Rehabilitation of the Parque del Nuevo Alamín (Q4658124): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en)
(‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): A operação visa responder às necessidades do local, valorizando o parque para o uso e fruição dos cidadãos, conseguindo um parque muito mais verde que vá ao encontro do trabalho social, cultural, ambiental e de resiliência que deve ter as atuais zonas verdes. Para tornar tudo isto possível, serão tidos em conta aspetos importantes como a ecologia, o clima, o solo e a topografia do parque.)
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / start time
1 October 2022
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 October 2022 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
30 April 2023
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 30 April 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
19130 Guadalajara
Property / location (string): 19130 Guadalajara / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
40°30'59.18"N, 2°47'25.66"W
Property / coordinate location: 40°30'59.18"N, 2°47'25.66"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 40°30'59.18"N, 2°47'25.66"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Guadalajara Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
300,000.0 Euro
Amount300,000.0 Euro
Property / budget: 300,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget
300,000.0 Euro
Amount300,000.0 Euro
Property / budget: 300,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
240,000.0 Euro
Amount240,000.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 240,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
240,000.0 Euro
Amount240,000.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 240,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.0 percent
Amount80.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The operation aims to meet the needs of the place by valuing the park for the use and enjoyment of citizens, achieving a much greener park that meets the social, cultural environmental and resilience work that must have the current green areas. To make all this possible, important aspects such as the ecology, climate, soil and topography of the park will be taken into account. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.3709568848701938
Property / summaryProperty / summary
A operação visa atender às necessidades do local, valorizando o parque para o uso e gozo dos cidadãos, alcançando um parque muito mais verde que atenda ao trabalho social, cultural e de resiliência que deve ter as atuais áreas verdes. Para que tudo isto seja possível, serão tidos em conta aspetos importantes como a ecologia, o clima, o solo e a topografia do parque. (Portuguese)
A operação visa responder às necessidades do local, valorizando o parque para o uso e fruição dos cidadãos, conseguindo um parque muito mais verde que vá ao encontro do trabalho social, cultural, ambiental e de resiliência que deve ter as atuais zonas verdes. Para tornar tudo isto possível, serão tidos em conta aspetos importantes como a ecologia, o clima, o solo e a topografia do parque. (Portuguese)
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Guadalajara / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Guadalajara Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Guadalajara Province / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Guadalajara / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W
Property / coordinate location: 40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W / qualifier
Property / budget
500,000.0 Euro
Amount500,000.0 Euro
Property / budget: 500,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
403,000.0 Euro
Amount403,000.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 403,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.6 percent
Amount80.6 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.6 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
1 March 2023
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 March 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
31 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 31 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
21 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 21 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 12:55, 12 October 2024

Project Q4658124 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
Rehabilitation of the Parque del Nuevo Alamín
Project Q4658124 in Spain


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    403,000.0 Euro
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    500,000.0 Euro
    0 references
    80.6 percent
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    1 March 2023
    0 references
    31 December 2023
    0 references
    0 references

    40°38'23.68"N, 3°10'32.30"W
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    La operación pretende satisfacer las necesidades del lugar poniendo en valor el parque para el uso y disfrute de los ciudadanos, consiguiendo un parque mucho más verde que cumpla con la labor social, cultural medioambiental y de resiliencia que deben tener las zonas verdes actuales. Para hacer posible todo ello se tendrá en cuenta aspectos tan importantes como la ecología, el clima, el suelo y la topografía de dicho parque. (Spanish)
