Social awareness campaigns for the population about COVID-19 in Castilla-La Mancha. (Q4656671): Difference between revisions

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label / ptlabel / pt
Campanhas de sensibilização social para a população sobre a COVID-19 em Castilla-La Mancha.
Campanhas de sensibilização social para a população sobre a COVID-19 em Castela-Mancha.
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Madrid / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
691,652.8 Euro
Amount691,652.8 Euro
Property / budget: 691,652.8 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
553,322.25 Euro
Amount553,322.25 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 553,322.25 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.0000014458121 percent
Amount80.0000014458121 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.0000014458121 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Raise awareness among the Spanish population with information and recommendations to prevent infection and disease. Among the non-pharmacological measures that have been carried out is the dissemination of the various institutional advertising campaigns to sensitise the population about the disease caused by COVID-19 and its prevention. in order to prevent the transmission of the disease. the control of outbreaks and their consequences. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0638377385258417
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Sensibilizar a população espanhola com informações e recomendações para prevenir infeções e doenças. Entre as medidas não farmacológicas que foram realizadas está a disseminação das várias campanhas publicitárias institucionais para sensibilizar a população sobre a doença causada pela COVID-19 e sua prevenção. a fim de prevenir a transmissão da doença. o controle de surtos e suas consequências. (Portuguese)
Sensibilizar a população espanhola com informações e recomendações para prevenir infeções e doenças. Dentre as medidas não farmacológicas que têm sido realizadas está a divulgação das diversas campanhas publicitárias institucionais para sensibilizar a população sobre a doença causada pela COVID-19 e sua prevenção. a fim de prevenir a transmissão da doença. o controle de surtos e suas consequências. (Portuguese)
Property / date of last update
12 June 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 12 June 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Varios Municipios de Castilla-La Mancha
Property / location (string): Varios Municipios de Castilla-La Mancha / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 99 / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Castilla–La Mancha / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 99 / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Province of Ciudad Real / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Province of Ciudad Real / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Campo de Criptana / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
39°16'46.42"N, 3°5'51.72"W
Property / coordinate location: 39°16'46.42"N, 3°5'51.72"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 39°16'46.42"N, 3°5'51.72"W / qualifier
Property / budget
691,652.8 Euro
Amount691,652.8 Euro
Property / budget: 691,652.8 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
557,195.5 Euro
Amount557,195.5 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 557,195.5 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.56 percent
Amount80.56 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.56 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
20 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 20 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 12:52, 12 October 2024

Project Q4656671 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
Social awareness campaigns for the population about COVID-19 in Castilla-La Mancha.
Project Q4656671 in Spain


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    557,195.5 Euro
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    691,652.8 Euro
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    80.56 percent
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    1 February 2020
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    30 June 2022
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    39°16'46.42"N, 3°5'51.72"W
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    Concienciar a la población española con información y recomendaciones para prevenir el contagio y la enfermedad. Dentro de las medidas no farmacológicas que se han llevado a cabo se encuentra a difusión de las distintas campañas publicitarias institucionales para sensibilizar a la población sobre la enfermedad producida por la COVID-19 y su prevención. con el objetivo de evitar la transmisión de la enfermedad. el control de los brotes y sus consecuencias. (Spanish)
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    Raise awareness among the Spanish population with information and recommendations to prevent infection and disease. Among the non-pharmacological measures that have been carried out is the dissemination of the various institutional advertising campaigns to sensitise the population about the disease caused by COVID-19 and its prevention. in order to prevent the transmission of the disease. the control of outbreaks and their consequences. (English)
