DIGITAL COMPANY VALUE 4INDUSTRY (Q4580148): Difference between revisions
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(Changed claim: budget (P474): 377,181.099 euro) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): O projeto visa aumentar o nível digital da Value 4industry. O objetivo é aumentar o nível de digitalização dos processos empresariais, ou seja, torná-los mais eficientes. Serão implementadas tecnologias digitais avançadas para ajudar a assegurar a expansão da capacidade de um estabelecimento existente.) |
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Plzeň Region / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 9,199,539.0 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 377,181.099 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 2,759,861.7 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 113,154.32970000002 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 30.000000000000004 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project aims to increase the digital level of Value 4industry. The aim is to increase the level of digitisation of corporate processes, i.e. to make them more efficient. Advanced digital technologies will be put in place to help ensure the expansion of the capacity of an existing establishment. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0308872519742006
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
O projeto visa aumentar o nível digital da Value 4industry. O objetivo é aumentar o nível de digitalização dos processos empresariais, ou seja, torná-los mais eficientes. Serão implementadas tecnologias digitais avançadas para ajudar a assegurar a expansão da capacidade de um estabelecimento existente. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Plzeň / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Plzeň / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
8 March 2023
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Property / end time: 8 March 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
0.0 Czech koruna
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Property / budget: 0.0 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
0.0 Euro
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Property / budget: 0.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
0.0 Czech koruna
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Property / EU contribution: 0.0 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
0.0 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 0.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
0 percent
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Property / co-financing rate: 0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
1 June 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 1 June 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 02:19, 12 October 2024
Project Q4580148 in Czechia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q4580148 in Czechia |
0.0 Czech koruna
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0.0 Euro
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0.0 Czech koruna
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0.0 Euro
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0 percent
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8 March 2023
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Value 4industry s.r.o.
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Projekt se zaměřuje na zvýšení digitální úrovně společnosti Value 4industry. Cílem je zvýšení úrovně digitalizace firemních procesů, tedy zejména jejich zefektivnění. Zavedeny budou pokročilé digitální technologie, které pomohou zajistit rozšíření kapacity stávající provozovny. (Czech)
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Cilj projekta je povećati digitalnu razinu industrije Vrijednost 4. Cilj je povećati razinu digitalizacije korporativnih procesa, odnosno učiniti ih učinkovitijima. Uspostavit će se napredne digitalne tehnologije kako bi se osiguralo širenje kapaciteta postojeće poslovne jedinice. (Croatian)
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The project aims to increase the digital level of Value 4industry. The aim is to increase the level of digitisation of corporate processes, i.e. to make them more efficient. Advanced digital technologies will be put in place to help ensure the expansion of the capacity of an existing establishment. (English)
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Projekti eesmärk on tõsta digitaalset väärtust 4indust. Eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtete protsesside digiteerimise taset, st muuta need tõhusamaks. Kasutusele võetakse kõrgtehnoloogilised digitehnoloogiad, mis aitavad tagada olemasoleva käitise suutlikkuse suurendamise. (Estonian)
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Projektet syftar till att öka den digitala nivån av Value 4Industry. Syftet är att öka digitaliseringen av företagens processer, dvs. att göra dem mer effektiva. Avancerad digital teknik kommer att införas för att bidra till att öka kapaciteten hos en befintlig anläggning. (Swedish)
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El proyecto tiene como objetivo aumentar el nivel digital de Value 4industry. El objetivo es aumentar el nivel de digitalización de los procesos corporativos, es decir, hacerlos más eficientes. Se pondrán en marcha tecnologías digitales avanzadas para ayudar a garantizar la ampliación de la capacidad de un establecimiento existente. (Spanish)
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Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, das digitale Niveau von Value 4industry zu erhöhen. Ziel ist es, den Grad der Digitalisierung von Unternehmensprozessen zu erhöhen, d. h. sie effizienter zu machen. Es werden fortschrittliche digitale Technologien eingeführt, um den Ausbau der Kapazitäten eines bestehenden Betriebs sicherzustellen. (German)