    0 references
    The operation aims to meet the needs of the place by valuing the park for the use and enjoyment of citizens, achieving a much greener park that meets the social, cultural environmental and resilience work that must have the current green areas. To make all this possible, important aspects such as the ecology, climate, soil and topography of the park will be taken into account. (English)
    0 references
    L-operazzjoni għandha l-għan li tissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet tal-post billi tivvaluta l-park għall-użu u t-tgawdija taċ-ċittadini, filwaqt li tikseb park ferm aktar ekoloġiku li jissodisfa l-ħidma soċjali, kulturali ambjentali u ta’ reżiljenza li għandu jkollha ż-żoni ekoloġiċi attwali. Sabiex dan kollu jkun possibbli, se jitqiesu aspetti importanti bħall-ekoloġija, il-klima, il-ħamrija u t-topografija tal-park. (Maltese)
    0 references
    Operationen har til formål at imødekomme stedets behov ved at værdsætte parken for borgernes brug og nydelse og opnå en langt grønnere park, der opfylder det sociale, kulturelle miljø- og resiliensarbejde, der skal have de nuværende grønne områder. For at gøre alt dette muligt vil der blive taget hensyn til vigtige aspekter som økologi, klima, jordbund og topografi i parken. (Danish)
    0 references
    Cilj je operacije zadovoljiti potrebe mjesta vrednovanjem parka za korištenje i uživanje građana, postizanjem mnogo zelenijeg parka koji zadovoljava socijalni, kulturni i ekološki rad te rad na otpornosti koji mora imati postojeće zelene površine. Kako bi se sve to omogućilo, u obzir će se uzeti važni aspekti kao što su ekologija, klima, tlo i topografija parka. (Croatian)
    0 references
    A operação visa responder às necessidades do local, valorizando o parque para o uso e fruição dos cidadãos, conseguindo um parque muito mais verde que vá ao encontro do trabalho social, cultural, ambiental e de resiliência que deve ter as atuais zonas verdes. Para tornar tudo isto possível, serão tidos em conta aspetos importantes como a ecologia, o clima, o solo e a topografia do parque. (Portuguese)
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    Операцията има за цел да отговори на нуждите на мястото, като оцени парка за използването и удоволствието от гражданите, като постигне много по-зелен парк, който отговаря на социалната, културната екологична и устойчива работа, която трябва да има настоящите зелени площи. За да се направи всичко това възможно, ще бъдат взети предвид важни аспекти като екологията, климата, почвата и топографията на парка. (Bulgarian)
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    Tegevuse eesmärk on rahuldada koha vajadusi, väärtustades parki kodanike kasutamiseks ja nautimiseks, saavutades palju rohelisema pargi, mis vastab sotsiaalsele, kultuurilisele keskkonna- ja vastupanuvõimealasele tööle, millel peavad olema praegused rohelised alad. Kõige selle võimaldamiseks võetakse arvesse selliseid olulisi aspekte nagu pargi ökoloogia, kliima, pinnas ja topograafia. (Estonian)
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    Η επιχείρηση έχει ως στόχο να καλύψει τις ανάγκες του τόπου αξιολογώντας το πάρκο για τη χρήση και την απόλαυση των πολιτών, επιτυγχάνοντας ένα πολύ πιο πράσινο πάρκο που ανταποκρίνεται στο κοινωνικό, πολιτιστικό περιβαλλοντικό έργο και έργο ανθεκτικότητας που πρέπει να έχει τους σημερινούς χώρους πρασίνου. Για να γίνουν όλα αυτά δυνατά, θα ληφθούν υπόψη σημαντικές πτυχές όπως η οικολογία, το κλίμα, το έδαφος και η τοπογραφία του πάρκου. (Greek)
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    Die Operation zielt darauf ab, die Bedürfnisse des Ortes zu erfüllen, indem der Park für die Nutzung und den Genuss der Bürger bewertet wird und einen viel grüneren Park erreicht, der den sozialen, kulturellen Umwelt- und Resilienzarbeit entspricht, die die aktuellen Grünflächen haben muss. Um all dies zu ermöglichen, werden wichtige Aspekte wie Ökologie, Klima, Boden und Topographie des Parks berücksichtigt. (German)
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    Is é is aidhm don oibríocht freastal ar riachtanais na háite trí luacháil a dhéanamh ar an bpáirc le haghaidh úsáid agus taitneamh na saoránach, agus páirc i bhfad níos glaise a bhaint amach a fhreastalaíonn ar an obair shóisialta, chultúrtha chomhshaoil agus athléimneachta nach mór na limistéir ghlasa reatha a bheith aici. Chun é seo go léir a dhéanamh, cuirfear san áireamh gnéithe tábhachtacha amhail éiceolaíocht, aeráid, ithir agus topagrafaíocht na páirce. (Irish)
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    A művelet célja, hogy megfeleljen a hely igényeinek azáltal, hogy értékeli a parkot a polgárok használatára és élvezetére, és egy sokkal zöldebb parkot hoz létre, amely megfelel a társadalmi, kulturális környezetvédelmi és rezilienciaépítési munkának, amelynek a jelenlegi zöld területekkel kell rendelkeznie. Ahhoz, hogy mindez lehetséges legyen, figyelembe kell venni olyan fontos szempontokat, mint a park ökológiája, éghajlata, talaja és topográfiája. (Hungarian)