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    Zvýšiť informovanosť španielskej populácie s informáciami a odporúčaniami na prevenciu infekcií a chorôb. Medzi nefarmakologické opatrenia, ktoré sa vykonali, patrí šírenie rôznych inštitucionálnych reklamných kampaní na zvýšenie citlivosti obyvateľstva na chorobu spôsobenú ochorením COVID-19 a jej prevenciu s cieľom zabrániť prenosu choroby, kontrole ohnísk a ich dôsledkom. (Slovak)
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    Sensibilizarea populației spaniole cu informații și recomandări pentru prevenirea infecțiilor și a bolilor. Printre măsurile nefarmacologice care au fost întreprinse se numără diseminarea diferitelor campanii de publicitate instituțională pentru sensibilizarea populației cu privire la boala cauzată de COVID-19 și la prevenirea acesteia, pentru a preveni transmiterea bolii, controlul focarelor și consecințele acestora. (Romanian)
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    Ozaveščanje španskega prebivalstva z informacijami in priporočili za preprečevanje okužb in bolezni. Med nefarmakološkimi ukrepi, ki so bili izvedeni, je razširjanje različnih institucionalnih oglaševalskih kampanj za ozaveščanje prebivalstva o bolezni, ki jo povzroča COVID-19, in njeno preprečevanje, da se prepreči prenos bolezni, obvladovanje izbruhov in njihovih posledic. (Slovenian)
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    Sensibilizzare la popolazione spagnola con informazioni e raccomandazioni per prevenire infezioni e malattie. Tra le misure non farmacologiche che sono state realizzate c'è la diffusione delle varie campagne pubblicitarie istituzionali per sensibilizzare la popolazione sulla malattia causata dalla COVID-19 e sulla sua prevenzione, al fine di prevenire la trasmissione della malattia. il controllo dei focolai e le loro conseguenze. (Italian)
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    Sensibilizar a população espanhola com informações e recomendações para prevenir infeções e doenças. Dentre as medidas não farmacológicas que têm sido realizadas está a divulgação das diversas campanhas publicitárias institucionais para sensibilizar a população sobre a doença causada pela COVID-19 e sua prevenção. a fim de prevenir a transmissão da doença. o controle de surtos e suas consequências. (Portuguese)
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    Öka medvetenheten bland den spanska befolkningen med information och rekommendationer för att förebygga infektioner och sjukdomar. Bland de icke-farmakologiska åtgärder som har vidtagits är spridningen av de olika institutionella reklamkampanjerna för att göra befolkningen känsliga för den sjukdom som orsakas av covid-19 och dess förebyggande, för att förhindra överföring av sjukdomen, bekämpning av utbrott och deras konsekvenser. (Swedish)
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    Suurendada Hispaania elanikkonna teadlikkust nakkuste ja haiguste ennetamise teabe ja soovitustega. Võetud mittefarmakoloogiliste meetmete hulgas on mitmesuguste institutsiooniliste reklaamikampaaniate levitamine, mille eesmärk on suurendada elanikkonna teadlikkust COVID-19 põhjustatud haigusest ja selle ennetamisest, et vältida haiguse edasikandumist. (Estonian)
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    Øge bevidstheden blandt den spanske befolkning med oplysninger og anbefalinger til forebyggelse af infektion og sygdom. Blandt de ikke-farmakologiske foranstaltninger, der er blevet gennemført, er udbredelsen af de forskellige institutionelle reklamekampagner for at bevidstgøre befolkningen om sygdommen forårsaget af covid-19 og forebyggelsen heraf for at forhindre overførsel af sygdommen, bekæmpelse af udbrud og konsekvenserne heraf. (Danish)
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    Titqajjem kuxjenza fost il-popolazzjoni Spanjola b’informazzjoni u rakkomandazzjonijiet għall-prevenzjoni tal-infezzjoni u l-mard. Fost il-miżuri mhux farmakoloġiċi li twettqu hemm it-tixrid tad-diversi kampanji ta’ reklamar istituzzjonali biex jissensibilizzaw lill-popolazzjoni dwar il-marda kkawżata mill-COVID-19 u l-prevenzjoni tagħha. sabiex tiġi evitata t-trażmissjoni tal-marda. il-kontroll tat-tifqigħat u l-konsegwenzi tagħhom. (Maltese)
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    Повишаване на осведомеността сред испанското население с информация и препоръки за предотвратяване на инфекции и заболявания. Сред предприетите нефармакологични мерки е разпространението на различните институционални рекламни кампании за повишаване на чувствителността на населението към заболяването, причинено от COVID-19 и неговата профилактика, с цел предотвратяване на предаването на болестта, контрол на огнищата и последиците от тях. (Bulgarian)
