo professionale attraverso l'elaborazione di un piano d'azione individuale, 3) l'intermediazione individuale nella selezione di una professione coerente con le qualifiche e le competenze del partecipante al progetto o l'orientamento professionale nel campo della pianificazione dello sviluppo della carriera, compresa l'aumento o l'integrazione di competenze e qualifiche professionali 4) servizi e strumenti del mercato del lavoro che portano all'acquisizione o al completamento delle qualifiche professionali, l'acquisizione di esperienza professionale, il sostegno nell'assunzione di una parte dei costi salariali, il sostegno all'avvio di un'impresa attraverso la concessione di una sovvenzione per la costituzione della propria impresa. Il risultato principale del progetto sarà l'assunzione di posti di lavoro di buona qualità da parte di almeno il 38 % dei partecipanti al progetto non ammissibili a nessuno dei seguenti gruppi destinatari, e da: — Il 12 % dei partecipanti al progetto disabili, — il 30 % dei partecipanti al progetto disoccupati di lungo periodo, — 43 % dei partecipanti al progetto con scarse qualifiche. (Italian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
El objetivo del proyecto es aumentar las oportunidades de empleo para los jóvenes menores de 30 años que están desempleados en el distrito de Cumbre. El grupo destinatario son 271 jóvenes de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 29 años sin empleo, inscritos en la Oficina de Trabajo del Distrito de Szczytno como desempleados, que no participan en la educación y la formación (los llamados ninis), para los que se ha establecido el primer o segundo perfil de asistencia. El proyecto se ejecutará del 1 de enero de 2016 al 31 de agosto de 2017. Los objetivos del proyecto se llevarán a cabo a través de la activación profesional basada en las siguientes actividades: 1) determinar el grado de distancia de los jóvenes del mercado laboral mediante el establecimiento de un perfil de asistencia, 2) determinar las necesidades de los jóvenes y diagnosticar las oportunidades en el ámbito del desarrollo profesional mediante la elaboración de un plan de acción individual, 3) mediación individual en la selección de una profesión acorde con las cualificaciones y competencias del participante en el proyecto o orientación profesional en el ámbito de la planificación del desarrollo profesional, incluida la mejora o complementación de las competencias y cualificaciones profesionales 4) servicios e instrumentos del mercado laboral que conduzcan a la adquisición o finalización de cualificaciones profesionales, a la obtención de experiencia profesional, al apoyo al acceso al empleo mediante el reembolso de una parte de los costes salariales, al apoyo a las subvenciones para la creación de empresas. El principal resultado del proyecto será la creación de empleo de buena calidad por al menos el 38 % de los participantes en el proyecto no elegibles para ninguno de los siguientes grupos destinatarios, y por: — El 12 % de los participantes en proyectos con discapacidad, el 30 % de los participantes en proyectos desempleados de larga duración, el 43 % de los participantes en proyectos poco cualificados. (Spanish)
El objetivo del proyecto es aumentar las oportunidades de empleo para los jóvenes menores de 30 años que están desempleados en el distrito de la cumbre. El grupo destinatario son 271 jóvenes de 18 a 29 años sin trabajo, inscritos en la Oficina de Trabajo de Poviat en Szczytno como desempleados, que no participan en la educación y la formación (los denominados ninis), para los que se ha establecido un perfil de primeros o segundos auxilios. El proyecto se ejecutará entre el 1 de enero de 2016 y el 31 de agosto de 2017. Los objetivos del proyecto se lograrán mediante la activación profesional basada en las siguientes actividades: 1) identificación del grado de separación de los jóvenes del mercado laboral mediante el establecimiento de un perfil de asistencia, 2) identificación de las necesidades de los jóvenes y diagnóstico de oportunidades en el ámbito del desarrollo profesional mediante la elaboración de un plan de acción individual, 3) intermediación individual en la selección de una profesión acorde con las cualificaciones y competencias del participante en el proyecto o orientación profesional en el ámbito de la planificación del desarrollo profesional, incluida la elevación o el complemento de competencias y cualificaciones profesionales 4) servicios e instrumentos del mercado laboral que conduzcan a la adquisición o finalización de cualificaciones profesionales, la obtención de experiencia profesional, el apoyo a la asunción de una parte de los costes salariales, el apoyo a la creación de una empresa mediante la concesión de una subvención para la creación de una empresa propia. El principal resultado del proyecto será la utilización de un empleo de buena calidad por al menos el 38 % de los participantes en el proyecto que no sean elegibles para ninguno de los siguientes grupos destinatarios, y por: — 12 % de los participantes en proyectos con discapacidad, — 30 % de los participantes en proyectos de desempleo de larga duración — 43 % de los participantes en proyectos con baja cualificación. (Spanish)
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Formålet med projektet er at øge beskæftigelsesegnetheden for unge under 30 år, der er arbejdsløse i styringsdistriktet. Målgruppen er 271 unge i alderen 18-29 år uden job, der er registreret på distriktsarbejdskontoret i Szczytno som arbejdsløse, og som ikke deltager i uddannelse (de såkaldte NEET'er), for hvem der er etableret en I- eller II-støtteprofil. Projektet vil blive gennemført i perioden fra den 1. januar 2016 til den 31. august 2017. Projektets mål vil blive realiseret gennem professionel aktivering baseret på følgende aktiviteter: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: âEUR 12 % af handicappede projektdeltagere, 30 % af langtidsledige projektdeltagere, â EUR 43 % af lavtuddannede projektdeltagere. (Danish)
Formålet med projektet er at øge beskæftigelsesmulighederne for unge under 30 år, der er arbejdsløse i topmødedistriktet. Målgruppen er 271 unge i alderen 18-29 år uden arbejde, der er registreret i Poviat arbejdsformidlingen i Szczytno som arbejdsløse, der ikke deltager i uddannelse (de såkaldte NEET'er), for hvem der er oprettet en første eller anden støtteprofil. Projektet vil blive gennemført mellem den 1. januar 2016 og den 31. august 2017. Målsætningen for projektet vil blive nået gennem professionel aktivering baseret på følgende aktiviteter: 1) identifikation af graden af adskillelse af unge fra arbejdsmarkedet ved oprettelse af en støtteprofil, 2) identifikation af unges behov og diagnosticering af muligheder inden for faglig udvikling gennem udvikling af en individuel handlingsplan, 3) individuel formidling i udvælgelsen af et erhverv, der er i overensstemmelse med projektdeltagerens kvalifikationer og kompetencer eller karrierevejledning inden for karriereudviklingsplanlægning, herunder forøgelse eller supplering af kompetencer og faglige kvalifikationer 4) tjenesteydelser og arbejdsmarkedsinstrumenter, der fører til erhvervelse eller fuldførelse af faglige kvalifikationer, opnåelse af erhvervserfaring, støtte til deltagelse i en del af lønomkostningerne, støtte til etablering af en virksomhed ved at yde tilskud til etablering af egen virksomhed. Hovedresultatet af projektet vil være, at mindst 38 % af projektdeltagerne, der ikke er berettiget til nogen af følgende målgrupper, får beskæftigelse af god kvalitet, og af: — 12 % af de handicappede projektdeltagere — 30 % af projektdeltagerne for langtidsledige — 43 % af projektdeltagerne med ringe kvalifikationer. (Danish)
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Στόχος του σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση της απασχολησιμότητας των νέων κάτω των 30 ετών που είναι άνεργοι στη διευθύνουσα περιφέρεια. Η ομάδα-στόχος είναι 271 νέοι ηλικίας 18-29 ετών χωρίς απασχόληση, εγγεγραμμένοι στο Περιφερειακό Γραφείο Εργασίας του Szczytno ως άνεργοι, οι οποίοι δεν συμμετέχουν στην εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση (οι αποκαλούμενοι ΕΑΕΚ), για τους οποίους έχει δημιουργηθεί προφίλ βοήθειας Ι ή ΙΙ. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί κατά την περίοδο από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2016 έως την 31η Αυγούστου 2017. Οι στόχοι του έργου θα υλοποιηθούν μέσω επαγγελματικής ενεργοποίησης με βάση τις ακόλουθες δραστηριότητες: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: â EUR 12 % των συμμετεχόντων σε έργα με αναπηρία, â EUR 30 % των μακροχρόνια ανέργων συμμετέχοντες σε έργα, â EUR 43 % των συμμετεχόντων σε έργα χαμηλής ειδίκευσης. (Greek)
Στόχος του σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση των ευκαιριών απασχόλησης για τους νέους κάτω των 30 ετών που είναι άνεργοι στην περιοχή της συνόδου κορυφής. Η ομάδα-στόχος είναι 271 νέοι ηλικίας 18-29 ετών χωρίς εργασία, εγγεγραμμένοι στο Γραφείο Εργασίας του Poviat στο Szczytno ως άνεργοι, οι οποίοι δεν συμμετέχουν στην εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση (οι λεγόμενοι ΕΑΕΚ), για τους οποίους έχει καθιερωθεί ένα προφίλ πρώτης ή δεύτερης βοήθειας. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί μεταξύ 1ης Ιανουαρίου 2016 και 31ης Αυγούστου 2017. Οι στόχοι του έργου θα επιτευχθούν μέσω επαγγελματικής ενεργοποίησης με βάση τις ακόλουθες δραστηριότητες: 1) προσδιορισμός του βαθμού διαχωρισμού των νέων από την αγορά εργασίας με την κατάρτιση προφίλ βοήθειας, 2) προσδιορισμός των αναγκών των νέων και διάγνωση ευκαιριών στον τομέα της επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης μέσω της ανάπτυξης ατομικού σχεδίου δράσης, 3) ατομική διαμεσολάβηση κατά την επιλογή ενός επαγγέλματος που συνάδει με τα προσόντα και τις ικανότητες του συμμετέχοντος στο σχέδιο ή επαγγελματική καθοδήγηση στον τομέα του σχεδιασμού εξέλιξης της σταδιοδρομίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της αύξησης ή της συμπλήρωσης ικανοτήτων και επαγγελματικών προσόντων 4) υπηρεσιών και μέσων της αγοράς εργασίας που οδηγούν στην απόκτηση ή την ολοκλήρωση επαγγελματικών προσόντων, απόκτηση επαγγελματικής πείρας, υποστήριξη για την ανάληψη μέρους των μισθολογικών δαπανών, στήριξη για την έναρξη επιχείρησης με τη χορήγηση επιχορήγησης για την ίδρυση της ίδιας της εταιρείας. Το κύριο αποτέλεσμα του σχεδίου θα είναι η αξιοποίηση ποιοτικής απασχόλησης τουλάχιστον από το 38 % των συμμετεχόντων στο έργο που δεν είναι επιλέξιμοι για καμία από τις ακόλουθες ομάδες-στόχους, και από: — 12 % των συμμετεχόντων σε έργα με αναπηρία, — 30 % των μακροχρόνια ανέργων που συμμετέχουν σε έργα, — 43 % των συμμετεχόντων σε έργα με χαμηλά προσόντα. (Greek)
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Cilj projekta je povećati zapošljivost mladih mlađih od 30 godina koji su nezaposleni u Upravljačkom okrugu. Ciljna skupina je 271 mladi u dobi od 18 do 29 godina bez posla, prijavljeni u Okružnom uredu rada u Szczytno kao nezaposleni, koji ne sudjeluju u obrazovanju i osposobljavanju (tzv. NEET-ovi), za koje je uspostavljen profil pomoći I ili II. Projekt će se provoditi u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2016. do 31. kolovoza 2017. Ciljevi projekta ostvarit će se profesionalnom aktivacijom na temelju sljedećih aktivnosti: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: 12 % sudionika projekta s invaliditetom, 30 % dugotrajno nezaposlenih sudionika projekta, 43 % niskokvalificiranih sudionika projekta. (Croatian)
