Fighting COVID 19 – Purchasing masks for the protection of the population (Q6839549): Difference between revisions
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label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Luta contra a COVID-19 | Luta contra a COVID-19 – Aquisição de máscaras para a proteção da população | ||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Purchase of protective masks by the Metropole TPM for the attention of the population of the member municipalities in order to cope with the health crisis born of the outbreak of Covid 19, to protect citizens and to allow a gradual resumption of activities in the best possible sanitary conditions. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0721221357745865
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Aquisição de máscaras de proteção pelo Metropole TPM à atenção da população dos municípios membros, a fim de fazer face à crise sanitária nascida do surto de COVID-19, proteger os cidadãos e permitir uma retoma gradual das atividades nas melhores condições sanitárias possíveis. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
7 December 2023
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Property / date of last update: 7 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 21:09, 12 October 2024
Project PA0028568 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Fighting COVID 19 – Purchasing masks for the protection of the population |
Project PA0028568 in France |
849,282.0 Euro
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1,698,564.0 Euro
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50.0 percent
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1 February 2020
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31 December 2020
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Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée
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Achat de masques de protection par la Métropole TPM à l’attention de la population des communes membres afin de faire face à la crise sanitaire née de l’épidémie de la Covid 19, de protéger les citoyens et de permettre une reprise progressive des activités dans les meilleures conditions sanitaires possibles. (French)
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Закупуване на защитни маски от ТПМ „Метропол“ на вниманието на населението на общините-членки с цел справяне със здравната криза, предизвикана от избухването на епидемията от COVID-19, защита на гражданите и осигуряване на възможност за постепенно възобновяване на дейностите при възможно най-добрите санитарни условия. (Bulgarian)
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Nákup ochranných roušek Metropole TPM pro pozornost obyvatel členských obcí za účelem zvládnutí zdravotní krize způsobené vypuknutím onemocnění Covid 19, ochrany občanů a umožnění postupného obnovení činnosti za co nejlepších hygienických podmínek. (Czech)
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Metropole TPM's indkøb af beskyttelsesmasker til befolkningen i medlemskommunerne med henblik på at håndtere den sundhedskrise, der opstod som følge af covid-19-udbruddet, for at beskytte borgerne og muliggøre en gradvis genoptagelse af aktiviteterne under de bedst mulige sundhedsmæssige forhold. (Danish)
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Kauf von Schutzmasken durch die Metropole TPM für die Bevölkerung der Mitgliedsgemeinden, um die Gesundheitskrise infolge der COVID-19-Epidemie zu bewältigen, die Bürger zu schützen und eine schrittweise Wiederaufnahme der Aktivitäten unter bestmöglichen gesundheitlichen Bedingungen zu ermöglichen. (German)
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Αγορά προστατευτικών μασκών από το Metropole TPM προς προσοχή του πληθυσμού των δήμων-μελών, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπιστεί η υγειονομική κρίση που προκλήθηκε από την έξαρση της νόσου COVID-19, να προστατευθούν οι πολίτες και να καταστεί δυνατή η σταδιακή επανέναρξη των δραστηριοτήτων υπό τις καλύτερες δυνατές συνθήκες υγιεινής. (Greek)
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Purchase of protective masks by the Metropole TPM for the attention of the population of the member municipalities in order to cope with the health crisis born of the outbreak of Covid 19, to protect citizens and to allow a gradual resumption of activities in the best possible sanitary conditions. (English)
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Compra de mascarillas protectoras por el Metropole TPM para la atención de la población de los municipios miembros con el fin de hacer frente a la crisis sanitaria nacida del brote de Covid 19, para proteger a los ciudadanos y permitir una reanudación gradual de las actividades en las mejores condiciones sanitarias posibles. (Spanish)
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Metropole TPM poolt kaitsemaskide ostmine liikmesomavalitsuste elanikkonnale, et tulla toime COVID-19 puhangust tingitud tervisekriisiga, kaitsta kodanikke ja võimaldada tegevuse järkjärgulist taasalustamist parimates võimalikes sanitaartingimustes. (Estonian)
