Purchase of modern intermodal rolling stock by LOTOS Kolej Sp. z o.o. (Q85895): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): O investimento consistirá na aquisição de material circulante para serviços intermodais, incluindo: 1 locomotiva elétrica autorizada para utilização na Polónia, 1 locomotiva elétrica aprovada para tráfego internacional, 216 plataformas de vagões com uma área de carga de 80«, 108 plataformas de vagões com uma área de carga de 60».) |
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 74,279,897.26 zloty / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 16,512,421.16 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 16,512,421.16 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 16,512,421.16 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / summary: The investment will be the acquisition of rolling stock for intermodal services, including: 1 electric locomotives authorised for use in Poland, 1 electric locomotives approved for international traffic, 216 wagon platforms with a load area length of 80‘, 108 wagon platforms with a cargo area of 60’. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0138776491158453
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
O investimento consistirá na aquisição de material circulante para serviços intermodais, incluindo: 1 locomotiva elétrica autorizada para utilização na Polónia, 1 locomotiva elétrica aprovada para tráfego internacional, 216 plataformas de vagões com uma área de carga de 80«, 108 plataformas de vagões com uma área de carga de 60». (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 148,605,414.52 zloty / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 33,034,983.65 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 33,034,983.65 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 33,034,983.65 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 49.98 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
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Property / date of last update: 6 July 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
148,605,400.0 zloty
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Property / budget: 148,605,400.0 zloty / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
35,665,296.0 Euro
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Property / budget: 35,665,296.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
74,279,896.0 zloty
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Property / EU contribution: 74,279,896.0 zloty / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
17,827,174.0 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 17,827,174.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
49.98 percent
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Property / co-financing rate: 49.98 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
13 December 2023
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Property / date of last update: 13 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 22:03, 12 October 2024
Project Q85895 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Purchase of modern intermodal rolling stock by LOTOS Kolej Sp. z o.o. |
Project Q85895 in Poland |
74,279,896.0 zloty
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17,827,174.0 Euro
0 references
148,605,400.0 zloty
0 references
35,665,296.0 Euro
0 references
49.98 percent
0 references
21 February 2018
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30 September 2022
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Przedmiotem inwestycji będzie nabycie taboru kolejowego służącego do realizacji przewozów intermodalnych, w tym: 1 lokomotywy elektrycznej dopuszczonej do ruchu na terenie Polski, 1 lokomotywy elektrycznej dopuszczonej do ruchu międzynarodowego, 216 sztuk platform wagonowych o długości powierzchni ładunkowej wynoszącej 80’, 108 sztuk platform wagonowych o długości powierzchni ładunkowej wynoszącej 60’. (Polish)
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The investment will be the acquisition of rolling stock for intermodal services, including: 1 electric locomotives authorised for use in Poland, 1 electric locomotives approved for international traffic, 216 wagon platforms with a load area length of 80‘, 108 wagon platforms with a cargo area of 60’. (English)
14 October 2020