Cilj projekta je povećati mogućnosti zapošljavanja za mlade mlađe od 30 godina koji su nezaposleni u okrugu samita. Ciljna skupina je 271 mlada osoba u dobi od 18 do 29 godina bez posla, registrirana u Uredu za rad Poviata u Szczytnu kao nezaposleni, koji ne sudjeluju u obrazovanju i osposobljavanju (tzv. NEET-ovi), za koje je uspostavljen profil prve ili druge pomoći. Projekt će se provoditi od 1. siječnja 2016. do 31. kolovoza 2017. Ciljevi projekta ostvarit će se profesionalnom aktivacijom na temelju sljedećih aktivnosti: 1) utvrđivanje stupnja odvajanja mladih od tržišta rada utvrđivanjem profila pomoći, 2) utvrđivanje potreba mladih i dijagnosticiranje mogućnosti u području profesionalnog razvoja kroz izradu individualnog akcijskog plana, 3) individualno posredovanje u odabiru profesije u skladu s kvalifikacijama i kompetencijama sudionika projekta ili profesionalno usmjeravanje u području planiranja razvoja karijere, uključujući podizanje ili dopunu kompetencija i stručnih kvalifikacija 4) usluge i instrumente tržišta rada koji vode stjecanju ili stjecanju stručnih kvalifikacija, stjecanju stručnog iskustva, potpori preuzimanju dijela troškova plaća, podupiranju pokretanja poslovanja dodjelom bespovratnih sredstava za osnivanje vlastitog poduzeća. Glavni rezultat projekta bit će prihvaćanje kvalitetnih radnih mjesta za najmanje 38 % sudionika projekta koji ne ispunjavaju uvjete ni za jednu od sljedećih ciljnih skupina, i to: — 12 % sudionika projekta s invaliditetom, – 30 % dugotrajno nezaposlenih sudionika projekta, – 43 % sudionika projekta s niskim kvalifikacijama. (Croatian)
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Scopul proiectului este de a crește capacitatea de inserție profesională a tinerilor cu vârsta sub 30 de ani care sunt șomeri în districtul director. Grupul țintă este de 271 de tineri cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 29 de ani fără un loc de muncă, înregistrați la Biroul Districtual al Muncii din Szczytno ca șomeri, care nu participă la educație și formare (așa-numiții NEET), pentru care a fost stabilit un profil de ajutor I sau II. Proiectul va fi implementat în perioada 1 ianuarie 2016-31 august 2017. Obiectivele proiectului vor fi realizate prin activare profesională pe baza următoarelor activități: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: â EUR 12 % dintre participanții la proiect cu handicap, â EUR 30 % dintre participanții la proiect șomeri pe termen lung, â EUR 43 % dintre participanții la proiect cu un nivel scăzut de calificare. (Romanian)
Scopul proiectului este de a crește șansele de angajare pentru tinerii sub 30 de ani care sunt șomeri în districtul summitului. Grupul țintă este de 271 de tineri cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 29 de ani fără loc de muncă, înregistrați la Oficiul Muncii Poviat din Szczytno ca șomeri, care nu participă la educație și formare (așa-numiții NEET), pentru care s-a stabilit un profil de prim ajutor sau de al doilea ajutor. Proiectul va fi implementat în perioada 1 ianuarie 2016-31 august 2017. Obiectivele proiectului vor fi realizate prin activare profesională pe baza următoarelor activități: 1) identificarea gradului de separare a tinerilor de piața muncii prin stabilirea unui profil de asistență, 2) identificarea nevoilor tinerilor și diagnosticarea oportunităților în domeniul dezvoltării profesionale prin elaborarea unui plan individual de acțiune, 3) intermedierea individuală în selectarea unei profesii compatibile cu calificările și competențele participantului la proiect sau orientarea profesională în domeniul planificării dezvoltării carierei, inclusiv creșterea sau completarea competențelor și calificărilor profesionale 4) servicii și instrumente de pe piața forței de muncă care conduc la dobândirea sau completarea calificărilor profesionale, obținerea de experiență profesională, sprijinirea acceptării unei părți din costurile salariale, sprijinirea înființării unei întreprinderi prin acordarea unui grant pentru înființarea unei întreprinderi. Principalul rezultat al proiectului va fi adoptarea unor locuri de muncă de bună calitate de către cel puțin 38 % dintre participanții la proiect care nu sunt eligibili pentru niciunul dintre următoarele grupuri-țintă și de către: 12 % dintre participanții la proiecte cu handicap, – 30 % dintre participanții la proiecte șomeri de lungă durată – 43 % dintre participanții la proiect cu calificări reduse. (Romanian)
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Cieľom projektu je zvýšiť zamestnateľnosť mladých ľudí vo veku do 30 rokov, ktorí sú nezamestnaní v riadiacom okrese. Cieľovou skupinou je 271 mladých ľudí vo veku 18 – 29 rokov bez zamestnania, zaregistrovaných na okresnom úrade práce v Szczytne ako nezamestnaní, ktorí sa nezúčastňujú na vzdelávaní a odbornej príprave (tzv. NEET), pre ktorých bol vytvorený profil pomoci I alebo II. Projekt sa bude realizovať v období od 1. januára 2016 do 31. augusta 2017. Ciele projektu sa budú realizovať prostredníctvom profesionálnej aktivácie na základe týchto aktivít: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: 12 % účastníkov projektu so zdravotným postihnutím, 30 % dlhodobo nezamestnaných účastníkov projektu, 43 % nízkokvalifikovaných účastníkov projektu. (Slovak)
Cieľom projektu je zvýšiť pracovné príležitosti pre mladých ľudí mladších ako 30 rokov, ktorí sú nezamestnaní v okrese samitu. Cieľovou skupinou je 271 mladých ľudí vo veku 18 – 29 rokov bez práce, zaregistrovaných na úrade práce v Poviatsku v Szczytne ako nezamestnaní, ktorí sa nezúčastňujú na vzdelávaní a odbornej príprave (tzv. NEET), pre ktorých bol vytvorený profil prvej alebo druhej pomoci. Projekt sa bude realizovať v období od 1. januára 2016 do 31. augusta 2017. Ciele projektu sa dosiahnu profesionálnou aktiváciou na základe týchto aktivít: 1) identifikácia stupňa oddelenia mladých ľudí od trhu práce vytvorením profilu pomoci, 2) identifikácia potrieb mladých ľudí a diagnostika príležitostí v oblasti profesijného rozvoja prostredníctvom vypracovania individuálneho akčného plánu, 3) individuálne sprostredkovanie pri výbere povolania v súlade s kvalifikáciou a kompetenciami účastníka projektu alebo profesijné poradenstvo v oblasti plánovania kariérneho rastu vrátane zvyšovania alebo doplnenia kompetencií a odborných kvalifikácií 4) služby a nástroje trhu práce vedúce k získaniu alebo ukončeniu odbornej kvalifikácie, získanie odborných skúseností, podpora pri zakladaní časti mzdových nákladov, podpora pri začatí podnikania udelením grantu na založenie vlastnej spoločnosti. Hlavným výsledkom projektu bude využívanie kvalitných pracovných miest najmenej 38 % účastníkov projektu, ktorí nie sú oprávnení pre žiadnu z týchto cieľových skupín, a tým, že: — 12 % účastníkov projektu so zdravotným postihnutím, – 30 % dlhodobo nezamestnaných účastníkov projektu, – 43 % účastníkov projektu s nízkou kvalifikáciou. (Slovak)
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L-għan tal-proġett huwa li tiżdied l-impjegabbiltà taż-żgħażagħ taħt l-età ta’ 30 sena li huma qiegħda fid-Distrett ta’ Tmexxija. Il-grupp fil-mira huwa 271 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa ta’ bejn it-18 u d-29 sena mingħajr impjieg, irreġistrati fl-Uffiċċju Distrettwali tax-Xogħol fi Szczytno bħala qiegħda, li ma jipparteċipawx fl-edukazzjoni u t-taħriġ (l-hekk imsejħa NEETs), li għalihom ġie stabbilit profil ta’ għajnuna I jew II. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat fil-perjodu mill-1 ta’ Jannar 2016 sal-31 ta’ Awwissu 2017. L-objettivi tal-proġett se jitwettqu permezz ta’ attivazzjoni professjonali bbażata fuq l-attivitajiet li ġejjin: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: â EUR 12 % tal-parteċipanti proġett b’diżabilità, EUR 30 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett fit-tul qiegħda, EUR 43 % tal-parteċipanti proġett b’ħiliet baxxi. (Maltese)
L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jżid l-opportunitajiet ta’ impjieg għaż-żgħażagħ taħt l-età ta’ 30 sena li huma qiegħda fid-distrett tas-summit. Il-grupp fil-mira huwa 271 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa ta’ bejn it-18 u d-29 sena mingħajr xogħol, irreġistrati fl-Uffiċċju tax-Xogħol ta’ Poviat fi Szczytno bħala qiegħda, li ma jipparteċipawx fl-edukazzjoni u t-taħriġ (l-hekk imsejħa NEETs), li għalihom ġie stabbilit profil tal-ewwel jew tat-tieni għajnuna. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat bejn l-1 ta’ Jannar 2016 u l-31 ta’ Awwissu 2017. L-objettivi tal-proġett se jintlaħqu permezz ta’ attivazzjoni professjonali bbażata fuq l-attivitajiet li ġejjin: 1) l-identifikazzjoni tal-grad ta’ separazzjoni taż-żgħażagħ mis-suq tax-xogħol billi jiġi stabbilit profil ta’ assistenza, 2) l-identifikazzjoni tal-ħtiġijiet taż-żgħażagħ u d-dijanjożi tal-opportunitajiet fil-qasam tal-iżvilupp professjonali permezz tal-iżvilupp ta’ Pjan ta’ Azzjoni Individwali, 3) l-intermedjazzjoni individwali fl-għażla ta’ professjoni konsistenti mal-kwalifiki u l-kompetenzi tal-parteċipant fil-proġett jew mal-gwida għall-karriera fil-qasam tal-ippjanar tal-iżvilupp tal-karriera, inkluż iż-żieda jew is-supplimentar tal-kompetenzi u l-kwalifiki professjonali 4) is-servizzi u l-istrumenti tas-suq tax-xogħol li jwasslu għall-kisba jew it-twettiq ta’ kwalifiki professjonali, il-kisba ta’ esperjenza professjonali, l-appoġġ għat-teħid ta’ parti mill-ispejjeż tas-salarji, l-appoġġ għall-bidu ta’ negozju billi jingħata għotja għall-istabbiliment ta’ kumpanija proprja. Ir-riżultat ewlieni tal-proġett se jkun l-adozzjoni ta’ impjiegi ta’ kwalità tajba minn tal-inqas 38 % tal-parteċipanti fil-proġett li mhumiex eliġibbli għal xi wieħed mill-gruppi fil-mira li ġejjin, u billi: — 12 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett b’diżabilità, — 30 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett li ilhom qiegħda fit-tul, — 43 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett bi kwalifiki baxxi. (Maltese)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O objetivo do projeto é aumentar a empregabilidade dos jovens com menos de 30 anos que estão desempregados no Distrito Diretor. O grupo-alvo é de 271 jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 29 anos sem emprego, inscritos no Serviço Distrital de Trabalho de Szczytno como desempregados, que não participam em ações de educação e formação (os chamados NEET), para os quais foi estabelecido um perfil de auxílio I ou II. O projeto será executado no período compreendido entre 1 de janeiro de 2016 e 31 de agosto de 2017. Os objetivos do projeto serão realizados através de ativação profissional com base nas seguintes atividades: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: 12 % dos participantes no projeto com deficiência, 30 % dos participantes no projeto desempregados de longa duração, 43 % dos participantes em projetos pouco qualificados. (Portuguese)
O objetivo do projeto é aumentar a empregabilidade dos jovens com menos de 30 anos que estão desempregados no Distrito Diretor. O grupo-alvo é constituído por 271 jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 29 anos, sem emprego, inscritos na repartição distrital do trabalho de Szczytno como desempregados, que não participam em ações de educação e formação (os chamados NEET), para os quais foi estabelecido um perfil de ajuda I ou II. O projeto será executado no período compreendido entre 1 de janeiro de 2016 e 31 de agosto de 2017. Os objetivos do projeto serão realizados através da ativação profissional com base nas seguintes atividades: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: — 12 % dos participantes em projetos com deficiência, – 30 % dos participantes em projetos desempregados de longa duração, – 43 % dos participantes em projetos pouco qualificados. (Portuguese)
