Implementation of a high-performance management system to improve internal processes and increase the quality of services of Drăgășani City Hall (Q4608940): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt) |
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Implementação de um sistema de gestão de alto desempenho para melhorar os processos internos e | Implementação de um sistema de gestão de alto desempenho para melhorar os processos internos e aumentar a qualidade dos serviços da Câmara Municipal de Drăgășani | ||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Municipiul Drăgăşani,Vâlcea / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 44°39'47.45"N, 24°15'39.13"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 44°39'47.45"N, 24°15'39.13"E / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Vâlcea / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Increasing the performance level at the level of the Drăgășani ATU, by implementing a management system structured on the basis of the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 and supported by the development of the competences of the institution’s staff. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0037391030595198
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Aumentar o nível de desempenho ao nível da UAT Drăgășani, através da aplicação de um sistema de gestão estruturado com base nos requisitos da norma internacional ISO 9001:2015 e apoiado pelo desenvolvimento das competências do pessoal da instituição. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Municipiul Dragasani / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
20 June 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 20 June 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Municipiul Drăgăşani, Romania | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Municipiul Drăgăşani, Romania / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
44°23'48.80"N, 26°3'18.61"E
| |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 44°23'48.80"N, 26°3'18.61"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 44°23'48.80"N, 26°3'18.61"E / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Bucureşti / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 12:43, 12 October 2024
Project Q4608940 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Implementation of a high-performance management system to improve internal processes and increase the quality of services of Drăgășani City Hall |
Project Q4608940 in Romania |
248,248.16 Romanian Leu
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49,649.631250000006 Euro
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292,056.66 Romanian Leu
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58,411.33125 Euro
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84.9999996576007 percent
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1 May 2022
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30 June 2023
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unitatea administrativ teritoriala municipiul drăgăşani
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Creșterea nivelului de performanță la nivelul UAT Municipiul Drăgășani, prin implementarea unui sistem de management structurat pe baza cerințelor standardului internațional ISO 9001:2015 si susținut prin dezvoltarea competențelor personalului instituției. (Romanian)
0 references
Suurendada tulemuslikkust Drăgășani ATU tasandil, rakendades juhtimissüsteemi, mis on struktureeritud rahvusvahelise standardi ISO 9001:2015 nõuete alusel ja mida toetab asutuse töötajate pädevuste arendamine. (Estonian)
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Lisätään Drăgășani ATU:n suoritustasoa ottamalla käyttöön kansainvälisen ISO 9001:2015 -standardin vaatimusten mukainen johtamisjärjestelmä, jota tuetaan toimielimen henkilöstön pätevyyden kehittymisellä. (Finnish)
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Öka prestationsnivån på nivån för Drăgășani ATU genom att införa ett ledningssystem som är strukturerat på grundval av kraven i den internationella standarden ISO 9001:2015 och som stöds av utvecklingen av kompetensen hos institutionens personal. (Swedish)
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An leibhéal feidhmíochta a mhéadú ar leibhéal Drăgășani ATU, trí chóras bainistíochta a chur chun feidhme a bheidh struchtúrtha ar bhonn cheanglais chaighdeán idirnáisiúnta ISO 9001:2015 agus a mbeidh forbairt inniúlachtaí fhoireann na hinstitiúide mar thaca leis. (Irish)
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Aumentar el nivel de rendimiento en el nivel de la ATU de Drăgășani, mediante la implementación de un sistema de gestión estructurado sobre la base de los requisitos de la norma internacional ISO 9001:2015 y respaldado por el desarrollo de las competencias del personal de la institución. (Spanish)
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Veiktspējas līmeņa paaugstināšana Drăgășani ATU līmenī, ieviešot pārvaldības sistēmu, kas strukturēta, pamatojoties uz starptautiskā standarta ISO 9001:2015 prasībām un ko atbalsta iestādes darbinieku kompetenču attīstība. (Latvian)
