Joint Technical Assistance Actions of the EDUSI of Guadalajara. (Q6843829): Difference between revisions

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label / ptlabel / pt
Ações Conjuntas de Assistência Técnica da EDUSI de Guadalajara.
Acções conjuntas de assistência técnica da EDUSI de Guadalajara.
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Cifuentes / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Guadalajara / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
40°44'24.00"N, 2°30'21.35"W
Property / coordinate location: 40°44'24.00"N, 2°30'21.35"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 40°44'24.00"N, 2°30'21.35"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Guadalajara Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: ES42 / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
342,428.0 Euro
Amount342,428.0 Euro
Property / budget: 342,428.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
273,942.4 Euro
Amount273,942.4 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 273,942.4 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.0 percent
Amount80.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Launch of the EDUSI in Guadalajara. Technical assistance to: the Management Unit of the DUSI entity in the process of selecting operations; the Implementing Units of the DUSI entity in the process of requesting, launching and executing operations; to the entity DUSI in terms of monitoring and certification and control of expenditure and other technical assistance work to the entity DUSI. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0007822243091679
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Lançamento da EDUSI em Guadalajara. Assistência técnica para: a Unidade de Gestão da entidade DUSI no processo de seleção das operações; as Unidades de Execução da entidade DUSI em processo de pedido, lançamento e execução de operações; à entidade DUSI em termos de monitorização e certificação e controlo de despesas e outros trabalhos de assistência técnica à entidade DUSI. (Portuguese)
Lançamento da EDUSI em Guadalajara. Assistência técnica para: a Unidade de Gestão da entidade DUSI no processo de seleção das operações; As unidades de execução da entidade DUSI no processo de pedido, lançamento e execução das operações; à entidade DUSI em termos de acompanhamento, certificação e controlo das despesas e outros trabalhos de assistência técnica à entidade DUSI. (Portuguese)
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Guadalajara City Hall / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): AYUNTAMIENTO DE GUADALAJARA / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Guadalajara / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Guadalajara Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Guadalajara Province / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Guadalajara / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W
Property / coordinate location: 40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W / qualifier
Property / budget
342,428.0 Euro
Amount342,428.0 Euro
Property / budget: 342,428.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
276,031.22 Euro
Amount276,031.22 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 276,031.22 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.61 percent
Amount80.61 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.61 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
21 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 21 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 23:43, 12 October 2024

Project FDU02CM1022 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
Joint Technical Assistance Actions of the EDUSI of Guadalajara.
Project FDU02CM1022 in Spain


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    276,031.22 Euro
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    342,428.0 Euro
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    80.61 percent
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    11 June 2017
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    31 December 2023
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    40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W
    0 references
    Puesta en marcha de la EDUSI de Guadalajara. Labores de asistencia técnica a: la Unidad de Gestión de la entidad DUSI en el proceso de selección de operaciones; a las Unidades de Ejecución de la entidad DUSI en el proceso de solicitud, puesta en marcha y ejecución de las operaciones; a la entidad DUSI en materia de seguimiento y certificación y control del gasto y Otras labores de Asistencia Técnica a la entidad DUSI. (Spanish)
    0 references