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Hankkeen tavoitteena on parantaa ohjauspiirissä työttömien alle 30-vuotiaiden nuorten työllistettävyyttä. Kohderyhmänä on 271 työtöntä 18–29-vuotiasta nuorta, jotka ovat ilmoittautuneet Szczytnon työttömiksi ja jotka eivät osallistu koulutukseen (ns. NEET-nuoret), joille on vahvistettu tukiprofiili I tai II. Hanke toteutetaan 1. tammikuuta 2016 ja 31. elokuuta 2017 välisenä aikana. Hankkeen tavoitteet toteutetaan ammatillisella aktivoinnilla, joka perustuu seuraaviin toimiin: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: 12 % vammaisen hankkeen osallistujista, 30 % pitkäaikaistyöttömistä projektin osallistujista, 43 % heikosti koulutettujen hankkeiden osallistujista. (Finnish)
Hankkeen tavoitteena on lisätä alle 30-vuotiaiden nuorten työllistymismahdollisuuksia huippukokouksessa. Kohderyhmänä on 271 18–29-vuotiasta 18–29-vuotiasta nuorta, jotka ovat Szczytnon Poviatin työvoimatoimistossa työttöminä ja jotka eivät osallistu koulutukseen (ns. NEET-nuoret), joille on luotu ensimmäinen tai toinen tukiprofiili. Hanke toteutetaan 1.1.2016–31.8.2017. Hankkeen tavoitteet saavutetaan ammattimaisella aktivoinnilla, joka perustuu seuraaviin toimintoihin: 1) nuorten erottaminen työmarkkinoilta määrittämällä tukiprofiili, 2) yksilöimällä nuorten tarpeet ja diagnosoimalla mahdollisuudet ammatillisen kehityksen alalla laatimalla yksilöllinen toimintasuunnitelma, 3) yksittäinen välitys hankkeen osallistujan pätevyyden ja pätevyyden mukaisen ammatin valinnassa tai uraohjaus urakehityksen suunnittelun alalla, mukaan lukien osaamisen ja ammattipätevyyden lisääminen tai täydentäminen 4) palvelut ja työmarkkinavälineet, jotka johtavat ammattipätevyyden hankkimiseen tai suorittamiseen, ammattikokemuksen hankkimiseen, työkokemuksen hankkimiseen, osittaisen palkkakustannusten kattamiseen, liiketoiminnan aloittamisen tukemiseen myöntämällä tukea oman yrityksen perustamiseen. Hankkeen pääasiallisena tuloksena on se, että vähintään 38 prosenttia hankkeen osallistujista, jotka eivät ole tukikelpoisia mihinkään seuraavista kohderyhmistä, ottaa käyttöön laadukkaat työpaikat, ja — 12 prosenttia vammaisista hankkeen osallistujista, – 30 prosenttia pitkäaikaistyöttömistä, – 43 prosenttia matalasti koulutettujen hankkeiden osallistujista. (Finnish)
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Cilj projekta je povečati zaposljivost mladih, mlajših od 30 let, ki so brezposelni v usmerjevalnem okrožju. Ciljna skupina je 271 mladih v starosti od 18 do 29 let brez zaposlitve, prijavljenih na okrožnem uradu za delo v Szczytnem kot brezposelni, ki se ne udeležujejo izobraževanja in usposabljanja (t. i. NEET), za katere je bil vzpostavljen profil pomoči I ali II. Projekt se bo izvajal v obdobju od 1. januarja 2016 do 31. avgusta 2017. Cilji projekta se bodo uresničevali s strokovno aktivacijo na podlagi naslednjih aktivnosti: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: 12 % invalidnih udeležencev projekta, 30 % dolgotrajno brezposelnih udeležencev projekta, 43 % nizko usposobljenih udeležencev projekta. (Slovenian)
Cilj projekta je povečati zaposlitvene možnosti za mlade, mlajše od 30 let, ki so brezposelni v okrožju vrha. Ciljna skupina je 271 mladih, starih od 18 do 29 let, brez dela, ki so v uradu za delo Poviat v Szczytnu registrirani kot brezposelni, ki se ne udeležujejo izobraževanja in usposabljanja (t. i. NEET), za katere je bil vzpostavljen prvi ali drugi profil pomoči. Projekt se bo izvajal med 1. januarjem 2016 in 31. avgustom 2017. Cilji projekta bodo doseženi s strokovno aktivacijo na podlagi naslednjih aktivnosti: 1) opredelitev stopnje ločitve mladih od trga dela z oblikovanjem profila pomoči, 2) ugotavljanje potreb mladih in diagnosticiranje priložnosti na področju razvoja poklicnega razvoja z razvojem individualnega akcijskega načrta, 3) individualno posredovanje pri izbiri poklica, ki je skladno s kvalifikacijami in kompetencami udeleženca projekta, ali poklicno svetovanje na področju načrtovanja poklicnega razvoja, vključno z dvigom ali dopolnjevanjem kompetenc in poklicnih kvalifikacij 4) storitve in instrumenti trga dela, ki vodijo k pridobitvi ali dopolnitvi poklicnih kvalifikacij, pridobivanju poklicnih izkušenj, podpori pri prevzemanju dela stroškov za plače, podpori pri ustanavljanju podjetja z dodelitvijo nepovratnih sredstev za ustanovitev lastnega podjetja. Glavni rezultat projekta bo uporaba kakovostne zaposlitve s strani vsaj 38 % udeležencev projekta, ki niso upravičeni do katere koli od naslednjih ciljnih skupin, in sicer tako, da: — 12 % udeležencev projekta z invalidnostjo, – 30 % dolgotrajno brezposelnih udeležencev projekta, – 43 % udeležencev projekta z nizkimi kvalifikacijami. (Slovenian)
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Cílem projektu je zvýšit zaměstnatelnost mladých lidí mladších 30 let, kteří jsou v řídícím obvodu nezaměstnaní. Cílovou skupinou je 271 mladých lidí ve věku 18–29 let bez zaměstnání, kteří jsou registrováni u okresního úřadu práce ve Szczytnu jako nezaměstnaní, kteří se neúčastní vzdělávání a odborné přípravy (tzv. NEET), pro něž byl stanoven profil podpory I nebo II. Projekt bude realizován v období od 1. ledna 2016 do 31. srpna 2017. Cíle projektu budou realizovány prostřednictvím profesionální aktivace na základě následujících činností: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: â EUR 12 % účastníků projektu se zdravotním postižením, 30 % dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných účastníků projektu, 43 % účastníků projektu s nízkou kvalifikací. (Czech)
Cílem projektu je zvýšit pracovní příležitosti pro mladé lidi mladší 30 let, kteří jsou v okrese summitu nezaměstnaní. Cílovou skupinou je 271 mladých lidí ve věku 18–29 let, kteří jsou registrováni na Úřadu práce Poviat ve Szczytnu jako nezaměstnaní, kteří se neúčastní vzdělávání a odborné přípravy (tzv. NEET), pro něž byl vytvořen profil první nebo druhé pomoci. Projekt bude realizován v období od 1. ledna 2016 do 31. srpna 2017. Cíle projektu budou dosaženy prostřednictvím profesionální aktivace na základě následujících činností: 1) určení stupně oddělení mladých lidí od trhu práce stanovením profilu pomoci, 2) identifikace potřeb mladých lidí a diagnostika příležitostí v oblasti profesního rozvoje prostřednictvím vypracování individuálního akčního plánu, 3) individuální zprostředkování při výběru povolání v souladu s kvalifikací a kompetencemi účastníka projektu nebo kariérní poradenství v oblasti plánování profesního rozvoje, včetně zvyšování nebo doplnění kompetencí a odborné kvalifikace 4) služeb a nástrojů trhu práce vedoucích k získání nebo dokončení odborné kvalifikace, získávání odborné praxe, podpory při přebírání části mzdových nákladů, podpory při zahájení podnikání poskytnutím grantu na založení vlastní společnosti. Hlavním výsledkem projektu bude přijetí kvalitních pracovních míst alespoň 38 % účastníků projektu, kteří nejsou způsobilí pro některou z těchto cílových skupin, a tím, že: — 12 % účastníků projektu se zdravotním postižením, – 30 % dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných účastníků projektu, – 43 % účastníků projektu s nízkou kvalifikací. (Czech)
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Projekto tikslas – padidinti jaunesnių nei 30 metų jaunuolių, kurie yra bedarbiai iniciatyvinėje apygardoje, įsidarbinimo galimybes. Tikslinė grupė yra 271 18–29 metų amžiaus jaunuolis, neturintis darbo, užsiregistravęs Ščetno apskrities darbo biure kaip bedarbias, nedalyvaujantis švietimo ir mokymo programose (vadinamasis NEET), kuriam nustatytas I arba II pagalbos profilis. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas nuo 2016 m. sausio 1 d. iki 2017 m. rugpjūčio 31 d. Projekto tikslai bus įgyvendinami profesinio aktyvumo skatinimo būdu, remiantis šia veikla: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: â EUR 12 % neįgalių projekto dalyvių, ā EUR 30 % ilgalaikių bedarbių projekto dalyvių, â EUR 43 % žemos kvalifikacijos projekto dalyvių. (Lithuanian)
Projekto tikslas – padidinti užimtumo galimybes jaunesniems nei 30 metų jaunuoliams, kurie yra bedarbiai aukščiausiojo lygio susitikimo rajone. Tikslinė grupė yra 271 18–29 metų amžiaus bedarbis, užsiregistravęs Poviat darbo biure Szczytno kaip bedarbis, kurie nedalyvauja švietimo ir mokymo programose (vadinamieji NEET jaunuoliai), kuriems nustatytas pirmosios arba antrosios pagalbos profilis. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas nuo 2016 m. sausio 1 d. iki 2017 m. rugpjūčio 31 d. 1) jaunimo atskyrimo nuo darbo rinkos laipsnio nustatymas nustatant pagalbos profilį, 2) jaunimo poreikių ir diagnozavimo galimybių nustatymas profesinio tobulėjimo srityje parengiant individualų veiksmų planą, 3) individualus tarpininkavimas atrenkant profesiją, atitinkančią projekto dalyvio kvalifikaciją ir kompetenciją, arba karjeros orientavimas karjeros plėtros planavimo srityje, įskaitant kompetencijų ir profesinių kvalifikacijų kėlimą ar papildymą 4) paslaugos ir darbo rinkos priemonės, padedančios įgyti ar įgyti profesinę kvalifikaciją, įgyti profesinės patirties, padėti padengti dalį darbo užmokesčio išlaidų, remti pradedant verslą, skiriant dotaciją savo įmonės steigimui. Pagrindinis projekto rezultatas bus tai, kad ne mažiau kaip 38 proc. projekto dalyvių, neatitinkančių reikalavimų nė vienai iš toliau nurodytų tikslinių grupių, gaus kokybiškų darbo vietų ir: – 12 proc. neįgalių projekto dalyvių, – 30 proc. ilgalaikių bedarbių projekto dalyvių, – 43 proc. žemos kvalifikacijos projekto dalyvių. (Lithuanian)
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Projekta mērķis ir palielināt to jauniešu nodarbināmību, kuri ir jaunāki par 30 gadiem un kuri ir bezdarbnieki vadības rajonā. Mērķa grupa ir 271 jaunieši vecumā no 18 līdz 29 gadiem bez darba, kas reģistrēti Ščitno rajona Darba birojā kā bezdarbnieki, kuri nepiedalās izglītībā un apmācībā (tā sauktie NEET), kuriem ir izveidots I vai II palīdzības profils. Projekts tiks īstenots laikposmā no 2016. gada 1. janvāra līdz 2017. gada 31. augustam. Projekta mērķi tiks īstenoti, izmantojot profesionālu aktivizēšanu, pamatojoties uz šādām darbībām: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: EUR 12 % no projekta dalībniekiem ar invaliditāti, EUR 30 % no ilgtermiņa bezdarbniekiem projekta dalībniekiem, EUR 43 % no mazkvalificētiem projekta dalībniekiem. (Latvian)
Projekta mērķis ir palielināt nodarbinātības iespējas jauniešiem vecumā līdz 30 gadiem, kuri ir bezdarbnieki sammita rajonā. Mērķa grupa ir 271 jaunieši vecumā no 18 līdz 29 gadiem bez darba, kas reģistrēti Poviat Darba birojā Ščetno kā bezdarbnieki, kuri nepiedalās izglītībā un apmācībā (t. s. NEET), kuriem ir izveidots pirmais vai otrais palīdzības profils. Projekts tiks īstenots no 2016. gada 1. janvāra līdz 2017. gada 31. augustam. Projekta mērķi tiks sasniegti, veicot profesionālu aktivizāciju, pamatojoties uz šādām aktivitātēm: 1) jauniešu nodalīšanas no darba tirgus pakāpes noteikšana, izveidojot palīdzības profilu, 2) jauniešu vajadzību apzināšana un iespēju noteikšana profesionālās attīstības jomā, izstrādājot individuālo rīcības plānu, 3) individuāla starpniecība profesijas izvēlē, kas atbilst projekta dalībnieka kvalifikācijai un kompetencei vai profesionālajai orientācijai karjeras attīstības plānošanas jomā, tai skaitā kompetences un profesionālās kvalifikācijas paaugstināšana vai papildināšana; 4) pakalpojumi un darba tirgus instrumenti profesionālās kvalifikācijas iegūšanai vai pabeigšanai, profesionālās pieredzes iegūšana, atbalsts daļējas algas izmaksu uzņemšanai, atbalsts uzņēmējdarbības uzsākšanai, piešķirot stipendiju sava uzņēmuma dibināšanai. Projekta galvenais rezultāts būs kvalitatīvas nodarbinātības ieviešana vismaz 38 % projekta dalībnieku, kas neatbilst nevienai no šādām mērķgrupām, un: 12 % projektu dalībnieku ar invaliditāti, — 30 % ilgtermiņa bezdarbnieku projekta dalībnieku, — 43 % projekta dalībnieku ar zemu kvalifikāciju. (Latvian)
