Implementation of virtual kiosks (Q4692566): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en)
(‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): Graças a esta operação será possível a implementação de meios e ferramentas que facilitem o acesso dos cidadãos aos procedimentos eletrónicos disponibilizados pela Câmara Municipal, favorecendo a sua integração e administração eletrónica no município através de quiosques virtuais onde possam aceder.)
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / location (string)
35016 Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las
Property / location (string): 35016 Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
28°5'26.02"N, 15°25'8.04"W
Property / coordinate location: 28°5'26.02"N, 15°25'8.04"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 28°5'26.02"N, 15°25'8.04"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Gran Canaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
84,000.0 Euro
Amount84,000.0 Euro
Property / budget: 84,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
71,400.0 Euro
Amount71,400.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 71,400.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Thanks to this operation it will be possible the implementation of means and tools with which to facilitate the access of citizens to the electronic procedures provided by the City Council, favoring their integration and electronic administration in the municipality through virtual kiosks where they can access. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.072172202605352
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Graças a esta operação, será possível a implementação de meios e ferramentas para facilitar o acesso dos cidadãos aos procedimentos eletrônicos fornecidos pela Câmara Municipal, favorecendo sua integração e administração eletrônica no concelho por meio de quiosques virtuais onde eles podem aceder. (Portuguese)
Graças a esta operação será possível a implementação de meios e ferramentas que facilitem o acesso dos cidadãos aos procedimentos eletrónicos disponibilizados pela Câmara Municipal, favorecendo a sua integração e administração eletrónica no município através de quiosques virtuais onde possam aceder. (Portuguese)
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las
Property / location (string): Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
28°7'43.93"N, 15°26'5.64"W
Property / coordinate location: 28°7'43.93"N, 15°26'5.64"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 28°7'43.93"N, 15°26'5.64"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Gran Canaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
84,000.0 Euro
Amount84,000.0 Euro
Property / budget: 84,000.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
67,704.0 Euro
Amount67,704.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 67,704.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.6 percent
Amount80.6 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.6 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
20 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 20 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 04:04, 12 October 2024

Project Q4692566 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of virtual kiosks
Project Q4692566 in Spain


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    67,704.0 Euro
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    84,000.0 Euro
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    80.6 percent
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    1 September 2022
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    1 December 2022
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    28°7'43.93"N, 15°26'5.64"W
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    Gracias a esta operación será posible la implantación de medios y herramientas con los que facilitar el acceso de la ciudadanía a los trámites electrónicos proporcionados por el Ayuntamiento, favoreciendo su integración y la administración electrónica en el municipio a través de quioscos virtuales donde podrán acceder. (Spanish)
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    Thanks to this operation it will be possible the implementation of means and tools with which to facilitate the access of citizens to the electronic procedures provided by the City Council, favoring their integration and electronic administration in the municipality through virtual kiosks where they can access. (English)
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    Tämän operaation ansiosta on mahdollista ottaa käyttöön keinoja ja välineitä, joilla helpotetaan kansalaisten pääsyä kaupunginvaltuuston tarjoamiin sähköisiin menettelyihin ja edistetään heidän integroitumistaan ja sähköistä hallintoaan kunnassa virtuaalikioskeilla, joihin he voivat päästä. (Finnish)
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    Dėl šios operacijos bus galima įgyvendinti priemones ir priemones, kuriomis piliečiams būtų sudarytos palankesnės sąlygos naudotis miesto tarybos teikiamomis elektroninėmis procedūromis, skatinant jų integraciją ir elektroninį administravimą savivaldybėje per virtualius kioskus, į kuriuos jie gali patekti. (Lithuanian)
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    Tänu sellele operatsioonile on võimalik rakendada vahendeid ja vahendeid, mis hõlbustavad kodanike juurdepääsu linnavolikogu pakutavatele elektroonilistele menetlustele, soodustades nende integreerimist ja elektroonilist haldamist omavalitsuses virtuaalsete kioskite kaudu, kuhu neil on juurdepääs. (Estonian)
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    Tack vare denna operation kommer det att vara möjligt att införa medel och verktyg för att underlätta medborgarnas tillgång till de elektroniska förfaranden som stadsfullmäktige tillhandahåller, vilket gynnar deras integration och elektroniska administration i kommunen genom virtuella kiosker där de kan komma åt. (Swedish)
    0 references
    Graças a esta operação será possível a implementação de meios e ferramentas que facilitem o acesso dos cidadãos aos procedimentos eletrónicos disponibilizados pela Câmara Municipal, favorecendo a sua integração e administração eletrónica no município através de quiosques virtuais onde possam aceder. (Portuguese)