    Стартиране на EDUSI в Гуадалахара. Техническа помощ за: звеното за управление на субекта DUSI в процеса на подбор на операциите; изпълнителните звена на субекта DUSI в процеса на заявяване, стартиране и изпълнение на операции; на субекта DUSI по отношение на мониторинга и сертифицирането и контрола на разходите и други дейности за техническа помощ за предприятието DUSI. (Bulgarian)
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    Spuštění EDUSI v Guadalajara. Technická pomoc pro: řídící jednotka subjektu DUSI v procesu výběru operací; prováděcí jednotky subjektu DUSI v procesu žádosti, spouštění a provádění operací; subjektu DUSI, pokud jde o monitorování a certifikaci a kontrolu výdajů a další technickou pomoc subjektu DUSI. (Czech)
    0 references
    Lancering af EDUSI i Guadalajara. Teknisk bistand til: DUSI-enhedens administrationsenhed i forbindelse med udvælgelsen af operationer DUSI-enhedens gennemførelsesenheder, der er i færd med at anmode om, iværksætte og udføre operationer til enheden DUSI med hensyn til overvågning og certificering af og kontrol med udgifter og andet teknisk bistandsarbejde til enheden DUSI. (Danish)
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    Einführung des EDUSI in Guadalajara. Technische Unterstützung für: die Verwaltungseinheit der DUSI-Stelle bei der Auswahl der Operationen; die Durchführungseinheiten der DUSI-Stelle bei der Anforderung, Einleitung und Durchführung von Operationen; an die Stelle DUSI in Bezug auf die Überwachung und Zertifizierung und Kontrolle der Ausgaben und sonstiger technischer Hilfe für die Stelle DUSI. (German)
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    Έναρξη λειτουργίας της EDUSI στην Γκουανταλαχάρα. Τεχνική βοήθεια: τη μονάδα διαχείρισης της οντότητας DUSI κατά τη διαδικασία επιλογής πράξεων· τις μονάδες εφαρμογής της οντότητας DUSI κατά τη διαδικασία υποβολής αιτήσεων, έναρξης και εκτέλεσης επιχειρήσεων· στην οντότητα DUSI όσον αφορά την παρακολούθηση και πιστοποίηση και τον έλεγχο των δαπανών και άλλων εργασιών τεχνικής βοήθειας στην οντότητα DUSI. (Greek)
    0 references
    Launch of the EDUSI in Guadalajara. Technical assistance to: the Management Unit of the DUSI entity in the process of selecting operations; the Implementing Units of the DUSI entity in the process of requesting, launching and executing operations; to the entity DUSI in terms of monitoring and certification and control of expenditure and other technical assistance work to the entity DUSI. (English)
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    EDUSI käivitamine Guadalajaras. Tehniline abi, et: DUSI üksuse juhtimisüksus toimingute valimisel; DUSI üksuse rakendusüksused operatsioonide taotlemisel, käivitamisel ja läbiviimisel; üksusele DUSI kulude järelevalve, sertifitseerimise ja kontrolli ning üksusele DUSI muu tehnilise abi andmise osas. (Estonian)
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    EDUSI:n laukaisu Guadalajarassa. Tekninen apu: DUSI-yksikön johtoyksikkö toimien valintaprosessissa; DUSI-yksikön täytäntöönpanoyksiköt, jotka pyytävät, käynnistävät ja toteuttavat operaatioita; DUSI-yhteisölle menojen ja muun teknisen avun seurannan, varmentamisen ja valvonnan osalta yhteisölle DUSI. (Finnish)
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    Lancement de l’EDUSI à Guadalajara. Assistance technique pour: l’unité de gestion de l’entité DUSI dans le processus de sélection des opérations; les unités de mise en œuvre de l’entité DUSI en cours de demande, de lancement et d’exécution des opérations; à l’entité DUSI en termes de suivi, de certification et de contrôle des dépenses et autres travaux d’assistance technique à l’entité DUSI. (French)
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    Seoladh an EDUSI i Guadalajara. Cúnamh teicniúil chun an méid seo a leanas a dhéanamh: aonad Bainistíochta eintiteas Dusi atá i mbun oibríochtaí a roghnú; aonaid Cur Chun Feidhme an eintitis Dusi atá i mbun oibríochtaí a iarraidh, a sheoladh agus a chur i gcrích; don eintiteas Dusi maidir le faireachán agus deimhniú agus rialú caiteachais agus obair cúnaimh theicniúil eile don eintiteas Dusi. (Irish)
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    Lansiranje EDUSI-ja u Guadalajari. Tehnička pomoć za: upravljačka jedinica subjekta DUSI u postupku odabira operacija; Provedbene jedinice subjekta DUSI u postupku podnošenja zahtjeva, pokretanja i izvršenja operacija; subjektu DUSI u pogledu praćenja, certificiranja i kontrole izdataka i drugih aktivnosti tehničke pomoći subjektu DUSI. (Croatian)
    0 references