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Целта на проекта е да се повиши пригодността за заетост на младите хора на възраст под 30 години, които са безработни в Управляващия район. Целевата група е 271 младежи на възраст 18—29 години без работа, регистрирани в Областната служба по труда в Шчитно като безработни, които не участват в образованието и обучението (т.нар. NEET), за които е създаден I или II профил на помощ. Проектът ще бъде реализиран в периода от 1 януари 2016 г. до 31 август 2017 г. Целите на проекта ще бъдат реализирани чрез професионално активиране въз основа на следните дейности: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: 12 % от участниците в проекти с увреждания, 30 % от дългосрочно безработните участници в проекти, 43 % от нискоквалифицираните участници в проекти. (Bulgarian)
Целта на проекта е да се увеличат възможностите за заетост на младите хора на възраст под 30 години, които са безработни в областта на срещата на върха. Целевата група е 271 младежи на възраст 18—29 години без работа, регистрирани в Бюрото по труда в Повиат в Шчитно като безработни, които не участват в образование и обучение (т.нар. NEET), за които е установен профил на първа или втора помощ. Проектът ще бъде изпълнен между 1 януари 2016 г. и 31 август 2017 г. Целите на проекта ще бъдат постигнати чрез професионално активиране въз основа на следните дейности: 1) определяне на степента на отделяне на младите хора от пазара на труда чрез създаване на профил на помощта, 2) определяне на потребностите на младите хора и диагностициране на възможностите в областта на професионалното развитие чрез разработване на индивидуален план за действие, 3) индивидуално посредничество при избора на професия, съответстваща на квалификациите и компетентностите на участника в проекта или професионално ориентиране в областта на планирането на кариерното развитие, включително повишаване или допълване на компетентности и професионални квалификации 4) услуги и инструменти на пазара на труда, водещи до придобиване или завършване на професионални квалификации, придобиване на професионален опит, подпомагане при поемането на част от разходите за заплати, подпомагане при започване на стопанска дейност чрез предоставяне на безвъзмездни средства за създаването на собствено дружество. Основният резултат от проекта ще бъде усвояването на качествена заетост от най-малко 38 % от участниците в проекта, които не отговарят на условията за някоя от следните целеви групи, и от: — 12 % от участниците в проекта с увреждания, — 30 % от трайно безработните участници в проекта, — 43 % от участниците в проекта с ниска квалификация. (Bulgarian)
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A projekt célja az irányító körzetben munkanélküli 30 év alatti fiatalok foglalkoztathatóságának növelése. A célcsoport 271 18–29 éves, állás nélküli fiatal, akiket a szczytnoi kerületi munkaügyi hivatal munkanélküliként regisztrált, és akik nem vesznek részt oktatásban és képzésben (ún. NEET-fiatalok), akik számára I. vagy II. támogatási profilt hoztak létre. A projekt végrehajtására a 2016. január 1-jétől 2017. augusztus 31-ig tartó időszakban kerül sor. A projekt célkitűzései a következő tevékenységeken alapuló szakmai aktiválással valósulnak meg: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: a fogyatékossággal élő projekt résztvevőinek 12%-a, a tartósan munkanélküli projektek résztvevőinek 30%-a, az alacsony képzettségű projektek résztvevőinek 43%-a. (Hungarian)
A projekt célja, hogy növelje a 30 év alatti fiatalok foglalkoztatási lehetőségeit, akik munkanélküliek a csúcstalálkozón. A célcsoport 271, 18–29 év közötti, munka nélkül élő, a szczytnoi Poviat Munkaügyi Hivatalban munkanélküliként nyilvántartott, oktatásban és képzésben nem részt vevő (úgynevezett NEET-fiatal), akik számára első vagy második segélyezési profilt alakítottak ki. A projekt 2016. január 1. és 2017. augusztus 31. között valósul meg. A projekt célkitűzései a következő tevékenységeken alapuló szakmai aktiválással valósulnak meg: 1) a fiatalok munkaerőpiactól való elválasztása mértékének meghatározása segítségnyújtási profil kialakításával, 2) a fiatalok szükségleteinek azonosítása és a szakmai fejlődés területén rejlő lehetőségek diagnosztizálása egyéni cselekvési terv kidolgozása révén, 3) egyéni közvetítés egy szakma kiválasztásában, összhangban a projekt résztvevőjének képesítésével és kompetenciáival, vagy pályaorientáció a karriertervezés területén, beleértve a kompetenciák és a szakmai képesítések emelését vagy kiegészítését; 4) a szakmai képesítések megszerzését vagy megszerzését eredményező szolgáltatások és munkaerő-piaci eszközök, szakmai tapasztalat megszerzése, a bérköltségek egy részének igénybevételének támogatása, a vállalkozás indításának támogatása azáltal, hogy támogatást nyújtanak saját vállalkozásuk alapításához. A projekt fő eredménye az lesz, hogy a projekt résztvevőinek legalább 38%-a a következő célcsoportok egyikében sem jogosult a jó minőségű foglalkoztatásra, valamint az alábbiak révén: – A fogyatékkal élő projekt résztvevőinek 12%-a, – a tartósan munkanélküli projekt résztvevőinek 30%-a, az alacsony képzettségű projektrésztvevők 43%-a. (Hungarian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Is é aidhm an tionscadail cur le hinfhostaitheacht daoine óga faoi bhun 30 bliain d’aois atá dífhostaithe sa Cheantar Stiúrtha. Is é 271 duine óg an spriocghrúpa atá idir 18 agus 29 mbliana d’aois gan post, atá cláraithe san Oifig Saothair Cheantair in Szczytno mar dhaoine dífhostaithe, nach nglacann páirt in oideachas agus in oiliúint (ar a dtugtar NEETanna), a bhfuil próifíl cúnaimh I nó II bunaithe dóibh. Cuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm sa tréimhse ón 1 Eanáir 2016 go dtí an 31 Lúnasa 2017. Bainfear cuspóirí an tionscadail amach trí ghníomhachtú gairmiúil bunaithe ar na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: EUR 12 % de rannpháirtithe tionscadail faoi mhíchumas, â EUR 30 % de na rannpháirtithe tionscadail fad-téarma dífhostaithe, â EUR 43 % de na rannpháirtithe tionscadail íseal-oilte. (Irish)
Is é aidhm an tionscadail deiseanna fostaíochta a mhéadú do dhaoine óga faoi bhun 30 bliain d’aois atá dífhostaithe i gceantar an chruinnithe mullaigh. Is é 271 duine óg idir 18 agus 29 mbliana d’aois an spriocghrúpa, atá cláraithe in Oifig Saothair Poviat in Szczytno mar dhaoine dífhostaithe, nach nglacann páirt in oideachas agus in oiliúint (ar a dtugtar NEETanna), a bhfuil próifíl chéadchabhrach nó dara cabhair bunaithe dóibh. Cuirfear an tionscadal chun feidhme idir an 1 Eanáir 2016 agus an 31 Lúnasa 2017. Bainfear cuspóirí an tionscadail amach trí ghníomhachtú gairmiúil bunaithe ar na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas: 1) an leibhéal deighilte idir daoine óga agus margadh an tsaothair a shainaithint trí phróifíl cúnaimh a bhunú, 2) riachtanais daoine óga a shainaithint agus deiseanna i réimse na forbartha gairmiúla a dhiagnóisiú trí Phlean Gníomhaíochta Aonair a fhorbairt, 3) idirghabháil aonair i roghnú gairme i gcomhréir le cáilíochtaí agus inniúlachtaí an rannpháirtí tionscadail nó gairmthreoir i réimse na pleanála forbartha gairme, lena n-áirítear inniúlachtaí agus cáilíochtaí gairmiúla a ardú nó a fhorlíonadh 4) seirbhísí agus ionstraimí mhargadh an tsaothair as a dtiocfaidh gnóthú nó cur i gcrích cáilíochtaí gairmiúla, taithí ghairmiúil a fháil, tacú le cuid de na costais tuarastail a ghlacadh, tacú le gnó a thosú trí dheontas a dheonú chun cuideachta amháin féin a bhunú. Is é príomhthoradh an tionscadail go nglacfaidh 38 % ar a laghad de rannpháirtithe tionscadail nach bhfuil incháilithe d’aon cheann de na spriocghrúpaí seo a leanas fostaíocht ar ardchaighdeán, agus mar seo a leanas: — 12 % de rannpháirtithe tionscadail atá faoi mhíchumas, — 30 % de rannpháirtithe tionscadail atá dífhostaithe go fadtéarmach — 43 % de na rannpháirtithe tionscadail a bhfuil cáilíochtaí ísle acu. (Irish)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Syftet med projektet är att öka anställbarheten för ungdomar under 30 år som är arbetslösa i styrdistriktet. Målgruppen är 271 ungdomar i åldern 18–29 år utan arbete, registrerade vid distriktsarbetskontoret i Szczytno som arbetslösa, som inte deltar i utbildning (så kallade NEET), för vilka en I- eller II-stödprofil har fastställts. Projektet kommer att genomföras under perioden 1 januari 2016–31 augusti 2017. Projektets mål kommer att uppnås genom professionell aktivering baserad på följande aktiviteter: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: â EUR 12 % av deltagarna i projekt med funktionsnedsättning, 30 % av långtidsarbetslösa projektdeltagare, 43 % av de lågkvalificerade projektdeltagarna. (Swedish)
Syftet med projektet är att öka sysselsättningsmöjligheterna för ungdomar under 30 år som är arbetslösa i toppmötesdistriktet. Målgruppen är 271 ungdomar i åldern 18–29 år utan arbete, registrerade vid Poviat Labour Office i Szczytno som arbetslösa, som inte deltar i utbildning (så kallade NEET), för vilka en första eller andra hjälpprofil har fastställts. Projektet kommer att genomföras mellan den 1 januari 2016 och den 31 augusti 2017. Projektets mål uppnås genom professionell aktivering utifrån följande aktiviteter: 1) fastställa graden av avskiljande av ungdomar från arbetsmarknaden genom att fastställa en profil för stödet, 2) identifiera ungdomars behov och diagnostisera möjligheter inom området för utveckling av yrkesutveckling genom att utarbeta en individuell handlingsplan, 3) individuell förmedling vid urvalet av ett yrke som överensstämmer med projektdeltagarens kvalifikationer och kompetens eller karriärvägledning inom karriärutvecklingsplaneringen, inbegripet att höja eller komplettera kompetenser och yrkeskvalifikationer 4) tjänster och arbetsmarknadsinstrument som leder till förvärv eller slutförande av yrkeskvalifikationer, erhållande av yrkeserfarenhet, stöd för att ta upp en del av lönekostnaderna, stödja startandet av ett företag genom att bevilja bidrag för etablering av ett eget företag. Det huvudsakliga resultatet av projektet är att minst 38 % av de projektdeltagare som inte är berättigade till någon av följande målgrupper kommer att utnyttja sysselsättningen av god kvalitet, och av följande: — 12 % av deltagarna i projektet med funktionshinder – 30 % av de långtidsarbetslösa projektdeltagarna – 43 % av projektdeltagarna med låga kvalifikationer. (Swedish)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projekti eesmärk on suurendada juhtpiirkonnas töötute alla 30-aastaste noorte tööalast konkurentsivõimet. Sihtrühmaks on 271 töötut, 18–29-aastast tööta noort, kes on registreeritud Szczytno piirkondlikus tööbüroos töötutena, kes ei osale hariduses ega koolituses (nn NEET-noored), kelle jaoks on loodud I või II abiprofiil. Projekt viiakse ellu ajavahemikul 1. jaanuarist 2016 kuni 31. augustini 2017. Projekti eesmärgid saavutatakse professionaalse aktiveerimise kaudu, mis põhineb järgmistel tegevustel: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: 12 % puuetega projektis osalejatest, 30 % pikaajaliste töötute projektis osalejatest, 43 % madala kvalifikatsiooniga projektis osalejatest. (Estonian)
