Increase the qualification level of apprentices 2018-2019 (Q3698733): Difference between revisions
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(Set a claim value: summary (P836): A operação consiste em permitir que os aprendizes de nível IV e V da CAFA do Jura beneficiem de formação adicional em matéria de certificação durante os seus currículos escolares, que pode ser utilizada no mercado de trabalho, a fim de promover a sua integração profissional.) |
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The operation consists of allowing CFAA level IV and V apprentices in the Jura CFAA to benefit from additional certification training during their school curricula that can be used on the labour market in order to promote their professional integration. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0094460264538022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
A operação consiste em permitir que os aprendizes de nível IV e V da CAFA do Jura beneficiem de formação adicional em matéria de certificação durante os seus currículos escolares, que pode ser utilizada no mercado de trabalho, a fim de promover a sua integração profissional. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Franche-Comté | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Franche-Comté / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Franche-Comté / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
47°8'33.29"N, 6°7'55.27"E
| |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 47°8'33.29"N, 6°7'55.27"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 47°8'33.29"N, 6°7'55.27"E / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
7 December 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 7 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 11:41, 11 October 2024
Project Q3698733 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Increase the qualification level of apprentices 2018-2019 |
Project Q3698733 in France |
14,222.73 Euro
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28,445.47 Euro
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50.0 percent
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1 September 2018
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31 August 2019
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L'opération consiste à permettre aux apprentis de niveau IV et V du CFAA du Jura de bénéficier de formations certifiantes supplémentaires au cours de leur cursus scolaire valorisables sur le marché de l'emploi afin de favoriser leur insertion professionnelle. (French)
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The operation consists of allowing CFAA level IV and V apprentices in the Jura CFAA to benefit from additional certification training during their school curricula that can be used on the labour market in order to promote their professional integration. (English)
22 November 2021
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Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, Auszubildenden der Stufe IV und V des CFAA du Jura im Rahmen ihrer auf dem Arbeitsmarkt anerkannten Lehrpläne zusätzliche zertifizierte Ausbildungen zu ermöglichen, um ihre berufliche Eingliederung zu fördern. (German)
1 December 2021
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De operatie bestaat erin dat CAFA-leerlingen van niveau IV en V in de CAFA-jura in aanmerking komen voor een aanvullende certificeringsopleiding tijdens hun schoolcurricula die op de arbeidsmarkt kan worden gebruikt om hun professionele integratie te bevorderen. (Dutch)
6 December 2021
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L'operazione consiste nel consentire agli apprendisti CFAA di livello IV e V del Giura CFAA di beneficiare di una formazione aggiuntiva in materia di certificazione durante i loro programmi scolastici che può essere utilizzata sul mercato del lavoro al fine di promuovere la loro integrazione professionale. (Italian)
13 January 2022
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La operación consiste en permitir que los aprendices de nivel IV y V de la CAFA del Jura puedan beneficiarse de una formación complementaria de certificación durante sus planes de estudios escolares que puedan utilizarse en el mercado laboral con el fin de promover su integración profesional. (Spanish)
14 January 2022
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Operationen består i at give UFAA-lærlinge på niveau IV og V i Jura UFAA mulighed for at modtage supplerende certificeringskurser i deres læseplaner, som kan anvendes på arbejdsmarkedet for at fremme deres erhvervsmæssige integration. (Danish)
18 July 2022
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Η δράση συνίσταται στο να δοθεί η δυνατότητα στους μαθητευόμενους επιπέδου IV και V της ΕΔΔΘ στην ΕΔΔΘ Jura να επωφεληθούν από πρόσθετη κατάρτιση πιστοποίησης κατά τη διάρκεια των σχολικών προγραμμάτων σπουδών τους, η οποία μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στην αγορά εργασίας για την προώθηση της επαγγελματικής τους ένταξης. (Greek)
18 July 2022
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Operacija se sastoji od omogućavanja CFAA-i razine IV. i V. naučnicima u Jura CFAA-u da iskoriste dodatno osposobljavanje za certificiranje tijekom svojih školskih kurikuluma koje se mogu koristiti na tržištu rada kako bi se promicala njihova profesionalna integracija. (Croatian)
