Acquisition of composters for citizens of Trnová (Q4575488): Difference between revisions

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label / ptlabel / pt
Aquisição de compostadores para cidadãos de Trnová
Aquisição de compostores para cidadãos de Trnová
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Mníšek pod Brdy / qualifier
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): OBEC TRNOVÁ / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: OBEC TRNOVÁ / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Central Bohemian Region / qualifier
Property / summary: The subject of the project is waste prevention through the acquisition of composters, compost excavators, chippers, textile container and bookstores incl. stand. All purchased facilities will be available to the inhabitants of the municipality. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0132667948164991
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O objeto do projeto é a prevenção de resíduos através da aquisição de compostadores, escavadoras de compostagem, trituradores, contentores têxteis e livrarias, incluindo estandes. Todas as instalações adquiridas estarão à disposição dos habitantes do município. (Portuguese)
O projeto tem por objeto a prevenção de resíduos através da aquisição de compostadoras, escavadoras de compostagem, trituradoras, contentores têxteis e livrarias, incluindo o stand. Todas as instalações adquiridas estarão disponíveis para os habitantes do município. (Portuguese)
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q226718 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): OBEC TRNOVÁ / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
22 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 22 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 12:03, 12 October 2024

Project Q4575488 in Czechia
Language Label Description Also known as
Acquisition of composters for citizens of Trnová
Project Q4575488 in Czechia