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    Благодарение на тази операция ще бъде възможно прилагането на средства и инструменти, с които да се улесни достъпът на гражданите до електронните процедури, предоставяни от Градския съвет, като се благоприятства тяхната интеграция и електронно администриране в общината чрез виртуални павилиони, до които те имат достъп. (Bulgarian)
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    Pateicoties šai darbībai, būs iespējams ieviest līdzekļus un rīkus, ar kuriem atvieglot iedzīvotāju piekļuvi pilsētas domes nodrošinātajām elektroniskajām procedūrām, veicinot viņu integrāciju un elektronisko pārvaldību pašvaldībā, izmantojot virtuālos kioskus, kur viņi var piekļūt. (Latvian)
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    Takket være denne operation vil det være muligt at implementere midler og værktøjer til at lette borgernes adgang til de elektroniske procedurer, der leveres af byrådet, og favoriserer deres integration og elektroniske administration i kommunen gennem virtuelle kiosker, hvor de kan få adgang. (Danish)
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    Datorită acestei operațiuni va fi posibilă punerea în aplicare a mijloacelor și instrumentelor cu care să faciliteze accesul cetățenilor la procedurile electronice puse la dispoziție de Consiliul Local, favorizând integrarea acestora și administrarea electronică în municipiu prin intermediul unor chioșcuri virtuale la care pot avea acces. (Romanian)
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    Χάρη σε αυτή τη λειτουργία θα είναι δυνατή η εφαρμογή μέσων και εργαλείων με τα οποία θα διευκολύνεται η πρόσβαση των πολιτών στις ηλεκτρονικές διαδικασίες που παρέχονται από το Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο, ευνοώντας την ενσωμάτωσή τους και την ηλεκτρονική διοίκησή τους στο Δήμο μέσω εικονικών περίπτερων όπου μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση. (Greek)
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    Zahvaljujoč tej operaciji bo mogoče izvajati sredstva in orodja, s katerimi se državljanom olajša dostop do elektronskih postopkov, ki jih zagotavlja mestni svet, pri čemer se spodbujata njihova integracija in elektronska uprava v občini prek virtualnih kioskih, kjer lahko dostopajo. (Slovenian)
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    Bis-saħħa ta’ din l-operazzjoni se jkun possibbli l-implimentazzjoni ta’ mezzi u għodod li bihom jiġi ffaċilitat l-aċċess taċ-ċittadini għall-proċeduri elettroniċi pprovduti mill-Kunsill tal-Belt, li jiffavorixxu l-integrazzjoni u l-amministrazzjoni elettronika tagħhom fil-muniċipalità permezz ta’ kjoskijiet virtwali fejn jistgħu jaċċessaw. (Maltese)
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    Dankzij deze operatie zal het mogelijk zijn middelen en instrumenten te implementeren waarmee de toegang van burgers tot de door de gemeenteraad geboden elektronische procedures kan worden vergemakkelijkt, door hun integratie en elektronisch bestuur in de gemeente te bevorderen via virtuele kiosken waar ze toegang tot hebben. (Dutch)
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    A bhuí leis an oibríocht seo, beifear in ann modhanna agus uirlisí a chur chun feidhme chun rochtain na saoránach ar na nósanna imeachta leictreonacha a chuireann an Chomhairle Cathrach ar fáil a éascú, ag tacú lena gcomhtháthú agus lena riarachán leictreonach sa bhardas trí bothanna fíorúla áit ar féidir leo rochtain a fháil orthu. (Irish)
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    Zahvaljujući ovoj operaciji bit će moguće implementirati sredstva i alate kojima će se građanima olakšati pristup elektroničkim postupcima koje osigurava Gradsko vijeće, pogodujući njihovoj integraciji i elektroničkoj administraciji u općini putem virtualnih kioska kojima mogu pristupiti. (Croatian)
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    Dank dieser Operation wird es möglich sein, Mittel und Instrumente zu implementieren, mit denen der Zugang der Bürger zu den vom Stadtrat bereitgestellten elektronischen Verfahren erleichtert wird, wodurch ihre Integration und elektronische Verwaltung in der Gemeinde durch virtuelle Kioske begünstigt wird. (German)
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    Vďaka tejto operácii bude možné implementovať prostriedky a nástroje na uľahčenie prístupu občanov k elektronickým postupom, ktoré poskytuje mestská rada, a uprednostniť ich integráciu a elektronickú správu v obci prostredníctvom virtuálnych stánkov, do ktorých majú prístup. (Slovak)
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    Grâce à cette opération, il sera possible de mettre en place des moyens et des outils permettant de faciliter l’accès des citoyens aux procédures électroniques fournies par le conseil municipal, en favorisant leur intégration et leur administration électronique dans la commune par le biais de kiosques virtuels où ils peuvent accéder. (French)
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    Ennek a műveletnek köszönhetően lehetséges lesz olyan eszközök és eszközök bevezetése, amelyek megkönnyítik a polgárok hozzáférését a városi tanács által biztosított elektronikus eljárásokhoz, előnyben részesítve azok integrációját és elektronikus ügyintézését az önkormányzaton belül virtuális kioszkokon keresztül, ahol hozzáférhetnek. (Hungarian)
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    Grazie a questa operazione sarà possibile l'implementazione di mezzi e strumenti con i quali facilitare l'accesso dei cittadini alle procedure elettroniche previste dal Comune, favorendone l'integrazione e l'amministrazione elettronica nel comune attraverso chioschi virtuali a cui possono accedere. (Italian)
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    Díky této operaci bude možné implementovat prostředky a nástroje, které občanům usnadní přístup k elektronickým postupům zajišťovaným Městskou radou a upřednostní jejich integraci a elektronickou správu v obci prostřednictvím virtuálních kiosků, kde mají přístup. (Czech)
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    Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las
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    20 December 2023
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