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    Cieľom operácie je uspokojiť potreby tohto miesta oceňovaním parku na využívanie a potešenie občanov, dosiahnutím oveľa ekologickejšieho parku, ktorý spĺňa sociálnu, kultúrnu prácu v oblasti životného prostredia a odolnosti, ktorá musí mať súčasné zelené plochy. Aby to všetko bolo možné, zohľadnia sa dôležité aspekty, ako je ekológia, klíma, pôda a topografia parku. (Slovak)
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    Operācijas mērķis ir apmierināt vietas vajadzības, novērtējot parku iedzīvotāju lietošanai un baudīšanai, izveidojot daudz zaļāku parku, kas atbilst sociālajam, kultūras vides un noturības darbam, kuram jābūt pašreizējām zaļajām zonām. Lai tas viss būtu iespējams, tiks ņemti vērā tādi svarīgi aspekti kā parka ekoloģija, klimats, augsne un topogrāfija. (Latvian)
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    Verksamheten syftar till att tillgodose platsens behov genom att värdera parken för användning och njutning av medborgarna, uppnå en mycket grönare park som uppfyller det sociala, kulturella miljö- och resiliensarbetet som måste ha de nuvarande grönområdena. För att göra allt detta möjligt kommer viktiga aspekter som ekologi, klimat, mark och topografi i parken att beaktas. (Swedish)
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    Šia operacija siekiama patenkinti vietos poreikius, įvertinant parką piliečių naudojimui ir malonumui, sukuriant daug ekologiškesnį parką, atitinkantį socialinius, kultūrinius aplinkosauginius ir atsparumo didinimo darbus, kuriuose turi būti dabartinės žaliosios zonos. Kad visa tai būtų įmanoma, bus atsižvelgta į tokius svarbius aspektus kaip ekologija, klimatas, dirvožemis ir parko topografija. (Lithuanian)
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    Operaation tavoitteena on vastata paikan tarpeisiin arvostamalla puistoa kansalaisten käyttöön ja nautintoon, saavuttamalla paljon vihreämpi puisto, joka täyttää sosiaaliset, kulttuuriset ympäristö- ja selviytymiskykytyöt, joilla on oltava nykyiset viheralueet. Jotta kaikki tämä olisi mahdollista, otetaan huomioon puiston ekologian, ilmaston, maaperän ja topografian kaltaiset tärkeät näkökohdat. (Finnish)
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    Cílem operace je uspokojit potřeby tohoto místa oceněním parku za užívání a požitek občanů, dosažením mnohem zelenějšího parku, který splňuje sociální, kulturní a environmentální práci, která musí mít stávající zelené plochy. Aby to bylo možné, budou zohledněny důležité aspekty, jako je ekologie, klima, půda a topografie parku. (Czech)
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    L’opération vise à répondre aux besoins du lieu en valorisant le parc pour l’utilisation et le plaisir des citoyens, en réalisant un parc beaucoup plus vert qui répond aux travaux sociaux, culturels et environnementaux et de résilience qui doivent avoir les espaces verts actuels. Pour rendre tout cela possible, des aspects importants tels que l’écologie, le climat, le sol et la topographie du parc seront pris en compte. (French)
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    L'operazione mira a soddisfare le esigenze del luogo valorizzando il parco per l'uso e il godimento dei cittadini, realizzando un parco molto più verde che soddisfi il lavoro sociale, culturale ambientale e di resilienza che deve avere le attuali aree verdi. Per rendere possibile tutto questo, saranno presi in considerazione aspetti importanti come l'ecologia, il clima, il suolo e la topografia del parco. (Italian)
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    De operatie is bedoeld om tegemoet te komen aan de behoeften van de plaats door het park te waarderen voor het gebruik en het plezier van de burgers, het bereiken van een veel groener park dat voldoet aan de sociale, culturele milieu- en veerkrachtwerkzaamheden die de huidige groene gebieden moeten hebben. Om dit alles mogelijk te maken, wordt rekening gehouden met belangrijke aspecten zoals de ecologie, klimaat, bodem en topografie van het park. (Dutch)
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    Cilj operacije je zadovoljiti potrebe kraja z vrednotenjem parka za uporabo in uživanje državljanov, doseganjem veliko bolj zelenega parka, ki ustreza socialnim, kulturnim okoljskim in odpornim delom, ki morajo imeti sedanje zelene površine. Da bi bilo to mogoče, se bodo upoštevali pomembni vidiki, kot so ekologija, podnebje, tla in topografija parka. (Slovenian)
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    Operațiunea își propune să răspundă nevoilor locului prin valorificarea parcului pentru utilizarea și plăcerea cetățenilor, realizând un parc mult mai verde, care să răspundă muncii sociale, culturale de mediu și de reziliență care trebuie să aibă zonele verzi actuale. Pentru a face toate acestea posibile, vor fi luate în considerare aspecte importante precum ecologia, clima, solul și topografia parcului. (Romanian)
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    21 December 2023
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