Construction of the Piast ring road in Opole section from the northern ring road to the street. Krapkowice Stage II- from the non-modlin junction to the northern bypass (Q85969): Difference between revisions

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label / ptlabel / pt
Construção da estrada circular Piast em Opole, a secção da estrada circular norte para ul. Fase II — desde o cruzamento de Niemodlińska até à estrada circular norte
Construção da circunvalação de Piast, no troço de Opole, desde a circunvalação norte até à rua. Krapkowice Fase II - da junção não-modlin para o desvio norte
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Opole / qualifier
Property / summary: The subject of the investment is the construction of the Piast Ring in Opole, a section from the North Ring Road to the street. Krapkowicka, Stage II from the non-modlin junction to the northern bypass – a sub-stage without a non-modlin node from km 0 + 341 to km 3 + 834. The investment is located in Opolskie voivodship within the administrative boundaries of the City of Opole. The projected road is located in the western part of the city of Opole. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0759099277808969
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O tema do investimento é a construção do bypass de Piast em Opole, uma secção do bypass do norte para ul. Krapkowicka, fase II da junção Niemodlińska até à estrada circular norte — palco sem o cruzamento Niemodlińska do km 0+341 até km 3+834. Este investimento situa-se na voivodia de Opolskie dentro dos limites administrativos da cidade de Opole. A estrada planejada está localizada na parte ocidental da cidade de Opole. (Portuguese)
O objecto do investimento é a construção do Anel Piast em Opole, um troço desde a Estrada do Anel Norte até à rua. Krapkowicka, fase II, da junção não-modlin ao desvio norte – uma subfase sem nó não-modlin do km 0 + 341 ao km 3 + 834. O investimento está localizado no voivodato de Opolskie, dentro dos limites administrativos da cidade de Opole. A estrada projectada está localizada na parte ocidental da cidade de Opole. (Portuguese)
Property / coordinate location: 50°40'43.7"N, 17°55'47.6"E / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS: Opolski / qualifier
Property / budget
140,668,224.53 Euro
Amount140,668,224.53 Euro
Property / budget: 140,668,224.53 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
119,567,990.75 Euro
Amount119,567,990.75 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 119,567,990.75 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
24 May 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 24 May 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
140,668,220.0 zloty
Amount140,668,220.0 zloty
Property / budget: 140,668,220.0 zloty / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
33,760,372.0 Euro
Amount33,760,372.0 Euro
Property / budget: 33,760,372.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
119,567,990.0 zloty
Amount119,567,990.0 zloty
Property / EU contribution: 119,567,990.0 zloty / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
28,696,318.0 Euro
Amount28,696,318.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 28,696,318.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
13 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 13 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 22:24, 12 October 2024

Project Q85969 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction of the Piast ring road in Opole section from the northern ring road to the street. Krapkowice Stage II- from the non-modlin junction to the northern bypass
Project Q85969 in Poland


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    119,567,990.0 zloty
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    28,696,318.0 Euro
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    140,668,220.0 zloty
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    33,760,372.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2017