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Cieľom projektu je zvýšiť digitálnu úroveň priemyslu Value 4. Cieľom je zvýšiť úroveň digitalizácie podnikových procesov, t. j. zefektívniť ich. Zavedú sa pokročilé digitálne technológie, ktoré pomôžu zabezpečiť rozšírenie kapacity existujúceho podniku. (Slovak)
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Целта на проекта е да се повиши дигиталното ниво на Value 4industry. Целта е да се повиши нивото на цифровизация на корпоративните процеси, т.е. те да станат по-ефективни. Ще бъдат въведени усъвършенствани цифрови технологии, за да се гарантира разширяването на капацитета на съществуващо предприятие. (Bulgarian)
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Hankkeen tavoitteena on nostaa Value 4 -teollisuuden digitaalista tasoa. Tavoitteena on lisätä yritysten prosessien digitalisointia eli tehostaa niitä. Otetaan käyttöön kehittyneitä digitaaliteknologioita, joilla autetaan varmistamaan olemassa olevan laitoksen kapasiteetin laajentaminen. (Finnish)
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Projekta mērķis ir paaugstināt vērtību 4 nozares digitālo līmeni. Mērķis ir palielināt korporatīvo procesu digitalizācijas līmeni, t. i., padarīt tos efektīvākus. Tiks ieviestas progresīvas digitālās tehnoloģijas, lai palīdzētu nodrošināt esoša uzņēmuma jaudas paplašināšanu. (Latvian)
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Il-proġett għandu l-għan li jżid il-livell diġitali tal-industrija tal-Valur 4. L-għan huwa li jiżdied il-livell ta’ diġitalizzazzjoni tal-proċessi korporattivi, jiġifieri li dawn isiru aktar effiċjenti. Se jiddaħħlu fis-seħħ teknoloġiji diġitali avvanzati biex jgħinu jiżguraw l-espansjoni tal-kapaċità ta’ stabbiliment eżistenti. (Maltese)
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Tá sé mar aidhm ag an tionscadal an leibhéal digiteach de Thionscal Luach 4 a mhéadú. Is é an aidhm atá ann leibhéal digitithe na bpróiseas corparáideach a mhéadú, i.e. iad a dhéanamh níos éifeachtúla. Cuirfear ardteicneolaíochtaí digiteacha i bhfeidhm chun a áirithiú go méadófar acmhainneacht bunaíochta atá ann cheana. (Irish)
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Projekto tikslas – padidinti skaitmeninį „Value 4industry“ lygį. Siekiama padidinti įmonių procesų skaitmeninimo lygį, t. y. padaryti juos veiksmingesnius. Bus įdiegtos pažangios skaitmeninės technologijos, padėsiančios didinti esamos įmonės pajėgumus. (Lithuanian)
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Le projet vise à augmenter le niveau numérique de Value 4industry. L’objectif est d’augmenter le niveau de numérisation des processus d’entreprise, c’est-à-dire de les rendre plus efficaces. Des technologies numériques de pointe seront mises en place pour contribuer à l’expansion de la capacité d’un établissement existant. (French)
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Het project is gericht op het verhogen van het digitale niveau van Value 4industry. Het doel is om het niveau van digitalisering van bedrijfsprocessen te verhogen, d.w.z. om ze efficiënter te maken. Er zullen geavanceerde digitale technologieën worden ingevoerd om de capaciteit van een bestaande vestiging te helpen vergroten. (Dutch)
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O projeto visa aumentar o nível digital da Value 4industry. O objetivo é aumentar o nível de digitalização dos processos empresariais, ou seja, torná-los mais eficientes. Serão implementadas tecnologias digitais avançadas para ajudar a assegurar a expansão da capacidade de um estabelecimento existente. (Portuguese)
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Projektet har til formål at øge det digitale niveau af værdi 4industri. Målet er at øge digitaliseringen af virksomhedernes processer, dvs. gøre dem mere effektive. Der vil blive indført avancerede digitale teknologier for at bidrage til at sikre en udvidelse af kapaciteten i en eksisterende virksomhed. (Danish)
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Cilj projekta je povečati digitalno raven Vrednost 4industrija. Cilj je povečati raven digitalizacije poslovnih procesov, tj. povečati njihovo učinkovitost. Vzpostavljene bodo napredne digitalne tehnologije, ki bodo pomagale zagotoviti širitev zmogljivosti obstoječe poslovne enote. (Slovenian)
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Il progetto mira ad aumentare il livello digitale di Value 4industry. L'obiettivo è quello di aumentare il livello di digitalizzazione dei processi aziendali, cioè di renderli più efficienti. Saranno messe in atto tecnologie digitali avanzate per contribuire a garantire l'espansione della capacità di uno stabilimento esistente. (Italian)
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A projekt célja a Value 4 ipar digitális szintjének növelése. A cél a vállalati folyamatok digitalizálási szintjének növelése, azaz hatékonyabbá tétele. Fejlett digitális technológiák bevezetésére kerül sor annak érdekében, hogy egy meglévő létesítmény kapacitása bővüljön. (Hungarian)
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Το έργο στοχεύει στην αύξηση του ψηφιακού επιπέδου της Value 4industry. Στόχος είναι να αυξηθεί το επίπεδο ψηφιοποίησης των εταιρικών διαδικασιών, δηλαδή να καταστούν αποτελεσματικότερες. Θα τεθούν σε εφαρμογή προηγμένες ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες που θα συμβάλουν στη διασφάλιση της επέκτασης της δυναμικότητας μιας υφιστάμενης εγκατάστασης. (Greek)
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Proiectul își propune să crească nivelul digital al industriei Value 4. Scopul este de a crește nivelul de digitalizare a proceselor corporative, adică de a le face mai eficiente. Tehnologiile digitale avansate vor fi puse în aplicare pentru a contribui la asigurarea extinderii capacității unei unități existente. (Romanian)
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1 June 2023
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