Projekti eesmärk on suurendada tippkohtumise piirkonnas töötute alla 30-aastaste noorte tööhõivevõimalusi. Sihtrühmaks on 271 töötuks jäänud 18–29-aastast noort, kes on registreeritud töötuna Poviati tööbüroos Szczytnos, kes ei osale hariduses ja koolituses (nn NEET-noored), kellele on kehtestatud esimene või teine abiprofiil. Projekt viiakse ellu ajavahemikus 1. jaanuarist 2016 kuni 31. augustini 2017. Projekti eesmärgid saavutatakse professionaalse aktiveerimisega, mis põhineb järgmistel tegevustel: 1) noorte tööturult eraldamise määra kindlaksmääramine abiprofiili kehtestamise teel, 2) noorte vajaduste kindlakstegemine ja kutsealase arengu võimaluste diagnoosimine individuaalse tegevuskava väljatöötamise kaudu, 3) individuaalne vahendamine kutseala valimisel kooskõlas projektis osaleja kvalifikatsiooni ja pädevustega või karjäärinõustamine karjääriarenduse planeerimise valdkonnas, sealhulgas pädevuste ja kutsekvalifikatsioonide suurendamine või täiendamine), 4) teenused ja tööturuvahendid, mis viivad kutsekvalifikatsiooni omandamise või omandamiseni, töökogemuse saamiseni, palgakulude osalise katmise toetamisele, ettevõtluse alustamise toetamisele, toetuse andmisele oma ettevõtte asutamiseks. Projekti peamine tulemus on kvaliteetse tööhõive kasutuselevõtt vähemalt 38 % projektis osalejate poolt, kes ei vasta ühelegi järgmistest sihtrühmadest, ning – 12 % puudega projektides osalejatest, – 30 % pikaajaliste töötute projektis osalejatest, – 43 % madala kvalifikatsiooniga projektis osalejatest. (Estonian)
Property / contained in NUTS: Olsztyński / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Szczytno / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Szczytno / qualifier
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Sustainable and quality employment / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
24 May 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 24 May 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 06:31, 13 October 2024

Project Q89847 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Activation of young people who are unemployed in the Steering District (II)
Project Q89847 in Poland


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    2,100,370.17 zloty
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    466,912.29 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,285,744.01 zloty
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    508,120.89 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    91.89 percent
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    1 January 2016
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    31 August 2017
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    53°32'30.26"N, 21°1'6.10"E
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    Celem projektu jest zwiększenie możliwości zatrudnienia osób młodych poniżej 30 roku życia pozostających bez pracy w powiecie szczycieńskim. Grupa docelowa to 271 młodych osób w wieku 18-29 lat bez pracy, zarejestrowanych w Powiatowym Urzędzie Pracy w Szczytnie jako bezrobotne, które nie uczestniczą w kształceniu i szkoleniu (tzw. młodzież NEET), dla których został ustalony I lub II profil pomocy. Projekt będzie realizowany w okresie od 1 stycznia 2016 r. do 31 sierpnia 2017 r. Cele projektu zostaną zrealizowane poprzez aktywizację zawodową opartą na nastepujących działaniach: 1) identyfikacja stopnia oddalenia osób młodych od rynku pracy poprzez ustalenie profilu pomocy, 2) identyfikacja potrzeb osób młodych oraz diagnozowanie możliwości w zakresie doskonalenia zawodowego poprzez opracowanie Indywidualnego Planu Działania, 3) indywidualne pośrednictwo w zakresie wyboru zawodu zgodnego z kwalifikacjami i kompetencjami uczestnika projektu lub poradnictwo zawodowe w zakresie planowania rozwoju kariery zawodowej, w tym podnoszenia lub uzupełniania kompetencji i kwalifikacji zawodowych 4) usługi i instrumenty rynku pracy prowadzące do nabycia lub uzupełnienia kwalifikacji zawodowych, uzyskania doświadczenia zawodowego, wspierające w podjęciu zatrudnienia poprzez refundację części kosztów wynagrodzeń, wspierające w podjęciu działalności gospodarczej poprzez udzielenie dotacji na założenie własnej firmy. Głównym rezultatem projektu będzie podjęcie dobrej jakości zatrudnienia przez co najmniej 38% uczestników projektu niekwalifikujących się do żadnej z poniżej wymienionych grup docelowych, oraz przez: - 12% niepełnosprawnych uczestników projektu, - 30% długotrwale bezrobotnych uczestników projektu, - 43% uczestników projektu o niskich kwalifikacjach. (Polish)
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to increase the employability of young people under the age of 30 who are unemployed in the Steering District. The target group is 271 young people aged 18-29 years without a job, registered at the District Labour Office in Szczytno as unemployed, who do not participate in education and training (the so-called NEETs), for whom a I or II aid profile has been established. The project will be implemented in the period from 1 January 2016 to 31 August 2017. The objectives of the project will be realised through professional activation based on the following activities: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: — 12 % of disabled project participants, – 30 % of long-term unemployed project participants, – 43 % of low-skilled project participants. (English)
    15 October 2020
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    L’objectif du projet est d’accroître les possibilités d’emploi pour les jeunes de moins de 30 ans sans emploi dans le district du sommet. Le groupe cible est de 271 jeunes âgés de 18 à 29 ans sans emploi, inscrits au bureau du travail de Poviat à Szczytno en tant que chômeurs, qui ne participent pas à l’éducation et à la formation (les NEET), pour lesquels un profil d’aide première ou deuxième a été établi. Le projet sera mis en œuvre entre le 1er janvier 2016 et le 31 août 2017. Les objectifs du projet seront atteints par l’activation professionnelle sur la base des activités suivantes: 1) l’identification du degré de séparation des jeunes du marché du travail par l’établissement d’un profil d’assistance, 2) l’identification des besoins des jeunes et le diagnostic des possibilités dans le domaine du développement professionnel par l’élaboration d’un plan d’action individuel, 3) l’intermédiation individuelle dans la sélection d’une profession compatible avec les qualifications et les compétences du participant au projet ou l’orientation professionnelle dans le domaine de la planification de carrière, y compris le relèvement ou le complément de compétences et de qualifications professionnelles 4) les services et les instruments du marché du travail conduisant à l’acquisition ou à l’achèvement des qualifications professionnelles, l’obtention d’une expérience professionnelle, l’accompagnement à la prise en charge d’une partie des coûts salariaux, le soutien à la création d’une entreprise par l’octroi d’une subvention pour la création d’une entreprise. Le principal résultat du projet sera l’adoption d’emplois de bonne qualité par au moins 38 % des participants au projet qui ne sont pas éligibles à l’un des groupes cibles suivants, et par: — 12 % des participants handicapés au projet, — 30 % des participants au projet au chômage de longue durée, — 43 % des participants au projet peu qualifiés. (French)
    30 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für junge Menschen unter 30 Jahren zu erhöhen, die im Gipfelbezirk arbeitslos sind. Zielgruppe sind 271 junge Menschen im Alter von 18 bis 29 Jahren ohne Arbeit, die im Arbeitsamt Poviat in Szczytno als arbeitslos registriert sind, die nicht an einer allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung teilnehmen (die sogenannten NEETs), für die ein Erst- oder Zweithilfeprofil erstellt wurde. Das Projekt wird zwischen dem 1. Januar 2016 und dem 31. August 2017 durchgeführt. Die Ziele des Projekts werden durch professionelle Aktivierung auf der Grundlage folgender Aktivitäten erreicht: 1) Ermittlung des Grads der Trennung junger Menschen vom Arbeitsmarkt durch Erstellung eines Unterstützungsprofils, 2) Ermittlung des Bedarfs junger Menschen und Diagnose von Chancen im Bereich der beruflichen Entwicklung durch Ausarbeitung eines individuellen Aktionsplans, 3) individuelle Vermittlung bei der Auswahl eines Berufs im Einklang mit den Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen des Projektteilnehmers oder Berufsberatung im Bereich der Laufbahnentwicklungsplanung, einschließlich der Erhöhung oder Ergänzung von Kompetenzen und beruflichen Qualifikationen 4) Dienstleistungen und Arbeitsmarktinstrumente, die zum Erwerb oder zum Abschluss von beruflichen Qualifikationen führen, Berufserfahrung sammeln, einen Teil der Lohnkosten unterstützen, die Unterstützung bei der Unternehmensgründung durch Gewährung eines Zuschusses für die Gründung eines eigenen Unternehmens. Das Hauptergebnis des Projekts ist die Aufnahme hochwertiger Arbeitsplätze durch mindestens 38 % der Projektteilnehmer, die nicht für eine der folgenden Zielgruppen in Frage kommen, und durch: — 12 % der Projektteilnehmer mit Behinderungen, – 30 % der langzeitarbeitslosen Projektteilnehmer – 43 % der Projektteilnehmer mit geringer Qualifikation. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Het doel van het project is het vergroten van de arbeidskansen voor jongeren onder de 30 jaar die werkloos zijn in het topdistrict. De doelgroep is 271 jongeren van 18-29 jaar zonder werk, ingeschreven bij het Arbeidsbureau Poviat in Szczytno als werkloos, die niet deelnemen aan onderwijs en opleiding (de zogenaamde NEET’s), voor wie een eerste of tweede hulpprofiel is vastgesteld. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd tussen 1 januari 2016 en 31 augustus 2017. De doelstellingen van het project zullen worden bereikt door middel van professionele activering op basis van de volgende activiteiten: 1) identificatie van de mate waarin jongeren van de arbeidsmarkt zijn gescheiden door een profiel van bijstand vast te stellen, 2) de behoeften van jongeren vast te stellen en kansen op het gebied van de ontwikkeling van de beroepsontwikkeling te diagnosticeren door middel van de ontwikkeling van een individueel actieplan, 3) individuele bemiddeling bij de selectie van een beroep dat strookt met de kwalificaties en competenties van de projectdeelnemer of loopbaanbegeleiding op het gebied van loopbaanontwikkelingsplanning, met inbegrip van het verhogen of aanvullen van competenties en beroepskwalificaties 4) diensten en arbeidsmarktinstrumenten die leiden tot het verwerven of voltooien van beroepskwalificaties, het verkrijgen van beroepservaring, het ondersteunen van een deel van de loonkosten, het ondersteunen bij het starten van een bedrijf door het verlenen van een subsidie voor de vestiging van een eigen bedrijf. Het belangrijkste resultaat van het project is dat ten minste 38 % van de projectdeelnemers die niet voor een van de volgende doelgroepen in aanmerking komen, van kwalitatief goede werkgelegenheid gebruikmaken, en door: — 12 % van de gehandicapte projectdeelnemers, — 30 % van de langdurig werklozen projectdeelnemers, 43 % van de projectdeelnemers met lage kwalificaties. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di aumentare le opportunità di occupazione per i giovani di età inferiore ai 30 anni disoccupati nel distretto del vertice. Il gruppo target è costituito da 271 giovani di età compresa tra i 18 e i 29 anni senza lavoro, iscritti all'Ufficio del lavoro di Poviat a Szczytno come disoccupati, che non partecipano all'istruzione e alla formazione (i cosiddetti NEET), per i quali è stato stabilito un profilo di primo o secondo aiuto. Il progetto sarà attuato tra il 1º gennaio 2016 e il 31 agosto 2017. Gli obiettivi del progetto saranno raggiunti attraverso l'attivazione professionale basata sulle seguenti attività: 1) l'individuazione del grado di separazione dei giovani dal mercato del lavoro attraverso la definizione di un profilo di assistenza, 2) l'individuazione delle esigenze dei giovani e la diagnosi di opportunità nel campo dello sviluppo professionale attraverso l'elaborazione di un piano d'azione individuale, 3) l'intermediazione individuale nella selezione di una professione coerente con le qualifiche e le competenze del partecipante al progetto o l'orientamento professionale nel campo della pianificazione dello sviluppo della carriera, compresa l'aumento o l'integrazione di competenze e qualifiche professionali 4) servizi e strumenti del mercato del lavoro che portano all'acquisizione o al completamento delle qualifiche professionali, l'acquisizione di esperienza professionale, il sostegno nell'assunzione di una parte dei costi salariali, il sostegno all'avvio di un'impresa attraverso la concessione di una sovvenzione per la costituzione della propria impresa. Il risultato principale del progetto sarà l'assunzione di posti di lavoro di buona qualità da parte di almeno il 38 % dei partecipanti al progetto non ammissibili a nessuno dei seguenti gruppi destinatari, e da: — Il 12 % dei partecipanti al progetto disabili, — il 30 % dei partecipanti al progetto disoccupati di lungo periodo, — 43 % dei partecipanti al progetto con scarse qualifiche. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto es aumentar las oportunidades de empleo para los jóvenes menores de 30 años que están desempleados en el distrito de la cumbre. El grupo destinatario son 271 jóvenes de 18 a 29 años sin trabajo, inscritos en la Oficina de Trabajo de Poviat en Szczytno como desempleados, que no participan en la educación y la formación (los denominados ninis), para los que se ha establecido un perfil de primeros o segundos auxilios. El proyecto se ejecutará entre el 1 de enero de 2016 y el 31 de agosto de 2017. Los objetivos del proyecto se lograrán mediante la activación profesional basada en las siguientes actividades: 1) identificación del grado de separación de los jóvenes del mercado laboral mediante el establecimiento de un perfil de asistencia, 2) identificación de las necesidades de los jóvenes y diagnóstico de oportunidades en el ámbito del desarrollo profesional mediante la elaboración de un plan de acción individual, 3) intermediación individual en la selección de una profesión acorde con las cualificaciones y competencias del participante en el proyecto o orientación profesional en el ámbito de la planificación del desarrollo profesional, incluida la elevación o el complemento de competencias y cualificaciones profesionales 4) servicios e instrumentos del mercado laboral que conduzcan a la adquisición o finalización de cualificaciones profesionales, la obtención de experiencia profesional, el apoyo a la asunción de una parte de los costes salariales, el apoyo a la creación de una empresa mediante la concesión de una subvención para la creación de una empresa propia. El principal resultado del proyecto será la utilización de un empleo de buena calidad por al menos el 38 % de los participantes en el proyecto que no sean elegibles para ninguno de los siguientes grupos destinatarios, y por: — 12 % de los participantes en proyectos con discapacidad, — 30 % de los participantes en proyectos de desempleo de larga duración — 43 % de los participantes en proyectos con baja cualificación. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
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    Formålet med projektet er at øge beskæftigelsesmulighederne for unge under 30 år, der er arbejdsløse i topmødedistriktet. Målgruppen er 271 unge i alderen 18-29 år uden arbejde, der er registreret i Poviat arbejdsformidlingen i Szczytno som arbejdsløse, der ikke deltager i uddannelse (de såkaldte NEET'er), for hvem der er oprettet en første eller anden støtteprofil. Projektet vil blive gennemført mellem den 1. januar 2016 og den 31. august 2017. Målsætningen for projektet vil blive nået gennem professionel aktivering baseret på følgende aktiviteter: 1) identifikation af graden af adskillelse af unge fra arbejdsmarkedet ved oprettelse af en støtteprofil, 2) identifikation af unges behov og diagnosticering af muligheder inden for faglig udvikling gennem udvikling af en individuel handlingsplan, 3) individuel formidling i udvælgelsen af et erhverv, der er i overensstemmelse med projektdeltagerens kvalifikationer og kompetencer eller karrierevejledning inden for karriereudviklingsplanlægning, herunder forøgelse eller supplering af kompetencer og faglige kvalifikationer 4) tjenesteydelser og arbejdsmarkedsinstrumenter, der fører til erhvervelse eller fuldførelse af faglige kvalifikationer, opnåelse af erhvervserfaring, støtte til deltagelse i en del af lønomkostningerne, støtte til etablering af en virksomhed ved at yde tilskud til etablering af egen virksomhed. Hovedresultatet af projektet vil være, at mindst 38 % af projektdeltagerne, der ikke er berettiget til nogen af følgende målgrupper, får beskæftigelse af god kvalitet, og af: — 12 % af de handicappede projektdeltagere — 30 % af projektdeltagerne for langtidsledige — 43 % af projektdeltagerne med ringe kvalifikationer. (Danish)
    26 July 2022
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    Στόχος του σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση των ευκαιριών απασχόλησης για τους νέους κάτω των 30 ετών που είναι άνεργοι στην περιοχή της συνόδου κορυφής. Η ομάδα-στόχος είναι 271 νέοι ηλικίας 18-29 ετών χωρίς εργασία, εγγεγραμμένοι στο Γραφείο Εργασίας του Poviat στο Szczytno ως άνεργοι, οι οποίοι δεν συμμετέχουν στην εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση (οι λεγόμενοι ΕΑΕΚ), για τους οποίους έχει καθιερωθεί ένα προφίλ πρώτης ή δεύτερης βοήθειας. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί μεταξύ 1ης Ιανουαρίου 2016 και 31ης Αυγούστου 2017. Οι στόχοι του έργου θα επιτευχθούν μέσω επαγγελματικής ενεργοποίησης με βάση τις ακόλουθες δραστηριότητες: 1) προσδιορισμός του βαθμού διαχωρισμού των νέων από την αγορά εργασίας με την κατάρτιση προφίλ βοήθειας, 2) προσδιορισμός των αναγκών των νέων και διάγνωση ευκαιριών στον τομέα της επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης μέσω της ανάπτυξης ατομικού σχεδίου δράσης, 3) ατομική διαμεσολάβηση κατά την επιλογή ενός επαγγέλματος που συνάδει με τα προσόντα και τις ικανότητες του συμμετέχοντος στο σχέδιο ή επαγγελματική καθοδήγηση στον τομέα του σχεδιασμού εξέλιξης της σταδιοδρομίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της αύξησης ή της συμπλήρωσης ικανοτήτων και επαγγελματικών προσόντων 4) υπηρεσιών και μέσων της αγοράς εργασίας που οδηγούν στην απόκτηση ή την ολοκλήρωση επαγγελματικών προσόντων, απόκτηση επαγγελματικής πείρας, υποστήριξη για την ανάληψη μέρους των μισθολογικών δαπανών, στήριξη για την έναρξη επιχείρησης με τη χορήγηση επιχορήγησης για την ίδρυση της ίδιας της εταιρείας. Το κύριο αποτέλεσμα του σχεδίου θα είναι η αξιοποίηση ποιοτικής απασχόλησης τουλάχιστον από το 38 % των συμμετεχόντων στο έργο που δεν είναι επιλέξιμοι για καμία από τις ακόλουθες ομάδες-στόχους, και από: — 12 % των συμμετεχόντων σε έργα με αναπηρία, — 30 % των μακροχρόνια ανέργων που συμμετέχουν σε έργα, — 43 % των συμμετεχόντων σε έργα με χαμηλά προσόντα. (Greek)
    26 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta je povećati mogućnosti zapošljavanja za mlade mlađe od 30 godina koji su nezaposleni u okrugu samita. Ciljna skupina je 271 mlada osoba u dobi od 18 do 29 godina bez posla, registrirana u Uredu za rad Poviata u Szczytnu kao nezaposleni, koji ne sudjeluju u obrazovanju i osposobljavanju (tzv. NEET-ovi), za koje je uspostavljen profil prve ili druge pomoći. Projekt će se provoditi od 1. siječnja 2016. do 31. kolovoza 2017. Ciljevi projekta ostvarit će se profesionalnom aktivacijom na temelju sljedećih aktivnosti: 1) utvrđivanje stupnja odvajanja mladih od tržišta rada utvrđivanjem profila pomoći, 2) utvrđivanje potreba mladih i dijagnosticiranje mogućnosti u području profesionalnog razvoja kroz izradu individualnog akcijskog plana, 3) individualno posredovanje u odabiru profesije u skladu s kvalifikacijama i kompetencijama sudionika projekta ili profesionalno usmjeravanje u području planiranja razvoja karijere, uključujući podizanje ili dopunu kompetencija i stručnih kvalifikacija 4) usluge i instrumente tržišta rada koji vode stjecanju ili stjecanju stručnih kvalifikacija, stjecanju stručnog iskustva, potpori preuzimanju dijela troškova plaća, podupiranju pokretanja poslovanja dodjelom bespovratnih sredstava za osnivanje vlastitog poduzeća. Glavni rezultat projekta bit će prihvaćanje kvalitetnih radnih mjesta za najmanje 38 % sudionika projekta koji ne ispunjavaju uvjete ni za jednu od sljedećih ciljnih skupina, i to: — 12 % sudionika projekta s invaliditetom, – 30 % dugotrajno nezaposlenih sudionika projekta, – 43 % sudionika projekta s niskim kvalifikacijama. (Croatian)
    26 July 2022
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    Scopul proiectului este de a crește șansele de angajare pentru tinerii sub 30 de ani care sunt șomeri în districtul summitului. Grupul țintă este de 271 de tineri cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 29 de ani fără loc de muncă, înregistrați la Oficiul Muncii Poviat din Szczytno ca șomeri, care nu participă la educație și formare (așa-numiții NEET), pentru care s-a stabilit un profil de prim ajutor sau de al doilea ajutor. Proiectul va fi implementat în perioada 1 ianuarie 2016-31 august 2017. Obiectivele proiectului vor fi realizate prin activare profesională pe baza următoarelor activități: 1) identificarea gradului de separare a tinerilor de piața muncii prin stabilirea unui profil de asistență, 2) identificarea nevoilor tinerilor și diagnosticarea oportunităților în domeniul dezvoltării profesionale prin elaborarea unui plan individual de acțiune, 3) intermedierea individuală în selectarea unei profesii compatibile cu calificările și competențele participantului la proiect sau orientarea profesională în domeniul planificării dezvoltării carierei, inclusiv creșterea sau completarea competențelor și calificărilor profesionale 4) servicii și instrumente de pe piața forței de muncă care conduc la dobândirea sau completarea calificărilor profesionale, obținerea de experiență profesională, sprijinirea acceptării unei părți din costurile salariale, sprijinirea înființării unei întreprinderi prin acordarea unui grant pentru înființarea unei întreprinderi. Principalul rezultat al proiectului va fi adoptarea unor locuri de muncă de bună calitate de către cel puțin 38 % dintre participanții la proiect care nu sunt eligibili pentru niciunul dintre următoarele grupuri-țintă și de către: 12 % dintre participanții la proiecte cu handicap, – 30 % dintre participanții la proiecte șomeri de lungă durată – 43 % dintre participanții la proiect cu calificări reduse. (Romanian)
    26 July 2022
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    Cieľom projektu je zvýšiť pracovné príležitosti pre mladých ľudí mladších ako 30 rokov, ktorí sú nezamestnaní v okrese samitu. Cieľovou skupinou je 271 mladých ľudí vo veku 18 – 29 rokov bez práce, zaregistrovaných na úrade práce v Poviatsku v Szczytne ako nezamestnaní, ktorí sa nezúčastňujú na vzdelávaní a odbornej príprave (tzv. NEET), pre ktorých bol vytvorený profil prvej alebo druhej pomoci. Projekt sa bude realizovať v období od 1. januára 2016 do 31. augusta 2017. Ciele projektu sa dosiahnu profesionálnou aktiváciou na základe týchto aktivít: 1) identifikácia stupňa oddelenia mladých ľudí od trhu práce vytvorením profilu pomoci, 2) identifikácia potrieb mladých ľudí a diagnostika príležitostí v oblasti profesijného rozvoja prostredníctvom vypracovania individuálneho akčného plánu, 3) individuálne sprostredkovanie pri výbere povolania v súlade s kvalifikáciou a kompetenciami účastníka projektu alebo profesijné poradenstvo v oblasti plánovania kariérneho rastu vrátane zvyšovania alebo doplnenia kompetencií a odborných kvalifikácií 4) služby a nástroje trhu práce vedúce k získaniu alebo ukončeniu odbornej kvalifikácie, získanie odborných skúseností, podpora pri zakladaní časti mzdových nákladov, podpora pri začatí podnikania udelením grantu na založenie vlastnej spoločnosti. Hlavným výsledkom projektu bude využívanie kvalitných pracovných miest najmenej 38 % účastníkov projektu, ktorí nie sú oprávnení pre žiadnu z týchto cieľových skupín, a tým, že: — 12 % účastníkov projektu so zdravotným postihnutím, – 30 % dlhodobo nezamestnaných účastníkov projektu, – 43 % účastníkov projektu s nízkou kvalifikáciou. (Slovak)
