Corporate education of HUDYsport a.s. (Q61835): Difference between revisions

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(7 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / ptlabel / pt
Educação corporativa de HUDYsport a.s.
Formação empresarial da HUDYsport a.s.
Property / co-financing rate
85 percent
Amount85 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the Business Training of Employees II project is to increase the professional level of knowledge, skills and competences of workers and compliance of the qualification level of the labour force with the requirements of the labour market. At the same time, the adaptability of older workers involved in the project will be increased. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0102927412174703
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O objetivo do projeto Formação Empresarial dos Trabalhadores II é aumentar o nível profissional de conhecimentos, aptidões e competências dos trabalhadores e a conformidade do nível de qualificação da mão de obra com as exigências do mercado de trabalho. Ao mesmo tempo, aumentará a adaptabilidade dos trabalhadores mais velhos envolvidos no projeto. (Portuguese)
O objetivo do projeto Business Training of Employees II é aumentar o nível profissional de conhecimentos, aptidões e competências dos trabalhadores e a conformidade do nível de qualificação da mão de obra com as exigências do mercado de trabalho. Ao mesmo tempo, a adaptabilidade dos trabalhadores mais velhos envolvidos no projecto será aumentada. (Portuguese)
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
756,319.8 Czech koruna
Amount756,319.8 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / EU contribution: 756,319.8 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
30,252.79 Euro
Amount30,252.79 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 30,252.79 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 30,252.79 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.04 Euro
Amount0.04 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 30,252.79 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 10 January 2020
Precision1 day
Property / budget
889,788.0 Czech koruna
Amount889,788.0 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / budget: 889,788.0 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
35,591.52 Euro
Amount35,591.52 Euro
Property / budget: 35,591.52 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 35,591.52 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.04 Euro
Amount0.04 Euro
Property / budget: 35,591.52 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 10 January 2020
Precision1 day
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 50°46'31.51"N, 14°14'3.30"E / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS: Ústí nad Labem Region / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Děčín / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Děčín / qualifier
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: Promoting employment and adaptability of the workforce / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Sustainable and quality employment / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
28 February 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 28 February 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
0.0 Czech koruna
Amount0.0 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / budget: 0.0 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
0.0 Euro
Amount0.0 Euro
Property / budget: 0.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
0.0 Czech koruna
Amount0.0 Czech koruna
UnitCzech koruna
Property / EU contribution: 0.0 Czech koruna / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
0.0 Euro
Amount0.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 0.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
0 percent
Amount0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 23:09, 12 October 2024

Project Q61835 in Czech Republic
Language Label Description Also known as
Corporate education of HUDYsport a.s.
Project Q61835 in Czech Republic


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    0.0 Czech koruna
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    0.0 Euro
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    0.0 Czech koruna
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    0.0 Euro
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    0 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    28 February 2021
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    30 September 2021
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    HUDYsport a.s.
