Remediation of rock walls – ul. At the Giant Head in Znojmo (Q57764): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, pl, sl, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et, cs, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, pl, sl, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et,) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt) |
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Reabilitação de muros rochosos – ul. Na Cabeça Gigante em Znojmo | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Město Znojmo / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The strategic objective of the project is to stabilise and remedie slope instability that threaten the health and safety of people and property on the land concerned by remediing the rock massif in Znojmo. The construction is expected to be completed for 2 months. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0198181035572188
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
O objetivo estratégico do projeto é estabilizar e remediar a instabilidade das encostas que ameaçam a saúde e a segurança das pessoas e dos bens nos terrenos afetados pela remediação do maciço rochoso em Znojmo. Espera-se que a construção seja concluída por dois meses. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 48°51'6.91"N, 16°2'56.18"E / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: Q225269 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: South Moravian Region / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Znojmo / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Znojmo / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis: Improving water quality and reducing flood risk / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective: Multiple Thematic Objective / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: Q225269 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Město Znojmo | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Město Znojmo / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
22 December 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 22 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 20:21, 12 October 2024
Project Q57764 in Czech Republic
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Remediation of rock walls – ul. At the Giant Head in Znojmo |
Project Q57764 in Czech Republic |
2,230,288.29 Czech koruna
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2,623,868.58 Czech koruna
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85.0 percent
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15 July 2016
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13 September 2016
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30 June 2017
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Město Znojmo
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Strategickým cílem projektu je stabilizace a sanace svahových nestabilit, které ohrožují zdraví a bezpečnost osob a majetku na dotčených pozemích a to sanací skalního masívu ve městě Znojmo. Doba realizace stavby se předpokládá 2 měsíce. (Czech)
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The strategic objective of the project is to stabilise and remedie slope instability that threaten the health and safety of people and property on the land concerned by remediing the rock massif in Znojmo. The construction is expected to be completed for 2 months. (English)
23 October 2020
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L’objectif stratégique du projet est la stabilisation et l’assainissement de l’instabilité des pentes, qui menacent la santé et la sécurité des personnes et des biens dans les pays touchés par l’assainissement du massif rocheux de la ville de Znojmo. La période de construction est supposée être de 2 mois. (French)
28 November 2021
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Strategisches Ziel des Projekts ist die Stabilisierung und Sanierung der Hanginstabilität, die die Gesundheit und Sicherheit von Personen und Eigentum in den betroffenen Ländern durch Sanierung des Gesteinsmassivs in der Stadt Znojmo gefährdet. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Bauzeit 2 Monate beträgt. (German)
2 December 2021
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De strategische doelstelling van het project is de stabilisering en sanering van de hellingsinstabiliteit, die een bedreiging vormt voor de gezondheid en veiligheid van personen en eigendommen in de getroffen landen door de sanering van het rotsmassief in de stad Znojmo. De bouwperiode wordt geacht 2 maanden te zijn. (Dutch)
13 December 2021
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L'obiettivo strategico del progetto è la stabilizzazione e la bonifica dell'instabilità dei pendii, che minacciano la salute e la sicurezza delle persone e dei beni sui paesi colpiti dalla bonifica del massiccio roccioso nella città di Znojmo. Si presume che il periodo di costruzione sia di 2 mesi. (Italian)
14 January 2022
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El objetivo estratégico del proyecto es la estabilización y rehabilitación de la inestabilidad de las laderas, que amenazan la salud y la seguridad de las personas y los bienes en los países afectados por la rehabilitación del macizo rocoso de la ciudad de Znojmo. Se supone que el período de construcción es de 2 meses. (Spanish)
15 January 2022
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Projektets strategiske mål er at stabilisere og afhjælpe den ustabile hældning, der truer menneskers og ejendoms sundhed og sikkerhed på den pågældende jord ved at rette op på bjergmassivet i Znojmo. Byggeriet forventes afsluttet i 2 måneder. (Danish)