    26 July 2022
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    L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jżid l-opportunitajiet ta’ impjieg għaż-żgħażagħ taħt l-età ta’ 30 sena li huma qiegħda fid-distrett tas-summit. Il-grupp fil-mira huwa 271 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa ta’ bejn it-18 u d-29 sena mingħajr xogħol, irreġistrati fl-Uffiċċju tax-Xogħol ta’ Poviat fi Szczytno bħala qiegħda, li ma jipparteċipawx fl-edukazzjoni u t-taħriġ (l-hekk imsejħa NEETs), li għalihom ġie stabbilit profil tal-ewwel jew tat-tieni għajnuna. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat bejn l-1 ta’ Jannar 2016 u l-31 ta’ Awwissu 2017. L-objettivi tal-proġett se jintlaħqu permezz ta’ attivazzjoni professjonali bbażata fuq l-attivitajiet li ġejjin: 1) l-identifikazzjoni tal-grad ta’ separazzjoni taż-żgħażagħ mis-suq tax-xogħol billi jiġi stabbilit profil ta’ assistenza, 2) l-identifikazzjoni tal-ħtiġijiet taż-żgħażagħ u d-dijanjożi tal-opportunitajiet fil-qasam tal-iżvilupp professjonali permezz tal-iżvilupp ta’ Pjan ta’ Azzjoni Individwali, 3) l-intermedjazzjoni individwali fl-għażla ta’ professjoni konsistenti mal-kwalifiki u l-kompetenzi tal-parteċipant fil-proġett jew mal-gwida għall-karriera fil-qasam tal-ippjanar tal-iżvilupp tal-karriera, inkluż iż-żieda jew is-supplimentar tal-kompetenzi u l-kwalifiki professjonali 4) is-servizzi u l-istrumenti tas-suq tax-xogħol li jwasslu għall-kisba jew it-twettiq ta’ kwalifiki professjonali, il-kisba ta’ esperjenza professjonali, l-appoġġ għat-teħid ta’ parti mill-ispejjeż tas-salarji, l-appoġġ għall-bidu ta’ negozju billi jingħata għotja għall-istabbiliment ta’ kumpanija proprja. Ir-riżultat ewlieni tal-proġett se jkun l-adozzjoni ta’ impjiegi ta’ kwalità tajba minn tal-inqas 38 % tal-parteċipanti fil-proġett li mhumiex eliġibbli għal xi wieħed mill-gruppi fil-mira li ġejjin, u billi: — 12 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett b’diżabilità, — 30 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett li ilhom qiegħda fit-tul, — 43 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett bi kwalifiki baxxi. (Maltese)
    26 July 2022
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    O objetivo do projeto é aumentar a empregabilidade dos jovens com menos de 30 anos que estão desempregados no Distrito Diretor. O grupo-alvo é constituído por 271 jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 29 anos, sem emprego, inscritos na repartição distrital do trabalho de Szczytno como desempregados, que não participam em ações de educação e formação (os chamados NEET), para os quais foi estabelecido um perfil de ajuda I ou II. O projeto será executado no período compreendido entre 1 de janeiro de 2016 e 31 de agosto de 2017. Os objetivos do projeto serão realizados através da ativação profissional com base nas seguintes atividades: 1) identifying the degree of separation of young people from the labour market by establishing an aid profile, 2) identifying the needs of young people and diagnosing opportunities for professional improvement through the development of an Individual Action Plan, 3) individual intermediation in terms of the selection of professions in accordance with the qualifications and competences of the project participant, or vocational guidance in the field of career planning, including the raising or supplementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, by providing a part of employment support for part of the employment costs, including the improvement or complement of professional qualifications, services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, in support of part of employment, by means of an improvement of professional qualifications and qualifications in the labour market, (2) identifying the needs of young people, and diagnosing vocational training opportunities through the development of an Individual Action Plan, (3) individual intermediation in the field of the selection of a profession compatible with the qualifications and competences of the project participant or professional guidance in the field of career development planning, including the raising or complementing of professional competences and qualifications (4), services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or completion of professional qualifications, gaining professional experience, gaining part of employment, supporting part of employment, supportive services and labour market instruments leading to the acquisition or Complementation of Vocational Qualifications for a Vocational Competitiveness or Complementation of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competitiveness of the Vocational Competitiveness of the Vocational Companies of a Vocational Competitiveness and Completion of Vocational Competitiveness by Competitive Competences and Completion of Vocational Qualifications by Business Grants, Including Competitive Competences and The main result of the project will be to take up good quality employment by at least 38 % of project participants not eligible for any of the following target groups, and by: — 12 % dos participantes em projetos com deficiência, – 30 % dos participantes em projetos desempregados de longa duração, – 43 % dos participantes em projetos pouco qualificados. (Portuguese)
    26 July 2022
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    Hankkeen tavoitteena on lisätä alle 30-vuotiaiden nuorten työllistymismahdollisuuksia huippukokouksessa. Kohderyhmänä on 271 18–29-vuotiasta 18–29-vuotiasta nuorta, jotka ovat Szczytnon Poviatin työvoimatoimistossa työttöminä ja jotka eivät osallistu koulutukseen (ns. NEET-nuoret), joille on luotu ensimmäinen tai toinen tukiprofiili. Hanke toteutetaan 1.1.2016–31.8.2017. Hankkeen tavoitteet saavutetaan ammattimaisella aktivoinnilla, joka perustuu seuraaviin toimintoihin: 1) nuorten erottaminen työmarkkinoilta määrittämällä tukiprofiili, 2) yksilöimällä nuorten tarpeet ja diagnosoimalla mahdollisuudet ammatillisen kehityksen alalla laatimalla yksilöllinen toimintasuunnitelma, 3) yksittäinen välitys hankkeen osallistujan pätevyyden ja pätevyyden mukaisen ammatin valinnassa tai uraohjaus urakehityksen suunnittelun alalla, mukaan lukien osaamisen ja ammattipätevyyden lisääminen tai täydentäminen 4) palvelut ja työmarkkinavälineet, jotka johtavat ammattipätevyyden hankkimiseen tai suorittamiseen, ammattikokemuksen hankkimiseen, työkokemuksen hankkimiseen, osittaisen palkkakustannusten kattamiseen, liiketoiminnan aloittamisen tukemiseen myöntämällä tukea oman yrityksen perustamiseen. Hankkeen pääasiallisena tuloksena on se, että vähintään 38 prosenttia hankkeen osallistujista, jotka eivät ole tukikelpoisia mihinkään seuraavista kohderyhmistä, ottaa käyttöön laadukkaat työpaikat, ja — 12 prosenttia vammaisista hankkeen osallistujista, – 30 prosenttia pitkäaikaistyöttömistä, – 43 prosenttia matalasti koulutettujen hankkeiden osallistujista. (Finnish)
    26 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta je povečati zaposlitvene možnosti za mlade, mlajše od 30 let, ki so brezposelni v okrožju vrha. Ciljna skupina je 271 mladih, starih od 18 do 29 let, brez dela, ki so v uradu za delo Poviat v Szczytnu registrirani kot brezposelni, ki se ne udeležujejo izobraževanja in usposabljanja (t. i. NEET), za katere je bil vzpostavljen prvi ali drugi profil pomoči. Projekt se bo izvajal med 1. januarjem 2016 in 31. avgustom 2017. Cilji projekta bodo doseženi s strokovno aktivacijo na podlagi naslednjih aktivnosti: 1) opredelitev stopnje ločitve mladih od trga dela z oblikovanjem profila pomoči, 2) ugotavljanje potreb mladih in diagnosticiranje priložnosti na področju razvoja poklicnega razvoja z razvojem individualnega akcijskega načrta, 3) individualno posredovanje pri izbiri poklica, ki je skladno s kvalifikacijami in kompetencami udeleženca projekta, ali poklicno svetovanje na področju načrtovanja poklicnega razvoja, vključno z dvigom ali dopolnjevanjem kompetenc in poklicnih kvalifikacij 4) storitve in instrumenti trga dela, ki vodijo k pridobitvi ali dopolnitvi poklicnih kvalifikacij, pridobivanju poklicnih izkušenj, podpori pri prevzemanju dela stroškov za plače, podpori pri ustanavljanju podjetja z dodelitvijo nepovratnih sredstev za ustanovitev lastnega podjetja. Glavni rezultat projekta bo uporaba kakovostne zaposlitve s strani vsaj 38 % udeležencev projekta, ki niso upravičeni do katere koli od naslednjih ciljnih skupin, in sicer tako, da: — 12 % udeležencev projekta z invalidnostjo, – 30 % dolgotrajno brezposelnih udeležencev projekta, – 43 % udeležencev projekta z nizkimi kvalifikacijami. (Slovenian)
    26 July 2022
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    Cílem projektu je zvýšit pracovní příležitosti pro mladé lidi mladší 30 let, kteří jsou v okrese summitu nezaměstnaní. Cílovou skupinou je 271 mladých lidí ve věku 18–29 let, kteří jsou registrováni na Úřadu práce Poviat ve Szczytnu jako nezaměstnaní, kteří se neúčastní vzdělávání a odborné přípravy (tzv. NEET), pro něž byl vytvořen profil první nebo druhé pomoci. Projekt bude realizován v období od 1. ledna 2016 do 31. srpna 2017. Cíle projektu budou dosaženy prostřednictvím profesionální aktivace na základě následujících činností: 1) určení stupně oddělení mladých lidí od trhu práce stanovením profilu pomoci, 2) identifikace potřeb mladých lidí a diagnostika příležitostí v oblasti profesního rozvoje prostřednictvím vypracování individuálního akčního plánu, 3) individuální zprostředkování při výběru povolání v souladu s kvalifikací a kompetencemi účastníka projektu nebo kariérní poradenství v oblasti plánování profesního rozvoje, včetně zvyšování nebo doplnění kompetencí a odborné kvalifikace 4) služeb a nástrojů trhu práce vedoucích k získání nebo dokončení odborné kvalifikace, získávání odborné praxe, podpory při přebírání části mzdových nákladů, podpory při zahájení podnikání poskytnutím grantu na založení vlastní společnosti. Hlavním výsledkem projektu bude přijetí kvalitních pracovních míst alespoň 38 % účastníků projektu, kteří nejsou způsobilí pro některou z těchto cílových skupin, a tím, že: — 12 % účastníků projektu se zdravotním postižením, – 30 % dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných účastníků projektu, – 43 % účastníků projektu s nízkou kvalifikací. (Czech)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekto tikslas – padidinti užimtumo galimybes jaunesniems nei 30 metų jaunuoliams, kurie yra bedarbiai aukščiausiojo lygio susitikimo rajone. Tikslinė grupė yra 271 18–29 metų amžiaus bedarbis, užsiregistravęs Poviat darbo biure Szczytno kaip bedarbis, kurie nedalyvauja švietimo ir mokymo programose (vadinamieji NEET jaunuoliai), kuriems nustatytas pirmosios arba antrosios pagalbos profilis. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas nuo 2016 m. sausio 1 d. iki 2017 m. rugpjūčio 31 d. 1) jaunimo atskyrimo nuo darbo rinkos laipsnio nustatymas nustatant pagalbos profilį, 2) jaunimo poreikių ir diagnozavimo galimybių nustatymas profesinio tobulėjimo srityje parengiant individualų veiksmų planą, 3) individualus tarpininkavimas atrenkant profesiją, atitinkančią projekto dalyvio kvalifikaciją ir kompetenciją, arba karjeros orientavimas karjeros plėtros planavimo srityje, įskaitant kompetencijų ir profesinių kvalifikacijų kėlimą ar papildymą 4) paslaugos ir darbo rinkos priemonės, padedančios įgyti ar įgyti profesinę kvalifikaciją, įgyti profesinės patirties, padėti padengti dalį darbo užmokesčio išlaidų, remti pradedant verslą, skiriant dotaciją savo įmonės steigimui. Pagrindinis projekto rezultatas bus tai, kad ne mažiau kaip 38 proc. projekto dalyvių, neatitinkančių reikalavimų nė vienai iš toliau nurodytų tikslinių grupių, gaus kokybiškų darbo vietų ir: – 12 proc. neįgalių projekto dalyvių, – 30 proc. ilgalaikių bedarbių projekto dalyvių, – 43 proc. žemos kvalifikacijos projekto dalyvių. (Lithuanian)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekta mērķis ir palielināt nodarbinātības iespējas jauniešiem vecumā līdz 30 gadiem, kuri ir bezdarbnieki sammita rajonā. Mērķa grupa ir 271 jaunieši vecumā no 18 līdz 29 gadiem bez darba, kas reģistrēti Poviat Darba birojā Ščetno kā bezdarbnieki, kuri nepiedalās izglītībā un apmācībā (t. s. NEET), kuriem ir izveidots pirmais vai otrais palīdzības profils. Projekts tiks īstenots no 2016. gada 1. janvāra līdz 2017. gada 31. augustam. Projekta mērķi tiks sasniegti, veicot profesionālu aktivizāciju, pamatojoties uz šādām aktivitātēm: 1) jauniešu nodalīšanas no darba tirgus pakāpes noteikšana, izveidojot palīdzības profilu, 2) jauniešu vajadzību apzināšana un iespēju noteikšana profesionālās attīstības jomā, izstrādājot individuālo rīcības plānu, 3) individuāla starpniecība profesijas izvēlē, kas atbilst projekta dalībnieka kvalifikācijai un kompetencei vai profesionālajai orientācijai karjeras attīstības plānošanas jomā, tai skaitā kompetences un profesionālās kvalifikācijas paaugstināšana vai papildināšana; 4) pakalpojumi un darba tirgus instrumenti profesionālās kvalifikācijas iegūšanai vai pabeigšanai, profesionālās pieredzes iegūšana, atbalsts daļējas algas izmaksu uzņemšanai, atbalsts uzņēmējdarbības uzsākšanai, piešķirot stipendiju sava uzņēmuma dibināšanai. Projekta galvenais rezultāts būs kvalitatīvas nodarbinātības ieviešana vismaz 38 % projekta dalībnieku, kas neatbilst nevienai no šādām mērķgrupām, un: 12 % projektu dalībnieku ar invaliditāti, — 30 % ilgtermiņa bezdarbnieku projekta dalībnieku, — 43 % projekta dalībnieku ar zemu kvalifikāciju. (Latvian)
    26 July 2022
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    Целта на проекта е да се увеличат възможностите за заетост на младите хора на възраст под 30 години, които са безработни в областта на срещата на върха. Целевата група е 271 младежи на възраст 18—29 години без работа, регистрирани в Бюрото по труда в Повиат в Шчитно като безработни, които не участват в образование и обучение (т.нар. NEET), за които е установен профил на първа или втора помощ. Проектът ще бъде изпълнен между 1 януари 2016 г. и 31 август 2017 г. Целите на проекта ще бъдат постигнати чрез професионално активиране въз основа на следните дейности: 1) определяне на степента на отделяне на младите хора от пазара на труда чрез създаване на профил на помощта, 2) определяне на потребностите на младите хора и диагностициране на възможностите в областта на професионалното развитие чрез разработване на индивидуален план за действие, 3) индивидуално посредничество при избора на професия, съответстваща на квалификациите и компетентностите на участника в проекта или професионално ориентиране в областта на планирането на кариерното развитие, включително повишаване или допълване на компетентности и професионални квалификации 4) услуги и инструменти на пазара на труда, водещи до придобиване или завършване на професионални квалификации, придобиване на професионален опит, подпомагане при поемането на част от разходите за заплати, подпомагане при започване на стопанска дейност чрез предоставяне на безвъзмездни средства за създаването на собствено дружество. Основният резултат от проекта ще бъде усвояването на качествена заетост от най-малко 38 % от участниците в проекта, които не отговарят на условията за някоя от следните целеви групи, и от: — 12 % от участниците в проекта с увреждания, — 30 % от трайно безработните участници в проекта, — 43 % от участниците в проекта с ниска квалификация. (Bulgarian)
    26 July 2022
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    A projekt célja, hogy növelje a 30 év alatti fiatalok foglalkoztatási lehetőségeit, akik munkanélküliek a csúcstalálkozón. A célcsoport 271, 18–29 év közötti, munka nélkül élő, a szczytnoi Poviat Munkaügyi Hivatalban munkanélküliként nyilvántartott, oktatásban és képzésben nem részt vevő (úgynevezett NEET-fiatal), akik számára első vagy második segélyezési profilt alakítottak ki. A projekt 2016. január 1. és 2017. augusztus 31. között valósul meg. A projekt célkitűzései a következő tevékenységeken alapuló szakmai aktiválással valósulnak meg: 1) a fiatalok munkaerőpiactól való elválasztása mértékének meghatározása segítségnyújtási profil kialakításával, 2) a fiatalok szükségleteinek azonosítása és a szakmai fejlődés területén rejlő lehetőségek diagnosztizálása egyéni cselekvési terv kidolgozása révén, 3) egyéni közvetítés egy szakma kiválasztásában, összhangban a projekt résztvevőjének képesítésével és kompetenciáival, vagy pályaorientáció a karriertervezés területén, beleértve a kompetenciák és a szakmai képesítések emelését vagy kiegészítését; 4) a szakmai képesítések megszerzését vagy megszerzését eredményező szolgáltatások és munkaerő-piaci eszközök, szakmai tapasztalat megszerzése, a bérköltségek egy részének igénybevételének támogatása, a vállalkozás indításának támogatása azáltal, hogy támogatást nyújtanak saját vállalkozásuk alapításához. A projekt fő eredménye az lesz, hogy a projekt résztvevőinek legalább 38%-a a következő célcsoportok egyikében sem jogosult a jó minőségű foglalkoztatásra, valamint az alábbiak révén: – A fogyatékkal élő projekt résztvevőinek 12%-a, – a tartósan munkanélküli projekt résztvevőinek 30%-a, az alacsony képzettségű projektrésztvevők 43%-a. (Hungarian)
    26 July 2022
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    Is é aidhm an tionscadail deiseanna fostaíochta a mhéadú do dhaoine óga faoi bhun 30 bliain d’aois atá dífhostaithe i gceantar an chruinnithe mullaigh. Is é 271 duine óg idir 18 agus 29 mbliana d’aois an spriocghrúpa, atá cláraithe in Oifig Saothair Poviat in Szczytno mar dhaoine dífhostaithe, nach nglacann páirt in oideachas agus in oiliúint (ar a dtugtar NEETanna), a bhfuil próifíl chéadchabhrach nó dara cabhair bunaithe dóibh. Cuirfear an tionscadal chun feidhme idir an 1 Eanáir 2016 agus an 31 Lúnasa 2017. Bainfear cuspóirí an tionscadail amach trí ghníomhachtú gairmiúil bunaithe ar na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas: 1) an leibhéal deighilte idir daoine óga agus margadh an tsaothair a shainaithint trí phróifíl cúnaimh a bhunú, 2) riachtanais daoine óga a shainaithint agus deiseanna i réimse na forbartha gairmiúla a dhiagnóisiú trí Phlean Gníomhaíochta Aonair a fhorbairt, 3) idirghabháil aonair i roghnú gairme i gcomhréir le cáilíochtaí agus inniúlachtaí an rannpháirtí tionscadail nó gairmthreoir i réimse na pleanála forbartha gairme, lena n-áirítear inniúlachtaí agus cáilíochtaí gairmiúla a ardú nó a fhorlíonadh 4) seirbhísí agus ionstraimí mhargadh an tsaothair as a dtiocfaidh gnóthú nó cur i gcrích cáilíochtaí gairmiúla, taithí ghairmiúil a fháil, tacú le cuid de na costais tuarastail a ghlacadh, tacú le gnó a thosú trí dheontas a dheonú chun cuideachta amháin féin a bhunú. Is é príomhthoradh an tionscadail go nglacfaidh 38 % ar a laghad de rannpháirtithe tionscadail nach bhfuil incháilithe d’aon cheann de na spriocghrúpaí seo a leanas fostaíocht ar ardchaighdeán, agus mar seo a leanas: — 12 % de rannpháirtithe tionscadail atá faoi mhíchumas, — 30 % de rannpháirtithe tionscadail atá dífhostaithe go fadtéarmach — 43 % de na rannpháirtithe tionscadail a bhfuil cáilíochtaí ísle acu. (Irish)
    26 July 2022
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    Syftet med projektet är att öka sysselsättningsmöjligheterna för ungdomar under 30 år som är arbetslösa i toppmötesdistriktet. Målgruppen är 271 ungdomar i åldern 18–29 år utan arbete, registrerade vid Poviat Labour Office i Szczytno som arbetslösa, som inte deltar i utbildning (så kallade NEET), för vilka en första eller andra hjälpprofil har fastställts. Projektet kommer att genomföras mellan den 1 januari 2016 och den 31 augusti 2017. Projektets mål uppnås genom professionell aktivering utifrån följande aktiviteter: 1) fastställa graden av avskiljande av ungdomar från arbetsmarknaden genom att fastställa en profil för stödet, 2) identifiera ungdomars behov och diagnostisera möjligheter inom området för utveckling av yrkesutveckling genom att utarbeta en individuell handlingsplan, 3) individuell förmedling vid urvalet av ett yrke som överensstämmer med projektdeltagarens kvalifikationer och kompetens eller karriärvägledning inom karriärutvecklingsplaneringen, inbegripet att höja eller komplettera kompetenser och yrkeskvalifikationer 4) tjänster och arbetsmarknadsinstrument som leder till förvärv eller slutförande av yrkeskvalifikationer, erhållande av yrkeserfarenhet, stöd för att ta upp en del av lönekostnaderna, stödja startandet av ett företag genom att bevilja bidrag för etablering av ett eget företag. Det huvudsakliga resultatet av projektet är att minst 38 % av de projektdeltagare som inte är berättigade till någon av följande målgrupper kommer att utnyttja sysselsättningen av god kvalitet, och av följande: — 12 % av deltagarna i projektet med funktionshinder – 30 % av de långtidsarbetslösa projektdeltagarna – 43 % av projektdeltagarna med låga kvalifikationer. (Swedish)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekti eesmärk on suurendada tippkohtumise piirkonnas töötute alla 30-aastaste noorte tööhõivevõimalusi. Sihtrühmaks on 271 töötuks jäänud 18–29-aastast noort, kes on registreeritud töötuna Poviati tööbüroos Szczytnos, kes ei osale hariduses ja koolituses (nn NEET-noored), kellele on kehtestatud esimene või teine abiprofiil. Projekt viiakse ellu ajavahemikus 1. jaanuarist 2016 kuni 31. augustini 2017. Projekti eesmärgid saavutatakse professionaalse aktiveerimisega, mis põhineb järgmistel tegevustel: 1) noorte tööturult eraldamise määra kindlaksmääramine abiprofiili kehtestamise teel, 2) noorte vajaduste kindlakstegemine ja kutsealase arengu võimaluste diagnoosimine individuaalse tegevuskava väljatöötamise kaudu, 3) individuaalne vahendamine kutseala valimisel kooskõlas projektis osaleja kvalifikatsiooni ja pädevustega või karjäärinõustamine karjääriarenduse planeerimise valdkonnas, sealhulgas pädevuste ja kutsekvalifikatsioonide suurendamine või täiendamine), 4) teenused ja tööturuvahendid, mis viivad kutsekvalifikatsiooni omandamise või omandamiseni, töökogemuse saamiseni, palgakulude osalise katmise toetamisele, ettevõtluse alustamise toetamisele, toetuse andmisele oma ettevõtte asutamiseks. Projekti peamine tulemus on kvaliteetse tööhõive kasutuselevõtt vähemalt 38 % projektis osalejate poolt, kes ei vasta ühelegi järgmistest sihtrühmadest, ning – 12 % puudega projektides osalejatest, – 30 % pikaajaliste töötute projektis osalejatest, – 43 % madala kvalifikatsiooniga projektis osalejatest. (Estonian)
    26 July 2022
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    WOJ.: WARMIŃSKO-MAZURSKIE, POW.: szczycieński
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    24 May 2023
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