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    50°46'31.51"N, 14°14'3.30"E
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    Cílem projektu Podnikové vzdělávání zaměstnanců II je zvýšit odbornou úroveň znalostí, dovedností a kompetencí pracovníků a soulad kvalifikační úrovně pracovní síly s požadavky trhu práce. Zároveň bude zvýšena adaptabilita starších pracovníků, kteří budou zapojeni do projektu. (Czech)
    0 references
    The aim of the Business Training of Employees II project is to increase the professional level of knowledge, skills and competences of workers and compliance of the qualification level of the labour force with the requirements of the labour market. At the same time, the adaptability of older workers involved in the project will be increased. (English)
    23 October 2020
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    Le projet Entrepreneurial Training of Employees II vise à accroître le niveau professionnel des connaissances, des aptitudes et des compétences des travailleurs et à aligner le niveau de qualification de la main-d’œuvre sur les exigences du marché du travail. Dans le même temps, la capacité d’adaptation des travailleurs âgés participant au projet sera accrue. (French)
    29 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts Entrepreneurial Training of Employees II ist es, das berufliche Niveau der Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen der Arbeitnehmer zu erhöhen und das Qualifikationsniveau der Arbeitskräfte an die Erfordernisse des Arbeitsmarktes anzupassen. Gleichzeitig wird die Anpassungsfähigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer, die an dem Projekt beteiligt sind, erhöht. (German)
    2 December 2021
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    Het doel van het project Entrepreneurial Training of Employees II is om het professionele niveau van kennis, vaardigheden en competenties van werknemers te verhogen en het kwalificatieniveau van de beroepsbevolking af te stemmen op de eisen van de arbeidsmarkt. Tegelijkertijd zal het aanpassingsvermogen van oudere werknemers die bij het project betrokken zijn, worden vergroot. (Dutch)
    13 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto "Formazione imprenditoriale dei dipendenti II" è quello di aumentare il livello professionale di conoscenze, abilità e competenze dei lavoratori e di allineare il livello di qualificazione della forza lavoro alle esigenze del mercato del lavoro. Al tempo stesso, l'adattabilità dei lavoratori anziani coinvolti nel progetto sarà aumentata. (Italian)
    14 January 2022
    0 references
    El objetivo del proyecto Entrepreneurial Training of Employees II es aumentar el nivel profesional de conocimientos, capacidades y competencias de los trabajadores y alinear el nivel de cualificación de la mano de obra con las necesidades del mercado laboral. Al mismo tiempo, se incrementará la adaptabilidad de los trabajadores de más edad que participan en el proyecto. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    Formålet med projektet Business Training of Employees II er at øge arbejdstagernes faglige niveau af viden, færdigheder og kompetencer og overensstemmelsen mellem arbejdsstyrkens kvalifikationsniveau og arbejdsmarkedets krav. Samtidig vil tilpasningsevnen hos de ældre arbejdstagere, der er involveret i projektet, blive øget. (Danish)
    24 July 2022
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    Στόχος του σχεδίου επιχειρηματικής κατάρτισης των εργαζομένων ΙΙ είναι η αύξηση του επαγγελματικού επιπέδου γνώσεων, δεξιοτήτων και ικανοτήτων των εργαζομένων και της συμμόρφωσης του επιπέδου προσόντων του εργατικού δυναμικού με τις απαιτήσεις της αγοράς εργασίας. Ταυτόχρονα, θα αυξηθεί η προσαρμοστικότητα των εργαζομένων μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας που συμμετέχουν στο σχέδιο. (Greek)
    24 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta Poslovno osposobljavanje zaposlenika II je povećanje stručne razine znanja, vještina i kompetencija radnika te usklađenost razine kvalifikacija radne snage sa zahtjevima tržišta rada. Istodobno će se povećati prilagodljivost starijih radnika uključenih u projekt. (Croatian)
    24 July 2022
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    Scopul proiectului Formarea în afaceri a angajaților II este de a crește nivelul profesional de cunoștințe, aptitudini și competențe ale lucrătorilor și conformitatea nivelului de calificare a forței de muncă cu cerințele pieței muncii. În același timp, va crește adaptabilitatea lucrătorilor în vârstă implicați în proiect. (Romanian)
    24 July 2022
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    Cieľom projektu Business Training of Employees II je zvýšiť odbornú úroveň vedomostí, zručností a kompetencií pracovníkov a súlad úrovne kvalifikácie pracovnej sily s požiadavkami trhu práce. Zároveň sa zvýši prispôsobivosť starších pracovníkov zapojených do projektu. (Slovak)