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    31 December 2021
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    50°40'43.7"N, 17°55'47.6"E
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    Przedmiotem inwestycji jest budowa Obwodnicy Piastowskiej w Opolu, odcinek od Obwodnicy Północnej do ul. Krapkowickiej, Etap II od węzła Niemodlińska do obwodnicy północnej – podetap bez węzła Niemodlińska od km 0+341 do km 3+834. Przedmiotowa inwestycja zlokalizowana jest w województwie opolskim w granicach administracyjnych Miasta Opola. Projektowana droga zlokalizowana jest w zachodniej części miasta Opola. (Polish)
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    The subject of the investment is the construction of the Piast Ring in Opole, a section from the North Ring Road to the street. Krapkowicka, Stage II from the non-modlin junction to the northern bypass – a sub-stage without a non-modlin node from km 0 + 341 to km 3 + 834. The investment is located in Opolskie voivodship within the administrative boundaries of the City of Opole. The projected road is located in the western part of the city of Opole. (English)
    14 October 2020
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    L’objet de l’investissement est la construction du pontage de Piast à Opole, une section du contournement nord à ul. Krapkowicka, étape II de la jonction Niemodlińska à la rocade nord — étape sans la jonction Niemodlińska du km 0+ 341 au km 3+ 834. Cet investissement est situé dans la voïvodie d’Opolskie dans les limites administratives de la ville d’Opole. La route prévue est située dans la partie ouest de la ville d’Opole. (French)
    30 November 2021
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    Gegenstand der Investition ist der Bau des Piast Bypass in Opole, einem Abschnitt vom nördlichen Bypass nach ul. Krapkowicka, Etappe II vom Knoten Niemodlińska zur nördlichen Ringstraße – Etappe ohne Knoten Niemodlińska von km 0+ 341 bis km 3+ 834. Diese Investition befindet sich in der Woiwodschaft Opolskie innerhalb der Verwaltungsgrenzen der Stadt Opole. Die geplante Straße befindet sich im westlichen Teil der Stadt Opole. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Het onderwerp van de investering is de bouw van de Piast Bypass in Opole, een gedeelte van de noordelijke Bypass tot ul. Krapkowicka, etappe II van het knooppunt Niemodlińska naar de noordelijke ringweg — etappe zonder knooppunt Niemodlińska van km 0+ 341 tot km 3+ 834. Deze investering bevindt zich in het woiwodschap Opolskie binnen de administratieve grenzen van de stad Opole. De geplande weg ligt in het westelijke deel van de stad Opole. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    Oggetto dell'investimento è la costruzione del Passo Piast a Opole, una sezione dal Bypass Nord a ul. Krapkowicka, fase II dall'incrocio Niemodlińska alla tangenziale settentrionale — tappa senza lo svincolo Niemodlińska dal km 0+ 341 al km 3+ 834. Questo investimento si trova nel Voivodato di Opolskie entro i confini amministrativi della città di Opole. La strada pianificata si trova nella parte occidentale della città di Opole. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    El tema de la inversión es la construcción del bypass Piast en Opole, una sección desde el bypass norte hasta ul. Krapkowicka, Etapa II desde el cruce de Niemodlińska a la circunvalación norte — etapa sin el cruce Niemodlińska de km 0+ 341 a km 3+ 834. Esta inversión se encuentra en el Voivodato de Opolskie dentro de los límites administrativos de la Ciudad de Opole. La carretera planificada se encuentra en la parte occidental de la ciudad de Opole. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
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    Genstanden for investeringen er opførelsen af Piast Bypass i Opole, en sektion fra den nordlige bypass til ul. Krapkowicka, fase II fra Niemodlińska krydset til den nordlige ringvej — etape uden Niemodlińska krydset fra km 0+ 341 til km 3+ 834. Denne investering er beliggende i Opolskie Voivodeship inden for de administrative grænser af byen Opole. Den planlagte vej ligger i den vestlige del af byen Opole. (Danish)