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Didinti veiklos lygį Drăgășani ATU lygmeniu, įgyvendinant valdymo sistemą, parengtą remiantis tarptautinio standarto ISO 9001:2015 reikalavimais ir paremtą institucijos darbuotojų kompetencijų plėtojimu. (Lithuanian)
0 references
Increasing the performance level at the level of the Drăgășani ATU, by implementing a management system structured on the basis of the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 and supported by the development of the competences of the institution’s staff. (English)
0 references
Povečanje ravni uspešnosti na ravni ATU Drăgășani z izvajanjem sistema upravljanja, ki je strukturiran na podlagi zahtev mednarodnega standarda ISO 9001:2015 in podprt z razvojem kompetenc uslužbencev institucije. (Slovenian)
0 references
Augmenter le niveau de performance au niveau de l’ATU Drăgășani, en mettant en œuvre un système de gestion structuré sur la base des exigences de la norme internationale ISO 9001:2015 et soutenu par le développement des compétences du personnel de l’institution. (French)
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Αύξηση του επιπέδου επιδόσεων στο επίπεδο της ATU Drăgășani, με την εφαρμογή συστήματος διαχείρισης δομημένου βάσει των απαιτήσεων του διεθνούς προτύπου ISO 9001:2015 και υποστηριζόμενου από την ανάπτυξη των ικανοτήτων του προσωπικού του ιδρύματος. (Greek)
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Forbedring af præstationsniveauet i Drăgășani ATU ved at indføre et ledelsessystem, der er struktureret på grundlag af kravene i den internationale standard ISO 9001:2015 og understøttet af udviklingen af institutionens medarbejderes kompetencer. (Danish)
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Повишаване на нивото на ефективност на ниво ATU Drăgășani чрез въвеждане на система за управление, структурирана въз основа на изискванията на международния стандарт ISO 9001:2015 и подкрепена от развитието на компетенциите на персонала на институцията. (Bulgarian)
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Żieda fil-livell ta’ prestazzjoni fil-livell ta’ Drăgășani ATU, bl-implimentazzjoni ta’ sistema ta’ ġestjoni strutturata abbażi tar-rekwiżiti tal-istandard internazzjonali ISO 9001:2015 u appoġġata mill-iżvilupp tal-kompetenzi tal-persunal tal-istituzzjoni. (Maltese)
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Erhöhung des Leistungsniveaus auf der Ebene der Drăgășani ATU durch die Implementierung eines Managementsystems, das auf der Grundlage der Anforderungen der internationalen Norm ISO 9001:2015 strukturiert ist und durch die Entwicklung der Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter des Instituts unterstützt wird. (German)
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Povećanje razine uspješnosti na razini ATU-a Drăgășani provedbom sustava upravljanja strukturiranog na temelju zahtjeva međunarodne norme ISO 9001:2015 i uz potporu razvoja kompetencija osoblja institucije. (Croatian)
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Aumentar o nível de desempenho ao nível da UAT Drăgășani, através da aplicação de um sistema de gestão estruturado com base nos requisitos da norma internacional ISO 9001:2015 e apoiado pelo desenvolvimento das competências do pessoal da instituição. (Portuguese)
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Zvýšenie úrovne výkonnosti na úrovni Drăgășani ATU zavedením systému riadenia štruktúrovaného na základe požiadaviek medzinárodnej normy ISO 9001:2015 a podporeného rozvojom kompetencií zamestnancov inštitúcie. (Slovak)
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Verhoging van het prestatieniveau op het niveau van de Drăgășani ATU, door de invoering van een beheersysteem dat is gestructureerd op basis van de eisen van de internationale norm ISO 9001:2015 en ondersteund door de ontwikkeling van de competenties van het personeel van de instelling. (Dutch)
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A teljesítményszint növelése a Drăgășani ATU szintjén az ISO 9001:2015 nemzetközi szabvány követelményei alapján strukturált és az intézmény személyzete kompetenciáinak fejlesztésével támogatott irányítási rendszer bevezetésével. (Hungarian)
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Zvýšení úrovně výkonnosti na úrovni ATU Drăgășani zavedením systému řízení strukturovaného na základě požadavků mezinárodní normy ISO 9001:2015 a podpořeného rozvojem kompetencí zaměstnanců instituce. (Czech)
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Aumentare il livello di prestazioni a livello di Drăgășani ATU, implementando un sistema di gestione strutturato sulla base dei requisiti della norma internazionale ISO 9001:2015 e supportato dallo sviluppo delle competenze del personale dell'istituzione. (Italian)
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20 June 2023
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Municipiul Drăgăşani, Romania
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