18 July 2022
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Operațiunea constă în a permite ucenicilor CAFA de nivel IV și V din Jura CAFA să beneficieze de formare suplimentară în materie de certificare în cadrul programelor școlare care pot fi utilizate pe piața forței de muncă pentru a promova integrarea lor profesională. (Romanian)
18 July 2022
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Operácia spočíva v umožnení, aby učni na úrovni IV a V komisie CAFA v Jure CFAA mohli využívať dodatočnú certifikačnú odbornú prípravu počas ich školských osnov, ktoré sa môžu použiť na trhu práce s cieľom podporiť ich profesionálnu integráciu. (Slovak)
18 July 2022
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L-operazzjoni tikkonsisti f’li tippermetti lill-apprendisti tal-livelli IV u V tas-CFAA fil-Jura CFAA jibbenefikaw minn taħriġ ta’ ċertifikazzjoni addizzjonali matul il-kurrikuli skolastiċi tagħhom li jistgħu jintużaw fis-suq tax-xogħol sabiex jippromwovu l-integrazzjoni professjonali tagħhom. (Maltese)
18 July 2022
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A operação consiste em permitir que os aprendizes de nível IV e V da CAFA do Jura beneficiem de formação adicional em matéria de certificação durante os seus currículos escolares, que pode ser utilizada no mercado de trabalho, a fim de promover a sua integração profissional. (Portuguese)
18 July 2022
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Toimen tarkoituksena on antaa Thk:n Juran thk:ssa oleville IV- ja V-tason oppisopimuskouluttajille mahdollisuus saada koulujensa opetussuunnitelmien aikana lisäkoulutusta, jota voidaan käyttää työmarkkinoilla heidän ammatillisen integroitumisensa edistämiseksi. (Finnish)
18 July 2022
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Operacja polega na umożliwieniu praktykantom CAFA poziomu IV i V w Jura CAFA korzystania z dodatkowych szkoleń certyfikacyjnych w ramach programów nauczania, które mogą być wykorzystywane na rynku pracy w celu promowania ich integracji zawodowej. (Polish)
18 July 2022
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Operacija vključuje možnost, da se vajencem stopnje IV in V komisije CAFA v okviru komisije Jura CAFA omogoči dodatno usposabljanje za certificiranje med šolskimi učnimi načrti, ki se lahko uporablja na trgu dela za spodbujanje njihove poklicne vključenosti. (Slovenian)
18 July 2022
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Operace spočívá v tom, že učňům CAFA na úrovni IV a V v rámci CAFA Jura bude umožněno využít další certifikační školení během školních osnov, které lze využít na trhu práce s cílem podpořit jejich profesní začlenění. (Czech)
18 July 2022
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Pagal šią operaciją FARK IV ir V lygių pameistriams suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti papildomu atestavimo mokymu jų mokyklų mokymo programose, kurios gali būti naudojamos darbo rinkoje, siekiant skatinti jų profesinę integraciją. (Lithuanian)
18 July 2022
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Darbība paredz ļaut CFAA IV līmeņa mācekļiem un V līmeņa mācekļiem Jura CFAA skolu mācību programmās izmantot papildu sertifikācijas apmācību, ko var izmantot darba tirgū, lai veicinātu viņu profesionālo integrāciju. (Latvian)
18 July 2022
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Операцията се състои в това да се даде възможност на чираци от ниво IV и V на CAFA в Jura CAFA да се възползват от допълнително обучение по сертифициране по време на учебните си програми, което може да се използва на пазара на труда с цел насърчаване на професионалната им интеграция. (Bulgarian)
18 July 2022
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A művelet célja annak lehetővé tétele, hogy a CFAA IV. és V. szintű tanulói a Jura CAFA-ban részt vehessenek az iskolai tanterveik során a szakmai beilleszkedésük elősegítése érdekében a munkaerőpiacon használható kiegészítő képesítési képzésben. (Hungarian)
18 July 2022
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Is éard atá i gceist leis an oibríocht ná ligean do phrintísigh CFAA ar leibhéal IV agus V de chuid Jura CFAA leas a bhaint as oiliúint bhreise deimhniúcháin le linn a gcuraclam scoile ar féidir iad a úsáid i margadh an tsaothair chun a lánpháirtiú gairmiúil a chur chun cinn. (Irish)
18 July 2022
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Insatsen består i att göra det möjligt för KAFF-lärlingar på nivå IV och V i Jura KAFF att dra nytta av ytterligare certifieringsutbildning under sina läroplaner som kan användas på arbetsmarknaden för att främja deras yrkesmässiga integration. (Swedish)
18 July 2022
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Tegevus seisneb selles, et rahandus- ja halduskomisjoni IV tasandi ning Jura rahandus- ja halduskomisjoni V õpipoistele võimaldatakse kooli õppekavade ajal täiendavat sertifitseerimiskoolitust, mida saab kasutada tööturul, et edendada nende kutsealast integreerimist. (Estonian)
18 July 2022
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7 December 2023
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