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Metropole TPM ostaa suojamaskit jäsenkuntien väestölle, jotta voidaan selviytyä covid-19-epidemian puhkeamisesta johtuvasta terveyskriisistä, suojella kansalaisia ja mahdollistaa toiminnan asteittainen uudelleen aloittaminen parhaissa mahdollisissa terveysolosuhteissa. (Finnish)
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Ceannach masc cosanta ag Metropole TPM chun aird dhaonra na mbardas atá ina mbaill a thabhairt ar aird chun dul i ngleic leis an ngéarchéim sláinte a tharla de dheasca ráig Covid 19, chun saoránaigh a chosaint agus chun gur féidir gníomhaíochtaí a atosú de réir a chéile sna dálaí sláintíochta is fearr is féidir. (Irish)
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Metropole TPM kupuje zaštitne maske stanovništvu općina članica kako bi se nosio sa zdravstvenom krizom uzrokovanom izbijanjem bolesti COVID-19, zaštitio građane i omogućio postupan nastavak aktivnosti u najboljim mogućim sanitarnim uvjetima. (Croatian)
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Védőmaszkok vásárlása a Metropole TPM-től a tagországi önkormányzatok lakosságának figyelmére a Covid19-járvány okozta egészségügyi válság kezelése, a polgárok védelme és a tevékenységek lehető legjobb egészségügyi feltételek melletti fokozatos újraindításának lehetővé tétele érdekében. (Hungarian)
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Acquisto di maschere protettive da parte del Metropole TPM all'attenzione della popolazione dei comuni membri al fine di far fronte alla crisi sanitaria nata dallo scoppio del Covid 19, per proteggere i cittadini e consentire una graduale ripresa delle attività nelle migliori condizioni sanitarie possibili. (Italian)
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Metropole TPM vykdomas apsauginių kaukių pirkimas savivaldybių narių gyventojams, siekiant įveikti sveikatos krizę, kilusią dėl COVID-19 protrūkio, apsaugoti piliečius ir sudaryti sąlygas laipsniškai atnaujinti veiklą geriausiomis įmanomomis sanitarinėmis sąlygomis. (Lithuanian)
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Metropoles TPM veikta aizsargmasku iegāde iesaistīto pašvaldību iedzīvotāju uzmanībai, lai pārvarētu Covid-19 uzliesmojuma izraisīto veselības krīzi, aizsargātu iedzīvotājus un ļautu pakāpeniski atsākt darbības labākos iespējamos sanitārajos apstākļos. (Latvian)
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Ix-xiri ta’ maskri protettivi mit-TPM tal-Metropole għall-attenzjoni tal-popolazzjoni tal-muniċipalitajiet membri sabiex ilaħħqu mal-kriżi tas-saħħa li nqalgħet mit-tifqigħa tal-Covid 19, biex jipproteġu liċ-ċittadini u biex jippermettu t-tkomplija gradwali tal-attivitajiet fl-aħjar kundizzjonijiet sanitarji possibbli. (Maltese)
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Aankoop van beschermende maskers door de Metropole TPM ter attentie van de bevolking van de aangesloten gemeenten om het hoofd te bieden aan de gezondheidscrisis die is ontstaan door de uitbraak van Covid 19, om burgers te beschermen en om een geleidelijke hervatting van activiteiten onder de best mogelijke sanitaire omstandigheden mogelijk te maken. (Dutch)
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Aquisição de máscaras de proteção pelo Metropole TPM à atenção da população dos municípios membros, a fim de fazer face à crise sanitária nascida do surto de COVID-19, proteger os cidadãos e permitir uma retoma gradual das atividades nas melhores condições sanitárias possíveis. (Portuguese)
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Achiziționarea de măști de protecție de către Metropole TPM în atenția populației municipalităților membre pentru a face față crizei sanitare născute din izbucnirea epidemiei de COVID-19, pentru a proteja cetățenii și pentru a permite reluarea treptată a activităților în cele mai bune condiții sanitare posibile. (Romanian)
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Nákup ochranných rúšok Metropolom TPM pre obyvateľstvo členských obcí s cieľom vyrovnať sa so zdravotnou krízou zrodenou z vypuknutia pandémie COVID-19, chrániť občanov a umožniť postupné obnovenie činností v čo najlepších hygienických podmienkach. (Slovak)
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Nakup zaščitnih mask s strani Metropola TPM za prebivalstvo občin, ki so članice, da bi se spopadli z zdravstveno krizo, ki je nastala zaradi izbruha COVID-19, zaščitili državljane in omogočili postopno nadaljevanje dejavnosti v najboljših možnih sanitarnih razmerah. (Slovenian)
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Metropole TPM köper skyddsmasker för att uppmärksamma befolkningen i medlemskommunerna för att hantera den hälsokris som uppstod i samband med covid-19-utbrottet, skydda medborgarna och möjliggöra ett gradvis återupptagande av verksamheten under bästa möjliga sanitära förhållanden. (Swedish)
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8 June 2023
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7 December 2023
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