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    Αύξηση της ευαισθητοποίησης του ισπανικού πληθυσμού με πληροφορίες και συστάσεις για την πρόληψη λοιμώξεων και ασθενειών. Μεταξύ των μη φαρμακολογικών μέτρων που έχουν ληφθεί είναι η διάδοση των διαφόρων θεσμικών διαφημιστικών εκστρατειών για την ευαισθητοποίηση του πληθυσμού σχετικά με τη νόσο που προκαλείται από τη νόσο COVID-19 και την πρόληψή της, προκειμένου να προληφθεί η μετάδοση της νόσου, ο έλεγχος των επιδημιών και οι συνέπειές τους. (Greek)
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    Sensibiliser la population espagnole avec des informations et des recommandations pour prévenir les infections et les maladies. Parmi les mesures non pharmacologiques qui ont été mises en œuvre figure la diffusion des différentes campagnes de publicité institutionnelles visant à sensibiliser la population à la maladie causée par la COVID-19 et à sa prévention, afin de prévenir la transmission de la maladie. la lutte contre les flambées épidémiques et leurs conséquences. (French)
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    Podići svijest španjolske populacije s informacijama i preporukama za sprječavanje infekcija i bolesti. Među provedenim nefarmakološkim mjerama je širenje raznih institucijskih kampanja oglašavanja radi senzibiliziranja stanovništva o bolesti uzrokovanoj bolešću COVID-19 i njezinoj prevenciji. kako bi se spriječio prijenos bolesti, kontrola izbijanja bolesti i njihove posljedice. (Croatian)
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    Didinti Ispanijos gyventojų informuotumą teikiant informaciją ir rekomendacijas, kaip užkirsti kelią infekcijoms ir ligoms. Tarp įgyvendintų nefarmakologinių priemonių yra įvairių institucinių reklaminių kampanijų, kuriomis siekiama atkreipti gyventojų dėmesį į COVID-19 sukeltą ligą ir jos prevenciją, platinimas, siekiant užkirsti kelią ligos plitimui, protrūkių ir jų padarinių kontrolė. (Lithuanian)
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    Sensibilisierung der spanischen Bevölkerung mit Informationen und Empfehlungen zur Vorbeugung von Infektionen und Krankheiten. Zu den nicht-pharmakologischen Maßnahmen, die durchgeführt wurden, gehört die Verbreitung der verschiedenen institutionellen Werbekampagnen, um die Bevölkerung für die durch COVID-19 verursachte Krankheit und ihre Prävention zu sensibilisieren, um die Übertragung der Seuche zu verhindern. Die Bekämpfung von Ausbrüchen und deren Folgen. (German)
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    Bewustmaking onder de Spaanse bevolking met informatie en aanbevelingen om infectie en ziekte te voorkomen. Een van de niet-farmacologische maatregelen die zijn uitgevoerd, is de verspreiding van de verschillende institutionele reclamecampagnes om de bevolking te sensibiliseren over de door COVID-19 veroorzaakte ziekte en de preventie ervan om de overdracht van de ziekte te voorkomen. De bestrijding van uitbraken en de gevolgen daarvan. (Dutch)
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    Lisätään Espanjan väestön tietoisuutta tiedoilla ja suosituksilla infektioiden ja tautien ehkäisemiseksi. Toteutettuihin muihin kuin farmakologisiin toimenpiteisiin kuuluu eri institutionaalisten mainoskampanjoiden levittäminen väestön tietoisuuden lisäämiseksi covid-19:n aiheuttamasta taudista ja sen ehkäisemisestä, jotta voidaan estää taudin leviäminen, taudinpurkausten ja niiden seurausten valvonta. (Finnish)
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    Palielināt Spānijas iedzīvotāju informētību ar informāciju un ieteikumiem, lai novērstu infekcijas un slimības. Viens no īstenotajiem nefarmakoloģiskajiem pasākumiem ir dažādu institucionālo reklāmas kampaņu izplatīšana, lai informētu iedzīvotājus par Covid-19 izraisīto slimību un tās profilaksi, lai novērstu slimības pārnešanu, uzliesmojumu un to seku kontroli. (Latvian)
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    Zvýšit povědomí španělské populace o informacích a doporučeních, jak předcházet infekcím a nemocem. K nefarmakologickým opatřením, která byla provedena, patří šíření různých institucionálních reklamních kampaní, jejichž cílem je senzibilizovat obyvatelstvo ohledně onemocnění způsobeného onemocněním COVID-19 a jeho prevence, aby se zabránilo přenosu nákazy. (Czech)
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    Feasacht a mhúscailt i measc phobal na Spáinne le faisnéis agus moltaí chun ionfhabhtú agus galar a chosc. I measc na mbeart neamhchógaseolaíoch a rinneadh tá scaipeadh na bhfeachtas fógraíochta institiúideacha éagsúla chun an pobal a íogrú faoin ngalar a eascraíonn as COVID-19 agus a chosc. chun cosc a chur ar tharchur an ghalair, rialú ráigeanna agus a n-iarmhairtí. (Irish)
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    A spanyol lakosság tudatosságának növelése a fertőzés és a betegség megelőzésére vonatkozó információkkal és ajánlásokkal. Az elvégzett nem farmakológiai intézkedések közé tartozik a különböző intézményi reklámkampányok terjesztése, amelyek célja a lakosságnak a Covid19 által okozott betegséggel és annak megelőzésével kapcsolatos érzékenysége. a betegség terjedésének megelőzése. a járványok és következményeik ellenőrzése. (Hungarian)
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    20 December 2023
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