    26 July 2022
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    Αντικείμενο της επένδυσης είναι η κατασκευή της παράκαμψης Piast στο Opole, ένα τμήμα από τη βόρεια παράκαμψη έως το ul. Krapkowicka, Στάδιο ΙΙ από τη διασταύρωση Niemodlińska έως τη βόρεια περιφερειακή οδό — στάδιο χωρίς τη διασταύρωση Niemodlińska από το km 0+ 341 έως το km 3+ 834. Η επένδυση αυτή βρίσκεται στο Βοϊβοδάτο Opolskie εντός των διοικητικών ορίων της πόλης Opole. Η σχεδιαζόμενη οδός βρίσκεται στο δυτικό τμήμα της πόλης Οπόλε. (Greek)
    26 July 2022
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    Predmet ulaganja je izgradnja Piast obilaznice u Opoleu, dijelu od sjeverne obilaznice do ul. Krapkowicka, faza II. od križanja Niemodlińske do sjeverne obilaznice – pozornica bez raskrižja Niemodlińske od km 0+ 341 do km 3+ 834. Ova investicija se nalazi u Opoljskom vojvodstvu unutar administrativnih granica Grada Opole. Planirana cesta nalazi se u zapadnom dijelu grada Opole. (Croatian)
    26 July 2022
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    Obiectul investiției este construcția bypassului Piast din Opole, o secțiune de la Bypass-ul nordic la ul. Krapkowicka, etapa a II-a de la intersecția Niemodlińska până la șoseaua de centură nordică – scenă fără joncțiunea Niemodlińska de la km 0+ 341 la km 3+ 834. Această investiție este situată în Voievodatul Opolskie, în limitele administrative ale orașului Opole. Drumul planificat este situat în partea de vest a orașului Opole. (Romanian)
    26 July 2022
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    Predmetom investície je výstavba Piast Bypass v Opole, úsek od severného obchvatu do ul. Krapkowicka, II. etapa od križovatky Niemodlińska po severnú kruhovú cestu – etapa bez križovatky Niemodlińska z km 0+ 341 na km 3+ 834. Táto investícia sa nachádza v Opolskom vojvodstve v rámci administratívnych hraníc mesta Opole. Plánovaná cesta sa nachádza v západnej časti mesta Opole. (Slovak)
    26 July 2022
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    Is-suġġett tal-investiment huwa l-kostruzzjoni tal-Bypass Piast f’Opole, taqsima mill-Bypass tat-Tramuntana għal ul. Krapkowicka, Stadju II mill-ġunzjoni ta’ Niemodlińska sat-triq taċ-ċirku tat-Tramuntana — stadju mingħajr il-ġunzjoni ta’ Niemodlińska minn km 0+ 341 sa km 3+ 834. Dan l-investiment jinsab fil-Voivodeship Opolskie fil-konfini amministrattivi tal-Belt ta’ Opole. It-triq ippjanata tinsab fil-parti tal-Punent tal-belt ta’ Opole. (Maltese)
    26 July 2022
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    O objecto do investimento é a construção do Anel Piast em Opole, um troço desde a Estrada do Anel Norte até à rua. Krapkowicka, fase II, da junção não-modlin ao desvio norte – uma subfase sem nó não-modlin do km 0 + 341 ao km 3 + 834. O investimento está localizado no voivodato de Opolskie, dentro dos limites administrativos da cidade de Opole. A estrada projectada está localizada na parte ocidental da cidade de Opole. (Portuguese)
    26 July 2022
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    Investoinnin aiheena on Piast Bypassin rakentaminen Opoleen, osa pohjoisesta ohitustiestä ul. Krapkowicka, vaihe II Niemodlińskan risteyksestä pohjoiselle kehätielle – vaihe ilman Niemodlińskan risteystä kilometristä 0+ 341 km 3+ 834 km:ään. Investointi sijaitsee Opolskien voivodikunnassa Opolen kaupungin hallinnollisten rajojen sisäpuolella. Suunniteltu tie sijaitsee Opolen kaupungin länsiosassa. (Finnish)
    26 July 2022
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    Predmet naložbe je gradnja obvoznice Piast v Opoleju, odseku od severne obvoznice do ul. Krapkowicka, faza II od križišča Niemodlińska do severne obvoznice – etapa brez Niemodlińske stičišča od km 0+341 do km 3+834. Ta naložba se nahaja v Opolskem vojvodstvu znotraj upravnih meja mesta Opole. Načrtovana cesta se nahaja v zahodnem delu mesta Opole. (Slovenian)