24 July 2022
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Ο στρατηγικός στόχος του έργου είναι η σταθεροποίηση και η αποκατάσταση της αστάθειας των πλαγιών που απειλούν την υγεία και την ασφάλεια των ανθρώπων και των ιδιοκτησιών της οικείας γης με την αποκατάσταση του ορεινού όγκου στο Znojmo. Η κατασκευή αναμένεται να ολοκληρωθεί για 2 μήνες. (Greek)
24 July 2022
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Strateški cilj projekta je stabiliziranje i otklanjanje nestabilnosti nagiba koji ugrožavaju zdravlje i sigurnost ljudi i imovine na dotičnom zemljištu sanacijom stijenskog masiva u Znojmu. Očekuje se kako će izgradnja biti završena 2 mjeseca. (Croatian)
24 July 2022
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Obiectivul strategic al proiectului este stabilizarea și remedierea instabilității pantei care amenință sănătatea și siguranța persoanelor și a proprietăților de pe terenul în cauză prin relansarea masivului de roci din Znojmo. Construcția urmează să fie finalizată timp de 2 luni. (Romanian)
24 July 2022
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Strategickým cieľom projektu je stabilizovať a napraviť nestabilitu svahov, ktorá ohrozuje zdravie a bezpečnosť ľudí a majetku na dotknutom území odstránením skalného masívu v Znojme. Očakáva sa, že výstavba bude dokončená na 2 mesiace. (Slovak)
24 July 2022
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L-objettiv strateġiku tal-proġett huwa li tiġi stabbilizzata u rrimedjata l-instabbiltà tax-xaqliba li thedded is-saħħa u s-sikurezza tan-nies u l-proprjetà fuq l-art ikkonċernata billi tiġi rrimedjata l-massif tal-blat f’Znojmo. Il-kostruzzjoni hija mistennija li titlesta għal xahrejn. (Maltese)
24 July 2022
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O objetivo estratégico do projeto é estabilizar e remediar a instabilidade das encostas que ameaçam a saúde e a segurança das pessoas e dos bens nos terrenos afetados pela remediação do maciço rochoso em Znojmo. Espera-se que a construção seja concluída por dois meses. (Portuguese)
24 July 2022
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Hankkeen strategisena tavoitteena on vakauttaa ja korjata kaltevuuden epävakaus, joka uhkaa ihmisten ja omaisuuden terveyttä ja turvallisuutta kyseisellä maalla korjaamalla Znojmossa sijaitsevan kallion ylängön. Rakentamisen odotetaan valmistuvan 2 kuukaudeksi. (Finnish)
24 July 2022
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Strategicznym celem projektu jest ustabilizowanie i zaradzenie niestabilności nachylenia, która zagraża zdrowiu i bezpieczeństwu ludzi i mienia na danym terenie poprzez usunięcie masywu skalnego w Znojmo. Oczekuje się, że budowa zostanie ukończona przez 2 miesiące. (Polish)
24 July 2022
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Strateški cilj projekta je stabilizirati in odpraviti nestabilnost pobočij, ki ogroža zdravje in varnost ljudi in premoženja na zadevnih zemljiščih s sanacijo skalnega masiva v Znojmu. Pričakuje se, da bo gradnja končana za dva meseca. (Slovenian)
24 July 2022
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Strateginis projekto tikslas – stabilizuoti ir atgaivinti nuolydžio nestabilumą, kuris kelia grėsmę žmonių ir turto sveikatai ir saugumui atitinkamoje žemėje, pašalinant uolienų masyvą Znojmo mieste. Numatoma, kad statyba bus baigta 2 mėnesius. (Lithuanian)
24 July 2022
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Projekta stratēģiskais mērķis ir stabilizēt un novērst nogāžu nestabilitāti, kas apdraud cilvēku un īpašuma veselību un drošību attiecīgajā zemē, atveseļojot iežu masīvu Znojmo. Paredzams, ka būvniecība tiks pabeigta 2 mēnešus. (Latvian)
24 July 2022
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Стратегическата цел на проекта е да се стабилизира и отстрани нестабилността на склоновете, която застрашава здравето и безопасността на хората и имуществото на съответните земи чрез отстраняване на скалния масив в Зноймо. Строителството се очаква да бъде завършено за 2 месеца. (Bulgarian)
24 July 2022
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A projekt stratégiai célkitűzése az, hogy stabilizálja és orvosolja a lejtők instabilitását, amely veszélyezteti az emberek és a tulajdon egészségét és biztonságát az érintett területeken, a znojmói sziklatömeg helyreállításával. A kivitelezés várhatóan 2 hónapig tart. (Hungarian)
24 July 2022
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Is é cuspóir straitéiseach an tionscadail éagobhsaíocht fána a chobhsú agus a leigheas, éagobhsaíocht a chuireann sláinte agus sábháilteacht daoine agus maoine ar an talamh lena mbaineann i mbaol trí mhais na carraige in Znojmo a leigheas. Táthar ag súil go gcríochnófar an tógáil ar feadh 2 mhí. (Irish)
24 July 2022
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Projektets strategiska mål är att stabilisera och avhjälpa instabiliteten i sluttningarna som hotar människors och egendoms hälsa och säkerhet på den berörda marken genom att sanera bergmassivet i Znojmo. Byggandet förväntas vara färdigt i 2 månader. (Swedish)
24 July 2022
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Projekti strateegiline eesmärk on stabiliseerida ja parandada nõlva ebastabiilsust, mis ohustab inimeste tervist ja ohutust ning maa-alal asuvat vara Znojmo kaljumassiivi parandamisega. Ehitus valmib eeldatavasti 2 kuud. (Estonian)
24 July 2022
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22 December 2023
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