Revitalisation of the centre of Voznice (Q4578535): Difference between revisions
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(Changed claim: EU contribution (P835): 24,097.58354 euro) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): O tema é a adaptação da vegetação no terreno de interesse na intravilla do município de Voznice. Dentro da aldeia havia dois parques no centro e um parque infantil.) |
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Central Bohemian Region / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The subject is the adaptation of greenery on the land of interest in the intravilla of the municipality of Voznice. Within the village there were two parks in the center and a children’s playground. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0066240950039703
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
O tema é a adaptação da vegetação no terreno de interesse na intravilla do município de Voznice. Dentro da aldeia havia dois parques no centro e um parque infantil. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Stará Huť / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Stará Huť / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
7 February 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / end time: 7 February 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
22 December 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 22 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 02:16, 12 October 2024
Project Q4578535 in Czechia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Revitalisation of the centre of Voznice |
Project Q4578535 in Czechia |
587,745.94 Czech koruna
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24,097.58354 Euro
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979,576.57 Czech koruna
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40,162.63937 Euro
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59.99999979583015 percent
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26 November 2020
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7 February 2023
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Obec Voznice
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Předmětem je úprava zeleně na zájmových pozemcích v intravilánu obce Voznice. V rámci obce byly řešeny dvě lokality parčík v centru a dětské hřiště. (Czech)
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El tema es la adaptación de la vegetación en el terreno de interés en la intravilla del municipio de Voznice. Dentro del pueblo había dos parques en el centro y un parque infantil. (Spanish)
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Subiectul este adaptarea verdeață pe terenul de interes în intravilla a municipiului Voznice. În sat se aflau două parcuri în centru și un loc de joacă pentru copii. (Romanian)
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Runa ir par apstādījumu pielāgošanu Voznices pašvaldības iekšvillā interesējošajā zemē. Ciematā bija divi parki centrā un bērnu rotaļu laukums. (Latvian)
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Il tema è l'adattamento del verde sul terreno di interesse nell'intravilla del comune di Voznice. All'interno del villaggio c'erano due parchi nel centro e un parco giochi per bambini. (Italian)
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The subject is the adaptation of greenery on the land of interest in the intravilla of the municipality of Voznice. Within the village there were two parks in the center and a children’s playground. (English)
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Predmet je prilagodba zelenila na zemljištu od interesa u intravili općine Voznice. U sklopu sela nalaze se dva parka u centru i dječje igralište. (Croatian)
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Предметът е адаптирането на зеленината върху територията, представляваща интерес във вътрешността на община Вознице. В рамките на селото имаше два парка в центъра и детска площадка. (Bulgarian)
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Ämnet är anpassning av grönska på den mark av intresse i intravillan i kommunen Voznice. Inne i byn fanns två parker i centrum och en lekplats. (Swedish)
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Tema – žalumos pritaikymas Voznicės savivaldybės teritorijoje dominančioje žemėje. Kaime buvo du parkai centre ir vaikų žaidimų aikštelė. (Lithuanian)
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O tema é a adaptação da vegetação no terreno de interesse na intravilla do município de Voznice. Dentro da aldeia havia dois parques no centro e um parque infantil. (Portuguese)
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Is é an t-ábhar ná an t-oiriúnú glas ar an talamh leasa in intravilla bhardas Voznice. Laistigh den sráidbhaile bhí dhá pháirc sa lár agus clós súgartha do pháistí. (Irish)
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Le sujet est l’adaptation de la verdure sur le terrain d’intérêt dans l’intravilla de la commune de Voznice. Dans le village il y avait deux parcs dans le centre et une aire de jeux pour enfants. (French)
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Predmet je prilagoditev zelenja na zemljišču, ki ga zanima intravilla občine Voznice. V vasi sta bila dva parka v središču in otroško igrišče. (Slovenian)
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Aiheena on vehreyden mukauttaminen Voznicen kunnan alueella sijaitsevaan kiinnostavaan maahan. Kylässä oli kaksi puistoa keskustassa ja lasten leikkipaikka. (Finnish)
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Emnet er tilpasningen af grønne områder på det område, der er af interesse i Voznice kommunes intravilla. I landsbyen var der to parker i centrum og en legeplads. (Danish)
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Teemaks on haljastuse kohandamine huvipakkuval maal Voznice kommuunis. Külas oli kaks parki ja laste mänguväljak. (Estonian)
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Predmetom je úprava zelene na pozemku záujmu v intravilla obce Voznice. V obci sa nachádzali dva parky v centre a detské ihrisko. (Slovak)
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Is-suġġett huwa l-adattament tal-ħdura fuq l-art ta’ interess fl-intravilla tal-muniċipalità ta’ Voznice. Fi ħdan ir-raħal kien hemm żewġ parks fiċ-ċentru u bitħa tat-tfal. (Maltese)
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Το θέμα είναι η προσαρμογή του πρασίνου στη γη ενδιαφέροντος για την ενδοχώρα του δήμου Voznice. Μέσα στο χωριό υπήρχαν δύο πάρκα στο κέντρο και μια παιδική χαρά. (Greek)
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Het onderwerp is de aanpassing van groen op het terrein van belang in de intravilla van de gemeente Voznice. Binnen het dorp waren er twee parken in het centrum en een kinderspeelplaats. (Dutch)
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Das Thema ist die Anpassung von Grün auf dem Land von Interesse in der Intravilla der Gemeinde Voznice. Innerhalb des Dorfes gab es zwei Parks im Zentrum und einen Kinderspielplatz. (German)
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A téma a növényzet átalakítása a Voznice település intravillai érdeklődésére számot tartó földterületen. A falun belül két park volt a központban és egy játszótér. (Hungarian)
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22 December 2023
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