    Az EDUSI elindítása Guadalajara-ban. Technikai segítségnyújtás a következőkhöz: a DUSI-szervezet irányítási egysége a műveletek kiválasztásának folyamatában; a DUSI-szervezet végrehajtó egységei a műveletek kérelmezése, indítása és végrehajtása során; a DUSI-nak a DUSI-nak a kiadások nyomon követése, tanúsítása és ellenőrzése, valamint a DUSI számára végzett egyéb technikai segítségnyújtás tekintetében. (Hungarian)
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    Lancio dell'EDUSI a Guadalajara. Assistenza tecnica a: l'unità di gestione dell'entità DUSI nel processo di selezione delle operazioni; le unità di attuazione dell'entità DUSI nel processo di richiesta, avvio ed esecuzione delle operazioni; all'entità DUSI in termini di monitoraggio e certificazione e controllo delle spese e altre attività di assistenza tecnica all'ente DUSI. (Italian)
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    EDUSI atidarymas Gvadalacharoje. Techninė pagalba: DUSI subjekto valdymo skyrius veiksmų atrankos procese; DUSI subjekto įgyvendinimo padaliniai, kurie teikia prašymus, pradeda ir vykdo operacijas; subjektui DUSI – išlaidų stebėsena, sertifikavimas ir kontrolė bei kita techninė pagalba subjektui DUSI. (Lithuanian)
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    EDUSI uzsākšana Gvadalaharā. Tehniskā palīdzība: DUSI struktūras vadības nodaļa darbību atlases procesā; DUSI struktūras īstenošanas nodaļas darbību pieprasīšanas, sākšanas un izpildes procesā; iestādei DUSI attiecībā uz izdevumu uzraudzību un sertificēšanu un kontroli, kā arī citu tehniskās palīdzības darbu saistībā ar struktūru DUSI. (Latvian)
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    It-tnedija tal-EDUSI fi Guadalajara. Assistenza teknika għal: l-Unità ta’ Ġestjoni tal-entità DUSI fil-proċess tal-għażla tal-operazzjonijiet; l-Unitajiet ta’ Implimentazzjoni tal-entità DUSI fil-proċess tat-talba, it-tnedija u l-eżekuzzjoni ta’ operazzjonijiet; lill-entità DUSI f’termini ta’ monitoraġġ u ċertifikazzjoni u kontroll tan-nefqa u xogħol ieħor ta’ assistenza teknika lill-entità DUSI. (Maltese)
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    Lancering van de EDUSI in Guadalajara. Technische bijstand voor: de beheerseenheid van de DUSI-entiteit bij de selectie van concrete acties; de uitvoeringseenheden van de DUSI-entiteit bij het aanvragen, starten en uitvoeren van operaties; aan de entiteit DUSI op het gebied van monitoring en certificering en controle van uitgaven en andere werkzaamheden op het gebied van technische bijstand aan de entiteit DUSI. (Dutch)
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    Lançamento da EDUSI em Guadalajara. Assistência técnica para: a Unidade de Gestão da entidade DUSI no processo de seleção das operações; As unidades de execução da entidade DUSI no processo de pedido, lançamento e execução das operações; à entidade DUSI em termos de acompanhamento, certificação e controlo das despesas e outros trabalhos de assistência técnica à entidade DUSI. (Portuguese)
    0 references
    Lansarea EDUSI în Guadalajara. Asistență tehnică pentru: unitatea de gestionare a entității DUSI în procesul de selectare a operațiunilor; unitățile de punere în aplicare ale entității DUSI în curs de solicitare, lansare și executare a operațiunilor; entității DUSI în ceea ce privește monitorizarea, certificarea și controlul cheltuielilor și alte activități de asistență tehnică pentru entitatea DUSI. (Romanian)
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    Spustenie EDUSI v Guadalajare. Technická pomoc pre: riadiaca jednotka subjektu DUSI v procese výberu operácií; vykonávacie jednotky subjektu DUSI v procese požadovania, začatia a vykonávania operácií; účtovnej jednotke DUSI, pokiaľ ide o monitorovanie a certifikáciu a kontrolu výdavkov a inú technickú pomoc účtovnej jednotke DUSI. (Slovak)
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    Izstrelitev EDUSI v Guadalajari. Tehnična pomoč za: upravljavska enota subjekta DUSI v postopku izbire operacij; izvedbene enote subjekta DUSI v postopku zahtevanja, začetka in izvajanja operacij; subjektu DUSI v smislu spremljanja in potrjevanja ter nadzora izdatkov in druge tehnične pomoči subjektu DUSI. (Slovenian)
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    Lansering av EDUSI i Guadalajara. Tekniskt stöd till DUSI-enhetens förvaltningsenhet som håller på att välja ut verksamheter. DUSI-enhetens genomförandeenheter som håller på att begära, inleda och genomföra insatser. till enheten DUSI när det gäller övervakning och certifiering och kontroll av utgifter och annat tekniskt bistånd till enheten DUSI. (Swedish)
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    12 June 2023
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    21 December 2023
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