    24 July 2022
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    L-għan tal-proġett Taħriġ tan-Negozju għall-Impjegati II huwa li jżid il-livell professjonali ta’ għarfien, ħiliet u kompetenzi tal-ħaddiema u l-konformità tal-livell ta’ kwalifika tal-forza tax-xogħol mar-rekwiżiti tas-suq tax-xogħol. Fl-istess ħin, se tiżdied l-adattabilità ta’ ħaddiema akbar fl-età involuti fil-proġett. (Maltese)
    24 July 2022
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    O objetivo do projeto Business Training of Employees II é aumentar o nível profissional de conhecimentos, aptidões e competências dos trabalhadores e a conformidade do nível de qualificação da mão de obra com as exigências do mercado de trabalho. Ao mesmo tempo, a adaptabilidade dos trabalhadores mais velhos envolvidos no projecto será aumentada. (Portuguese)
    24 July 2022
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    Business Training of Employees II -hankkeen tavoitteena on lisätä työntekijöiden ammatillista tietojen, taitojen ja pätevyyksien tasoa sekä sitä, että työvoiman pätevyystaso vastaa työmarkkinoiden vaatimuksia. Samalla lisätään hankkeeseen osallistuvien ikääntyneiden työntekijöiden sopeutumiskykyä. (Finnish)
    24 July 2022
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    Celem projektu Business Training of Employees II jest podniesienie poziomu wiedzy zawodowej, umiejętności i kompetencji pracowników oraz zgodności poziomu kwalifikacji siły roboczej z wymogami rynku pracy. Jednocześnie zwiększy się zdolność adaptacji starszych pracowników uczestniczących w projekcie. (Polish)
    24 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta Poslovno usposabljanje zaposlenih II je povečati strokovno raven znanja, spretnosti in kompetenc delavcev ter skladnost ravni kvalifikacij delovne sile z zahtevami trga dela. Hkrati se bo povečala prilagodljivost starejših delavcev, vključenih v projekt. (Slovenian)
    24 July 2022
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    Projekto „Verslo mokymas darbuotojams II“ tikslas – didinti darbuotojų profesinį žinių lygį, įgūdžius ir kompetenciją bei darbo jėgos kvalifikacijos lygio atitikimą darbo rinkos reikalavimams. Kartu bus padidintas projekte dalyvaujančių vyresnio amžiaus darbuotojų gebėjimas prisitaikyti. (Lithuanian)
    24 July 2022
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    Darbinieku II biznesa apmācības projekta mērķis ir paaugstināt darbinieku profesionālo zināšanu, prasmju un kompetenču līmeni un darbaspēka kvalifikācijas līmeņa atbilstību darba tirgus prasībām. Tajā pašā laikā tiks palielināta projektā iesaistīto gados vecāku darbinieku pielāgošanās spēja. (Latvian)
    24 July 2022
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    Целта на проекта „Бизнес обучение на служители II“ е повишаване на професионалното ниво на знания, умения и компетентности на работниците и съответствие на квалификационното ниво на работната сила с изискванията на пазара на труда. Същевременно ще се увеличи адаптивността на по-възрастните работници, участващи в проекта. (Bulgarian)
    24 July 2022
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    A Munkavállalók üzleti képzése II. projekt célja a munkavállalók szakmai tudásának, készségeinek és kompetenciáinak növelése, valamint a munkaerő képzettségi szintjének a munkaerő-piaci követelményeknek való megfelelése. Ugyanakkor növekedni fog a projektben részt vevő idősebb munkavállalók alkalmazkodóképessége. (Hungarian)
    24 July 2022
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    Is é is aidhm don tionscadal Oiliúna Gnó d’Fhostaithe II leibhéal gairmiúil eolais, scileanna agus inniúlachtaí oibrithe a mhéadú agus leibhéal cáilíochta an lucht saothair a chomhlíonadh le ceanglais an mhargaidh saothair. Ag an am céanna, méadófar inoiriúnaitheacht na n-oibrithe scothaosta a bhfuil baint acu leis an tionscadal. (Irish)
    24 July 2022
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    Syftet med projektet Business Training of Employees II är att öka arbetstagarnas yrkeskunskaper, färdigheter och kompetenser och att anpassa arbetskraftens kvalifikationsnivå till arbetsmarknadens krav. Samtidigt kommer anpassningsförmågan för äldre arbetstagare som deltar i projektet att öka. (Swedish)
    24 July 2022
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    Projekti „Töötajate ettevõtluskoolitus II“ eesmärk on tõsta töötajate kutsealaste teadmiste, oskuste ja pädevuste taset ning tööjõu kvalifikatsioonitaseme vastavust tööturu nõuetele. Samal ajal suurendatakse projekti kaasatud eakamate töötajate kohanemisvõimet. (Estonian)
    24 July 2022
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