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L’investissement aura pour objet l’acquisition de matériel roulant pour le transport intermodal, y compris: 1 locomotive électrique agréée pour une utilisation en Pologne, 1 locomotive électrique agréée pour le trafic international, 216 plates-formes de wagons avec une aire de chargement de 80’, 108 quais de wagons d’une longueur de 60’. (French)
30 November 2021
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Gegenstand der Investition ist der Erwerb von Fahrzeugen für den intermodalen Verkehr, einschließlich: 1 Elektrolokomotive, die für den Einsatz in Polen zugelassen ist, 1 für den internationalen Verkehr zugelassene Elektrolokomotive, 216 Wagenbühnen mit einer Ladefläche von 80′, 108 Wagenbühnen mit einer Ladefläche von 60“. (German)
7 December 2021
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De investering zal betrekking hebben op de verwerving van rollend materieel voor intermodaal vervoer, met inbegrip van: 1 elektrische locomotief goedgekeurd voor gebruik in Polen, 1 elektrische locomotief goedgekeurd voor internationaal verkeer, 216 wagonplatforms met een laadruimte van 80”, 108 wagonplatforms met een laadruimte van 60”. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Oggetto dell'investimento sarà l'acquisizione di materiale rotabile per il trasporto intermodale, tra cui: 1 locomotiva elettrica omologata per l'uso in Polonia, 1 locomotiva elettrica omologata per il traffico internazionale, 216 piattaforme di carri con una superficie di carico di 80', 108 piattaforme di carri di lunghezza di 60'. (Italian)
16 January 2022
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El objeto de la inversión será la adquisición de material rodante para el transporte intermodal, que incluirá: 1 locomotora eléctrica autorizada para su uso en Polonia, 1 locomotora eléctrica autorizada para tráfico internacional, 216 piezas de plataformas de vagones con una superficie de carga de 80’, 108 plataformas de vagones con una longitud de 60’. (Spanish)
19 January 2022
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Investeringen vil være erhvervelse af rullende materiel til intermodal transport, herunder: 1 elektrisk lokomotiv godkendt til brug i Polen, 1 elektrisk lokomotiv godkendt til international trafik, 216 vognperroner med et lastareal på 80', 108 vognperroner med en lastareal på 60". (Danish)
26 July 2022
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Αντικείμενο της επένδυσης θα είναι η απόκτηση τροχαίου υλικού για διατροπικές μεταφορές, συμπεριλαμβανομένων: 1 ηλεκτρική μηχανή εγκεκριμένη για χρήση στην Πολωνία, 1 ηλεκτρική μηχανή εγκεκριμένη για διεθνή κυκλοφορία, 216 εξέδρες φορτάμαξες με επιφάνεια φορτίου 80’, 108 εξέδρες φορτάμαξες μήκους 60”. (Greek)
26 July 2022
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Predmet ulaganja bit će nabava željezničkih vozila za intermodalni prijevoz, uključujući: 1 električna lokomotiva odobrena za uporabu u Poljskoj, jedna električna lokomotiva odobrena za međunarodni promet, 216 platformi vagona s teretnim prostorom od 80’, 108 platformi vagona duljine 60”. (Croatian)
26 July 2022
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Obiectul investiției va fi achiziționarea de material rulant pentru transportul intermodal, inclusiv: 1 locomotivă electrică aprobată pentru utilizare în Polonia, 1 locomotivă electrică aprobată pentru traficul internațional, 216 piese de platforme de vagoane cu o suprafață de marfă de 80’, 108 platforme de vagoane cu o lungime a zonei de încărcare de 60”. (Romanian)
26 July 2022
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Predmetom investície bude nadobudnutie železničných koľajových vozidiel pre intermodálnu dopravu vrátane: 1 elektrická lokomotíva schválená na používanie v Poľsku, 1 elektrická lokomotíva schválená pre medzinárodnú dopravu, 216 kusov nástupišťa vozňov s nákladným priestorom 80', 108 vagónov s dĺžkou nákladného priestoru 60“. (Slovak)
26 July 2022
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Is-suġġett tal-investiment se jkun l-akkwist ta’ vetturi ferrovjarji għat-trasport intermodali, inklużi: Lokomottiv tal-elettriku wieħed approvat għall-użu fil-Polonja, lokomotiva elettrika waħda approvata għat-traffiku internazzjonali, 216-il biċċa ta’ pjattaformi tal-vaguni b’żona tal-merkanzija ta’ 80', 108 pjattaformi tal-vaguni b’żona tal-merkanzija ta’ tul ta’ 60”. (Maltese)
26 July 2022