    26 July 2022
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    Předmětem investice je výstavba bypassu Piast v Opole, úseku od severního bypassu do ul. Krapkowicka, etapa II od křižovatky Niemodlińska k severnímu okruhu – jeviště bez křižovatky Niemodlińska z km 0 + 341 do km 3 + 834. Tato investice se nachází v Opolském vojvodství v rámci správních hranic města Opole. Plánovaná silnice se nachází v západní části města Opole. (Czech)
    26 July 2022
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    Investicijų objektas yra Piast aplinkkelio statyba Opolėje, atkarpoje nuo šiaurinio aplinkkelio iki ul. Krapkowicka, II etapas nuo Niemodlińska sankryžos iki šiaurinio žiedo kelio – etapas be Niemodlińska sankryžos nuo 0+ 341 km iki 3+ 834 km. Ši investicija vykdoma Opolės vaivadijoje, esančioje Opolės miesto administracinėse ribose. Planuojamas kelias yra vakarinėje Opolės miesto dalyje. (Lithuanian)
    26 July 2022
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    Ieguldījuma priekšmets ir Piast apvedceļa būvniecība Opolā, posmā no Ziemeļu apvedceļa līdz ul. Krapkowicka, II posms no Niemodlińska krustojuma līdz ziemeļu apvedceļam — posms bez Niemodlińska krustojuma no 0+ 341 km līdz 3+ 834. km. Šis ieguldījums atrodas Opolskie vojevodistē Opoles pilsētas administratīvajās robežās. Plānotais ceļš atrodas Opoles pilsētas rietumu daļā. (Latvian)
    26 July 2022
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    Предмет на инвестицията е изграждането на Пясъчен обход в Ополе, участък от Северния байпас до ул. Krapkowicka, етап II от кръстовището Niemodlińska до северния околовръстен път — етап без кръстовището Niemodlińska от км 0+ 341 до km 3+ 834. Тази инвестиция се намира в Ополското войводство в административните граници на град Ополе. Планираният път се намира в западната част на град Ополе. (Bulgarian)
    26 July 2022
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    A beruházás tárgya a Piast Bypass megépítése Opole-ban, egy szakasz az északi elkerülőtől ul. Krapkowicka, II. szakasz a Niemodlińska csomóponttól az északi körgyűrűig – a Niemodlińska csomópont nélküli szakasz 0+ 341 km-től 3+ 834 km-ig. Ez a beruházás az Opolskie vajdaságban található Opole város közigazgatási határain belül. A tervezett út Opole város nyugati részén található. (Hungarian)
    26 July 2022
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    Is é ábhar na hinfheistíochta ná Seachbhóthar Piast a thógáil in Opole, cuid ón Seachbhóthar Thuaidh go ul. Krapkowicka, Céim II ó acomhal Niemodlińska go dtí an cuarbhóthar thuaidh — céim gan acomhal Niemodlińska ó km 0+ 341 go km 3+ 834. Tá an infheistíocht seo suite i Voivodeship Opolskie laistigh de theorainneacha riaracháin Chathair Opole. Tá an bóthar atá beartaithe suite sa chuid thiar de chathair Opole. (Irish)
    26 July 2022
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    Föremålet för investeringen är byggandet av Piast Bypass i Opole, ett avsnitt från norra förbifarten till ul. Krapkowicka, steg II från Niemodlińska korsningen till norra ringvägen – etapp utan Niemodlińska korsningen från km 0+ 341 till km 3+ 834. Denna investering ligger i Opolskie Voivodeship inom de administrativa gränserna för staden Opole. Den planerade vägen ligger i den västra delen av staden Opole. (Swedish)
    26 July 2022
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    Investeeringu teemaks on Piast Bypassi ehitamine Opoles, osa põhjapoolsest ümbersõidust kuni ulini. Krapkowicka, II etapp Niemodlińska ristmikust põhjapoolse ringteeni – ilma Niemodlińska ristmikuta etapi 0+ 341 kilomeetrini 3+ 834. See investeering asub Opolskie vojevoodkonnas Opole linna halduspiirides. Planeeritud tee asub Opole linna lääneosas. (Estonian)
    26 July 2022
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    WOJ.: OPOLSKIE, POW.: Opole
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    13 December 2023
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