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    750,731.97 Czech koruna
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    30,780.01077 Euro
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    883,214.09 Czech koruna
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    36,211.77769 Euro
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    84.9999992640516 percent
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    5 April 2021
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    6 May 2022
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    49°52'32.02"N, 14°17'14.50"E
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    Předmětem projektu je prevence vzniku odpadů prostřednictvím pořízení kompostérů, překopávačů kompostu, štěpkovače, kontejneru na textil a knihobudky vč. stojanu. Veškeré pořízené zařízení bude k dispozici obyvatelům obce. (Czech)
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    Projekta priekšmets ir atkritumu rašanās novēršana, iegādājoties kompostus, komposta ekskavatorus, šķeldotājus, tekstilizstrādājumu konteinerus un grāmatnīcas, tostarp statīvu. Visas iegādātās iekārtas būs pieejamas pašvaldības iedzīvotājiem. (Latvian)
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    Is é ábhar an tionscadail ná dramhaíl a chosc trí mhúirínithe, tochaltóirí múirín, sliseanna, coimeádán teicstíle agus siopaí leabhar, lena n-áirítear seastán, a fháil. Beidh gach saoráid ceannaithe ar fáil d’áitritheoirí an bhardais. (Irish)
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    Predmet projekta je sprječavanje nastanka otpada kroz nabavu kompostera, rovokopača komposta, strugača, tekstilnih kontejnera i knjižara uključujući štand. Svi kupljeni objekti bit će dostupni stanovnicima općine. (Croatian)
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    Projekti teemaks on jäätmetekke vältimine komposteride, kompostiekskavaatorite, purustite, tekstiilikonteinerite ja raamatupoodide (sh stendi) omandamise kaudu. Kõik ostetud rajatised on omavalitsuse elanikele kättesaadavad. (Estonian)
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    Oggetto del progetto è la prevenzione dei rifiuti attraverso l'acquisizione di compostatori, escavatori di compost, cippatrici, contenitori tessili e librerie incl. stand. Tutte le strutture acquistate saranno a disposizione degli abitanti del comune. (Italian)
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    Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa l-prevenzjoni tal-iskart permezz tal-akkwist ta’ komposters, skavaturi tal-kompost, ċippa, kontenitur tat-tessuti u ħwienet tal-kotba inklużi l-istand. Il-faċilitajiet kollha mixtrija se jkunu disponibbli għall-abitanti tal-muniċipalità. (Maltese)
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    El tema del proyecto es la prevención de residuos a través de la adquisición de compostadores, excavadoras de compost, astilladoras, contenedores textiles y librerías incl. stand. Todas las instalaciones compradas estarán disponibles para los habitantes del municipio. (Spanish)
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    Projektets emne er affaldsforebyggelse gennem erhvervelse af komposterer, kompostgravemaskiner, flishuggere, tekstilbeholdere og boghandlere inkl. stand. Alle indkøbte faciliteter vil være tilgængelige for indbyggerne i kommunen. (Danish)
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    The subject of the project is waste prevention through the acquisition of composters, compost excavators, chippers, textile container and bookstores incl. stand. All purchased facilities will be available to the inhabitants of the municipality. (English)
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    Предмет на проекта е предотвратяване на отпадъци чрез придобиване на компостери, компостни багери, дробилки, текстилни контейнери и книжарници, вкл. щандове. Всички закупени съоръжения ще бъдат на разположение на жителите на общината. (Bulgarian)
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    O projeto tem por objeto a prevenção de resíduos através da aquisição de compostadoras, escavadoras de compostagem, trituradoras, contentores têxteis e livrarias, incluindo o stand. Todas as instalações adquiridas estarão disponíveis para os habitantes do município. (Portuguese)
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    Le projet a pour objet la prévention des déchets par l’acquisition de composteurs, de pelles à compost, de broyeurs, de contenants textiles et de librairies y compris les stands. Toutes les installations achetées seront mises à la disposition des habitants de la municipalité. (French)
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    Projektets ämne är avfallsförebyggande genom förvärv av komposters, kompostgrävare, flismaskiner, textilbehållare och bokhandlar inkl. monter. Alla inköpta anläggningar kommer att vara tillgängliga för invånarna i kommunen. (Swedish)
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    Projekto tema – atliekų prevencija įsigyjant kompostus, komposto ekskavatorius, smulkintuvus, tekstilės konteinerius ir knygynus, įskaitant stendus. Visi įsigyti įrenginiai bus prieinami savivaldybės gyventojams. (Lithuanian)
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    Predmet projekta je preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov z nakupom kompostnikov, kompostnih bagrov, sekalcev, tekstilnih kontejnerjev in knjigarn, vključno s stojalom. Vsi kupljeni objekti bodo na voljo prebivalcem občine. (Slovenian)
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    Hankkeen aiheena on jätteen syntymisen ehkäiseminen hankkimalla kompostoijia, kompostikaivureita, hakkureita, tekstiilikontteja ja kirjakauppoja mm. Kaikki ostetut tilat ovat kunnan asukkaiden käytettävissä. (Finnish)
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    Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η πρόληψη της δημιουργίας αποβλήτων μέσω της αγοράς λιπασματοποιητών, εκσκαφέων κομποστοποίησης, τεμαχιστών, υφασμάτινων δοχείων και βιβλιοπωλείων, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του περιπτέρου. Όλες οι αγορασθείσες εγκαταστάσεις θα είναι διαθέσιμες στους κατοίκους του δήμου. (Greek)
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    Het onderwerp van het project is afvalpreventie door de aankoop van composters, compostgraafmachines, chippers, textielcontainers en boekhandels incl. stand. Alle aangekochte faciliteiten zullen beschikbaar zijn voor de inwoners van de gemeente. (Dutch)
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    A projekt tárgya a hulladékképződés megelőzése komposztálók, komposzt kotrók, aprítógépek, textilkonténerek és könyvesboltok beszerzésével, beleértve a standot is. Minden megvásárolt létesítmény elérhető lesz az önkormányzat lakói számára. (Hungarian)
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    Predmetom projektu je predchádzanie vzniku odpadu prostredníctvom získavania kompostov, kompostových rýpadiel, štiepkovačov, textilných kontajnerov a kníhkupectiev vrátane stojana. Všetky zakúpené zariadenia budú k dispozícii obyvateľom obce. (Slovak)
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    Gegenstand des Projekts ist die Abfallvermeidung durch Anschaffung von Kompostern, Kompostbaggern, Häckslern, Textilbehältern und Buchhandlungen inkl. Alle gekauften Einrichtungen stehen den Einwohnern der Gemeinde zur Verfügung. (German)
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    Obiectul proiectului este prevenirea generării de deșeuri prin achiziționarea de compostoare, excavatoare de compost, tocătoare, containere textile și librării, inclusiv standuri. Toate facilitățile achiziționate vor fi puse la dispoziția locuitorilor municipalității. (Romanian)
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    22 December 2023
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