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O investimento consistirá na aquisição de material circulante para serviços intermodais, incluindo: 1 locomotiva elétrica autorizada para utilização na Polónia, 1 locomotiva elétrica aprovada para tráfego internacional, 216 plataformas de vagões com uma área de carga de 80«, 108 plataformas de vagões com uma área de carga de 60». (Portuguese)
26 July 2022
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Investoinnin kohteena on intermodaalisiin kuljetuksiin tarkoitetun liikkuvan kaluston hankinta, mukaan lukien: 1 sähköveturi, joka on hyväksytty käytettäväksi Puolassa, 1 sähköveturi, joka on hyväksytty kansainväliseen liikenteeseen, 216 vaunualustaa, joiden lastipinta-ala on 80’, 108 vaunualustaa, joiden lastialueen pituus on 60”. (Finnish)
26 July 2022
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Predmet naložbe bo nakup tirnih vozil za intermodalni prevoz, vključno z: 1 električna lokomotiva, odobrena za uporabo na Poljskem, 1 električna lokomotiva, odobrena za mednarodni promet, 216 kosov peronov za vagone s tovornim prostorom 80’, 108 peronov za vagone z dolžino tovornega prostora 60“. (Slovenian)
26 July 2022
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Předmětem investice bude pořízení kolejových vozidel pro intermodální dopravu, včetně: 1 elektrická lokomotiva schválená pro použití v Polsku, 1 elektrická lokomotiva schválená pro mezinárodní dopravu, 216 nástupišť vagónů s nákladovou plochou 80’, 108 nástupišť vozů s nákladovou plochou 60“. (Czech)
26 July 2022
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Investicijos bus skirtos įvairiarūšiam transportui skirtų riedmenų įsigijimui, įskaitant: 1 elektrinis lokomotyvas, patvirtintas naudoti Lenkijoje, 1 elektrinis lokomotyvas, patvirtintas tarptautiniam eismui, 216 vagonų platformų, kurių krovinių plotas yra 80’, 108 vagonų platformos, kurių krovinių skyriaus ilgis yra 60“. (Lithuanian)
26 July 2022
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Ieguldījuma priekšmets būs ritošā sastāva iegāde intermodālajiem pārvadājumiem, tostarp: 1 elektrolokomotīve, kas apstiprināta izmantošanai Polijā, 1 elektrolokomotīve, kas apstiprināta starptautiskajai satiksmei, 216 vagonu platformas ar kravas laukumu 80’, 108 vagonu platformas ar kravas platību 60”. (Latvian)
26 July 2022
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Предмет на инвестицията ще бъде придобиването на подвижен състав за интермодален транспорт, включително: 1 електрически локомотив, одобрен за използване в Полша, 1 електрически локомотив, одобрен за международен трафик, 216 броя вагони с товарна площ 80', 108 вагони с дължина на товарната площ 60“. (Bulgarian)
26 July 2022
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A beruházás tárgya az intermodális szállításhoz szükséges járművek beszerzése, beleértve a következőket: 1 lengyelországi használatra jóváhagyott elektromos mozdony, 1 nemzetközi forgalomra jóváhagyott elektromos mozdony, 216 darab 80’ rakfelületű vagon peron, 108 vagon peron 60’ raktérhosszúsággal. (Hungarian)
26 July 2022
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Is é ábhar na hinfheistíochta rothra a fháil le haghaidh iompar idirmhódúil, lena n-áirítear: Innill ghluaiste leictreacha 1 ceadaithe le húsáid sa Pholainn, innill ghluaiste leictreacha 1 ceadaithe le haghaidh trácht idirnáisiúnta, píosaí 216 d’ardáin vaigíní le limistéar lasta 80’, 108 ardán vaigín a bhfuil achar lasta 60 acu’. (Irish)
26 July 2022
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Investeringen kommer att handla om förvärv av rullande materiel för intermodala transporter, bland annat följande: 1 elektriskt lok godkänt för användning i Polen, 1 elektriskt lok godkänt för internationell trafik, 216 godsvagnsplattformar med en lastyta på 80’, 108 godsvagnar med en lastyta på 60”. (Swedish)
26 July 2022
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Investeeringu objektiks on veeremi soetamine ühendvedudeks, sealhulgas: 1 Poolas kasutamiseks heakskiidetud elektrivedur, 1 rahvusvaheliseks liikluseks heakskiidetud elektrivedur, 216 vaguniplatvormi lastiruumiga 80′, 108 vaguniplatvormi lastiruumiga 60“. (Estonian)
26 July 2022
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Cały Kraj
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13 December 2023
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